Iwo Zmyślony | School of Form (original) (raw)

praca doktorska by Iwo Zmyślony

Research paper thumbnail of Pojęcie wiedzy niejawnej. Analiza metodologicznych i epistemologicznych poglądów Michaela Polanyiego

Praca zawiera eksplikację metodologicznych i epistemologicznych poglądów Michaela Polanyiego, w a... more Praca zawiera eksplikację metodologicznych i epistemologicznych poglądów Michaela Polanyiego, w aspekcie problemów, twierdzeń i założeń wyznaczających treść i zakres pojęcia wiedzy niejawnej (tacit knowledge). Eksplikacja pojęcia wiedzy niejawnej stanowi tu nadrzędny, zaś eksplikacja poglądów Polanyiego – tj. ich systematyzująca rekonstrukcja w aspekcie genezy, struktury i funkcji – cel instrumentalny.

Rozdział pierwszy stanowi podsumowanie stanu badań. Zawiera on rekonstrukcję typowych interpretacji poglądów Polanyiego, jakie funkcjonują na gruncie polskiej i światowej (anglo- i niemieckojęzycznej) literatury filozoficznej oraz typowych sposobów rozumienia kategorii „tacit knowledge”, jakie funkcjonują zarówno na gruncie pism Polanyiego, jak i poza nimi – w literaturze z zakresu socjologii nauki, językoznawstwa oraz psychologii poznawczej. Większość z tych analiz ma charakter semiotyczny – tzn. zdaje sprawę wyłącznie ze sposobów użycia samego terminu (słowa).

Rozdział drugi zawiera analizę poglądów Polanyiego w aspekcie przedmiotowym, skoncentrowaną na rekonstrukcji oraz systematyzacji jego twierdzeń rozproszonych w tekstach źródłowych. Rekonstrukcja ta przebiega w porządku diachroniczno-synchronicznym. Oznacza to, że obie omawiane w tym rozdziale koncepcje – niejawnych przesłanek (tacit premisses) oraz osobistej decyzji (personal decision) – nie tylko składają się na swoiste dla Polanyiego, oryginalne pojęcie nauki, ale i wyznaczają punkt zwrotny na drodze ewolucji jego poglądów epistemologicznych. Z jednej strony mają one stanowić alternatywę dla obiektywistycznego modelu poznania i wiedzy, którego krytyka jest zasadniczym celem jego pierwszych prac – „Science, Faith and Society” [1946], „Logic of Liberty” [1951] oraz „Personal Knowledge” [1958], z drugiej strony stanowią trzon założeń koncepcji niejawnego poznania, którą Polanyi opracowuje dopiero na przełomie lat 60. i 70. – na gruncie „The Tacit Dimension” [1966], „Knowing and Being” [1969] oraz „Meaning” [1975].

Rozdział trzeci zawiera rekonstrukcję ostatniej fazy poglądów Polanyiego – koncepcji niejawnego poznania (tacit knowing), opracowanej przezeń pod koniec życia – na przełomie lat 60. i 70. Podstawowym celem tej koncepcji jest wyjaśnienie genezy niejawnych przesłanek, tj. odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób nabywamy kompetencji poznawczych i pozapoznawczych oraz w jaki sposób je stosujemy i korygujemy; w szczególności zaś – w jaki sposób nabywamy takich kompetencji, które umożliwiają diagnozowanie, rozwiązywanie problemów i dokonywanie odkryć, tj. rozpoznawanie takich stanów rzeczy, których nie potrafi rozpoznać osoba niekompetentna.Ze względu na tezę o specyficznym paralelizmie struktury poznania i bytu, rozdział ten zawiera również rekonstrukcję poglądów ontologicznych Polanyiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem idei hierarchicznej struktury emergentnych poziomów bytu oraz teleologicznej interpretacji koncepcji ewolucji.

W zakończeniu pracy wyróżniam jedenaście typowych sposobów rozumienia wiedzy niejawnej funkcjonujących w poglądach samego Polanyiego oraz szesnaście typowych sposób rozumienia tego pojęcia funkcjonujących na gruncie innych koncepcji. Wskazuje ponadto siedem postulatów znaczeniowych, które powinno spełniać ogólne pojęcie wiedzy niejawnej – niezależne od założeń funkcjonujących na gruncie takiej czy innej koncepcji.

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scientific papers (IN ENGLISH) by Iwo Zmyślony

Research paper thumbnail of Art criticism: Sources, Structure, Function and Ways of Understanding

Przegląd Filozoficzny, R. 19, Nr 2 (74), Warszawa 2010, p. 287-302, May 2010

The article undertakes to explicate the concept of art criticism by analyzing the content and the... more The article undertakes to explicate the concept of art criticism by analyzing the content and the scope of the term. In other words it reviews essential conceptual connotations of the term and characterizes typical cases of various practices it designates. Undertaken approach involves presentation of structural aspects of the notion, its historical origin, functions and typical ways of understanding. Results are presented in four stages. At first, a commonsensical uses of the term are expounded, as it funtions in natural language. Secondly, two different versions of art criticism are distinguished, i.e. the rational and emotional, with references to historical examples and highlighting the role of aesthetic judgment and pragmatic functions of evaluation. Thirdly, there are analized similarities and differences between art criticism, philosophy of art and historiography of art. Finally, there are pointed out some social factors which may have an impact on contemporary art criticism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Essentialism vs Anti-essentialism. What is the Merit of the Argument about the Definition of Art?

Kwartalnik Filozoficzny, t. XL, z. 2, Kraków 2012, p.25-47., May 2012

The goal of the article is to identify the merit of controversy between essentialism and antiesse... more The goal of the article is to identify the merit of controversy between essentialism and antiessentialism in contention about definition of art. Both stands I take here as two different, incommensurable ways of understanding of how to define the art – what exact functions its definition is supposed to bear; in what way and on what basis one ought to formulate it. According to my argument, the main motive of divergences – and the hidden merit of controversy by the same time – is not the question whether there are some general properties of artworks (“the essence of art”), but metaaesthetic presumptions concerning the way of how to conceive general properties at all and how one may come to know them. These presumptions are to be identified by differentiation between two aspects of definition’s method – habitual and verbal one. Habitual definition of art is being formulated by competent verdicts within the art world, while verbal reconstruction of presupposed presumptions is the aim of aesthetics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz's notion of conceptual apparatus

Filozofia Nauki, R. XVII, Nr 1 (65), Warszawa 2009, p. 85-105., Mar 2009

The goal of the paper is to expound a notion of conceptual apparatus, by revealing structure and ... more The goal of the paper is to expound a notion of conceptual apparatus, by revealing structure and functions of objects it designates. The notion has been developed by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz in the mid of 30ties, within a standpoint of radical conventionalism. According to its proponents, a picture of world one bears is not stated directly by the data of experience, but depends on conceptual apparatus chosen. Ajdukiewicz defines the notion consequently, referring it to a set of all meanings attributed to expressions in a closed and compact language. Nevertheless, it turns out to be vague, since it inherits the vagueness from presupposed categories, especially from ambiguously used category of meaning.

The article comprises therefore a progressive reconstruction of assumed notions, including idea of closed and compact language, idea of meaning rules and idea of matrix of a language. As inquiry exposes, the structure of conceptual apparatus consists of: (1) meaning rules forcing to assert a set of statements within a closed and compact language and (2) the set of statements, which may be asserted. Its function is to force the user of the language to assert some of those statements, while facing data of experience. The notion, however, seems to be inconsistent, in order to the presupposed idea of closed and compact language. Bearing on its basis, it is impossible to face the same data of experience within two different conceptual apparatuses. Apart of the critique, article arises a set of new problems worth further studies within the topic, including the issue of relation of the notion to some related ones, e.g. to interpretative framework or cognitive scheme.

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Research paper thumbnail of Various Ideas of Tacit Knowledge – Is There a Basic One?

