Claudiu Purdea | Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Claudiu Purdea

Research paper thumbnail of The situation of the Koson and Koson-Droyeis emissions presented at public auctions over the past 30 years, at the International Conference PATRIMONIUM 2024 In memoriam Dr.H.c. Barbara DEPPERT-LIPPITZ

The main objectives of the study are to present statistics on the emissions of Koson and Koson-Dr... more The main objectives of the study are to present statistics on the emissions of Koson and Koson-Droyeis types (staters and drachmas) originating from poached treasures and offered for sale at auction houses during the period 1994-2024 (based on preliminary research done in the doctoral thesis) and to outline an investigative direction using data extracted from judicial archives, based on which their origin and the period when they were stolen can be identified. I chose to present the situation of Koson and Koson-Droyeis coins because in their case the provenance can be closely followed, as it is known that they are only reported in the Transylvania area (with a single exception exclusively at Sarmizegetusa Regia). Regarding the theft from Romania's archaeological sites, with the Șureanu Mountains and Dobrogea as red zones, we already have a rich specialized literature, which presents to readers the interdisciplinary nature between Law and History. But especially the methodological similarity between archaeology and criminalistics, sciences that could successfully collaborate to define a new discipline in the university curriculum: archaeocriminology or forensic archaeology.
The present work is a plea for the protection of the archaeological heritage, as the phenomenon of poaching in the area of the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains reached hard to imagine proportions. Nervertheless, its wounds are deep and still visible.

Research paper thumbnail of Youth education and its role in protecting Romania’s cultural heritage. A case of archaeological sites within Sureanu Mountains La International Conference "Law, Public Administration, Sustainable Development and Heritage in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Processes"

Research paper thumbnail of Die Raubgräberei aus dem Șureanu Gebirge. Materielle und wissenschaftliche Beeinträchtigungen, la "International Conference Protection of National Heritage in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Cultural Heritage project", Alba Iulia, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Archeological poaching and Indiana Jones syndrome. A case of a "tourist visit" at the UNESCO archaeological sites within Sureanu Mountains, la International Conference on Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and History, Alba Iulia 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Poaching, Private Collections or Artefact Amassing? The Analysis of Legal Aspects by Virtue of Property Right, la International Conference of Phd Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers in History – Sixteenth Edition, Cluj-Napoca 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Youth education and its role in protecting Romania’s cultural heritage, la International Conference on Education (IC-ED 2020), 9th edition, Atena, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Archeological heritage from Romania between judicial activity and historical research, la International Conference of Phd Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers in History – Fifteenth Edition, "History and Interdisciplinarity: PhD research on the frontier of disciplines", Cluj-Napoca, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Tezaure pierdute? Valorificarea istorică a informațiilor judiciare privind braconajul arheologic din Munții Orăștiei, la Sesiunea anuală de comunicări științifice „Științele socio-umane la începutul mileniului al III-lea” Ediția a XV-a, Sibiu, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cronica unui fenomen infracțional: braconajul arheologic din Munții Șureanu, la Sesiunea Științifică Anuală dedicată Zilei Naționale a României „Unitate, Continuitate și Independență în Istoria Poporului Român”, Alba Iulia 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cui aparține patrimoniu arheologic? Discurs despre obligațiile persoanelor fizice și ale instituțiilor statului în cazul descoperirilor întâmplătoare. Simpozionul Internațional „In Memoriam Constantin și Hadrian Daicoviciu”, ediția XLVIII, Caransebeș 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Prevenirea infracționalității din domeniul patrimoniului cultural prin intermediul educației. Studii de caz și exemple de bune practici, la Conferința „30 de ani de la reluarea Învățământului Superior Juridic la Oradea”, Oradea 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilizarea prin educație în scopul protejării patrimoniului cultural național. Studiu de caz: siturile arheologice din Munții Orăștiei, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XIII-a Sebeș, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Descoperire întâmplătoare vs. braconaj arheologic. Discuții asupra studiilor de caz din Munții Șureanu, la Simpozionul Internațional „In Memoriam Constantin și Hadrian Daicoviciu”, ediția XLVII, Caransebeș 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Artefacte medievale recuperate de autoritățile judiciare în dosarele privind infracționalitatea în domeniul patrimoniului arheologic din Munții Șureanu, la Sesiunea științifică „Unitate, continuitate și independență în istoria poporului român. 103 ani de la Marea Unire (1918-2021)”

