Thierry Meynard | Sun Yat-Sen University (original) (raw)
Papers by Thierry Meynard
《比较哲学与跨文化哲学》, 2023
1623—1629 年期间, 意大利籍耶稣会士龙华民撰写了一份报告旨在反对利玛窦拒绝新儒而接受古儒的传教政策。他试图说明, 利玛窦割裂宋儒和先秦儒家之间的联系, 违背了中国儒家的道统。这篇文章讨... more 1623—1629 年期间, 意大利籍耶稣会士龙华民撰写了一份报告旨在反对利玛窦拒绝新儒而接受古儒的传教政策。他试图说明, 利玛窦割裂宋儒和先秦儒家之间的联系, 违背了中国儒家的道统。这篇文章讨论了龙华民以亚里士多德哲学的质料形式学说去分析《性理大全》所记载的邵雍、张载、二程、朱熹的宇宙论, 包括浑沌、理、太极、气等核心概念, 使他认为宋儒思想倒退至前苏格拉底哲学的唯物主义的一元论。
亚洲概念史研究, 2023
量(poson;quantity)在亚里士多德的十个范畴中有独特的重要性。《范畴篇》中,对量的集中讨论出现在第六章,位于对实体(ousia;substance)的讨论之后。古希腊评注者和经院学者... more 量(poson;quantity)在亚里士多德的十个范畴中有独特的重要性。《范畴篇》中,对量的集中讨论出现在第六章,位于对实体(ousia;substance)的讨论之后。古希腊评注者和经院学者认为《范畴篇》总体上是一部逻辑学著作,将范畴当作逻辑学概念。尽管唯名论者倾向于认为十个范畴都仅有概念上的意义、没有心灵之外的实存,他们仍然承认量这个范畴中的偶性应算作实在的偶性(real accidents)。托马斯主义(Thomism)发展了所谓的“量的实在论”(quantity realism),认为量是形而上学意义上的实在。自方济各会士邓斯·司各脱(Duns Scotus,约1265—1308)开始, 量与广延(extension)相联系,被理解为“使物质实体具有广延的实在的偶性”。将量理解为延展,这一实在论的观念占据了主流,并在十七世纪为耶稣会所接受:正如下文将展示的,在欧洲和中国情况都是如此。《柯因布拉注疏》的《逻辑学》卷(In Universam Dialecticam,1606,下称
《柯注》)出版三十多年后,葡萄牙耶稣会士傅汎际(Francisco Furtado 1589—
Rivista di storia della filosofia , 2022
Introducing in China the Aristotelian Category of Quantity: From the Coimbra Commentary on the Di... more Introducing in China the Aristotelian Category of Quantity: From the
Coimbra Commentary on the Dialectics (1606) to the Chinese Mingli Tan (1636-1639). Second Scholasticism greatly developed the medieval theory of continuous quantity as the Aristotelian notion for thematizing spatial extension, paving the way for the idea of space as extension in early modern natural philosophy. The article analyzes the section related to the category of continuous quantity in the Coimbra commentary on the Dialectics (1606), showing that it is indebted to the novel theory of Francisco Suárez on quantity as bestowing extension to a body in a particular sense, something which had been overlooked by previous research. The scholarly debate on quantity was brought to China, and here the Chinese translation is examined of the section on quantity in the fourth volume of the Mingli Tan, published in China in 1636-1639.
《现代哲学》, 2023
耶稣会传教士于16世纪来到中国时, 认为中国的不同知识流派都是一元论和唯物论, 因此致力于引入亚里士多德的实体和个体化概念, 人类灵魂的哲学和神学概念可以基于此得到发展。 我们将考察与物质概念有... more 耶稣会传教士于16世纪来到中国时, 认为中国的不同知识流派都是一元论和唯物论, 因此致力于引入亚里士多德的实体和个体化概念, 人类灵魂的哲学和神学概念可以基于此得到发展。 我们将考察与物质概念有关的四个讨论。 首先, 利玛窦批评理学只认识到质料因和形式因, 忽视动力因和目的因, 这导致利玛窦将太极、 理和气等关键概念视为唯物主义而加以拒斥。 利玛窦之后, 亚里士多德主义著作(尤其是《柯因布拉评论》)得到更为系统的翻译, 我们将分析《论天》的中文译本及其关于原初质料的讨论。 在关于天体质料和月下质料是否属于同一种类的计论中, 我们将看到,中文耶稣会对著作进行了重要的修改,以适应理学思想。第三, 龙华民在其报告中试图表明, 儒家相当于亚里士多德本人所拒绝的前苏格拉底的物质一元论。 最后, 卫方济在其《中国哲学》(1711)中试图超越西方物质与精神的二元论, 转向关于中国哲学的更为调和的解释。
Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2023
The Buddhist-Christian encounter in the late Ming has left an important body of literature which ... more The Buddhist-Christian encounter in the late Ming has left an important body of literature which has been the object of scholarly attention in the last decades. This paper investigates a very little-known document, never published, about a short but violent conflict in 1643–1644 in Chengdu. The manuscript, written by a direct witness and actor in the conflict, the Portuguese Jesuit Gabriel de Magalhães, contains a half-dozen original documents translated into Portuguese. Based on those documents and other sources, we attempt to reconstruct the course of the events, and to elucidate the root cause of the conflict. As we shall show, the conflict in Chengdu is a prolongation of the anti-Christian campaign launched by the abbot Miyun Yuanwu in 1632 in Zhejiang, but it was greatly exacerbated by the political crisis felt by the saṃgha in Chengdu in the final year of the Ming.
