City. Rain. Aksinia is crying. I want to sleep,.. - kullanıcıdan düzeltme metni (editoryal düzenleme) Ксения (original) (raw)

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Kullanıcıdan düzeltme metni Ксения

City. Rain. Aksinia is crying. "I want to sleep, I want to sleep. Is it a difficult dream? " I want to go to Moscow. I'm alone with myself. This is very useful. I get answers only in solitude. I don't perceive my illness now. I accepted. A sick person goes through several stages. The denial of reality. Has it affected me? Yes. Nobody wants to be considered desperate sick. I consider myself patient for a temporary period. An interestin­g thought. Nobody wants to be considered desperate sick. I consider myself patient for a temporary period. An interestin­g thought. Deceive the brain. Tthe brain think that I'm not sleeping. But how? Mirror neurons reflect the action, which we see or represent. I practice a similar idea. I watch sleeping and imagining myself sleeping.
Somnology is in infancy. It penetrates our world with small steps. This is a complete research topic! People know few informatio­n about sleep. The subject of the sleep is not usually interested.
September. 2016. The trip to Moscow was wonderful. I walked around the city. Watching other people. The purpose of the trip is to study the brain. My mysterious brain. They put me in a jar. Just don't sleep! You can't close your eyes! It will hurt!
I was in the office for two hours. The doctor held a consultati­on. The size of the mediator is normal. The doctor is concerned about the tumor of the cerebellum. My hypothesis has disappeare­d. I have a new problem now.
Brain surgery? I'm afraid. This is very dangerous. I don't sleep.
In St. Petersburg I visited a neurosurge­on. The doctor did not find a connection to the syndrome. I don’t know what to do...

dil: İngilizce Dil bilgisi: Anadili, Yeterlilik, İleri, Üst Orta Seviye, Aramadde

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