Anamarija Jazbec | University of Zagreb, Forestry Faculty (original) (raw)

Papers by Anamarija Jazbec

Research paper thumbnail of Studije genotoksičnosti i mutageneze u odnosu na dob

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Research paper thumbnail of Broj hitnih slučajeva kroničnih opstruktivnih bolesti pluća (KOPB) u odraslih i onečišćenje zraka u Zagrebu

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Research paper thumbnail of Nespecifični mortalitet uzorka populacije kroničnih kašljača

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Research paper thumbnail of Qualitative and Quantitative Changes of Croatian Forestry Journals-Results of link and correspondence analysis

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct and indirect influence of climate on radial increment of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)

To assess the possible influence of climate on the vitality of beech trees, we used several descr... more To assess the possible influence of climate on the vitality of beech trees, we used several descriptors of common beech vitality: crown condition, radial growth and concentration of mineral elements in leaves. We want to check the validity of various descriptors of beech vitality as well as their possible interrelations and dependencies on climatic conditions and to asses the influence of climate change. We selected mature and healthy beech stand with moderate average defoliation for the subject of this study. Crown defoliation data, minerals in leaves and soil, cores from 26 trees and meteorological data were collected. Data were compared for the period 1994 – 2007. Crown defoliation slightly increasing since 1996, with percentage being the highest in 2003 and 2004 (approx. 30%), the years that follows heavy drought in 2002, after 2004 crown defoliation slowly decrease. Foliar nutrient concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg and K are in average years above threshold value, while in the year following extreme year they drop below threshold values indicating prolonged stressful conditions for tree growth. Wetter conditions in April-August are influencing Ca concentration in leaves ; while hotter and drier climate in the same period has a negative influence on Ca, P and Mg concentrations in leaves. Tree-ring widths are correlated with wetter conditions in June. Crown transparency, as long as it is below 25-30%, has no influence on radial growth and on mineral nutrient concentrations in leaves. There was no relationship between mineral nutrient concentrations in leaves and radial growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Container size and soil preparation effects on afforestation success of one year old stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) seedlings in Croatian Mediterranenan area

Šumarski list : znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo Hrvatskoga šumarskog društva, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Clustering of Eu Countries According to Selected Economic Indicators and Their PISA2018 Results

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cohort Mortality Tables for Croatian Population

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Research paper thumbnail of Adiponectin Appears to Have Different Mechanisms in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes with C-peptide as an Important Link

Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 2009

Adiponectin (ApN) is considered to be responsible for reduction of inflammation and is known to b... more Adiponectin (ApN) is considered to be responsible for reduction of inflammation and is known to be included in lipid metabolism. This study was designed to assess the role of adiponectin in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and to determine parameters important in the prediction of adiponectin. Adiponectin, high sensitive C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, homocysteine, C-peptide, and lipid panel in addition to clinical and laboratory parameters important for the definition of diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome were measured in 118 patients included in the study. The best model (R2=0.989) for predicting adiponectin in type 1 diabetes included fibrinogen, white blood cell count, uric acid and triglycerides. In type 2 diabetes the best model (R2=0.751) included C-peptide, white blood cell count, systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. ANOVA showed statistically significant among-group differences in adiponectin (p=0.028), body mass index (p<0.001), fasting blood glucose (p<0.001) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p=0.012) according to the type of diabetes. Significant between-group differences were also observed in adiponectin (p=0.033) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p=0.009) according to sex. Adiponectin correlated significantly (p<0.05) with body mass index, C-peptide, pulse pressure and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Adiponectin levels were significantly higher in type 1 diabetes. The association between C-peptide and adiponectin is probably one of the reasons for their different respective levels in different types of diabetes. Interrelations between adiponectin and inflammation, dyslipidemia, C-peptide levels and sex appear to be important for complex adiponectin modulation and action.