佛光學報, 2020
在天主教與佛教的初次相遇中,天主教傳教士在理解佛教時遇到了 巨大的困難:雖然佛教的宗教儀式與天主教很相似,但是其教義似乎拒 斥一切真理。為了理解佛教的兩面,日本耶穌會士建立了佛教雙重教義 論。在... more 在天主教與佛教的初次相遇中,天主教傳教士在理解佛教時遇到了
佛光學報, 2022
最近明清宗教研究從僧侶轉向了民間社會。本文介紹清初南京天主 教學校的背景,並且分析十六位天主教學生對佛教齋戒問題所寫的作 業。他們的聲音雖然以匿名的形式出現,但是展示了天主教借用儒家經 典來駁斥... more 最近明清宗教研究從僧侶轉向了民間社會。本文介紹清初南京天主
《佛光學報》(台灣), 2023
我們先前已在本刊撰文介紹1686 年南京天主教十六位學生所撰寫 的作業《丙寅會課》,並分析他們在那一年正月關於佛教齋戒的討論, 說明十六份作業主要是從儒家經典出發,討論的內容試圖表現出佛教的 思... more 我們先前已在本刊撰文介紹1686 年南京天主教十六位學生所撰寫
Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy (DCCP, volume 17), Springer, 2023
The aim of this volume is to provide an exhaustive and updated analysis and discussion of the phi... more The aim of this volume is to provide an exhaustive and updated analysis and discussion of the philosophy of Liang Shuming 梁漱溟 (1893–1988), one of the most contested figures of modern Chinese intellectual history. For the last 100 years, his thought has been interpreted in such contrasting and contradictory ways—as Buddhist, Confucian, and Marxist, as conservative and modernist—that it seems at times difficult to grasp who the “real” Liang was. Confronted with the many faces of the man and his thought, researchers can either attempt to discern the one identity that ties them all together or allow for the multifaceted nature of his thought to remain open and focus on the diversity and tensions inherent in it. The present volume opts for the latter option.
Springer eBooks, 2021
This chapter examines the Song commentaries which Longobardo considered important for a correct u... more This chapter examines the Song commentaries which Longobardo considered important for a correct understanding of Confucianism. In particular, Meynard reveals that Longobardo’s understanding of what constituted canonical thought in late Ming China was highly idiosyncratic. Longobardo elevates Shao Yong as the representative thinker of the Confucian tradition despite the fact that Zhu Xi considered many of his ideas to be heterodox. Longobardo’s report provides the first European description of Shao Yong’s cosmological division between metaphysical and abstract realities (xiantianxue), and the concrete realities unfolding in the physical universe (houtianxue). Longobardo interprets his cosmology through the lens of Aristotelian concepts and concludes that it was essentially materialist monism which does not allow for spiritual substances, thereby proving terminology indigenous to the Confucian tradition cannot convey the transcendence of Christian theological concepts.
Springer eBooks, 2021
This report by the Jesuit Niccolo Longobardo, who succeeded Matteo Ricci as Superior of the Jesui... more This report by the Jesuit Niccolo Longobardo, who succeeded Matteo Ricci as Superior of the Jesuit China mission, was one of the most controversial texts in the history of Sino-Western exchange. Ricci had attempted to use indigenous Chinese vocabulary to represent the Christian God, the soul and the angels. This approach was challenged by Jesuits arriving in Macau from Japan who feared that such accommodations could lead to heterodoxy among Chinese Christian converts. Influenced by these missionaries, Longobardo started compiling this report in the early 1620s using a combination of Chinese and Western sources, as well as interviews with Christian and pagan literati. The report was leaked in the early 1660s to the Franciscan missionary Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero, who forwarded it to Rome. The printing of this text in Europe had a decisive impact on the Chinese Rites Controversy and Enlightenment understanding of Confucianism.
Annales Missiologicae Posnanienses, Jan 4, 2018
* This research has received the fi nancial support of the Research Program Fund "Introduction of... more * This research has received the fi nancial support of the Research Program Fund "Introduction of the Western Learning and the 21rst Century Guangzhou Maritime Silk Road"(21). 1 This paper is indebted to the scholarship of Dr. Paul Rule (1994; 1995) who had published some twenty years ago two research papers on Fan Shouyi. I have incorporated here documents recently discovered.
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
There is a scholarly consensus that the Jesuits of the Late Ming (1583-1662) played a major role ... more There is a scholarly consensus that the Jesuits of the Late Ming (1583-1662) played a major role in the transportation of European culture to China during that period. 1 Most of the students of Jesuit literature have also reached a somewhat more dubious agreement that the Chinese converts by the Jesuits at that time were, to borrow Jacques Gernet's term, "seduced" by the excellence of European mathematics, cartography, astronomy, engineering, and medicine. 2 This traditional
Revista Iberoamericana de Teología
La controversia de los ritos representa un punto de inflexión en la historia de las misiones cató... more La controversia de los ritos representa un punto de inflexión en la historia de las misiones católicas en China. Este artículo investiga cómo el P. Matteo Ricci, S.J. (1552-1610), formó su comprensión de los ritos chinos mucho antes de que surgiera la disputa, y analiza la evolución de su pensamiento sobre el tema. Ricci fijó una interpretación generosa sobre la naturaleza de los ritos, pero esta interpretación fue refutada y finalmente rechazada cien años después de su muerte.
