twilight_fics - Profile (original) (raw)

on 3 September 2006 (#11061500)

The original Twilight Fanfic Community!

Forks, Washington, United States

Welcome._twilight_fics.livejournal.com_Hi there,You've reached the original livejournal community for posting all Twilight_-related fanfiction. If you're a new or experience writer, you're most welcome to share your stories with us! If you're not a writer - but a reader - that's okay, too! You can simply browse the tags and see what interests you! We hope you enjoy your stay here!The Rules_how this community functions.1. This is a fanfic community for the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Please don't post anything else no matter how related it is to the series. No news, no graphics, no icon posts... nothing! Only fanfiction. Get it?**2.**All posts should have: Title In The Subject Line Title: Title of your story Author: Your LJ Username Rating: K (all ages), T (teen), NC17/M (mature readers) Characters/Pairings: Tell us who is in your story. Short summary: Describe your fic. Any warnings: Please note if there are spoilers, offensive themes and if it isn't safe for work etc.3. Please place all fics under a LJ-Cut. If you don't do this, your post will be deleted promptly. Here's how.4. Constructive criticism is acceptable, but if we see anyone being overly rude or flaming a poster, they will be deleted from the community. If you don't know the difference, don't say anything at all.**5.**No introduction posts. Nothing personal, that will just clog up readers filters on their friends lists.6. If you want to advertise a community, get permission from the mod first. You can do so by going to twifics_mod and asking there. FAQ.frequently asked questions**What kind of fanfiction is allowed?**Anything. If you like slash, AU, All-human, whatever! Just as long as you rate them appropriately and let the reader know just what they're getting into before they click your link. As long as it's Twilight related, it belongs here!**Who are the mods?**This community was started by faito_oh back in 2006 and is now moderated by fadedpresence/twifics_mod. Please do not send fadedpresence PM's or comments on her personal journal regarding this community; you can contact the mod account for that instead.Affiliates_outward links_the_temptationtwilight_seriestwilight_adult (18+ only.)twilight100sortofbeautifulbettingonblacktwilight_santaedwardrosalietwilight_videostwilightmanipstwilight_filmtwilightficrecstwilightawryWant to affiliate? Please go through twifics_mod, too.Profile Codes: palebird.

alice, alice/jasper, angst, bella, bella's truck, billy, breaking dawn, carlisle, charlie, eclipse, edward, edward/bella, emmet, esme, fanfiction, fluff, forks, jacob, jacob/bella, james, jasper, jessica, love, midnight sun, mike, new moon, renee, rosalie, sam, stephenie meyer, the blacks, the cullens, twilight, twilight fanfiction, vampires, victoria, werewolves