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Research paper thumbnail of Higher SHBG, Apo A1, HDL and adiponectin might be connected with lower cardiovascular risk in women with type 1 diabetes and LADA

Endocrine Abstracts, May 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Adiponectin and high-density lipoprotein are closely related to fatty liver, yet cystatin C emerges as an important factor in the prediction of diabetic nephropathy

Atherosclerosis, Aug 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrochemical characterization of arsenic contaminated alluvial aquifers in Eastern Croatia using multivariate statistical techniques and arsenic risk assessment

Science of The Total Environment, Mar 1, 2012

Multivariate statistical analyses, cluster, factor and discriminant analyses, were used to estima... more Multivariate statistical analyses, cluster, factor and discriminant analyses, were used to estimate spatial variations in groundwater chemistry in Eastern Croatia and to identify the main geochemical processes responsible for high arsenic (As) concentrations in the groundwater analyzed. Cluster analysis revealed five different groups of sampling sites linked with groundwater evolution, hydrochemical characteristics and different As content in the groundwater. Two-model factor analysis explained around 50% of total variance of the data sets and enabled identification of the different geochemical processes responsible for higher As concentrations, i.e. decoupled Fe and As reduction and desorption. Using discriminant analysis, a three-parameter discriminant function was derived: electrical conductivity, nitrate and bromide, which yielded highly accurate classification of the samples according to the concentration of As as As-safe (&lt;10μg/L) and As contaminated (&gt;10μg/L). A health risk assessment model was applied to calculate cumulative exposure to As as well as toxic and carcinogenic risks resulting from drinking raw groundwater contaminated by As in Eastern Croatia. Although the results obtained indicate that adverse health effects could be observed among the residents of the villages in which raw groundwater with higher As concentrations has been used, there are no reported cases of arsenicosis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the Adaptability of European Beech Provenances in Croatia

Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 221175. Zbornik radova. Autori: Jazbec Anamarija; Šegotić Ks... more Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 221175. Zbornik radova. Autori: Jazbec Anamarija; Šegotić Ksenija; Ivanković Mladen; Marjanović Hrvoje. Naslov: Analysing the adaptability of European beech provenances in Croatia. Izvornik ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Increased inflammatory and procoagulant state are responsible for vascular complications in diabetic patients with albuminuria accompanied by fatty liver

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of chromosomal aberrations in radiologists and medical radiographers chronically exposed to ionising radiation

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Various Container Types and Slow-release Fertilizer Doses on Growth and Physiological Parameters of Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) Seedlings

Sumarski List, Oct 14, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Sister chromatid exchange analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy individuals

The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was studied in cultures of peripheral blood ly... more The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was studied in cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes of 66 healthy subjects of both sexes. The individual mean values of SCE were determined and the incidence of high frequency cells (HFCs) was analysed. The influence of several factors such as age, sex, smoking habit and diagnostic X-rays exposure was analysed using ANOVA. The mean SCE frequency was 4.42 p ; ; 1.32. There were no consistent, significant correlation between lifestyle factors and end points examined except between female and male nonsmokers and smokers, and between X-ray exposed and non-exposed subjects. In our group, 34 subjects with HFCs were found. Cells were classified as HFCs if the threshold at a 95% tolerance level was above 9. Mean value of whole HFCs group was 5.46 p ; ; 0.83. There were no significant differences either between smokers and non-smokers or between males anf females within the HFCs group.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cistacin C je superioran drugim ispitivanim biljezima u predikciji bubrežne funkcije u tipu 2 šećerne bolesti

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of forest fire on water erosion of soil in the Mediterranean area of Croatia