Knowing and Being: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi, Tihamer Margitay (ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, 2010

The paper contains an analytical description of different ideas of tacit knowledge, occurring bot... more The paper contains an analytical description of different ideas of tacit knowledge, occurring both in texts by Polanyi and by some of his major interpreters.
The results of research carried out in American, German and Polish literature are reported in six steps. First, the most typical interpretations of Polanyi’s philosophy are noted. Secondly, the results of a linguistic analysis of the investigated term are presented and (briefly) outlined. Third, various notions of tacit knowledge as concealed in Polanyi’s main works are reconstructed with a diachronic order. Fourthly, the problem of definition of the category is stated and is briefly discussed. Fifth, a typology of various internal and external notions of tacit knowledge is listed. And the final point submits ideas related to the quest for the basics of tacit knowledge.
The main claim is that – though ideas of tacit knowledge vary according to particular contexts – one may distinguish between two basic interpretations, both of which are contained within Polanyi’s conception of mind and cognitive actions (as developed in The Tacit Dimension). The first basic idea of tacit knowledge refers to a knowledge one seems to have about spontaneously indwelling particulars of experience (the proximal term content); the other refers to a knowledge of how to integrate these particulars into a meaningful whole. Both of these ideas of tacit knowledge modify the traditional idea of knowledge as a justified, true belief, since they presuppose an externalistic idea of justification as something non-accessible as regards introspection of a subject, blended with a behavioral idea of belief as a disposition to action.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tacit Knowledge – Typical Ways of Interpretation

Filozofia Nauki, R. XX, Nr 3 (79), Warszawa 2012, p. 65-82., Oct 2012

How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpret... more How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpretations in context of three different disciplines: (1) linguistics, (2) cognitive psychology and (3) sociology of knowledge. Furthermore, it proposes (4) definitional criteria for a general notion of tacit knowledge.

Within philosophical interpretation of N. Chomsky’s generative grammar, the term refers to knowledge of linguistic universals and grammar rules. This knowledge is tacit, since it manifests only through ability to (a) recognize grammar proprieties of expressions in natural language, as well as to (b) generate and understand practically infinite number of them. According to J. Fodor it can be identified with ability to speak (making verbal utterances), hence cannot be substantially distinguished from any other forms of embodied or habitual knowledge. According to alternative inter-pretation this kind of tacit knowledge (a) has propositional status, (b) is innate and (c) enable all possible grammar forms to be deduced from it.

Within context of cognitive psychology tacit knowledge is understood habitually, i.e. as knowledge that manifest itself only through skilful action and cannot be lin-guistically verbalised. This idea derives form distinction between declarative and procedural memory, inspired by G. Ryle’s distinction between knowing how and knowing that. Habitual knowledge is (a) completely unaware or almost unaware, (b) cannot be fully made aware nor verbalised, is (c) person-related and (d) context-specific.

Third way of understanding was proposed by Harry Collins, who has recently (2010) introduced three own types of tacit knowledge – (a) somatic, (b) relational and (c) collective. According to his idea knowledge has basically tacit character, since it circulates „throughout the universe” as physically understood information („pattern”) inscribed on different physical carries („strings”). Relational tacit knowledge can be fully verbalized and implemented in human body or any physical automaton. Somatic tacit knowledge cannot be fully verbalised, since – apart of its quasi-mechanical dimension – it also includes improvisatory (ever-adaptive) aspect of human skills, it can be however transferred to animals (like riding a bike). Collective tacit knowledge cannot be verbalised at all – it is specific exclusively to social dimension of cognitive activities (like driving a car), i.e. cannot be transferred to any sort of animals or automata.

Apart of descriptive reconstruction of listed ideas, the article propose four general criteria to define an idea of tacit knowledge sensu largo. According to author’s stand, the term „tacit knowledge” designates (a) all kinds of non-propositional knowledge or unaware propositional knowledge; (b) all kinds of a priori knowledge; (c) dispositional knowledge (skills; competence); (d) knowledge conceived as infor-mation acquired by any system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Michael Polanyi’s Idea of Tacit Premises of Science

Filozofia Nauki, R. XX, Nr 4 (80), Warszawa 2012, p. 63-85, Dec 2012

Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori condit... more Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori conditions of knowledge acquisition and application. Couple of assumptions make Polanyi’s idea considerably different than Kantian or behavioural or structural interpretations of cognitive scheme. He sees it more in hermeneutical or habitual terms — as system of (a) skills (dispositions to act), which (b) defines the level of competence; (c) cannot be verbally articulated; (d) is embodied (and hence unaware); (e) innate or acquired through practice — in master-pupil relations; (f) undergoes constant modifications when applied; (g) conditions both theoretical actions (eg. categorisation, acts of assertion), as well as practical (manual skills, acts of perception).

The article contains analytical reconstruction of Polanyi’s views originally dispersed throughout all his major works. First two points describe structure and functions of premises — expounded within context of his model of mind and key distinction between subsidiary and focal awareness. Third point analyzes their personal status, focusing on disproportion between their pure functional (habitual) status and linguistic description. Points fourth and five characterise diachronic and synchronic aspects of cognitive scheme as well as closely connected idea of master’s authority and consensus within community of inquirers. Point six contains reconstruction of Polanyian idea of incommensurability and stability of cognitive schemes. Cognitive schemes outline the boundaries of scientific communities. Different schemes are mutually incommensurable in various degree.

Main thesis of this conception is following: premises function solely in tacit mode, i.e. in pure habitual (embodied; indwelled; incorporated) fashion. We derive their existence from „meaningful wholes”, i.e. outcomes of our actions. Typical examples of such actions are gestalt-seeing and diagnosing, bike-riding, playing chess, problem-solving, operating in laboratory, uttering, understanding and asserting (or rejecting) of statements.

Structure of skilfully performed actions (both theoretical and practical) can be reconstructed in strictly verbalized, methodological directives („explicit rules”). No rule however can be applied automatically in all possible cases of experience. Hence application of all methodological directives requires always some tacit premises. Paradigmatic outcome of tacit premises are introspective gestalt-type appearances. According to Polanyi these personal, theory-laden phenomena, distinguish competent researcher from a laymen. Most of them are „intuitive”, i.e. consist purely phenomenal and aesthetic content. Some of them contain additionally conceptual and propositional compounds which can be verbalised. Difference between the subjective „meaning” — i.e. a purely phenomenal, introspective content of gestalt-type perceptions, and „orthodox”, linguistic meaning, conveyed by words, remains vital for understanding of whole Polanyi’s epistemology.

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Research paper thumbnail of The origins of Michael Polanyi’s idea of science – defence of scientific freedom

Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, t. XLVII, z. 2 (188), Warszawa 2011, s.145-164, Apr 2011

The aim of the article is to explicate Polanyi’s idea of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. c... more The aim of the article is to explicate Polanyi’s idea of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. criticism of Marxist policy of planning in science followed by defence of scientific freedom in initiating and conducting researches independently of any extraneous pressure.

The first point of article contains reconstruction of Polanyi’s interpretation of Marxist idea of science, which denies a key distinction between pure and applied science, reconstructed in the second point. Further two points describe Polanyi’s criticism of planning in science and expound his idea of scientific freedom. Point five consists in synthetic reconstruction of his notion of science in its four dimensions – objective (verbal and non-verbal), personal, habitual and social.

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Research paper thumbnail of The roots of Michael Polanyi’s idea of science – criticism of objectivistic ideal

Przegląd Filozoficzny, R. 20, Nr. 2 (78), Warszawa 2011, s. 163-180., Apr 2011

The aim of article is to expound Polanyi’s notion of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. his c... more The aim of article is to expound Polanyi’s notion of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. his criticism of objectivistic ideal of science, conceived as a set of postulates demanding elimination of personal and habitual (i.e. tacit) components of science. As fulcrum of the ideal he points out (1) the laplacean idea of cognition and knowledge and (2) the idea of scientific theory formulated by Ernst Mach. Polanyi’s method of criticism consists on revealing inapplicability of both ideas by comparing them to actual scientific practice within fields of astronomy and mathematics, followed by formulation of an alternative idea of objectivity for scientific theory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Michael Polanyi’s program of post-critical philosophy – critique of doubt

Przegląd Filozoficzny, R. 22, Nr. 1 (85), Warszawa 2013, s. 191-206, Mar 2013

The aim of article is to reconstruct principles of Michael Polanyi's ‘post-critical philosophy’ a... more The aim of article is to reconstruct principles of Michael Polanyi's ‘post-critical philosophy’ and the critique of doubt, which is its point of departure. First point reveals origins and aims of Polanyi’s interests, supplemented with explication of his central notions, i.e. ‘meaningful whole’, ‘personal decision’, ‘tacit knowing’ and ‘commitment’. Second point expounds postulates of ‘fiduciary programme’, as formulated against demands of methodological skepticism, produced within tradition of critical philosophy. Third point describes distinction between explicit and tacit forms of doubt, followed by Polanyi’s arguments against ‘reasonable’ and ‘universal’ doubt. Forth point differentiates between propositional and non-propositional aspects of tacit premises of science.

