sincity_stills - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 March 2005 (#6537837)

The Sin City Stillness Community

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This community was created in March of 2005 by mycautionfix. The community is based on Frank Miller's "Sin City", mainly the motion picture that came out April 1, 2005.

The current Mod/Maintainer is virtualsarcasm , who took over for mycautionfix as of July 2005.

The current Co-Moderator is ifeellikerain.

What is a stillness community? The original stillness commmunity (buffy_stillness) was conceived by quebelly, and it is an icontest for strictly non-animated icons. Hence the "stillness". Pretty simple, right? All credit for the idea goes to the above community and user.

Many thanks to memento for making the winners banners!

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:: No animated icons.
:: All icons must be within the LJ guidelines, which means 40KB or less.
:: Only .gif, .jpg and .png formats, please!
:: Because the contest is anonymous until the winners are announced, please refrain from posting your entries anywhere else until that point.
:: Do not add your own pictures, a blank 100x100 icon will be provided.
:: Do not use any of the contest entries without explicit permission from the creator.
:: In regards to voting, all members may vote, and you must be a member to vote, but soliciting and/or creating multiple accounts to vote will not be tolerated.
:: Do not ask for posting access, most communication is through commenting.
:: When voting, please include both the image (using the img src tag), and the url.
:: Only one icon per challenge, please!

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:: New Challenge - Friday
:: Entry Deadline - Wednesday
:: Voting - Wednesday through Friday
:: Results Posted - Friday
:: New Challenge - Friday
And So On.

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To see old Winners Posts, including the winning icons each week click:
Memories: Winners Posts

Visit our amazing affiliates!
jj_stillness + xmen_stillness
scifi_stillness + emma_stillness
gwen_stillness + food_stills
josh_stillness + friends_stills
svu_stillness + lilly_stillness
lauren_g_still + milo_stillness
java_stillness + clive_stillness
movie_stillness + jma_i_challenge
nirvana_stills + brody_stillness

Care to be an affiliate? Please comment on this entry with a link to your icon community (stillness and/or other icons communities welcome!), and I'll add you ASAP.

Check out mod_stillness for all of your stillness needs.

Have any questions, comments, concerns? Interested in making banners for the winners? Please direct all queries to the following email address:

adobe, alexis bledel, becky, benecio del toro, big fat kill, brittany murphy, bruce willis, cinema, clive owen, comics, communities, devon aoki, dwight, frank miller, gail, goldie, hartigan, icons, jackie boy, jaime king, jasc, jessica alba, marv, mickey rourke, miho, movies, nancy, nick stahl, priest, ps, psp, robert rodriguez, rosario dawson, shellie, sin city, stillness, stills, yellow bastard