: Because of its climatic and vegetation characteristies the Mediterranean karst area of Republic... more : Because of its climatic and vegetation characteristies the Mediterranean karst area of Republic Croatia is mostly endangered by fire. The soil erosion on the burned forest areas is extensive. In a very short time after the fire the soil layer which the vegetation was creating for centuries, disappears. The protection of soil from erosion on this area has great economical and social significance. To denote the quantity of erosion and surface rainfall flow off on burned areas and the impact of vegetation on the parameters a stationary forest experiment was set near Split (SE of Croatia). On two experimental plots of 100 m2 (20 x 5 m) during the year 2002-2003 the quantity and intensity of rainfall, surface flow off of rainfall and erosion of soil was observed. The first experimental plot was set on the burned area of Aleppo pine, which was burned in August 2001. The GPS coordinates: N 43° 31´, E 16° 32´. The plot lies on the eroded rendsine on marl, on the inclination 20°, at 212 m altitude. The second experimental plot was set in the preserved area of Aleppo pine of complete stand, GPS coordinates N 43° 33´, E 16° 30´, on the inclination of 26° and 227 m altitude. The plot is on brown soil on marl covered by thick layer of leaves. The results show that, in the burnet area of Aleppo pine, during the period observed out of 84 rain days 29 were erodibile. The surface flow off and soil erosion were induced by rainfall from 5.9 mm/m2 to 68.6 mm/m2. The year value of erosion was 19.94 t/ha, the surface flow off of rainfall 36.83 mm/m2, and the coefficient of surface flow off was from 0.0026 to 0.2697. In the preserved area of Aleppo pine out of 84 rainy days, 17 were erodibile. The surface flow off of rainfall, and soil erosion were caused by rainfall of 14.1 mm/m2 to 68.6 mm/m2. The annual value erosion was 0, 044 t/ha, the surface flow off of rainfall 6.43 mm/m2, and the coefficient of surface flow off was from 0.0030 to 0.0556. The Aleppo pine stand in the mouth of the torrent Rupotine has an important and extremely positive part in the protection of soil from erosion. It protects by its crowns the destroying influence of raindrops, the important part of rainfall is re-tained by the crowns (30%), the rest being dropped on the soft forest soil, which takes and infil-trates them. The surface flow off of rainfall under this cover is small, and the soil loss is quite under the tolerated yearly loss, so there is no danger of erosion, or it is very small. The erosion danger is very strong on the burned areas of Aleppo pine, on erodibile soils, such as the degraded rendsine on the marl, what was evident on experimental plot Kucine. It is obvious that the values of surface flow off and soil loss on the plot Kucine were great in this year of research, the second after the fire, when they were caused by little quantity of rainfall, under 10 mm. The reason is the vegetation cover. On the erodibile soil left without forest vegetation, the soil has no protection from the rainfall so the surface flow off and soil loss are obviously very large.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studije genotoksičnosti i mutageneze u odnosu na dob

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Research paper thumbnail of Broj hitnih slučajeva kroničnih opstruktivnih bolesti pluća (KOPB) u odraslih i onečišćenje zraka u Zagrebu

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Research paper thumbnail of Nespecifični mortalitet uzorka populacije kroničnih kašljača

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Research paper thumbnail of Qualitative and Quantitative Changes of Croatian Forestry Journals-Results of link and correspondence analysis

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct and indirect influence of climate on radial increment of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)

To assess the possible influence of climate on the vitality of beech trees, we used several descr... more To assess the possible influence of climate on the vitality of beech trees, we used several descriptors of common beech vitality: crown condition, radial growth and concentration of mineral elements in leaves. We want to check the validity of various descriptors of beech vitality as well as their possible interrelations and dependencies on climatic conditions and to asses the influence of climate change. We selected mature and healthy beech stand with moderate average defoliation for the subject of this study. Crown defoliation data, minerals in leaves and soil, cores from 26 trees and meteorological data were collected. Data were compared for the period 1994 – 2007. Crown defoliation slightly increasing since 1996, with percentage being the highest in 2003 and 2004 (approx. 30%), the years that follows heavy drought in 2002, after 2004 crown defoliation slowly decrease. Foliar nutrient concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg and K are in average years above threshold value, while in the year following extreme year they drop below threshold values indicating prolonged stressful conditions for tree growth. Wetter conditions in April-August are influencing Ca concentration in leaves ; while hotter and drier climate in the same period has a negative influence on Ca, P and Mg concentrations in leaves. Tree-ring widths are correlated with wetter conditions in June. Crown transparency, as long as it is below 25-30%, has no influence on radial growth and on mineral nutrient concentrations in leaves. There was no relationship between mineral nutrient concentrations in leaves and radial growth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Container size and soil preparation effects on afforestation success of one year old stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) seedlings in Croatian Mediterranenan area

