Alberto Dalla Rosa | Université Bordeaux-Montaigne (original) (raw)

ERC PATRIMONIVM by Alberto Dalla Rosa

Research paper thumbnail of Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC). A digital atlas of imperial properties in the Roman world (from Augustus to Diocletian) The Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC) is a digital atlas of ... more The Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC) is a digital atlas of the imperial properties in the Roman world. It features an interactive map displaying all attested imperial properties with the corresponding textual sources and persons. You can also browse and export the three main sets of data (documents, places and people). The data is complete for most provinces, except for Sardinia, Sicily, Alpine provinces, Syria and Mesopotamia. New data and features are constantly added.

Research paper thumbnail of “Egypt and the Roman imperial economy” 5th workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM - Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 13-14 March 2019

Research paper thumbnail of “My boss is the emperor! The conductores and the exploitation of imperial properties. Four case studies.” 4th workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 8 February 2019

Research paper thumbnail of “La lex Hadriana de rudibus agris et les domaines impériaux de la vallée du Bagradas (Africa proconsularis)”,  3rd workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 15-16 October 2018

Research paper thumbnail of “The metalla and the prince: patterns of acquisition and exploitation of imperial mines and quarries from Augustus to the 3rd century”, 2nd workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 5-6 July 2018

Second workshop of the PATRIMONIVM ERC Project at the University Bordeaux Montaigne (France)

Research paper thumbnail of « Le patrimonium Caesaris : définition d’un objet d’étude » 1st workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 20-21 October 2017

Books by Alberto Dalla Rosa

Research paper thumbnail of L' amministrazione dell'Italia romana. Dal I secolo a.C. al III secolo d.C. - Fondamenti. A cura di D. Faoro. Prefazione di W. Eck.

Il volume tratta delle istituzioni romane in Italia nel periodo compreso tra Augusto e Dioclezian... more Il volume tratta delle istituzioni romane in Italia nel periodo compreso tra Augusto e Diocleziano. Il quadro narrativo è strutturato su due sezioni principali, la città di Roma e l'Italia, quest'ultima intesa come l'insieme delle comunità autonome componenti la terra Italia. Vengono pertanto presi in esame gli istituti e le magistrature urbane, la loro evoluzione nel quadro autocratico imposto dal Principato, nonché le funzioni e le cariche extramagistratuali di nuova creazione. Sono quindi oggetto di trattazione le città, colonie e municipi, sia attraverso un'analisi degli istituti più ricorrenti e comuni, sia in virtù di un esame delle magistrature più originali e meno attestate. Non mancano di essere considerati i sacerdozi pubblici, urbani e municipali, mentre particolare attenzione viene posta nei confronti dei ruoli subalterni, liberi e servili. Punto cardine rimane il principe, alle cui competenze e poteri sono dedicati i capitoli d'apertura, parimenti offerti all'analisi delle forme di controllo e d'interazione tra le istituzioni di Roma e quelle cittadine. Scopo del volume è quello di offrire in un formato agile una rassegna completa della materia, declinata alla luce delle più recenti acquisizioni e secondo un metodo che predilige una spiegazione concreta e documentata ad un'illustrazione prettamente teorica dei singoli istituti. A tal fine, ogni sezione è dotata di un cospicuo bagaglio di fonti, letterarie ed epigrafiche, oltre che di un aggiornato apparato bibliografico inerente alle maggiori opere scientifiche di riferimento.

Research paper thumbnail of Cura et tutela: le origini del potere imperiale sulle province proconsolari

La natura dell'imperium di Augusto (27 a.C.–14 d.C.) e i modi della sua estensione sulle province... more La natura dell'imperium di Augusto (27 a.C.–14 d.C.) e i modi della sua estensione sulle province governate da proconsoli indipendenti sono state oggetto di un profondo riesame negli ultimi trent'anni. Il volume riconsidera il problema in maniera globale e giunge a una nuova ricostruzione istituzionale e cronologica delle tappe che portarono il principe all'autorità suprema sulle province. Ampio spazio è dato allo studio dei precedenti repubblicani della compresenza di più generali in una stessa area d'azione. Seguono i capitoli dedicati ad Augusto e alle varie prerogative che gli permettevano di intervenire nelle province proconsolari anche senza una formale estensione del suo imperium. Questo, tranne che durante le missioni in Oriente e in Occidente tra 23 e 13 a.C., rimase sempre confinato alle province imperiali e fu definitivamente allargato alla totalità dell'impero e delle truppe solo durante la crisi militare del 6–8 d.C. Principale risultato di questo processo fu una più diretta interazione dell'imperatore con i provinciali e le legioni, mentre più simbolica fu la superiorità sui proconsoli, il cui ruolo politico e militare era stato neutralizzato da tempo con altri mezzi.

Papers by Alberto Dalla Rosa

Research paper thumbnail of The provincia of Augustus, or How to Reconcile Cassius Dio’s Vision of the Principate, Augustus’ Own Public Image and Early Imperial Institutional Practices

Díaz Fernández, A (ed.)., "Provinces and Provincial Command in Republican Rome: Genesis, Development and Governance", 2021

Scholars have been debating the issue of Augustus’ powers over the provinces for a long time, oft... more Scholars have been debating the issue of Augustus’ powers over the provinces for a long time, often using Cassius Dio’s book 53 as their starting point. However, Dio's point of view is inevitably influenced by the nature of imperial power and by the constitutional theory of his own time. Epigraphic and papyrological sources directly coming from the time of Augustus tell us a slightly different story, one of greater continuity with the extraordinary commands of the last decades of the Republic; however these sources are produced by Augustus himself (Res Geste) or are the expression of the Senate's point of view. The purpose of this paper is to critically reconsider the main scholarly trends abut Augustus’ provincial powers and assess in what measure they are influenced either by Cassius Dio or by Augustus' Res Gestae. A reconciliation between these two point of view is possible, but only after having understood the value to be attributed to each source.

Research paper thumbnail of Adriano e lo sfruttamento delle cave di Dokimeion. Una rilettura dei cambiamenti nelle sigle di cava del 136/137 d.C.

González Bordas, H. & Alvar Ezquerra, A. (ed.), "Gestión y trabajo en las propiedades imperiales durante el reinado de Adriano: cinco casos de estudio", 2021

The formulas of the quarry labels inscribed on pavonazzetto marble blocks from the Dokimeion dist... more The formulas of the quarry labels inscribed on pavonazzetto marble blocks from the Dokimeion district in Asia Minor are one of our only sources of information to reconstruct the contractual relationships between the fiscus and the private contractors who worked at the quarry. A change in the structure of the formula occurred at the end of Hadrian's reign and has often been interpreted as a sign of profound changes in the model of exploitation of the quarry, with a shift from management by large contractors and a production to order to a new organisation with smaller contractors and a continuous production of increasingly standardized blocks. A global reconsideration of the documentation, however, does seem to point to profound changes in the exploitation model and, on the contrary, indicates that already at the time of Domitian and Trajan pavonazzetto marble was available on the market and could be purchased by rich private individuals. Although the emperor remained the main buyer of marble, the quarry was not managed in such a way as to reserve all production to the fiscus, but was probably contracted out to various entrepreneurs under the usual locatio conductio rei.

Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Louis Ferrary (1948-2020)

Lexis, 2021

Obituary of Jean-Louis Ferrary

Research paper thumbnail of Supplying Imperial Quarries: a Comparison between Mons Claudianus and Dokimeion

Ottati, Adalberto & Vinci, Serena (ed.), From the Quarry to the Monument. The Process behind the Process: Design and Organization of the Work in Ancient Architecture, 2021

The exceptional documentation available for the imperial quarries of Mons Claudianus in Egypt all... more The exceptional documentation available for the imperial quarries of Mons Claudianus in Egypt allows for a detailed insight into the practices and the problems linked to the supply of provisions for the workforce of this large imperial exploitation. Other contexts are far less documented, but that does not imply that we cannot reconstruct at least some of the aspects of the supply organization. Recent studies have shown that epigraphic or archaeological data can reveal how the grain needs of workers employed on large extraction sites had a profound impact on the exploitation of arable land in a more or less large region. The purpose of this paper is therefore to compare the documentation coming from the regions surrounding different imperial quarries (Dokimeion and Mons Claudianus) in order to show how the combination of different kinds of sources can help us to reconstruct some general traits of the grain supply and to understand the adaptations needed for the different local contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Augusto δημοκρατικός: il commentarius ex quo lex Papia Poppaea lata est, Cassio Dione e la politica augustea del consenso

Heller, Anna ; Müller, Christel & Suspène, Arnaud (ed.) Philorômaios kai philhellén. Hommages à Jean-Louis Ferrary, 2019

The recent publication of the municipal law of Troesmis by Werner Eck has brought attention to th... more The recent publication of the municipal law of Troesmis by Werner Eck has brought attention to the complex legislative process that brought to the promulgation of the lex Papia Poppaea of 9 AD. This paper links this new epigraphic evidence with two passages of Cassius Dio about Augustus' legislation and argues that the first princeps introduced a special legislative procedure in order to promote a larger consensus around his sometime controversial laws.

Research paper thumbnail of Roms städtische Autoritäten unter Augustus: eine Revolution?

Wojciech, Katharina & Eich, Peter (ed.), Die Verwaltung der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit: Formen der Kommunikation, Interaktion und Vernetzung, 2018

A global reconsideration of Augustus' reforms concerning the administration of Rome

Research paper thumbnail of Les aspects religieux de l'exercice du pouvoir impérial

Pallas, 2019

Tout pouvoir public à Rome trouve sa légitimité dans une confirmation divine et le pouvoir impéri... more Tout pouvoir public à Rome trouve sa légitimité dans une confirmation divine et le pouvoir impérial ne fait pas exception. Les formes et les rites de cette validation suivaient néanmoins encore les pratiques républicaines et n’impliquèrent jamais que la charge suprême de l’État fût divinisée – au moins du point de vue institutionnel. Comme les magistrats, l’empereur romain aussi était choisi par les hommes et agréé par les dieux; cependant la position d’empereur était le résultat d’une combinaison de pouvoirs et de prérogatives diverses, chacune avec leurs propres rites de validation. En tant que princeps de la res publica, père de la patrie et garant de la paix et du non-retour vers le chaos des guerres civiles, l’empereur était symbole et instrument de la bienveillance que les dieux avaient toujours démontrée envers Rome, mais il n’etait pas dieu lui-même. L’empereur n’était pas non plus l’élu des dieux, car aucun rite divinatoire public ne fut jamais introduit pour choisir un empereur plutôt qu’un autre, c’est- à-dire pour réserver aux dieux une prérogative qui restait l’exclusivité du sénat et du peuple .

Research paper thumbnail of Gli anni 4–9 d.C.: riforme e crisi alla fine dell’epoca augustea

Segenni, S. (ed.), Augusto dopo il bimillenario. Un bilancio, 2018

The period after the death of Gaius Caesar and the adoption of Tiberius is marked by a series of ... more The period after the death of Gaius Caesar and the adoption of Tiberius is marked by a series of reforms that gave a more autocratic character to the Principate of Augustus. A global reconsideration of the events of these crucial years, aided by the discovery of new documents, shows that the important administrative reforms of the years 4-9 AD were not only a pragmatic answer to the various military and annonarian crises of this period. Some of them were also part of a more coherent plan through which Augustus aimed at consolidating the consensus around the Principate and at improving the military, financial and social foundations for the continuous domination of the Romans over their vast empire.

Research paper thumbnail of Note sui primi procuratori della provincia d'Asia sotto Augusto

Research paper thumbnail of Les successeurs désignés du prince et leur patrimoine. À propos de la délimitation d’Er-Rahel en Maurétanie Césarienne (CIL VIII 21663)

Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz, 2017

The boundary stone of Er-Rahel, set by the procurator of Mauretania Caesariensis, Petronius Celer... more The boundary stone of Er-Rahel, set by the procurator of Mauretania Caesariensis, Petronius Celer, in 137 CE between the city of Regiae and the saltus Cu[– – –], has baffled the historians for quite a long time. The text presents several incongruities between the titulature of Hadrian and that of Aelius Caesar and a puzzling mention of the auspices of the latter. However, it is possible to demonstrate that this auspication did not have anything to do with the exercice of an imperium, but it was performed by Aelius Caesar in his private capacity as owner of the estate. This new interpretation allows to explain the discrepancy between the titulature of Aelius Caesar, which refers to the act of taking of the auspices in 136 (before the 10th December), and that of Hadrian, which corresponds to the placing of the boundary stone in 137. It follows also that the saltus Cu[– – –] was a property of Aelius Caesar, whose origins is probably to be found in a donation by Hadrian at the time of the adoption. This inscription thus becomes an important document for our understanding of the patrimonial consequences of the designation of the successor to the imperial position in Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Quando l'epigrafia è politica. A proposito dei riferimenti epigrafici nell’opera di Cassio Dione

in Segenni, S. & Bellomo, M. (eds.), "Epigrafia e politica. Il contributo della documentazione epigrafica allo studio delle dinamiche politiche nel mondo romano", Milano, 2017, p. 95-117.

This papers reconsiders the references to epigraphic documents we can find in Cassius Dio's Roman... more This papers reconsiders the references to epigraphic documents we can find in Cassius Dio's Roman History. Unlike previous similar inquiries, this survey does not aim to determine if and how Dio integrated evidence from epigraphic sources in his narrative like a modern historian. The purpose of this study is rather to show that Cassius Dio had a real interest in inscriptions and inscribed monuments since these – because of their text, of their placement, of the material they were made of – were excellent examples of the political self-representation of the emperors and of the Roman elite in general.