Cromohs - Cyber Review of Modern Historiography
The Jesuit translations of the Confucian canon not only provided one of the first European window... more The Jesuit translations of the Confucian canon not only provided one of the first European windows into Chinese culture but also changed the intellectual and cultural history of Europe. This paper introduces a new project, which examines the rich history of these translations and their dissemination, and interrogates how Confucian ideas influenced the development of Enlightenment intellectual culture, analysing the personal and textual networks through which the first substantial literary and philosophical exchange was conducted between Europe and China.
《比较哲学与跨文化哲学》, 2023
1623—1629 年期间, 意大利籍耶稣会士龙华民撰写了一份报告旨在反对利玛窦拒绝新儒而接受古儒的传教政策。他试图说明, 利玛窦割裂宋儒和先秦儒家之间的联系, 违背了中国儒家的道统。这篇文章讨... more 1623—1629 年期间, 意大利籍耶稣会士龙华民撰写了一份报告旨在反对利玛窦拒绝新儒而接受古儒的传教政策。他试图说明, 利玛窦割裂宋儒和先秦儒家之间的联系, 违背了中国儒家的道统。这篇文章讨论了龙华民以亚里士多德哲学的质料形式学说去分析《性理大全》所记载的邵雍、张载、二程、朱熹的宇宙论, 包括浑沌、理、太极、气等核心概念, 使他认为宋儒思想倒退至前苏格拉底哲学的唯物主义的一元论。
亚洲概念史研究, 2023
量(poson;quantity)在亚里士多德的十个范畴中有独特的重要性。《范畴篇》中,对量的集中讨论出现在第六章,位于对实体(ousia;substance)的讨论之后。古希腊评注者和经院学者... more 量(poson;quantity)在亚里士多德的十个范畴中有独特的重要性。《范畴篇》中,对量的集中讨论出现在第六章,位于对实体(ousia;substance)的讨论之后。古希腊评注者和经院学者认为《范畴篇》总体上是一部逻辑学著作,将范畴当作逻辑学概念。尽管唯名论者倾向于认为十个范畴都仅有概念上的意义、没有心灵之外的实存,他们仍然承认量这个范畴中的偶性应算作实在的偶性(real accidents)。托马斯主义(Thomism)发展了所谓的“量的实在论”(quantity realism),认为量是形而上学意义上的实在。自方济各会士邓斯·司各脱(Duns Scotus,约1265—1308)开始, 量与广延(extension)相联系,被理解为“使物质实体具有广延的实在的偶性”。将量理解为延展,这一实在论的观念占据了主流,并在十七世纪为耶稣会所接受:正如下文将展示的,在欧洲和中国情况都是如此。《柯因布拉注疏》的《逻辑学》卷(In Universam Dialecticam,1606,下称
《柯注》)出版三十多年后,葡萄牙耶稣会士傅汎际(Francisco Furtado 1589—
Rivista di storia della filosofia , 2022
Introducing in China the Aristotelian Category of Quantity: From the Coimbra Commentary on the Di... more Introducing in China the Aristotelian Category of Quantity: From the
Coimbra Commentary on the Dialectics (1606) to the Chinese Mingli Tan (1636-1639). Second Scholasticism greatly developed the medieval theory of continuous quantity as the Aristotelian notion for thematizing spatial extension, paving the way for the idea of space as extension in early modern natural philosophy. The article analyzes the section related to the category of continuous quantity in the Coimbra commentary on the Dialectics (1606), showing that it is indebted to the novel theory of Francisco Suárez on quantity as bestowing extension to a body in a particular sense, something which had been overlooked by previous research. The scholarly debate on quantity was brought to China, and here the Chinese translation is examined of the section on quantity in the fourth volume of the Mingli Tan, published in China in 1636-1639.
《现代哲学》, 2023
耶稣会传教士于16世纪来到中国时, 认为中国的不同知识流派都是一元论和唯物论, 因此致力于引入亚里士多德的实体和个体化概念, 人类灵魂的哲学和神学概念可以基于此得到发展。 我们将考察与物质概念有... more 耶稣会传教士于16世纪来到中国时, 认为中国的不同知识流派都是一元论和唯物论, 因此致力于引入亚里士多德的实体和个体化概念, 人类灵魂的哲学和神学概念可以基于此得到发展。 我们将考察与物质概念有关的四个讨论。 首先, 利玛窦批评理学只认识到质料因和形式因, 忽视动力因和目的因, 这导致利玛窦将太极、 理和气等关键概念视为唯物主义而加以拒斥。 利玛窦之后, 亚里士多德主义著作(尤其是《柯因布拉评论》)得到更为系统的翻译, 我们将分析《论天》的中文译本及其关于原初质料的讨论。 在关于天体质料和月下质料是否属于同一种类的计论中, 我们将看到,中文耶稣会对著作进行了重要的修改,以适应理学思想。第三, 龙华民在其报告中试图表明, 儒家相当于亚里士多德本人所拒绝的前苏格拉底的物质一元论。 最后, 卫方济在其《中国哲学》(1711)中试图超越西方物质与精神的二元论, 转向关于中国哲学的更为调和的解释。
Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2023
The Buddhist-Christian encounter in the late Ming has left an important body of literature which ... more The Buddhist-Christian encounter in the late Ming has left an important body of literature which has been the object of scholarly attention in the last decades. This paper investigates a very little-known document, never published, about a short but violent conflict in 1643–1644 in Chengdu. The manuscript, written by a direct witness and actor in the conflict, the Portuguese Jesuit Gabriel de Magalhães, contains a half-dozen original documents translated into Portuguese. Based on those documents and other sources, we attempt to reconstruct the course of the events, and to elucidate the root cause of the conflict. As we shall show, the conflict in Chengdu is a prolongation of the anti-Christian campaign launched by the abbot Miyun Yuanwu in 1632 in Zhejiang, but it was greatly exacerbated by the political crisis felt by the saṃgha in Chengdu in the final year of the Ming.
