Carlos Varias | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (original) (raw)

Books by Carlos Varias

Research paper thumbnail of Suplemento al Diccionario Micenico DMic

Francisco Aura Jorro; Alberto Bernabé; Eugenio R. Luján; Juan Piquero; Carlos Varias García, Diccionario Griego-Español. Anejo VII: Suplemento al Diccionario Micénico (DMic.Supl.). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 428 pág., 2020

La naturaleza de trabajos como el DMic. los liga a la necesidad de revisiones periódicas que subs... more La naturaleza de trabajos como el DMic. los liga a la necesidad de revisiones periódicas que subsanen el desfase al que inexorablemente los somete el paso del tiempo. En el caso que nos ocupa, ello es así por varias razones. La primera, la aparición de ediciones nuevas de textos ya conocidos que han mejorado notablemente su intelección, tanto por contener nuevas uniones de fragmentos tabléticos, considerados, hasta el momento, de manera independiente y que proporcionan al texto resultante una nueva dimensión interpretativa, cuanto en lo referente a su léxico, por sacar a la luz términos nuevos, consecuencia de esas uniones o de mejores lecturas de los textos. Este es el caso de las últimas ediciones de los textos pilios 1 y cnosios. 2 La segunda, y no menos importante, se refiere a la aparición de ediciones de textos nuevos, desconocidos cuando se elaboró el DMic. En este sentido, aparte del afortunado y continuado goteo de documentos nuevos que, de un tiempo a esta parte, proporcionan los yacimientos, 3 hay que destacar, de manera sobresaliente, las más de doscientas tablillas, o fragmentos de tablillas, encontradas por Vassilis L. Aravantinos en Tebas 4 , que han engrosado, de manera muy notable, los recogidos en TITHEMY. 5 El hallazgo ha sido capital, no solo por lo que supone en cuanto al enriquecimiento del léxico conocido hasta el momento,

Research paper thumbnail of Tierra, territorio y población en la Grecia antigua: aspectos institucionales y míticos

Tierra, territorio y población en la Grecia antigua: aspectos institucionales y míticos, 2017

These two volumes bring together the papers given in an international conference held at the Univ... more These two volumes bring together the papers given in an international conference held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Bellaterra, Spain) in October 2013 dealing with the relations between land and population in Ancient Greece, in the 2nd and the 1st millennium BC, according to the written sources. The papers are classified in three sections: A. Mycenaea; B. Leges et institutiones; C. Mythographica.

Research paper thumbnail of Manuale di epigrafia micenea

Questo manuale intende offrire un quadro aggiornato delle conoscenze nel campo dell’epigrafia mic... more Questo manuale intende offrire un quadro aggiornato delle conoscenze nel campo dell’epigrafia micenea. Nato dalla collaborazione di un gruppo di specialisti di varie università e centri di ricerca, contiene un’introduzione alla scrittura e alla lingua dei testi micenei e un’analisi dettagliata dei principali documenti in lineare B, suddivisi per argomento. Nel primo volume, la scrittura, le pratiche scribali e quelle amministrative sono presentate nel dettaglio e messe a confronto con quelle delle amministrazioni minoiche in “geroglifico” cretese e in lineare A, mentre i documenti sono contestualizzati sul piano archeologico e descritti dal punto di vista epigrafico, paleografico e archivistico. Nel secondo volume, dopo una descrizione dettagliata dei settori produttivi ricostruibili in base alla testimonianza delle fonti scritte, è proposta una sintesi sul mondo miceneo, relativa a geografia, società, economia e religione. Ogni capitolo del manuale è corredato da un’ampia bibliografia. Chiude il volume un glossario dei vocaboli micenei discussi nel testo.
Due tomi indivisibili.

The handbook, which is the fruit of the collaboration of a group of specialists from various universities and research centres in Italy and abroad, aims to provide an updated overview about Mycenaean epigraphy. It contains an introduction to the writing and language of the Mycenaean texts and a detailed analysis of the main Linear B documents divided by topic. In the first volume the Linear B writing system and the Mycenaean scribal and administrative practices are analyzed and compared with their Minoan antecedents (Cretan Hieroglyphics and Linear A). The second volume contains a detailed description of the different production sectors as they can be reconstructed from the Linear B texts as well as a synthesis of some major topics relating to the Mycenaean world, such as geography, society, economy and religion. Each chapter is provided with an essential bibliography. The book ends with a glossary of the Mycenaean words.

Research paper thumbnail of Actas del Simposio Internacional: 55 Años de Micenología (1952-2007)

Research paper thumbnail of Jenofonte: "Anábasis". Edición y traducción.

