Jeffrey Andrew Barash | Université de Picardie Jules Verne (original) (raw)
Books by Jeffrey Andrew Barash
Phaenomenologica, 1987
Now in paperback, this important book explores the central role of historical thought in the full... more Now in paperback, this important book explores the central role of historical thought in the full range of Heidegger's thought, both the early writings leading up to Being and Time, and after the reversal or Kehre that inaugurated his later work. Barash examines Heidegger's views on history in a richly developed context of debates that transpired in the early 20th-century German philosophy of history. He addresses a key unifying theme -the problem of historical meaning and the search for coherent criteria of truth in an era of historical relativism - as he traces the engagement with historicity throughout different periods and works. Barash revises this edition to explore new material, including Heidegger's lecture course texts from 1910 to 1923, and he adds an expanded, updated bibliography.
New Book Publication, 2022
In a review of the work of Karl Jaspers composed several years before the publication of his book... more In a review of the work of Karl Jaspers composed several years before the publication of his book Being and Time, Martin Heidegger suggested that the philosophical orientations of his period had made a wrong turn and skirted by the fundamental path of thought. He suggested that instead of taking up a heritage of original questions, his contemporaries had become preoccupied with secondary issues, accepting as fundamental what was in fact only incidental. In the years that followed, Heidegger’s promise to reorient philosophy in terms of the Seinsfrage, the question of Being, exercised a well-known influence on successive generations of thinkers on a global scale. The present book delves into the philosophical sources of this influence and raises the question whether Heidegger indeed made good on the promise to reveal for thought what is truly fundamental. In proposing this investigation, the author assumes that it is not sufficient to take Heidegger at his word, but that it is necessary to scrutinize what is posited as fundamental in light of its broader implications–above all for ethico-political judgment and for historical reflection. After addressing this question in the first part of the book, the second part examines the significance of Heidegger's reorientation of philosophy through the prism of its critical reception in the thought of Hannah Arendt, Ernst Cassirer, Emmanuel Levinas, and Paul Ricœur.
Karl Alber Verlag, 2021
Im Jahre 1959 erschien die berühmte Schrift „Kritik und Krise" im Verlag Karl Alber. 62 Jahre spä... more Im Jahre 1959 erschien die berühmte Schrift „Kritik und Krise" im Verlag Karl Alber. 62 Jahre später setzt sich dieser interdisziplinäre Sammelband das Ziel, die Rezeption des Koselleck‘schen Denkens auf internationaler Ebene zu studieren und das Spektrum der Themen und Perspektiven, in denen es angegangen wird, zu erweitern. Er bringt Spezialisten seines Werkes (Geschichtstheoretiker, Germanisten, Historiker, Philosophen usw.) zusammen, die ihre unterschiedlichen Lese- und Interpretationsweisen von Koselleck vorstellen und diskutieren sowie dabei seinen Beitrag und seine Originalität untersuchen.
If collective remembrance is as old as human communal existence and the age-old practices that fo... more If collective remembrance is as old as human communal existence and the age-old practices that forge its cohesion, theoretical preoccupation with the phenomenon of collective memory is relatively recent. The present book accounts for this paradox through interpretation of the novel function accorded to collective memory which, in a modern context of discontinuity and dislocation, reoccupies the space that has been left vacant by the decline of a series of traditional assumptions concerning human socio-political identity. In this situation, where memory is widely called upon as a source of collective cohesion, this book aims to elaborate a philosophical basis for the concept of collective memory and to delimit its scope in relation to the historical past. Extensive analysis is devoted to the complex spatio-temporal and conceptual modes of symbolic configuration of collective memory in the public sphere. These modes of symbolic configuration have undergone radical transformation over the past century that is both reflected and engendered by the new technologies of mass communication through their capacity to simulate direct experience and remembrance by means of the image. Such transformations make increasingly palpable the limited scope of collective memory, rooted in a rapidly changing context, in the face of an historical past beyond its pale. The growing awareness of these limits, however, and of the opacity of the historical past, need not fuel historical skepticism: as the novels of Walter Scott, Proust and W. J. Sebald serve to illustrate, it may place in evidence subtle nuances of temporal context that are emblematic of historical reality.
