Elena Mikhaylova | Saint-Petersburg State University (original) (raw)
Books by Elena Mikhaylova
Rehren, T., Nikita, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 4B, pp. 712–732, London: Academic Press., 2024
This entry describes the evolution of material culture in the forest zone of East Europe from the... more This entry describes the evolution of material culture in the forest zone of East Europe from the Urals in the east to Belarus in the west. We distinguish three main phases of cultural development in the area: the 2nd to 5th centuries CE, the 5th to 7th centuries, and the last one, dated from the 7th to 10th centuries, simultaneous to the Pre-Viking Age and the Viking Age in Northern Europe. The starting point of each of these three phases correlates with the collapse of the cultural pattern of the earlier period in the North-West and in the Center of the East European Plain. To the east of the Volga, the local cultures evolved continuously during the first millennium, and the formation of new cultural traditions happened gradually without sharp changes but generally followed the trends of the western regions.
В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории Ро... more В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории России», проходившей 8 апреля 2016 г. в пос. Струги Красные, а также статьи из различных научных изданий и архивные материалы, освещающие археологическое изучение Стругокрасненской земли в период со 2-й половины XIX по начало XXI вв.
Материалы сборника будут полезны всем тем, кто занимается научными проблемами археологического изучения территории Северо-Запада России.
The history of archaeological research of the Strugokrasnensky district of the Pskov region, articles and archival sources are published
В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории Ро... more В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории России», проходившей 8 апреля 2016 г. в пос. Струги Красные, а также статьи из различных научных изданий и архивные материалы, освещающие археологическое изучение Стругокрасненской земли в период со 2-й половины XIX по начало XXI вв.
Материалы сборника будут полезны всем тем, кто занимается научными проблемами археологического изучения территории Северо-Запада России.
in Russian with English absract
Papers by Elena Mikhaylova
Михайлова Е.Р. К предыстории водного пути по Волхову: движение камских вещей в Восточную Балтику // Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. Материалы научного семинара. Вып. 14 / Отв. ред. Н. А. Макаров; сост. С. В. Шполянский. – М.: ИА РАН, 2024., 2024
The article considers the possibility of reconstructing the route of things travelling from the K... more The article considers the possibility of reconstructing the route of things travelling from the Kama region to the Baltic during the 1st–8th centuries AD. In the author’s opinion, the finds known to date suggest the existence of two route systems. One of them represented the routes along
the rivers of the forest zone of Eastern Europe, along the basins of Mologa and Sheksna; the other – along the open water spaces of the Baltic Sea, Ladoga and Onega lakes. The two route systems converged in the area of Western Beloye ozero or South-Eastern Ladoga. The radical reorganisation
of this system took place in the Viking Age
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли: Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В.В. Седова, 2023
Е. R. Mikhailova, I. A. Fedorov. Exploratory Excavations in Novgorodskaya Street in St. Petersbur... more Е. R. Mikhailova, I. A. Fedorov. Exploratory Excavations
in Novgorodskaya Street in St. Petersburg
The article introduces the results of exploratory excavations at the address: 8, Novgorodskaya Street, St. Petersburg. In the course of works, cultural overlays of the 19th – early 20th centuries and fragments of outbuildings were studied; below the cultural layer a peat bog, which was formed in Neolithic times and probably occupied a considerable space on the left bank of the Neva River, was discovered.
Исследование археологических памятников эпохи средневековья, 2008
Публикация материалов раскопок курганов XI-XII в. в Бокситогорском районе Ленинградской области
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли: Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В.В. Седова, 2023
Metal Objects of the Hearth Set from the Territory between Ladoga and Peipsi Lakes The article d... more Metal Objects of the Hearth Set from the Territory between Ladoga and Peipsi Lakes
The article deals with the finds of metal objects of the hearth set from the
sites of the late 1st – early 2nd millennium A.D. west of Lake Ladoga: frying pans, hearth spatulas, cauldrons, etc. In the author’s opinion, these objects reflect economic life outside the settlement: work on distant lands, forest trades, as well as hunting and military campaigns.
There are no complete hearth complexes similar to those in the burial mounds of South-Eastern Ladoga in the more western territories, but in some hills in the Plussa and Luga basins iron pans were also used in the burial ritual.