Research paper thumbnail of Braconarea patrimoniului arheologic din Munții Șureanu. Studiu de caz cetatea dacică de la Piatra Roșie, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XII-a Sebeș, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetarea penală în (re)descoperirea istoriei. Jurisprudența anului 2020, la Sesiunea anuală de comunicări științifice „Științele socio-umane la începutul mileniului al III-lea” Ediția a XII-a, Sibiu, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Imaginea braconajului arheologic din Munții Șureanu reflectată în mass-media perioadei 1998-2020, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XII-a Sebeș, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Patrimoniul arheologic din România după 20 de ani de cercetare penală, la Conferința națională a studenților și doctoranzilor Istorie-Arheologie-Muzeologie-Istoria artei-Patrimoniu, ediția XXVIII, Alba Iulia, 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Noi date despre un tezaur cu monede KOΣON din Munții Șureanu în documentele Monetăriei din Alba Iulia, la Sesiunea științifică „Unitate, continuitate și independență în istoria poporului român. 101 ani de la Marea Unire (1918-2019)”, Alba Iulia, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of De la căutarea comorilor la braconajul arheologic. Premise istorice, definire, conexiuni şi reglementări, Sesiunea de comunicări științifice „Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania”, ediția a XI-a,  Sebeș, 7 iunie 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The situation of the Koson and Koson-Droyeis emissions presented at public auctions over the past 30 years, at the International Conference PATRIMONIUM 2024 In memoriam Dr.H.c. Barbara DEPPERT-LIPPITZ

The main objectives of the study are to present statistics on the emissions of Koson and Koson-Dr... more The main objectives of the study are to present statistics on the emissions of Koson and Koson-Droyeis types (staters and drachmas) originating from poached treasures and offered for sale at auction houses during the period 1994-2024 (based on preliminary research done in the doctoral thesis) and to outline an investigative direction using data extracted from judicial archives, based on which their origin and the period when they were stolen can be identified. I chose to present the situation of Koson and Koson-Droyeis coins because in their case the provenance can be closely followed, as it is known that they are only reported in the Transylvania area (with a single exception exclusively at Sarmizegetusa Regia). Regarding the theft from Romania's archaeological sites, with the Șureanu Mountains and Dobrogea as red zones, we already have a rich specialized literature, which presents to readers the interdisciplinary nature between Law and History. But especially the methodological similarity between archaeology and criminalistics, sciences that could successfully collaborate to define a new discipline in the university curriculum: archaeocriminology or forensic archaeology.
The present work is a plea for the protection of the archaeological heritage, as the phenomenon of poaching in the area of the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains reached hard to imagine proportions. Nervertheless, its wounds are deep and still visible.

Research paper thumbnail of Youth education and its role in protecting Romania’s cultural heritage. A case of archaeological sites within Sureanu Mountains La International Conference "Law, Public Administration, Sustainable Development and Heritage in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Processes"

