Manuela Concioiu | National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (original) (raw)

Papers by Manuela Concioiu

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary results regarding the in vitro initiation and multiplication of Prunus serrulata var. Kanzan

Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară Bucureşti. Seria B, Horticultură, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of explants type and culture media during the initiation phase of Acer platanoides L

Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară Bucureşti. Seria B, Horticultură, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of 6 Preliminary Results Regarding in Vitro Behaviour of Two Acer Varieties During the Initiation Phase

Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum ' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/cytokines 0,2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King ' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/ cytokine0,4:1,2 mg/l.

Research paper thumbnail of Research Regarding Plant Material Fortification Obtained by Micropropagation of Some Cultivars of Syringa Vulgaris Species

The study of fortification lilac plants obtained in vitro was achieved by organizing a bifactoria... more The study of fortification lilac plants obtained in vitro was achieved by organizing a bifactorial experience, factors influence was the genotype and culture substrate. Genotype was represented by two cultivars of Syringa vulgaris species: Mme Lemoine and Sensation. Two culture substrates were tested: mixture of manure, ground leaves, peat and sand (2:2:2:1) and peat Danmuld (pH = 5.5, particle size 0-20 mm). From the results recorded in the four years of experimentation, it is clear that the largest increases in plants height has registered Mme Lemoine cultivar, between 9.14 cm in the first year and 45.80, in the fourth year of fortification, the substrate composed of peat Danmuld. The capacity of suckers, better efficiency to registered cultivar Sensation, between 1.77 (first year) and 6.1 suckers/plant (fourth year), when grown on the substrate compound from a mixture of manure, ground leaves, peat and sand (2:2:2:1).

Research paper thumbnail of Comportarea Varietăţilor Ornamentale De Acer Platanoides 'Globosum' Şi 'Crimson King' În Faza De Iniţiere in Vitro in Vitro Behaviour of 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King' Acer Platanoides Ornamental Varieties During Intial Stage

Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/citokinine 0.2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/citokinine 0.4:1.2 mg/l.

Research paper thumbnail of Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influence During the in Vitro Multiplication Phase of Some Species and Varieties of the Acer Genus

The purpose of the research was to study the behavior of several Acer varieties: Acer palmatum &a... more The purpose of the research was to study the behavior of several Acer varieties: Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Atropurpureum ' and Acer platanoides 'Crimson King', 'Drummondii ' and 'Globosum', during the first subculture of the in vitro multiplication phase. There were used explants from the initiation phase and passed on the multiplication nutrient media. The nutrient media tested were MS, DKW and WPM and each had a different content of growth hormones. In order to determine the multiplication rate, was tested the influence of zeatin and thidiazuron, in concentration of 1.5 mg/l, on a constant level of indole-butyric acid (0.5 mg/l). In the growing chamber were a constant temperature and a photoperiod of 14 hours light/24 hours, at a luminosity of 2500 lux. From the observations and registered data was determined the multiplication rate (microshoots/explant) for the four genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of The Necessity of in Vitro Propagation of Maple Species Used in Garden Landscapind in Romania

Acer platanoides has many ornamental varieties, easy to propagate by seeds, but mostly by graftin... more Acer platanoides has many ornamental varieties, easy to propagate by seeds, but mostly by grafting and cuttings. Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Atropurpureum '- the Japanese maple – is a base branched shrub or with short crook trunk. The shoots are hairless and red. The flowers, situated in small corymbs, appear once with the leaves (Posedaru E.A., 2005). The species itself is grown from seed. Only a few strong-growing cultivars are commercially propagated from cuttings. Plants of the dissected and variegated cultivars on their own roots almost always fail to grow into good plants (Gelderen & Oterdoom, 1994). Due to low bud-forming capacity, propagation by grafting and cuttings are difficult to perform, so the micropropagation technique is widely used now took an impressive turn, being used on large scale at international level to obtain propagation material.