Research paper thumbnail of Los documentos en lineal B de Micenas. Ensayo de interpretación global.

A study of all the Linear B clay inscriptions from Mycenae (Greece), 65 tablets and 8 nodules dat... more A study of all the Linear B clay inscriptions from Mycenae (Greece), 65 tablets and 8 nodules dating between 1250-1200 BC., is undertaken beginning with the last edition of the texts (TITHEMY, Salamanca 1991), in order to best explain the workings of the Mycenaean Palace in the second half of the century XIII BC. The study is done using a method that combines philological and archaeological analyses, a new approach to the Mycenaean tablets, whose authors -fifteen or so scribes- were each one without exception circumscribed in one single find-spot, so that the texts of one hand are never found in more than one building. The fist four chapters analyse the workings of the four establishments where the majority of tablets and nodules were housed:
1/ House of the Oil Merchant (HOM): 31 tablets; 6 scribes.
2/ House of Sphinxes (HSph): 10 tablets and 7 nodules; 5 scribes.
3/ West House (WH): 12 tablets; 2 scribes.
4/ Citadel House (CH): 8 tablets and one nodule; 2 scribes.
The four tablets appearing in isolated contexts have been analysed separately in chapter V.
In the conclusions four important aspects of the documentation are undertaken: a) the palaeographical examination of the texts; b) the description of the language of the documents; c) a study of the personal names; d) the record-keeping system in Mycenae.

Papers by Carlos Varias

Research paper thumbnail of John Chadwick (1920-1998)

Research paper thumbnail of Prefacio

quien validó este Simposio como una actividad de formación permanente del profesorado. Como Coord... more quien validó este Simposio como una actividad de formación permanente del profesorado. Como Coordinador del Simposio y en nombre del Comité Organizador y Científi co quiero expresar mi más profundo agradecimiento a los patrocinadores de este coloquio por su generosa ayuda económica, tanto para la celebración del mismo como para la publicación de estas actas: el Institute for Aegean Prehistory

Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Index de les obres ressenyades: ATENEO DE NÁUCRATIS. Sobre las mujeres. Libro XIII de "La ce... more Index de les obres ressenyades: ATENEO DE NÁUCRATIS. Sobre las mujeres. Libro XIII de "La cena de los eruditos

Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Index de les obres ressenyades: José María BLÁZQUEZ, El Mediterráneo. Historia, arqueología, reli... more Index de les obres ressenyades: José María BLÁZQUEZ, El Mediterráneo. Historia, arqueología, religión, arte. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Index de les obres ressenyades: S. DARIS, Papiri Documentari Greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Pala... more Index de les obres ressenyades: S. DARIS, Papiri Documentari Greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Palau Rib.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: DARIS, S. Papiri Documentari Greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Palau Rib

Faventia, 1995

Social media is one of the most influential media in all sectors and structures of socio-cultural... more Social media is one of the most influential media in all sectors and structures of socio-cultural life, government law politics, science and technology, and especially education. One of the direct impacts on education is strengthening vs. reducing student character education. The purpose of this research is to (a) explore forms of directive speech acts, (b) identify politeness strategies for directive speech acts; and (c) formulate the implications of the politeness strategies directive speech acts of the #sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media towards student' character building in the era of global computing-communication. This research is qualitative using hermeneutical psychopragmatic techniques. The object of this research was directive speech acts uttered in the #sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media 2019-2020. Data were conducted through documentation technique, notetaking technique, observation technique, and theoretical triangulation technique. Data were analyzed using politeness model of Brown-Levinson and Leech supported by analysis of politeness model of Indonesian socio-cultural harmony. The results of this research indicated that the form of public's directive speech acts in supervising government policy plan through social media appeared to be actualized into suggesting, criticizing, reminding, appealing, calling, and reminding. The realization of the category of directive speech acts of politeness indicated that the Indonesian people are participatory and accommodative towards a new plan of policy that brings benefits and good for all. The category of the politeness strategies of directive speech acts are begging and asking had a small frequency because to control the government policy plan which is essential to the value order of people's lives requires strict harmonious control. The Indonesian people had a trend to use positive politeness methods in providing input to the government. The public at the general level still showed social awareness and sensitivity towards government policy plans that are circulated through social media coverage. The forms and intentions developing on social media can be wrapped into teaching materials to strengthen character education and the values of politeness for children in the learning process at school. This can be carried out by criticizing the news circulating on social media through positive politeness strategies and wisdom maxim. The wisdom maxim instilled in children is a vital pillar in strengthening children's character education in the era of global communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Observaciones sobre algunos textos gastronómicos de Micenas