Research paper thumbnail of Propriété familiale, pouvoir impérial : origine et gestion du patrimoine d'Auguste en Asie Mineure

One of the most important innovations of the Augustan age was the introduction of procurators cha... more One of the most important innovations of the Augustan age was the introduction of procurators charged with the administration of the patrimonium of the prince for an entire province. Because of the rapid institutional transformations of this period, the nature of the tasks assigned to these administrators remains hard to establish. This paper tries to shed new light on the subject looking at the evidence of Augustus’ economic interests in Asia Minor from the perspective of the patrimonial management of aristocrats of the Late Republic rather than from that of the fiscal administration of the High Empire. The first two sections survey the activities of the agents of the Roman aristocrats and those of Vedius Pollio and Pompeius Macer, Augustus’ personal representatives for the whole province of Asia. The paper focuses then on the sources concerning the properties of the prince in the region. Our documentation clearly shows that Augustus did not have a policy of land acquisition in order to gain a constant revenue. Instead, he limited himself to a few high-profile purchases (the Dokimeion marble quarries and a famous work of art from Cos), oriented to impress the public of Rome. What Augustus really needed, was the ability to transfer and spend money in the provinces for his benefactions toward the Greek poleis. It will therefore be argued that this practical need was one of the reasons behind the appointment as provincial procurators of rich Roman equites with strong economic interests both in Italy and in Asia.

Research paper thumbnail of Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC). A digital atlas of imperial properties in the Roman world (from Augustus to Diocletian) The Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC) is a digital atlas of ... more The Atlas Patrimonii Caesaris (APC) is a digital atlas of the imperial properties in the Roman world. It features an interactive map displaying all attested imperial properties with the corresponding textual sources and persons. You can also browse and export the three main sets of data (documents, places and people). The data is complete for most provinces, except for Sardinia, Sicily, Alpine provinces, Syria and Mesopotamia. New data and features are constantly added.

Research paper thumbnail of “Egypt and the Roman imperial economy” 5th workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM - Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 13-14 March 2019

Research paper thumbnail of “My boss is the emperor! The conductores and the exploitation of imperial properties. Four case studies.” 4th workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 8 February 2019

Research paper thumbnail of “La lex Hadriana de rudibus agris et les domaines impériaux de la vallée du Bagradas (Africa proconsularis)”,  3rd workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 15-16 October 2018

Research paper thumbnail of “The metalla and the prince: patterns of acquisition and exploitation of imperial mines and quarries from Augustus to the 3rd century”, 2nd workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 5-6 July 2018

Second workshop of the PATRIMONIVM ERC Project at the University Bordeaux Montaigne (France)

Research paper thumbnail of « Le patrimonium Caesaris : définition d’un objet d’étude » 1st workshop of the ERC project PATRIMONIVM – Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 20-21 October 2017

Research paper thumbnail of L' amministrazione dell'Italia romana. Dal I secolo a.C. al III secolo d.C. - Fondamenti. A cura di D. Faoro. Prefazione di W. Eck.

Il volume tratta delle istituzioni romane in Italia nel periodo compreso tra Augusto e Dioclezian... more Il volume tratta delle istituzioni romane in Italia nel periodo compreso tra Augusto e Diocleziano. Il quadro narrativo è strutturato su due sezioni principali, la città di Roma e l'Italia, quest'ultima intesa come l'insieme delle comunità autonome componenti la terra Italia. Vengono pertanto presi in esame gli istituti e le magistrature urbane, la loro evoluzione nel quadro autocratico imposto dal Principato, nonché le funzioni e le cariche extramagistratuali di nuova creazione. Sono quindi oggetto di trattazione le città, colonie e municipi, sia attraverso un'analisi degli istituti più ricorrenti e comuni, sia in virtù di un esame delle magistrature più originali e meno attestate. Non mancano di essere considerati i sacerdozi pubblici, urbani e municipali, mentre particolare attenzione viene posta nei confronti dei ruoli subalterni, liberi e servili. Punto cardine rimane il principe, alle cui competenze e poteri sono dedicati i capitoli d'apertura, parimenti offerti all'analisi delle forme di controllo e d'interazione tra le istituzioni di Roma e quelle cittadine. Scopo del volume è quello di offrire in un formato agile una rassegna completa della materia, declinata alla luce delle più recenti acquisizioni e secondo un metodo che predilige una spiegazione concreta e documentata ad un'illustrazione prettamente teorica dei singoli istituti. A tal fine, ogni sezione è dotata di un cospicuo bagaglio di fonti, letterarie ed epigrafiche, oltre che di un aggiornato apparato bibliografico inerente alle maggiori opere scientifiche di riferimento.

Research paper thumbnail of Cura et tutela: le origini del potere imperiale sulle province proconsolari

La natura dell'imperium di Augusto (27 a.C.–14 d.C.) e i modi della sua estensione sulle province... more La natura dell'imperium di Augusto (27 a.C.–14 d.C.) e i modi della sua estensione sulle province governate da proconsoli indipendenti sono state oggetto di un profondo riesame negli ultimi trent'anni. Il volume riconsidera il problema in maniera globale e giunge a una nuova ricostruzione istituzionale e cronologica delle tappe che portarono il principe all'autorità suprema sulle province. Ampio spazio è dato allo studio dei precedenti repubblicani della compresenza di più generali in una stessa area d'azione. Seguono i capitoli dedicati ad Augusto e alle varie prerogative che gli permettevano di intervenire nelle province proconsolari anche senza una formale estensione del suo imperium. Questo, tranne che durante le missioni in Oriente e in Occidente tra 23 e 13 a.C., rimase sempre confinato alle province imperiali e fu definitivamente allargato alla totalità dell'impero e delle truppe solo durante la crisi militare del 6–8 d.C. Principale risultato di questo processo fu una più diretta interazione dell'imperatore con i provinciali e le legioni, mentre più simbolica fu la superiorità sui proconsoli, il cui ruolo politico e militare era stato neutralizzato da tempo con altri mezzi.

Research paper thumbnail of The provincia of Augustus, or How to Reconcile Cassius Dio’s Vision of the Principate, Augustus’ Own Public Image and Early Imperial Institutional Practices

Díaz Fernández, A (ed.)., "Provinces and Provincial Command in Republican Rome: Genesis, Development and Governance", 2021

Scholars have been debating the issue of Augustus’ powers over the provinces for a long time, oft... more Scholars have been debating the issue of Augustus’ powers over the provinces for a long time, often using Cassius Dio’s book 53 as their starting point. However, Dio's point of view is inevitably influenced by the nature of imperial power and by the constitutional theory of his own time. Epigraphic and papyrological sources directly coming from the time of Augustus tell us a slightly different story, one of greater continuity with the extraordinary commands of the last decades of the Republic; however these sources are produced by Augustus himself (Res Geste) or are the expression of the Senate's point of view. The purpose of this paper is to critically reconsider the main scholarly trends abut Augustus’ provincial powers and assess in what measure they are influenced either by Cassius Dio or by Augustus' Res Gestae. A reconciliation between these two point of view is possible, but only after having understood the value to be attributed to each source.