Research paper thumbnail of In Vitro Perfected Propagation Biotechnology of Prunus Serrulata Species

The results of this study are original because in v ivo rooting of microshoots is not reported in... more The results of this study are original because in v ivo rooting of microshoots is not reported in both national and international scientific literature for this specie s. In vivo rooting capacity of 'Kanzan' cherry micr oshoots was studied according to nutrient substrate, microshoots height and rooting stimulant. From the interaction of the three factors (A×B×C), the 18 experimental variants have revealed that the best in vivo rooting capacity (84%) was w hen 2.5 to 4.5 cm height microshoots were planted in peat mixed wi th perlite (1:1) and treated with Radistim.

Research paper thumbnail of Observations Regarding in Vitro and in Vivo Rooting of 'Mme. Lemoine', 'Charles Joly' and 'Sensation' Lilac Cultivars

The paper’s main objectve was to compare the efficienty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac ... more The paper’s main objectve was to compare the efficienty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac microcuttings belonging to the 'Mme. Lemoine', 'Charles Joly' and 'Sensation' cultivars. The results obtained allow the recommendation of in vivo rooting simoultaneously with the acclimatization, shortening the rooting time of microcuttings and production cost, which will lead to an improvement of the in vitro micropropagation biotechnology of lilac.

Research paper thumbnail of In Vitro Micropropagation Biotechnology Improvement of Syringa Vulgaris L. Species

The paper’s main objectve was to compare the effici nty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac ... more The paper’s main objectve was to compare the effici nty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac micro cuttings belonging to the 'Madame Lemoine', 'Charles Joly' and 'Sensat ion' cultivars. The results obtained allow the reco mmendation of in vivo rooting simoultaneously with the acclimatizati on, shortening the rooting time of microcuttings an d production cost, which will lead to an improvement of the in vitro m icropropagation biotechnology of lilac.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Results Regarding in Vitro Behaviour of Two Acer Varieties During the Initiation Phase

Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/cytokines 0,2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/ cytokine0,4:1,2 mg/l.

Research paper thumbnail of In Vitro Culture Behaviour of Syringa Vulgaris

Annals of the University of Craiova Agriculture Montanology Cadastre Series, 2010


The Tulip Collection of Horticulture Department, University of Pitesti was founded in autumn 2008... more The Tulip Collection of Horticulture Department, University of Pitesti was founded in autumn 2008, with 35 species and 253 varieties. The bulbs were purchased from a certified facility for production and marketing of propagating material, to assure the authenticity of species and varieties. For each species and variety were planted 10 bulbs, following the bulbous planting technological sequences: depth 10 cm, distance between bulbs/row – 10 cm, distance between rows – 25 cm and numeric labeling. To eliminate the risk of bulbs' damage, they are removed from the soil every year, are sorted, treated and stored properly.


Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/citokinine 0.2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/citokinine 0.4:1.2 mg/l. Keywords: Acer platanoides‚Globosum, Acer platanoides ‚Crimson King', maple, in vitro culture, explants Cuvinte cheie: Acer platanoides ‚Globosum', Acer platanoides ‚Crimson King', arţar, cultură in vitro, explante

Talks by Manuela Concioiu

Research paper thumbnail of Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School

Presentation, 2020

Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School is a presentation abo... more Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School is a presentation about early pandemic teaching challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Invatamantul Dragasanean in Contextul Integrarii Europene

Trei dintre profesoarele de la Grupul Școlar „Brătianu” Drăgașani au obținut burse COMENIUS, fiec... more Trei dintre profesoarele de la Grupul Școlar „Brătianu” Drăgașani au obținut burse COMENIUS, fiecare în valoare de 1.965 euro.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary results regarding the in vitro initiation and multiplication of Prunus serrulata var. Kanzan

Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară Bucureşti. Seria B, Horticultură, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of explants type and culture media during the initiation phase of Acer platanoides L

Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară Bucureşti. Seria B, Horticultură, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of 6 Preliminary Results Regarding in Vitro Behaviour of Two Acer Varieties During the Initiation Phase

Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum ' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/cytokines 0,2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King ' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/ cytokine0,4:1,2 mg/l.