In the framework of the inaugural book forum sponsored by the Journal of the History of Ideas, th... more In the framework of the inaugural book forum sponsored by the Journal of the History of Ideas, this article is the response of Jeffrey Andrew Barash to five guest contributors, Asaf Angermann, Andrew Dunstall, Nitzan Lebovic, Sophie Marcotte Chénard, and Michael Meng, who reviewed his recent book, Collective Memory and the Historical Past online. Collective Memory and the Historical Past was published by the University of Chicago Press in November, 2016
Kultur - Herrschaft - Differenz, Band 20, 2015
Die Reaktionen auf unsere Einladung zur Konferenz – zu dem Humboldt-Kolleg Traumata der Transitio... more Die Reaktionen auf unsere Einladung zur Konferenz – zu dem Humboldt-Kolleg Traumata der Transition im April 2013 in Dubrovnik – reichten von versteckter Scheu bis zu sanfter Empörung: Ich alsWissenschaftler, ich als Wissenschaftlerin soll nun meine persönliche Erfahrung und Sicht einbringen und reflektieren? Dabei handelte es sich bei den Geladenen fast durchwegsumeine jüngere, aufgeschlossene Generation von Kultur- und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen, von denen wir eine gewisse Offenheit und
Flexibilität auch einfordern zu können erhofften. Unsere Vorgabe, die eigene Involviertheit in den Forschungsgegenstand offen zu legen, empfanden viele als Zumutung, als Provokation, auf die sie geschickt mit Ausweichmanövern, theoretischen Digressionen und systemischen Schematisierungen reagierten. Dabei konnten sie selbst aber ziemlich rasch feststellen, dass sie sich mit einem solchen Lavieren und Taktieren schon mitten in der Reflexion ihres eigenen Tuns und ihrer eigenen Position im wissenschaftlichen Setting befanden. Je bewusster sie sich nun auf die Selbstreflexion einließen, desto besser konnten sie das eigene Forschungsinteresse und die eigene Forschungsmethode justieren und kontextualisieren. Die Frucht dieser interdisziplinären Kooperation liegt nun in Form dieses Bandes vor. Und wir sind nicht nur stolz auf die einzelnen Beiträge, sondern auch darauf, dass unser impertinentes Insistieren, die persönliche Sichtweise einzubringen, offen zu legen und zu reflektieren, letztlich auf fruchtbaren Boden gefallen ist. Damit wurde möglich, was in der heutigen Zeit narzisstischer Einzelgänger für kaum mehr möglich gehalten wird: Wir begaben uns auf die Suche nach einem gemeinsamen Ziel. Wir kannten den Gegenstand ja zu Genüge, doch wir mussten uns aufeinander einlassen und konnten mit Genugtuung erfahren, dass selbst in disziplinärer Ferne oft Naheliegendes wieder anzutreffen ist.
Les huit essais constituant ce livre inaugurent une nouvelle méthode de discussion de la philosop... more Les huit essais constituant ce livre inaugurent une nouvelle méthode de discussion de la philosophie heideggerienne. Cette approche est fondée sur la comparaison des écrits et des cours du philosophe avec le contexte théorique dans lequel il a élaboré sa pensée, à partir d’une recherche des sources dont il s’est nourri ou avec lesquelles il a pris ses distances.
Leur enchaînement traduit une interrogation fondamentale : quel fut le retentissement, dans l’oeuvre de Heidegger, de la crise ouverte dans la théologie libérale, les Geisteswissenschaften et la philosophie de l’histoire, par la guerre de 1914?
Partant de la lecture minutieuse des textes , écartant aussi bien l’enfermement dans les limites de la méthode heideggerienne que la réduction de sa philosophie à une simple position idéologique, l’auteur contribue de façon originale à éclairer les origines et les implications de la tentative d’identifier un « impensé » sous l’idéal de « validité universelle » dans la pensée de l’histoire.
Interprétant le jugement de Heidegger sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, il rassemble enfin les éléments qui permettent d’identifier, au coeur de sa conception de l’histoire de l’Etre une « faille » indéfiniment reconduite, relative à l’idée même d’impartialité intellectuelle.
Auf wenigen Seiten möchte ich meine Bewunderung für das außergewöhnliche Buch von Jeffrey Barash ... more Auf wenigen Seiten möchte ich meine Bewunderung für das außergewöhnliche Buch von Jeffrey Barash zum Ausdruck bringen und begründen. Das Studium der Geschichte, ergänzt durch das Studium der Philosophie, war dem Autor von ungeheurem Nutzen, nicht nur bei ...
Conference Organization and Presentations by Jeffrey Andrew Barash
The primary purpose of this interdisciplinary colloquium is to broaden the scope of reception of ... more The primary purpose of this interdisciplinary colloquium is to broaden the scope of reception of Koselleck's œuvre at an international level and to widen the range of themes and perspectives in terms of which it is investigated. We hope to assemble in Paris the principal specialists of his work (historians, philosophers, historical theorists, specialists of German language and literature, etc.) who will present and discuss their different ways of reading and interpreting his work in examining its broad reception, its contribution and originality. We seek to highlight not only the theoretical and methodological aspects of his orientation, but also its role for empirical research. It will be important in this regard to surmount as far as possible the division between theoretical approaches and empirical research, between different historical disciplines (conceptual, social, cultural, or political history) and between the different social sciences more generally. This kind of interdisciplinary quest is nowhere better attested than in the continuous dialogue Reinhart Koselleck maintained with jurists, historians, or philosophers, from Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, or Hans Blumenberg to Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas, Eric Hobsbawm and Hayden White.
Papers by Jeffrey Andrew Barash
Hypotheses - Geschichtstheorie am Werk, 2022
According to my argument in this brief article, changes in what collectivities in given epochs ta... more According to my argument in this brief article, changes in what collectivities in given epochs take to be true and evident – the Evidenzwandel – correspond to mutations in the broad symbolic configurations through which collectivities interpret themselves and their modes of coexistence with other groups in a common world. These mutations in fundamental preconceptions extend to a level of profound and often barely palpable shifts in the meaning of embodied symbols which place in evidence rifts in the texture of history that no philosophy of history and no political ideology, claiming to encompass history as a continuous process, is able to surmount. If this novel contemporary awareness that the complex stratifications of historical time – to borrow Reinhart Koselleck’s apt metaphor – are irreducible to the uniform schema of preconceived models, this insight also invites us to reorient historical interpretation to focus a renewed attention not only on mutations in language and concepts, but on the tacit shifts in a whole range of visual codes associated with such expressions as gesture, demeanor, apparel or style, embracing an extra-linguistic universe that is for the most part taken for granted in the period in which it predominates.
