Roussi Bozkova | South-Western University - Blagoevgrad (original) (raw)
Papers by Roussi Bozkova
Entrepreneurship, Nov 10, 2022
Risk, Crisis, and Disaster Management in Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises, 2021
At a time of the global health pandemic, the most affected areas are economy and social life. Alo... more At a time of the global health pandemic, the most affected areas are economy and social life. Along with the practical limitations of travel, regarding personal security reasons and the objective risks for the environment, the world of tourism has changed. However, under the circumstances, some small accommodation units have managed to survive, like the Seamen between Scylla and Charybdis – the mythical situation. The purpose of this chapter is to delve into the public health risk environment for Bulgarian SMEs in tourism (guest houses and family hotels) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The extent of the analysis includes hotels and guest houses in the south-western part of Bulgaria that managed to keep operating despite the global pandemic situation.
Introduction: This paper explores the impact of illegal migration on the tourism sector in Greece... more Introduction: This paper explores the impact of illegal migration on the tourism sector in Greece. Utilizing a Vector autoregression (VAR) methodology, the research examines the relationship between the influx of illegal migrants and the number of tourist arrivals. The study presents the migration as a phenomenon that takes place dynamically the last decades in Europe in general and the Greek territory particular. By providing, empirical evidence on the short-term and long-term impacts of illegal migration on tourism in Greece, this study contributes to the broader discourse on migration and economic stability. The research's findings reveal that illegal migration does not significantly influence tourism arrivals in Greece. This indicates that tourists' decisions to visit Greece are driven by factors other than concerns related to illegal migration. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between the influx of illegal migrants and the number of tourist arrivals Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented: the Model of cyclicity, Lee's migration model. Method: The research examines the relationship between the influx of illegal migrants and the number of tourist arrivals over a specific period. The methodology used for this research is Vector autoregression analysis, with monthly data for the period January 2015 to December 2023. This analytical approach allows for the examination of the dynamic interactions and potential causality between the two variables over time. Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed reveal that illegal migration does not significantly influence tourism arrivals in Greece. Changes in the number of migrants arriving do not predict changes in tourist arrivals, and changes in tourist arrivals do not predict the number of migrants arriving in Greece. The outcome is positive for the Greek tourism industry, which is of a great importance for the country's GDP and employment politics. Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in the field of tourism. These implications could encompass the socioeconomic sector of the country. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by a vector autoregression analysis to the broader discourse on migration and economic stability. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by the findings, that reveal that illegal migration does not significantly impact tourism arrivals in Greece. This indicates that tourists' decisions to visit Greece are driven by factors other than concerns related to illegal migration.
Sustainability, or sustainable development has three aspects: economic, social and environmental.... more Sustainability, or sustainable development has three aspects: economic, social and
environmental.The level of economic development is shown by a nation’s standard of living or
purchasing power and is measured by the real per capita output.Social resilience is indicated
by income inequality and quantified by the Gini coefficient.Environmental sustainability
isapproximated by the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per capita. The objective of this
research is to empirically study the relationships between the degree of economic development,
socialresilience and environmental quality in Greece.This objective has been accomplished by
deriving the original and the environmental Kuznets curves for Greece.The original Kuznets
curve displays the connection between the level of economic development (real GDP per capita)
and social stability (the Gini coefficient), whereas the environmental Kuznets curve illustrates
the link between the degreeof economic development and the level of environmental
degradation.The relationships between the standard of living and income inequality,on the one
hand, and the standard of living and environmental degradation, on the other hand, have been
both investigated by an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The empirical results from
the research show that in Greece the rise in social resilience and environmental quality is
accompanied by a fall in the living standard (the purchasing power per capita).It is advisable
that Greek policymakers shift the Kuznets curves to the right in order to achieve a better tradeoff between the living standard, on the one hand, and income inequality and the quality of
environment, on the other hand.The original Kuznets curve may be shifted to the right by
changing the type Green tax system from consumption-based to hybrid.The environmental
Kuznets curve can be moved to the right by investments in low-carbon economy, which
contribute to “green” economic growth.
