the_black_sword (original) (raw)

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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded inDarkness' Cutting Edge's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, September 21st, 2005
_8:35 pm_[snowwy] Winter accomodations Given that this is a free account for this community, I have to do this simply:I've been thinking hard about winter accomodations for the Blacksword Salon, and have just lucked up a martial arts studio that rents its space for a possibly doable amount (it's negotiable, so I'd rather not go into an amount right now).The first thing it'd be good to establish is- these classes for 13 years have been free. The students have always borne the costs of equipment, and we always just used whatever space happened to be available. I have to ask, would people be willing to commit to paying a fair share of an indoor, long-term space if the costs weren't obscene? Yes, I know I haven't defined "fair". Bear with me, this is extremely preliminary. (9 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, July 1st, 2005
_4:45 pm_[fireofthedawn] Hello everyone! I stumbled across this community, when looking at the interests page for "sword fighting.". I must say it's caught my attention. At Snowwy's encouragement, I joined this community. I'm going to look at a fencing club tomorrow, and it will be my first training with a sword of any type. I hope I can be 'the excuse to get cracking on a couple of articles'. :) I don't think I live anywhere nearby you guys, I live in Florida, USA. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, May 16th, 2005
_1:36 pm_[snowwy] Looking around the world of LiveJournal I see a fair number of people who claim to be interested in martial arts. Just the listing of the interest makes me wonder how these people define "martial art". Most of them seem to be limited to the typical, shallow Asian-origin hand-to-hand (with maybe some weapons for advanced training) styles definition.Grrrr, I am tempted to go stir up some trouble.EDIT: Yes I fixed the typo, so don't even mention it or make the obvious joke... (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, October 11th, 2004
_1:50 pm_[snowwy] Breaking News Folks, it looks as if my work schedule (which has been, ahem, flexible of late) is about to change for the long term off of Sundays. Before this is confirmed I wanted to ask everyone's desires in terms of practice locations, and everyone's willingness/ability to travel. No corner of the Bay Area is out of the question, though I hope that everyone realises that places like Marin County (where none of us live) are more than a little unreasonable for regular meetings.Additionally, if anyone knows an indoor space where we can winter over, please so say now, before we find ourselves consistently rained out. I myself am looking, but more than one set of eyes for this sort of thing is useful.Unless otherwise notified, please be advised that we are still schduled to practice at Zantaz this Sunday at the regular time. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 29th, 2004
_3:44 pm_[snowwy] Snowwy's Class Notes 29 August I know that with the end of summer vacation everything's about to rev back up into a higher activity state. I also know that of anyone I'm the most guilty of not allowing time for rest and recovery. So I'll say this and thank you all not to laugh:Make sure you're rested. It is important to schedule time while you have slack to sleep, eat well, and generally take care of yourself. Not bad with the off-hand work today. Those of you who didn't make practice, guess what? You get to work off-hand the next time you come out! Isn't that marvelous?! :DDespite the fact that next weekend is Labour Day, we ARE ON for practice. See you then, if not sooner. (Comment on this)
Sunday, August 22nd, 2004
_2:22 pm_[snowwy] Snowwy's Class Notes 22 Aug For Everyone:Slow down. (I had to, since everyone predicted I'd say that)I'm pleased with the willingness to work in the current crop of regular attendees. You guys work harder than me, damnit! Starting to make a guy feel old...*grumble*There really isn't much in the way of individualised notes today, because everyone needs to hit this same concept:Steady down You've got the fire, now channel all that energy into making the smoothest, most beautiful movements you can possibly make. This week's principle plays directly into that-The surest cut is the graceful one.And everyone (yes countgeiger that includes you and me) is to do at least one full lap per day of figure eights. Do your best to make them perfect. If you can manage to make five full sets feel absolutely right in a lap, stop.WARNING: Next week is an off-hand week hehehehehe Current Mood: lethargic (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 8th, 2004
_2:31 pm_[snowwy] Snowwy's Class Notes, 8 Aug So, for each of you:medancer: You're learning well. Do the wrist twirl I showed you last week for a few minutes every day.maiagirl: Keep pushing yourself to fight as aggressively as possible from the moment you pick up a sword.lilmissnever: Keep right on with what you're doing.Morgan: More mindfulness about what you're doing. It's very easy to be lackadaisical about this, and that's a good way to develop unshakeable bad habits.Gwen: Watch the flinching. You need to relax to be able to engage effectively. Don't forget your daily practice for the next week...countgeiger: Really, the only concern I have applies equally to both of us, and it is simple. We're becoming habitual, and that may turn us both into "toy swordsmen". I don't know how to address it, because we're both holding well back for safety reasons. Let's try to think it through over the next few weeks, so as to develop a solution.For everyone, the principle of the week is - the body makes the cut, not the arms. Think about that, find a way to incorporate it into your practice, and feel free of course to comment in this community. Current Mood: sore
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004
_8:34 am_[snowwy] This week's thought exercise I want everyone to please spend some time surfing the web to find a sword that either matches your current one or matches the one you want to train for.Bring information on said blade (the place you found it would be helpful) to the next practice you attend. For distant fighters, please post that information in comments to this post. (34 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, July 31st, 2004
_2:18 pm_[snowwy] This Week's Practice I know it's late. I'll try to make a weekly habit of announcing practices on this community, so that everyone has all the current information. Should I ever change my employment situation, I intend for this to be a roving class, with session in South West and East Bay locations on various weeks.SO...Session - ZANTAZ, Inc. 1 August 20041200 to 1300**( Location Info/DirectionsCollapse )** (Comment on this)
Thursday, July 29th, 2004
_12:24 pm_[medancer] duh... Might help if I actually joined the community... I mean, being the moderator and all... (Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 28th, 2004
_8:59 pm_[lysana] Thinking of joining Since I'm considering hooking up with the class, I have a question dealing with shinai. How do you determine which length is appropriate? Is it based on height or what? Current Mood: curious (4 Comments |Comment on this)