Welcome to my graphics journal. Feel free to look around, but please do read the rules. They're not just there for me. ;) Anyway, I am a comment!whore, so if you leave comments (even if you're not taking any graphics, just giving your opinion), I'll love you.I make icons mostly, but I do make some other graphics, mostly layout headers. For the more complex headers (ones that have a specific layout style that go with them), I will include as downloadable files both the livejournal code, as well as the html code.If any of the images don't load, or if you can't access the .txt files, don't fret; everything is saved on my webspace, and it's occasionally tempermental.All icons and graphics posted / used by myself, as well as the images on this page, were made by yours truly. I'd like to ask that you do not take my default icons or any of the headers on this page.Thank you. |
rules + |
**Icons.**1. Please comment if you're taking an icon. I like to know where they're ending up. Also, please be specific: I like knowing which styles people like.2. Please credit either smoothyrus or brandied_plum in your icon keywords (or in the icon comments bar). Either username is fine and will work.3. Sharing makes the world go around. If someone sees you using one of my icons and would like to use it, let them know that it was made by me, and tell them that they're free to use it, as well. Hogging of my icons is not permitted, unless it's an icon I made specifically for you (in which case it's up to you whether it's shared or not).4. Please copy the icons to your own computer or your own server. I don't like it when people steal my bandwidth. It's not nice.5. Textless icons are blanks, not bases. Please do not edit them. If you want text, ask and I'll add it.**Headers & Other Graphics.**1. Please comment if you're taking a graphic or a header and / or the code associated with it. I like to know where they're ending up. If you plan to use my graphics or headers on a website, include the address, please.2. Please credit either smoothyrus or brandied_plum in your userinfo if you're using my graphic or header / code on livejournal. Credit somewhere obvious on your site if you're using my graphic or header / code on a personal website.3. Please copy the headers to your own computer or your own server. I don't like it when people steal my bandwidth. It's not nice.5. If the graphic or header doesn't have text, that's usually for a reason. Please do not edit them. If you want text, ask and I'll add it. |
affiliates + |
beyondbrilliant ; moricons ; yellow_duskIf you would like to be an affiliate, either drop me a comment or an e-mail ( brandi [at] brandied-plum [dot] com ), and I'll add you. |
resources + |
Brush & Texture Resources: __3ppl; __kali__; _joni; _promenadeicons; adaira_d; alchemiart; alpheratz; anesthezea; aurey; bentfire; blimey_icons; boulevard; calixa; claritylit; coaxme; cosmo_mouse; counterglow; dactyliotheca; dearest; distressedink; dontlickit; dtissagirl; etoilepb; ewanism; fatexsucks; fluffy_monster; goth_clark; hecatesknickers; hermintage; ianthinae; iceytina @ deviantart; icon_maiden; incarnatus; inexorablyhere; ingridmatthews; inxsomniax; jessica_jaye; joincidence; kimberly_a; kryssibug; ladybanteerin; laurad311; leucocrystal; lil_button; meleada; merlyn_temple; michmellow; milk; minusthewalrus; mrs6; natgel; neke; noctuidae; oxoniensis; balcarin; pfefferminzchen; pixielore; policeloveyou; propaganda_live; pulsar4529; radon_; ragingquietly; rhapsody_iv; saava; sanitysloss; sans_espoir; savvyfairy; september_icons; serendipitysho; soporifical; sp0rks; spiralling; the_morningstar; trytragedy; vexillografica; wannablessedbe; wednesday_icons; whenidance; wizzicons; xxestellaxx; yellow_dusk; zerohundred |
misc + |
Feel free to add my to your friends list if you want to know when I post new icons or headers. However, if I post something significant here, I'll also mention it in my regular journal.Most of my icons and headers are archived on my website, so you can check them out there (although the load time for some of the icon pages will be pretty big, as there are tons of icons on some of those pages).All posts to the Insane Icon Project can be found here. Requests for movies I haven't yet done are welcome, but please post them to the "introduction" post.If you would like to request an icon or a graphic, feel free to do so. Leave your request as a reply to this post.All of the icons and headers that I have posted here are archived in the memories of this journal, as well as in the tags. |
credits:+ Profile code+ Layout by gossymer @ noveltybox, with base codes by grrliz (here)+ Linkbar icons from famfamfam.com |