sinful_elric - Profile (original) (raw)
on 16 May 2006 (#10254026)
Fans of Trisha Elric and Sloth
From the anime,
Fullmetal Alchemist
Trisha Elric and her botched reincarnation, Sloth, deserve more attention--thus, this community. Everyone is welcome to join, and contribute anything devoted to Sloth or Trisha or both, be they icons, fanfic, essay, fanart, colorbars, discussion, colorbars, etc. Organization of things would be good; I will use memories as such, and I'd appreciate it if universal tags were used--I can specify this later. (Another warning: this comm. is new, so still rough around the edges. ^^;)
Thank you!
(Any questions, go post directly to my personal journal, greedyslayer and under the comments of the latest entry, and I should be able to answer them.)
A Trisha Elric-only colorbar would be nice....
al, alphonse, discussion, drabbles, ed, edward, essay, fanart, fanfic, fanfiction, fma, fullmetal, fullmetal alchemist, hoenheim, homunculi, homunculus, icons, sloth, trisha elric, wrath
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