Team KC: Arc 2 Application by Sparradile on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Viv's stuff is just a filler until I have time to do a major rehaul on everything in both my apps. e__e

Update Sep. 22, 2012: Switched to Raichu rank! Also updated with Alec's hat.

Update June 30, 2012: Updated Eppie to have her flower, and changed Splint's app picture since I didn't like it. :B

I was really inspired by *Tonko's application for Team Flowerpot, I love how she put in all those little details for each of her team member's images and so I tried to add a little more this time around and I like how it turned out. Looks like now that she's got one flower, Eppie's going all out and is gonna decorate the coconut hut with them.


Eppie - Carnivine
Hasty - Loves to Eat
Ability: Levitate
Age: Adult
-Energy Ball: A glowing ball of Grass energy that Eppie uses more often as a light than as an attack. She often uses its glow to attract bugs to eat at night. When in an extended battle, however, this is the move that Eppie favors.
-Wring Out: Eppie wraps her foes tightly with her roots and contorts and strangles them. This is usually the first move, and hopefully the only, that she uses in a battle.
-Razor Leaf: Eppie launches a stream of sharp-edged leaves. She usually only uses this against fleeing foes. It can also be used for field purposes, such as cutting through thick brush.
-Crunch: Eppie bites down hard on her foe, and usually aims for the head. Eppie rarely uses this move since she dislikes putting anything but food in her mouth.
Personality: Eppie is generally silly and loud, and is overall a very friendly person. Eppie has good recall and is fairly clever, but she also frightens easily and has a tendency to blame herself for even the littlest things, which can get in the way of her putting either of those traits to use. She also has a very sharp temper (and is just overall very moody and forever swinging between this or that attitude) and, being a predatory species trained to fight types she's weak against (bugs, primarily), can be a dangerous fighter, but usually her flightiness overrides both of these and she is more likely to flee from a fight than put her skills to use. When in a dour enough mood, however (or when hungry enough), she isn't to be trifled with.
:bulletgreen: Eppie loves flowers, as well as nearly any other plant. Flowers are her favorite though.
:bulletyellow: Her favorite food is Accelgor. A more accessible food she's fond of is Magost berries (although she prefers almost any bug over berries).
:bulletgreen: Although back at home, nearly everyone's family is made up entirely of Carnivine, Eppie's grandfather was a Bayleef. This is where she got Razor Leaf from. She's never met her grandfather, however.

Splint - Krabby
Serious - Hates to Lose
Ability: Shell Armor
Age: Adult
-Dig: Easily Splint's favorite attack, although he uses it more to hide than to harm. Splint will often use Dig at the start of a battle and then just wait it out underground unless he feels that Eppie needs help.
-Bubblebeam: Splint shoots a high speed stream of bubbles from his mouth at foes. He generally aims for the eyes in an attempt to slow his enemy.
-Metal Claw: One or both of Splint's claws take on a temporary metallic covering. Splint uses this more as a shield defend himself against blows than anything else.
-Brine: Splint spits a large swath of salty water at his foe. This attack does more damage if his enemy is already weakened, particularly if they have cuts that the salt can get into.
Personality: Although generally brusque and grumpy, Splint is a more cheerful guy than he lets on to be, just very touchy. He is not serious a "boring, can't have fun" kind of way- he is practical, and serious in comparison to Eppie- but Splint likes a good joke as much as the next person, so long as it's not aimed at him. He doesn't take well to being pranked or teased. He doesn't like getting hurt particularly either, or working, and usually does his best to avoid taking part in anything that might be hard for him (which is a lot of things). However, he hates to fail at anything (that risks ridicule), and so if it doesn't look like Eppie is going to be able to take care of business herself, he comes to her aid. Splint is a clutch-performer kind of guy, always doing his best work at the last minute.
Family is also very important to Splint, and he cares a lot about those he is close to. Although it may not always look that way, he is always watching out for the other members of his team. His methods of doing so, however, can often seem questionable.
:bulletorange: Splint's father is a doctor, although he deals primarily with herbal remedies over physical ones (it's hard to work with two giant claws). Splint has learned quite a bit from his father and knows his plants.
:bulletwhite: When he was young, Splint knew Scald, but a certain mishap with his sister made him scared of using the attack. He has since replaced it with Brine (which has since been replaced with Grasswhistle).
:bulletorange: Splint's favorite berry is the Rindo berry.

