star_wars_minis - Profile (original) (raw)

on 27 August 2005 (#8130327)

Star Wars Miniatures Fanatics

This comm is for all those people who play or collect the star wars miniatures game. Brag about your collection, post your recent pieces, talk about your favorites, and/or strategies. Just have fun!

anakin skywalker, artoo, boba fett, c3po, chewbacca, darth maul, darth sidious, darth vader, emperor palpatine, general grievous, grievous, han solo, jedi, leia organa, lightsabers, luke skywalker, mace windu, miniatures, obi-wan kenobi, padme amidala, plo koon, qui gon jin, r2d2, sith, star wars, star wars miniatures, star wars minis, vader, yoda