佛光學報, 2020
在天主教與佛教的初次相遇中,天主教傳教士在理解佛教時遇到了 巨大的困難:雖然佛教的宗教儀式與天主教很相似,但是其教義似乎拒 斥一切真理。為了理解佛教的兩面,日本耶穌會士建立了佛教雙重教義 論。在... more 在天主教與佛教的初次相遇中,天主教傳教士在理解佛教時遇到了
佛光學報, 2022
最近明清宗教研究從僧侶轉向了民間社會。本文介紹清初南京天主 教學校的背景,並且分析十六位天主教學生對佛教齋戒問題所寫的作 業。他們的聲音雖然以匿名的形式出現,但是展示了天主教借用儒家經 典來駁斥... more 最近明清宗教研究從僧侶轉向了民間社會。本文介紹清初南京天主
《佛光學報》(台灣), 2023
我們先前已在本刊撰文介紹1686 年南京天主教十六位學生所撰寫 的作業《丙寅會課》,並分析他們在那一年正月關於佛教齋戒的討論, 說明十六份作業主要是從儒家經典出發,討論的內容試圖表現出佛教的 思... more 我們先前已在本刊撰文介紹1686 年南京天主教十六位學生所撰寫
Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy (DCCP, volume 17), Springer, 2023
The aim of this volume is to provide an exhaustive and updated analysis and discussion of the phi... more The aim of this volume is to provide an exhaustive and updated analysis and discussion of the philosophy of Liang Shuming 梁漱溟 (1893–1988), one of the most contested figures of modern Chinese intellectual history. For the last 100 years, his thought has been interpreted in such contrasting and contradictory ways—as Buddhist, Confucian, and Marxist, as conservative and modernist—that it seems at times difficult to grasp who the “real” Liang was. Confronted with the many faces of the man and his thought, researchers can either attempt to discern the one identity that ties them all together or allow for the multifaceted nature of his thought to remain open and focus on the diversity and tensions inherent in it. The present volume opts for the latter option.
Springer eBooks, 2021
This chapter examines the Song commentaries which Longobardo considered important for a correct u... more This chapter examines the Song commentaries which Longobardo considered important for a correct understanding of Confucianism. In particular, Meynard reveals that Longobardo’s understanding of what constituted canonical thought in late Ming China was highly idiosyncratic. Longobardo elevates Shao Yong as the representative thinker of the Confucian tradition despite the fact that Zhu Xi considered many of his ideas to be heterodox. Longobardo’s report provides the first European description of Shao Yong’s cosmological division between metaphysical and abstract realities (xiantianxue), and the concrete realities unfolding in the physical universe (houtianxue). Longobardo interprets his cosmology through the lens of Aristotelian concepts and concludes that it was essentially materialist monism which does not allow for spiritual substances, thereby proving terminology indigenous to the Confucian tradition cannot convey the transcendence of Christian theological concepts.
Springer eBooks, 2021
This report by the Jesuit Niccolo Longobardo, who succeeded Matteo Ricci as Superior of the Jesui... more This report by the Jesuit Niccolo Longobardo, who succeeded Matteo Ricci as Superior of the Jesuit China mission, was one of the most controversial texts in the history of Sino-Western exchange. Ricci had attempted to use indigenous Chinese vocabulary to represent the Christian God, the soul and the angels. This approach was challenged by Jesuits arriving in Macau from Japan who feared that such accommodations could lead to heterodoxy among Chinese Christian converts. Influenced by these missionaries, Longobardo started compiling this report in the early 1620s using a combination of Chinese and Western sources, as well as interviews with Christian and pagan literati. The report was leaked in the early 1660s to the Franciscan missionary Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero, who forwarded it to Rome. The printing of this text in Europe had a decisive impact on the Chinese Rites Controversy and Enlightenment understanding of Confucianism.
Annales Missiologicae Posnanienses, Jan 4, 2018
* This research has received the fi nancial support of the Research Program Fund "Introduction of... more * This research has received the fi nancial support of the Research Program Fund "Introduction of the Western Learning and the 21rst Century Guangzhou Maritime Silk Road"(21). 1 This paper is indebted to the scholarship of Dr. Paul Rule (1994; 1995) who had published some twenty years ago two research papers on Fan Shouyi. I have incorporated here documents recently discovered.
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
There is a scholarly consensus that the Jesuits of the Late Ming (1583-1662) played a major role ... more There is a scholarly consensus that the Jesuits of the Late Ming (1583-1662) played a major role in the transportation of European culture to China during that period. 1 Most of the students of Jesuit literature have also reached a somewhat more dubious agreement that the Chinese converts by the Jesuits at that time were, to borrow Jacques Gernet's term, "seduced" by the excellence of European mathematics, cartography, astronomy, engineering, and medicine. 2 This traditional
Revista Iberoamericana de Teología
La controversia de los ritos representa un punto de inflexión en la historia de las misiones cató... more La controversia de los ritos representa un punto de inflexión en la historia de las misiones católicas en China. Este artículo investiga cómo el P. Matteo Ricci, S.J. (1552-1610), formó su comprensión de los ritos chinos mucho antes de que surgiera la disputa, y analiza la evolución de su pensamiento sobre el tema. Ricci fijó una interpretación generosa sobre la naturaleza de los ritos, pero esta interpretación fue refutada y finalmente rechazada cien años después de su muerte.