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art interviews & essays (IN ENGLISH) by Iwo Zmyślony

Research paper thumbnail of Madness Created by Reason (07/2015)

Essay on mutual relations between mental illness, social opression, genius, art and creativity. C... more Essay on mutual relations between mental illness, social opression, genius, art and creativity. Contains references to ideas of Hans Prinzhorn, Cesare Lombroso, Michel Foucault and Thomas Szasz, as well as works of Paul Klee, Andre Masson, Adolf Wölfli, Jean Dubuffet and the like.

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Research paper thumbnail of Painting After the End of Painting (11/2016)

Brief essay framing recent tendencies in contemporary painting, regarding the idea of end of art ... more Brief essay framing recent tendencies in contemporary painting, regarding the idea of end of art (A. Danto / H. Belting) and its revaluation in face of new media and internet culture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bownik. Things in themselves | Polnisches Institut Duesseldorf (02/2016)

Immanuel Kant, in seeking the irrefutable foundations of unshakeable knowledge, set two separate ... more Immanuel Kant, in seeking the irrefutable foundations of unshakeable knowledge, set two separate spheres against each other – the world of things which we experience using our senses (predominantly sight) and all that which is beyond the realm of the senses, yet which we arrive at through logical thinking. He labelled the former "phenomena" – etymologically speaking – that which manifests (the Greek phainomenon), and the latter "things-in-themselves" or noumena (the Greek for mind is nous). The first of these concepts has now become a permanent part of the philosophical canon, giving birth, among other things, to the study of phenomenology (Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger). The second, however, seemed suspect from the very start, hence it was very quickly removed from broader philosophical discourse and eventually forgotten.

We are referencing The Kantian differentiation here as a sort of conceptual item which will not only help us appreciate the conceptual complexity of the works of Pawel Bownik, but we can also use to then ask several questions about the current status of photography as a whole. Today, it seems, due to the widespread use of new technologies, we are more and more often thinking of photography only in terms of that which can be seen – the flat image to be enjoyed whether it is found in a " white cube " gallery, printed on shiny paper in a coffee table book or scrolling across a smartphone screen. We feel no difference between any of these contexts, forgetting about that which has meaning, yet remains inaccessible to the human eye.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tate Modern | "World Goes Pop" (11/2015)

Critical analysis of one of the most prominent art exhibitions in 2015. Despite of curarorial dec... more Critical analysis of one of the most prominent art exhibitions in 2015. Despite of curarorial declarations, it hasn't emancipated non-western artworlds, but strengthened postcolonial tensions instead. Text published previously on Contemporary Lynx: http://contemporarylynx.co.uk/archives/10289

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Research paper thumbnail of Mareike Dittmer, frieze d/e | Challenges of Art Criticism (12/2015)

Interview with Mareike Dittmer, co-publisher of frieze d/e about the specificity of her magazine ... more Interview with Mareike Dittmer, co-publisher of frieze d/e about the specificity of her magazine and challenges of contemporary art criticism

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Research paper thumbnail of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2015 (25-27th of September 2015)

Brief interviews with all galleries taking part in the event (ed. by Megan Down)

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Research paper thumbnail of Annett Busch & Anselm Franke | "After Year Zero" (07/2015)

English version of interview with Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, curators of "After Year Zero" e... more English version of interview with Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, curators of "After Year Zero" exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (summer 2015). This is EXTENDED VERSION of the conversation, so far unpublished

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Research paper thumbnail of Eric de Chassey | "Andrzej Wróblewski. Recto / Verso" (03/2015)

English version of interview with curator of Andrzej Wróblewski's exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (spri... more English version of interview with curator of Andrzej Wróblewski's exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (spring 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Francis Alys | "REEL-UNREEL" (10/2014)

English version of interview with Francis Alys accompanying his exhibition in CCA Ujazdowski Cast... more English version of interview with Francis Alys accompanying his exhibition in CCA Ujazdowski Castle (winter 2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Maurizio Cattelan | "Amen" CSW Zamek Ujazdowski (12/2013)

Marysia Mastalerz (design) Justyna Wesołowska (kurator)

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Research paper thumbnail of Pojęcie wiedzy niejawnej. Analiza metodologicznych i epistemologicznych poglądów Michaela Polanyiego

Praca zawiera eksplikację metodologicznych i epistemologicznych poglądów Michaela Polanyiego, w a... more Praca zawiera eksplikację metodologicznych i epistemologicznych poglądów Michaela Polanyiego, w aspekcie problemów, twierdzeń i założeń wyznaczających treść i zakres pojęcia wiedzy niejawnej (tacit knowledge). Eksplikacja pojęcia wiedzy niejawnej stanowi tu nadrzędny, zaś eksplikacja poglądów Polanyiego – tj. ich systematyzująca rekonstrukcja w aspekcie genezy, struktury i funkcji – cel instrumentalny.

Rozdział pierwszy stanowi podsumowanie stanu badań. Zawiera on rekonstrukcję typowych interpretacji poglądów Polanyiego, jakie funkcjonują na gruncie polskiej i światowej (anglo- i niemieckojęzycznej) literatury filozoficznej oraz typowych sposobów rozumienia kategorii „tacit knowledge”, jakie funkcjonują zarówno na gruncie pism Polanyiego, jak i poza nimi – w literaturze z zakresu socjologii nauki, językoznawstwa oraz psychologii poznawczej. Większość z tych analiz ma charakter semiotyczny – tzn. zdaje sprawę wyłącznie ze sposobów użycia samego terminu (słowa).

Rozdział drugi zawiera analizę poglądów Polanyiego w aspekcie przedmiotowym, skoncentrowaną na rekonstrukcji oraz systematyzacji jego twierdzeń rozproszonych w tekstach źródłowych. Rekonstrukcja ta przebiega w porządku diachroniczno-synchronicznym. Oznacza to, że obie omawiane w tym rozdziale koncepcje – niejawnych przesłanek (tacit premisses) oraz osobistej decyzji (personal decision) – nie tylko składają się na swoiste dla Polanyiego, oryginalne pojęcie nauki, ale i wyznaczają punkt zwrotny na drodze ewolucji jego poglądów epistemologicznych. Z jednej strony mają one stanowić alternatywę dla obiektywistycznego modelu poznania i wiedzy, którego krytyka jest zasadniczym celem jego pierwszych prac – „Science, Faith and Society” [1946], „Logic of Liberty” [1951] oraz „Personal Knowledge” [1958], z drugiej strony stanowią trzon założeń koncepcji niejawnego poznania, którą Polanyi opracowuje dopiero na przełomie lat 60. i 70. – na gruncie „The Tacit Dimension” [1966], „Knowing and Being” [1969] oraz „Meaning” [1975].

Rozdział trzeci zawiera rekonstrukcję ostatniej fazy poglądów Polanyiego – koncepcji niejawnego poznania (tacit knowing), opracowanej przezeń pod koniec życia – na przełomie lat 60. i 70. Podstawowym celem tej koncepcji jest wyjaśnienie genezy niejawnych przesłanek, tj. odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób nabywamy kompetencji poznawczych i pozapoznawczych oraz w jaki sposób je stosujemy i korygujemy; w szczególności zaś – w jaki sposób nabywamy takich kompetencji, które umożliwiają diagnozowanie, rozwiązywanie problemów i dokonywanie odkryć, tj. rozpoznawanie takich stanów rzeczy, których nie potrafi rozpoznać osoba niekompetentna.Ze względu na tezę o specyficznym paralelizmie struktury poznania i bytu, rozdział ten zawiera również rekonstrukcję poglądów ontologicznych Polanyiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem idei hierarchicznej struktury emergentnych poziomów bytu oraz teleologicznej interpretacji koncepcji ewolucji.