Археологические вести, 2024
I. A. Zharkikh, E. R. Mikhailova, A. V. Rusakov, V. Yu. Sobolev The rampart of Nadbelye fortified... more I. A. Zharkikh, E. R. Mikhailova, A. V. Rusakov, V. Yu. Sobolev
The rampart of Nadbelye fortified site
The article presents the results of excavations of a fortified settlement, which belongs to the complex of sites near the village of Nadbelye, Luga District, Leningrad Oblast. The settlement has been known since the early 20th cen., its field study was carried out in 1995–2001 by the North-Western Archaeological Expedition under the direction of S. L. Kuzmin and in 2021 by the authors of the article. More than 750 sq. m of the site were uncovered (fig. 1–3), about 60 pits in the virgin soil were investigated; the stratigraphy at different sections varies: from ploughed up land
to the virgin soil to 1 m of stratified cultural layer on the area near the berm (fig. 4). The ceramic complex is presented exclusively by handmade ceramics (fig. 5; 6), small finds include jewelry, weapons, household items, and objects related to metalworking (fig. 7–10).
Investigations of 2021 were devoted to the study of the settlement’s “rampart” unearthed by two clearings (fig. 11), which discovered remains of the wooden intramural structures; the analysis of the granulometric composition and mesomorphological parameters of the soils’ was carried out, as well as the age analysis based on 14C content (1100±25 BP (889–995 calAD, 2σ) and 1124±25 BP (880–994 calAD, 2σ) (fig. 12).
Stratum plus., 2024
Stratum plus. No. 5. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology Pax tecum. The Middle Ages in quiescen... more Stratum plus. No. 5. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology Pax tecum. The Middle Ages in quiescency 'Middle Class' of the Goths from Dori country Careless ages of the Votian Land Making of the Magyars in the light of the archaeogenetic studies Reception of European elements in the Early Russia Russian Princes in the Horde in 1250s Political censorship and propaganda in Mongolian states Rakija among the Albanians: borrowed technology and cultural phenomenon Eastern segment of Sicily's alimentary heritage Editor-in-Charge-Roman A. Rabinovici Saint Petersburg. Kishinev. Odesa. Bucharest. 2024 Stratum plus. Nr. 5. Arheologie şi antropologie culturală Pax tecum. Evul Mediu în repaus "Clasa de mijloc" la goţii din ţara Dori Veacurile de nepăsare ale pământului Vod Constituirea maghiarilor în lumina cercetărilor arheogenetice Recepţia elementelor de cultură europeană în Vechea Rusie Cnezii ruși în Hoardă în anii 1250 Cenzura politică și propaganda în statele mongole Rakia la albanezi: preluarea tehnologiei și fenomenul cultural Segmentul estic al moștenirii alimentare a Siciliei Redactor responsabil-Roman A. Rabinovici
Stratum plus., 2024
The Udosolovo Stone Burial Ground: Research Results The Udosolovo burial ground is located in th... more The Udosolovo Stone Burial Ground: Research Results
The Udosolovo burial ground is located in the Far North-West of Russia, south of the coast of the Gulf of Finland on the western outskirts of the Izhora plateau. The site belongs to the culture of stone burial grounds and dates from the end of the 1st millennium BC to the 6th/7th centuries AD. In 2008—2013, it was intensively destroyed as a result of treasure hunting and agricultural activity, so in 2013 and 2016—2017, the authors led there rescue excavations. Several stages in the functioning of the burial ground have been identified. The burials of the pre-Roman Iron Age are represented by corpses in stone boxes (“cysts”), made on a stone layer and partly circled in a boulder fence 1. Burials are directed with the heads of the skeletons to the north. The Roman Iron Age burials include a slanting rectangular fence 2 with a blade filling, typical for the Tarandgräber culture. The major rite of this period was cremation; however, in a layer with the destruction of the fence, no burned items were found. After the partial destruction of the fence, an inhumation directed to the south was made on its limestone pavement. Finds of the middle — the third quarter of the 1st mil. AD come from a layer of crushed stone covering both fences. They are probably associated with the rite of dispersed cremations. Analogs studied by the burial structures
and found objects (brooches, rings, bracelets, knives-kosari, belt buckles) are known in the archaeological sites in Estonia, northern Latvia, southern Finland, and the western part of Leningrad region in Russia.
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли. Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В. В. Седова. Выпуск 37. Материалы 67-го заседания (2022 г.) / Отв. ред. Н.В. Лопатин. М., Псков: ИА РАН, 2022.
The Luga-Oredezh Interfluve as a Border Micro-region of the Culture of Pskov Long Barrows. Abstr... more The Luga-Oredezh Interfluve as a Border Micro-region
of the Culture of Pskov Long Barrows.