Research paper thumbnail of Die Raubgräberei aus dem Șureanu Gebirge. Materielle und wissenschaftliche Beeinträchtigungen, la "International Conference Protection of National Heritage in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Cultural Heritage project", Alba Iulia, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Archeological poaching and Indiana Jones syndrome. A case of a "tourist visit" at the UNESCO archaeological sites within Sureanu Mountains, la International Conference on Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and History, Alba Iulia 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Poaching, Private Collections or Artefact Amassing? The Analysis of Legal Aspects by Virtue of Property Right, la International Conference of Phd Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers in History – Sixteenth Edition, Cluj-Napoca 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Youth education and its role in protecting Romania’s cultural heritage, la International Conference on Education (IC-ED 2020), 9th edition, Atena, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Archeological heritage from Romania between judicial activity and historical research, la International Conference of Phd Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers in History – Fifteenth Edition, "History and Interdisciplinarity: PhD research on the frontier of disciplines", Cluj-Napoca, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Tezaure pierdute? Valorificarea istorică a informațiilor judiciare privind braconajul arheologic din Munții Orăștiei, la Sesiunea anuală de comunicări științifice „Științele socio-umane la începutul mileniului al III-lea” Ediția a XV-a, Sibiu, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cronica unui fenomen infracțional: braconajul arheologic din Munții Șureanu, la Sesiunea Științifică Anuală dedicată Zilei Naționale a României „Unitate, Continuitate și Independență în Istoria Poporului Român”, Alba Iulia 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cui aparține patrimoniu arheologic? Discurs despre obligațiile persoanelor fizice și ale instituțiilor statului în cazul descoperirilor întâmplătoare. Simpozionul Internațional „In Memoriam Constantin și Hadrian Daicoviciu”, ediția XLVIII, Caransebeș 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Prevenirea infracționalității din domeniul patrimoniului cultural prin intermediul educației. Studii de caz și exemple de bune practici, la Conferința „30 de ani de la reluarea Învățământului Superior Juridic la Oradea”, Oradea 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilizarea prin educație în scopul protejării patrimoniului cultural național. Studiu de caz: siturile arheologice din Munții Orăștiei, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XIII-a Sebeș, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Descoperire întâmplătoare vs. braconaj arheologic. Discuții asupra studiilor de caz din Munții Șureanu, la Simpozionul Internațional „In Memoriam Constantin și Hadrian Daicoviciu”, ediția XLVII, Caransebeș 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Artefacte medievale recuperate de autoritățile judiciare în dosarele privind infracționalitatea în domeniul patrimoniului arheologic din Munții Șureanu, la Sesiunea științifică „Unitate, continuitate și independență în istoria poporului român. 103 ani de la Marea Unire (1918-2021)”

Research paper thumbnail of Braconarea patrimoniului arheologic din Munții Șureanu. Studiu de caz cetatea dacică de la Piatra Roșie, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XII-a Sebeș, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetarea penală în (re)descoperirea istoriei. Jurisprudența anului 2020, la Sesiunea anuală de comunicări științifice „Științele socio-umane la începutul mileniului al III-lea” Ediția a XII-a, Sibiu, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Imaginea braconajului arheologic din Munții Șureanu reflectată în mass-media perioadei 1998-2020, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XII-a Sebeș, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Patrimoniul arheologic din România după 20 de ani de cercetare penală, la Conferința națională a studenților și doctoranzilor Istorie-Arheologie-Muzeologie-Istoria artei-Patrimoniu, ediția XXVIII, Alba Iulia, 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Noi date despre un tezaur cu monede KOΣON din Munții Șureanu în documentele Monetăriei din Alba Iulia, la Sesiunea științifică „Unitate, continuitate și independență în istoria poporului român. 101 ani de la Marea Unire (1918-2019)”, Alba Iulia, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of De la căutarea comorilor la braconajul arheologic. Premise istorice, definire, conexiuni şi reglementări, Sesiunea de comunicări științifice „Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania”, ediția a XI-a,  Sebeș, 7 iunie 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Palatul Principilor din Alba Iulia-cercetare arheologica și de parament (2016)

Buletinul Cercurilor Științifice Studențești, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tezaure pierdute? Situaţia emisiunilor Koson şi Koson-Droyeis prezentate la licitaţiile publice din ultimii 30 de ani/Lost treasures? The situation of the Koson and Koson-Droyeis emissions presented at public auctions over the past 30 years

In memoriam Dr.H.c. Barbara Deppert-Lippitz. Combaterea spalarii bunurilor culturale pe piata antichitatilor. Rolul expertului judiciar, 2024

The main objectives of the study are to present statistics on the emissions of Koson and Koson-Dr... more The main objectives of the study are to present statistics on the emissions of Koson and Koson-Droyeis types (staters and drachmas) originating from poached treasures and offered for sale at auction houses during the period 1994-2024 (based on preliminary research done in the doctoral thesis) and to outline an investigative direction using data extracted from judicial archives, based on which their origin and the period when they were stolen can be identified. I chose to present the situation of Koson and Koson-Droyeis coins because in their case the provenance can be closely followed, as it is known that they are only reported in the Transylvania area (with a single exception exclusively at Sarmizegetusa Regia). Regarding the theft from Romania's archaeological sites, with the Șureanu Mountains and Dobrogea as red zones, we already have a rich specialized literature, which presents to readers the interdisciplinary nature between Law and History. But especially the methodological similarity between archaeology and criminalistics, sciences that could successfully collaborate to define a new discipline in the university curriculum: archaeocriminology or forensic archaeology.
The present work is a plea for the protection of the archaeological heritage, as the phenomenon of poaching in the area of the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains reached hard to imagine proportions. Nervertheless, its wounds are deep and still visible.

