Ahmad N A S H I H Luthfi | Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional (original) (raw)
Papers by Ahmad N A S H I H Luthfi
BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan, 2018
The development of agrarian reform institution is one of the indicators of the government's serio... more The development of agrarian reform institution is one of the indicators of the government's seriousness in agrarian policy. The extent to which the government realizes the gravity of agrarian problems requires solution through agrarian reform are reflected through the existence of a special implementing institution. The Jokowi-JK government succeeded in creating two institutions called the Team of Identif ication and Inventoritation and the Agrarian Reform Task Force. Both are created by different presidential regulations. Under qualitative approach on policy review method, this article examines the institutions and implementation of agrarian reform at the national level and accompanied by a f ield study in Sigi Regency to illustrate the dynamics of the relationship between civil society and the state in the policy. This article concludes that in developing the Agarian Reform Institution the government undertook a strategic compromise in the midst of the sectoralization of existing ministries. It created in the midst of the sectoralization situation of existing ministries/ institution. The institutions unable to be free from sectoral burden; and the national government think that the urgency of the agrarian problem is the form of ensuring land rights through accelerating land registration, outbid agrarian inequality and agrarian conflict Uniquely, this legalization policy is organized within the framework of agrarian reform.
Bhumi, 2024
All articles published in Bhumi: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan are licensed under a Creative Comm... more All articles published in Bhumi: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Kompas, 2023
Strategi penanganan sampah dari hulu mempersyaratkan perubahan di level kebijakan dan di level ka... more Strategi penanganan sampah dari hulu mempersyaratkan perubahan di level kebijakan dan di level kapasitas individu/komunitas. Ini dimulai dengan menjadikan penanganan sampah ke dalam sirkulasi ekonomi desa.
Nawala, 2023
Alokasi Tanah Desa untuk Pengelolaan Sampah di DIY
Kompas.id, 2023
The strategy for handling waste from upstream requires changes at the policy level and at the lev... more The strategy for handling waste from upstream requires changes at the policy level and at the level of individual/community capacity. This begins with making waste handling into the village's economic circulation.
Bahan artikel, film, dan laporan kegiatan untuk diskusi krisis iklim krisis lingkungan masalah sa... more Bahan artikel, film, dan laporan kegiatan untuk diskusi krisis iklim krisis lingkungan masalah sampah
Inovasi: Jurnal Politik dan Kebijakan, 2022
Program reforma agraria (RA) ditujukan untuk menata ketimpangan agraria dan meningkatkan kemakmur... more Program reforma agraria (RA) ditujukan untuk menata ketimpangan agraria dan meningkatkan kemakmuran masyarakat. Refleksi atas kinerja GTRA pada setiap daerah dibutuhkan untuk mengakselerasi program RA secara nasional. Provinsi DIY mempunyai runutan sejarah keistimewaan, utamanya kewenangan pengelolaan Tanah Kasultanan dan Kadipaten (TKK). Muatan pengetahuan RA yang setengah-setengah, kemauan politik lokal dan sejarah penguasaan tanah yang panjang tersebut menjadi permasalahan pelaksanaan program RA di daerah. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja GTRA di DIY yang bertugas mengkoordinasikan: penyediaan TORA, pelaksanaan dan integrasi program RA, serta penanganan sengketa/konflik agraria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penataan aset tidak hanya menyasar tanah-tanah 'marginal' seperti: tanah oro-oro, enclave, pangonan, tutupan, dan penataan kampung kumuh, tetapi juga TKK. Kegiatan penataan akses dilaksanakan bersama program pemerintah daerah seperti: pembangunan kawasan Pawonsari (Pacitan-Wonogiri-Wonosari) dan inovasi gerakan di kawasan perdesaan seperti: G2R (Global Gotong Royong). Namun demikian, koordinasi, integrasi dan sinkronisasi program RA oleh stakeholder tersebut belum ter konsolidasikan sebagaimana yang telah digariskan oleh Perpres RA. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan perbaikan dalam rangka peningkatan kegiatan oleh GTRA Nasional atas nama RA, dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan mendasar masyarakat atas struktur agraria.
