the__ivorytower, posts by tag: i had to talk about space marines - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

I haven't really talked about this, so here I go:

I bought myself an iPad mini for Christmas. I'd always been kind of against ebooks, because of eye strain and not wanting to spend yet more time on my computer, but in October, I ordered books from both Amazon and Chapters. While about half my order has come in, both my Amazon and my Chapters orders were delayed, and I began to realize just how frustrating the process was, plus we don't exactly have a lot of room any more. Just as I was muttering to myself about wanting to read Pariah and ordering dinner from Swiss Chalet, fate (or the fact that Swiss has managed to fuck their website so Firefox can't read it, forcing me to use Safari, whose default home page is brought my attention to the iPad mini.

It's smaller than the other iPads (duh), lighter, and while the graphic quality is lower, that doesn't mean its bad. It's roughly the size of a novel. I also bought a case for it, which is more like a thing I kind of swing over the front. I love this thing. It's light, and it lets me read in the dark. No, seriously, it does. It's winter in Canada so it gets dark at bullshit o'clock and I usually stay up late anyway. Once I figured out how to set the time, it also means I can glance up while reading and go 'oh shit, I should be asleep' without the accompanying 'oh, but I'm too lazy and warm to get out of bed and turn off the light...' and then go the heck to bed.

I've been buying books for it, obviously. The down side to this is that it's very hard to curb my impulse to just buy more things. I comfort myself with the fact that Christmas *is* coming soon, and my family has defaulted to money over the years because I'm annoying to shop for. My mother, in fact, apparently was thinking about getting me an iPad, so it's fortunate I was gushing to her about mine. I love this thing, I do. Anyway, most recently, after picking up the Iron Snakes book, I was struck by a sudden urge to get a copy of the four Blood Angels books that pretty much started me on this train of book buying, which had actually been at a relative lull for a little while, since falling out of love with manga in general.

( Now it's getting cut... because I'm talking about Space Marines.Collapse )

Tags: blood blood sanguinius emperor blood, doesn't suck; just swallow, i had to talk about space marines, mac user! shuuuuuun!, neeeeeeeeerd, oh i got ff: dimensions too, still a nerd, sum up his crap in 50 words or less, they have little wings!, too much blood jewelry, welcome to the 21st century