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Papers by islamic akademika

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between history of birth weight and stunting event in children of 24 -60 months

International Journal of Health Sciences, 2022

Stunting is a condition of a person's height that is shorter than the height in general (of the s... more Stunting is a condition of a person's height that is shorter than the height in general (of the same age). Stunting in toddlers needs special attention because it affects the disruption of physical growth, in the form of mental development disorders and intelligence. In adulthood, physical size is not optimal and the quality of work is not competitive and results in low economic productivity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the history of weight and the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. Analytical survey research design with case-control survey design. The sampling technique used Disproportionate Cluster Random Sampling with a sample of 132 toddlers not stunting and 61 stunting toddlers. The study was conducted in April-May 2019 in Punjul, Pranggang in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. The analysis in this study used a chi-square test with a significant level of 0.05. The research results obtained ρ (0.014) <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between history of birth weight with the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri, and the results of the contingency coefficient test is 0.1683 which means there is a very weak relationship between a history of weight born with the incidence of stunting in infants aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. For the next researcher, it is expected to be able to examine more deeply the factors associated with the incidence of stunting.


Muktamar Pemikiran Santri Nusantara , 2018

Abstrak: Keadilan gender terutama perempuan di lingkungan pesantren masih belum sepenuhnya tereal... more Abstrak: Keadilan gender terutama perempuan di lingkungan pesantren masih belum sepenuhnya terealisasikan. Salah satu indikator utama persoalan gender di pesantren yaitu kesenjangan mencolok antara laki-laki dan perempuan serta aturan pesantren yang dominan dinilai mengekang dan mendiskriminasi terhadap kaum perempuan. Dengan problem tersebut, maka perempuan harus diperjuangkan dan dibebaskan dari subordinasi, diskriminasi yang selama ini membelenggu kebebasan perempuan. Miskinnya perhatian isu perempuan, dibarengi dengan tidak adanya penerapan edukasi gender di lingkungan pesantren. Tulisan ini dikaji sebagai bentuk kepedulian atas pemahaman yang keliru menanggapi isu gender, menganggap ajaran Islam merendahkan kaum perempuan. Mereka menjadikan Islam dengan segenap ajarannya, sebagai biang kerok langgengnya budaya ketidakadilan gender. Pemahaman terhadap ajaran Islam harus disesuaikan dengan prinsip-prinsip keadilan, kesetaraan, kemaslahatan dan kerahiman yang telah diajarkan oleh Islam secara konseptual dan praksis untuk semua umat manusia, tanpa harus dibatasi oleh jenis kelamin. Secara umum, laki-laki diposisikan dalam urusan publik dan perempuan diposisikan dalam urusan domestik di lingkungan pesantren. Pesantren yang seharusnya mengajarkan dan menjunjung nilai-nilai keadilan, kini telah menganut ajaran budaya masyarakat; patriarki, feminitas, dan maskulinitas. Kata Kunci: Keadilan, Perempuan, dan Pesantren.

Research paper thumbnail of Kiai dan Politik; Relasi Ulama dan Umara dalam Mewujudkan Perdamaian Umat Beragama dan Bernegara

Muktamar Pemikiran Santri Nusantara, 2019

Abstrak: Pasca reformasi keterlibatan kiai dalam politik praktis bukan fenoma yang baru lagi. Nam... more Abstrak: Pasca reformasi keterlibatan kiai dalam politik praktis bukan fenoma yang baru lagi. Namun, hal itu mengundang pro kontra di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Kelompok yang setuju sangat mendukung dengan naiknya kiai di kancah politik, mengingat peran kiai sangat strategis dalam pembangunan dan perdamaian menuju negara yang lebih baik, adil, dan sejahtera serta menjadi figur masyarakat dalam tindak tanduknya. Sementara yang tidak setuju, berdalih bahwa politik itu sesuatu yang najis sehingga tidak pantas bagi seorang kiai sebagai tokoh yang dianggap suci. Tulisan ini dikaji dalam rangka ingin mengungkap apa sebenarnya dibalik tujuan terjunnya kiai dalam politik praktis dan bagaimana seorang kiai memperbaiki citranya dalam pandangan negatif masyarakat. Berpolitik sudah sepatutnya diniati untuk mengabdi kepada rakyat. Kekuasaan yang ada harus dijadikan alat untuk memperjuangkan misi pokok yaitu kesejahteraan masyarakat. Seorang kiai juga harus tegas bahwa keterlibatan mereka adalah upaya untuk memberi respon terhadap perubahan yang mengacu pada struktur sosial yang lebih adil, demokratis, dan mampu menjawab kebutuhan rakyat yang paling pokok.

Research paper thumbnail of Kontsruksi Kurikulum Pesantren Dalam Pendekatan Model dan Metode Pembelajaran

JALIE; Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education

This paper discusses the construction of curriculum in Islamic boarding school, either in the per... more This paper discusses the construction of curriculum in Islamic boarding school, either in the perspective of approach, the model of fund or learning method. As far as we know that the modernization trend of education in Indonesia has penetrated the idea of modernization of Islamic education in Islamic boarding school, it is undeniable that the presence of Islamic boarding school is open and adopts the development of Islamic boarding school technology, design, model and method of learning. This ultimately affects the dynamics of science in Islamic boarding school environments. The idea of modernization of Islam that found its momentum since the early 20th century Masehi, on the field of education is realized with the establishment of modern educational institutions. So, the traditional of Islamic boarding school (Salaf) transformed into the modern Islamic boarding school (khalaf), of course by deconstructing the existing curriculum. In certain cases, however, the modernization of education has proven to have a positive impact on the development of Islamic boarding school. Not a few the Islamic boarding school eventually able to develop the potential of education and development potential of surrounding communities, and not least the entry of new approaches, models and teaching methods forced Islamic boarding school to reconstruct curriculum design that has been adopted, even forced to abandon the original model and learning of Islamic boarding school.