The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and... more The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and towers, palaces, archeological excavations and memorable places, in an area and their proper utilization can lead to development of tourism. The scope of this paper is to examine the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis Greece, in tourism development of the region. The tomb of Kasta is located some 100 km east of the city of Thessaloniki, in north Greece. According to the archeologists, the tomb is dating from 325 to 300 B.C., close to the end of the reign of Alexander the Great. The large size of the tomb, the materials used and the excavations show that it was constructed for an important personality. In order to achieve the aim of the study, an empirical study was conducted by developing a questionnaire for analyzing the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis, Greece in the tourism development in the region. The questionnaire was distributed to hot...
The refugee and migrants crisis is a new challenge for the Greek islands that needs a good and ad... more The refugee and migrants crisis is a new challenge for the Greek islands that needs a good and adequate approach in order to minimize negative effects on the tourism industry, the local economy and community without violating human rights and freedoms. Crucial to maintaining the good image and identifying these islands known as tourist destinations, is the good coordination between the local communities, local authorities and those at regional, national and international level on marketing, economic and regional policy. The aim of the study is to examine the challenges faced by the tourism industry on the islands Lesvos and Chios as a result of the refugee and migrants crisis and as expected results can be shown the negative impact on the ecological, social and economic sphere on the islands and the need for management of the refugee crisis in the Greek islands and for specifically measures in order to reduce the unfavorable effects on tourism.
The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and... more The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and towers, palaces, archeological excavations and memorable places, in an area and their proper utilization can lead to development of tourism.
The scope of this paper is to examine the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis Greece, in tourism development of the region. The tomb of Kasta is located some 100 km east of the city of Thessaloniki, in north Greece. According to the archeologists, the tomb is dating from 325 to 300 B.C., close to the end of the reign of Alexander the Great. The large size of the tomb, the materials used and the excavations show that it was constructed for an important personality.
In order to achieve the aim of the study, an empirical study was conducted by developing a questionnaire for analyzing the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis, Greece in the tourism development in the region. The questionnaire was distributed to hoteliers in the nearest summer resorts (distance around 15km) – Asprovalta, Vrasna, Stavros, Ano Stavros, and the nearest big cities (distance around 40-100km) – Kavala, Serres, Drama and Thessaloniki. The measuring instrument is consisted of several thematics-questions about the present situation, the plans for the future and the opinion about the importance of the discovery for the tourism development.
The conclusions show the positive impact of the excavations and are formed in graphs and tables. Recommendations have also been made for increasing the numbers of visitors and income in the region.
Key words: tourism development, Amphipolis, anthropogenic resources.
Books by Roussi Bozkova
International Tourism, 2018
Настоящата технологична революция променя коренно живота в индустриалния свят, включително в Евро... more Настоящата технологична революция променя коренно живота в индустриалния свят, включително в Европа. По този начин се създават нови предизвикателства и в сферата на туризма, които надхвърлят националните граници. Държавите не могат сами да преодолеят проблеми като жизненото развитие, демографските тенденции и нуждата от социална солидарност. Сами по себе си националните политики не могат да осигурят общото икономическото развитие, нито отделните правителства могат да предоставят логичен отговор на световния научен прогрес. Въпроси като емиграцията - убежището - човешките права, се нуждаят от вземане на общи мерки, които да обезпечат едно безопасно пространство на действие за туризма и да го опазят за бъдещите поколения.
