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(no subject) [Jul. 1st, 2011|01:52 am]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
[26] Icons[17] My Chemical Romance[4] LeATHERMOUTH[2] The Umbrella Academy[3] StockPreview;;This way...
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Gabriel Ba at NYCC [Oct. 1st, 2010|05:48 pm]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
Dark Horse has announced that Gabriel Ba will be doing an autograph signing at 1 p.m. next Friday at New York Comic Con. Just thought I'd share in case any of you missed this and will/can be there.
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Help Haiti--Get Umbrella Academy Fanworks! [Jan. 19th, 2010|01:09 am]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
Some of you may have heard of help_haiti, a fandom-wide auction where you can trade your fic, graphics, art, and miscellaneous skills and items in return for donations to the effort to assist Haiti after the recent earthquake. You can also donate yourself by purchasing some internet goodies.I wanted to alert everyone that there are writers in the Lightning Round and in the main auction threads offering Umbrella Academy fanfic (!!!). Here is a link to a fantastic Allison/Klaus oneshot that I commissioned:Title:Observer EffectWritten by: novembersmithLink: Klaus talks to ghosts.Check out help_haiti! :)
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3 [Jan. 18th, 2010|05:09 pm]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
Has anyone heard anything about Gabriel and Gerard starting work on series 3 soon? I was just wondering because my home page on twitter bore this new tweet from Gabriel- Gabriel_Ba : Working on a new cool Umbrella Academy artwork\_Ba
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Look who's a fan! [Nov. 10th, 2009|01:07 pm]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
[mood** |anxiousanxious] [music** Latika's Theme]I just noticed this picture today while perusing a Lost fanpage and noticed ( See here...Collapse )
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TUA on iphone [Oct. 13th, 2009|02:13 pm]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy now on the iPhone! Get the first issue of UA for FREE!'s kinda cool
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comic scans [Oct. 2nd, 2009|03:32 am]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
[Current Location |my room] [mood crappycrappy]does anyone know a website where there are comic scans of the umbrella academy.I was trying to make a wallpaper for my cell phone,but I'm having trouble finding comic scans of the series. :/
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TUA Harvey Awards! [Oct. 12th, 2009|04:29 pm]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
[**music** |Green Day - Jackass Powered by]Posted by ofyourdeath on tothetune Umbrella Academy, published by Dark Horse, won best artist for Gabriel Ba and best colorist for Dave Stewart. The series was created and written by Gerard Way, lead singer for the rock band My Chemical Romance.Harvey Awards official site (includes all nominees); article with winners boldedCongrats to the TUA team!!!
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Release Date [Sep. 24th, 2009|10:34 am]Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá - The Umbrella Academy
Does anyone know why the release date for the Dallas limited edition keeps getting pushed back? Dark Horse says 23 Sept. for the limited edition but my bookstore says they can't get it till 21 Oct. From the Dark Horse site it doesn't look like different countries have different release dates so did I miss something?
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