Alec - Timburr
Modest - Sturdy Body
Ability: Guts
Age: Child
-Low Kick: Alec kicks his foe in the legs, trying to knock them over.
-Smack Down: Alec hurls a rock at his foe. If his enemy is flying or up high, it often knocks them down.
-Drain Punch: An extended punch which drains the energy of his foe for the duration that Alec's fist remains in contact with his enemy.
-Wide Guard: A glowing orange force field that defends the team against broad attacks. It also has limited use against personal attacks, although it is nowhere near as effective as Protect.
Personality: Not a lot is known about Alec, besides that he is very quiet. So far he seems to take after Splint in that he prefers not to perform until he has no other choice but to do so, but this may simply be due to a lack of opportunity. He seems to dislike being chattered at and talks less to really talkative people (such as Eppie, much to her frustration).
:bulletblack: Unlike most Timburr, Alec doesn't carry around a board, or any other type of wood. Although he has been known to grab a tree branch for temporary use, he prefers to keep his hands free for fighting.
:bulletred: Alec is particularly fast for a Timburr.
:bulletblack: Alec has a fondness for bright colors, particularly yellow.

Inventory: 1 Accessory voucher (Mission 6; M2, M3 and M5's vouchers went towards accessories, M4's voucher was turned over to Auntie Kanga so we can stack items), 4 Evolution Scrolls (Events 3, 5, 6 and 7; Event 2's was spent on Splint's new move)

Mission Log:
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
Mission 6
Mission 7
Mission 8 (Present) (Collab with Team Hurricane Rush)

Fireworks Event
Doctor's Orders (Collab with Team Sonic Vine)
Snowflake Gifts (Collab with Team Silver Lily)
Temporal Terraforming (Collab with Team Zenko)
Temporal Terror-forming
A Timely Letter

Side Stories:
Getting an Egg
Flowers and First Impressions
Nightmare Solutions

Yo Mamma
Baby Meme
Gijinka Meme
Age Meme
Tumblr pic (Tumblr link: [link]

Art by Others:
Fireworks Event Cameo by ~DragonsHave2Hearts
Fireworks Event Cameo by ~roozard
Mission 3 Cameo by ~Daifen
Mission 3 Cameo by ~KatIsConfused
Mission 4 Cameo by ~Phantom-Kat
Gijinka Eppie and Lanette by ~Phantom-Kat
Event 4 Cameo by ~wyndbain
Alec by =Pure-Escapism
Mission 5 Cameo by ~Hailo95100
Mission 5 Cameo by ~Phantom-Kat
Mission 5 Cameo by ~BritneyTheFox1
AWESOME Team KC gift art by *Srarlight
Mission 5 Cameo by *Srarlight and ~sinistroscribe
Mission 5 Cameo by *Tonko
Mission 5 Cameo by ~Marchen-Design and ~Dragon-of-Twilight
Mission 5 Cameo by *Tanglecolors
Mission 5 Cameo by ~Iamffy
Mission 5 Cameo by ~CheesyCrocs
Mission 6 Cameo, by ~GrolderArts
Mission 6 Cameo, by *Kittengoo
Mission 6 Cameo, by ~End-of-After
Mission 6 Cameo, by *ArtOfTheGame
Eppie cameo in "An Insomniac Game", by *Kittengoo
Mission 6 Cameo, by ~MixedMelodies
Event 6 Cameo by *nekonotaishou
Event 6 Cameo by ~TheChaosController
Event 6 Cameo by ~yugimew
Event 6 Cameo by *ArtOfTheGame
Mission 7 Cameo by ~CrimsonAngelofShadow and *Amy-the-Jigglypuff
Super adorbs commission by *Rainnye

Squishyface Gijinka Splint
Arc 1 Application
M6 Cameo Request
Full-size Eppie profile pic

Pokemon (c) the Pokemon Company
Team KC Tumblr