Докато съставях този увод във Великобритания се състоя референдум за това дали трябва Обединеното Кралство да остане член на Европейския съюз, или да напусне Европейския съюз. Крайният резултат от гласуването в четирите района - Англия, Уелс, Шотландия и северна Ирландия беше 48,1% или 16,141,241 гласове за оставане в ЕС и 51,9% или 17,410,742 гласове за напускане ЕС. Великобритания каза „НЕ“ на оставането си в ЕС. Резултатът предизвика напрежение и чувство за несигурност в Европа, и не само тук. Филип Стивънс коментира, че „миграцията също изигра значителна роля за този избор, макар Великобритания винаги да е била отворена към външния свят“. Виктор Орбан, настоящият министър-председател на Унгария, също отбелязва, че „един от решаващите фактори за Брекзит е бил този на миграционната вълна“. Ето, че туристическата конюнктура се променя и спрямо мигрантската вълна и тероризма - друг социално-политически фактор влияещ върху развитието на туризма разтърсил с многобройните атаки за кратък период от време целия свят. Вълната на тероризма сякаш достигна крайната си цел. Краят, който бележи едно ново начало. Началото на един неизвестен процес спрямо свободата на хората.
Настоящият учебник е предназначен за студентите от специалност туризъм на Стопанския факултет на Югозападния университет „Неофит Рилски“, Благоевград, изучаващи дисциплината „Международен и вътрешен туризъм“ . Той би представлявал интерес и за специалистите от туристическата индустрия, занимаващи се с проблематиката на международния туризъм.
Учебникът не би станал реалност без помощта от страна на моите рецензенти, а именно професор д-р Димитър Димитров и доцент д-р Преслав Димитров, на които поднасям искрената си благодарност. Други мои верни академични наставници са професор д-р Манол Рибов, доцент д-р Елена Биячева, които приемам като будители и им благодаря за подкрепата. От страна на туристическия бизнес бих искала да благодаря на г-жа Здравка Чимева, на която гледам като на доайен в туризма. От сърце благодаря и на моите родители, моето семейството и дъщеря ми за търпението, което проявиха по време на съставянето на настоящия труд, както и на моите студенти, които бяха моето вдъхновение и мотивация през тези две години. Благодаря на Бог, който ме просветли, даде ми търпение и ме обгради с добри хора.
Entrepreneurship, Nov 10, 2022
Risk, Crisis, and Disaster Management in Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises, 2021
At a time of the global health pandemic, the most affected areas are economy and social life. Alo... more At a time of the global health pandemic, the most affected areas are economy and social life. Along with the practical limitations of travel, regarding personal security reasons and the objective risks for the environment, the world of tourism has changed. However, under the circumstances, some small accommodation units have managed to survive, like the Seamen between Scylla and Charybdis – the mythical situation. The purpose of this chapter is to delve into the public health risk environment for Bulgarian SMEs in tourism (guest houses and family hotels) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The extent of the analysis includes hotels and guest houses in the south-western part of Bulgaria that managed to keep operating despite the global pandemic situation.
Introduction: This paper explores the impact of illegal migration on the tourism sector in Greece... more Introduction: This paper explores the impact of illegal migration on the tourism sector in Greece. Utilizing a Vector autoregression (VAR) methodology, the research examines the relationship between the influx of illegal migrants and the number of tourist arrivals. The study presents the migration as a phenomenon that takes place dynamically the last decades in Europe in general and the Greek territory particular. By providing, empirical evidence on the short-term and long-term impacts of illegal migration on tourism in Greece, this study contributes to the broader discourse on migration and economic stability. The research's findings reveal that illegal migration does not significantly influence tourism arrivals in Greece. This indicates that tourists' decisions to visit Greece are driven by factors other than concerns related to illegal migration. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between the influx of illegal migrants and the number of tourist arrivals Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented: the Model of cyclicity, Lee's migration model. Method: The research examines the relationship between the influx of illegal migrants and the number of tourist arrivals over a specific period. The methodology used for this research is Vector autoregression analysis, with monthly data for the period January 2015 to December 2023. This analytical approach allows for the examination of the dynamic interactions and potential causality between the two variables over time. Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed reveal that illegal migration does not significantly influence tourism arrivals in Greece. Changes in the number of migrants arriving do not predict changes in tourist arrivals, and changes in tourist arrivals do not predict the number of migrants arriving in Greece. The outcome is positive for the Greek tourism industry, which is of a great importance for the country's GDP and employment politics. Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in the field of tourism. These implications could encompass the socioeconomic sector of the country. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by a vector autoregression analysis to the broader discourse on migration and economic stability. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by the findings, that reveal that illegal migration does not significantly impact tourism arrivals in Greece. This indicates that tourists' decisions to visit Greece are driven by factors other than concerns related to illegal migration.
