sugar_shop - Profile (original) (raw)

on 19 February 2002 (#473407)

A sweet dream of all things sugary...

After being out of action for a while....I'm ready to get the ball rolling again....

This is a website that was dreamed up by myself and seren to exchange small packages of sweets, candy, funky snacks and generally anything we shouldn't eat because it makes us fat...but is just soooooo good and irrisitable.

Let's spread the sweetness around...

If you want to participate you just click join, then email me at and I'll email you a survey...when you have completed the survey, email it back to me and post it onto the main journal so that everyone else can see it. I then add this as a memory, so if you want to look back at anyone's survey you can. Your mailing address will only be known by me and your buddy- no one else will know it. (Please make sure that you email and post the survey as otherwise it's a lot harder to moderate the community and do the matching...thanks loads)

Please let your buddy know where you are at with the sugar_shop package process eg. package has been sent, I'm skint at the moment, so need to have a break from exchanging etc. Just so that everyone is up to speed with everything and everyone receives fair exchanges...

Then I'll do my best to match you up with a buddy to exchange with...if you don't wish to enter into this sytem, let me know, it doesn't stop you from exchanging with anyone else if that is what you wish...


Ok this is the boring, but necessary part so that everyone is kept happy...There are just Three rules of sugar_shop

1. Exchange of sugar_shop packages should be equal - If you receive one, send one back.

2. You're free to leave sugar_shop
community at any time. But, please ensure that when you leave the number of exchanges you have made with your buddy is even. Also please email me at so that I know.

3. If you don't send packages in return, you will be banned from sugar_shop

Let's spread some sweetness...

aero, bournville bars, bubble gum, cadburys, cadburys cream eggs, candy, candy corn, caramac, caramel, chewing gum, chocolate, chocolate buttons, chunky kitkat, chuppa chups, coconut, coconut ice, cookies, cream, dark chocolate, dibdabs, dweebs, everlasting gob stoppers, exchanges, fizzy cola bottles, flake, flying saucers, fruit, fruit pastles, fudge, galaxy, ginger, gum, gummie bears, haribo, hershey, ice cream, jelly, jelly babies, jelly worms, kitkats, lollies, lollipops, mars, mega warheads, milk chocolate, mini eggs, mintos, mints, nerds, opal fruits, package, packages, pancakes, peanut butter, pic n mix, presents, revels, ring pops, rowntrees, runts, sherbet, sherbet lemons, shortbread, skittles, snickers, sour patch kids, sour sugar, strawberry laces, sugar, swap, sweet, sweets, syrup, turkish delight, twix, vanilla, werthers originals, white chocolate, white skittles, willy wonka, wispa