Research paper thumbnail of Adriano e lo sfruttamento delle cave di Dokimeion. Una rilettura dei cambiamenti nelle sigle di cava del 136/137 d.C.

González Bordas, H. & Alvar Ezquerra, A. (ed.), "Gestión y trabajo en las propiedades imperiales durante el reinado de Adriano: cinco casos de estudio", 2021

The formulas of the quarry labels inscribed on pavonazzetto marble blocks from the Dokimeion dist... more The formulas of the quarry labels inscribed on pavonazzetto marble blocks from the Dokimeion district in Asia Minor are one of our only sources of information to reconstruct the contractual relationships between the fiscus and the private contractors who worked at the quarry. A change in the structure of the formula occurred at the end of Hadrian's reign and has often been interpreted as a sign of profound changes in the model of exploitation of the quarry, with a shift from management by large contractors and a production to order to a new organisation with smaller contractors and a continuous production of increasingly standardized blocks. A global reconsideration of the documentation, however, does seem to point to profound changes in the exploitation model and, on the contrary, indicates that already at the time of Domitian and Trajan pavonazzetto marble was available on the market and could be purchased by rich private individuals. Although the emperor remained the main buyer of marble, the quarry was not managed in such a way as to reserve all production to the fiscus, but was probably contracted out to various entrepreneurs under the usual locatio conductio rei.

Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Louis Ferrary (1948-2020)

Lexis, 2021

Obituary of Jean-Louis Ferrary

Research paper thumbnail of Supplying Imperial Quarries: a Comparison between Mons Claudianus and Dokimeion

Ottati, Adalberto & Vinci, Serena (ed.), From the Quarry to the Monument. The Process behind the Process: Design and Organization of the Work in Ancient Architecture, 2021

The exceptional documentation available for the imperial quarries of Mons Claudianus in Egypt all... more The exceptional documentation available for the imperial quarries of Mons Claudianus in Egypt allows for a detailed insight into the practices and the problems linked to the supply of provisions for the workforce of this large imperial exploitation. Other contexts are far less documented, but that does not imply that we cannot reconstruct at least some of the aspects of the supply organization. Recent studies have shown that epigraphic or archaeological data can reveal how the grain needs of workers employed on large extraction sites had a profound impact on the exploitation of arable land in a more or less large region. The purpose of this paper is therefore to compare the documentation coming from the regions surrounding different imperial quarries (Dokimeion and Mons Claudianus) in order to show how the combination of different kinds of sources can help us to reconstruct some general traits of the grain supply and to understand the adaptations needed for the different local contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Augusto δημοκρατικός: il commentarius ex quo lex Papia Poppaea lata est, Cassio Dione e la politica augustea del consenso

Heller, Anna ; Müller, Christel & Suspène, Arnaud (ed.) Philorômaios kai philhellén. Hommages à Jean-Louis Ferrary, 2019

The recent publication of the municipal law of Troesmis by Werner Eck has brought attention to th... more The recent publication of the municipal law of Troesmis by Werner Eck has brought attention to the complex legislative process that brought to the promulgation of the lex Papia Poppaea of 9 AD. This paper links this new epigraphic evidence with two passages of Cassius Dio about Augustus' legislation and argues that the first princeps introduced a special legislative procedure in order to promote a larger consensus around his sometime controversial laws.

Research paper thumbnail of Roms städtische Autoritäten unter Augustus: eine Revolution?

Wojciech, Katharina & Eich, Peter (ed.), Die Verwaltung der Stadt Rom in der Hohen Kaiserzeit: Formen der Kommunikation, Interaktion und Vernetzung, 2018

A global reconsideration of Augustus' reforms concerning the administration of Rome

Research paper thumbnail of Les aspects religieux de l'exercice du pouvoir impérial

Pallas, 2019

Tout pouvoir public à Rome trouve sa légitimité dans une confirmation divine et le pouvoir impéri... more Tout pouvoir public à Rome trouve sa légitimité dans une confirmation divine et le pouvoir impérial ne fait pas exception. Les formes et les rites de cette validation suivaient néanmoins encore les pratiques républicaines et n’impliquèrent jamais que la charge suprême de l’État fût divinisée – au moins du point de vue institutionnel. Comme les magistrats, l’empereur romain aussi était choisi par les hommes et agréé par les dieux; cependant la position d’empereur était le résultat d’une combinaison de pouvoirs et de prérogatives diverses, chacune avec leurs propres rites de validation. En tant que princeps de la res publica, père de la patrie et garant de la paix et du non-retour vers le chaos des guerres civiles, l’empereur était symbole et instrument de la bienveillance que les dieux avaient toujours démontrée envers Rome, mais il n’etait pas dieu lui-même. L’empereur n’était pas non plus l’élu des dieux, car aucun rite divinatoire public ne fut jamais introduit pour choisir un empereur plutôt qu’un autre, c’est- à-dire pour réserver aux dieux une prérogative qui restait l’exclusivité du sénat et du peuple .

Research paper thumbnail of Gli anni 4–9 d.C.: riforme e crisi alla fine dell’epoca augustea

Segenni, S. (ed.), Augusto dopo il bimillenario. Un bilancio, 2018

The period after the death of Gaius Caesar and the adoption of Tiberius is marked by a series of ... more The period after the death of Gaius Caesar and the adoption of Tiberius is marked by a series of reforms that gave a more autocratic character to the Principate of Augustus. A global reconsideration of the events of these crucial years, aided by the discovery of new documents, shows that the important administrative reforms of the years 4-9 AD were not only a pragmatic answer to the various military and annonarian crises of this period. Some of them were also part of a more coherent plan through which Augustus aimed at consolidating the consensus around the Principate and at improving the military, financial and social foundations for the continuous domination of the Romans over their vast empire.