W zakończeniu pracy wyróżniam jedenaście typowych sposobów rozumienia wiedzy niejawnej funkcjonujących w poglądach samego Polanyiego oraz szesnaście typowych sposób rozumienia tego pojęcia funkcjonujących na gruncie innych koncepcji. Wskazuje ponadto siedem postulatów znaczeniowych, które powinno spełniać ogólne pojęcie wiedzy niejawnej – niezależne od założeń funkcjonujących na gruncie takiej czy innej koncepcji.

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Research paper thumbnail of Art criticism: Sources, Structure, Function and Ways of Understanding

Przegląd Filozoficzny, R. 19, Nr 2 (74), Warszawa 2010, p. 287-302, May 2010

The article undertakes to explicate the concept of art criticism by analyzing the content and the... more The article undertakes to explicate the concept of art criticism by analyzing the content and the scope of the term. In other words it reviews essential conceptual connotations of the term and characterizes typical cases of various practices it designates. Undertaken approach involves presentation of structural aspects of the notion, its historical origin, functions and typical ways of understanding. Results are presented in four stages. At first, a commonsensical uses of the term are expounded, as it funtions in natural language. Secondly, two different versions of art criticism are distinguished, i.e. the rational and emotional, with references to historical examples and highlighting the role of aesthetic judgment and pragmatic functions of evaluation. Thirdly, there are analized similarities and differences between art criticism, philosophy of art and historiography of art. Finally, there are pointed out some social factors which may have an impact on contemporary art criticism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Essentialism vs Anti-essentialism. What is the Merit of the Argument about the Definition of Art?

Kwartalnik Filozoficzny, t. XL, z. 2, Kraków 2012, p.25-47., May 2012

The goal of the article is to identify the merit of controversy between essentialism and antiesse... more The goal of the article is to identify the merit of controversy between essentialism and antiessentialism in contention about definition of art. Both stands I take here as two different, incommensurable ways of understanding of how to define the art – what exact functions its definition is supposed to bear; in what way and on what basis one ought to formulate it. According to my argument, the main motive of divergences – and the hidden merit of controversy by the same time – is not the question whether there are some general properties of artworks (“the essence of art”), but metaaesthetic presumptions concerning the way of how to conceive general properties at all and how one may come to know them. These presumptions are to be identified by differentiation between two aspects of definition’s method – habitual and verbal one. Habitual definition of art is being formulated by competent verdicts within the art world, while verbal reconstruction of presupposed presumptions is the aim of aesthetics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz's notion of conceptual apparatus

Filozofia Nauki, R. XVII, Nr 1 (65), Warszawa 2009, p. 85-105., Mar 2009

The goal of the paper is to expound a notion of conceptual apparatus, by revealing structure and ... more The goal of the paper is to expound a notion of conceptual apparatus, by revealing structure and functions of objects it designates. The notion has been developed by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz in the mid of 30ties, within a standpoint of radical conventionalism. According to its proponents, a picture of world one bears is not stated directly by the data of experience, but depends on conceptual apparatus chosen. Ajdukiewicz defines the notion consequently, referring it to a set of all meanings attributed to expressions in a closed and compact language. Nevertheless, it turns out to be vague, since it inherits the vagueness from presupposed categories, especially from ambiguously used category of meaning.

The article comprises therefore a progressive reconstruction of assumed notions, including idea of closed and compact language, idea of meaning rules and idea of matrix of a language. As inquiry exposes, the structure of conceptual apparatus consists of: (1) meaning rules forcing to assert a set of statements within a closed and compact language and (2) the set of statements, which may be asserted. Its function is to force the user of the language to assert some of those statements, while facing data of experience. The notion, however, seems to be inconsistent, in order to the presupposed idea of closed and compact language. Bearing on its basis, it is impossible to face the same data of experience within two different conceptual apparatuses. Apart of the critique, article arises a set of new problems worth further studies within the topic, including the issue of relation of the notion to some related ones, e.g. to interpretative framework or cognitive scheme.

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Research paper thumbnail of Various Ideas of Tacit Knowledge – Is There a Basic One?

Knowing and Being: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi, Tihamer Margitay (ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, 2010

The paper contains an analytical description of different ideas of tacit knowledge, occurring bot... more The paper contains an analytical description of different ideas of tacit knowledge, occurring both in texts by Polanyi and by some of his major interpreters.
The results of research carried out in American, German and Polish literature are reported in six steps. First, the most typical interpretations of Polanyi’s philosophy are noted. Secondly, the results of a linguistic analysis of the investigated term are presented and (briefly) outlined. Third, various notions of tacit knowledge as concealed in Polanyi’s main works are reconstructed with a diachronic order. Fourthly, the problem of definition of the category is stated and is briefly discussed. Fifth, a typology of various internal and external notions of tacit knowledge is listed. And the final point submits ideas related to the quest for the basics of tacit knowledge.
The main claim is that – though ideas of tacit knowledge vary according to particular contexts – one may distinguish between two basic interpretations, both of which are contained within Polanyi’s conception of mind and cognitive actions (as developed in The Tacit Dimension). The first basic idea of tacit knowledge refers to a knowledge one seems to have about spontaneously indwelling particulars of experience (the proximal term content); the other refers to a knowledge of how to integrate these particulars into a meaningful whole. Both of these ideas of tacit knowledge modify the traditional idea of knowledge as a justified, true belief, since they presuppose an externalistic idea of justification as something non-accessible as regards introspection of a subject, blended with a behavioral idea of belief as a disposition to action.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tacit Knowledge – Typical Ways of Interpretation

Filozofia Nauki, R. XX, Nr 3 (79), Warszawa 2012, p. 65-82., Oct 2012

How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpret... more How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpretations in context of three different disciplines: (1) linguistics, (2) cognitive psychology and (3) sociology of knowledge. Furthermore, it proposes (4) definitional criteria for a general notion of tacit knowledge.

Within philosophical interpretation of N. Chomsky’s generative grammar, the term refers to knowledge of linguistic universals and grammar rules. This knowledge is tacit, since it manifests only through ability to (a) recognize grammar proprieties of expressions in natural language, as well as to (b) generate and understand practically infinite number of them. According to J. Fodor it can be identified with ability to speak (making verbal utterances), hence cannot be substantially distinguished from any other forms of embodied or habitual knowledge. According to alternative inter-pretation this kind of tacit knowledge (a) has propositional status, (b) is innate and (c) enable all possible grammar forms to be deduced from it.

Within context of cognitive psychology tacit knowledge is understood habitually, i.e. as knowledge that manifest itself only through skilful action and cannot be lin-guistically verbalised. This idea derives form distinction between declarative and procedural memory, inspired by G. Ryle’s distinction between knowing how and knowing that. Habitual knowledge is (a) completely unaware or almost unaware, (b) cannot be fully made aware nor verbalised, is (c) person-related and (d) context-specific.

Third way of understanding was proposed by Harry Collins, who has recently (2010) introduced three own types of tacit knowledge – (a) somatic, (b) relational and (c) collective. According to his idea knowledge has basically tacit character, since it circulates „throughout the universe” as physically understood information („pattern”) inscribed on different physical carries („strings”). Relational tacit knowledge can be fully verbalized and implemented in human body or any physical automaton. Somatic tacit knowledge cannot be fully verbalised, since – apart of its quasi-mechanical dimension – it also includes improvisatory (ever-adaptive) aspect of human skills, it can be however transferred to animals (like riding a bike). Collective tacit knowledge cannot be verbalised at all – it is specific exclusively to social dimension of cognitive activities (like driving a car), i.e. cannot be transferred to any sort of animals or automata.