Research paper thumbnail of Documente inedite din arhiva vieneză despre un tezaur cu monede KOSON descoperit la începutul secolului al XIX-lea în Munții Șureanu/UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS FROM THE VIENNESE ARCHIVE CONCERNING A TREASURY OF KOSON COINS DISCOVERED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 19TH CENTURY IN THE ŞUREANU MOUNTAINS

Buletinul Cercurilor Științifice Studențești, 2021

This study aims to present, through the prism of some unpublished documents from the Viennese arc... more This study aims to present, through the prism of some unpublished documents from the Viennese archive, new data about the hoards discovered in the Șureanu Mountains at the beginning of the 19th century. Most of the documents refer to a discovery made by four inhabitants of the village Vâlcelele Bune (Hunedoara County, Romania) in the spring of 1803, concerning 400 Kosons. From the documents related to the 1803 hoard, we know the identity of the discoverers and the amount approved to be paid to them by the Mint of Alba Iulia as compensation. We can also see the application of official procedure from the attached document (explicatio) regarding this type of coins. The legal aspects linked with these types of discoveries were established by an imperial decree. Regarding the Kosons discovered in 1803, I present the data offered by the archive in connection to already known data, such as the testimony of an eyewitness published in the 1880s. Thus, we were able to show there are some differences between sources. The 280 Greek coins were discovered at Kis Miklos and later handed over to the Mint of Alba Iulia. Among these documents there is a contemporary copy about another hoard of Greek coins also discovered in the Șureanu Mountains in 1802, of which 280 coins reached the Alba Iulia Mint. Based on the information existing in the recent literature on the different types of stamps with which the Kosons were imprinted, we were able to determine the stamp of the coin after which the two casts were made. This aspect is a particularly important one, but we cannot be sure if all the coins which arrived at the Mint of Alba Iulia were cast with this stamp or whether the officials just selected one of this type.

Research paper thumbnail of Braconarea patrimoniului arheologic din Munții Șureanu. Prejudicii materiale și științifice/Poaching of the archaeological heritage in the Șureanu Mountains. Material and scientific damage

Studii de drept al patrimoniului cultural și natural. Patrimonium. In Honorem Augustin Lazar, 2023

Archaeological poaching or artefact looting was a phenomenon that severely affected the integrity... more Archaeological poaching or artefact looting was a phenomenon that severely affected the integrity of the archaeological sites from the Sureanu Mountains, whose complexity may be noticed both by analysing the number of stolen artefacts, persons involved, and the efforts of the judicial authorities to fight it and retrieve namely repatriate the stolen goods. This paper considered producing some statistics and analysis on material and scientific prejudice caused to the cultural heritage by the poachers’ activity in the archaeological sites from the Sureanu Mountains (Hunedoara, Romania), beginning with the analysis of the judicial documents. For that purpose, will be presented the number and typology of the artefacts looted between 1996 and 2015, retrieved from the international market of antiquities or collectors from Romania, as well as sentences imposed on matters ruled on with a final judgement. This analysis revealed some observations on the state of affairs of protecting the archaeological sites from the Sureanu Mountains and the gaps that lead to poaching these objectives and some possible measures to discourage dissimulation of the origin of some archaeological heritage goods. These mainly refer to the protection and security of the archaeological sites added to UNESCO’s world heritage list and the state of private collections.