Les violences aux personnes et les saisies de terres post-1965 à Banyuwangi, Java Est Kekerasan K... more Les violences aux personnes et les saisies de terres post-1965 à Banyuwangi, Java Est Kekerasan Kemanusiaan dan Perampasan Tanah Pasca- 1965 di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur Ahmad Nashih Luthfi p. 53-86 L’application de la Réforme agraire à Banyuwangi durant les années 1960 a permis la redistribution de terres excédentaires, de terres appartenant à des propriétaires non résidents sur place, ainsi que des terres publiques, aussi bien anciennes plantations que forêts. Suite au Coup d’État de 1965, diverses parties se sont livrées à des actes de violence aux personnes ainsi qu’à des actions destinées à contrecarrer la Réforme agraire. Basé sur des données issues principalement du bureau des affaires agraires de Banyuwangi ainsi que sur des documents militaires locaux, cet article met en évidence les liens étroits entre la Réforme agraire et les victimes d’assassinats devenues des cibles après 1965. Il s’agit d’un premier pas en vue d’éclairer les dimensions politico-économiques des massacres post-1965. L’histoire agraire et les violences aux personnes sont lues ici à travers le concept d’“accumulation primitive”, en suggérant que les violences aux personnes sous forme d’évictions, de saisies de terres et d’assassinats de paysans représentent le nouveau pilier et font partie intégrante de l’évolution politique et de l’économie agraire du régime de l’Ordre nouveau qui va suivre. Si le massacre est le “faire mourir”, l’assassinat au sens littéral, le processus qui s’est déroulé postérieurement est le “laisser mourir”, sous forme d’exclusion du système de production (foncier) et de la citoyenneté.
The confiscation of community land that occurred during the Colonial Government still has an impa... more The confiscation of community land that occurred during the Colonial Government still has an impact to this day. The unclear status of community land is caused by the land polemic itself, whether the confiscation is accompanied by compensation or not. One of these incidents occurred in Parangtritis Village, Kretek District, Bantul Regency, which is known as land cover. The issue of land cover has yet to find a solution. Since the establishment of the Yogyakarta Special Region Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA DIY), land cover has been proposed as the object of land for agrarian reform. The mechanism offered is land consolidation. With land consolidation, it is not only possible to solve the problem of land cover itself by legalizing assets, but it is followed up by providing access and structuring existing access / assets.
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried o... more This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial approach is carried out by satellite images processing with a 20year period, which are taken in 2019 and 1999. The thematic approach is carried out by conducting the Identification of Land Tenure, Ownership, Utilization and Use. The results of the identification in the location of tenurial forest by the community with utilizing the SPOT 7 imagery for 2019, there are the 120,40 hectares area of Kedungasri Village that have been occupied by the community but claimed as Perum Perhutani forest area. The thematic study also confirms that land tenure has been carried out since the Japanese period. Of the 120.40 hectares area, there are 50.80 hectares or about 42% was directed towards agrarian reform policies through by Forest Area Swap (TMKH). The location that will be proposed for RAPS have land uses in the form of agriculture and settlements. At the provincial level, this study also found that the forest area in East Java is more than 30% of the total area of the province. The possibility of agrarian reform policies in Java is very open. It is not appropriate if Java has been exempted from agrarian reform policies.
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried o... more This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial approach is carried out by satellite images processing with a 20year period, which are taken in 2019 and 1999. The thematic approach is carried out by conducting the Identification of Land Tenure, Ownership, Utilization and Use. The results of the identification in the location of tenurial forest by the community with utilizing the SPOT 7 imagery for 2019, there are the 120,40 hectares area of Kedungasri Village that have been occupied by the community but claimed as Perum Perhutani forest area. The thematic study also confirms that land tenure has been carried out since the Japanese period. Of the 120.40 hectares area, there are 50.80 hectares or about 42% was directed towards agrarian reform policies through by Forest Area Swap (TMKH). The location that will be proposed for RAPS have land uses in the form of agriculture and settlements. At the provincial level, this study also found that the forest area in East Java is more than 30% of the total area of the province. The possibility of agrarian reform policies in Java is very open. It is not appropriate if Java has been exempted from agrarian reform policies.
BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan, 2018
Historiographically, there is false understanding that the 1960's landreform in Indonesia was onl... more Historiographically, there is false understanding that the 1960's landreform in Indonesia was only supported by communism party, and religion-based parties were on the opposite sides, ideologically and sociologically. This article contradicts the simplification of the understanding of the history by pointed out that Nahdlatul Ulama supported the policy of land reform. The support was within the framework of the creation of justice, as well as the understanding that private land ownership is respected in Islam, as part of the goal in enforcing syari'at: to keep the possessions of the umat (hifdhul maal). Not only on the implementation, Pertanu also defend and fight for the peasants when they were expelled, and their lands were taken over (counter-landreform) post 1965. Based on the archived of ANRI and local military documents, this article record the institutional history of Pertanu and its struggle to defent the peasants after 1965, and the dynamic of the implementation of land reform and its backflow in Banyuwangi, East Java. The description of historical experiences of this peasant organization is equipped by contextual reflection and its revitalization on current era when facing contemporary agrarian issues.