Apart of descriptive reconstruction of listed ideas, the article propose four general criteria to define an idea of tacit knowledge sensu largo. According to author’s stand, the term „tacit knowledge” designates (a) all kinds of non-propositional knowledge or unaware propositional knowledge; (b) all kinds of a priori knowledge; (c) dispositional knowledge (skills; competence); (d) knowledge conceived as infor-mation acquired by any system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Michael Polanyi’s Idea of Tacit Premises of Science

Filozofia Nauki, R. XX, Nr 4 (80), Warszawa 2012, p. 63-85, Dec 2012

Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori condit... more Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori conditions of knowledge acquisition and application. Couple of assumptions make Polanyi’s idea considerably different than Kantian or behavioural or structural interpretations of cognitive scheme. He sees it more in hermeneutical or habitual terms — as system of (a) skills (dispositions to act), which (b) defines the level of competence; (c) cannot be verbally articulated; (d) is embodied (and hence unaware); (e) innate or acquired through practice — in master-pupil relations; (f) undergoes constant modifications when applied; (g) conditions both theoretical actions (eg. categorisation, acts of assertion), as well as practical (manual skills, acts of perception).

The article contains analytical reconstruction of Polanyi’s views originally dispersed throughout all his major works. First two points describe structure and functions of premises — expounded within context of his model of mind and key distinction between subsidiary and focal awareness. Third point analyzes their personal status, focusing on disproportion between their pure functional (habitual) status and linguistic description. Points fourth and five characterise diachronic and synchronic aspects of cognitive scheme as well as closely connected idea of master’s authority and consensus within community of inquirers. Point six contains reconstruction of Polanyian idea of incommensurability and stability of cognitive schemes. Cognitive schemes outline the boundaries of scientific communities. Different schemes are mutually incommensurable in various degree.

Main thesis of this conception is following: premises function solely in tacit mode, i.e. in pure habitual (embodied; indwelled; incorporated) fashion. We derive their existence from „meaningful wholes”, i.e. outcomes of our actions. Typical examples of such actions are gestalt-seeing and diagnosing, bike-riding, playing chess, problem-solving, operating in laboratory, uttering, understanding and asserting (or rejecting) of statements.

Structure of skilfully performed actions (both theoretical and practical) can be reconstructed in strictly verbalized, methodological directives („explicit rules”). No rule however can be applied automatically in all possible cases of experience. Hence application of all methodological directives requires always some tacit premises. Paradigmatic outcome of tacit premises are introspective gestalt-type appearances. According to Polanyi these personal, theory-laden phenomena, distinguish competent researcher from a laymen. Most of them are „intuitive”, i.e. consist purely phenomenal and aesthetic content. Some of them contain additionally conceptual and propositional compounds which can be verbalised. Difference between the subjective „meaning” — i.e. a purely phenomenal, introspective content of gestalt-type perceptions, and „orthodox”, linguistic meaning, conveyed by words, remains vital for understanding of whole Polanyi’s epistemology.

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Research paper thumbnail of The origins of Michael Polanyi’s idea of science – defence of scientific freedom

Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, t. XLVII, z. 2 (188), Warszawa 2011, s.145-164, Apr 2011

The aim of the article is to explicate Polanyi’s idea of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. c... more The aim of the article is to explicate Polanyi’s idea of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. criticism of Marxist policy of planning in science followed by defence of scientific freedom in initiating and conducting researches independently of any extraneous pressure.

The first point of article contains reconstruction of Polanyi’s interpretation of Marxist idea of science, which denies a key distinction between pure and applied science, reconstructed in the second point. Further two points describe Polanyi’s criticism of planning in science and expound his idea of scientific freedom. Point five consists in synthetic reconstruction of his notion of science in its four dimensions – objective (verbal and non-verbal), personal, habitual and social.

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Research paper thumbnail of The roots of Michael Polanyi’s idea of science – criticism of objectivistic ideal

Przegląd Filozoficzny, R. 20, Nr. 2 (78), Warszawa 2011, s. 163-180., Apr 2011

The aim of article is to expound Polanyi’s notion of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. his c... more The aim of article is to expound Polanyi’s notion of science in aspect of its origins, i.e. his criticism of objectivistic ideal of science, conceived as a set of postulates demanding elimination of personal and habitual (i.e. tacit) components of science. As fulcrum of the ideal he points out (1) the laplacean idea of cognition and knowledge and (2) the idea of scientific theory formulated by Ernst Mach. Polanyi’s method of criticism consists on revealing inapplicability of both ideas by comparing them to actual scientific practice within fields of astronomy and mathematics, followed by formulation of an alternative idea of objectivity for scientific theory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Michael Polanyi’s program of post-critical philosophy – critique of doubt

Przegląd Filozoficzny, R. 22, Nr. 1 (85), Warszawa 2013, s. 191-206, Mar 2013

The aim of article is to reconstruct principles of Michael Polanyi's ‘post-critical philosophy’ a... more The aim of article is to reconstruct principles of Michael Polanyi's ‘post-critical philosophy’ and the critique of doubt, which is its point of departure. First point reveals origins and aims of Polanyi’s interests, supplemented with explication of his central notions, i.e. ‘meaningful whole’, ‘personal decision’, ‘tacit knowing’ and ‘commitment’. Second point expounds postulates of ‘fiduciary programme’, as formulated against demands of methodological skepticism, produced within tradition of critical philosophy. Third point describes distinction between explicit and tacit forms of doubt, followed by Polanyi’s arguments against ‘reasonable’ and ‘universal’ doubt. Forth point differentiates between propositional and non-propositional aspects of tacit premises of science.

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Research paper thumbnail of Madness Created by Reason (07/2015)

Essay on mutual relations between mental illness, social opression, genius, art and creativity. C... more Essay on mutual relations between mental illness, social opression, genius, art and creativity. Contains references to ideas of Hans Prinzhorn, Cesare Lombroso, Michel Foucault and Thomas Szasz, as well as works of Paul Klee, Andre Masson, Adolf Wölfli, Jean Dubuffet and the like.

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Research paper thumbnail of Painting After the End of Painting (11/2016)

Brief essay framing recent tendencies in contemporary painting, regarding the idea of end of art ... more Brief essay framing recent tendencies in contemporary painting, regarding the idea of end of art (A. Danto / H. Belting) and its revaluation in face of new media and internet culture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bownik. Things in themselves | Polnisches Institut Duesseldorf (02/2016)

Immanuel Kant, in seeking the irrefutable foundations of unshakeable knowledge, set two separate ... more Immanuel Kant, in seeking the irrefutable foundations of unshakeable knowledge, set two separate spheres against each other – the world of things which we experience using our senses (predominantly sight) and all that which is beyond the realm of the senses, yet which we arrive at through logical thinking. He labelled the former "phenomena" – etymologically speaking – that which manifests (the Greek phainomenon), and the latter "things-in-themselves" or noumena (the Greek for mind is nous). The first of these concepts has now become a permanent part of the philosophical canon, giving birth, among other things, to the study of phenomenology (Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger). The second, however, seemed suspect from the very start, hence it was very quickly removed from broader philosophical discourse and eventually forgotten.

We are referencing The Kantian differentiation here as a sort of conceptual item which will not only help us appreciate the conceptual complexity of the works of Pawel Bownik, but we can also use to then ask several questions about the current status of photography as a whole. Today, it seems, due to the widespread use of new technologies, we are more and more often thinking of photography only in terms of that which can be seen – the flat image to be enjoyed whether it is found in a " white cube " gallery, printed on shiny paper in a coffee table book or scrolling across a smartphone screen. We feel no difference between any of these contexts, forgetting about that which has meaning, yet remains inaccessible to the human eye.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tate Modern | "World Goes Pop" (11/2015)

Critical analysis of one of the most prominent art exhibitions in 2015. Despite of curarorial dec... more Critical analysis of one of the most prominent art exhibitions in 2015. Despite of curarorial declarations, it hasn't emancipated non-western artworlds, but strengthened postcolonial tensions instead. Text published previously on Contemporary Lynx: http://contemporarylynx.co.uk/archives/10289

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Research paper thumbnail of Mareike Dittmer, frieze d/e | Challenges of Art Criticism (12/2015)

Interview with Mareike Dittmer, co-publisher of frieze d/e about the specificity of her magazine ... more Interview with Mareike Dittmer, co-publisher of frieze d/e about the specificity of her magazine and challenges of contemporary art criticism

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Research paper thumbnail of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2015 (25-27th of September 2015)