Sustainability, or sustainable development has three aspects: economic, social and environmental.... more Sustainability, or sustainable development has three aspects: economic, social and
environmental.The level of economic development is shown by a nation’s standard of living or
purchasing power and is measured by the real per capita output.Social resilience is indicated
by income inequality and quantified by the Gini coefficient.Environmental sustainability
isapproximated by the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per capita. The objective of this
research is to empirically study the relationships between the degree of economic development,
socialresilience and environmental quality in Greece.This objective has been accomplished by
deriving the original and the environmental Kuznets curves for Greece.The original Kuznets
curve displays the connection between the level of economic development (real GDP per capita)
and social stability (the Gini coefficient), whereas the environmental Kuznets curve illustrates
the link between the degreeof economic development and the level of environmental
degradation.The relationships between the standard of living and income inequality,on the one
hand, and the standard of living and environmental degradation, on the other hand, have been
both investigated by an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The empirical results from
the research show that in Greece the rise in social resilience and environmental quality is
accompanied by a fall in the living standard (the purchasing power per capita).It is advisable
that Greek policymakers shift the Kuznets curves to the right in order to achieve a better tradeoff between the living standard, on the one hand, and income inequality and the quality of
environment, on the other hand.The original Kuznets curve may be shifted to the right by
changing the type Green tax system from consumption-based to hybrid.The environmental
Kuznets curve can be moved to the right by investments in low-carbon economy, which
contribute to “green” economic growth.
The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and... more The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and towers, palaces, archeological excavations and memorable places, in an area and their proper utilization can lead to development of tourism. The scope of this paper is to examine the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis Greece, in tourism development of the region. The tomb of Kasta is located some 100 km east of the city of Thessaloniki, in north Greece. According to the archeologists, the tomb is dating from 325 to 300 B.C., close to the end of the reign of Alexander the Great. The large size of the tomb, the materials used and the excavations show that it was constructed for an important personality. In order to achieve the aim of the study, an empirical study was conducted by developing a questionnaire for analyzing the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis, Greece in the tourism development in the region. The questionnaire was distributed to hot...
The refugee and migrants crisis is a new challenge for the Greek islands that needs a good and ad... more The refugee and migrants crisis is a new challenge for the Greek islands that needs a good and adequate approach in order to minimize negative effects on the tourism industry, the local economy and community without violating human rights and freedoms. Crucial to maintaining the good image and identifying these islands known as tourist destinations, is the good coordination between the local communities, local authorities and those at regional, national and international level on marketing, economic and regional policy. The aim of the study is to examine the challenges faced by the tourism industry on the islands Lesvos and Chios as a result of the refugee and migrants crisis and as expected results can be shown the negative impact on the ecological, social and economic sphere on the islands and the need for management of the refugee crisis in the Greek islands and for specifically measures in order to reduce the unfavorable effects on tourism.
The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and... more The existence of anthropogenic resources - historical and architectural monuments, fortresses and towers, palaces, archeological excavations and memorable places, in an area and their proper utilization can lead to development of tourism.
The scope of this paper is to examine the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis Greece, in tourism development of the region. The tomb of Kasta is located some 100 km east of the city of Thessaloniki, in north Greece. According to the archeologists, the tomb is dating from 325 to 300 B.C., close to the end of the reign of Alexander the Great. The large size of the tomb, the materials used and the excavations show that it was constructed for an important personality.