Islamic Akademika, 2017

Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This ... more Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This can be done since marry a person to serve as the companion of his life. In Islamic religious harmony and balance is called kufu 'or kafa'ah. In the modern era is not rare to find household problems even until the divorce caused the striking difference between them in various ways, both in terms of religion, race, social status, physical and psychological maturity, and so forth. Religion does not require looking for a rich husband, nor the beautiful especially having the throne of power, but rather emphasizes the moral. On the other hand, presence of a guardian in marriage is considered essential if her daughter has not been able to take legal action, in order to create harmonious family mawaddah wa Rohmah, fa illa fala .....!

Research paper thumbnail of PENGEMBANGAN EKONOMI BERBASIS SYARIAH DI ERA GLOBALISASI ( Peluang, Tantangan, dan Kendala )

Muhammad Nasikhin, 2016

When it comes to economic development related to Shari'ah-based economy can not be separated from... more When it comes to economic development related to Shari'ah-based economy can not be separated from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadith. Because at the end of these days if we do not carefully related financial transactions we then might we fall to a transaction that is far from the norms of the religion of Islam. Islamic economic itself actually been formed since Islam itself is born, but the end of these days crowded dealt shari'ah economy because otherwise the economic system of Shariah would be crushed by the conventional economic system. In the era of globalization there is a tendency in economic development for more attention to ethics in economic activity. In this paper, will be revealed more about the trend of economic globalization and development at the same time reveals the opportunities and challenges in the economic development of sharia in the context of global economic development era.

Research paper thumbnail of Yeni Tri Nur Rahmawati

Abstrak The compensation is one element to be considered in the operational functions of human re... more Abstrak The compensation is one element to be considered in the operational functions of human resource management, for the purpose of human work is to get the rewards to meet their needs, including teachers. Such compensation can be money or satisfaction derived from psychological environment where the teacher works. Revenues appreciation and respect of all parties associated with the process of education which is at least realized in the form of a guarantee decent and fair in order to encourage the spirit of life and motivation of teachers in improving the quality of education. Compensation is very important for teachers, it is because compensation is a source of income for them and their families, in addition to the compensation, also affect the psychological conditions for teachers themselves in their duties as educators. Compensation received by teachers can be grouped into financial compensation and non-financial compensation. Financial compensation is compensation received by teachers in the form of money which include salaries, incentives, and benefits. while non-financial compensation is in the form of non-cash compensation that includes an opportunity for teachers to get a promotion of career advancement, personal development, as well as the atmosphere of the working environment. Pendahuluan Guru merupakan pilot proyek di dalam pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Karena berhasil tidaknya suatu proses belajar mengajar tidak bisa mengesampingkan peran utama seorang guru yang merupakan fasilitator dan stimulator agar peserta didik memiliki keinginan dan semangat untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan, namun disamping itu ada beberapa aspek penunjang keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar yang saling mendukung. Oleh karena guru merupakan pekerjaan profesional yang tidak bisa dimiliki oleh orang yang bukan guru "A teacher is person charged with the responbility of helping others to learn and to behave in nef different ways" 1 1 James M. Cooper, Classroom teaching skill, lexington, massachusett (Toronto: D.C Heath and Company) hal. 45


Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Obligations together with the obligations of prayer, fastin... more Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Obligations together with the obligations of prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage. However, the obligation of zakat more dimension than the dimension of social ritual. This more direct understanding for alms in the realm of worship so that the interpretation of the teachings of this charity tends to be rigid and consequences on the management of the target. As a result, the potential zakat to reduce poverty in a country to be neglected. This study explores the views that zakat want is not included in the domain of worship, but is within the scope mu'amalah. Therefore, zakat is prescribed for the sake of alleviating poverty in the midst of society-especially the Muslim-majority Indonesia and it was classified as a social relation (mu'amalah). Rule of law in determining the question of worship tend to be closed (‫انعبادة‬ ‫في‬ ‫االصم‬ ‫)انتحزيى‬ whereas the rules in muamalah likely to be open (‫االباحت‬ ‫االشياء‬ ‫في‬ ‫.)االصم‬ If zakat is directed to mu'amalah, then one consequence is, can changing Zakat as well as the size of the content that should be issued in accordance with the benefit in the area and local conditions. By understanding that the charity is not a religious matter, then this matter should not be submitted to the Ministry of Religion, but to the ministry in charge of state finances. Concurrency is zakat to the Ministry of Religion has weaknesses in its practical aspects. Among them, there is an overlap of authority to the Ministry of Finance which was given the task to take care of the revenue and expenditure of the State. MORA also do not have accurate data on poverty in Indonesia so that in this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs should take part in the distribution of zakat


Mohammad Isfironi, 2016

In cultural perspective, attitudes and act change of individual or social, and in many respects i... more In cultural perspective, attitudes and act change of individual or social, and in many respects influenced by cultural interactionism and integration. As outer various cultural values contact with local cultural values, will be the basis in the formation of sub-cultures that stands alone with his dynamic expressions. For that reason, various dimentions life experience redefinition and differentiation in massif occurring and than gave rise to various socio-cultural its own problems. Let alone it impact the change in attitudes and the act dimention of individual and the coastas Javas communities in Talun subdistrict Cirebon district of West Java. Ritual acculturation of "Nadran" in Indonesia that called as a ritual of sea alms especially in subdistrict of Talun, Cirebon district presented cultural acculturation that pertaining the region activities.

Research paper thumbnail of PERAN KYAI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI NON AKADEMIK (Study Analisis Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Utsmani Bondowoso)

Saeful Kurniawan

Boarding school is very potential to be developed as religious institutions, educational and soci... more Boarding school is very potential to be developed as religious institutions, educational and social which is suitable to the conditions of our nation's culture. Therefore, it is very reasonable, if then boarding a lot glance to be used as an alternative option in the face of educational needs based on religion. To formulate a national education system that is not uprooted from The Indonesian historical roots and is not reduced their efficiency and effectiveness. And Kyai are leaders, leading institutions such as madrasah or schools, an effort to conduct enlightenment and increase non-academic interpretation of Islam syi'ar forward, to fortify the generations of people of Prophet Muhammad Islam further. Research on the role of the Kyai in non Academic Achievement Improvement Case Study in Pondok Pesantren al-Ottoman Village Jambesari Jambesari Darussholah Bondowoso Subdistrict uses a qualitative approach, the reason researchers use this type of approach because it is a case study.