Bernas, 1999
Terbit di Harian Bernas, 14 Maret 1999, "Pluralitas SARA, Integrasi atau Disintegrasi"
Widya Bhumi, 2021
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried o... more This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social
Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial approach is carried out by satellite images processing with a 20-year period, which are taken in 2019 and 1999. The thematic approach is carried out by conducting
the Identification of Land Tenure, Ownership, Utilization and Use. The results of the identification in the location of tenurial forest by the community with utilizing the SPOT 7 imagery for 2019, there
are the 120,40 hectares area of Kedungasri Village that have been occupied by the community but claimed as Perum Perhutani forest area. The thematic study also confirms that land tenure has been carried out since the Japanese period. Of the 120.40 hectares area, there are 50.80 hectares or about 42% was directed towards agrarian reform policies through by Forest Area Swap (TMKH). The location that will be proposed for RAPS have land uses in the form of agriculture and
settlements. At the provincial level, this study also found that the forest area in East Java is more than 30% of the total area of the province. The possibility of agrarian reform policies in Java is very open. It is not appropriate if Java has been exempted from agrarian reform policies.
Keywords : PPTKH, RAPS, Spatial Approach, IP4T, 30% forest area
The implementation of agrarian reform to date has not been maximized due to the existence of sect... more The implementation of agrarian reform to date has not been maximized due to the existence of sectoral egos and lack of coordination between related sectors / ministries. The institutional formation of the GTRA is expected to be able to unite across sectors of the relevant ministries / institutions. In Central Lampung Regency there are many land issues on HGU land and transmigration land which will later become the priority location of the Agrarian Reform Land (TORA). The Central Lampung BPN target in 2020 as many as 3,000 plots of land will be distributed to the public. It is hoped that the existence of GTRA can support the achievement of these targets. This study aims to determine the role of GTRA, obstacles and how to overcome obstacles in implementing agrarian reform in Central Lampung Regency. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The results showed that budget limitations and the existence of an institutional sectoral ego led to impeded implementation of asset management and access structuring. A strong commitment from all GTRA implementers is needed in carrying out all agrarian reform programs. If not, the GTRA will be the same as the previous institution which only changed its name.
BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan, 2018
The development of agrarian reform institution is one of the indicators of the government's serio... more The development of agrarian reform institution is one of the indicators of the government's seriousness in agrarian policy. The extent to which the government realizes the gravity of agrarian problems requires solution through agrarian reform are reflected through the existence of a special implementing institution. The Jokowi-JK government succeeded in creating two institutions called the Team of Identif ication and Inventoritation and the Agrarian Reform Task Force. Both are created by different presidential regulations. Under qualitative approach on policy review method, this article examines the institutions and implementation of agrarian reform at the national level and accompanied by a f ield study in Sigi Regency to illustrate the dynamics of the relationship between civil society and the state in the policy. This article concludes that in developing the Agarian Reform Institution the government undertook a strategic compromise in the midst of the sectoralization of existing ministries. It created in the midst of the sectoralization situation of existing ministries/ institution. The institutions unable to be free from sectoral burden; and the national government think that the urgency of the agrarian problem is the form of ensuring land rights through accelerating land registration, outbid agrarian inequality and agrarian conflict Uniquely, this legalization policy is organized within the framework of agrarian reform.
Bhumi, 2024
All articles published in Bhumi: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan are licensed under a Creative Comm... more All articles published in Bhumi: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Kompas, 2023
Strategi penanganan sampah dari hulu mempersyaratkan perubahan di level kebijakan dan di level ka... more Strategi penanganan sampah dari hulu mempersyaratkan perubahan di level kebijakan dan di level kapasitas individu/komunitas. Ini dimulai dengan menjadikan penanganan sampah ke dalam sirkulasi ekonomi desa.
Nawala, 2023
Alokasi Tanah Desa untuk Pengelolaan Sampah di DIY
Kompas.id, 2023
The strategy for handling waste from upstream requires changes at the policy level and at the lev... more The strategy for handling waste from upstream requires changes at the policy level and at the level of individual/community capacity. This begins with making waste handling into the village's economic circulation.
