we look to the earth's Journal (original) (raw)
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inwe look to the earth's LiveJournal:
Wednesday, March 26th, 2008
9:21 am
Merry Meet Hello everyone. I am an eclectic pagan and have been so for about ten years now. Most of my work has been solitary but I am looking to form a group in Eastern TN. I love tlking to new people of like minds. I found this group though an interests search and it seemed tome that the people on here were very polite and open. I hope to have fun and learn a lot through everyone.
Blessed Be
P.S. if you would not mind could you send me a small prayer. I'm sick and i fear it could be viral pneumonia contracted from my neice. She's fine now but i really can't afford the doctor (both money adn the tiem out of school).
Current Mood: sick
Monday, March 17th, 2008
11:36 pm
Привет! Привет всем!
Я тут совсем не долго, давайте знакомиться!
Вот, если что, мой адрес: kjk123@inbox.ru
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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006
12:12 am
a sense i feel intensely disconnected from everything that is going on around me. like the seasons turn and have no meaning for me. like i've forgoten about my spiritual side.
i need to get that back.
i think being solitary just isn't working for me any more.
Wednesday, December 28th, 2005
4:10 pm
Thursday, October 6th, 2005
5:04 pm
Oh.. Still New.. I am Still new to Live Journal so you any you know any other good pagan/wiccan journals please let me know.. I am not saying I dont like this one I just want to get to know the Live Jurnal Commue a bit more..
Merry meet, merry part, Merry meet again,
Saturday, October 1st, 2005
12:19 pm
Merry Meet Merry meet... My name is Cliff.. Been a pagan since 8th grade.. Was looking for a good pagan/wiccan community site and found this one.. So far its the only one I like can calls to me.. So if you dont mind I would like to hang out at this site and post stuff.. But if you feel I am not welcomed then so may it be.. I been a pagan in many of my past lifes as well.. My skill is alchemist.. Still learning.. But so are we all.. Thank you.. Cliff
Tuesday, August 30th, 2005
2:46 pm
prayers anone who can, please send prayers to Wayne Burt and the rest of the Burt family. i know you dont know them, but Wayne had a double aneurism rupture yesterday morning... and as there are no further medical measures that can be taken, he will be (how do you say this gently?) released later tonight among his friends and family.
Wayne is one of the most interesting, caring, outspoken people i've ever had the fortune of meeting, and has raised some of the coolest kids this side of the equator.
(crossposted all over.)
Saturday, January 1st, 2005
2:58 am
Friday, December 31st, 2004
6:04 pm
Hello I am a pagan sorceress I go to numerous event in southern ca I like shopping at black broom and eye of the cat and I hold Pagan meetups in santa monica and los angeles if anyone is intrested add me
Sunday, November 14th, 2004
9:00 pm
The other day I found a stone. When I picked it up, as usual I got heavy vibrations from it. I cleaned it up and it’s been on my desk for a while. A few minutes ago I was holding it and I cupped it between my palms, steepling my fingers over it, and touched my fingers to my forehead and closed my eyes. I began to see shapes (spade shaped) colors (green/yellows) and waves (whiteish) was going to continue to see what evolved but though better of it as this can take time and I’m not alone long enough. But I plan on a meditation session with it to see what develops. It was an interesting sensation. That’s part of why I wanted to see the stars, but, maybe tomorrow night.
Current Mood: okay
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
7:38 pm
full moon i was hoping to be able to do something outside for the full moon tonight... but unfortunatly it started raining in the late afternoon, and hasnt really stopped yet. i've had a bit of a spiritual crisis lately, feeling like certain aspects of my life are just falling apart... and in addressing that, i'm trying to get back into the regularity and comfort of ritual.
i'm curious, what do YOU do to honor/recognize a full moon, do you do anything?
12:34 pm
hello everyone My name is Stephanie but I prefer to be called Asrai (after the feary). I have been practicing wicca/paganism for two years. I just recently found a coven that my boyfriend George and I have joined. my spiritually has been growing so much recently and it feels great. My spirituality has helped me through so much in my life and I am grateful to the God and Goddess for that. anyway, I hope you guys can get to know me!
peace and blessings
Current Mood: bored
Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
3:05 pm
adding a little old to the new.... i found this on a list... looked interesting so i thought i'd share. Happy Yule <|;)
Old time names for herbs
A Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn
Adders Tongue: Dogstooth Violet
A Titan's Blood: Wild Lettuce
A Lion's Hairs: Tongue of a Turnip [i.e., the leaves of the taproot]
A Man's Bile: Turnip Sap
A Pig's Tail: Leopard's Bane
A Hawk's Heart: Heart of Wormwood
An Eagle: Wild Garlic
Ass's Foot or Bull's Foot: Coltsfoot
Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap
Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood
Burning Bush: White Dittany
Bread and Cheese Tree: Hawthorne
Blood from a Head: Lupine
Bird's Eye: Germander Speedwell
( the restCollapse )
Wednesday, November 19th, 2003
1:26 pm
Research on giving gifts to faeries Hello, all!