Wilda Aluf, 2016

Education between Islam and the West has a gap in the mindset with the result a different charact... more Education between Islam and the West has a gap in the mindset with the result a different character. If the source and methodology of science in the West entirely depend on empirical rule, rational and tend to be materialistic and disregard for obtaining knowledge through revelation and scripture, so the methodology in Islamic science comes from the holy book the Koran derived from revelation , the Sunnah of the Prophet, and ijtihad of the scholars. This is a challenge for Muslims in the West in applying proper Islamic education in the offset pattern of Western education.


Wafi Ali Hajjaj, 2016

Leadership is one of the management functions that are critical to achieving organizational goals... more Leadership is one of the management functions that are critical to achieving organizational goals in all groups of society, be it family, gathering exercise, work units, as well as other organizations, must be persons that are most influential among the members of the group and he can be regarded as a leader. The organization will be very effective and efficient when not having a leader, it is even possible to not be able to achieve organizational goals. In this paper the authors take an object kepemmpinan Into a head at school is an effective school principals who try to improve their teacher training profesinalitas Training is a process of a teacher. Because teachers in schools tida only teach but also to learn the withdrawal seoran namely by training students. Thus the effective head ekolah based multiple itelligences system (MIS) is the principal who is always training associated with multiple itelligences system (MIS), it is considered so that teachers can appreciate the intelligence of the students and being able to design learning to draw.

Research paper thumbnail of Syamsul Arifin

Research paper thumbnail of Abd Wasik

Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This ... more Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This can be done since marry a person to serve as the companion of his life. In Islamic religious harmony and balance is called kufu 'or kafa'ah. In the modern era is not rare to find household problems even until the divorce caused the striking difference between them in various ways, both in terms of religion, race, social status, physical and psychological maturity, and so forth. Religion does not require looking for a rich husband, nor the beautiful especially having the throne of power, but rather emphasizes the moral. On the other hand, presence of a guardian in marriage is considered essential if her daughter has not been able to take legal action, in order to create harmonious family mawaddah wa Rohmah, fa illa fala .....! Abstrak: bukan hal yang tabu dalam memperbincangkan keserasian dan keseimbangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga. Hal ini bisa dilakukan sejak mempersunting seseorang untuk dijadikan sebagai pendamping hidupnya. Dalam agama islam keserasian dan keseimbangan tersebut dinamakan Kufu" atau Kafa"ah. Di era modern ini tidak jarang kita temukan problem rumah tangga bahkan sampai terjadinya perceraian yang diakibatkan adanya perbedaan yang mencolok diantara keduanya dalam berbagai hal, baik dari sisi agama, ras, status sosial, kematangan psikis dan psikologis dan lain sebagainya. Agama tidak mewajibkan mencari pasangan yang kaya, tidak pula yang cantik apalagi yang mempunyai tahta kekuasaan, akan tetapi lebih mengedepankan yang bermoral. Disisi yang lain, Kehadiran wali dalam pernikahan dianggap penting apabila anak perempuannya belum mampu untuk melakukan tindakan hukum, demi terciptanya keluarga sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah, fa illa fala.....! Kata kunci: Kafa"ah, Wali dan keluarga Sakinah.  adalah Alumni Ma'had Aly angkatan ke V dan kini sebagai dosen di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.


Yeni Tri Nur Rahmawati, 2016

Abstrack : Wedding traditions practiced series of lively local indigenous population of the vario... more Abstrack : Wedding traditions practiced series of lively local indigenous population of the various elements of society. Customary law still hold onto the umbrella law to legitimize marriage without listed.This understanding is actually not wish to have the system keamburadulan in marriage. However, wedding-related discourse Sirri be back in the portion of the real.In the rules of the Marriage Act stated that marriage is spiritually bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a family or household that is happy and eternally based on God. From this study found answers related to Roots Genealogy Marriage Sirri. Then we will understand the associated wave Pros and Cons of Marriage Religious Marriage Vs State. Where there are two conflicting laws, the state law and religious law. Positivisasi of local law to state law was not finished until they need to require a lot of answers. After that, the paradigm has shifted toward marriage Sirri event the government's political project. A. Latar Belakang Masalah Sejarah mencatat, tradisi "pernikahan sirri" 1 marak dipraktekkan penduduk lokal pribumi dari berbagai elemen masyarakat. Hukum adat masih dijadikan pegangan menjadi payung hukum untuk melegitimasi tindakan pernikahan tanpa dicatatkan. Dari berbagai unsur masyarakat; pemangku adat, kepala pemerintahan, kiai, dan tokoh masyarakat banyak yang menampilkan praktek pernikahan sirri dan cenderung menahkodai tindakan tersebut. Khalayak ramai pun hanya bisa berprasangka merepresentasi tindakan pemuka adat sebagai sebuah tatanan budaya atau tradisi yang harus dilestarikan. Selanjutnya, timbul inisiatif akan keyakinan bersama bahwa tidak ada pernikahan yang harus dicatatkan. Bagi orang pribumi tempo dulu, melangsungkan praktek pernikahan sirri merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri. Kebanggaan karena terbebas dari belenggu penjajah. Mengingat gerak-gerik pribumi diatur sedemikian rupa oleh penjajah  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso. Email : 1 Penulis akan mempertahankan redaksi "Pernikahan Sirri" dalam penelitian ini untuk memperlihatkan ciri khas dalam penelitian ini. Tindakan ini amat berbeda dari banyak peneliti lain yang terbiasa menyebutnya dengan istlah perkawinan sirri, nikah sirri, atau kawin sirri.



