stargate_geek - Profile (original) (raw)
on 29 August 2004 (#4368045)
Stargate Fans: Obsession at Its Finest
Douglasville, Georgia, United States
The SGC for SGG's: Stargate Geeks' HQ
Welcome. This community is dedicated to all things having to do with Stargate, which includes Stargate (the original movie), Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Infinity. Discussion of the shows, news and information about the shows, and general obsessiveness are all welcome here. This is a community designed for those of us who like to take Stargate a bit seriously at times. I ask but a few things of everyone.
If your post contains a spoiler pertaining to the current season of either of the shows, please put that post under an lj-cut, and warn people that the post may contain a spoilers pertaining to upcoming shows.
If you'd like to share icons pertaining to the shows or movie, that's fine, but to help out those with less than satisfactory internet connections, please put any icons exceeding three under an lj-cut OR post them at
While I know there are many attractive actors and actresses on both of the shows (gorgeous, you might say)...and the movie, for that matter..., please avoid posting one or two line posts that are ridiculously obvious fan-girl/fan-boy statements. If you have something to say about the wonderful actors and actresses, that's fine, but make it something meaningful.
Any news and information pertaining to the shows is more than welcome, but if you feel it may contain a spoiler pertaining to the current or upcoming season, please put it under an lj-cut, and please inform everyone that it may contain a spoiler pertaining to upcoming episodes.
If you're beginning a community dedicated to one of the actors/actresses on either of the shows OR the movie, dedicated to show-related icons, or dedicated to a fan-base in a particular location, religion, field, etc., then I welcome you to advertise them here. I do, however, reserve the right to delete any posts about communities that I find offensive or otherwise inappropriate for advertisement in this community. Also, I ask that if you wish to advertise a community here, you mention this community in at least one post in the community you are advertising...if you don't, I will.
Debate over the world of Stargate is ALWAYS welcome, but try to be civil about it. Debates can be carried out in a calm and courteous manner, so please try and do so. Any member who continuously upsets other members may be banned indefinitely.
Remember, you can be as serious about Stargate as you want to here. We won't judge you. Just remember to have a bit of fun while doing so.
Don't forget to watch Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis every Friday at 8 PM and 9 PM on Sci Fi.
Questions, comments, complaints, and concerns should be sent to the e-mail address listed above.
MODERATOR: amazing_tito
FOUNDED BY: the_dark_side
Hu'rak: No Matter what you have endured, you've never experienced the likes of what Anubis is capable of.
Jack O'Neill: You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard!
abydos, air force, aiyana, alexis cruz, amanda tapping, ancient egypt, anna-louise plowman, anubis, apophis, area 51, asguard, atlantis, baal, bast, bra'tak, carmen argenziano, casandra, chaka, chevron guy, cheyenne mountain, christopher judge, cliff simon, colin cunningham, colonel jack o'neill, colonel maybourne, colorado springs, coombs, corin nemec, cronus, dan shea, david hewlett, david palffy, dean stockwell, death glider, dom deluise, don s. davis, dr. carson beckett, dr. daniel jackson, dr. elizabeth weir, dr. janet fraiser, dr. kieran, dr. rodney mckay, drey'auc, erick avari, felger, furlings, gary jones, gatecon, general hammond, goa'uld, harcesis, hathor, herak, heru-ur, jacob carter, jaffa, jason schombing, jay acovone, joe flanigan, john de lancie, jolinar, jonas quinn, jr bourne, kasuf, kheb, klorel, lieutenant aiden ford, lord yu, ma'at, ma'chello, major john sheppard, major kawalsky, major paul davis, major samantha carter, malaki, malek, martouf, michael shanks, michael welch, nid, nirrti, nox, obi ndefo, oma, osiris, paul mcgillion, peter deluise, peter stebbings, peter williams, ra, rainbow sun francks, rak'nor, replicators, richard dean anderson, robert duncan, ronny cox, rya'c, selmac, senator kinsey, set, setesh, seth, sgc, sha're, shifu, skaara, sokar, stargate, stargate atlantis, stargate sg-1, suanne braun, tauri, teal'c, teryl rothery, teyla emmagan, the ancients, thor, tok'ra, tollan, tollana, tom mcbeath, tony amendola, torri higginson, unas, urgo, vaitaire bandara, wraith, x-301, x-302, x-303, zat