Abstract. The article analyzes information about the sites of the compact boundary micro-region of the Pskov long barrow culture in the interfluve of the Luga and Oredezh rivers. The history of the study of the sites in the microregion and their spatial distribution are considered. The data about the finds is analyzed. Some materials are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Бюллетень ИИМК РАН (охранная археология). № 144, 2023
Периодическое издание посвящено охранно-археологической деятельности ИИМК РАН по изучению культур... more Периодическое издание посвящено охранно-археологической деятельности ИИМК РАН по изучению культурного наследия России. Четырнадцатый номер бюллетеня представляет результаты археологических исследований объектов культурного наследия Санкт-Петербурга и его окрестностей, а также других ре гионов России, которые были осуществлены Центром спасательной археологии ИИМК РАН в сотрудничестве с дру гими научными, образовательными и государственными организациями в 2018-2023 гг. Издание предназначено для историков, археологов, государственных служащих, частных пред принимателей и широкого круга читателей, заинтересованных в научной и достоверной информации об истории России и состоянии памятников ее культуры. This periodical is dedicated to the rescuing and archaeological activities of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS in studies of the cultural heritage of Russia. The fourteenth issue of the Bulletin presents the results of archaeological investigations of the cultural heritage of St. Petersburg and its surroundings, as well as other regions of Russian Federation, carried out in 2018-2023 by the Center for Rescue Archaeology of IHMC RAS in collaboration with other scientifi c, educational and public organizations. This publication is intended for historians, archaeologists, government employees, private entrepreneurs and a wide circle of readers interested in reliable scientifi c information on history of Russia and the state of the monuments of its culture.
Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. Материалы научного семинара. Вып. 13, 2023
The article is devoted to the interpretation of the materials of G.S. Lebedev's excavations in th... more The article is devoted to the interpretation of the materials of G.S. Lebedev's excavations in the village Gorodets, Luga district, Leningrad region, in 1970–1973. Two periods of life can be distinguished at the settlement located here: a fortified settlement of the X–XIII centuries and a monastery of the XVI–XVIII centuries. The same complex of sites includes an unfortified settlement to the south of the hillfort and a burial mound (possibly a remnant of a larger burial ground). The early medieval settlement emerged no later than the 10th century on the western edge of the densely populated Vryovo–Cheremenets Lakeland, which is characterized by the presence of several hillforts, non fortified settlements with handmade pottery, high burial mounds (sopkas) and a dense network of sites from the early 2nd millennium. The fortified settlement of Gorodets near Luga probably marks the gradual expansion from the original micro-region. However, it is no less probable that the densely built up fort on an isolated hill, surrounded by a ring rampart, could be connected with the emerging structures of state power, interested in control over local routes and local population.
Мир Средневековья. Проблемы вещеведения. Материалы научной конференции к 70-летию отдела средневековой археологии, 2022
The article deals with a forged iron object with a sickle-shaped blade, which originated from the... more The article deals with a forged iron object with a sickle-shaped blade, which originated from the excavations of G.S. Lebedev at the hillfort Gorodets near Luga. The object comes from the layer of the 11th century and has no reliable analogies. According to the author, it is a specialized chopping tool that could be used for household work or serve as a weapon.
Михайловская Пушкиниана. Вып. 12, 2000
Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Выпуск 1, 2022
ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Лен-2Старая Ладога)я43 Л15 Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Ленинград... more ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Лен-2Старая Ладога)я43 Л15 Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Ленинградской области «СТАРОЛАДОЖСКИЙ ИСТОРИКО-АРХИТЕКТУРНЫЙ И АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ МУЗЕЙ-ЗАПОВЕДНИК» Директор-Л. А. Губчевская Ответственный редактор-А. А. Залогина Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Выпуск 1. Научное издание-Старая Ладога: Староладожский историко-архитектурный и археологический музейзаповедник, 2022.-162 с. + 36 с. вкл.
Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. Материалы научного семинара, 2022
The article discusses the metal ornaments, which in the Russian archaeological literature are usu... more The article discusses the metal ornaments, which in the Russian archaeological literature are usually associated with the culture of the Smolensk long mounds; they have often been interpreted as «Baltic», «Balto-Slavic» or «Slavic». Some of these items found in the North-West of the Russian Plain are indeed connected by their origin with the culture of the Smolensk long mounds (so called sickle-shaped temporal rings, a round plaque with a punched ornament from Staraya Ladoga). However, most of the «Smolensk type» items belong to the set of metal ornaments that developed in the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD and is common for the forest zone of Eastern Europe (ring-shaped temporal rings with a curl outside, headband from rows of metal tube beads and clips, trapezoidal pendants with a punched ornament). There is a clear parallelism of the types of jewelry used in the South-Eastern Baltic and the Volga-Oka basin.