Over the past decades, the phenomenon of collective memory has exercised a growing influence as a... more Over the past decades, the phenomenon of collective memory has exercised a growing influence as an intellectual and a public concern. To account for the contemporary preoccupation with this phenomenon, this article centers on the emergence of the discourse of "collective memory" in the years after the First World War. According to its central argument, the discourse of "collective memory" was called forth by the decline of more traditional assumptions concerning the sources of sociopolitical cohesion in the wake of the ever more radical experience, over the course of the 20th century, of dislocation and discontinuity in the conditions of human socio-political existence. This reorientation of the framework of analysis of sociopolitical cohesion calls for the corresponding elaboration of a philosophy of finite group perspectives involving - as illustrated by the writings of Maurice Halbwachs and of Marcel Proust – the careful demarcation of the horizon of collectiv...
O presente estudo se dedica a examinar o conceito de memoriacoletiva interrogando-se a respeito d... more O presente estudo se dedica a examinar o conceito de memoriacoletiva interrogando-se a respeito da interpretacao proposta por Paul Ricoeurem sua obra A memoria, a historia, o esquecimento O autor apresenta umaleitura critica da interpretacao da memoria coletiva em Ricoeur quando estebusca compreender o fenomeno por analogia a memoria pessoal e assume orisco, segundo essa leitura, de ocultar as dimensoes da memoria coletiva queescapam a tal relacao analogica. O autor busca entao ultrapassar o quadrodessa analogia por uma analise das fontes simbolicas e metapessoais damemoria coletiva.Palavras-chave: memoria coletiva, simbolo,Paul Ricoeur
Historia Y Memoria, 2020
Este texto se centra en el declive de las concepciones tradicionales de la unidad de la historia ... more Este texto se centra en el declive de las concepciones tradicionales de la unidad de la historia que, en diferentes formas, animó las filosofías de la historia, así como las ideologías que ello generó, en el período moderno. Causado por la comprensión de los límites de la comprensión histórica que ha surgido en un clima de rápido cambio, de dislocación y de discontinuidad propio del siglo XX, el declive de las concepciones tradicionales de unidad histórica a lo largo del tiempo ha puesto de relieve una nueva visión sobre la finitud temporal humana. Según la idea presentada aquí, el interés generalizado por la memoria colectiva que ha surgido en las últimas décadas está estrechamente vinculado con esta nueva perspectiva temporal. En un contexto actual en el que la mutación y la discontinuidad han socavado la visión a largo plazo de la filosofía de la historia y de las ideologías previas, el concepto de memoria colectiva se ha convertido en el prisma esencial a través del cual se refr...
Das politische Denken Hermann Hellers, 2010
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 2012
Phaenomenologica, 1987
Now in paperback, this important book explores the central role of historical thought in the full... more Now in paperback, this important book explores the central role of historical thought in the full range of Heidegger's thought, both the early writings leading up to Being and Time, and after the reversal or Kehre that inaugurated his later work. Barash examines Heidegger's views on history in a richly developed context of debates that transpired in the early 20th-century German philosophy of history. He addresses a key unifying theme -the problem of historical meaning and the search for coherent criteria of truth in an era of historical relativism - as he traces the engagement with historicity throughout different periods and works. Barash revises this edition to explore new material, including Heidegger's lecture course texts from 1910 to 1923, and he adds an expanded, updated bibliography.
New Book Publication, 2022
In a review of the work of Karl Jaspers composed several years before the publication of his book... more In a review of the work of Karl Jaspers composed several years before the publication of his book Being and Time, Martin Heidegger suggested that the philosophical orientations of his period had made a wrong turn and skirted by the fundamental path of thought. He suggested that instead of taking up a heritage of original questions, his contemporaries had become preoccupied with secondary issues, accepting as fundamental what was in fact only incidental. In the years that followed, Heidegger’s promise to reorient philosophy in terms of the Seinsfrage, the question of Being, exercised a well-known influence on successive generations of thinkers on a global scale. The present book delves into the philosophical sources of this influence and raises the question whether Heidegger indeed made good on the promise to reveal for thought what is truly fundamental. In proposing this investigation, the author assumes that it is not sufficient to take Heidegger at his word, but that it is necessary to scrutinize what is posited as fundamental in light of its broader implications–above all for ethico-political judgment and for historical reflection. After addressing this question in the first part of the book, the second part examines the significance of Heidegger's reorientation of philosophy through the prism of its critical reception in the thought of Hannah Arendt, Ernst Cassirer, Emmanuel Levinas, and Paul Ricœur.