Research paper thumbnail of Braconajul arheologic din Munții Orăștiei: un fenomen infracțional care alimentează piața de antichități

Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor, 2022

In the 90's of the past century and the first years of the next, the Romanian authorities noticed... more In the 90's of the past century and the first years of the next, the Romanian authorities noticed how the archaeological sites were assaulted by all sorts of individuals, equipped with metal detection devices, some of which came from outside the country. In that transitional age when everything became gray, in which the "smart guys" started businesses in the fields in which they had been active during communist period, archaeology with its great treasures could not be left aside, but framed in a kind of local entrepreneurship, but a criminal one. In this setting, the sites in the capital of PreRoman Dacia are of particular interest because there was already information in the literature that important treasures were discovered here from the first years of the 19th century, treasures composed of gold coins (Koson and pseudo-Lysimach). The first that started searching were the locals, people who knew both the potential of the area, but especially who served as a day laborer the archaeological sites, and even offered accommodation to the coordinating teachers of these systematic research campaigns. Helped by relatives established abroad, where the legal regime of metal detectors was already established, or by well-informed guys from Deva, the first ones arrived on the Garden Valley, and thus the first discoveries are produced. The judicial authorities demonstrated during the criminal investigation that the first discovery of a large treasure (3000 or 4000 coins) took place in 1996 on Muncelul Hill at the point called La Fagii de Bodea. After that, other discoveries were made, monetary or orphevro-monetary ones with gold and silver goods. Also, during the criminal investigation, were picked up from locals, poachers and collectors, members of the criminal enterprise that was formed by the involvement of the interlopers, no less than 30 silver and bronze coins hidden at their homes or capitalized to individuals with apparent collector velleities. But as we could see during the doctoral research, Sarmizegetusa Regia, was not only the capital of the treasures, but rather the centre of metallurgical activity in the Orăştie Mountains, therefore throughout the terrace of the civil settlement on Piciorul Muncelului, poachers removed from the ground a huge number of iron artefacts which they probably could not capitalized, and in some cases they even carried them, abandoned or reburied along with the packaging of expensive cigarette packs or sweets they consumed. Around 1000 abandoned artefacts were recovered by archaeologists over time and deposited in the custody of national Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca and a close number at the Museum of Dacian and Roman civilization in Deva. In my opinion, the number of pieces of common materials (iron, copper and bronze) is high, because according to the statement of a witness actively involved in the removal of goods from archaeological sites because he was a good connoisseur of the area, at one point, he and others, wanting to earn profit in addition to what poachers paid him for the role of boiler-handling, they loaded a truck with such abandoned artifacts, which they capitalized at Remat Orâştie at the price offered for scrap! Whereas this phenomenon, generically called archaeological poaching, has had a fulminant magnitude. In this paper, I will mention an analysis of jurisprudence in the field of cultural heritage crime, highlighting the damage created to the Romanian state and the historical research following the criminal activity and presenting as measures of empowerment of the young woman Generations, sensitive to Indiana Jones syndrome, include in the pre-university and university curriculum modules ment to form a culture of protecting cultural heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of De la monede la bijuterii. Studiu asupra reutilizării emisiunilor numismatice antice cu legenda Koσωn/Von Münzen zu Schmuck. Ein Studium über die Wiederverwendung der antiken numismatischen Emissionen mit den Koσωn Legende

Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis, 2020

Der vorliegender Beitrag behandelt sieben Fälle in denen antiken authentische Geldemissionen von ... more Der vorliegender Beitrag behandelt sieben Fälle in denen antiken authentische Geldemissionen von Typ Koson zur Herstellung von Schmuck wiederverwendet wurden.Die Verwendung von antiken griechischen und römischen Münzen für die Anfertigung von Schmuck ist sehr verbreitet aber was die Koson Münzen anbetrifft so sind bis jetzt nur ein paar Fälle bekannt, wo man mit Sicherheit über die Wiederverwendung der Münzen als Bestandteil anderer Güter sprechen kann. Es handelt sich um zwei Ringe, die sich in der Sammlung des Museums der dakischen und römischen Zivilisation in Deva befinden (Taf. I-II), eine Ringmontur aus der Sammlung des Museums für Geschichte und Archäologie des Kreises Prahova (Taf. III/1), zwei perforierte Münzen, die wahrscheinlich als Verwendung von Anhänger für Ketten dienten (Taf. III/2) und zwei Anhänger die letztes Jahr versteigert wurden (Taf. IV). Ich kann zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht andeuten, ob die zwei Anhänger aus echten antiken Münzen hergestellt wurden, weil es keine metallographischen Analysen gibt, daß das offenbaren könnte, aber im Falle eines der beiden Anhänger (Taf. IV/2) gibt es eine Echtheitsbescheinigung.Mit Sicherheit sind es diese keine Einzelfälle in denen Koson Münzen wiederverwendet wurden aber bisher konnte ich nur diese identifizieren. Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, daß sich solche Objekte auch in anderen Privatsammlungen befinden über die ich bis jetzt keine Kenntnis habe.Ebenfalls im Betracht gezogen wird auch ein Fußbecher, daß sich in der Sammlung des Kunstmuseums aus Budapest befindet (Taf. V) datiert in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, auf dessen Oberfläche zwei Nachahmungen der Koson Münze zugeklebt sind. Da diese Fallstudie von C. Preda für die Erörterung der Datierung der Koson Münzen in der Renaissance Zeit verwendet wurden habe ich diese Annahme kritisch behandelt und gezeigt, daß das Vorkommen von frühzeitigen Nachahmungen solcher Münzen bereits bestätigt wurde. Das bedeutet aber noch lange nicht, daß alle Koson Münzen, die wir bereits haben in derselben Zeit hergestellt worden sind.Wenn es sich um die Datierung von Schmuck handelt ist die Situation überhaupt nicht einfach, weil man auf viele Aspekte achten muss (Arbeitstechnik, Abnutzungsstufe). Wie im Falle der Koson Münzen mit einfachem Loch, die wahrscheinlich als Kette verwendet wurden, können wir auf keine Informationen hinweisen, weil die Münze seit der Antike und bis in der Gegenwart jederzeit durchlöchert werden konnte. Allerdings, im Fall der zwei Ringen (Taf. I-II) und der Montur (Taf. III/1) steht die Situation ganz anders.Zuallererst muss gesagt werden, daß im Beschreibungszettel, das auf der Webseite des Nationalinstituts für Kulturerbe (dem Kulturministerium untergeordnet) verfügbar ist, die zwei Ringe für die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts datiert wurden. Ich weiß nicht welche Kriterien es waren, die zu dieser Meinung geführt haben aber in der Presse des Jahres 1890 habe ich eine Anzeige identifiziert in der über den Verkauf von Schmuckstücke die Rede war das von einem Goldschmied aus Hermannstadt hergestellt wurde und das auch antike Münzen enthielt. Die Münzen waren aber keine Kosons sondern sie stammen aus der römischen Zeit, aus der Zeit des Königs Gordian I., wobei sie fast in der Zeit als die Anzeige veröffentlicht wurde entdeckt worden sind.Und weil es wahrscheinlich damals eine Gewohnheit war solche Funde an Goldschmieden zu verkaufen und auf Grund des Goldrausch`s das anfangs des 19. Jahrhunderts in Sarmizegetusa Regia existierte wurde die Datierung der zwei Ringe des Museum aus Deva für die zweite Hälfte des selben Jahrhunderts vorgeschlagen. Oder vielleicht wurden sie damals vom Museum aufgenommen.Nach der Auswertung anderer Ringe, habe ich festgestellt, daß die antiken, griechischen, römischen und auch barbarischen Münzen als Bestandteil von Schmuck bereits im Altertum verwendet wurden. Deshalb ist es schwer festzustellen wann die Ringe aus der Sammlung aus Deva angefertigt worden sind. Zudem muss ich noch erwähnen, daß ein ähnlicher Ring Typ wie der von Taf. I, sowohl in der römischen Zeit, im Mittelalter als auch in der Frühzeit angefertigt werden konnte. Ebenso der Ring von Taf. II hat Analogien im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance.Allerdings bin ich der Meinung, daß diese Ringe in einer Zeit der Wiederentdeckung der antiken Zivilisation angefertigt worden sind und deshalb habe ich ihre Datierung für die erste Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts vorgeschlagen. Im Falle der Ringmontur aus der Sammlung des Museums in Prahova bemerkt man die gleiche Vorgangsweise bei der Polierung der Münzen auch bei einem Ring, der sich im Museum in Deva befindet. So gehe ich davon aus, daß sie in der gleichen Zeit angefertigt wurden und möglicherweise auch von derselben Werkstatt.