Cromohs - Cyber Review of Modern Historiography
The Jesuit translations of the Confucian canon not only provided one of the first European window... more The Jesuit translations of the Confucian canon not only provided one of the first European windows into Chinese culture but also changed the intellectual and cultural history of Europe. This paper introduces a new project, which examines the rich history of these translations and their dissemination, and interrogates how Confucian ideas influenced the development of Enlightenment intellectual culture, analysing the personal and textual networks through which the first substantial literary and philosophical exchange was conducted between Europe and China.
细心的读者会发现,本辑《西学东渐研究》的主题是儒家经典的西译,与前几辑的主题不同。如果将西方思想文化进入中国称为西学东渐,那么中国思想文化向西方的译介可姑且称为中学西传。本辑的主题可以归入到中学... more 细心的读者会发现,本辑《西学东渐研究》的主题是儒家经典的西译,与前几辑的主题不同。如果将西方思想文化进入中国称为西学东渐,那么中国思想文化向西方的译介可姑且称为中学西传。本辑的主题可以归入到中学西传。
此次会议的举办得到了法国驻广州总领事馆(Consulat général de France à Guangzhou)、比利时驻广州总领事馆(Consulat général de Belgique à Guangzhou)及殷铎泽基金会(Fondazione Prospero Intorcetta – Cultura aperta)的部分资助,在此致以由衷的感谢!
本馆依托广东这一中外文化交流上的重要地区,致力于推动西学东渐领域的研究。自2006年设立起来,便围绕着这一目的,一方面大力收集、整理相关文献,另一方面通过组织学术会议等研究活动,编辑出版研究成果... more 本馆依托广东这一中外文化交流上的重要地区,致力于推动西学东渐领域的研究。自2006年设立起来,便围绕着这一目的,一方面大力收集、整理相关文献,另一方面通过组织学术会议等研究活动,编辑出版研究成果,力图为国内外相关领域的研究者和研究活动提供一个研究、交流、合作的平台。
商务印书馆, 2023
本书以“岭南与中外文化交流”为主题,收录了广州与中外文化交流研究中心团队及学术委员会的相关论文16篇。岭南是我国南方五岭以南地区的概称,大体包含广东、广西、海南、香港和澳门等地。明清以降,岭南... more 本书以“岭南与中外文化交流”为主题,收录了广州与中外文化交流研究中心团队及学术委员会的相关论文16篇。岭南是我国南方五岭以南地区的概称,大体包含广东、广西、海南、香港和澳门等地。明清以降,岭南是中西文化交流的窗口,汇聚了天主教的各方修会以及新教传教士,也是中国知识分子最早接受和传播西方文化的集中地。本书试图分别从哲学、宗教、历史、逻辑和文学五个层面组织文稿,以期展现中外文化在岭南地区的互动交流。
商务印书馆, 2023
本辑《西学东渐研究》主题为“广州与清代中西文化交流”,所有文稿均紧扣这一主题从多个视角和不同的方法展开论述。其中有6篇论文围绕同一个主题即法国船“安菲特利特”两次来粤的史实展开讨论,其他论文则... more 本辑《西学东渐研究》主题为“广州与清代中西文化交流”,所有文稿均紧扣这一主题从多个视角和不同的方法展开论述。其中有6篇论文围绕同一个主题即法国船“安菲特利特”两次来粤的史实展开讨论,其他论文则分别从传教士在广州的相关活动、广东的重要历史人物与西学、传教士印制的广东地图、广州与中外贸易等视角进行论述。文稿的编排即突出了重点特色,又兼顾了多视角和多领域,以期从广州与清代对中外文化交流这个窗口,呈现出清代早期的中西交流的特点与全貌。 综观本辑所收录的论文,大的特点就是对罕见文献资料的分析,以文献学和历史学的角度展示了清代早期在广州所发生的中西交流事件。其中即有对中国的官员和学人的考察,又有来自在华传教士的观察,这种双向考察使这些中西交流事件得到了更为立体和客观的呈现。而所收录的文献资料,则是首次从手稿直接翻译为中文,具有很高的价值。
商務印書館, 2023
《齐家西学今注》是对明末来华传教士高一志所撰《齐家西学》的校注,全书分为两部分,第一部分是对《齐家西学》的研究性导言,这部分有四章,分别为《齐家西学》的成书、影响、存世版本,《齐家西学》中的西方... more 《齐家西学今注》是对明末来华传教士高一志所撰《齐家西学》的校注,全书分为两部分,第一部分是对《齐家西学》的研究性导言,这部分有四章,分别为《齐家西学》的成书、影响、存世版本,《齐家西学》中的西方夫妇伦理、主仆关系和农学知识。第二部分是对《齐家西学》原本的校注,分为“齐夫妇”“齐童幼”“齐仆婢”“齐产业”四部分,可能参照儒家家训中的家庭伦理部分撰就,以格言和故事证道的形式,首次系统译介西方家庭伦理,包括夫妇相处之道、童幼教育之道、驾驭仆婢之道和治理产业之道,并与中国儒家传统中家庭伦理相关思想进行了丰富的对话。
Global Perspectives on Medieval and Early Modern Historiography (Brepols), 2023
On 25 September 1710, Pope Clement XI finally promulgated the 1704 decree Cum Deus optimus, which... more On 25 September 1710, Pope Clement XI finally promulgated the 1704 decree Cum Deus optimus, which condemned the toleration of certain Confucian rituals among Chinese Catholic converts and the use of the Chinese terms tian and Shangdi to refer to the Christian God. This papal decision antagonised the Kangxi Emperor and devastated the Jesuit China mission. Although the Jesuits were prohibited from publicly refuting the decree, the Flemish Jesuit François Noël sought to defend the Jesuit position by publishing his voluminous scholarship on the Chinese classics. Among other works, in 1711 Noël published two seminal contributions to the history of Sinology: the Sinensis imperii libri classici sex or Libri sex, and the Philosophia Sinica, a sophisticated treatment of Chinese metaphysics, ritual, and ethics. While the Libri sex achieved some degree of influence in the Enlightenment through the French translation of the French Jesuit historian Du Halde and the writings of the philosopher Christian Wolff, the Philosophia Sinica was actively suppressed by the Superior-General of the Jesuit order. Yet it is in this latter work where the full breadth of Noël’s originality and intellectual contribution can be found. Noël reinterprets the Jesuits’ position through the lens of Neo-Confucianism, integrating concepts such as li, taiji, yin, and yang in his reading of Chinese philosophy. With contributions from Sinologists and intellectual historians, this book offers the first systematic study of this pioneering work.
