subtlelove - Profile (original) (raw)

on 18 January 2006 (#9288390)

This is a icon and graphics community run by secksual and br0wneyes__. We make icons, wallpapers, banners and color bars featuring a variety of different things, as we both have different tastes. We do not take requests, but we do take suggestions.
o1) Comment when taking. It's nice to know where they are going.o2) Credit when using. Credit whoever made them, not just the community. Both would be good though.o3) Do not hotlink! Please upload to your own server like photobucket or imageshack, it makes things much easier for us makers! It annoys the heck out of us, and I will hunt you down and torture you in a way I deem fit.o4) Do not edit anything. If you ask, then maybe I will let you. But it would be nice just to leave them as they are thankyou. o5) Never claim our icons as yours. Cause they aren't. Oh and see second part of rule 3.

100x100, 1024x768, 40k, adobe, adobe photoshop, all_icons, animated gif, animated graphics, animated icons, animation, animation shop, art, artistic, avatars, backgrounds, banner, banners, bases, code, coding, communities, computer graphics, create, creating, creating icons, creative, creative icons, creativity, customization, customize, customized, design, designs, free design, free layout design, free layouts, friends only banners, generator, gif, gifs, graphic design, graphic makers, graphics, hot icons, icon, icon communities, icon making, icons, image hosts, image manipulation, images, journal, journals, jpeg, jpg, layout, layout design, layouts, live journal layout, live journal layouts, livejournal, livejournal icons, livejournal layout, lj, lj icons, lj layout, lj layouts, ljicons, making graphics, making icons, paid styles, paint, paint shop pro, personalized, personalized layout, personalized layouts, photo shop, photoshop, pics, pictures, pretty layouts, ps7, ps8, sharing icons, styles, tabular indent, unpaid styles, user icons, user pics, user pictures, userpics, userpictures, web design, web designs, webdesign.