Bahan artikel, film, dan laporan kegiatan untuk diskusi krisis iklim krisis lingkungan masalah sa... more Bahan artikel, film, dan laporan kegiatan untuk diskusi krisis iklim krisis lingkungan masalah sampah
Inovasi: Jurnal Politik dan Kebijakan, 2022
Program reforma agraria (RA) ditujukan untuk menata ketimpangan agraria dan meningkatkan kemakmur... more Program reforma agraria (RA) ditujukan untuk menata ketimpangan agraria dan meningkatkan kemakmuran masyarakat. Refleksi atas kinerja GTRA pada setiap daerah dibutuhkan untuk mengakselerasi program RA secara nasional. Provinsi DIY mempunyai runutan sejarah keistimewaan, utamanya kewenangan pengelolaan Tanah Kasultanan dan Kadipaten (TKK). Muatan pengetahuan RA yang setengah-setengah, kemauan politik lokal dan sejarah penguasaan tanah yang panjang tersebut menjadi permasalahan pelaksanaan program RA di daerah. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja GTRA di DIY yang bertugas mengkoordinasikan: penyediaan TORA, pelaksanaan dan integrasi program RA, serta penanganan sengketa/konflik agraria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penataan aset tidak hanya menyasar tanah-tanah 'marginal' seperti: tanah oro-oro, enclave, pangonan, tutupan, dan penataan kampung kumuh, tetapi juga TKK. Kegiatan penataan akses dilaksanakan bersama program pemerintah daerah seperti: pembangunan kawasan Pawonsari (Pacitan-Wonogiri-Wonosari) dan inovasi gerakan di kawasan perdesaan seperti: G2R (Global Gotong Royong). Namun demikian, koordinasi, integrasi dan sinkronisasi program RA oleh stakeholder tersebut belum ter konsolidasikan sebagaimana yang telah digariskan oleh Perpres RA. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan perbaikan dalam rangka peningkatan kegiatan oleh GTRA Nasional atas nama RA, dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan mendasar masyarakat atas struktur agraria.
Les violences aux personnes et les saisies de terres post-1965 à Banyuwangi, Java Est Kekerasan K... more Les violences aux personnes et les saisies de terres post-1965 à Banyuwangi, Java Est Kekerasan Kemanusiaan dan Perampasan Tanah Pasca- 1965 di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur Ahmad Nashih Luthfi p. 53-86 L’application de la Réforme agraire à Banyuwangi durant les années 1960 a permis la redistribution de terres excédentaires, de terres appartenant à des propriétaires non résidents sur place, ainsi que des terres publiques, aussi bien anciennes plantations que forêts. Suite au Coup d’État de 1965, diverses parties se sont livrées à des actes de violence aux personnes ainsi qu’à des actions destinées à contrecarrer la Réforme agraire. Basé sur des données issues principalement du bureau des affaires agraires de Banyuwangi ainsi que sur des documents militaires locaux, cet article met en évidence les liens étroits entre la Réforme agraire et les victimes d’assassinats devenues des cibles après 1965. Il s’agit d’un premier pas en vue d’éclairer les dimensions politico-économiques des massacres post-1965. L’histoire agraire et les violences aux personnes sont lues ici à travers le concept d’“accumulation primitive”, en suggérant que les violences aux personnes sous forme d’évictions, de saisies de terres et d’assassinats de paysans représentent le nouveau pilier et font partie intégrante de l’évolution politique et de l’économie agraire du régime de l’Ordre nouveau qui va suivre. Si le massacre est le “faire mourir”, l’assassinat au sens littéral, le processus qui s’est déroulé postérieurement est le “laisser mourir”, sous forme d’exclusion du système de production (foncier) et de la citoyenneté.
The confiscation of community land that occurred during the Colonial Government still has an impa... more The confiscation of community land that occurred during the Colonial Government still has an impact to this day. The unclear status of community land is caused by the land polemic itself, whether the confiscation is accompanied by compensation or not. One of these incidents occurred in Parangtritis Village, Kretek District, Bantul Regency, which is known as land cover. The issue of land cover has yet to find a solution. Since the establishment of the Yogyakarta Special Region Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA DIY), land cover has been proposed as the object of land for agrarian reform. The mechanism offered is land consolidation. With land consolidation, it is not only possible to solve the problem of land cover itself by legalizing assets, but it is followed up by providing access and structuring existing access / assets.
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried o... more This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial approach is carried out by satellite images processing with a 20year period, which are taken in 2019 and 1999. The thematic approach is carried out by conducting the Identification of Land Tenure, Ownership, Utilization and Use. The results of the identification in the location of tenurial forest by the community with utilizing the SPOT 7 imagery for 2019, there are the 120,40 hectares area of Kedungasri Village that have been occupied by the community but claimed as Perum Perhutani forest area. The thematic study also confirms that land tenure has been carried out since the Japanese period. Of the 120.40 hectares area, there are 50.80 hectares or about 42% was directed towards agrarian reform policies through by Forest Area Swap (TMKH). The location that will be proposed for RAPS have land uses in the form of agriculture and settlements. At the provincial level, this study also found that the forest area in East Java is more than 30% of the total area of the province. The possibility of agrarian reform policies in Java is very open. It is not appropriate if Java has been exempted from agrarian reform policies.