Abdul Ghoffar, 2016

Management is a very important thing to enable people to achieve goals. Because so much importanc... more Management is a very important thing to enable people to achieve goals. Because so much importance that the expert or experts trying to find methods, systems and theories to achieve the goal that was born of management as a science. Actually, the management was already there when man was created and can not be separated from everyday human life in arranging his life. As for the guidance and management of reference in Islam is to hold fast to the Qur'an and Hadith as the basic source of Islamic teachings that became a reference in solving the problems of Muslims, for all matters relating to human life and all its activities including the management of all items listed in affirmed in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. In this paper will be studied management in the Islamic view (perspective of Qur'an and Hadith) which contains the notion of management, management functions (planning, organizing, Actuating and Controlling) and to discuss leadership skills and competencies on what to have for a leader which are all linked in the view of the Qur'an and Hadith. Keywords: Management, Management in Islam, AlQur'an and Hadith Perspective. A. Pendahuluan Pada dasarnya manajemen sudah ada sejak manusia itu ada, manajemen sebetulnya sama usianya dengan kehidupan manusia, mengapa demikian, karena pada dasarnya manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya tidak bisa terlepas dari prinsip-prinsip manajemen, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, baik disadarai ataupun tidak disadari. Dalam pandangan Islam, segala sesuatu harus dilakukan secara rapi, benar, tertib, dan teratur. Proses-prosesnya harus diikuti dengan baik. Sesuatu tidak boleh dilakukan secara asal-asalan Mulai dari urusan terkecil seperti mengatur urusan Rumah Tangga sampai dengan urusan terbesar seperti mengatur urusan sebuah negara semua itu diperlukan pengaturan yang baik, tepat dan terarah dalam bingkai sebuah manajemen agar tujuan yang hendak dicapai bisa diraih dan bisa selesai secara efisien dan efektif. Pada dasarnya ajaran islam yang tertuang dalam Al-Qur"an dan As Sunnah mengajarkan tentang kehidupan yang serba terarah dan teratur merupakan contoh konkrit adanya manajemen yang mengarah kepada keteraturan. Puasa, haji dan  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.


In the tradition of boarding school, traditional book as a reference in every find and resolve th... more In the tradition of boarding school, traditional book as a reference in every find and resolve the problem of Islam, especially those related to Islamic law. As well as serve as a backrest in the scientific development of Sufism, Islam and science tarikhul tools. In the struggle of Islamic thought, the traditional book has played its role as a treasury of classical Islamic scholarship. Where is the Muslim intellectuals of the past played a role in building the platform of Islamic thought which tends to be a commitment of thought and tends to be contradictory. In the traditional book, contains studies which include monotheism, jurisprudence, philosophy, mysticism and Arabic grammar (nahwu). Differences in the thinking of the classical Muslim intellectual contained in the traditional book, indicating that how Islam is rich with knowledge. has delivered many works in the form of traditional book. And his thoughts are still relevant and a source of reference for intellectuals in Islamic law today. A. Pendahuluan Berbicara tentang khazanah keilmuan klasik, maka tidak lepas dari kitab kuning (Baca ; Gundul). Kitab kuning, saat ini masih dominan dijadikan sebagai referensi keagamaan umat islam, karena nilainya yang masih relevan dalam upaya menjawab persoalan-persoalan keagamaan yang berkembang di era post modern. Istilah kitab kuning pada dasarnya merupakan istilah terhadap karya para cendikiawan muslim di masa silam. Dengan kekhasannya kertasnya yang berwarna kuning, sehingga kitab tersebut fenomenal dengan sebutan kitab kuning. Dalam ensiklopedi islam dijelaskan bahwa kitab kuning yang biasanya tanpa harakat sehingga disebut juga dengan kitab gundul. Kitab kuning merupakan kitab yang berisi tentang ilmu-ilmu ke Islaman, khususnya Ilmu Fikih, yang ditulis dengan huruf Arab dalam bahasa Arab atau Melayu, Jawa, Sunda dan Sebagainya. 1 Dengan demikian maka kitab kuning adalah khazanah keilmuan islam klasik serta produk-produk ilmiah dari para cendikiawan klasik, yang mengkaji tentang  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.


Suheri, 2016

Boarding school is an institution that accompany old history of Islam in Indonesia. In a way, thi... more Boarding school is an institution that accompany old history of Islam in Indonesia. In a way, this institution shows its existence and continues to grow strongly rooted both in cities and villages, and an institution that not only serves as an educational institution only. However, changes in the field of propaganda and social, including against the penetration of the colonial period. In addition, in line with the changes and demands of the era in which we move forward accompany modernization and globalization has been a challenge to the boarding school in keeping survivalitasnya to preserve the independence of character which is unique. Thus boarding Kauman Alhasani Allatifi central city Bondowoso, as pesantren Salaf are certainly experiencing cultural differences with the surrounding communities who tend to be more aggressive against the general knowledge and traditions of modernization. Plus most of the students who was educated outside of schools. be unique to be investigated for boarding school in its function as an educational institution and propaganda between preserving the character of independence or transformation with the current changes and demands of the times. This study aims to understand the transformation of the elements of the boarding school. Tansformasi shape are focused on areas related to the construction of schools, leadership patterns, curriculum, value system and culture. As well as matters relating to education and propaganda denganstrategi including approaches, the media, the methods used in the field of education and propaganda. These results indicate that the three forms of transformation, transformation diarahkah, the transformation of neutral and natural transformation. Such changes include Other Construction pesantren, Kiai kemimpinan pattern changes, curriculum, value systems and network systems including a change of approach, the media and the role of Kiai used in preaching. Therefore we can conclude there has been a transformation in the process of boarding schools kauman Alhasani Allathifi Bondowoso as educational institutions and agencies as well as the strategies and media propaganda used. A. Latar belakang Dalam sejarah pendidikan di Indonesia lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua adalah pondok pesantren. Bahkan, menurut para cendekiawan dan sejarawan, salah satu warisan terpenting dan monumental sepanjang sejarah adalah pondok pesantren  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between history of birth weight and stunting event in children of 24 -60 months