Research paper thumbnail of De la căutarea comorilor la braconaj arheologic în Munții Șureanu (II). Premise, evoluție legislativă, diferențe și asemănări

Constantin Augustus Bărbulescu, Costin Croitoru, Ovidiu Vasile Udrescu (ed.), „Miscellanea Historica et Archaeologica in Memoriam Dumitru Berciu”, Editura Istros, Brăila – Râmnicu Vâlcea, 2020

The aim of this paper is to present a history of research regarding protocols of treasure hunting... more The aim of this paper is to present a history of research regarding
protocols of treasure hunting within the geographical area of Șureanu Mountains-Transylvania. The chronological timeframe covers the Middle Ages throughout the beginning of the XXI century, when archaeological poaching gained more perspective once metal detectors started to be used. Such a descent is necessary in order to determine if we
can consider treasure hunting regulations as predecessors of archaeological poaching.
Therefore, this study tries to respond to the following questions: in what terms can we associate treasure hunting regulations as being a predecessor factor for archaeological poaching? Can we attribute any type of linkage between the treasuries discovered with metal detectors and the ones unearthed at the beginning of the XIX century in mentioned area? What are the differences and similarities between the act of treasure hunting and archaeological poaching? What are the limitations in discussing the safety of these artefacts before the XX century?

Research paper thumbnail of De la căutarea comorilor la braconaj arheologic în Munţii Şureanu (I). Un istoric al descoperirilor de tezaure / From Hunting Treasures to Archaeological Poaching in the Şureanu Mountains (I): History of Hoard Discoveries

Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 2019

This article proposes a history of the discovery of treasures from the Medieval Age in the Şurean... more This article proposes a history of the discovery of treasures from the Medieval Age in the Şureanu Mountains, Transylvania, from the first documented mentions to what specialised literature defines as archaeological poaching. We pursue to what extent a connection may be established between the hoards discovered at the beginning of the nineteenth century and those from the end of the following one by following the continuity of discoveries of hoards in the Şureanu Mountains. More precisely, we examine the places where hoards were identified and how poachers obtained this information, as the respective spots were pointed out in the specialised literature and perpetuated by oral tradition.
Similarly, through this analysis, we will try to show to what extent the actions undertaken by those who discovered hoards may be acknowledged as what today is known as archaeological poaching.

Research paper thumbnail of Cuțite medievale descoperite la Abația Bizere (jud. Arad)/ Medieval knives discovered in Bizere abbey (Arad country)

Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 2018

The aim of this paper is to present a group of artefacts discovered during nine archaeological re... more The aim of this paper is to present a group of artefacts discovered during nine
archaeological research campaigns conducted at the Abbey of Bizere (Arad County). After the initial cleaning process, from a total of 85 of these finds, 12 displayed the craftsman’s mark on their surface. The process also made it possible to identify general chronological indicators based on a handle’s bronze rivets. Based on these details, three major categories were present in our batch: thorn-shaped artefacts, items with lamellar handles or bronze plates and those with a lamellar handle and a “neck.” The articles examined in this study can be correlated with similar discoveries within the geographical area of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of Arme sau unelte? Analiza unor artefacte din colecția Muzeului Municipal Mediaș /Weapons or tools? The analysis of some objects preserved by the Mediaș Municipal Museum

Buletinul Cercurilor Științifice Studențești (BCȘS), 2018

This article presents an analysis of a set of 14 objects kept by the Mediaș Municipal Museum. The... more This article presents an analysis of a set of 14 objects kept by the Mediaș Municipal Museum. The fact that the objects were found by metal detectorists and removed from the soil has rendered difficult their dating and understanding of their function.
As their place of discovery and the archeological context are missing, the result was that they were neglected by historical investigations of material culture. However, I think that their documentary value makes them worthy of historical analysis. Thus my preliminary assessment suggested that they could have been battle knives from fifteenth to sixteenth centuries.