In order to achieve the aim of the study, an empirical study was conducted by developing a questionnaire for analyzing the impact of discovering the monumental tomb in Amphipolis, Greece in the tourism development in the region. The questionnaire was distributed to hoteliers in the nearest summer resorts (distance around 15km) – Asprovalta, Vrasna, Stavros, Ano Stavros, and the nearest big cities (distance around 40-100km) – Kavala, Serres, Drama and Thessaloniki. The measuring instrument is consisted of several thematics-questions about the present situation, the plans for the future and the opinion about the importance of the discovery for the tourism development.
The conclusions show the positive impact of the excavations and are formed in graphs and tables. Recommendations have also been made for increasing the numbers of visitors and income in the region.
Key words: tourism development, Amphipolis, anthropogenic resources.
International Tourism, 2018
Настоящата технологична революция променя коренно живота в индустриалния свят, включително в Евро... more Настоящата технологична революция променя коренно живота в индустриалния свят, включително в Европа. По този начин се създават нови предизвикателства и в сферата на туризма, които надхвърлят националните граници. Държавите не могат сами да преодолеят проблеми като жизненото развитие, демографските тенденции и нуждата от социална солидарност. Сами по себе си националните политики не могат да осигурят общото икономическото развитие, нито отделните правителства могат да предоставят логичен отговор на световния научен прогрес. Въпроси като емиграцията - убежището - човешките права, се нуждаят от вземане на общи мерки, които да обезпечат едно безопасно пространство на действие за туризма и да го опазят за бъдещите поколения.
Докато съставях този увод във Великобритания се състоя референдум за това дали трябва Обединеното Кралство да остане член на Европейския съюз, или да напусне Европейския съюз. Крайният резултат от гласуването в четирите района - Англия, Уелс, Шотландия и северна Ирландия беше 48,1% или 16,141,241 гласове за оставане в ЕС и 51,9% или 17,410,742 гласове за напускане ЕС. Великобритания каза „НЕ“ на оставането си в ЕС. Резултатът предизвика напрежение и чувство за несигурност в Европа, и не само тук. Филип Стивънс коментира, че „миграцията също изигра значителна роля за този избор, макар Великобритания винаги да е била отворена към външния свят“. Виктор Орбан, настоящият министър-председател на Унгария, също отбелязва, че „един от решаващите фактори за Брекзит е бил този на миграционната вълна“. Ето, че туристическата конюнктура се променя и спрямо мигрантската вълна и тероризма - друг социално-политически фактор влияещ върху развитието на туризма разтърсил с многобройните атаки за кратък период от време целия свят. Вълната на тероризма сякаш достигна крайната си цел. Краят, който бележи едно ново начало. Началото на един неизвестен процес спрямо свободата на хората.
Настоящият учебник е предназначен за студентите от специалност туризъм на Стопанския факултет на Югозападния университет „Неофит Рилски“, Благоевград, изучаващи дисциплината „Международен и вътрешен туризъм“ . Той би представлявал интерес и за специалистите от туристическата индустрия, занимаващи се с проблематиката на международния туризъм.
Учебникът не би станал реалност без помощта от страна на моите рецензенти, а именно професор д-р Димитър Димитров и доцент д-р Преслав Димитров, на които поднасям искрената си благодарност. Други мои верни академични наставници са професор д-р Манол Рибов, доцент д-р Елена Биячева, които приемам като будители и им благодаря за подкрепата. От страна на туристическия бизнес бих искала да благодаря на г-жа Здравка Чимева, на която гледам като на доайен в туризма. От сърце благодаря и на моите родители, моето семейството и дъщеря ми за търпението, което проявиха по време на съставянето на настоящия труд, както и на моите студенти, които бяха моето вдъхновение и мотивация през тези две години. Благодаря на Бог, който ме просветли, даде ми търпение и ме обгради с добри хора.