the_sims2_group - Profile (original) (raw)
on 31 July 2005 (#7890599)
Welcome to The Sims 2 Group where you can give or get advice on the Sims 2 game (or anyother version of the Sims). You can also share costomized skins, clothes, houses, ect ect. You can picture spam here and show off your sims with humarus tales of their lives (please put them behind an LJ cut though). All and All this is a Sims 2 Fandom.
1. You can talk about anything as long it has to do with the sims.
2. Try not to swear too much because there will be kids here.
3. If you post any pics of you sims doing "Woo-Hoo" or are naked please put a warning and put them behind ans LJ-Cut.
4. All pics must be behind an LJ cute; you can have a teaser pic before the LJ cute if you wish.
5. Be kind and polite to everyone problem members will not be tolerated.
6. Don't insult kids or noobies to the game.
7. Be informative, if you know something about the game that other don't feel free to share.
8. If you are offering skins and such that YOU have made please tell us about it and share ^.^
9. We are also a yaoi/yuri (Same sex relationship) friendly group so no bashing other members who have sims in same sex relationships!
That's All the Rules For Now.