International Journal of Health Sciences, 2022

Stunting is a condition of a person's height that is shorter than the height in general (of the s... more Stunting is a condition of a person's height that is shorter than the height in general (of the same age). Stunting in toddlers needs special attention because it affects the disruption of physical growth, in the form of mental development disorders and intelligence. In adulthood, physical size is not optimal and the quality of work is not competitive and results in low economic productivity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the history of weight and the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. Analytical survey research design with case-control survey design. The sampling technique used Disproportionate Cluster Random Sampling with a sample of 132 toddlers not stunting and 61 stunting toddlers. The study was conducted in April-May 2019 in Punjul, Pranggang in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. The analysis in this study used a chi-square test with a significant level of 0.05. The research results obtained ρ (0.014) <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between history of birth weight with the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri, and the results of the contingency coefficient test is 0.1683 which means there is a very weak relationship between a history of weight born with the incidence of stunting in infants aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. For the next researcher, it is expected to be able to examine more deeply the factors associated with the incidence of stunting.


Muktamar Pemikiran Santri Nusantara , 2018

Abstrak: Keadilan gender terutama perempuan di lingkungan pesantren masih belum sepenuhnya tereal... more Abstrak: Keadilan gender terutama perempuan di lingkungan pesantren masih belum sepenuhnya terealisasikan. Salah satu indikator utama persoalan gender di pesantren yaitu kesenjangan mencolok antara laki-laki dan perempuan serta aturan pesantren yang dominan dinilai mengekang dan mendiskriminasi terhadap kaum perempuan. Dengan problem tersebut, maka perempuan harus diperjuangkan dan dibebaskan dari subordinasi, diskriminasi yang selama ini membelenggu kebebasan perempuan. Miskinnya perhatian isu perempuan, dibarengi dengan tidak adanya penerapan edukasi gender di lingkungan pesantren. Tulisan ini dikaji sebagai bentuk kepedulian atas pemahaman yang keliru menanggapi isu gender, menganggap ajaran Islam merendahkan kaum perempuan. Mereka menjadikan Islam dengan segenap ajarannya, sebagai biang kerok langgengnya budaya ketidakadilan gender. Pemahaman terhadap ajaran Islam harus disesuaikan dengan prinsip-prinsip keadilan, kesetaraan, kemaslahatan dan kerahiman yang telah diajarkan oleh Islam secara konseptual dan praksis untuk semua umat manusia, tanpa harus dibatasi oleh jenis kelamin. Secara umum, laki-laki diposisikan dalam urusan publik dan perempuan diposisikan dalam urusan domestik di lingkungan pesantren. Pesantren yang seharusnya mengajarkan dan menjunjung nilai-nilai keadilan, kini telah menganut ajaran budaya masyarakat; patriarki, feminitas, dan maskulinitas. Kata Kunci: Keadilan, Perempuan, dan Pesantren.

Research paper thumbnail of Kiai dan Politik; Relasi Ulama dan Umara dalam Mewujudkan Perdamaian Umat Beragama dan Bernegara

Muktamar Pemikiran Santri Nusantara, 2019

Abstrak: Pasca reformasi keterlibatan kiai dalam politik praktis bukan fenoma yang baru lagi. Nam... more Abstrak: Pasca reformasi keterlibatan kiai dalam politik praktis bukan fenoma yang baru lagi. Namun, hal itu mengundang pro kontra di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Kelompok yang setuju sangat mendukung dengan naiknya kiai di kancah politik, mengingat peran kiai sangat strategis dalam pembangunan dan perdamaian menuju negara yang lebih baik, adil, dan sejahtera serta menjadi figur masyarakat dalam tindak tanduknya. Sementara yang tidak setuju, berdalih bahwa politik itu sesuatu yang najis sehingga tidak pantas bagi seorang kiai sebagai tokoh yang dianggap suci. Tulisan ini dikaji dalam rangka ingin mengungkap apa sebenarnya dibalik tujuan terjunnya kiai dalam politik praktis dan bagaimana seorang kiai memperbaiki citranya dalam pandangan negatif masyarakat. Berpolitik sudah sepatutnya diniati untuk mengabdi kepada rakyat. Kekuasaan yang ada harus dijadikan alat untuk memperjuangkan misi pokok yaitu kesejahteraan masyarakat. Seorang kiai juga harus tegas bahwa keterlibatan mereka adalah upaya untuk memberi respon terhadap perubahan yang mengacu pada struktur sosial yang lebih adil, demokratis, dan mampu menjawab kebutuhan rakyat yang paling pokok.

Research paper thumbnail of Kontsruksi Kurikulum Pesantren Dalam Pendekatan Model dan Metode Pembelajaran

JALIE; Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education

This paper discusses the construction of curriculum in Islamic boarding school, either in the per... more This paper discusses the construction of curriculum in Islamic boarding school, either in the perspective of approach, the model of fund or learning method. As far as we know that the modernization trend of education in Indonesia has penetrated the idea of modernization of Islamic education in Islamic boarding school, it is undeniable that the presence of Islamic boarding school is open and adopts the development of Islamic boarding school technology, design, model and method of learning. This ultimately affects the dynamics of science in Islamic boarding school environments. The idea of modernization of Islam that found its momentum since the early 20th century Masehi, on the field of education is realized with the establishment of modern educational institutions. So, the traditional of Islamic boarding school (Salaf) transformed into the modern Islamic boarding school (khalaf), of course by deconstructing the existing curriculum. In certain cases, however, the modernization of education has proven to have a positive impact on the development of Islamic boarding school. Not a few the Islamic boarding school eventually able to develop the potential of education and development potential of surrounding communities, and not least the entry of new approaches, models and teaching methods forced Islamic boarding school to reconstruct curriculum design that has been adopted, even forced to abandon the original model and learning of Islamic boarding school.