Global Perspectives on Medieval and Early Modern Historiography (Brepols), 2023
On 25 September 1710, Pope Clement XI finally promulgated the 1704 decree Cum Deus optimus, which... more On 25 September 1710, Pope Clement XI finally promulgated the 1704 decree Cum Deus optimus, which condemned the toleration of certain Confucian rituals among Chinese Catholic converts and the use of the Chinese terms tian and Shangdi to refer to the Christian God. This papal decision antagonised the Kangxi Emperor and devastated the Jesuit China mission. Although the Jesuits were prohibited from publicly refuting the decree, the Flemish Jesuit François Noël sought to defend the Jesuit position by publishing his voluminous scholarship on the Chinese classics. Among other works, in 1711 Noël published two seminal contributions to the history of Sinology: the Sinensis imperii libri classici sex or Libri sex, and the Philosophia Sinica, a sophisticated treatment of Chinese metaphysics, ritual, and ethics. While the Libri sex achieved some degree of influence in the Enlightenment through the French translation of the French Jesuit historian Du Halde and the writings of the philosopher Christian Wolff, the Philosophia Sinica was actively suppressed by the Superior-General of the Jesuit order. Yet it is in this latter work where the full breadth of Noël’s originality and intellectual contribution can be found. Noël reinterprets the Jesuits’ position through the lens of Neo-Confucianism, integrating concepts such as li, taiji, yin, and yang in his reading of Chinese philosophy. With contributions from Sinologists and intellectual historians, this book offers the first systematic study of this pioneering work.
Belles Lettres, 2022
許大受《聖朝佐闢》中法對照註釋本 Après deux tentatives sous les dynasties Tang et Yuan, le christianisme pénètre... more 許大受《聖朝佐闢》中法對照註釋本
Après deux tentatives sous les dynasties Tang et Yuan, le christianisme pénètre en Chine en 1582 pour la troisième fois, suscitant un fort engouement parmi certains lettrés. Notre auteur, Xu Dashou, a reçu de son père une éducation confucéenne, puis pratiqué le bouddhisme. Il étudia ensuite le christianisme auprès des missionnaires jésuites et de la jeune communauté chrétienne de Hangzhou. À l’occasion du décès de sa mère, il est plongé dans une grave crise religieuse et familiale, ce qui l’amène à rompre définitivement avec le christianisme. Il publie ainsi en 1623 l’Aide à la réfutation de la sainte dynastie contre la doctrine du Seigneur du Ciel. La profondeur d’analyse de Xu Dashou avait attiré l’attention du grand sinologue français Jacques Gernet, qui en avait traduit de nombreux fragments dans Chine et Christianisme. Nous présentons ici pour la première fois l’ensemble du texte, avec de nombreuses annotations. Ce texte de controverse permettra au lecteur de mesurer les difficultés de compréhension que le christianisme a rencontrées en Chine. Plus profondément ces difficultés soulèvent d’importantes questions philosophiques et théologiques entre pensées occidentale et chinoise, questions qui restent toujours d’actualité.
Xu Dashou, Aide à la réfutation, Belles Lettres, 2022
許大受《聖朝佐闢》中法對照註釋本 Après deux tentatives sous les dynasties Tang et Yuan, le christianisme pénètre ... more 許大受《聖朝佐闢》中法對照註釋本
Après deux tentatives sous les dynasties Tang et Yuan, le christianisme pénètre en Chine en 1582 pour la troisième fois, suscitant un fort engouement parmi certains lettrés. Notre auteur, Xu Dashou, a reçu de son père une éducation confucéenne, puis pratiqué le bouddhisme. Il étudia ensuite le christianisme auprès des missionnaires jésuites et de la jeune communauté chrétienne de Hangzhou. À l’occasion du décès de sa mère, il est plongé dans une grave crise religieuse et familiale, ce qui l’amène à rompre définitivement avec le christianisme. Il publie ainsi en 1623 l’Aide à la réfutation de la sainte dynastie contre la doctrine du Seigneur du Ciel.