Brief interviews with all galleries taking part in the event (ed. by Megan Down)

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Research paper thumbnail of Annett Busch & Anselm Franke | "After Year Zero" (07/2015)

English version of interview with Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, curators of "After Year Zero" e... more English version of interview with Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, curators of "After Year Zero" exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (summer 2015). This is EXTENDED VERSION of the conversation, so far unpublished

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Research paper thumbnail of Eric de Chassey | "Andrzej Wróblewski. Recto / Verso" (03/2015)

English version of interview with curator of Andrzej Wróblewski's exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (spri... more English version of interview with curator of Andrzej Wróblewski's exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (spring 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Francis Alys | "REEL-UNREEL" (10/2014)

English version of interview with Francis Alys accompanying his exhibition in CCA Ujazdowski Cast... more English version of interview with Francis Alys accompanying his exhibition in CCA Ujazdowski Castle (winter 2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Maurizio Cattelan | "Amen" CSW Zamek Ujazdowski (12/2013)

Marysia Mastalerz (design) Justyna Wesołowska (kurator)

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Research paper thumbnail of Slavs and Tatars | "Caucasian bazaar" (11/2012)

English version of interview with Slavs and Tatars accompanying their exhibition in Raster Galler... more English version of interview with Slavs and Tatars accompanying their exhibition in Raster Gallery Warsaw (autumn 2012). This is EXTENDED VERSION of the conversation, so far unpublished

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Research paper thumbnail of Robert Kuśmirowski | "Palindrom" PGS Sopot (06/2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of C.T. Jasper, Joanna Malinowska | "Związki rozwiązki" Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi (03/2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Dorota Walentynowicz | "Teatr zapisu" PGS Sopot (01/2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Krzysztof Żwirblis | "Muzeum społeczne" (2010-2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Igor Omulecki | "Kosmos" Centrum Kultury Zamek (12/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubert Czerepok | "Schronienie" Tatrzański Park Narodowy (09/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Jakub Szczęsny | "Schronienie" Tatrzański Park Narodowy (09/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksandra Wasilkowska | "Schronienie" Tatrzański Park Narodowy (09/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Robert Kuśmirowski | "Traumgutstrasse" Salon Akademii (09/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Wojciech Puś | "Wcale nie film" Galeria Bunkier Sztuki (04/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Krzysztof M. Bednarski | "Egzorcyzmy" BWA Opole (05/2013)

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Research paper thumbnail of Angelika Markul | "Do not forget" Galeria Foksal (09/2012)

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Research paper thumbnail of Andrzej Tobis "A-Z" + Stanisław Dróżdż "Pojęciokształty" (09/2015)

Na przykładzie prac obu artystów tekst stawia następujące problemy: co słowa robią z obrazem? Na ... more Na przykładzie prac obu artystów tekst stawia następujące problemy: co słowa robią z obrazem? Na czym polega ich wzajemny związek? Jakie znaczenie ma wizualność tekstu? Czym odczytywanie różni się od patrzenia?

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Research paper thumbnail of Jakub Julian Ziółkowski "Imagorea" BWA Zielona Góra (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Aneta Grzeszykowska "Selfie" Raster Gallery (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Tomasz Mróz "Śpij spokojnie w kosmosie..." Galeria Foksal (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Kuba Dąbrowski, Witek Orski, Franciszek Buchner (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Andrzej Wróblewski "Patrzeć wciąż naprzód" Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie

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Research paper thumbnail of Design thinking umarło - niech żyje design thinking! (03/2018)

Robimy studium!, 2018

Analizuję krytyki podejścia design thinking (Dan Saffer, Natasha Jen, Lee Vinsel, Bruce Nussbaum,... more Analizuję krytyki podejścia design thinking (Dan Saffer, Natasha Jen, Lee Vinsel, Bruce Nussbaum, Donald Norman) oraz przypadki udanych (PepsiCo) i nieudanych (Oticon) wdrożeń tej metodologii. Na koniec tekstu definiuję pojęcie.

Artykuł ukaże się w publikacji "Robimy studium" towarzyszącej konferencji "Innowacyjne projektowanie miast" organizowanej przez Biuro Architektury i Projektowania Przestrzennego m.st. Warszawy (9-10 maja 2018)


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Research paper thumbnail of Konserwatyzm sztuki (01/2018)

Na przykładzie kuratorskich założeń wystawy "Późna polskość" (marzec-sierpień 2017, U-jazdowski) ... more Na przykładzie kuratorskich założeń wystawy "Późna polskość" (marzec-sierpień 2017, U-jazdowski) krytykuję kunktatorstwo polskich instytucji sztuki. Zastanawiam się również czy polska sztuka współczesna musi być lewicowa i postuluję otwarcie przestrzeni jej instytucji w duchu agonistycznym na inne niż lewicowe konteksty ideowe. Tekst zamówiony przez "Pressje" ukaże się w 50. numerze pisma.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tęsknota za agonizmem (06/2017)

Analizując powierzchowne interpretacje pracy Daniela Rycharskiego pokazuję jak łatwo postulowany ... more Analizując powierzchowne interpretacje pracy Daniela Rycharskiego pokazuję jak łatwo postulowany przez Chantal Mouffe i Ernesta Laclau agonizm przeistacza się w krytykowany przez nich antagonizm. Widzę w tym symptom wyczerpania projektu sztuki krytycznej oraz dominującego w polskiej krytyce artystycznej paradygmatu prześmiewczo-konfrontacyjnego.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanizmy świata sztuki (oraz rynku sztuki)

Szkicowa prezentacja podstawowych mechanizmów funkcjonowania świata sztuki istotnych z perspektyw... more Szkicowa prezentacja podstawowych mechanizmów funkcjonowania świata sztuki istotnych z perspektywy początkującego artysty. Tekst stanowi podsumowanie cyklu warsztatów dla studentów polskich Akademii Sztuk Pięknych realizowanych pt. "Artysta - Zawodowiec" przez Fundację Sztuki Polskiej ING w kwietniu i maju 2017 roku (Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Szczecin, Poznań, Toruń, Warszawa).

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Research paper thumbnail of Psucie językiem sztuki (03/2016)

Skrócony zapis debaty na temat performatywnych i politycznych funkcji języka krytyki artystycznej... more Skrócony zapis debaty na temat performatywnych i politycznych funkcji języka krytyki artystycznej zorganizowanej 14 marca 2016 roku we współpracy z "Kulturą Liberalną" w CSW Zamek Ujazdowski i sfinansowanej z funduszy MKiDN w ramach programu Młoda Polska. W debacie wzięli udział: Ewa Gorządek, Andrzej Draguła, Igor Stokfiszewski, Iwo Zmyślony oraz osoby z sali (m.in. Zuzanna Janin oraz Hanna Wróblewska). Prowadzenie: Katarzyna Kasia. Pełen zapis debaty znajdzie się w przygotowywanej książce na temat aktualnego statusu krytyki artystycznej (planowana publikacja w połowie 2017 roku).

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Research paper thumbnail of Idealistyczny cynizm (08/2016)

nieautoryzowany wywiad z redaktorem Magazynu "Szum"

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Research paper thumbnail of Szansa na naprawę polskiego świata sztuki (01/2016)

W obecnej sytuacji społeczno-politycznej ugruntowany paradygmat sztuki oparty na krytyce i antago... more W obecnej sytuacji społeczno-politycznej ugruntowany paradygmat sztuki oparty na krytyce i antagonizmie okazuje się anachroniczny i dysfunkcjonalny. Polska kultura nie potrzebuje więcej antagonizmu. Dziś prawdziwa awangarda to awangarda dialogu. Tej zmiany potrzebujemy w polskim świecie sztuki.