Karl Alber Verlag, 2021
Im Jahre 1959 erschien die berühmte Schrift „Kritik und Krise" im Verlag Karl Alber. 62 Jahre spä... more Im Jahre 1959 erschien die berühmte Schrift „Kritik und Krise" im Verlag Karl Alber. 62 Jahre später setzt sich dieser interdisziplinäre Sammelband das Ziel, die Rezeption des Koselleck‘schen Denkens auf internationaler Ebene zu studieren und das Spektrum der Themen und Perspektiven, in denen es angegangen wird, zu erweitern. Er bringt Spezialisten seines Werkes (Geschichtstheoretiker, Germanisten, Historiker, Philosophen usw.) zusammen, die ihre unterschiedlichen Lese- und Interpretationsweisen von Koselleck vorstellen und diskutieren sowie dabei seinen Beitrag und seine Originalität untersuchen.
If collective remembrance is as old as human communal existence and the age-old practices that fo... more If collective remembrance is as old as human communal existence and the age-old practices that forge its cohesion, theoretical preoccupation with the phenomenon of collective memory is relatively recent. The present book accounts for this paradox through interpretation of the novel function accorded to collective memory which, in a modern context of discontinuity and dislocation, reoccupies the space that has been left vacant by the decline of a series of traditional assumptions concerning human socio-political identity. In this situation, where memory is widely called upon as a source of collective cohesion, this book aims to elaborate a philosophical basis for the concept of collective memory and to delimit its scope in relation to the historical past. Extensive analysis is devoted to the complex spatio-temporal and conceptual modes of symbolic configuration of collective memory in the public sphere. These modes of symbolic configuration have undergone radical transformation over the past century that is both reflected and engendered by the new technologies of mass communication through their capacity to simulate direct experience and remembrance by means of the image. Such transformations make increasingly palpable the limited scope of collective memory, rooted in a rapidly changing context, in the face of an historical past beyond its pale. The growing awareness of these limits, however, and of the opacity of the historical past, need not fuel historical skepticism: as the novels of Walter Scott, Proust and W. J. Sebald serve to illustrate, it may place in evidence subtle nuances of temporal context that are emblematic of historical reality.
In the framework of the inaugural book forum sponsored by the Journal of the History of Ideas, th... more In the framework of the inaugural book forum sponsored by the Journal of the History of Ideas, this article is the response of Jeffrey Andrew Barash to five guest contributors, Asaf Angermann, Andrew Dunstall, Nitzan Lebovic, Sophie Marcotte Chénard, and Michael Meng, who reviewed his recent book, Collective Memory and the Historical Past online. Collective Memory and the Historical Past was published by the University of Chicago Press in November, 2016
Kultur - Herrschaft - Differenz, Band 20, 2015
Die Reaktionen auf unsere Einladung zur Konferenz – zu dem Humboldt-Kolleg Traumata der Transitio... more Die Reaktionen auf unsere Einladung zur Konferenz – zu dem Humboldt-Kolleg Traumata der Transition im April 2013 in Dubrovnik – reichten von versteckter Scheu bis zu sanfter Empörung: Ich alsWissenschaftler, ich als Wissenschaftlerin soll nun meine persönliche Erfahrung und Sicht einbringen und reflektieren? Dabei handelte es sich bei den Geladenen fast durchwegsumeine jüngere, aufgeschlossene Generation von Kultur- und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen, von denen wir eine gewisse Offenheit und
Flexibilität auch einfordern zu können erhofften. Unsere Vorgabe, die eigene Involviertheit in den Forschungsgegenstand offen zu legen, empfanden viele als Zumutung, als Provokation, auf die sie geschickt mit Ausweichmanövern, theoretischen Digressionen und systemischen Schematisierungen reagierten. Dabei konnten sie selbst aber ziemlich rasch feststellen, dass sie sich mit einem solchen Lavieren und Taktieren schon mitten in der Reflexion ihres eigenen Tuns und ihrer eigenen Position im wissenschaftlichen Setting befanden. Je bewusster sie sich nun auf die Selbstreflexion einließen, desto besser konnten sie das eigene Forschungsinteresse und die eigene Forschungsmethode justieren und kontextualisieren. Die Frucht dieser interdisziplinären Kooperation liegt nun in Form dieses Bandes vor. Und wir sind nicht nur stolz auf die einzelnen Beiträge, sondern auch darauf, dass unser impertinentes Insistieren, die persönliche Sichtweise einzubringen, offen zu legen und zu reflektieren, letztlich auf fruchtbaren Boden gefallen ist. Damit wurde möglich, was in der heutigen Zeit narzisstischer Einzelgänger für kaum mehr möglich gehalten wird: Wir begaben uns auf die Suche nach einem gemeinsamen Ziel. Wir kannten den Gegenstand ja zu Genüge, doch wir mussten uns aufeinander einlassen und konnten mit Genugtuung erfahren, dass selbst in disziplinärer Ferne oft Naheliegendes wieder anzutreffen ist.
Les huit essais constituant ce livre inaugurent une nouvelle méthode de discussion de la philosop... more Les huit essais constituant ce livre inaugurent une nouvelle méthode de discussion de la philosophie heideggerienne. Cette approche est fondée sur la comparaison des écrits et des cours du philosophe avec le contexte théorique dans lequel il a élaboré sa pensée, à partir d’une recherche des sources dont il s’est nourri ou avec lesquelles il a pris ses distances.