La profondeur d’analyse de Xu Dashou avait attiré l’attention du grand sinologue français Jacques Gernet, qui en avait traduit de nombreux fragments dans Chine et Christianisme. Nous présentons ici pour la première fois l’ensemble du texte, avec de nombreuses annotations. Ce texte de controverse permettra au lecteur de mesurer les difficultés de compréhension que le christianisme a rencontrées en Chine. Plus profondément ces difficultés soulèvent d’importantes questions philosophiques et théologiques entre pensées occidentale et chinoise, questions qui restent toujours d’actualité.
Schnell und Steiner, 2019
Book description In 1552, Francis Xavier died on Sancian island before being able to set foot on ... more Book description
In 1552, Francis Xavier died on Sancian island before being able to set foot on Mainland China. Since then, the Jesuit’s untimely death has captivated the Western imagination, inspiring many missionaries, travelers, merchants and adventurers to realize his unfinished dream. In 1700, the German Jesuit Kaspar Castner was sent to Sancian Island to build the graveyard of Saint Francis Xavier. During his three-month stay on the island, he and the workers brought with him interacted with the local inhabitants and the soldiers sent by the Chinese government to protect them from pirates. Castner reported these events in a Latin report printed in China, and we present for the first time a modern scholarly edition of this unique historical document in German, English and Chinese.
商务印书馆, 2019
高一志(Alfonso Vagnone,1566-1640),意大利籍天主教耶稣会传教士,1605年入华,取汉文名王丰肃,字一元、泰稳,1616年被逐至澳门,1624年返华,改名高一志,字则圣,... more 高一志(Alfonso Vagnone,1566-1640),意大利籍天主教耶稣会传教士,1605年入华,取汉文名王丰肃,字一元、泰稳,1616年被逐至澳门,1624年返华,改名高一志,字则圣,居于山西绛州至逝世。毕生刊印汉文著作近20种,涵盖众多学科,仅利玛窦、艾儒略二人可比。
An Annotated Version of Alfonso Vagnone's Education of Children
利玛窦《天主实义》首个中文校注本 The First Annotated Version of Matteo Ricci‘s The True Meaning of the Lord of H... more 利玛窦《天主实义》首个中文校注本
The First Annotated Version of Matteo Ricci‘s The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven
高一志《修身西学》校注本Annotated Version of Alfonso Vagnone's The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven
Regensburg: Schnell und Steiner, 2019
With Gerd Treffer Buch – Book description – 内容简介 Im Jahr 1552 starb der Heilige Franz Xaver auf ... more With Gerd Treffer
Buch – Book description – 内容简介
Im Jahr 1552 starb der Heilige Franz Xaver auf der Insel Sancian, ohne einen Fuß auf das chinesische Festland gesetzt zu haben. Seither ist dieses Bild von Franz Xaver auf Sancian im westlichen Gedächtnis verankert, und viele Missionare, Kaufleute und Abenteurer haben versucht, den unvollendeten Traum Franz Xavers zu verwirklichen. 1700 wurde der deutsche Jesuit Kaspar Castner geschickt, um ein Grabmal für Franz Xaver auf Sancian zu bauen. In den drei Monaten, die er
und seine mitgebrachten Arbeiter dort verbrachten, kam er mit der lokalen Bevölkerung in Kontakt sowie mit den Soldaten, welche die chinesische Regierung dort zu ihrem Schutz vor Piraten installiert hatte. Über diesen Zeitraum verfasste Castner einen einzigartigen Bericht, der hier erstmals in einer modernen wissenschaftlichen Übersetzung in Deutsch, Englisch und Chinesisch vorgelegt wird.
In 1552, Francis Xavier died on Sancian island before being able to set foot on Mainland China. Since then, the Western conscience is inhabited by this image of Francis Xavier on Sancian, and many missionaries, travelers, merchants and adventurers from the West have attempted to realize the unfinished dream of Francis Xavier. In 1700, the German Jesuit Kaspar Castner is sent to Sancian Island to build a cemetery for the grave of Francis Xavier, and on the course of his three months
stay on the island, he and the workers he brought with him interact with
the local inhabitants and the soldiers sent by the Chinese government to protect them from the pirates. We present for the first time this unique historical document in a scientific and modern edition, in German, English and Chinese languages.
北京:商务印书馆, 2019
1637—1638年,意大利耶稣会士高一志(Alfonso Vagnone)与数位中国士人在山西绛州(今新绛县)合作著译《修身西学》,完整呈現了亚里士多德主义经院伦理学的概念与理论系統,代表了亚... more 1637—1638年,意大利耶稣会士高一志(Alfonso Vagnone)与数位中国士人在山西绛州(今新绛县)合作著译《修身西学》,完整呈現了亚里士多德主义经院伦理学的概念与理论系統,代表了亚里士多德伦理学在中国的首次系统译介,早于晚清西方伦理学的东渐二百余年。本书由两部分构成。在第一部分的六篇研究论文中,三位学者主要考察《修身西学》的作者于成书过程,其与两个拉丁文底本之间的关联,以及由其构成的亚里士多德伦理学在中国的最早传播。第二部分通过校注的形式,全面细致地展現《修身西学》的核心概念与论述的西方思想来源,并比较其与中国伦理思想之间的异同之处。
北京大学出版社, 2019
明清之际耶稣会士赴华,带来了西方的亚里士多德主义学术体系,他们很重要的一个工作便是将亚里士多德的著作翻译成汉文并且进行了富有创意的诠释。与此同时,他们学习、吸收儒家经典,并且尝试以亚里士多德主义... more 明清之际耶稣会士赴华,带来了西方的亚里士多德主义学术体系,他们很重要的一个工作便是将亚里士多德的著作翻译成汉文并且进行了富有创意的诠释。与此同时,他们学习、吸收儒家经典,并且尝试以亚里士多德主义为理论依据,发起了对儒家经典的新诠释,增加了新的内涵。他们不仅使儒家经典在西文中获得生命力,而且在中国儒家诠释学中留下了一些影响。在耶稣会士及其中国同仁的努力之下,儒家经典可以从外来文化中获得一些新的发挥,这对中国和西方都有影响。反过来,耶稣会士用儒家术语写成亚里士多德主义的著作,使亚里士多德思想本身获得新的发挥,呈现出新的可能性。如此,在这种经典的交织过程中,东、西文化在相互阐释的过程中,获得了更加丰富的诠释和内涵。
佛光大學佛教研究中心,明清東亞佛教稀見文獻叢刊, 2019
Madrid : Mensajero – Sal Terrae, 2018
Nos encontramos ante un tiempo y unas figuras apasionantes. El jesuita del sur de Italia (en aque... more Nos encontramos ante un tiempo y unas figuras apasionantes. El jesuita del sur de Italia (en aquel tiempo bajo dominio español) Michele Ruggieri, Felipe II, el Siglo de Oro español y la dinastía Ming. ¿Qué podía salir de todo esto? China –el reino del centro– y el imperio español, que llegaba a sus orillas a través de la unificación con la corona de Portugal y de la recién fundada Compañía de Jesús en su expansión misionera.
