Zoltan Kovacs | University of Szeged (original) (raw)
Papers by Zoltan Kovacs
Jelen fejezetben a tartomány településállományának főbb sajátosságait, formálódásának történelmi ... more Jelen fejezetben a tartomány településállományának főbb sajátosságait, formálódásának történelmi és jelenkori hatótényezőit tekintjük át, részben országos és magyarországi összevetésben. Ezután kitérünk a globális urbanizációs folyamatok helyi megjelenésére, elsősorban a városokban megfigyelhető jelenségeire, illetve a falvak településföldrajzi jellegzetességeire, a falufejlődés és-fejlesztés irányaira.
Return Migration and Regional Development in Europe, 2016
This final chapter brings together the theoretical debates, methodological discussions and empiri... more This final chapter brings together the theoretical debates, methodological discussions and empirical results portrayed in this book. The aim of the book was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research on return migration and its nexus with regional development in Europe. This volume tells a story which to date has been poorly told, because return migration is studied mainly from the position of return from Europe to other continents. Furthermore, it enriches the knowledge on specific links between migration and development by reporting on the specific role of returning migrants, broadening the classic focus on financial remittances.
Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen
Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag untersucht neue, postsozialistische Entwicklungen in den Randzonen d... more Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag untersucht neue, postsozialistische Entwicklungen in den Randzonen der Budapester Stadtregion. Folgt die Budapester Peripherie westlichen, suburbanen und postsuburbanen Entwicklungsmustern oder beschreitet die Stadt einen eigenstandigen Entwicklungspfad? Die (ausere) Peripherie von Budapest hat seit 1990 einen Wandel von einem ruckstandigen Raum zu einem dynamischen Wirtschaftsraum vollzogen. Wohnsuburbanisierung pragt Teile der metropolitanen Peripherie. Die Suburbanisierung des Einzelhandels hat zahlreiche grosflachige Einrichtungen internationaler Handelsketten hervorgebracht. In zunehmendem Mase wird die Budapester Peripherie auch zum Standort grosflachiger Logistikeinrichtungen. Ein neuer okonomischer Pol hat sich um Budaors und Torokbalint etabliert. Die Entwicklungsmuster lassen sich als "eigenstandige Kombination nachholender Elemente" beschreiben. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass sich die Schwerpunkte der raumlichen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in den nachsten Jahrzehnten weiter in Richtung der metropolitanen Peripherie verschieben werden.
Confronting Suburbanization, 2014
Political Geography, 1998
AESTAMCT. The 1994 Hungarian parliamentary election was an important event in the political and e... more AESTAMCT. The 1994 Hungarian parliamentary election was an important event in the political and economic transition of the country. Its timing after the 'honeymoon' period for new ideas which followed the release from Communism in 1990 reflects the economic and political evolution of the country at the end of the 20th century. The Hungarian Socialist party, the absolute winner of the elections gained 149 of the 176 parliamentary constituencies and 32.99 percent of the total vote. It thus achieved an absolute majority in parliament in a truly landslide victory, turning around its fourth place in 1990, which gave it merely 10.98 percent of the total vote. Just as the ousting of the Communist Farty in 1990 came as no surprise, the defeat of the Hungarian Democratic Forum in 1994 was equally to be expected. The magnitude of the victory of the Hungarian Socialist party, however, was quite astounding. In this paper, the results of the 1994 election are examined within the framework of the maturation of the Hungarian political system, the sociocultural fragmentation of the society and the voters' attitudes towards modernization. A comparison with the 1990 contest reveals some particular insights into the grassroots of the electoral geography of Hungary.
Sustainable Cities and Society
Habitat International, 2021
Regional Research of Russia, 2014
Urbanization, suburbanization, desurbanization, and reurbanization. Van den Berg's cyclic model o... more Urbanization, suburbanization, desurbanization, and reurbanization. Van den Berg's cyclic model of the urban development stages based on population change in the core and fringe zone of urban regions contains four successive processes: urbanization, suburbanization, subsequent/counterurbanization and reurbanization. 3 This part is written by Isolde Brade.
The collapse of state-socialism generated far-reaching social and economic transformation in Cent... more The collapse of state-socialism generated far-reaching social and economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1990. These processes led to fundamental changes in the spatial organisation and internal structure of cities and urban agglomerations as well. In this respect we can truly say that 1990 represented the beginning of a new era in the urban development of the region, therefore it is no surprise, that the transformation of cities in East Central Europe has generated great academic interest. Following the long decades of central planning these cities became subjects of market conditions, and the question was repeatedly put forward by researchers whether these cities follow the paths of western urbanisation or they retain certain specific features in their development. This issue was examined in several thematic volumes (Andrusz, Harloe and Szelényi 1996, Enyedi 1998a), and individual papers focusing on certain countries and cities (Sailer-Fliege 1999, Standl and ...
Geography (Sheffield, England)
Texte intégral à l'adresse : http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/rb/rb306.htm
Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde
This paper deals with the process of brain drain in Hungary and the possibilities of return migra... more This paper deals with the process of brain drain in Hungary and the possibilities of return migration. After the EU accession brain drain generated a mass out-migration of skilled labour (especially the well-educated segment of the labour-force) to the West. Our primary aim is to investigate the main features of out-migration versus remigration and the motivations of migrants. The paper is based on different methodological approaches, including a literature review, analysis of statistical data and in-depth interviews. According to our results, the few existing initiatives of remigration have no serious influence on decisions to return as yet. Hungarians are less satisfied with their return than other migrants from the neighbouring post-socialist countries. In terms of obstacles of return the weak labour market conditions in the host country is the most alarming problem. Both highly qualified and lower skilled returnees gain benefits from emigration, but the former group is more succ...