Islamic Akademika, 2017

Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This ... more Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This can be done since marry a person to serve as the companion of his life. In Islamic religious harmony and balance is called kufu 'or kafa'ah. In the modern era is not rare to find household problems even until the divorce caused the striking difference between them in various ways, both in terms of religion, race, social status, physical and psychological maturity, and so forth. Religion does not require looking for a rich husband, nor the beautiful especially having the throne of power, but rather emphasizes the moral. On the other hand, presence of a guardian in marriage is considered essential if her daughter has not been able to take legal action, in order to create harmonious family mawaddah wa Rohmah, fa illa fala .....!

Research paper thumbnail of PENGEMBANGAN EKONOMI BERBASIS SYARIAH DI ERA GLOBALISASI ( Peluang, Tantangan, dan Kendala )

Muhammad Nasikhin, 2016

When it comes to economic development related to Shari'ah-based economy can not be separated from... more When it comes to economic development related to Shari'ah-based economy can not be separated from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadith. Because at the end of these days if we do not carefully related financial transactions we then might we fall to a transaction that is far from the norms of the religion of Islam. Islamic economic itself actually been formed since Islam itself is born, but the end of these days crowded dealt shari'ah economy because otherwise the economic system of Shariah would be crushed by the conventional economic system. In the era of globalization there is a tendency in economic development for more attention to ethics in economic activity. In this paper, will be revealed more about the trend of economic globalization and development at the same time reveals the opportunities and challenges in the economic development of sharia in the context of global economic development era.

Research paper thumbnail of Yeni Tri Nur Rahmawati

Abstrak The compensation is one element to be considered in the operational functions of human re... more Abstrak The compensation is one element to be considered in the operational functions of human resource management, for the purpose of human work is to get the rewards to meet their needs, including teachers. Such compensation can be money or satisfaction derived from psychological environment where the teacher works. Revenues appreciation and respect of all parties associated with the process of education which is at least realized in the form of a guarantee decent and fair in order to encourage the spirit of life and motivation of teachers in improving the quality of education. Compensation is very important for teachers, it is because compensation is a source of income for them and their families, in addition to the compensation, also affect the psychological conditions for teachers themselves in their duties as educators. Compensation received by teachers can be grouped into financial compensation and non-financial compensation. Financial compensation is compensation received by teachers in the form of money which include salaries, incentives, and benefits. while non-financial compensation is in the form of non-cash compensation that includes an opportunity for teachers to get a promotion of career advancement, personal development, as well as the atmosphere of the working environment. Pendahuluan Guru merupakan pilot proyek di dalam pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Karena berhasil tidaknya suatu proses belajar mengajar tidak bisa mengesampingkan peran utama seorang guru yang merupakan fasilitator dan stimulator agar peserta didik memiliki keinginan dan semangat untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan, namun disamping itu ada beberapa aspek penunjang keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar yang saling mendukung. Oleh karena guru merupakan pekerjaan profesional yang tidak bisa dimiliki oleh orang yang bukan guru "A teacher is person charged with the responbility of helping others to learn and to behave in nef different ways" 1 1 James M. Cooper, Classroom teaching skill, lexington, massachusett (Toronto: D.C Heath and Company) hal. 45


Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Obligations together with the obligations of prayer, fastin... more Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Obligations together with the obligations of prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage. However, the obligation of zakat more dimension than the dimension of social ritual. This more direct understanding for alms in the realm of worship so that the interpretation of the teachings of this charity tends to be rigid and consequences on the management of the target. As a result, the potential zakat to reduce poverty in a country to be neglected. This study explores the views that zakat want is not included in the domain of worship, but is within the scope mu'amalah. Therefore, zakat is prescribed for the sake of alleviating poverty in the midst of society-especially the Muslim-majority Indonesia and it was classified as a social relation (mu'amalah). Rule of law in determining the question of worship tend to be closed (‫انعبادة‬ ‫في‬ ‫االصم‬ ‫)انتحزيى‬ whereas the rules in muamalah likely to be open (‫االباحت‬ ‫االشياء‬ ‫في‬ ‫.)االصم‬ If zakat is directed to mu'amalah, then one consequence is, can changing Zakat as well as the size of the content that should be issued in accordance with the benefit in the area and local conditions. By understanding that the charity is not a religious matter, then this matter should not be submitted to the Ministry of Religion, but to the ministry in charge of state finances. Concurrency is zakat to the Ministry of Religion has weaknesses in its practical aspects. Among them, there is an overlap of authority to the Ministry of Finance which was given the task to take care of the revenue and expenditure of the State. MORA also do not have accurate data on poverty in Indonesia so that in this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs should take part in the distribution of zakat


Mohammad Isfironi, 2016

In cultural perspective, attitudes and act change of individual or social, and in many respects i... more In cultural perspective, attitudes and act change of individual or social, and in many respects influenced by cultural interactionism and integration. As outer various cultural values contact with local cultural values, will be the basis in the formation of sub-cultures that stands alone with his dynamic expressions. For that reason, various dimentions life experience redefinition and differentiation in massif occurring and than gave rise to various socio-cultural its own problems. Let alone it impact the change in attitudes and the act dimention of individual and the coastas Javas communities in Talun subdistrict Cirebon district of West Java. Ritual acculturation of "Nadran" in Indonesia that called as a ritual of sea alms especially in subdistrict of Talun, Cirebon district presented cultural acculturation that pertaining the region activities.

Research paper thumbnail of PERAN KYAI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI NON AKADEMIK (Study Analisis Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Utsmani Bondowoso)

Saeful Kurniawan

Boarding school is very potential to be developed as religious institutions, educational and soci... more Boarding school is very potential to be developed as religious institutions, educational and social which is suitable to the conditions of our nation's culture. Therefore, it is very reasonable, if then boarding a lot glance to be used as an alternative option in the face of educational needs based on religion. To formulate a national education system that is not uprooted from The Indonesian historical roots and is not reduced their efficiency and effectiveness. And Kyai are leaders, leading institutions such as madrasah or schools, an effort to conduct enlightenment and increase non-academic interpretation of Islam syi'ar forward, to fortify the generations of people of Prophet Muhammad Islam further. Research on the role of the Kyai in non Academic Achievement Improvement Case Study in Pondok Pesantren al-Ottoman Village Jambesari Jambesari Darussholah Bondowoso Subdistrict uses a qualitative approach, the reason researchers use this type of approach because it is a case study.