I'm currently working on a university paper that examines the practise of leaving out gifts for faeries and other nature spirits. Part of my reasearch is gathering first-hand data from people who take part in this practise. I have been very well recieved at some local pagan-friendly stores where I started my research (actually, I was extremly warmed by their enthusiasm - they provided me with personal anecdotes and stories, literature, and networking connections to others who they felt would be excellent sources of information). I am hoping that the LJ communities will be willing to participate as well. (As I want to collect as much information as possible, I will be crossposting this to many other LJ communities - I apologize for any annoyance that this may cause.)
There are some specific questions that I have been asking:
- What sort of gifts do you leave out for the faeries?
- Is there a specific sort of faerie or nature spirit that the gifts are left out for?
- Is there a certain manner or procedure that you follow for leaving out the gifts (days of the week, phases of the moon, locations, offertory vessels, etc).
- Are there gifts that are considered particularly appropriate for certain kinds of faeries or nature spirits?
- How did you come to learn of this practise (was it passed down to you from family members, did you being doing it by yourself, did look up books or other material on the subject, etc).
I would also love to hear any personal stories or experiences that you would be willing to share with me.
This is not a paper about any specific religion, nor will any religion be mentioned (although I realize that this will naturally lean towards pagan beliefs). It is my goal to write a respectful, informative essay both for the course, and for myself as well (this subject is of personal interest). All contributions are anonymous (no names, real or changed, will be mentioned at all unless I have the contributors express permission), and I will be including myself as part of the research.
I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about my project. Please respond either to this thread or email me privately at laurenworld@hotmail.com (make sure to include a clear subject line so that it doesn't get filtered out as junkmail!!)
Current Mood: hopeful
Friday, October 17th, 2003
12:35 pm
there's nothing you can do that can't be done One night a couple weeks ago, I had a dream the Hindu god Ganesha was sitting on top of a hill radiating golden light. There were yellow waterslides all down the hill he was sitting on, with bunches of happy people sliding down. The hill ended at a cliff, which proved to be the side of a huge city building, and I looked around and saw the city sprawled out below me. Then, emerging from the staircase of a building opposite Ganesha's, were four men in white suits with messy hair who began singing "All You Need Is Love." ;)
Call me crazy but I just wanted to share my Beatles/Ganesha/waterslide dream experience. No, I don't think I was visited by a deity, I just thought you might enjoy hearing about this. :P It's quite interesting, though, because in my mind, the Deity is Love.
nothing you can sing that can't be sung
Current Mood: silly
Saturday, October 11th, 2003
10:24 pm
not like amazing or anything, like what you'd find at the store. but i think they came out pretty well.
i bought some blue glass stones at wal-mart ($1.96 available in other colours but i liked the blue) and a paint marker (either 2.97or2.97 or 2.97or3.97, i don't remember. bought it in silver, again available in other colours including gold & red) and borrowed a dremel tool from my ''landlord''
first i scratched in the symbol with a small grindstone bit. didn't make a heavy duty impression but it roughed it up enough to give the paint a surface to set. then i traced over the scratched part with the paint marker. i let the paint set for about 30-45 minutes then used the buffer tool. i polished off the excess paint. it all keeps the paint from fading off. haven't sealed it yet, but that should do 'til i get a sealant.
the end result turned out pretty good. click here to see the end result.
crossposted to folk magic
Current Mood: accomplished
Tuesday, September 30th, 2003
12:42 am
past life awareness i've had this number that popped up in my head one day. the other day as i was setting it as my password, wondering where i got the number from and realised (i don't know how, but i just knew) that the number was actually a date.
could it possibly be a recognition of the date of birth (or date of death) of a past life? it feels so.
is there somewhere on the web where i can tap into and understand a past life? i'm wondering if this feeling has merit, and if the sudden recognition of this past life (the feeling is very strong) has any particular significance.
Current Mood: curious
Friday, September 19th, 2003
7:42 pm
Click-a-Thon x-posted:
"go here and click on the new balance logo. please bookmark it and go click daily, this is a camp for kids with life threatening diseases (and their families). it's awful important, as New Balance is donating up to 25,000,25,000, 25,000,1.00 for every person who clicks on their logo at www.campsunshine.org . So far they have only 2600 clicks as the organization doesn't get a lot of media attention! They need 25,000 in two weeks to earn the $25,000.
please help them out!"
As seen here.
Thursday, August 28th, 2003
6:42 pm
Ritual for Truth Sorry for cross-posting.
Anybody know a good, very powerful spell or ritual to shed light on a situation, and bring it to justice?
Something very bad and very wrong has happened to a good friend of mine and I'm very, very angry. It's something that HAS to be proven to have happened, in order to put things right and keep her safe, but proof in this kind of situation is iffy. I want to assist with bringing out the truth, and also something to keep her safe.
Help. I honestly don't feel like anything in a book that I have or could find would be powerful enough. I am... so mad. And scared for her. I want the truth out now.
Current Mood: enraged
Monday, August 25th, 2003
4:16 pm
cats I have a semi off-topic question, but figured it would be alright here.
My boyfriend has two new kitties and I need ideas for names. One boy, one girl... deity names are preferred I'm hoping later on they'll become familiars, or at least ritual-energy-inclined. :) Any names that might help with that? They also are mostly black, with white cheeks and noses and bellies and feet, with a white ring around their necks. The girl has a white blotch going up her side, but that's all that's telling them apart.
Thanks ahead of time. ^___^
Current Mood: curious