suggestions - Profile (original) (raw)

on 20 February 2001 (#61179)

Official English-language LiveJournal suggestions community

How do I submit a suggestion?

To submit a suggestion, please fill in the form at the Suggestion Proposal Generator according to the directions. All fields are required. Suggestions are moderated before posting. Some types of suggestions have a "drop box" post or community where you should comment with your ideas:
New Journal Layouts
New Virtual Gifts
New Userheads: lj_userheads

If you would like to submit a suggestion in Russian, please do so at lj_ru_support. Русскоязычные пользователи могут оставить свои предложения в специальном сообществе lj_ru_support.

If you have a suggestion in a language other than English or Russian, you may email it to the contact address listed above.

Any user may submit a suggestion through the Suggestion Proposal Generator. It is not necessary to join the community in order to make a suggestion. Anyone is welcome to watch the suggestions community. Community membership is limited to staff and volunteers actively involved with community administration.

What if someone has suggested my idea before?

Before submitting a suggestion, please take a look through the community to make sure you are not submitting a duplicate. Previous suggestions can be found by browsing the tag listing or searching.

Suggestions are tagged according to the areas and features of the site they would affect. All current suggestions (from the past three years) have been tagged, and most of the historical (older than three years) suggestions are tagged as well. Suggestions that are a duplicate of a current suggestion will be rejected. Suggestions that are a re-submission of a historical suggestion should include a link to the historical suggestion. They should also include any possible drawbacks pointed out in the discussion of the historical suggestion. Re-submissions that do not include these may be rejected.

If you notice a suggestion that is not tagged correctly, please comment to it so that a maintainer can update the tags.

What happens after I submit a suggestion?

The suggestion is reviewed by moderators. If accepted, the suggestion is posted in the community for discussion. If a suggested feature is implemented, it will be announced in lj_releases. This post explains the entire life of a suggestion, including the meanings of the suggestion's status tags.

lj_releases posts updates on new features, bug fixes, and various other LiveJournal modifications. If you would like to keep updated on this, you may add the community to your friends list or visit it periodically.

What can I suggest here?

The suggestions community primarily accepts ideas for new technical features or changes/improvements to existing technical features. This community is maintained and moderated primarily by volunteers. Some suggestions are handled by other departments.

Keep In Mind

Last updated 02 February 2010
If you have been banned from commenting, you are free to request that the ban be lifted. Please email the contact address listed above for review.

change, constructive criticism, danga, danga interactive, dev, development, devs, features, feedback, frank, goats, help, ideas, improvement, improvements, livejournal, lj, new features, open source, satisfying users, six apart, smiles, suggestions, sup, thoughts

общество, дизайн