Research paper thumbnail of Andrea Popa, The Integrated Management of World Cultural Heritage in Romania: Case Study: The Roman Frontier in Dacia, The sites at Brețcu, Comolău, and Boroșneu Mare, Sibiu, Astra Museum, 2023, 279p

Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Cristian Ioan Popa, Petru Alin Toderescu, Cugirul la 1885. Răspunsurile la chestionarul lui B. P. Hasdeu, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2023, 603 p.

Research paper thumbnail of Gizella Nemeth Papo, Adriano Papo, Ludovico Gritti. Un prinţ veneţian în Transilvania în serviciul lui Soliman Magnificul, Oradea, Ratio et Revelatio, 2022, 493 p.

Terra Sebus, 2022

Anul 2022 aduce, atât pentru iubitorii istoriei medievale a Transilvaniei, cât şi pentru cei pasi... more Anul 2022 aduce, atât pentru iubitorii istoriei medievale a Transilvaniei, cât şi pentru cei pasionaţi de relaţiile diplomatice, contribuţia privitoare la viaţa unui personaj cu o evoluţie interesantă pentru politica principatului Transilvaniei-prinţul Ludovico Gritti-, semnată de Gizella Nemeth Papo şi Adriano Pappo, ambii licenţiaţi în Istorie la Universitatea din Trieste şi membri ai Societăţii Istorice Maghiare. Activitatea celor doi autori este deja cunoscută, deoarece în anul 2019 a apărut recenzia despre monografia dedicată cardinalului Gheorghe Martinuzzi, adevărat principe al Transilvaniei în secolul al XVI-lea, după cum sunt de părere semnatarii cărţii.

Research paper thumbnail of Adriano  Papo,  Gizella  Nemeth Papo, Nemăsurata ispită a puterii. Gheorghe Martinuzzi, adevăratul rege al Transilvaniei în secolul al XVI-lea, Oradea, Ratio et Revelatio, 2019, 496 p.

Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 2019

Anul 2019 aduce, pentru iubitorii istoriei medievale a Transilvaniei, contribuţia privitoare la v... more Anul 2019 aduce, pentru iubitorii istoriei medievale a Transilvaniei, contribuţia privitoare la viaţa celui ce, pentru o vreme, a ţinut în mâna sa întreaga putere a Transilvaniei -cardinalul Gheorghe Martinuzzi Utyeszenics, semnată de prof. Adriano Pappo şi Gizella Nemeth Papo, ambii licenţiaţi în Istorie la Universitatea din Trieste.

Research paper thumbnail of Ioan Opriș, Patrimoniul cultural național între lege și fărădelege, București, Editura Stefadina, 2018, 149 p.

Plural, 2019

dacă este o coincidență sau nu, dar cartea prof. Ioan Opriș, cunoscut prin publicațiile 1 sale ca... more dacă este o coincidență sau nu, dar cartea prof. Ioan Opriș, cunoscut prin publicațiile 1 sale ca un renumit specialist în domeniul muzeologiei și muzeografiei din România ante și post-1989, a văzut lumina tiparului în anul declarat, prin Decizia Consiliului Europei și a Parlamentului European, Anul European al Patrimoniului Cultural. Nici nu se putea alege un moment mai potrivit pentru acest demers util specialiștilor și nu numai.

Research paper thumbnail of Mircea Duţu, Augustin Lazăr, Ovidiu Predescu (coord.), Protecţia juridică a patrimoniului cultural şi natural: volum dedicat Centenarului Marii Uniri şi Anului european al patrimoniului cultural, Patrimonium, Editura Academiei Române, Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2018, 350 p.

Terra Sebus Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 2018

Lucrarea constituie un îndrumar atât pentru jurişti, cât şi pentru specialiştii implicaţi în prot... more Lucrarea constituie un îndrumar atât pentru jurişti, cât şi pentru specialiştii implicaţi în protejarea patrimoniului mobil şi imobil, utilă deopotrivă şi mediului studenţesc, întrucât acolo se află şi se formează viitorii paznici ai acestuia.

Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilizarea prin educație în scopul protejării patrimoniului cultural național. Studiu de caz: siturile arheologice din Munții Orăștiei, la Sesiunea de comunicări Științifice Multiculturalitate și Patrimoniu Istoric în Transilvania, ediția a XIII-a Sebeș, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Poaching of the archaeological heritage in the Şureanu Mountains. History and Jurisprudence