the_u_haul - Profile (original) (raw)
on 6 April 2004 (#2750550)
Who runs this community?
I'm Jordan and I'm 20 :p
What are the rules of membership?
~ You must not make abusive (homophobic, heterophobic, biphobic, racist, etc.) posts or comments.
~ NO pictures should be visible on the main pages, ALL behind a cut tag.
~ If you post pictures, they should not be of a pornographic nature, although some artistic nudity is okay.
~ NO quizzes/surveys may be posted.
~ NO completely off-topic posts.
~ NO pleas for someone to come onto AIM/MSN/Y!/ICQ and chat with you because you're bored.
~ You must include a LJ cut tag before long passages of text or text which may be considered unsuitable for younger members.
What can I talk about here?
What does a lesbian bring on the second date? Answer: A U-Haul.
Relationship fears or advice, tips on beating lesbian bed death [or laments about it], crushes on the best friend [she's straight!], paranoid about one a night stand [or having one..]... basically anything related liking or relating to girls while being one.
anal sex, androgyny, angelina jolie, coming out, cuddling, cunnilingus, erotica, eyes, female ejaculation, females, femme, fisting, kiss, kisses, kissing, kissing in the rain, lesbian, lesbian erotica, lesbians, lips, love, lust, piercings, pornography, queer, queer life, sex, sex toys, shaving, support, the l word, tori amos, tristan taormino, women, women's rights
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