Wilda Aluf, 2016

Education between Islam and the West has a gap in the mindset with the result a different charact... more Education between Islam and the West has a gap in the mindset with the result a different character. If the source and methodology of science in the West entirely depend on empirical rule, rational and tend to be materialistic and disregard for obtaining knowledge through revelation and scripture, so the methodology in Islamic science comes from the holy book the Koran derived from revelation , the Sunnah of the Prophet, and ijtihad of the scholars. This is a challenge for Muslims in the West in applying proper Islamic education in the offset pattern of Western education.


Wafi Ali Hajjaj, 2016

Leadership is one of the management functions that are critical to achieving organizational goals... more Leadership is one of the management functions that are critical to achieving organizational goals in all groups of society, be it family, gathering exercise, work units, as well as other organizations, must be persons that are most influential among the members of the group and he can be regarded as a leader. The organization will be very effective and efficient when not having a leader, it is even possible to not be able to achieve organizational goals. In this paper the authors take an object kepemmpinan Into a head at school is an effective school principals who try to improve their teacher training profesinalitas Training is a process of a teacher. Because teachers in schools tida only teach but also to learn the withdrawal seoran namely by training students. Thus the effective head ekolah based multiple itelligences system (MIS) is the principal who is always training associated with multiple itelligences system (MIS), it is considered so that teachers can appreciate the intelligence of the students and being able to design learning to draw.

Research paper thumbnail of Syamsul Arifin

Research paper thumbnail of Abd Wasik

Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This ... more Not afraid in discussing harmony and balance between men and women in the ship sailed home. This can be done since marry a person to serve as the companion of his life. In Islamic religious harmony and balance is called kufu 'or kafa'ah. In the modern era is not rare to find household problems even until the divorce caused the striking difference between them in various ways, both in terms of religion, race, social status, physical and psychological maturity, and so forth. Religion does not require looking for a rich husband, nor the beautiful especially having the throne of power, but rather emphasizes the moral. On the other hand, presence of a guardian in marriage is considered essential if her daughter has not been able to take legal action, in order to create harmonious family mawaddah wa Rohmah, fa illa fala .....! Abstrak: bukan hal yang tabu dalam memperbincangkan keserasian dan keseimbangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga. Hal ini bisa dilakukan sejak mempersunting seseorang untuk dijadikan sebagai pendamping hidupnya. Dalam agama islam keserasian dan keseimbangan tersebut dinamakan Kufu" atau Kafa"ah. Di era modern ini tidak jarang kita temukan problem rumah tangga bahkan sampai terjadinya perceraian yang diakibatkan adanya perbedaan yang mencolok diantara keduanya dalam berbagai hal, baik dari sisi agama, ras, status sosial, kematangan psikis dan psikologis dan lain sebagainya. Agama tidak mewajibkan mencari pasangan yang kaya, tidak pula yang cantik apalagi yang mempunyai tahta kekuasaan, akan tetapi lebih mengedepankan yang bermoral. Disisi yang lain, Kehadiran wali dalam pernikahan dianggap penting apabila anak perempuannya belum mampu untuk melakukan tindakan hukum, demi terciptanya keluarga sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah, fa illa fala.....! Kata kunci: Kafa"ah, Wali dan keluarga Sakinah.  adalah Alumni Ma'had Aly angkatan ke V dan kini sebagai dosen di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.


Yeni Tri Nur Rahmawati, 2016

Abstrack : Wedding traditions practiced series of lively local indigenous population of the vario... more Abstrack : Wedding traditions practiced series of lively local indigenous population of the various elements of society. Customary law still hold onto the umbrella law to legitimize marriage without listed.This understanding is actually not wish to have the system keamburadulan in marriage. However, wedding-related discourse Sirri be back in the portion of the real.In the rules of the Marriage Act stated that marriage is spiritually bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a family or household that is happy and eternally based on God. From this study found answers related to Roots Genealogy Marriage Sirri. Then we will understand the associated wave Pros and Cons of Marriage Religious Marriage Vs State. Where there are two conflicting laws, the state law and religious law. Positivisasi of local law to state law was not finished until they need to require a lot of answers. After that, the paradigm has shifted toward marriage Sirri event the government's political project. A. Latar Belakang Masalah Sejarah mencatat, tradisi "pernikahan sirri" 1 marak dipraktekkan penduduk lokal pribumi dari berbagai elemen masyarakat. Hukum adat masih dijadikan pegangan menjadi payung hukum untuk melegitimasi tindakan pernikahan tanpa dicatatkan. Dari berbagai unsur masyarakat; pemangku adat, kepala pemerintahan, kiai, dan tokoh masyarakat banyak yang menampilkan praktek pernikahan sirri dan cenderung menahkodai tindakan tersebut. Khalayak ramai pun hanya bisa berprasangka merepresentasi tindakan pemuka adat sebagai sebuah tatanan budaya atau tradisi yang harus dilestarikan. Selanjutnya, timbul inisiatif akan keyakinan bersama bahwa tidak ada pernikahan yang harus dicatatkan. Bagi orang pribumi tempo dulu, melangsungkan praktek pernikahan sirri merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri. Kebanggaan karena terbebas dari belenggu penjajah. Mengingat gerak-gerik pribumi diatur sedemikian rupa oleh penjajah  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso. Email : 1 Penulis akan mempertahankan redaksi "Pernikahan Sirri" dalam penelitian ini untuk memperlihatkan ciri khas dalam penelitian ini. Tindakan ini amat berbeda dari banyak peneliti lain yang terbiasa menyebutnya dengan istlah perkawinan sirri, nikah sirri, atau kawin sirri.



