thinned_alive - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 September 2008 (#16649274)

Your Community.

We are a pro-active community. We support users who suffer from ED's looking for kind support to users who just need to lose that extra couple pounds. We also want to show support to those who suffer from BDD (body disfigurement disorder), depression, anxiety, or any other mental/life issues. Make this weight loss community into whatever you want it to be. As long as you make it work for you, that is what we're here for. We understand how hard living day to day can be walking amongst others who don't quite "get us". So let us get you.



1.) There is no pressure to introduce yourself. If you want to post an intro with your STATS that's fine by us.
2.) Please make all picture posts behind an LJ-cut with proper warning of triggers, reverse thinspo, and NSFW as necessary.
3.) Trolling is not acceptable, anywhere. If your posts/profile looks fishy in the least it can & will result in a BAN
4.) DO NOT ask for destructive tips. IE "What's the easiest way to purge?" Results in an automatic BAN, thank you.
5.) Do not post personal information. No cell phone numbers floating around. If you find a "partner" or "buddy" exchange emails and do so there.
6.) Promoting and advertising in the community is not allowed. There will be deletion of that entry/comment with warning. 2nd time results in a BAN.

credit - layout codes - _excentric_
- layout header - spleen-queen
- profile header - romance-cigarettes

ana, anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anorexic, anxiety, binge, body disfigurement disorder, bones, bony pink, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, depression, diet, diet coke, diets, disappear, eating disorders, ed, ed-nos, ednos, emaciated, emaciation, exercise, fast, fasting, fat, food, losing weight, malnutrition, manic street preachers, mia, pictures, pro-ana, pro-mia, purge, real girl, real girl thinspo, restricting, restriction, scale, skin and bones, skinny, starvation, starve, starving, thin, thinner, thinnest, thinspiration, thinspire, thinspo, vegan, weight, weight loss