Research paper thumbnail of Note sui primi procuratori della provincia d'Asia sotto Augusto

Research paper thumbnail of Les successeurs désignés du prince et leur patrimoine. À propos de la délimitation d’Er-Rahel en Maurétanie Césarienne (CIL VIII 21663)

Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz, 2017

The boundary stone of Er-Rahel, set by the procurator of Mauretania Caesariensis, Petronius Celer... more The boundary stone of Er-Rahel, set by the procurator of Mauretania Caesariensis, Petronius Celer, in 137 CE between the city of Regiae and the saltus Cu[– – –], has baffled the historians for quite a long time. The text presents several incongruities between the titulature of Hadrian and that of Aelius Caesar and a puzzling mention of the auspices of the latter. However, it is possible to demonstrate that this auspication did not have anything to do with the exercice of an imperium, but it was performed by Aelius Caesar in his private capacity as owner of the estate. This new interpretation allows to explain the discrepancy between the titulature of Aelius Caesar, which refers to the act of taking of the auspices in 136 (before the 10th December), and that of Hadrian, which corresponds to the placing of the boundary stone in 137. It follows also that the saltus Cu[– – –] was a property of Aelius Caesar, whose origins is probably to be found in a donation by Hadrian at the time of the adoption. This inscription thus becomes an important document for our understanding of the patrimonial consequences of the designation of the successor to the imperial position in Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Quando l'epigrafia è politica. A proposito dei riferimenti epigrafici nell’opera di Cassio Dione

in Segenni, S. & Bellomo, M. (eds.), "Epigrafia e politica. Il contributo della documentazione epigrafica allo studio delle dinamiche politiche nel mondo romano", Milano, 2017, p. 95-117.

This papers reconsiders the references to epigraphic documents we can find in Cassius Dio's Roman... more This papers reconsiders the references to epigraphic documents we can find in Cassius Dio's Roman History. Unlike previous similar inquiries, this survey does not aim to determine if and how Dio integrated evidence from epigraphic sources in his narrative like a modern historian. The purpose of this study is rather to show that Cassius Dio had a real interest in inscriptions and inscribed monuments since these – because of their text, of their placement, of the material they were made of – were excellent examples of the political self-representation of the emperors and of the Roman elite in general.

Research paper thumbnail of Propriété familiale, pouvoir impérial : origine et gestion du patrimoine d'Auguste en Asie Mineure

One of the most important innovations of the Augustan age was the introduction of procurators cha... more One of the most important innovations of the Augustan age was the introduction of procurators charged with the administration of the patrimonium of the prince for an entire province. Because of the rapid institutional transformations of this period, the nature of the tasks assigned to these administrators remains hard to establish. This paper tries to shed new light on the subject looking at the evidence of Augustus’ economic interests in Asia Minor from the perspective of the patrimonial management of aristocrats of the Late Republic rather than from that of the fiscal administration of the High Empire. The first two sections survey the activities of the agents of the Roman aristocrats and those of Vedius Pollio and Pompeius Macer, Augustus’ personal representatives for the whole province of Asia. The paper focuses then on the sources concerning the properties of the prince in the region. Our documentation clearly shows that Augustus did not have a policy of land acquisition in order to gain a constant revenue. Instead, he limited himself to a few high-profile purchases (the Dokimeion marble quarries and a famous work of art from Cos), oriented to impress the public of Rome. What Augustus really needed, was the ability to transfer and spend money in the provinces for his benefactions toward the Greek poleis. It will therefore be argued that this practical need was one of the reasons behind the appointment as provincial procurators of rich Roman equites with strong economic interests both in Italy and in Asia.

Research paper thumbnail of Auguste et la "restitutio" du prestige du consulat

in: Baudry R. & Hurlet F. (eds), "Le Prestige à Rome à la fin de la République et au début du Principat", (Paris, 2016), p. 53-67

This paper considers the political dimension of the insignia and the prestige of the consuls in t... more This paper considers the political dimension of the insignia and the prestige of the consuls in the years 32-19 BC, when the Augustan regime was consolidating its position in Rome. Far from being a pure matter of form, the gradual definition of Augustus’ place in the visual and performative hierarchy of Roman magistrates was a fundamental aspect of the institutional debate on the nature of the Principate. Possessing a certain number of fasces, being saluted with a particular sign of deference or having a presiding role during public ceremonies had always identified who was in power in Rome. The period examined here witnessed many compromises between Augustus and the senatorial aristocracy: from the consular Principate (28-23), to the “charismatic” government through the tribunician power (23-19), to the hybrid solution of 19 BC (concession of the consular insignia without the magistracy). These are analysed from the perspective of the possession or the loss by Augustus of certain marks of magisterial prestige, in order to better assess the advantages and handicaps of each reform. In particular, they elucidate the unprecedented situation of 19 BC, which saw a shift from auctoritas to imperium as the foundation of Augustus’ powers inside the City.

Research paper thumbnail of Yann Berthelet et Alberto Dalla Rosa éd., "Les auspices : débats autour de deux apories", CCG, XXVI, 2015, p. 199-315.

Research paper thumbnail of From Exploitation to Integration: Imperial Quarries, Estates and Freedmen, and the Integration of Rural Phrygia

Studi Ellenistici, 2016

This paper presents a model for explaining the considerable extension of imperial estates in the ... more This paper presents a model for explaining the considerable extension of imperial estates in the Upper Tembris valley and in other nearby phrygian regions during the 2nd century AD and later.

Research paper thumbnail of P. Silius Nerva (proconsul d’Illyrie en 16 av. J.-C.) vainqueur des Trumplini, Camunni et Vennonetes sous les auspices d’Auguste

The absence of the peoples of the Noricum from the list of the gentes deuictae of the Tropaeum Al... more The absence of the peoples of the Noricum from the list of the gentes deuictae of the Tropaeum Alpium of La Turbie (France) has never been satisfactorily explained. This paper argues that this omission is due to the fact that the Norici were defeated within the prouincia and under the auspices of the proconsul of Illyricum P. Silius Nerva in 16 BC. Therefore, they could not be counted among the peoples subdued ductu auspicioque Imp. Caesaris Augusti. On the contrary, the victories won by Silius against the Trumplini, the Camunni and the Vennonetes were assigned to Augustus, because the proconsul was operating within Augustus’ «prouincia». This document then shows that at this moment the prince did not possess a general high command over all the proconsuls, since otherwise he would have had an interest in claiming the annexation of the Noricum for himself.

[Research paper thumbnail of « Un quindicennio di ricerche su Augusto. Un bilancio storiografico », dans Studi Classici e Orientali, 55, 2009 [2011], p. 169-231 [traduction italienne et mise à jour de l’article paru dans Anabases en 2007].](

Research paper thumbnail of Summum imperium auspiciumque. Une lecture critique

Review article on "The High Command in the Roman Republic. The Principle of the summum imperium a... more Review article on "The High Command in the Roman Republic. The Principle of the summum imperium auspiciumque from 509 to 19 BCE", by Frederik Vervaet (Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, 2014)

Research paper thumbnail of L'autocrate e il magistrato. Le attività di Augusto negli ambiti di competenza consolare

in: Ferrary, J.-L. & Scheid, J., "Il princeps romano: autocrate o magistrato? Fattori giuridici e fattori sociali del potere imperiale da Augusto a Commodo". Atti del decimo Collegio di Diritto Romano CEDANT, pp. 555-585., 2015

Did the consular powers of 19 BC make Augustus a third consul without giving him the actual magis... more Did the consular powers of 19 BC make Augustus a third consul without giving him the actual magistracy? This question has been debated for a long time, and yet the discussion too often remains at a rather theoretical level. The consul is what the consul does, and therefore this paper considers all spheres of consular urban activity in order to assess if, when and how Augustus can be considered to be a consul's equivalent. The results show that, even after 19, Augustus never performed the most important and typical consular urban activities. Only in matters concerning the reception of embassies, the recruitment of soldiers and the public order, Augustus is seen acting in lieu of (or in conjunction with) the consuls. The abdication of 23 BC had a real and lasting effect, that the grant of consular insigna in 19 did not revert.

