[Current Location |Mars investigations] [mood |
contemplative] [music |
Sleep- The Dandy Warhols]It has been one month since Duncan went missing. I wish I knew more about where he went and what he is doing. But then, part of me is glad that I don't. I know he is being responsible, wherever he is. And I know his motives for doing what he did. I just wish I could be in some kind of communication with him, while knowing that that is impossible. I have college applications to worry about now, though. Three acceptence essays to write in one month and in the mean time I have to find teachers who are willing to write letters of recomendation. Scary thought. On the bright side, Dad's business is going well. We are getting a lot of cases coming in (I say 'we' grudgingly as he is still convinced that he can keep me from helping him, though if he expects me to maintain grades, keep my job at Java and play assistant to him he is crazier than I thought). I may have to quit my job at Java the Hut soon. Three months of high school left. Are we ready to go out into the so-called "real-world" of ivy towers and in loca parentis professors? Time will tell. |