socialwork - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 November 2002 (#770321)

This is a community for discussing all aspects of social work, whether you are an actual worker or just interested in helping others out. Ask questions, share advice and ideas, and support each other as we try to make the world a better place. =)

Don't forget to introduce yourself when you join!

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created nov 9, 2002 and maintained by m00ngirl.

please email with suggestions or for assistance.
(the lj faq can also give you helpful advice on how to join and post!)

community maintainers, feel free to monitor this community through your own if you think its relevant!

"never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- margaret mead.

"friendly", abuse, accessibility, activism, administration, adolescents, adoption, advocacy, affirmative action, aging, art therapy, behavior modification, beliefs, bereavement, biopsychosocial perspective, budgeting, burn out, case management, case studies, changing the world, child development, child welfare, children, civil rights, classism, coalition building, communication, communities, community building, community service, confidentiality, counseling, counselors, creativity, criminology, crises, crisis counseling, cultural awareness, developmental psychology, developmentally disabled, disability issues, discrimination, diversity, domestic violence, drug policy reform, dsm iv, early intervention, economics, education, elder care, empathy, empowerment, ethics, evaluation, families, family therapy, feminism, foster care, fundraisers, gender, geriatrics, grantwriting, grassroots, grassroots activism, grief counseling, group homes, group therapy, groups, health care, helping others, heterosexism, homelessness, homophobia, human behavior, human rights, human services, ideas, independent living, inequality, institutions, insurance, juvenile justice, lgbt issues, listening, low-income housing, media, medicaid, mental health, mental health issues, non-violent crisis prevention, nonprofit organizations, nonprofits, norms, oppression, organizing, parenting skills, pay it forward, people, play therapy, politics, poverty, prevention, privilege, protesting, psychology, psychotherapy, public assistance, public health, racism, raising awareness, recovery, religion, research, residential treatment, role plays, sexism, social change, social inequality, social justice, social policy, social research, social responsibility, social science, social services, social skills, social work, social work theory, social workers, socialization, societal norms, society, sociology, special education, statistics, stress management, suicidality, support, systems, therapist, therapy, treatment, urban affairs, urbanization, values, voluntarism, volunteering, volunteerism, welfare, women's studies, youth