Research paper thumbnail of Prolegomeni allo studio della proprietà imperiale in Asia Minore: la questione dell’imperatore come acquirente

The first part of this paper takes inspiration from Fergus Millar’s judgement about the impossibi... more The first part of this paper takes inspiration from Fergus Millar’s judgement about the impossibility of writing a history of the property of the Roman Emperor in order to assess the progresses of research in this important field. Except for the recent monograph of Marco Maiuro, very few studies of general character have been dedicated to the issue in over a century. Despite that, significant advancements in our knowledge of the ancient economy as well as the growing number of epigraphic and papyrologic sources can now provide the historian of the required means to reverse Millar’s pessimism. The second section of the paper tries to verify the hypothesis that the Roman Emperor (i.e. the fiscus) never acted as buyer of landed estates on the free market. As a matter of fact, the present evidence shows that the owners were always compelled to sell and that the purchased goods were used for public purposes (or donated to temples, or given as gifts to others) and not kept for the ruler’s sake. The Emperor acted like any other senator probably only in the acquisition of luxury items.

Research paper thumbnail of Il concetto di provincia

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 19-23, 2015

This chapter briefly exposes the meaning and use of the latin word "provincia" in relation to the... more This chapter briefly exposes the meaning and use of the latin word "provincia" in relation to the development of the Roman provincial administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Province imperiali e province proconsolari

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 33-36, 2015

This chapter briefly exposes the lasting effects of the provincial settlement of 27 BC and the su... more This chapter briefly exposes the lasting effects of the provincial settlement of 27 BC and the subsequent creation of the two de facto categories of the imperial and the public/proconsular provinces.

Research paper thumbnail of Governatori e personale amministrativo delle province proconsolari

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 50-59, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Risorse economiche e proprietà imperiali

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 67-74, 2015

Brief and general introduction to the economy of the Roman provinces.

Research paper thumbnail of Province germaniche

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 135-140, 2015

Brief history of the creation and the administration of the Germanic provinces of the Roman Empire

Research paper thumbnail of Illirico (Dalmazia e Pannonia)

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 155-161, 2015

Brief history of the administration of the Roman provinces in the Balkans (Illyricum, Dalmatia, P... more Brief history of the administration of the Roman provinces in the Balkans (Illyricum, Dalmatia, Pannonia)

Research paper thumbnail of Tracia e Mesia

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 171-176, 2015

Brief history of the administration of the Roman provinces of Moesia and Tracia in the High Empire.

Research paper thumbnail of Africa e Numidia

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 261-268, 2015

Brief history of the administration of the Roman provinces of Africa and Numidia under the Republ... more Brief history of the administration of the Roman provinces of Africa and Numidia under the Republic and in the High Empire.

Research paper thumbnail of Mauretania

in: Letta C. & Segenni S. "Roma e le sue province. Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano", pp. 269-273, 2015

Brief history of the administration of the Roman province(s) of Mauretania in the High Empire

Research paper thumbnail of Journée d’étude « Du (bon) usage du patrimoine du Prince au Haut-Empire. Cinq études épigraphiques et archéologiques ». Paris, UMR 8210 ANHIMA, 1er juillet 2016

La troisième et dernière journée d’étude du projet LanCRAM est consacrée à l’utilisation, au sens... more La troisième et dernière journée d’étude du projet LanCRAM est consacrée à l’utilisation, au sense large, du patrimoine impérial. Dans cette rencontre, nous irons au-delà des limites de l’Asie Mineure – région privilégiée de l’enquête de LanCRAM – pour mieux aborder les multiples facettes de l’usage que le Prince pouvait faire de ses propriétés. Nous irons réfléchir sur le rôle joué par le patrimoine dans le complexe processus de désignation et d’investiture du successeur à la position d’Empereur, mais mous envisagerons de même l’émergence du patrimoine impérial comme moyen pour organiser l’espace provincial et pour générer un impact positif sur la productivité agricole à échelle régionale. L’extraction et la circulation du marbre provenant des carrières impériales nous fournira, enfin, l’occasion d’étudier les retombées économiques et politiques de l’utilisation de cette précieuse ressource.

L’analyse détaillée des sources – spécialement celles épigraphiques – sera au centre de chaque communication et nous permettra d’aborder des questions fondamentales en restant cependant proches des données documentaires. Le but est celui de stimuler la discussion entre les différents experts dans le cadre d’une journée qui se veut un véritable atelier de recherche.

Research paper thumbnail of Journée d'étude « Autour de l’ “économie impériale” en Asie Mineure : empereurs, notables, armée ». Paris, UMR 8210 ANHIMA, 21 mai 2016

La deuxième journée d’étude du projet LanCRAM est consacrée au thème de l’ « économie impériale »... more La deuxième journée d’étude du projet LanCRAM est consacrée au thème de l’ « économie impériale » en Asie Mineure. De la controverse Bücher-Meyer au modèle taxe-commerce de Keith Hopkins, en passant pour Max Weber et Rostovtzeff, les historiens ont depuis longtemps essayé de définir de façon globale la nature de l’économie romaine sous le Haut-Empire. Située chronologiquement entre la phase de la grande expansion méditerranéenne et la crise du IIIe siècle ap. J.-C., l’économie impériale est caractérisée par une condition générale de paix à l’intérieur et de forte présence militaire aux frontières, par un développement du commerce à longue distance et par une diffusion graduelle du droit romain. Ces circonstances favorisèrent la croissance de l’économie des provinces et notamment de certaines régions orientales, où l’urbanisme était particulièrement fort.

En réunissant un ensemble de spécialistes dont la maitrise de la documentation épigraphique de la région est renommée, notre journée d’étude se propose donc de jeter un regard sur les aspects de la vie économique de l’Asie Mineure les plus fortement liés au fait de l’inclusion de cette région dans l’Empire Romain. Il s’agit d’abord de la figure même de l’empereur, vu en tant qu’acteur économique – en raison de ses propriétés – aussi bien que promoteur d’une certaine politique patrimoniale au sein des élites locales. Une attention particulière sera donnée aussi à certains facteurs d’intégration économique, tels que la politique douanière et le rôle de l’armée.