La experiencia de la conquista de América, con los abusos y las correspondientes denuncias de los misioneros, llevó al emperador Carlos V en 1550 a convocar la Junta de Valladolid para discutir la moralidad de la conquista. El famoso debate entre Ginés de Sepúlveda y Bartolomé de las Casas movió finalmente a la corona a prohibir nuevas conquistas (Ordenanzas de Felipe II de 1573). Sin embargo, aunque la cuestión estaba aparentemente resuelta, todavía existía algún religioso que sostenía la licitud de la conquista para la evangelización.
El jesuita Alonso Sánchez, misionero en Filipinas, durante una visita a China en 1583 se sintió personalmente humillado por el trato que le dieron los mandarines chinos. A partir de aquel momento perdió toda esperanza de una posible evangelización por la palabra y el ejemplo, dado el carácter –a su juicio– soberbio de los chinos, y reavivó la cuestión del derecho de conquista, intentando persuadir al «rey prudente» de que invadiera China. Mientras tanto, el Vaticano y los jesuitas seguían pensando en posibles estrategias de evangelización. En cierto momento, el visitador de Asia, Alessandro Valignano, decidió organizar una embajada vaticana a Pekín para poder influir en las élites chinas.
De este conflicto surgió, por petición expresa del rey, la primera traducción al español de los clásicos confucianos, presentados en este volumen en una edición crítica.
Nos encontramos ante un tiempo y unas figuras apasionantes. El jesuita del sur de Italia (en aque... more Nos encontramos ante un tiempo y unas figuras apasionantes. El jesuita del sur de Italia (en aquel tiempo bajo dominio español) Michele Ruggieri, Felipe II, el Siglo de Oro español y la dinastía Ming. ¿Qué podía salir de todo esto? China –el reino del centro– y el imperio español, que llegaba a sus orillas a través de la unificación con la corona de Portugal y de la recién fundada Compañía de Jesús en su expansión misionera.
La experiencia de la conquista de América, con los abusos y las correspondientes denuncias de los misioneros, llevó al emperador Carlos V en 1550 a convocar la Junta de Valladolid para discutir la moralidad de la conquista. El famoso debate entre Ginés de Sepúlveda y Bartolomé de las Casas movió finalmente a la corona a prohibir nuevas conquistas (Ordenanzas de Felipe II de 1573). Sin embargo, aunque la cuestión estaba aparentemente resuelta, todavía existía algún religioso que sostenía la licitud de la conquista para la evangelización.
El jesuita Alonso Sánchez, misionero en Filipinas, durante una visita a China en 1583 se sintió personalmente humillado por el trato que le dieron los mandarines chinos. A partir de aquel momento perdió toda esperanza de una posible evangelización por la palabra y el ejemplo, dado el carácter –a su juicio– soberbio de los chinos, y reavivó la cuestión del derecho de conquista, intentando persuadir al «rey prudente» de que invadiera China. Mientras tanto, el Vaticano y los jesuitas seguían pensando en posibles estrategias de evangelización. En cierto momento, el visitador de Asia, Alessandro Valignano, decidió organizar una embajada vaticana a Pekín para poder influir en las élites chinas.
De este conflicto surgió, por petición expresa del rey, la primera traducción al español de los clásicos confucianos, presentados en este volumen en una edición crítica.
明末意大利耶穌會士高一志(Alfonso Vagnone)所著的《童幼教育》(1632年)是首本介紹文藝復興教育思想的著作,反映了中西教育思想的最初碰撞。本書分為兩部分。在第一部分的六篇研究論文... more 明末意大利耶穌會士高一志(Alfonso Vagnone)所著的《童幼教育》(1632年)是首本介紹文藝復興教育思想的著作,反映了中西教育思想的最初碰撞。本書分為兩部分。在第一部分的六篇研究論文中,四位學者分別闡述了高一志的生平和教育背景,《童幼教育》的結構和西方思想來源,《童幼教育》對中國教育思想的回應和補充,以及《童幼教育》的版本情況。第二部分是《童幼教育》的校注本,通過大量注釋考證書中的人名、地名和古典故事,解釋此書的西方文獻和思想來源,并比較其與中國教育思想之間的異同之處。