Leur enchaînement traduit une interrogation fondamentale : quel fut le retentissement, dans l’oeuvre de Heidegger, de la crise ouverte dans la théologie libérale, les Geisteswissenschaften et la philosophie de l’histoire, par la guerre de 1914?
Partant de la lecture minutieuse des textes , écartant aussi bien l’enfermement dans les limites de la méthode heideggerienne que la réduction de sa philosophie à une simple position idéologique, l’auteur contribue de façon originale à éclairer les origines et les implications de la tentative d’identifier un « impensé » sous l’idéal de « validité universelle » dans la pensée de l’histoire.
Interprétant le jugement de Heidegger sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, il rassemble enfin les éléments qui permettent d’identifier, au coeur de sa conception de l’histoire de l’Etre une « faille » indéfiniment reconduite, relative à l’idée même d’impartialité intellectuelle.
Auf wenigen Seiten möchte ich meine Bewunderung für das außergewöhnliche Buch von Jeffrey Barash ... more Auf wenigen Seiten möchte ich meine Bewunderung für das außergewöhnliche Buch von Jeffrey Barash zum Ausdruck bringen und begründen. Das Studium der Geschichte, ergänzt durch das Studium der Philosophie, war dem Autor von ungeheurem Nutzen, nicht nur bei ...
The primary purpose of this interdisciplinary colloquium is to broaden the scope of reception of ... more The primary purpose of this interdisciplinary colloquium is to broaden the scope of reception of Koselleck's œuvre at an international level and to widen the range of themes and perspectives in terms of which it is investigated. We hope to assemble in Paris the principal specialists of his work (historians, philosophers, historical theorists, specialists of German language and literature, etc.) who will present and discuss their different ways of reading and interpreting his work in examining its broad reception, its contribution and originality. We seek to highlight not only the theoretical and methodological aspects of his orientation, but also its role for empirical research. It will be important in this regard to surmount as far as possible the division between theoretical approaches and empirical research, between different historical disciplines (conceptual, social, cultural, or political history) and between the different social sciences more generally. This kind of interdisciplinary quest is nowhere better attested than in the continuous dialogue Reinhart Koselleck maintained with jurists, historians, or philosophers, from Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, or Hans Blumenberg to Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas, Eric Hobsbawm and Hayden White.
Hypotheses - Geschichtstheorie am Werk, 2022
According to my argument in this brief article, changes in what collectivities in given epochs ta... more According to my argument in this brief article, changes in what collectivities in given epochs take to be true and evident – the Evidenzwandel – correspond to mutations in the broad symbolic configurations through which collectivities interpret themselves and their modes of coexistence with other groups in a common world. These mutations in fundamental preconceptions extend to a level of profound and often barely palpable shifts in the meaning of embodied symbols which place in evidence rifts in the texture of history that no philosophy of history and no political ideology, claiming to encompass history as a continuous process, is able to surmount. If this novel contemporary awareness that the complex stratifications of historical time – to borrow Reinhart Koselleck’s apt metaphor – are irreducible to the uniform schema of preconceived models, this insight also invites us to reorient historical interpretation to focus a renewed attention not only on mutations in language and concepts, but on the tacit shifts in a whole range of visual codes associated with such expressions as gesture, demeanor, apparel or style, embracing an extra-linguistic universe that is for the most part taken for granted in the period in which it predominates.
Over the past decades, the phenomenon of collective memory has exercised a growing influence as a... more Over the past decades, the phenomenon of collective memory has exercised a growing influence as an intellectual and a public concern. To account for the contemporary preoccupation with this phenomenon, this article centers on the emergence of the discourse of "collective memory" in the years after the First World War. According to its central argument, the discourse of "collective memory" was called forth by the decline of more traditional assumptions concerning the sources of sociopolitical cohesion in the wake of the ever more radical experience, over the course of the 20th century, of dislocation and discontinuity in the conditions of human socio-political existence. This reorientation of the framework of analysis of sociopolitical cohesion calls for the corresponding elaboration of a philosophy of finite group perspectives involving - as illustrated by the writings of Maurice Halbwachs and of Marcel Proust – the careful demarcation of the horizon of collectiv...
O presente estudo se dedica a examinar o conceito de memoriacoletiva interrogando-se a respeito d... more O presente estudo se dedica a examinar o conceito de memoriacoletiva interrogando-se a respeito da interpretacao proposta por Paul Ricoeurem sua obra A memoria, a historia, o esquecimento O autor apresenta umaleitura critica da interpretacao da memoria coletiva em Ricoeur quando estebusca compreender o fenomeno por analogia a memoria pessoal e assume orisco, segundo essa leitura, de ocultar as dimensoes da memoria coletiva queescapam a tal relacao analogica. O autor busca entao ultrapassar o quadrodessa analogia por uma analise das fontes simbolicas e metapessoais damemoria coletiva.Palavras-chave: memoria coletiva, simbolo,Paul Ricoeur
Historia Y Memoria, 2020
Este texto se centra en el declive de las concepciones tradicionales de la unidad de la historia ... more Este texto se centra en el declive de las concepciones tradicionales de la unidad de la historia que, en diferentes formas, animó las filosofías de la historia, así como las ideologías que ello generó, en el período moderno. Causado por la comprensión de los límites de la comprensión histórica que ha surgido en un clima de rápido cambio, de dislocación y de discontinuidad propio del siglo XX, el declive de las concepciones tradicionales de unidad histórica a lo largo del tiempo ha puesto de relieve una nueva visión sobre la finitud temporal humana. Según la idea presentada aquí, el interés generalizado por la memoria colectiva que ha surgido en las últimas décadas está estrechamente vinculado con esta nueva perspectiva temporal. En un contexto actual en el que la mutación y la discontinuidad han socavado la visión a largo plazo de la filosofía de la historia y de las ideologías previas, el concepto de memoria colectiva se ha convertido en el prisma esencial a través del cual se refr...