Research paper thumbnail of Research Regarding Plant Material Fortification Obtained by Micropropagation of Some Cultivars of Syringa Vulgaris Species

The study of fortification lilac plants obtained in vitro was achieved by organizing a bifactoria... more The study of fortification lilac plants obtained in vitro was achieved by organizing a bifactorial experience, factors influence was the genotype and culture substrate. Genotype was represented by two cultivars of Syringa vulgaris species: Mme Lemoine and Sensation. Two culture substrates were tested: mixture of manure, ground leaves, peat and sand (2:2:2:1) and peat Danmuld (pH = 5.5, particle size 0-20 mm). From the results recorded in the four years of experimentation, it is clear that the largest increases in plants height has registered Mme Lemoine cultivar, between 9.14 cm in the first year and 45.80, in the fourth year of fortification, the substrate composed of peat Danmuld. The capacity of suckers, better efficiency to registered cultivar Sensation, between 1.77 (first year) and 6.1 suckers/plant (fourth year), when grown on the substrate compound from a mixture of manure, ground leaves, peat and sand (2:2:2:1).

Research paper thumbnail of Comportarea Varietăţilor Ornamentale De Acer Platanoides 'Globosum' Şi 'Crimson King' În Faza De Iniţiere in Vitro in Vitro Behaviour of 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King' Acer Platanoides Ornamental Varieties During Intial Stage

Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/citokinine 0.2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/citokinine 0.4:1.2 mg/l.

Research paper thumbnail of Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influence During the in Vitro Multiplication Phase of Some Species and Varieties of the Acer Genus

The purpose of the research was to study the behavior of several Acer varieties: Acer palmatum &a... more The purpose of the research was to study the behavior of several Acer varieties: Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Atropurpureum ' and Acer platanoides 'Crimson King', 'Drummondii ' and 'Globosum', during the first subculture of the in vitro multiplication phase. There were used explants from the initiation phase and passed on the multiplication nutrient media. The nutrient media tested were MS, DKW and WPM and each had a different content of growth hormones. In order to determine the multiplication rate, was tested the influence of zeatin and thidiazuron, in concentration of 1.5 mg/l, on a constant level of indole-butyric acid (0.5 mg/l). In the growing chamber were a constant temperature and a photoperiod of 14 hours light/24 hours, at a luminosity of 2500 lux. From the observations and registered data was determined the multiplication rate (microshoots/explant) for the four genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of The Necessity of in Vitro Propagation of Maple Species Used in Garden Landscapind in Romania

Acer platanoides has many ornamental varieties, easy to propagate by seeds, but mostly by graftin... more Acer platanoides has many ornamental varieties, easy to propagate by seeds, but mostly by grafting and cuttings. Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Atropurpureum '- the Japanese maple – is a base branched shrub or with short crook trunk. The shoots are hairless and red. The flowers, situated in small corymbs, appear once with the leaves (Posedaru E.A., 2005). The species itself is grown from seed. Only a few strong-growing cultivars are commercially propagated from cuttings. Plants of the dissected and variegated cultivars on their own roots almost always fail to grow into good plants (Gelderen & Oterdoom, 1994). Due to low bud-forming capacity, propagation by grafting and cuttings are difficult to perform, so the micropropagation technique is widely used now took an impressive turn, being used on large scale at international level to obtain propagation material.

Research paper thumbnail of In Vitro Perfected Propagation Biotechnology of Prunus Serrulata Species

The results of this study are original because in v ivo rooting of microshoots is not reported in... more The results of this study are original because in v ivo rooting of microshoots is not reported in both national and international scientific literature for this specie s. In vivo rooting capacity of 'Kanzan' cherry micr oshoots was studied according to nutrient substrate, microshoots height and rooting stimulant. From the interaction of the three factors (A×B×C), the 18 experimental variants have revealed that the best in vivo rooting capacity (84%) was w hen 2.5 to 4.5 cm height microshoots were planted in peat mixed wi th perlite (1:1) and treated with Radistim.