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Research paper thumbnail of Paradoksy krytyki | Obieg (12/2015)

Rekonstrukcja ogólnych systemowych uwarunkowań aktualnej pozycji krytyki artystycznej oraz analiz... more Rekonstrukcja ogólnych systemowych uwarunkowań aktualnej pozycji krytyki artystycznej oraz analiza możliwych przyczyn jej faktycznego kryzysu, z uwzględnieniem m.in. wpływu internetu oraz wzrostu znaczenia instytucji sztuki. Główna teza brzmi następująco: jedną z głównych przyczyn upadku znaczenia krytyki jest ugruntowanie sposobu postrzegania świata sztuki w kategoriach władzy oraz zanik otwartej, inkluzywnej dyskusji o kryteriach. Jest to pierwotna wersja tekstu, który w znacznie skróconej formie opublikowany został w Obiegu (22.12.2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Jak rozumieć dziś sztukę? | Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki (12/2015)

Próba odpowiedzi na tytułowe pytanie. Tekst z katalogu wystawy "Sztuka w naszym wieku" prezentują... more Próba odpowiedzi na tytułowe pytanie. Tekst z katalogu wystawy "Sztuka w naszym wieku" prezentującej wybór prac z kolekcji Fundacji Sztuki Polskiej ING oraz Zachęty - Narodowej Galerii Sztuki (redakcja: Magdalena Miecznicka).

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Research paper thumbnail of Wolność sztuki | Kultura Liberalna (05/2015)

Pierwotna wersja tekstu, który w nieco skróconej wersji ukazał się na stronach Kultury Liberalnej... more Pierwotna wersja tekstu, który w nieco skróconej wersji ukazał się na stronach Kultury Liberalnej przy okazji debaty "Wolność sztuki" organizowanej przez redakcję we współpracy z Zachętą

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Research paper thumbnail of Mity rynku sztuki | Wyborcza.pl (10/2014)

Głos w polemice na temat wolnorynkowych strategii w polskim świecie sztuki oraz kulturotwórczej r... more Głos w polemice na temat wolnorynkowych strategii w polskim świecie sztuki oraz kulturotwórczej roli polskich prywatnych instytucji sztuki

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Research paper thumbnail of Krytyka jako filozofia | Magazyn Szum (05/2013)

Krytyka postępującej tabloidyzacji krytyki artystycznej jako symptomu wyczerpania paradygmatu ema... more Krytyka postępującej tabloidyzacji krytyki artystycznej jako symptomu wyczerpania paradygmatu emancypacyjnego

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Research paper thumbnail of Malarstwo po końcu malarstwa | "Odejście" 9. Bielska Jesień (11/2016)

Esej prezentuje najnowsze tendencje w malarstwie (zwłaszcza fenomen zombie formalizmu) w kontekśc... more Esej prezentuje najnowsze tendencje w malarstwie (zwłaszcza fenomen zombie formalizmu) w kontekście przemian technologicznych (telewizja, internet) oraz problemu tzw. końca sztuki (A. Danto / H. Belting).

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Research paper thumbnail of Krótka historia widzenia | "Ten widok ma potencjał" GMO Katowice (10/2016)

Popularyzatorskie wprowadzenie do podstawowych problemów związanych z percepcją współczesnej kult... more Popularyzatorskie wprowadzenie do podstawowych problemów związanych z percepcją współczesnej kultury wizualnej (determinizm językowy, mass media, internet, symulakra etc.).

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Research paper thumbnail of "Nocne aktywności" | BWA Katowice (10/2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Michaela Polanyiego program filozofii postkrytycznej – krytyka metody wątpienia

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Research paper thumbnail of Tacit Knowledge – Typical Ways of Interpretation

Filozofia Nauki, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Kategoria wiedzy niejawnej ( tacit knowledge ) – typowe sposoby rozumienia

Filozofia Nauki, Sep 1, 2012

How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpret... more How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpretations in context of three different disciplines: (1) linguistics, (2) cognitive psychology and (3) sociology of knowledge. Furthermore, it proposes (4) definitional criteria for a general notion of tacit knowledge. Abstracts 163 Within philosophical interpretation of N. Chomsky’s generative grammar, the term refers to knowledge of linguistic universals and grammar rules. This knowledge is tacit, since it manifests only through ability to (a) recognize grammar proprieties of expressions in natural language, as well as to (b) generate and understand practically infinite number of them. According to J. Fodor it can be identified with ability to speak (making verbal utterances), hence cannot be substantially distinguished from any other forms of embodied or habitual knowledge. According to alternative interpretation this kind of tacit knowledge (a) has propositional status, (b) is innate and (c) enable all possible grammar forms to be deduced from it. Within context of cognitive psychology tacit knowledge is understood habitually, i.e. as knowledge that manifest itself only through skilful action and cannot be linguistically verbalised. This idea derives form distinction between declarative and procedural memory, inspired by G. Ryle’s distinction between knowing how and knowing that. Habitual knowledge is (a) completely unaware or almost unaware, (b) cannot be fully made aware nor verbalised, is (c) person-related and (d) contextspecific. Third way of understanding was proposed by Harry Collins, who has recently (2010) introduced three own types of tacit knowledge — (a) somatic, (b) relational and (c) collective. According to his idea knowledge has basically tacit character, since it circulates „throughout the universe” as physically understood information („pattern”) inscribed on different physical carries („strings”). Relational tacit knowledge can be fully verbalized and implemented in human body or any physical automaton. Somatic tacit knowledge cannot be fully verbalised, since – apart of its quasi-mechanical dimension – it also includes improvisatory (ever-adaptive) aspect of human skills, it can be however transferred to animals (like riding a bike). Collective tacit knowledge cannot be verbalised at all – it is specific exclusively to social dimension of cognitive activities (like driving a car), i.e. cannot be transferred to any sort of animals or automata. Apart of descriptive reconstruction of listed ideas, the article propose four general criteria to define an idea of tacit knowledge sensu largo. According to author’s stand, the term „tacit knowledge” designates (a) all kinds of non-propositional knowledge or unaware propositional knowledge; (b) all kinds of a priori knowledge; (c) dispositional knowledge (skills; competence); (d) knowledge conceived as information acquired by any organic system through permanent interaction with environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Michaela Polanyiego koncepcja niejawnych przesłanek nauki

Filozofia Nauki, Dec 1, 2012

Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori condit... more Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori conditions of knowledge acquisition and application. Couple of assumptions make Polanyi’s idea considerably different than Kantian or behavioural or structural interpretations of cognitive scheme. He sees it more in hermeneutical or habitual terms — as system of (a) skills (dispositions to act), which (b) defines the level of competence; (c) cannot be verbally articulated; (d) is embodied (and hence unaware); (e) innate or acquired through practice — in master-pupil relations; (f) undergoes constant modifications when applied; (g) conditions both theoretical actions (eg. categorisation, acts of assertion), as well as practical (manual skills, acts of perception). The article contains analytical reconstruction of Polanyi’s views originally dispersed throughout all his major works. First two points describe structure and functions of premises — expounded within context of his model of mind and key distinction between subsidiary and focal awareness. Third point analyzes their personal status, focusing on disproportion between their pure functional (habitual) status and linguistic description. Points fourth and five characterise diachronic and synchronic aspects of cognitive scheme as well as closely connected idea of master’s authority and consensus within community of inquirers. Point six contains reconstruction of Polanyian idea of incommensurability and stability of cognitive schemes. Cognitive schemes outline the boundaries of scientific communities. Different schemes are mutually incommensurable in various degree. Main thesis of this conception is following: premises function solely in tacit mode, i.e. in pure habitual (embodied; indwelled; incorporated) fashion. We derive their existence from „meaningful wholes”, i.e. outcomes of our actions. Typical examples of such actions are gestalt-seeing and diagnosing, bike-riding, playing chess, problem-solving, operating in laboratory, uttering, understanding and asserting (or rejecting) of statements. Structure of skilfully performed actions (both theoretical and practical) can be reconstructed in strictly verbalized, methodological directives („explicit rules”). No rule however can be applied automatically in all possible cases of experience. Hence application of all methodological directives requires always some tacit premises. Paradigmatic outcome of tacit premises are introspective gestalt-type appearances. According to Polanyi these personal, theory-laden phenomena, distinguish competent researcher from a laymen. Most of them are „intuitive”, i.e. consist purely phenomenal and aesthetic content. Some of them contain additionally conceptual and propositional compounds which can be verbalised. Difference between the subjective „meaning” — i.e. a purely phenomenal, introspective content of gestalt-type perceptions, and „orthodox”, linguistic meaning, conveyed by words, remains vital for understanding of whole Polanyi’s epistemology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Michael Polanyi’s Idea of Tacit Premises of Science