Das politische Denken Hermann Hellers, 2010
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 2012
Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, 2011
Collective memory is thought to be something "more" than a conglomeration of personal m... more Collective memory is thought to be something "more" than a conglomeration of personal memories which compose it. Yet, each of us, each individual in every society, remembers from a personal point of view. And if there is memory beyond personal experience through which collective identities are configured, in what "place" might one legitimately situate it? In addressing this question, this article examines the political significance of the distinction between two levels of what are often lumped together under the term of "collective memory": memories that are retained through the direct experience of groups or associations of a limited size and those that are rarely the object of direct experience constituting the events marking the identities of mass societies.
In his later word, notably in the posthumously published essays in his book V om Sinn und Unsinn ... more In his later word, notably in the posthumously published essays in his book V om Sinn und Unsinn der Geschichte (On the Sense and Non-Sense of History, 2010), the historian Reinhart Koselleck firmly rejected the concept of “collective memory.” Memory, as he stated, belongs to individuals and not to collectivities. This article, while recognizing the originary status of personal memory and the fact that groups as such do not remember, no more than they have an autonomous, substantial existence, interprets the nebulous concept of collective memory that Koselleck so harshly criticized. Through close examination of the grounds of Koselleck’s critique of this concept, and of the theory of historical time he elaborated, I aim to delineate, through interpretation of the symbol and of the public scope of symbolic interaction, the specific domain in which collective memory comes to expression. I undertake this task by referring to the work of Maurice Halbwachs who initially introduced the te...
"Presse écrite, reportage, configuration de l'espace public : de Max Weber à Martin Heidegger", 2020
Cet article prend comme point de départ la réflexion de Max Weber sur le rôle politique du journa... more Cet article prend comme point de départ la réflexion de Max Weber sur le rôle politique du journalisme dans la constitution de l'espace public. Weber souligne l'importance du journalisme responsable pour le maintien du système démocratique. Par la suite, nous prenons une considération l'émergence après la Première Guerre Mondiale d'une position radicalement critique du journalisme et de la démocratie chez Oswald Spengler qui, dans son ouvrage Le déclin de l'occident, considère que ces phénomènes sont les signes clairs du déclin de la civilisation occidentale. Le but de cette étude est de dégager l'antinomie profonde que leurs réflexions sur le rôle politique du journalisme met en évidence. Dans une seconde partie de mon propos, je prends également en considération ce que je vois comme radicalisation importante chez Martin Heidegger de la critique du rôle du journalisme et de la démocratie engagée par Spengler, notamment dans l'ouvrage de Heidegger, les Cahiers noirs (Schwarze Hefte). Les Schwarze Hefte, selon mon argument, montrent plus que tout autre écrit de Heidegger une étonnante affinité avec Spengler, compte-tenu à mon avis d'une proximité dans leurs attitudes politiques que la critique radicale du journalisme de masse dans son rôle constitutif de l'espace public met en évidence.
This article takes as its starting point Max Weber's reflection on the political role of journalism in the constitution of the public realm. Weber emphasized the importance of responsible journalism for the survival of the democratic system. Our study then examines the emergence after the First World War of a radical critique of journalism and of democracy in the work of Oswald Spengler who, in his work The Decline of the West, took these phenomena to be the clear signs of the decline of Western civilization. The purpose of this article is to lay bare a profound antinomy that their respective conceptions of the political role of journalism place in evidence. In the second part of this study, I draw into this analysis what I consider to be a significant radicalization by Martin Heidegger of the critique of journalism and of democracy articulated by Spengler, above all in Heidegger's Black Notebooks (Schwarze Hefte). The Black Notebooks, according to my argument, illustrate more than any other of Heidegger's works a surprising affinity between his thought and that of Spengler, which highlights the proximity of their respective political positions that the radical critique of mass journalism and its role in constitution the public realm places in evidence.
Karl Löwith: Welt, Geschichte, und Deutung, Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, 47, 2019
This article revisits Karl Löwith's theory of secularization in relation to his broader conceptio... more This article revisits Karl Löwith's theory of secularization in relation to his broader conception of western philosophy of history. It argues that Hans Blumenberg's critique of Karl Löwith's conception of the philosophy of history as a projection of Christian eschatology onto the sphere of history is in part justified but also oversimplifies Löwith's complex argument. Löwith's work shows its profound importance above all in relation to the modern era and modern preconceptions concerning eschatology inherited from the legacy of medieval historical conceptions, above all from what Löwith termed the "theological historism" of Joachim of Floris. At the same time, Löwith's theory, in spite of its important contribution, is open to criticism where it obscures important political nuances in the philosophies of history of late 19th and early 20th century figures.