Šumarski list : znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo Hrvatskoga šumarskog društva, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Clustering of Eu Countries According to Selected Economic Indicators and Their PISA2018 Results

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cohort Mortality Tables for Croatian Population

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Research paper thumbnail of Adiponectin Appears to Have Different Mechanisms in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes with C-peptide as an Important Link

Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 2009

Adiponectin (ApN) is considered to be responsible for reduction of inflammation and is known to b... more Adiponectin (ApN) is considered to be responsible for reduction of inflammation and is known to be included in lipid metabolism. This study was designed to assess the role of adiponectin in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and to determine parameters important in the prediction of adiponectin. Adiponectin, high sensitive C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, homocysteine, C-peptide, and lipid panel in addition to clinical and laboratory parameters important for the definition of diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome were measured in 118 patients included in the study. The best model (R2=0.989) for predicting adiponectin in type 1 diabetes included fibrinogen, white blood cell count, uric acid and triglycerides. In type 2 diabetes the best model (R2=0.751) included C-peptide, white blood cell count, systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. ANOVA showed statistically significant among-group differences in adiponectin (p=0.028), body mass index (p<0.001), fasting blood glucose (p<0.001) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p=0.012) according to the type of diabetes. Significant between-group differences were also observed in adiponectin (p=0.033) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p=0.009) according to sex. Adiponectin correlated significantly (p<0.05) with body mass index, C-peptide, pulse pressure and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Adiponectin levels were significantly higher in type 1 diabetes. The association between C-peptide and adiponectin is probably one of the reasons for their different respective levels in different types of diabetes. Interrelations between adiponectin and inflammation, dyslipidemia, C-peptide levels and sex appear to be important for complex adiponectin modulation and action.

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Research paper thumbnail of Higher SHBG, Apo A1, HDL and adiponectin might be connected with lower cardiovascular risk in women with type 1 diabetes and LADA

Endocrine Abstracts, May 2, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Adiponectin and high-density lipoprotein are closely related to fatty liver, yet cystatin C emerges as an important factor in the prediction of diabetic nephropathy

Atherosclerosis, Aug 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrochemical characterization of arsenic contaminated alluvial aquifers in Eastern Croatia using multivariate statistical techniques and arsenic risk assessment

Science of The Total Environment, Mar 1, 2012

Multivariate statistical analyses, cluster, factor and discriminant analyses, were used to estima... more Multivariate statistical analyses, cluster, factor and discriminant analyses, were used to estimate spatial variations in groundwater chemistry in Eastern Croatia and to identify the main geochemical processes responsible for high arsenic (As) concentrations in the groundwater analyzed. Cluster analysis revealed five different groups of sampling sites linked with groundwater evolution, hydrochemical characteristics and different As content in the groundwater. Two-model factor analysis explained around 50% of total variance of the data sets and enabled identification of the different geochemical processes responsible for higher As concentrations, i.e. decoupled Fe and As reduction and desorption. Using discriminant analysis, a three-parameter discriminant function was derived: electrical conductivity, nitrate and bromide, which yielded highly accurate classification of the samples according to the concentration of As as As-safe (&lt;10μg/L) and As contaminated (&gt;10μg/L). A health risk assessment model was applied to calculate cumulative exposure to As as well as toxic and carcinogenic risks resulting from drinking raw groundwater contaminated by As in Eastern Croatia. Although the results obtained indicate that adverse health effects could be observed among the residents of the villages in which raw groundwater with higher As concentrations has been used, there are no reported cases of arsenicosis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the Adaptability of European Beech Provenances in Croatia

Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 221175. Zbornik radova. Autori: Jazbec Anamarija; Šegotić Ks... more Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 221175. Zbornik radova. Autori: Jazbec Anamarija; Šegotić Ksenija; Ivanković Mladen; Marjanović Hrvoje. Naslov: Analysing the adaptability of European beech provenances in Croatia. Izvornik ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Increased inflammatory and procoagulant state are responsible for vascular complications in diabetic patients with albuminuria accompanied by fatty liver

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of chromosomal aberrations in radiologists and medical radiographers chronically exposed to ionising radiation