10h : Accueil

10h30 : Introduction par Alberto Dalla Rosa.

Matinée : Patrimoines et politiques patrimoniales. Président de la session : Ségolène Demougin (EPHE)

10h45 : AlbertoDalla Rosa (EPHE) : « La géographie des propriétés impériales dans les provinces d’Asie Mineure : hasard ou rationalité économique ? »
11h15 : Thomas Corsten (Vienne) : « Kaiserliche und private Domänen in der Kibyratis »
11h45 : Anne-Valérie Pont (Paris IV) : « Rome, les cités et le patrimoine des notables en Asie mineure de l’époque augustéenne à Dioclétien »

12h15 : Discussion

13h : Déjeuner

Après-midi : Facteurs et politiques d’intégration économique. Président de la session : François Kirbihler (Nancy)

15h : Giovanna Daniela Merola (Naples) : « Politica doganale e politica economica in Asia Minore nell’ Alto Impero »
15h30 : Michael Alexander Speidel (Berne) : « Roman Cappadocia’s economy and integration : the impact of the military »

16h : Discussion

16h45 : Pause

17h15 Conclusions par Jérôme France (Bordeaux)

Research paper thumbnail of Journée d’étude  « Administrateurs, entrepreneurs, paysans. Les propriétés impériales en Asie Mineure et leurs protagonistes ». UMR 8210 ANHIMA (Paris), 3 juin 2015

Le projet LanCRAM, financé par le programme européen Marie Curie IEF pour les années 2014-2016, e... more Le projet LanCRAM, financé par le programme européen Marie Curie IEF pour les années 2014-2016, envisage l’étude de la distribution géographique et de l’impact socio-économique et politique des propriétés des empereurs romains en Asie Mineure. En particulier, le projet vise à mieux comprendre les modalités d’extension de la propriété foncière du prince dans certaines régions comme la Lydie et la Phrygie, en tenant compte aussi des relations avec les autres activités économiques liées au patrimoine impérial, comme les carrières de marbre de Dokimeion. Une autre piste de recherche concerne l’utilisation politique des fruits de ces propriétés, car la possession de cette richesse immense était un facteur essentiel pour certaines initiatives publiques des empereurs et permettait aussi de mener une grande politique d’evergetisme, à Rome aussi bien qu’en Asie Mineure.

La concentration des propriétés impériales dans certaines régions engendrait des retombées économiques et sociales importantes. La perception d’un loyer, payé en nature ou en argent, poussait les colons-bailleurs à la production d’un surplus agricole et à une extension des terres mises en culture. Mines et carrières constituaient des “districts industriels” capables de favoriser le développement et l’intégration économique même dans des zones périphériques ou rurales. L’application des “leges praediorum” favorisait le contact entre les provinciaux et certains principes du droit romain. La présence significative d’affranchis impériaux, employés dans l’administration des biens mais pas seulement, stimulait l’activité économique et la diffusion de la citoyenneté romaine.

Dans le cadre général du projet, cette journée d’étude se propose d’aborder la documentation sous un angle nouveau, mettant au centre de l’enquête les différents catégories de personnes qui étaient, d’une manière ou de l’autre, étroitement liées aux propriétés impériales en tant que administrateurs, entrepreneurs ou colons. Cette journée envisage donc de de mettre en evidence les nombreuses facettes de ce monde en réunissant un ensemble de spécialistes, dont la maitrise de la documentation épigraphique de la région et des différents aspects de l’enquête (administration, économie, droit, religion) est renommée.



9h15 Accueil

9h45 Introduction par Alberto DALLA ROSA

Matinée. Président de la session : Denis ROUSSET (EPHE).

10h00 : Ségolène DEMOUGIN (EPHE/CNRS) : « Au gouverneur de province et à mon procurateur » Remarques sur l’administration procuratorienne dans les provinces asiatiques.

10h30 : Alberto DALLA ROSA (EPHE) : P. Aelius Onesimus et les autres. Les affranchis impériaux et la vie économique des cités d’Asie.

11h00 Pause

11h15 Charles CROWTHER (Oxford) : Procurators and villagers in the dispute between Anossa and Antimacheia (Phrygia).

11h45 Discussion.

12h30 Déjeuner.

Après-midi. Président de la session : Alberto DALLA ROSA (EPHE).

14h45 Klaus ZIMMERMANN (Münster) : L’empereur et sa famille dans les monuments honorifiques et dédicaces des habitants de domaines impériaux.

15h15 Dennis KEHOE (Tulane University) : Imperial Estates and the Law in the Roman Provinces.

15h45 Pause

16h00 Thomas DREW-BEAR (CNRS) : Nouveautés épigraphiques de la région de Synnada.

16h30 Discussion.

17h15 Conclusions par Jean-Louis FERRARY (EPHE)

Research paper thumbnail of Séminaire commun 2014-2015, UMR 8210 ANHIMA (Paris)

Dans le cadre du séminaire commun d’ANHIMA 2014-2015, nous envisagerons les notions « générations... more Dans le cadre du séminaire commun d’ANHIMA 2014-2015, nous envisagerons les notions « générations », « âges » et « successions » comme des outils heuristiques permettant de mieux appréhender les modes de perception et de conceptualisation du passage dans les sociétés antiques.
Le concept de génération permet d’aborder ce passage dans plusieurs types de discours : ceux relatifs aux différentes classes d’âge contemporaines les unes des autres ; ceux qui font référence aux générations antérieures ou postérieures ; et ceux qui construisent l’histoire de la cité et du monde comme une succession d’ères.
Sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, il est possible de rattacher à la première forme de discours la question des rapports de solidarité ou de conflit au sein d’un même groupe d’âge ou entre deux générations (jeunes/vieux et parents/enfants), l’étude des structures de parenté, des rituels (notamment ceux accompagnant le passage de l’enfance à l’âge adulte) et du lien entre âge et autorité politique, religieuse ou intellectuelle.
La seconde forme de discours permettra d’analyser les références aux générations passées dans les sources textuelles et iconographiques, qui peuvent comporter aussi bien une idéalisation qu’une forte prise de distance. Sur un plan plus strictement politique, la succession des générations d’aristocrates ou de rois implique la mise en œuvre de procédés symboliques de construction et de transmission d’une dynastie : l’inscription spatiale de l’ancrage dynastique dans le temps civique retiendra particulièrement notre attention (grands monuments familiaux, imagines maiorum, arbres généalogiques, etc.). Le souci de perpétuer le corps civique passe, quant à lui, par des décisions politiques et des choix idéologiques sur lesquels il conviendra de s’arrêter (réactions face au problème de l’oliganthropie spartiate, loi de Périclès de 451 av. J.-C., loi « Iulia et Papia », etc.).
La troisième et dernière forme de discours ressortit à la traduction institutionnelle du temps civique (annales, listes de magistrats ou de prêtres éponymes, calendriers civiques) et à la périodisation de l’histoire universelle en une succession d’ères, d’empires ou de généalogies divines, héroïques et humaines (Hésiode, Justin, St Jérôme, chroniqueurs byzantins, etc.).
Notre enquête prendra en compte aussi bien les sources épigraphiques et iconographiques que les sources textuelles issues de la tradition manuscrite et sera attentive également à la diversité des con-textes culturels de la Méditerranée antique.