Nationalismus und Religion. Hermann Cohen zum 100. Todestag, 2019
This article explores both the untimely originality and the problematic character of Hermann Cohe... more This article explores both the untimely originality and the problematic character of Hermann Cohen's conception of a rational religion inspired by Jewish sources. According to its argument, this problem is posed less due to the theological interpretation he proposed of Judaism and its sources, than to the broad philosophy of history that encompasses this interpretation. Here the role Cohen accorded to the Jewish sources of the religion of reason aimed toward future reformation of the theologico-political basis of the German nation and of the human community as a whole.
Ricoeur Studies/Etudes Ricoeuriennes, 2019
One of principal tasks of Paul Ricoeur's Memory, History, Forgetting is to analyze the phenomenon... more One of principal tasks of Paul Ricoeur's Memory, History, Forgetting is to analyze the phenomenon of social cohesion, understood not as a uniform bond, but in terms of human plurality that arises from a diversity of perspectives of remembering groups rooted in complex stratifications and concatenations. This paper focuses on the role of remembrance and of its historical inscription as a source of social cohesion, which is subject to rupture and dissolution over time. It first identifies the way in which, according to Ricoeur, memory and history function as essential preconditions of social cohesion; following this, it examines the significance and scope of temporal rupture and discontinuity to which this cohesion is subject. In examining Ricoeur's reflection on social cohesion and on the discontinuity to which it is subject over time, I aim to place his thought in a critical light in order to set in relief what I take to be an important aporia it encounters.
Résumé Le livre de Paul Ricoeur La mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli prend pour objet la mémoire au pluriel, capable de nourrir et de nouer une identité de groupe. Cette mémoire partagée, loin d'être uniforme, relève de stratifications et d'enchevêtrements complexes. Tout en étant fragmentée selon les perspectives des différents groupes qui se souviennent, elle est la source primordiale de la cohésion sociale qui relie les membres d'une même société. Cet article prend pour objet la manière selon Ricoeur dont la cohésion sociale, soudée par la mémoire collective et inscrite dans l'histoire, est sujette avec le passage du temps à la déchirure, la discontinuité et la rupture. En examinant le concept de cohésion sociale chez Ricoeur, tout comme la signification et la portée de la déchirure temporelle à laquelle elle s'expose, j'identifierai ce qui me paraît être une importante aporie à laquelle sa théorie se confronte.
Lessico di etica pubblica, 2019
Nelle sue diverse manifestazioni all'interno delle nostre società di massa contemporanee, a parti... more Nelle sue diverse manifestazioni all'interno delle nostre società di massa contemporanee, a partire da circa un secolo e mezzo, l'ambito del pubblico ha subito una serie di trasformazioni fondamentali, che corrispondono alle metamorfosi dei mass media che costituiscono la fonte principale di comunicazione pubblica. Questo articolo ha per oggetto la trasformazione dei modi di organizzazione dello spazio pubblico e mette in rilievo il modo con cui i mass media lo configurano. Secondo il suo principale argomento, il ruolo dei mass media nella rappresentazione dell'attualità immediata, delle "breaking news", non si limita alla selezione, ricostruzione e comunicazione degli eventi: essi conferiscono a questi un supplemento, per mezzo di un processo di incorporazione simbolica che è loro propria, una visibilità pubblica e li intrecciano nella più vasta trama dell'esperienza e della memoria di gruppo. Questo articolo analizza il ruolo che tale processo riveste per l'identificazione della nuova configurazione dello spazio pubblico tipico dell'epoca contemporanea, mettendo in rilievo i particolari pericoli con cui esso si confronta. Over the past century and a half the public realm in our contemporary mass societies has undergone a series of fundamental changes that correspond to metamorphoses in the mass media that constitute the primary source of public communication. This article focuses on the transformation in the modes of organization of the public realm in highlighting the ways in which the mass media configure it. According to its principal argument, the role of the mass media in the immediate representation of current events-of "breaking news"-is not limited to the selection, reconstruction and communication of events: by means of a specific processes of symbolic incorporation, it also confers upon them public visibility and interweaves them in the broader framework of group experience and memory. This article analyzes the significance of these processes for the identification of the new configuration of the public realm of the current epoch, while at the same time placing in relief the unprecedented dangers that the public realm faces.
In this paper I undertake an interpretation of the concept of memory in the work of Wilhelm Dilth... more In this paper I undertake an interpretation of the concept of memory in the work of Wilhelm Dilthey and of its role in the framework of his theory of history. Through analysis of the concept of memory, Dilthey interweaves the complex levels of personal biography, group interaction and historical life-experience. According to my argument, it is in this capacity that memory, for Dilthey, stands at the center of the more general problem of the cohesion and continuity of history.