Jelen fejezetben a tartomány településállományának főbb sajátosságait, formálódásának történelmi ... more Jelen fejezetben a tartomány településállományának főbb sajátosságait, formálódásának történelmi és jelenkori hatótényezőit tekintjük át, részben országos és magyarországi összevetésben. Ezután kitérünk a globális urbanizációs folyamatok helyi megjelenésére, elsősorban a városokban megfigyelhető jelenségeire, illetve a falvak településföldrajzi jellegzetességeire, a falufejlődés és-fejlesztés irányaira.
Return Migration and Regional Development in Europe, 2016
This final chapter brings together the theoretical debates, methodological discussions and empiri... more This final chapter brings together the theoretical debates, methodological discussions and empirical results portrayed in this book. The aim of the book was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research on return migration and its nexus with regional development in Europe. This volume tells a story which to date has been poorly told, because return migration is studied mainly from the position of return from Europe to other continents. Furthermore, it enriches the knowledge on specific links between migration and development by reporting on the specific role of returning migrants, broadening the classic focus on financial remittances.
Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen
Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag untersucht neue, postsozialistische Entwicklungen in den Randzonen d... more Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag untersucht neue, postsozialistische Entwicklungen in den Randzonen der Budapester Stadtregion. Folgt die Budapester Peripherie westlichen, suburbanen und postsuburbanen Entwicklungsmustern oder beschreitet die Stadt einen eigenstandigen Entwicklungspfad? Die (ausere) Peripherie von Budapest hat seit 1990 einen Wandel von einem ruckstandigen Raum zu einem dynamischen Wirtschaftsraum vollzogen. Wohnsuburbanisierung pragt Teile der metropolitanen Peripherie. Die Suburbanisierung des Einzelhandels hat zahlreiche grosflachige Einrichtungen internationaler Handelsketten hervorgebracht. In zunehmendem Mase wird die Budapester Peripherie auch zum Standort grosflachiger Logistikeinrichtungen. Ein neuer okonomischer Pol hat sich um Budaors und Torokbalint etabliert. Die Entwicklungsmuster lassen sich als "eigenstandige Kombination nachholender Elemente" beschreiben. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass sich die Schwerpunkte der raumlichen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in den nachsten Jahrzehnten weiter in Richtung der metropolitanen Peripherie verschieben werden.
Confronting Suburbanization, 2014
Political Geography, 1998
AESTAMCT. The 1994 Hungarian parliamentary election was an important event in the political and e... more AESTAMCT. The 1994 Hungarian parliamentary election was an important event in the political and economic transition of the country. Its timing after the 'honeymoon' period for new ideas which followed the release from Communism in 1990 reflects the economic and political evolution of the country at the end of the 20th century. The Hungarian Socialist party, the absolute winner of the elections gained 149 of the 176 parliamentary constituencies and 32.99 percent of the total vote. It thus achieved an absolute majority in parliament in a truly landslide victory, turning around its fourth place in 1990, which gave it merely 10.98 percent of the total vote. Just as the ousting of the Communist Farty in 1990 came as no surprise, the defeat of the Hungarian Democratic Forum in 1994 was equally to be expected. The magnitude of the victory of the Hungarian Socialist party, however, was quite astounding. In this paper, the results of the 1994 election are examined within the framework of the maturation of the Hungarian political system, the sociocultural fragmentation of the society and the voters' attitudes towards modernization. A comparison with the 1990 contest reveals some particular insights into the grassroots of the electoral geography of Hungary.
Sustainable Cities and Society
Habitat International, 2021
Regional Research of Russia, 2014
Urbanization, suburbanization, desurbanization, and reurbanization. Van den Berg's cyclic model o... more Urbanization, suburbanization, desurbanization, and reurbanization. Van den Berg's cyclic model of the urban development stages based on population change in the core and fringe zone of urban regions contains four successive processes: urbanization, suburbanization, subsequent/counterurbanization and reurbanization. 3 This part is written by Isolde Brade.
The collapse of state-socialism generated far-reaching social and economic transformation in Cent... more The collapse of state-socialism generated far-reaching social and economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1990. These processes led to fundamental changes in the spatial organisation and internal structure of cities and urban agglomerations as well. In this respect we can truly say that 1990 represented the beginning of a new era in the urban development of the region, therefore it is no surprise, that the transformation of cities in East Central Europe has generated great academic interest. Following the long decades of central planning these cities became subjects of market conditions, and the question was repeatedly put forward by researchers whether these cities follow the paths of western urbanisation or they retain certain specific features in their development. This issue was examined in several thematic volumes (Andrusz, Harloe and Szelényi 1996, Enyedi 1998a), and individual papers focusing on certain countries and cities (Sailer-Fliege 1999, Standl and ...
Geography (Sheffield, England)
Texte intégral à l'adresse : http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/rb/rb306.htm
Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde
This paper deals with the process of brain drain in Hungary and the possibilities of return migra... more This paper deals with the process of brain drain in Hungary and the possibilities of return migration. After the EU accession brain drain generated a mass out-migration of skilled labour (especially the well-educated segment of the labour-force) to the West. Our primary aim is to investigate the main features of out-migration versus remigration and the motivations of migrants. The paper is based on different methodological approaches, including a literature review, analysis of statistical data and in-depth interviews. According to our results, the few existing initiatives of remigration have no serious influence on decisions to return as yet. Hungarians are less satisfied with their return than other migrants from the neighbouring post-socialist countries. In terms of obstacles of return the weak labour market conditions in the host country is the most alarming problem. Both highly qualified and lower skilled returnees gain benefits from emigration, but the former group is more succ...