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Veronica Mars; Lamb [May. 31st, 2007|10:59 pm]Random Role Playing
[mood |determined]I'm know she had something to do with the Manning baby kidnapping, and I'm going to prove it.
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Veronica Mars; Veronica [May. 31st, 2007|12:10 am]Random Role Playing
[Current Location |Mars investigations] [mood contemplativecontemplative] [music Sleep- The Dandy Warhols]It has been one month since Duncan went missing. I wish I knew more about where he went and what he is doing. But then, part of me is glad that I don't. I know he is being responsible, wherever he is. And I know his motives for doing what he did. I just wish I could be in some kind of communication with him, while knowing that that is impossible. I have college applications to worry about now, though. Three acceptence essays to write in one month and in the mean time I have to find teachers who are willing to write letters of recomendation. Scary thought. On the bright side, Dad's business is going well. We are getting a lot of cases coming in (I say 'we' grudgingly as he is still convinced that he can keep me from helping him, though if he expects me to maintain grades, keep my job at Java and play assistant to him he is crazier than I thought). I may have to quit my job at Java the Hut soon. Three months of high school left. Are we ready to go out into the so-called "real-world" of ivy towers and in loca parentis professors? Time will tell.
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Veronica Mars; Logan [Feb. 24th, 2007|03:12 pm]Random Role Playing
[**mood** |drainednot hungover]So, Veroniac is happy with the sheriff? How nice for her.I need some asprin.It's just a headache. I'm not hungover.
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Veronica Mars; Veronica [Feb. 24th, 2007|02:52 pm]Random Role Playing
[Current Location |home] [mood awake]So the spring semester is off to a good start I guess. And being out in the open with Lamb isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Dad seems to be lightening up. That's not to say that he is talking to me about Lamb, but at least he is talking to me again, which is a start. Lamb and I went on our official first date last night. using the word date and Lamb in the same sentence is still really weird. Anyway, all is surprises. I was a little uncomfortably awkward at first but after about an hour things went well.
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Veronica Mars; Veronica [Jan. 13th, 2007|11:08 pm]Random Role Playing
[Current Location |a dadless appartment that is way too quiet] [mood giddygiddy] [music Clean-Incubus]Happier than I have been in a long time. It is strange, by all accounts I feel like I should be miserable. But here I am, walking around with the same stupid grin I haven't been able to wipe off my face for days. I am giddy. I haven't been giddy since sophmore year. I don't get giddy. I didn't think I had the ability, at least. This is jarring and strange. In other news, I am pretty sure my dad is not speaking to me. In the rare event that we are both home at the same time he leaves the room as soon as I enter it and any attempt made by me to start a conversation is imediately thwarted by him. Also, Classes are starting soon. I am taking criminal justice II, Biology, Government and Rhetoric. Should be fun and exciting. (not really) Oh, and Weevil lost his job (again) so I am going to see if Some of my other connections around town can't do something for him. Something tells me Lamb wouldn't be willing to give him a clerical position at the station, considering weevil is his number one suspect right now. Ugh. I may be warming up to him but when it comes to the slueth business he can still be a little dim.
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(no subject) [Jan. 13th, 2007|11:01 pm]Random Role Playing
[Current Location |Mac attack's sofa] [music A change would do you good- Sheryl Crow]Out on the town with Wallace. School starts back up in a matter of days and I have to say I've been feeling a little jittery. It turns out my parents 'accidentally' forgot to cash in the second installment of my student loan so if I want to stay I have to desperately scrounge for federal aid or hope for a miracle. Otherwise if I want a higer education I have to move back in with my parents in order to get it. No way in hell am I doing that so I am hoping for the financial aid. Wallace made me feel a lot better though. We went to the movies and he convinced me to try out for the soccer team in order to get money that way. I played in highschool, but my parents didn't want me to be tied to it all through college so they convinced me not to pursue the acedemic scolarship route. But they aren't here now so...who gives. I have a try out tomorrow. Here's to hoping all goes well and I still know how to play. I guess its not something you forget how to do overnight. Is it?
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Veronica Mars; Veronica [Jan. 8th, 2007|10:39 pm]Random Role Playing
[Current Location |The Lamb's Den (or, Lamb's condo)] [music Us- Regina Spektor]Happy new's to fucking things up early this time around. I'm not sure how, but it seems that Lamb and I have developed into a fully functional relationship. It is odd. There is a distinct difference in our interaction now than when we first started whatever it is we have going on. There is an element of comfort present now that wasn't there before. Nevertheless, I guess no matter what we define ourselves as all of Neptune is soon to start calling us the "R" word. My dad Knows now so, regardless of how he found out, I'm pretty sure everyone knows. No use anymore of attempting to keep the secret. I guess the attempt was rather pointless to begin with. Dad claims to be upset that I neglected to tell him where I was, but I stopped telling him where I was going in sophmore year. He is masking his feelings about mine and Lamb's relationship by claiming to want to know where I am at all times. I might have been wrong for not telling him about Lamb, and I know I was wrong about telling him I was at mac's when I wasn't but he can't convince me that the extent of his anger stops at my lie. I know him to well to buy that. Also, I know how much he hates Lamb (and he should realize that that is why I didn't tell him) I don't even know what this is yet, as it is still in the developmental stages and I don't want to go around telling my father about this new relationship that I am in when I am not even sure it is a relationship yet - when have I ever done that? No. There is a deeper anger here. He might be peeved that I lied to him, but he is pissed because I lied about Lamb. And there will be no convincing me otherwise.
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Veronica Mars; Veronica [Dec. 28th, 2006|11:23 pm]Random Role Playing
[Current Location |The library] [mood curiouscurious] [music Crimson and Clover- Evil Stig and Joan Jett]Things are finally starting to straighten out for me. I guess since I am getting my personal life straigtened out I should probably start focusing on other things. Like proving that weevil didn't kill Dean O'del. But other problems are beginning to develop that are of equal importance to the Dean case. A case that the sheriff's department would never touch. So I have that to worry about now. But at least I am safe from the wrath of my dad. Which is sizeably better off than I was three days ago. Also; Mac, Parker, Piz and Wallace: If you plan a new years bash I am afraid I will have to take a raincheck. I might have a prior engagement of sorts. Aside-I had a really good time last night, I should sneak over to your place more often. I even didn't mind watching multiple episodes of law and order, although I still maintain that that is the worst show ever to come on television. USA is having a monk marathon on new years. now there is a detective show worth watching multiple episodes of. Not that we will really be watching either show--which is probably why I didn't complain about the over exagerated and unrealistic buddy cop drama.
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Veronica Mars; Logan [Dec. 25th, 2006|10:38 pm]Random Role Playing
[**mood** |confusedconfused]Can anyone tell me why I woke up on the front porch of a house I don't remember ever being at on Christmas Morning?
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Veronica Mars; Piz [Dec. 25th, 2006|10:36 pm]Random Role Playing
[**mood** |bouncybouncy]Awesome party, Macaroni. I'm serious about that New Year's Eve thing. It's a perfect excuse for a second party!
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