southasians - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 August 2002 (#662191)

LJ's Official South Asian Community

This is the South Asian Community.

If you are from South Asian decent [Pakistani, Indian or whatever, anyone of South Asian descent is welcome to join as well as people who are not].

Okay wait...if you are Desi or you say South or Asian when people ask where you are from...JOIN!!


goldenhoney is the maintainer.

You can Watch the community or you can join it.

Anyone is welcome to join, this community is geared towards Desi issues, events [mela's, jams, clubs] the people, gripes about us in general, political issues and the like.

You can talk about anything you want as long as it relates to South Asian people.

If you feel the need to post quiz and survey results, I don't mind, but please keep them to a minimum and behind an lj cut.

Also if you are posting an extremely large picture or a large entry, please use lj cut as well.

Refer to this FAQ for details:::

Flaming and general stupidity will not be tolerated. If such a thing happens, you will be mocked and humiliated by not only me, but other members of the community as well. Your posts and comments will be deleted and you will be banned.

Or I can be very cruel and leave your post up as an example as what NOT to do in this community.

I want this community to be a place where Desi people can come together in one place and actually get

There is a lot of negativity in other communities, I want to dispell that. I want people of all cultures to come together and feel comfortable posting about thier own culture without fear of racist comments or negativity.

If there are any problems or questions, feel free to e-mail me at goldenhoney_ AT

afghanistan, alcohol, all south asians, anti-discrimination, arab, arabic, bangladesh, bhangra, bhutan, briyani, bubble tea, cfmt, chana, clubbing, coolie, coolies, curry, daal, desi, devdas, diversity, drugs, gujrat, gujrati, guyana, guyanese, happiness, hindi, hindi remixes, hindu, hip hop, india, indian american, indian canadian, indian film, indian food, indian movies, indians, interracial, interracial relationships, islam, jams, maddflavaz, maldives, melas, multi-cultural, multi-culturism, music, nepal, pakistan, pakistani, pakistani american, pakistani canadian, pakistani film, pakistani food, pakistani movies, pakistanis, people of color, punjabi, rap, reggae, relationships, rice, rnb, roti, seinfeld, sharukh khan, south asia, south asian, south asian american, south asian american culture, south asian american history, south asians, southasia, southasian, southasians, southeastern religions, sri lanka, trinidad, trinis, underground hip hop, urdu, womp womp