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Various Container Types and Slow-release Fertilizer Doses on Growth and Physiological Parameters of Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) Seedlings

Sumarski List, Oct 14, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Sister chromatid exchange analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy individuals

The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was studied in cultures of peripheral blood ly... more The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was studied in cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes of 66 healthy subjects of both sexes. The individual mean values of SCE were determined and the incidence of high frequency cells (HFCs) was analysed. The influence of several factors such as age, sex, smoking habit and diagnostic X-rays exposure was analysed using ANOVA. The mean SCE frequency was 4.42 p ; ; 1.32. There were no consistent, significant correlation between lifestyle factors and end points examined except between female and male nonsmokers and smokers, and between X-ray exposed and non-exposed subjects. In our group, 34 subjects with HFCs were found. Cells were classified as HFCs if the threshold at a 95% tolerance level was above 9. Mean value of whole HFCs group was 5.46 p ; ; 0.83. There were no significant differences either between smokers and non-smokers or between males anf females within the HFCs group.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cistacin C je superioran drugim ispitivanim biljezima u predikciji bubrežne funkcije u tipu 2 šećerne bolesti

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of forest fire on water erosion of soil in the Mediterranean area of Croatia

: Because of its climatic and vegetation characteristies the Mediterranean karst area of Republic... more : Because of its climatic and vegetation characteristies the Mediterranean karst area of Republic Croatia is mostly endangered by fire. The soil erosion on the burned forest areas is extensive. In a very short time after the fire the soil layer which the vegetation was creating for centuries, disappears. The protection of soil from erosion on this area has great economical and social significance. To denote the quantity of erosion and surface rainfall flow off on burned areas and the impact of vegetation on the parameters a stationary forest experiment was set near Split (SE of Croatia). On two experimental plots of 100 m2 (20 x 5 m) during the year 2002-2003 the quantity and intensity of rainfall, surface flow off of rainfall and erosion of soil was observed. The first experimental plot was set on the burned area of Aleppo pine, which was burned in August 2001. The GPS coordinates: N 43° 31´, E 16° 32´. The plot lies on the eroded rendsine on marl, on the inclination 20°, at 212 m altitude. The second experimental plot was set in the preserved area of Aleppo pine of complete stand, GPS coordinates N 43° 33´, E 16° 30´, on the inclination of 26° and 227 m altitude. The plot is on brown soil on marl covered by thick layer of leaves. The results show that, in the burnet area of Aleppo pine, during the period observed out of 84 rain days 29 were erodibile. The surface flow off and soil erosion were induced by rainfall from 5.9 mm/m2 to 68.6 mm/m2. The year value of erosion was 19.94 t/ha, the surface flow off of rainfall 36.83 mm/m2, and the coefficient of surface flow off was from 0.0026 to 0.2697. In the preserved area of Aleppo pine out of 84 rainy days, 17 were erodibile. The surface flow off of rainfall, and soil erosion were caused by rainfall of 14.1 mm/m2 to 68.6 mm/m2. The annual value erosion was 0, 044 t/ha, the surface flow off of rainfall 6.43 mm/m2, and the coefficient of surface flow off was from 0.0030 to 0.0556. The Aleppo pine stand in the mouth of the torrent Rupotine has an important and extremely positive part in the protection of soil from erosion. It protects by its crowns the destroying influence of raindrops, the important part of rainfall is re-tained by the crowns (30%), the rest being dropped on the soft forest soil, which takes and infil-trates them. The surface flow off of rainfall under this cover is small, and the soil loss is quite under the tolerated yearly loss, so there is no danger of erosion, or it is very small. The erosion danger is very strong on the burned areas of Aleppo pine, on erodibile soils, such as the degraded rendsine on the marl, what was evident on experimental plot Kucine. It is obvious that the values of surface flow off and soil loss on the plot Kucine were great in this year of research, the second after the fire, when they were caused by little quantity of rainfall, under 10 mm. The reason is the vegetation cover. On the erodibile soil left without forest vegetation, the soil has no protection from the rainfall so the surface flow off and soil loss are obviously very large.

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