This essay examines the concept and the discourse of collective memory in view of interpreting th... more This essay examines the concept and the discourse of collective memory in view of interpreting the novel function with which it has been endowed in recent decades and the problematic character of its interpretation. To this end, it focuses on the recent book by Manuel Cruz, "On the Difficulty of Living Together: Memory, Politics, and History", which examines the contemporary functions that collective memory has assumed in recent decades and takes into account interpretations of it elaborated in a number of seminal works that have set the framework for contemporary ways of understanding it. My investigation engages critical analysis of the psychological approach to collective memory that Cruz adopts, which, in interpreting recent public preoccupation with collective memory as an expression of trauma occasioned by the Holocaust and other horrific twentieth-century events, assumes that analogous psychic mechanisms govern forms of remembrance in the public sphere and memory in personal and small-group interaction. By taking into account alternate possibilities of interpretation, suggested above all by the public function of the mass media, I seek to widen the scope of inquiry to scrutinize in a broader perspective the contemporary role of collective memory and its political significance in the public realm.
In his work as an historian Reinhart Koselleck continually rejected the concept of collective mem... more In his work as an historian Reinhart Koselleck continually rejected the concept of collective memory. Memory, as he often stated, belongs to individuals and not to collectivities. This study, while recognizing the originary status of personal memory and the fact that groups as such do not remember, no more than they have an autonomous, substantial existence, attempts to interpret the nebulous concept of collective memory that Koselleck so firmly criticized. Through close examination of the grounds of Koselleck's critique of this concept, and of the theory of historical time he elaborated, I aim to delineate, through interpretation of the symbol and of the public scope of symbolic interaction, the specific domain in which collective memory comes to expression.
Au cours des dernières décennies, la question de la réalité du passé historique suscite un vif dé... more Au cours des dernières décennies, la question de la réalité du passé historique suscite un vif débat qui concerne non seulement l’historiographie ou la théorie de l’histoire, mais aussi la critique littéraire. Ce débat a été posé d’estomper la distinction entre la représentation
historique et le récit fictif, ce qui met ainsi en question la prétention de l’historien de trouver une mesure de la “réalité” du passé historique. Cet article analyse la réponse critique que Paul Ricoeur propose, dans les différentes périodes de son oeuvre, au défi soulevé par le scepticisme
historique. Il met en relief la manière dont Ricoeur, à la suite de sa lecture critique de la philosophie de Heidegger au cours des années 1980 et au début des années 1990, emprunte dans son ouvrage tardif "La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli" un certain nombre de concepts clés
proposés par Heidegger dans "Être et temps", pour étayer sa théorie de la réalité du passé historique. L’objectif de cet article est moins de proposer une exégèse du travail théorique de Ricoeur que de soumettre à l’examen critique le rôle des concepts heideggériens dans son
interprétation du passé.
Perspectives wébériennes en philosophie, 2020 Vifs remerciements à M. Enrique Utria pour sa fabrication du numéro... more
Vifs remerciements à M. Enrique Utria pour sa fabrication du numéro et sa collaboration inestimable, ainsi qu'à Patrick Ducray pour sa présence constante tout au long du processus éditorial.
"Dans ce numéro sont explorés les divers usages possibles des concepts fondamentaux de l'oeuvre de Max Weber dont on célèbre cette année le centième anniversaire de la mort, dans des horizons très divers comme la philosophie politique, la philosophie des valeurs, la philosophie de la religion, la philosophie de l'existence. Ses thématiques fondamentales sont explorées à partir du dialogue avec la philosophie : les grands thèmes méthodologiques (le problème des valeurs en épistémologie, la question de l'objectivité et des divers types de rationalité, le concept d'idéaltype...), la compréhension de l'histoire mondiale à partir du paradigme de la rationalité, la tentative de rendre raison des diverses manifestations mondiales du fait religieux (religion et économie, religion et rationalité, désenchantement du monde...), la définition, ou redéfinition, d'un sujet rationnel à l'aune des problématiques posées par le monde social (domination, hiérarchies, bureaucratie, légitimité...). Ce numéro souhaite ainsi montrer l'importance cruciale de l'oeuvre de Weber pour la philosophie contemporaine."
Sommaire :
François Dermange, Patrick Mardellat, Paul Slama : "Introduction", p. 1-7
Alain Renaut : "Rationalisation et conflictualisation du monde", p. 8-27
Jean-Claude Monod : "Démocratie politique, démocratie sociale, états de masse : à partir de quelques réflexions wébériennes", p. 28-36
Vincent Delecroix : "Violence et rationalité", p. 37-59
Omer Moussaly : "La révolution passive du capitalisme wébérien", p. 60-89
Jeffrey Andrew Barash : "Presse écrite, configuration de l'espace public : de Max Weber à Martin Heidegger", p. 90-102
François Dermange : "Pourquoi l'anticalvinisme de Weber ?", p. 103-124
Paul Slama : "Max Weber et l'idéaltype de 'secte' : éléments de 'psycho-théologie'", p. 125-177
Patrick Mardellat : "Max Weber philosophe au prisme de sa réception dans la philosophie de l'existence de Karl Jaspers", p. 178-204
Martina Treglia : "From cosmos to disenchantment : science, life and evaluation in Max Weber's thought between polytheism of values and Wertbeziehung", p. 205-241
Frédéric Minner : "Rationality, normativity, and emotions : an assessment of Max Weber's typology of social action", p. 242-274
Corentin Fève : "Le néokantisme de Max Weber", p. 275-316.