socialwork_au - Profile (original) (raw)
on 3 March 2005 (#6334749)
Welcome to social work Australia!
This community is a place for sharing experiences about social work and social work study in Australia. Feel free to join if you work in similar fields (psychology, social sciences etc) or if you're simply interested in social work. All are welcome.
When you join, please give a brief introduction about your position in the social work world, where you work, how you find it etc & if you're studying, what your desired role is & how you're finding your social work prgoram.
Also visit socialwork, swk_students, indigenous_oz & we_are_dcp
Check out:
Australian Association of Social Workers
Australian Council of Social Services
United Nations
Project Respect
Reconciliation Australia
Make Poverty History(au)
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Violence Against Women, Australia Says No
Founded on 4/3/2005
aborigines, action, activism, adelaide, adoption, advocacy, amnesty international, asylum seekers, bob pease, canberra, change, child welfare, children, communication, community centers, community service, counseling, crisis centers, crisis work, critical social work, culture, darwin, detention centers, disability, diversity, donor conception, drop in centers, dsm iv, education, empowerment, ethics, families, feminism, foster care, free the refugees, fundraising, grassroots, grief, groups, health, helping people, human rights, human services, immigrants, indigenous people, inequality, jan fook, justice, legal aid, legislation, lifeline, listening, lobbying, loss, melbourne, mental health, minority groups, networks, northern territory, oppression, peace, people, perth, philosophy, policy, politics, postmodern social work, poverty, power struggles, prevention, protest, psychology, queensland, refugees, religion, research, resources, shelter, social action, social sciences, social work, society, sociology, structural social work, study, support, support groups, sydney, tasmania, theory, therapy, trauma, understanding, united nations, university, volunteering, world vision, youth