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли: Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В.В. Седова. Выпуск 36. Материалы 66-го заседания (2021 г.) / Отв. ред. Н.В. Лопатин, Е.В. Салмина. М.; Псков: ИА РАН, 2021., 2021
The article introduces a number of new finds from the territory of the kurgan-zhalnik burial grou... more The article introduces a number of new finds from the territory of the kurgan-zhalnik burial ground near the village of Kalikhnovshchina, Gdov region. The analyzed finds fall into two chronological groups, one of which dates back to the Middle Ages and is associated with the functioning of the kurgan-pit burial ground, and the other re presents several iron items dated by the first centuries AD. The possibility of the existence of a number of other archaeological sites in the neighborhood is also being considered.
Rehren, T., Nikita, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Edition, vol. 4B, pp. 712–732, London: Academic Press., 2024
This entry describes the evolution of material culture in the forest zone of East Europe from the... more This entry describes the evolution of material culture in the forest zone of East Europe from the Urals in the east to Belarus in the west. We distinguish three main phases of cultural development in the area: the 2nd to 5th centuries CE, the 5th to 7th centuries, and the last one, dated from the 7th to 10th centuries, simultaneous to the Pre-Viking Age and the Viking Age in Northern Europe. The starting point of each of these three phases correlates with the collapse of the cultural pattern of the earlier period in the North-West and in the Center of the East European Plain. To the east of the Volga, the local cultures evolved continuously during the first millennium, and the formation of new cultural traditions happened gradually without sharp changes but generally followed the trends of the western regions.
В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории Ро... more В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории России», проходившей 8 апреля 2016 г. в пос. Струги Красные, а также статьи из различных научных изданий и архивные материалы, освещающие археологическое изучение Стругокрасненской земли в период со 2-й половины XIX по начало XXI вв.
Материалы сборника будут полезны всем тем, кто занимается научными проблемами археологического изучения территории Северо-Запада России.
The history of archaeological research of the Strugokrasnensky district of the Pskov region, articles and archival sources are published
В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории Ро... more В сборник включены доклады участников XI-й научно-практической конференции «Наш край в истории России», проходившей 8 апреля 2016 г. в пос. Струги Красные, а также статьи из различных научных изданий и архивные материалы, освещающие археологическое изучение Стругокрасненской земли в период со 2-й половины XIX по начало XXI вв.
Материалы сборника будут полезны всем тем, кто занимается научными проблемами археологического изучения территории Северо-Запада России.
in Russian with English absract
Михайлова Е.Р. К предыстории водного пути по Волхову: движение камских вещей в Восточную Балтику // Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. Материалы научного семинара. Вып. 14 / Отв. ред. Н. А. Макаров; сост. С. В. Шполянский. – М.: ИА РАН, 2024., 2024
The article considers the possibility of reconstructing the route of things travelling from the K... more The article considers the possibility of reconstructing the route of things travelling from the Kama region to the Baltic during the 1st–8th centuries AD. In the author’s opinion, the finds known to date suggest the existence of two route systems. One of them represented the routes along
the rivers of the forest zone of Eastern Europe, along the basins of Mologa and Sheksna; the other – along the open water spaces of the Baltic Sea, Ladoga and Onega lakes. The two route systems converged in the area of Western Beloye ozero or South-Eastern Ladoga. The radical reorganisation
of this system took place in the Viking Age
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли: Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В.В. Седова, 2023
Е. R. Mikhailova, I. A. Fedorov. Exploratory Excavations in Novgorodskaya Street in St. Petersbur... more Е. R. Mikhailova, I. A. Fedorov. Exploratory Excavations
in Novgorodskaya Street in St. Petersburg
The article introduces the results of exploratory excavations at the address: 8, Novgorodskaya Street, St. Petersburg. In the course of works, cultural overlays of the 19th – early 20th centuries and fragments of outbuildings were studied; below the cultural layer a peat bog, which was formed in Neolithic times and probably occupied a considerable space on the left bank of the Neva River, was discovered.
Исследование археологических памятников эпохи средневековья, 2008
Публикация материалов раскопок курганов XI-XII в. в Бокситогорском районе Ленинградской области
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли: Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В.В. Седова, 2023
Metal Objects of the Hearth Set from the Territory between Ladoga and Peipsi Lakes The article d... more Metal Objects of the Hearth Set from the Territory between Ladoga and Peipsi Lakes
The article deals with the finds of metal objects of the hearth set from the
sites of the late 1st – early 2nd millennium A.D. west of Lake Ladoga: frying pans, hearth spatulas, cauldrons, etc. In the author’s opinion, these objects reflect economic life outside the settlement: work on distant lands, forest trades, as well as hunting and military campaigns.
