tygerwulfe - Profile (original) (raw)

on 28 July 2006 (#10777040)

Santa Ana, California, United States

Welcome to The Original Tyger’s Den – the Livejournal presence of J.T. Ward, also known around the internet as Tygerwolfe.

An accomplished writer and artist, Joshua Tyler Ward is a transman in his thirties and a resident of Southern California. Writing and drawing since he was very young, he has made a name for himself in the online fanfiction and artwork communities, as well as in the academic world in his fields of study, Anthropology & Paleontology. To find him around the web, check the Links page.

His free-to-the-public writing can be found on his website, and his artwork portfolio is housed under Tygerwolfe Designs. He has previously been published under his birth name with the YA book, Tigerwolf, as well as under his preferred name in the LGBT centered pagan publication Arcane Perfection (2016), and has a poem in the upcoming transmale centered book of poetry, Defining Myself: The Transmasculine Experience In Poetry. His current projects include a rewrite of Tigerwolf, to be re-titled The Chosen; a book (and website) about the pets he has loved in his life, and the young adult adventure book To The Third Power, currently in the pre-publication editing phase and available in advance to his monthly supporters on Patreon. Supporters of 5amonthandabovewillgettheirnamesinthededicationofsaidbookwhenitiscompletedandpublished,butanyonecanreadthechaptersfor5 a month and above will get their names in the dedication of said book when it is completed and published, but anyone can read the chapters for 5amonthandabovewillgettheirnamesinthededicationofsaidbookwhenitiscompletedandpublished,butanyonecanreadthechaptersfor1 a month and above.**

He currently lives in Southern California with his wife and partner of over sixteen years, Lona Nicholle, and their “fluffy son,” Prince James Tumblefluff the First.

**To qualify for the 'name in dedication' perk on Patreon, you must either have been a paying patron at the 5amonthleveloraboveforatleast3monthsuponcompletionofthebook′sedit−currentlyslatedforAugust2017−OR,youmustremainapayingpatronfor3fullmonthsfromfirstbecomingapatronifyoujoininthelasttwomonthsoftheproject.Therewillbea2monthgapbetweenprojectstoallowpatronstocontinuetoclaimthisperkrightupuntilthenextprojectbegins(currentlyslatedforNovember,2017).Anyonewhobecomesapatronofthe5 a month level or above for at least 3 months upon completion of the book's edit - currently slated for August 2017 - OR, you must remain a paying patron for 3 full months from first becoming a patron if you join in the last two months of the project. There will be a 2 month gap between projects to allow patrons to continue to claim this perk right up until the next project begins (currently slated for November, 2017). Anyone who becomes a patron of the 5amonthleveloraboveforatleast3monthsuponcompletionofthebookseditcurrentlyslatedforAugust2017OR,youmustremainapayingpatronfor3fullmonthsfromfirstbecomingapatronifyoujoininthelasttwomonthsoftheproject.Therewillbea2monthgapbetweenprojectstoallowpatronstocontinuetoclaimthisperkrightupuntilthenextprojectbegins(currentlyslatedforNovember,2017).Anyonewhobecomesapatronofthe5 level after this period will be included in the dedication of the next book, rather than the current book.

anime, art, birdwatching, board games, computer-aided art, computers, daydreaming, democratic party, drawing, ds & ps2), fishing, hiking (short), history (prehistorical), horseback riding, literature, music, mythology, nature observation, neopets, painting, poetry, reading, science (biology), sculpting, swimming, therianthropy, trivia, video games (gba, walking, writing