star__wars - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 July 2005 (#7680076)

An intelligent community for intelligent fans. Meaning, you can post debates, links to illegal Star Wars media, discussions, even RP pitches. But please, don't post bullshit like "I LOVE ANAKIN OMG!" or "SQUEE! I SAW EPISODE III!" Also, Beard yes-men can die.

Grounds for banning:

  1. Use an Anakin or Padme icon.
  2. Report other users for posting 'illegal' material.
  3. Whining like an ignorant bitch.
  4. Arguing with the admins on any of the above rules.

Your responsibilities as a member:

  1. Having fun.
  2. Respecting Star Wars and being a nerd.
  3. Reporting users who have done #2 in the 'Grounds for Banning' area to the admins.
  4. Posting links up to free Star Wars shit.

Send emails to riddickrp [at] yahoo [dot] com if you have any questions or comments. More will come once the other owners join up and give ideas.

4-lom, a new hope, admiral ackbar, admiral motti, admiral ozzel, admiral piett, anakin skywalker, asajj ventress, attack of the clones, aurra sing, bail organa, beru lars, bib fortuna, biggs darklighter, boba fett, boss nass, bossk, c-3po, captain needa, chewbacca, chief chirpa, cliegg lars, clone wars, count dooku, darth maul, darth sidious, darth tyrannus, darth vader, dengar, emperor palpatine, ewoks, finis valorum, galactic empire, general grievous, general jan dodonna, general madine, general rieekan, general veers, george lucas, grand admiral thrawn, grand moff tarkin, greedo, han solo, ig-88, jaba the hutt, jango fett, jar jar binks, jedi, jocasta nu, ki-adi-mundi, kit fisto, lando calrissian, lobot, logray, luke skywalker, mace windu, mara jade, mas amedda, moff jerjerrod, mon mothma, obi-wan kenobi, owen lars, padme amidala, palpatine, plo kloon, princess leia organa, qui-gon jinn, r2-d2, rebel alliance, return of the jedi, revenge of the sith, rune haako, salicious crumb, sebulba, shadows of the empire, sio bibble, sith, sly moore, star wars, star wars books, star wars expanded universe, star wars prequels, star wars trilogy, the beard, the empire strikes back, the phantom menace, watto, wedge antilles, wicket, wookiees, wuher, yoda, zuckuss