Filozofia Nauki, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Kłopoty z wiedzą niejawną (tacit knowledge) w poglądach Michaela Polanyiego

Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Geneza koncepcji nauki Michaela Polanyi’ego – obrona autonomii nauki

Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Philosopher of Science or Theorist of Knowledge? Contribution to Studies on Philosophical Ideas of Michael Polanyi

Filozofia Nauki, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Pojęcie wiedzy niejawnej. Analiza poglądów metodologicznych i epistemologicznych Michaela Polanyiego

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Research paper thumbnail of Michael Polanyi’s Idea of Tacit Premises of Science

Filozofia Nauki, 2012

"Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set ... more "Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori conditions of knowledge acquisition and application. Couple of assumptions make Polanyi’s idea considerably different than Kantian or behavioural or structural interpretations of cognitive scheme. He sees it more in hermeneutical or habitual terms — as system of (a) skills (dispositions to act), which (b) defines the level of competence; (c) cannot be verbally articulated; (d) is embodied (and hence unaware); (e) innate or acquired through practice — in master-pupil relations; (f) undergoes constant modifications when applied; (g) conditions both theoretical actions (eg. categorisation, acts of assertion), as well as practical (manual skills, acts of perception). The article contains analytical reconstruction of Polanyi’s views originally dispersed throughout all his major works. First two points describe structure and functions of premises — expounded within context of his model of mind and key distinction between subsidiary and focal awareness. Third point analyzes their personal status, focusing on disproportion between their pure functional (habitual) status and linguistic description. Points fourth and five characterise diachronic and synchronic aspects of cognitive scheme as well as closely connected idea of master’s authority and consensus within community of inquirers. Point six contains reconstruction of Polanyian idea of incommensurability and stability of cognitive schemes. Cognitive schemes outline the boundaries of scientific communities. Different schemes are mutually incommensurable in various degree. Main thesis of this conception is following: premises function solely in tacit mode, i.e. in pure habitual (embodied; indwelled; incorporated) fashion. We derive their existence from „meaningful wholes”, i.e. outcomes of our actions. Typical examples of such actions are gestalt-seeing and diagnosing, bike-riding, playing chess, problem-solving, operating in laboratory, uttering, understanding and asserting (or rejecting) of statements. Structure of skilfully performed actions (both theoretical and practical) can be reconstructed in strictly verbalized, methodological directives („explicit rules”). No rule however can be applied automatically in all possible cases of experience. Hence application of all methodological directives requires always some tacit premises. Paradigmatic outcome of tacit premises are introspective gestalt-type appearances. According to Polanyi these personal, theory-laden phenomena, distinguish competent researcher from a laymen. Most of them are „intuitive”, i.e. consist purely phenomenal and aesthetic content. Some of them contain additionally conceptual and propositional compounds which can be verbalised. Difference between the subjective „meaning” — i.e. a purely phenomenal, introspective content of gestalt-type perceptions, and „orthodox”, linguistic meaning, conveyed by words, remains vital for understanding of whole Polanyi’s epistemology."

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Research paper thumbnail of Tacit Knowledge – Typical Ways of Interpretation

Filozofia Nauki, 2012

"How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reco... more "How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpretations in context of three different disciplines: (1) linguistics, (2) cognitive psychology and (3) sociology of knowledge. Furthermore, it proposes (4) definitional criteria for a general notion of tacit knowledge. Within philosophical interpretation of N. Chomsky’s generative grammar, the term refers to knowledge of linguistic universals and grammar rules. This knowledge is tacit, since it manifests only through ability to (a) recognize grammar proprieties of expressions in natural language, as well as to (b) generate and understand practically infinite number of them. According to J. Fodor it can be identified with ability to speak (making verbal utterances), hence cannot be substantially distinguished from any other forms of embodied or habitual knowledge. According to alternative inter-pretation this kind of tacit knowledge (a) has propositional status, (b) is innate and (c) enable all possible grammar forms to be deduced from it. Within context of cognitive psychology tacit knowledge is understood habitually, i.e. as knowledge that manifest itself only through skilful action and cannot be lin-guistically verbalised. This idea derives form distinction between declarative and procedural memory, inspired by G. Ryle’s distinction between knowing how and knowing that. Habitual knowledge is (a) completely unaware or almost unaware, (b) cannot be fully made aware nor verbalised, is (c) person-related and (d) context-specific. Third way of understanding was proposed by Harry Collins, who has recently (2010) introduced three own types of tacit knowledge – (a) somatic, (b) relational and (c) collective. According to his idea knowledge has basically tacit character, since it circulates „throughout the universe” as physically understood information („pattern”) inscribed on different physical carries („strings”). Relational tacit knowledge can be fully verbalized and implemented in human body or any physical automaton. Somatic tacit knowledge cannot be fully verbalised, since – apart of its quasi-mechanical dimension – it also includes improvisatory (ever-adaptive) aspect of human skills, it can be however transferred to animals (like riding a bike). Collective tacit knowledge cannot be verbalised at all – it is specific exclusively to social dimension of cognitive activities (like driving a car), i.e. cannot be transferred to any sort of animals or automata. Apart of descriptive reconstruction of listed ideas, the article propose four general criteria to define an idea of tacit knowledge sensu largo. According to author’s stand, the term „tacit knowledge” designates (a) all kinds of non-propositional knowledge or unaware propositional knowledge; (b) all kinds of a priori knowledge; (c) dispositional knowledge (skills; competence); (d) knowledge conceived as infor-mation acquired by any system."

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Research paper thumbnail of Pojęcie wiedzy niejawnej. Analiza poglądów metodologicznych i epistemologicznych Michaela Polanyiego

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Research paper thumbnail of KAZIMIERZ AJDUKIEWICZ'S NOTION OF CONCEPTUAL APPARATUS (Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza pojecie aparatury pojeciowej)

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Research paper thumbnail of Kategoria wiedzy niejawnej ( tacit knowledge ) – typowe sposoby rozumienia

How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpret... more How the idea of tacit knowledge is being understood typically? The article reconstructs interpretations in context of three different disciplines: (1) linguistics, (2) cognitive psychology and (3) sociology of knowledge. Furthermore, it proposes (4) definitional criteria for a general notion of tacit knowledge. Abstracts 163 Within philosophical interpretation of N. Chomsky’s generative grammar, the term refers to knowledge of linguistic universals and grammar rules. This knowledge is tacit, since it manifests only through ability to (a) recognize grammar proprieties of expressions in natural language, as well as to (b) generate and understand practically infinite number of them. According to J. Fodor it can be identified with ability to speak (making verbal utterances), hence cannot be substantially distinguished from any other forms of embodied or habitual knowledge. According to alternative interpretation this kind of tacit knowledge (a) has propositional status, (b) is innate an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Geneza koncepcji nauki Michaela Polanyi’ego – obrona autonomii nauki

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Research paper thumbnail of Michaela Polanyiego koncepcja niejawnych przesłanek nauki

Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori condit... more Tacit premises of science constitute researcher’s cognitive scheme, i.e. a set of a priori conditions of knowledge acquisition and application. Couple of assumptions make Polanyi’s idea considerably different than Kantian or behavioural or structural interpretations of cognitive scheme. He sees it more in hermeneutical or habitual terms — as system of (a) skills (dispositions to act), which (b) defines the level of competence; (c) cannot be verbally articulated; (d) is embodied (and hence unaware); (e) innate or acquired through practice — in master-pupil relations; (f) undergoes constant modifications when applied; (g) conditions both theoretical actions (eg. categorisation, acts of assertion), as well as practical (manual skills, acts of perception). The article contains analytical reconstruction of Polanyi’s views originally dispersed throughout all his major works. First two points describe structure and functions of premises — expounded within context of his model of mind and k...

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Research paper thumbnail of Kłopoty z wiedzą niejawną (tacit knowledge) w poglądach Michaela Polanyiego

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Research paper thumbnail of Michaela Polanyiego program filozofii postkrytycznej – krytyka metody wątpienia

Przeglad Filozoficzny Nowa Seria, Mar 1, 2013

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