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried o... more This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial approach is carried out by satellite images processing with a 20year period, which are taken in 2019 and 1999. The thematic approach is carried out by conducting the Identification of Land Tenure, Ownership, Utilization and Use. The results of the identification in the location of tenurial forest by the community with utilizing the SPOT 7 imagery for 2019, there are the 120,40 hectares area of Kedungasri Village that have been occupied by the community but claimed as Perum Perhutani forest area. The thematic study also confirms that land tenure has been carried out since the Japanese period. Of the 120.40 hectares area, there are 50.80 hectares or about 42% was directed towards agrarian reform policies through by Forest Area Swap (TMKH). The location that will be proposed for RAPS have land uses in the form of agriculture and settlements. At the provincial level, this study also found that the forest area in East Java is more than 30% of the total area of the province. The possibility of agrarian reform policies in Java is very open. It is not appropriate if Java has been exempted from agrarian reform policies.
BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan, 2018
Historiographically, there is false understanding that the 1960's landreform in Indonesia was onl... more Historiographically, there is false understanding that the 1960's landreform in Indonesia was only supported by communism party, and religion-based parties were on the opposite sides, ideologically and sociologically. This article contradicts the simplification of the understanding of the history by pointed out that Nahdlatul Ulama supported the policy of land reform. The support was within the framework of the creation of justice, as well as the understanding that private land ownership is respected in Islam, as part of the goal in enforcing syari'at: to keep the possessions of the umat (hifdhul maal). Not only on the implementation, Pertanu also defend and fight for the peasants when they were expelled, and their lands were taken over (counter-landreform) post 1965. Based on the archived of ANRI and local military documents, this article record the institutional history of Pertanu and its struggle to defent the peasants after 1965, and the dynamic of the implementation of land reform and its backflow in Banyuwangi, East Java. The description of historical experiences of this peasant organization is equipped by contextual reflection and its revitalization on current era when facing contemporary agrarian issues.
Bernas, 1999
Terbit di Harian Bernas, 14 Maret 1999, "Pluralitas SARA, Integrasi atau Disintegrasi"
Widya Bhumi, 2021
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried o... more This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social
Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial approach is carried out by satellite images processing with a 20-year period, which are taken in 2019 and 1999. The thematic approach is carried out by conducting
the Identification of Land Tenure, Ownership, Utilization and Use. The results of the identification in the location of tenurial forest by the community with utilizing the SPOT 7 imagery for 2019, there
are the 120,40 hectares area of Kedungasri Village that have been occupied by the community but claimed as Perum Perhutani forest area. The thematic study also confirms that land tenure has been carried out since the Japanese period. Of the 120.40 hectares area, there are 50.80 hectares or about 42% was directed towards agrarian reform policies through by Forest Area Swap (TMKH). The location that will be proposed for RAPS have land uses in the form of agriculture and
settlements. At the provincial level, this study also found that the forest area in East Java is more than 30% of the total area of the province. The possibility of agrarian reform policies in Java is very open. It is not appropriate if Java has been exempted from agrarian reform policies.
Keywords : PPTKH, RAPS, Spatial Approach, IP4T, 30% forest area
The implementation of agrarian reform to date has not been maximized due to the existence of sect... more The implementation of agrarian reform to date has not been maximized due to the existence of sectoral egos and lack of coordination between related sectors / ministries. The institutional formation of the GTRA is expected to be able to unite across sectors of the relevant ministries / institutions. In Central Lampung Regency there are many land issues on HGU land and transmigration land which will later become the priority location of the Agrarian Reform Land (TORA). The Central Lampung BPN target in 2020 as many as 3,000 plots of land will be distributed to the public. It is hoped that the existence of GTRA can support the achievement of these targets. This study aims to determine the role of GTRA, obstacles and how to overcome obstacles in implementing agrarian reform in Central Lampung Regency. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The results showed that budget limitations and the existence of an institutional sectoral ego led to impeded implementation of asset management and access structuring. A strong commitment from all GTRA implementers is needed in carrying out all agrarian reform programs. If not, the GTRA will be the same as the previous institution which only changed its name.