Abdul Ghoffar, 2016

Management is a very important thing to enable people to achieve goals. Because so much importanc... more Management is a very important thing to enable people to achieve goals. Because so much importance that the expert or experts trying to find methods, systems and theories to achieve the goal that was born of management as a science. Actually, the management was already there when man was created and can not be separated from everyday human life in arranging his life. As for the guidance and management of reference in Islam is to hold fast to the Qur'an and Hadith as the basic source of Islamic teachings that became a reference in solving the problems of Muslims, for all matters relating to human life and all its activities including the management of all items listed in affirmed in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. In this paper will be studied management in the Islamic view (perspective of Qur'an and Hadith) which contains the notion of management, management functions (planning, organizing, Actuating and Controlling) and to discuss leadership skills and competencies on what to have for a leader which are all linked in the view of the Qur'an and Hadith. Keywords: Management, Management in Islam, AlQur'an and Hadith Perspective. A. Pendahuluan Pada dasarnya manajemen sudah ada sejak manusia itu ada, manajemen sebetulnya sama usianya dengan kehidupan manusia, mengapa demikian, karena pada dasarnya manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya tidak bisa terlepas dari prinsip-prinsip manajemen, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, baik disadarai ataupun tidak disadari. Dalam pandangan Islam, segala sesuatu harus dilakukan secara rapi, benar, tertib, dan teratur. Proses-prosesnya harus diikuti dengan baik. Sesuatu tidak boleh dilakukan secara asal-asalan Mulai dari urusan terkecil seperti mengatur urusan Rumah Tangga sampai dengan urusan terbesar seperti mengatur urusan sebuah negara semua itu diperlukan pengaturan yang baik, tepat dan terarah dalam bingkai sebuah manajemen agar tujuan yang hendak dicapai bisa diraih dan bisa selesai secara efisien dan efektif. Pada dasarnya ajaran islam yang tertuang dalam Al-Qur"an dan As Sunnah mengajarkan tentang kehidupan yang serba terarah dan teratur merupakan contoh konkrit adanya manajemen yang mengarah kepada keteraturan. Puasa, haji dan  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.


In the tradition of boarding school, traditional book as a reference in every find and resolve th... more In the tradition of boarding school, traditional book as a reference in every find and resolve the problem of Islam, especially those related to Islamic law. As well as serve as a backrest in the scientific development of Sufism, Islam and science tarikhul tools. In the struggle of Islamic thought, the traditional book has played its role as a treasury of classical Islamic scholarship. Where is the Muslim intellectuals of the past played a role in building the platform of Islamic thought which tends to be a commitment of thought and tends to be contradictory. In the traditional book, contains studies which include monotheism, jurisprudence, philosophy, mysticism and Arabic grammar (nahwu). Differences in the thinking of the classical Muslim intellectual contained in the traditional book, indicating that how Islam is rich with knowledge. has delivered many works in the form of traditional book. And his thoughts are still relevant and a source of reference for intellectuals in Islamic law today. A. Pendahuluan Berbicara tentang khazanah keilmuan klasik, maka tidak lepas dari kitab kuning (Baca ; Gundul). Kitab kuning, saat ini masih dominan dijadikan sebagai referensi keagamaan umat islam, karena nilainya yang masih relevan dalam upaya menjawab persoalan-persoalan keagamaan yang berkembang di era post modern. Istilah kitab kuning pada dasarnya merupakan istilah terhadap karya para cendikiawan muslim di masa silam. Dengan kekhasannya kertasnya yang berwarna kuning, sehingga kitab tersebut fenomenal dengan sebutan kitab kuning. Dalam ensiklopedi islam dijelaskan bahwa kitab kuning yang biasanya tanpa harakat sehingga disebut juga dengan kitab gundul. Kitab kuning merupakan kitab yang berisi tentang ilmu-ilmu ke Islaman, khususnya Ilmu Fikih, yang ditulis dengan huruf Arab dalam bahasa Arab atau Melayu, Jawa, Sunda dan Sebagainya. 1 Dengan demikian maka kitab kuning adalah khazanah keilmuan islam klasik serta produk-produk ilmiah dari para cendikiawan klasik, yang mengkaji tentang  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.


Suheri, 2016

Boarding school is an institution that accompany old history of Islam in Indonesia. In a way, thi... more Boarding school is an institution that accompany old history of Islam in Indonesia. In a way, this institution shows its existence and continues to grow strongly rooted both in cities and villages, and an institution that not only serves as an educational institution only. However, changes in the field of propaganda and social, including against the penetration of the colonial period. In addition, in line with the changes and demands of the era in which we move forward accompany modernization and globalization has been a challenge to the boarding school in keeping survivalitasnya to preserve the independence of character which is unique. Thus boarding Kauman Alhasani Allatifi central city Bondowoso, as pesantren Salaf are certainly experiencing cultural differences with the surrounding communities who tend to be more aggressive against the general knowledge and traditions of modernization. Plus most of the students who was educated outside of schools. be unique to be investigated for boarding school in its function as an educational institution and propaganda between preserving the character of independence or transformation with the current changes and demands of the times. This study aims to understand the transformation of the elements of the boarding school. Tansformasi shape are focused on areas related to the construction of schools, leadership patterns, curriculum, value system and culture. As well as matters relating to education and propaganda denganstrategi including approaches, the media, the methods used in the field of education and propaganda. These results indicate that the three forms of transformation, transformation diarahkah, the transformation of neutral and natural transformation. Such changes include Other Construction pesantren, Kiai kemimpinan pattern changes, curriculum, value systems and network systems including a change of approach, the media and the role of Kiai used in preaching. Therefore we can conclude there has been a transformation in the process of boarding schools kauman Alhasani Allathifi Bondowoso as educational institutions and agencies as well as the strategies and media propaganda used. A. Latar belakang Dalam sejarah pendidikan di Indonesia lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua adalah pondok pesantren. Bahkan, menurut para cendekiawan dan sejarawan, salah satu warisan terpenting dan monumental sepanjang sejarah adalah pondok pesantren  Adalah Dosen Tetap Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) At-Taqwa Bondowoso.