Research paper thumbnail of Observations Regarding in Vitro and in Vivo Rooting of 'Mme. Lemoine', 'Charles Joly' and 'Sensation' Lilac Cultivars

The paper’s main objectve was to compare the efficienty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac ... more The paper’s main objectve was to compare the efficienty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac microcuttings belonging to the 'Mme. Lemoine', 'Charles Joly' and 'Sensation' cultivars. The results obtained allow the recommendation of in vivo rooting simoultaneously with the acclimatization, shortening the rooting time of microcuttings and production cost, which will lead to an improvement of the in vitro micropropagation biotechnology of lilac.

Research paper thumbnail of In Vitro Micropropagation Biotechnology Improvement of Syringa Vulgaris L. Species

The paper’s main objectve was to compare the effici nty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac ... more The paper’s main objectve was to compare the effici nty of in vitro and in vivo rooting of lilac micro cuttings belonging to the 'Madame Lemoine', 'Charles Joly' and 'Sensat ion' cultivars. The results obtained allow the reco mmendation of in vivo rooting simoultaneously with the acclimatizati on, shortening the rooting time of microcuttings an d production cost, which will lead to an improvement of the in vitro m icropropagation biotechnology of lilac.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Results Regarding in Vitro Behaviour of Two Acer Varieties During the Initiation Phase

Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/cytokines 0,2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/ cytokine0,4:1,2 mg/l.

Research paper thumbnail of In Vitro Culture Behaviour of Syringa Vulgaris

Annals of the University of Craiova Agriculture Montanology Cadastre Series, 2010


The Tulip Collection of Horticulture Department, University of Pitesti was founded in autumn 2008... more The Tulip Collection of Horticulture Department, University of Pitesti was founded in autumn 2008, with 35 species and 253 varieties. The bulbs were purchased from a certified facility for production and marketing of propagating material, to assure the authenticity of species and varieties. For each species and variety were planted 10 bulbs, following the bulbous planting technological sequences: depth 10 cm, distance between bulbs/row – 10 cm, distance between rows – 25 cm and numeric labeling. To eliminate the risk of bulbs' damage, they are removed from the soil every year, are sorted, treated and stored properly.


Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape a... more Taking into account the economic importance of Acer species and their frequent use in landscape architecture, both nationally and internationally, it is necessary to develop an in vitro biotechnology research to propagate some of the most popular and requested Acer varieties. The study presents data on the partial results of in vitro initiation for two varieties of Acer platanoides: 'Globosum' and 'Crimson King'. During the initiation phase, Acer platanoides 'Globosum' showed the best initiation percentage, using the next nutrient composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, MS vitamins, auxins/citokinine 0.2:1 mg/l, while Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' variety recorded the best results on the nutrient medium with a different composition: MS macroelements, MS microelements, LF vitamins and auxins/citokinine 0.4:1.2 mg/l. Keywords: Acer platanoides‚Globosum, Acer platanoides ‚Crimson King', maple, in vitro culture, explants Cuvinte cheie: Acer platanoides ‚Globosum', Acer platanoides ‚Crimson King', arţar, cultură in vitro, explante

Research paper thumbnail of Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School

Presentation, 2020

Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School is a presentation abo... more Overcoming the Limitations of Online Biology Teaching in a Secondary School is a presentation about early pandemic teaching challenges.

Research paper thumbnail of Invatamantul Dragasanean in Contextul Integrarii Europene

Trei dintre profesoarele de la Grupul Școlar „Brătianu” Drăgașani au obținut burse COMENIUS, fiec... more Trei dintre profesoarele de la Grupul Școlar „Brătianu” Drăgașani au obținut burse COMENIUS, fiecare în valoare de 1.965 euro.