There are no complete hearth complexes similar to those in the burial mounds of South-Eastern Ladoga in the more western territories, but in some hills in the Plussa and Luga basins iron pans were also used in the burial ritual.
Археологические вести, 2024
I. A. Zharkikh, E. R. Mikhailova, A. V. Rusakov, V. Yu. Sobolev The rampart of Nadbelye fortified... more I. A. Zharkikh, E. R. Mikhailova, A. V. Rusakov, V. Yu. Sobolev
The rampart of Nadbelye fortified site
The article presents the results of excavations of a fortified settlement, which belongs to the complex of sites near the village of Nadbelye, Luga District, Leningrad Oblast. The settlement has been known since the early 20th cen., its field study was carried out in 1995–2001 by the North-Western Archaeological Expedition under the direction of S. L. Kuzmin and in 2021 by the authors of the article. More than 750 sq. m of the site were uncovered (fig. 1–3), about 60 pits in the virgin soil were investigated; the stratigraphy at different sections varies: from ploughed up land
to the virgin soil to 1 m of stratified cultural layer on the area near the berm (fig. 4). The ceramic complex is presented exclusively by handmade ceramics (fig. 5; 6), small finds include jewelry, weapons, household items, and objects related to metalworking (fig. 7–10).
Investigations of 2021 were devoted to the study of the settlement’s “rampart” unearthed by two clearings (fig. 11), which discovered remains of the wooden intramural structures; the analysis of the granulometric composition and mesomorphological parameters of the soils’ was carried out, as well as the age analysis based on 14C content (1100±25 BP (889–995 calAD, 2σ) and 1124±25 BP (880–994 calAD, 2σ) (fig. 12).
Stratum plus., 2024
Stratum plus. No. 5. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology Pax tecum. The Middle Ages in quiescen... more Stratum plus. No. 5. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology Pax tecum. The Middle Ages in quiescency 'Middle Class' of the Goths from Dori country Careless ages of the Votian Land Making of the Magyars in the light of the archaeogenetic studies Reception of European elements in the Early Russia Russian Princes in the Horde in 1250s Political censorship and propaganda in Mongolian states Rakija among the Albanians: borrowed technology and cultural phenomenon Eastern segment of Sicily's alimentary heritage Editor-in-Charge-Roman A. Rabinovici Saint Petersburg. Kishinev. Odesa. Bucharest. 2024 Stratum plus. Nr. 5. Arheologie şi antropologie culturală Pax tecum. Evul Mediu în repaus "Clasa de mijloc" la goţii din ţara Dori Veacurile de nepăsare ale pământului Vod Constituirea maghiarilor în lumina cercetărilor arheogenetice Recepţia elementelor de cultură europeană în Vechea Rusie Cnezii ruși în Hoardă în anii 1250 Cenzura politică și propaganda în statele mongole Rakia la albanezi: preluarea tehnologiei și fenomenul cultural Segmentul estic al moștenirii alimentare a Siciliei Redactor responsabil-Roman A. Rabinovici
Stratum plus., 2024
The Udosolovo Stone Burial Ground: Research Results The Udosolovo burial ground is located in th... more The Udosolovo Stone Burial Ground: Research Results
The Udosolovo burial ground is located in the Far North-West of Russia, south of the coast of the Gulf of Finland on the western outskirts of the Izhora plateau. The site belongs to the culture of stone burial grounds and dates from the end of the 1st millennium BC to the 6th/7th centuries AD. In 2008—2013, it was intensively destroyed as a result of treasure hunting and agricultural activity, so in 2013 and 2016—2017, the authors led there rescue excavations. Several stages in the functioning of the burial ground have been identified. The burials of the pre-Roman Iron Age are represented by corpses in stone boxes (“cysts”), made on a stone layer and partly circled in a boulder fence 1. Burials are directed with the heads of the skeletons to the north. The Roman Iron Age burials include a slanting rectangular fence 2 with a blade filling, typical for the Tarandgräber culture. The major rite of this period was cremation; however, in a layer with the destruction of the fence, no burned items were found. After the partial destruction of the fence, an inhumation directed to the south was made on its limestone pavement. Finds of the middle — the third quarter of the 1st mil. AD come from a layer of crushed stone covering both fences. They are probably associated with the rite of dispersed cremations. Analogs studied by the burial structures
and found objects (brooches, rings, bracelets, knives-kosari, belt buckles) are known in the archaeological sites in Estonia, northern Latvia, southern Finland, and the western part of Leningrad region in Russia.