Kasan Ngali, 2022
Himpunan 40 Hadits Hijau, Tuntunan Nabi Muhammad tentang Keadilan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan
Akram-Lodhi, A. H., Kristina Dietz, Bettina Engels, Ben M. Mckay (Ed.)
Buku Pegangan Studi Agraria Kritis
Penerjemah: Tim Keroyokan Belajar Agraria
Editor Penerjemahan: Ahmad Nashih Luthfi, Ciptaningrat Larastiti, Dwi Wulan
Pujiriyani, Laksmi A. Savitri, Devy Dhian Cahyati, Rusman Nurjaman, Dia Mawesti,
Ahmad Chairuddin, dan Tim Keroyokan Belajar Agraria
STPN Press, November 2022;
ISBN: 978-602-7894-42-6
This edition arranged with Professor A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi
Indonesian edition copyright:
All rights reserved.
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"Pergulatan Intelektual Mewujudkan Tata Kelola Agraria yang Adil, Demokratis dan Mensejahterakan"... more "Pergulatan Intelektual Mewujudkan Tata Kelola Agraria yang Adil, Demokratis dan Mensejahterakan" berisi artikel persembahan serta kenangan para kolega Prof. Dr. Endriatmo Soetarto yang disunting oleh Dwi Wulan Pujiriyani, Ahmad Hamdani dan Ahmad Nashih Luthfi dan diterbitkan oleh STPN Press dan Sajogyo Institute (2023).
"Mengantarkan Literasi Agraria" merupakan kumpulan kata pengantar buku yang ditulis oleh Prof. Dr... more "Mengantarkan Literasi Agraria" merupakan kumpulan kata pengantar buku yang ditulis oleh Prof. Dr. Endriatmo Soetarto, disunting oleh Dwi Wulan Pujiriyani, Ahmad Hamdani dan Ahmad Nashih Luthfi dan diterbitkan oleh STPN Press dan Sajogyo Institute (2023)
Tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana krisis lingkungan berakar pada pandangan yang mendikotomikan ma... more Tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana krisis lingkungan berakar pada pandangan yang mendikotomikan manusia dan non-manusia. Kami meletakkan ukhuwah kauniyyah (persaudaraan antar spesies/kosmis) dalam dialog dengan krisis sosioalam (socionature) – istilah penjelas yang memperlihatkan bahwa pada dasarnya manusia dan non-manusia menyatu – di era Capitalocene. Yang pertama berakar dalam epistemologi pesantren dan kuat dengan tradisi dan kesadaran spritual, yang kedua berakar dalam sains Modern yang berakar kuat pada penjelasan material empiris. Dalam kasus yang kami angkat, krisis air di Sumenep, Pulau Madura, keduanya saling memperkuat. Dialog ini kami anggap penting bagi kampanye pluralitas epistemologi dimana rumpun pengetahuan yang berbeda saling memperkaya.
Kata-kata kunci: ukhuwwah kauniyyah, sosioalam, Capitalocene, pluralitas epistemologi, Sumenep.
Kata Pengantar untuk Buku "Atas Nama Tanah Pakel" (2023)
Dilarang memperbanyak atau menggandakan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini untuk tujuan komersial... more Dilarang memperbanyak atau menggandakan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini untuk tujuan komersial. Setiap tindak pembajakan akan diproses sesuai hukum yang berlaku. Pengutipan untuk kepentingan akademis, jurnalistik, dan advokasi diperkenankan dalam batas ketentuan yang berlaku. xx | KONGRES KEBUDAYAAN DESA mampu melakukan lompatan non-linier bahkan out of the box. Dari Terra Firma, daratan yang dikenal dengan baik, ke Terra Incognita atau dunia masa depan. Demikianlah, semoga buku rumusan hasil Kongres Kebudayaan Desa ini bermanfaat bagi desa, bangsa, dan negara Indonesia. Akhir kata, saya ucapkan selamat dan semoga sukses. Sekian, terima kasih. Wassalam.
Naskah persembahan untuk 80 Tahun Prof. Maria S.W. Sumardjono, 27 Mei 2023
Puslitbang ATR/BPN Press, 2021
Politik dan kebijakan pertanahan, frase yang mengarahkan kita pada pertanyaan apa dan oleh siapa ... more Politik dan kebijakan pertanahan, frase yang mengarahkan kita pada pertanyaan apa dan oleh siapa yang dimaksud dengan praktik politik pertanahan serta untuk siapa kebijakan pertanahan itu. Buku bunga rampai ini menyajikan tujuh artikel yang berupaya menempatkan isu-isu pertanahan dalam bingkai politik dalam pengertian kekuasaan (power) atas sumber-sumber agraria atau pertanahan. Kekuasaan di sini diartikan baik sebagai penguasaan terhadap pihak lain (as power over) maupun kekuasaan sebagai relasi (power as relation) yang lahir dari hubungan keagrariaan.