Research paper thumbnail of « Les auspices : débats autour de deux apories » Journée d'étude organisée par Yann BERTHELET et Alberto DALLA ROSA. Paris, UMR 8210 ANHIMA, 17 juin 2014

Research paper thumbnail of «Le proprietà del principe nell'impero romano: nuovi studi e prospettive sulla proprietà imperiale». Giornata di studi organizzata da Simonetta SEGENNI e Alberto DALLA ROSA

Research paper thumbnail of Map of the Alpine region under the Romans

Physical map of the Alpine region under the Romans, with indication of some of the peoples inhabi... more Physical map of the Alpine region under the Romans, with indication of some of the peoples inhabiting it. The map had been realized as a companion for my article "P. Silius Nerva (proconsul d’Illyrie en 16 av. J.-C.) vainqueur des Trumplini, Camunni et Vennonetes sous les auspices d’Auguste", REA 117/2 (2015), but has never been published.

Research paper thumbnail of Map of the conventus (assize districts) of the Roman province of Asia

The map can be used under Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA). It was prepared for and is include... more The map can be used under Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA). It was prepared for and is included in the following publication: DALLA ROSA, A.; "Praktische Lösungen für praktische Probleme: Die Gruppierung von conventus in der Provinz Asia und die Bewegungen des Prokonsuls C. Iulius Severus (procos. 152/53)". Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 183 (2012): 259–76.

The borders of the conventus/dioikeseis are drawn according to the list of cities given by IEphesos 13. Where the data is missing, approximate borders where drawn according to the reconstruction made by JONES, A. H. M., "The cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces" (Oxford, 2nd ed. 1971).

Research paper thumbnail of Map of the Roman Provinces in 28 BC

The map can be used under Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA). It was prepared for and is include... more The map can be used under Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA). It was prepared for and is included in the following publication: DALLA ROSA, A.; "Cura et tutela: l'origine del potere imperiale sulle province proconsolari" (Stuttgart, 2014).

Research paper thumbnail of DRAFT – The provincia of Augustus, or how to reconcile Cassius Dio’s vision of the Principate, Augustus’ own public image and early imperial institutional practices

In defense of a "republican" approach to the gradual establishment of Augustus' supreme command

[Research paper thumbnail of Quando l'epigrafia è politica. A proposito dei riferimenti epigrafici nell'opera di Cassio Dione [newer version]](

A reconsideration of the role and the value of epigraphic documents in the "Roman History" of Ca... more A reconsideration of the role and the value of epigraphic documents in the "Roman History" of Cassius Dio. This draft paper is to be published in the proceedings of the conference "Epigrafia e politica", organized by Simonetta Segenni at the Università Statale of Milan in january 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Comedy, the Comedìa and the Ars poetica: Dante’s Reading of Horace’s Precepts on Style and Genre

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the multi-faceted influence of Horace’s epistle on po... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the multi-faceted influence of Horace’s epistle on poetry (the Ars poetica) on Dante’s own reflections on style and genre, from the Convivio to the Divine Comedy. In the Middle Ages, classical texts were always read in conjunction with an introduction, called accessus, and a commentary. These were the places where rules of stylistic unity were debated and theories of literary genres developed – particularly in those cases when the commented texts directly addressed these issues, as is the case with the Ars poetica. The production of new commentaries flourished in the period between the eleventh and the twelfth century, and contributed significantly to the birth of standalone treaties on poetry (the poetriae) in the thirteenth century. Dante had a crucial role in defining the style of the recently-developed Italian vernacular poetry. He consistently engaged with the classical teachings on the subject, and often made clear that with his writings (above all the Divine Comedy) he intended to compete with the ancient authors. Nevertheless, Dante read and understood the classics through the perspective of the commentaries. In view of all this, my paper aims to reconstruct the different stylistic doctrines found in the commentaries on Horace’s Ars poetica in order to shed new light on Dante’s reflections on style and genre, and to ultimately understand how, in Dante’s view, the Divine Comedy surpassed the classical authors.

Research paper thumbnail of Between Myth and History - A workshop on Dionysius of Halicarnassus.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAMME-COLLOQUE

Quarante-cinq ans séparent la victoire d'Actium en 31 av. J.-C. de la mort d'Auguste en 14 ap. J.... more Quarante-cinq ans séparent la victoire d'Actium en 31 av. J.-C. de la mort d'Auguste en 14 ap. J.-C. : c'est une période très longue qui correspond à peu près à celle qui s'écoula entre la mort de Sylla et la n du triumvirat. Cependant, ces longues années sont trop souvent présentées comme une période unitaire : l'époque d'Auguste. L'infuence d'un certain déterminisme rétrospectif a poussé les auteurs anciens aussi bien que les historiens contemporains à minimiser un certain nombre de menaces réelles pesant sur la survie du régime augustéen et à ne voir dans les changements administratifs, législatifs et sociaux rien d'autre que des ajustements naturels d'un régime destiné inévitablement à se perpétuer. En considérant cette période dans sa globalité, l’objectif du colloque est de réévaluer dans quelle mesure elle constitua un moment de continuité ou de rupture par rapport aux principes qui avaient guidé la restauration de la res publica et aux modalités de gouvernement des premières décennies du principat d’Auguste.

Research paper thumbnail of Le métier de procurateur. Bordeaux, 1-2/6/2023

Au coeur des réflexions historiques et prosopographiques depuis plus d'un siècle, les procuratèle... more Au coeur des réflexions historiques et prosopographiques depuis plus d'un siècle, les procuratèles de l'Empire romain restent un domaine à explorer, au gré des découvertes et des analyses qui renouvèlent les approches et enrichissent nos connaissances. Le programme « Procuratèles » propose de porter une réflexion globale sur ce rouage administratif de l'Empire à partir d'exemples pris en Italie et dans les provinces occidentales. Le premier volet du projet est consacré à l'étude concrète de l'activité procuratorienne. Qu'ils soient affranchis impériaux ou chevaliers, les procuratores partageaient un même objectif : la préservation des intérêts de l'empereur. Ce colloque sera l'occasion, dans un premier temps, de réfléchir à la mise en place de ce « corps de métier ». À travers des exemples précis, jalons d'une approche comparative, il s'attachera également à aborder la nature des charges attribuées aux procurateurs ainsi que le personnel qui les assistait dans leurs tâches quotidiennes.