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли. Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В. В. Седова. Выпуск 37. Материалы 67-го заседания (2022 г.) / Отв. ред. Н.В. Лопатин. М., Псков: ИА РАН, 2022.
The Luga-Oredezh Interfluve as a Border Micro-region of the Culture of Pskov Long Barrows. Abstr... more The Luga-Oredezh Interfluve as a Border Micro-region
of the Culture of Pskov Long Barrows.
Abstract. The article analyzes information about the sites of the compact boundary micro-region of the Pskov long barrow culture in the interfluve of the Luga and Oredezh rivers. The history of the study of the sites in the microregion and their spatial distribution are considered. The data about the finds is analyzed. Some materials are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Бюллетень ИИМК РАН (охранная археология). № 144, 2023
Периодическое издание посвящено охранно-археологической деятельности ИИМК РАН по изучению культур... more Периодическое издание посвящено охранно-археологической деятельности ИИМК РАН по изучению культурного наследия России. Четырнадцатый номер бюллетеня представляет результаты археологических исследований объектов культурного наследия Санкт-Петербурга и его окрестностей, а также других ре гионов России, которые были осуществлены Центром спасательной археологии ИИМК РАН в сотрудничестве с дру гими научными, образовательными и государственными организациями в 2018-2023 гг. Издание предназначено для историков, археологов, государственных служащих, частных пред принимателей и широкого круга читателей, заинтересованных в научной и достоверной информации об истории России и состоянии памятников ее культуры. This periodical is dedicated to the rescuing and archaeological activities of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (IHMC) RAS in studies of the cultural heritage of Russia. The fourteenth issue of the Bulletin presents the results of archaeological investigations of the cultural heritage of St. Petersburg and its surroundings, as well as other regions of Russian Federation, carried out in 2018-2023 by the Center for Rescue Archaeology of IHMC RAS in collaboration with other scientifi c, educational and public organizations. This publication is intended for historians, archaeologists, government employees, private entrepreneurs and a wide circle of readers interested in reliable scientifi c information on history of Russia and the state of the monuments of its culture.
Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. Материалы научного семинара. Вып. 13, 2023
The article is devoted to the interpretation of the materials of G.S. Lebedev's excavations in th... more The article is devoted to the interpretation of the materials of G.S. Lebedev's excavations in the village Gorodets, Luga district, Leningrad region, in 1970–1973. Two periods of life can be distinguished at the settlement located here: a fortified settlement of the X–XIII centuries and a monastery of the XVI–XVIII centuries. The same complex of sites includes an unfortified settlement to the south of the hillfort and a burial mound (possibly a remnant of a larger burial ground). The early medieval settlement emerged no later than the 10th century on the western edge of the densely populated Vryovo–Cheremenets Lakeland, which is characterized by the presence of several hillforts, non fortified settlements with handmade pottery, high burial mounds (sopkas) and a dense network of sites from the early 2nd millennium. The fortified settlement of Gorodets near Luga probably marks the gradual expansion from the original micro-region. However, it is no less probable that the densely built up fort on an isolated hill, surrounded by a ring rampart, could be connected with the emerging structures of state power, interested in control over local routes and local population.
Мир Средневековья. Проблемы вещеведения. Материалы научной конференции к 70-летию отдела средневековой археологии, 2022
The article deals with a forged iron object with a sickle-shaped blade, which originated from the... more The article deals with a forged iron object with a sickle-shaped blade, which originated from the excavations of G.S. Lebedev at the hillfort Gorodets near Luga. The object comes from the layer of the 11th century and has no reliable analogies. According to the author, it is a specialized chopping tool that could be used for household work or serve as a weapon.
Михайловская Пушкиниана. Вып. 12, 2000
Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Выпуск 1, 2022
ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Лен-2Старая Ладога)я43 Л15 Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Ленинград... more ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Лен-2Старая Ладога)я43 Л15 Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Ленинградской области «СТАРОЛАДОЖСКИЙ ИСТОРИКО-АРХИТЕКТУРНЫЙ И АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ МУЗЕЙ-ЗАПОВЕДНИК» Директор-Л. А. Губчевская Ответственный редактор-А. А. Залогина Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Выпуск 1. Научное издание-Старая Ладога: Староладожский историко-архитектурный и археологический музейзаповедник, 2022.-162 с. + 36 с. вкл.
Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. Материалы научного семинара, 2022
The article discusses the metal ornaments, which in the Russian archaeological literature are usu... more The article discusses the metal ornaments, which in the Russian archaeological literature are usually associated with the culture of the Smolensk long mounds; they have often been interpreted as «Baltic», «Balto-Slavic» or «Slavic». Some of these items found in the North-West of the Russian Plain are indeed connected by their origin with the culture of the Smolensk long mounds (so called sickle-shaped temporal rings, a round plaque with a punched ornament from Staraya Ladoga). However, most of the «Smolensk type» items belong to the set of metal ornaments that developed in the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD and is common for the forest zone of Eastern Europe (ring-shaped temporal rings with a curl outside, headband from rows of metal tube beads and clips, trapezoidal pendants with a punched ornament). There is a clear parallelism of the types of jewelry used in the South-Eastern Baltic and the Volga-Oka basin.
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли: Ежегодник Семинара имени академика В.В. Седова. Выпуск 36. Материалы 66-го заседания (2021 г.) / Отв. ред. Н.В. Лопатин, Е.В. Салмина. М.; Псков: ИА РАН, 2021., 2021
The article introduces a number of new finds from the territory of the kurgan-zhalnik burial grou... more The article introduces a number of new finds from the territory of the kurgan-zhalnik burial ground near the village of Kalikhnovshchina, Gdov region. The analyzed finds fall into two chronological groups, one of which dates back to the Middle Ages and is associated with the functioning of the kurgan-pit burial ground, and the other re presents several iron items dated by the first centuries AD. The possibility of the existence of a number of other archaeological sites in the neighborhood is also being considered.
Записки ИИМК РАН, 2021
Ключевые слова: Ижорская возвышенность (Ижорское плато), Ленинградская обл., курганы, случайные н... more Ключевые слова: Ижорская возвышенность (Ижорское плато), Ленинградская обл., курганы, случайные находки. В статье анализируются сведения о памятниках I-начала II тыс. в восточной части Ижорского плато как возможных свидетельствах ранних этапов освоения данного региона. К ним можно отнести некоторые курганы и курганные группы (Белогорка, Заозерье-1, Вырица, Тайцы-2, Дятлицы-2), а также ряд случайных находок. По мнению автора, массив курганных кладбищ Ижорского плато сформировался в основном на основе местных древностей предшествующего времени-последние очень трудно выявить в зоне интенсивного хозяйственного и рекреационного освоения, которой является западная часть Ленинградской области. Тем не менее имеющиеся в нашем распоряжении разрозненные данные позволяют прогнозировать здесь наличие погребальных памятников с кремациями, скорее всего бескурганных, и культурных слоев поселений.
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли, 2020
Stone burials of second half of 1st – the beginning of 2nd millenium, located to the east from La... more Stone burials of second half of 1st – the beginning of 2nd millenium, located to the east from Lake Peipsi (Pskov-Chudskoe) in the zone of intensive cultural contacts between territories of the Russian North-West and Estonia are considered. Two groups of monuments are distinguished: on the western outskirts of Izhora Plateau and
in Pskov-Izborsk region. Graves of Izhora plateau, similarly to stone burials of North-Eastern Estonia, are so called fenced burials (tarands), built in Roman time and used for burials in middle – third quarter of the 1st millennium. Graves of Pskov-Izborsk region date from the Viking Age (with the exception of Vybuty burial ground) and represent a separate cultural phenomenon. Stone burial grounds of both groups are often topographically connected with later barrow-zhalnik cemeteries, in which fences similar to stone burial grounds are found.
Seasonal settlement in the medieval and early modern countryside (Ruralia XIII) / Edited by Piers Dixon & Claudia Theune, 2021
A multidisciplinary approach to the relationship between seasonal settlements and multiple uses: ... more A multidisciplinary approach to the relationship between seasonal settlements and multiple uses: case studies from southern Europe (15th-21st centuries)
Финно-угорские древности второй половины I – начала II тысячелетия н.э. Материалы научного семинара «Подболотьевский могильник. 100 лет исследования» / Ред.-составитель О.В. Зеленцова, 2021
From the History of Studies of the Slavic-Finnish Relations in Ingermanland and the Vod Land The... more From the History of Studies of the Slavic-Finnish Relations in Ingermanland and the Vod Land
The article is devoted to the history of archaeological study of contacts and relations of the Finno-speaking peoples of the North-West of Russia with Russian (Slavic) population sharing the same territories during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. According to the author,
by and large the con- cepts that developed in historiography trace back the ideas of the 19th century and need to be significantly adjusted taking into account the materials and ideas accumulated to date. The views on the possibility and methods of archaeological study of ethnocultural development and interethnic relations need to be revised. It is also necessary to abandon the usual straightforward identification of the culture of medieval Rus (the culture of early statehood) with the Slavic one.