Buku bunga rampai ini menyajikan proses dekolonisasi politik-pengetahuan dan lahirnya studi agraria kritis; politik pertanahan awal Orde Baru; penguasaan dan kebijakan tanah pasca tambang di pulau Bangka; himpitan politik identitas kewargaan dan kelas dalam kebijakan pertanahan; anak muda pertanian di hadapan kebijakan liberalisasi pertanahan; UUPA 1960 sebagai produk politik pertanahan era lampau yang menghadapi kondisi multikrisis di era sekarang; dan kebijakan agraria perkotaan dalam perspektif lingkungan.
Pustaka Insan Madani , 2008
Luthfi 2008. Melawan Kolonialisme Buku Suplemen untuk Pelajar SMP-SMA
Umar Kayam Luar Dalam, 2005
Luthfi 2005. Umar Kayam dan Perfilman Indonesia (1966-1969)
Pasal 113 UU Nomor 28 tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta 1. Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakuka... more Pasal 113 UU Nomor 28 tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta 1. Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk penggunaan secara komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah). 2. Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk penggunaan secara komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). 3. Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk penggunaan secara komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). 4. Setiap orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp4.000.000.000,00 (empat miliar rupiah).
Agricultural production growth has been the main priority in agrarian development in Indonesia bu... more Agricultural production growth has been the main priority in agrarian development in Indonesia but its ends and means have been varied. In the colonial era, an exportoriented colonial plantation system resulted in the transformation of the Indonesian land tenurial system. In the post-colonial period, Soekarno's regime pursued agrarian development seeking to strengthening people's land rights through its land reform policies. Land rights were seen as the basis for agricultural production. Soeharto's New Order regime implemented its Green Revolution policy by developing agricultural mechanization and extensification which managed to improve agricultural production, but it gave greater privileges to the rural elite class and caused dependence on foreign inputs and aid. All agrarian policies were supported by knowledge produced through the research of influential institutions and individuals, including critical responses against the impacts of the transformation of land tenure. In this context, knowledge in agrarian studies with its critical perspectives were reshaped as part of the process of knowledge decolonization.
Luthfi 2019, "Perubahan Politik Agraria di Yogyakarta, dari Reforma Agraria ke Kontra Reforma", ... more Luthfi 2019, "Perubahan Politik Agraria di Yogyakarta, dari Reforma Agraria ke Kontra Reforma", dalam Shohibuddin dan Bachri , PERJUANGAN KEADILAN AGRARIA, Yogyakarta: Insist Press
STPN Press, 2020
Ahmad Nashih Luthfi 2020, “Pengantar Penyunting: Laporan Interim ‘Masalah Pertanahan’ 1978 dan Re... more Ahmad Nashih Luthfi 2020, “Pengantar Penyunting: Laporan Interim ‘Masalah Pertanahan’ 1978 dan Relevansinya Kini” dalam Tim Peneliti Masalah Pertanahan, Masalah Pertanahan di Indonesia (Laporan lnterim Menteri Negara Ekuin/Ketua Bappenas dan Menteri Negara Riset Republik lndonesia)
Full download: http://pppm.stpn.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Laporan-Interim-plus-cover.-final-cetak.pdf
Artikel berjudul "Prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam Pengelolaan Sumber-sumber Agraria" ini adalah artik... more Artikel berjudul "Prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam Pengelolaan Sumber-sumber Agraria" ini adalah artikel pertama dari buku kumpulan tulisan saya (2019) Membangun Bersama Rumah Agraria.