The initial period of the Middle Ages (5 th -8 th centuries) was an important historical epoch, w... more The initial period of the Middle Ages (5 th -8 th centuries) was an important historical epoch, which in many respects determined the course of the further historical and cultural development of the significant territories of Europe. This period was studied in the areas around the Gulf of Finland uneven: the antiquities in Estonia and Southern Finland are relatively well known, the Northwest of Russia has been studied much worse. Archaeological sites and chance finds of 5 th -8 th centuries are known in the Russian territory mainly on the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland and on its islands and on the Karelian Isthmus. Another important region has emerged in recent yearsthe downstream of the Luga river and western slopes of the Izhora Plateau. In addition to the archaeological complexes, the spore-pollen spectra and radiocarbon dates are also known from this time.
Presentation Preference: Session, made up of a combination of papers, max . 15 minutes each
Early medieval sites with funeral cremations in the Northwest of Eastern Europe: the main cultura... more Early medieval sites with funeral cremations in the Northwest of Eastern Europe: the main cultural traditions and their interaction Despite the already long history of archaeological research, the early Middle Ages in the Northwest of Eastern Europe remains understudied. This also applies to the burial sites. The current views on the early medieval burial rites are based mainly on the materials of excavations of barrow burials, in a less degree – on the materials of cremations in ground pits. A detailed study of other types of funerary sites began more recently. This report focuses on the current state of the study of funerary sites from 5 th to 10 th centuries in the Northwest of the Russian Plain.
In the archaeological literature for the early Middle Ages compiled a list of criteria of so-call... more In the archaeological literature for the early Middle Ages compiled a list of criteria of so-called elitist (privileged, princely) complexes. The article examines the possibility of applying these criteria to the Old-Russian rural sites of XI–XII centuries. As an example, take a well-known archaeological complex Kotorsky Pogost. According to the authors, truly elite complexes are sporadic in the medieval Novgorod Land. A necessary step for further research is distribution of materials of ancient cemeteries for quality-groups and defining diagnostic signs for each group. The sample of this research could be the work by R.Christlein on Merovingian antiquities.
Труды III (XIX) Всероссийского археологического съезда / Отв. ред. Н.А. Макаров, Е.Н. Носов. Том II. – СПб.; М.; Вел. Новгород, 2011. – С. 62–63.
This paper considers an assemblage of stray finds from the bank of Lake Orlino (Gatchina District... more This paper considers an assemblage of stray finds from the bank of Lake Orlino (Gatchina District of Leningrad Oblast) which, in the opinion of the authors, possibly originates from a disturbed burial ground. The objects concerned are five ornaments from non-ferrous metal typical of Old-Russian sites of the 11th century and two lunate pendants dated to an earlier period. Some of these finds bear traces of fire. The location of a presumable cemetery near the centre of a mediaeval pogost is typical of the region of the Izhora Plateau near which Lake Orlino is situated.
Археологические Вести, 2017
Из ранних русских источников нам известен термин «колбяги», содержание которого до сих пор точно ... more Из ранних русских источников нам известен термин «колбяги», содержание которого до сих пор точно не установлено. Загадочным колбягам посвящено огромное количество исторических и лингвистических трудов (основные обзоры см.: Комментарии к Русской правде 1947; Вилинбахов 1972; Кулешов, Мачинский 2004). В рамках одного доклада невозможно даже упомянуть их все, и далее речь пойдет преимущественно о тех авторах, чьи работы имеют отношение к археологии Северо-Запада.
Комплекс памятников у деревни Березицы и появление древнерусских ингумаций на Западе Новгородской земли, 2024
Доклад посвящен анализу материалов крупного комплекса погребальных памятников близ д. Березицы Ст... more Доклад посвящен анализу материалов крупного комплекса погребальных памятников близ д. Березицы
Струго-Красненского района Псковской области, где были изучены могильники культуры псковских
длинных курганов, а также курганный некрополь с ранними древнерусскими ингумациями.
Комплекс археологических памятников у дер. Березица (Стругокрасненский район Псковской области)
включает в себя несколько разнотипных погребальных памятников, датируемых от раннего средневековья
до рубежа Нового времени. Наиболее ранние - курганные группы, оставленные населением культуры
Псковских (псковско-новгородских или псковско-боровичских) длинных курганов. Население этой
культуры - одна из двух основных составляющих формирования древнерусской культуры на территории
Новгородской земли.
Христианский курганный некрополь Березицы III возникает в середине XI в. и наследует часть черт,
присущих погребальной обрядности предшествующего (дохристианского) времени.