Jika ingin mengetahui selengkapnya buku tersebut bisa ditengok di sini: https://bit.ly/3gHkVES
Luthfi 2015 Reviow on Jan Breman's. Koloniaal profijt van onvrije arbeid Het Preanger stelsel van... more Luthfi 2015 Reviow on Jan Breman's. Koloniaal profijt van onvrije arbeid Het Preanger stelsel van gedwongen
Kaitan antara Kapitalisme, Krisis Agraria- Ekologis, dan Demokrasi
Reforma Agraria: Pandangan Islam terhadap Masalah Kontemporer dalam Mewujudkan Kedamaian Hidup Be... more Reforma Agraria: Pandangan Islam terhadap Masalah Kontemporer dalam Mewujudkan Kedamaian Hidup Bernegara
Dialog peringati Pancasila di STPN
Komponen Pembaruan Menuju Reforma Agraria dalam UUPA 1960 Bahan diskusi untuk Webinar 09-09-2020
Daftar Materi Pembelajaran Matakuliah Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Materi ceramah Halal bi Halal Paguyuban Petani Lahan Pantai Kulon Progo, 24 Juni 2018
Di awal abad dua puluh satu ini, upaya menguatkan akses rakyat miskin pada tanah dan sumber daya ... more Di awal abad dua puluh satu ini, upaya menguatkan akses rakyat miskin pada tanah dan sumber daya alam melalui upaya mengubah struktur agraria, yang biasa dikenal dengan istilah reforma agraria, telah kembali menjadi salah satu pokok bahasan terdepan berbagai badan internasional, negara dan organisasi gerakan sosial pedesaan di Asia, Afrika dan Amerika Latin. Kebangkitan itu diiringi pula oleh beragam cara pandang untuk memahami, menganalisas dan merancang jalannya
reforma agraria, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dengan kebangkitan studi-studi agraria dewasa ini.
Dalam sejarah bangsa Indonesia sendiri, agenda Reforma Agraria memiliki perjalanan yang panjang, berjalinan dengan pembentukan bangsa dan negara. Ringkasnya, agenda ini telah membentuk bagian penting dari aspirasi kemerdekaan dan cita-cita kebangsaan yang hendak diwujudkan. Maka tidak mengherankan jika dalam UUPA ditekankan bahwa prinsip dasar pengelolaan sumber-sumber agraria
adalah untuk mencapai sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat, dalam arti kebahagiaan, kesejahteraan dan kemerdekaan dalam masyarakat dan negara hukum Indonesia yang merdeka berdaulat, adil dan makmur. Demi mewujudkan prinsip tanah untuk “sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat” inilah maka UUPA menegaskan pentingnya menjalankan program landreform. Sayangnya, setelah fase singkat pelaksanaannya pada dekade 1960-an, agenda ini kemudian kandas seiring dengan peralihan yang brutal dari apa yang dikenal dengan nama rejim Orde Lama ke rejim Orde Baru
Sajogyo Institute dan KRKP, 2007
Kedaulatan pangan merupakan suatu keharusan dalam pembangunan bangsa. Sebagai salah satu pilar k... more Kedaulatan pangan merupakan suatu keharusan dalam pembangunan
bangsa. Sebagai salah satu pilar keamanan manusia (human security) maka sudah sewajarnya apabila hak atas pangan mendapat perhatian yang sama besarnya dengan usaha menegakkan pilar-pilar hak azasi manusia lainnya. Kelaparan dan kekurangan pangan merupakan bentuk terburuk dari kemiskinan yang dihadapi rakyat. Oleh sebab itu usaha pengembangan kedaulatan pangan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari usaha penanggulangan kemiskinan.
CURRICULUM VITAE Luthfi Oktober 2019
Skripsi Landreform Akademi Agraria Yogyakarta dan Majalah Penjuluh Landreform.pdf
"Mendidik Satu Anak Perlu Orang Sekampung", pepatah dari Afrika. Kami mencobanya dalam konsep Ka... more "Mendidik Satu Anak Perlu Orang Sekampung", pepatah dari Afrika.
Kami mencobanya dalam konsep Kampung Sinau ini. Semoga Tuhan memberkahi...
Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi melalui Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Iptek... more Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi melalui Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Iptek Dikti bersama dengan Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional mengadakan kegiatan pertukaran pemikiran dengan para akademisi se Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuka kesempatan, menjalin kolaborasi pengembangan keilmuan dan riset dengan para akademisi serta ilmuwan diaspora Indonesia dari seluruh dunia yang telah berkarya dan memiliki reputasi baik di dunia internasional. Ada sekitar 40 ilmuwan diaspora, mayoritas adalah para professor, yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Belanda, Australia, Inggris, Arab Saudi, Qatar, Jepang, Singapura, Malaysia, dan Brunei Darussalam.
Pertemuan dilaksanakan dalam berbagai tema/kluster, yaitu: Ketahanan Pangan, Energi Terbarukan, Kesehatan dan Obat-Obatan; Pertahanan dan Material Maju; Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi; Sosial, Politik, Ekonomi, Seni, dan Budaya; dan Kemaritiman. Dalam pertemuan tanggal Senin, 19 Desember 2016 di Ruang Auditorium Lantai 2 Gedung D Kemenristekdikti saya mengikuti kluster Sosial, Politik, Ekonomi, Seni, dan Budaya.
Foto-foto Kegiatan Kampung Sinau 2019.pdf