ΣΤΙΣ ΑΜΜΟΥΔΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΟΜΗΡΟΥ: Homenaje a la Profesora Olga Omatos, 2007, ISBN 978-84-9860-011-7, págs. 831-842, 2007

I Na,late could not be converted to an ''increasing'' morphology by application of isoproterenol,... more I Na,late could not be converted to an ''increasing'' morphology by application of isoproterenol, calmodulin, AP-like ramp voltage command or command APs recorded from guinea pig cells. Conventional voltage clamp experiments revealed that the ''increasing'' I Na,late profile in guinea pig is determined by the slow decay of I Na,late in this species. I Na,late was increased by isoproterenol but not by calmodulin in canine myocytes. When APs were recorded from multicellular ventricular preparations with sharp microelectrode, tetrodotoxin decreased AP duration in a reverse rate-dependent manner, which effect was the largest in human, while smaller in canine and the smallest in guinea pig preparations. The shape of I Na,late under the AP is likely determined by the different inactivation kinetics of the sodium channels that generate I Na,late. Variances between different species in the actual sodium channel subtypes that contribute to I Na,late might underlie the differences observed in the macroscopic current. Canine myocytes seems to be the best model of human ventricular cells regarding I Na,late .

Research paper thumbnail of De synonymia Mycenaea: términos griegos equivalentes de distintos reinos micénicos

Conuentus Classicorum: temas y formas del Mundo Clásico, Vol. 1, 2017, ISBN 978-84-697-8214-9, págs. 381-388, 2017

En este trabajo se aborda la cuestión de la variedad léxica para designar conceptos y objetos, de... more En este trabajo se aborda la cuestión de la variedad léxica para designar conceptos y objetos, desde un punto de vista funcional, atestiguada en las inscripciones en Lineal B, sin entrar en la noción teórica de sinónimo. En concreto, se analizan tres grupos de términos significativos funcionalmente equivalentes en los registros micénicos: 1) ko-wa/o ≈ tu-ka-te, i-jo, u-jo ≈ ¿ki-ra?: «hija/o»; 2) pa-ro da-mo, da-mi-jo ≈ ko-na: «de la comunidad», y 3) tu-ro₂ ≈ ¿*190?: «queso».

Research paper thumbnail of L'ús de les tauletes micèniques per a l'explicació d'Homer a COU

Els Clasics greco-llatins. Idees per a un temps., 1996

Research paper thumbnail of “Snakes” in the Mycenaean Texts?

Research paper thumbnail of Les modalités du contrôle palatial à Mycènes

Ktèma : civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques, 2001

Evidence for palatial administration in Mycenae during the Bronze Age is very limited, because on... more Evidence for palatial administration in Mycenae during the Bronze Age is very limited, because only 73 inscriptions in Linear B, which date from 1250 and 1200 BC., have reached us from this site. Most of the inscriptions, 63 documents, come from a block of four buildings outside the Acropolis : the West House, the House of Shields, the House of the Oil Merchant and the House of Sphinxes. This fact has been interpreted by some scholars as evidence for an administrative decentralization, or for a "mixed" domestic and official nature of these buildings. Nevertheless, an accurate analysis of the inscriptions together with the archeological record found in situ shows the exclusively palatial condition of these "houses".

Research paper thumbnail of Per a la Roseli

fessió és literalment vital i forma part tan indissociable del que són que no hi ha cap imperatiu... more fessió és literalment vital i forma part tan indissociable del que són que no hi ha cap imperatiu administratiu o legal que pugui posar fi a la seva activitat. La Professora Rosa-Araceli Santiago —Roseli, per a tots els seus amics— és una d’aquestes persones. Algú en qui es compleix aquella màxima de Soló «envelleixo aprenent sempre moltes coses», perquè en ella no ha decrescut mai ni la curiositat ni l’afany per comprendre millor el llegat del món grec antic en cadascun dels textos que ens n’han arribat. Ben al contrari: avui més que mai, el seu interès per l’estudi de les fonts gregues es desplega en un ventall amplíssim de testimonis i de temes, i amb un entusiasme i energia desbordants encavalca una recerca rere una altra, aparentment infatigable. Tots els que hem treballat de prop amb la Roseli sabem que és intel·lectualment inquieta, que no s’acomoda a les idees preconcebudes ni li agrada que els altres ho facin, perquè creu amb fermesa en la capacitat humana de pensar lliurem...

Research paper thumbnail of Un posible testimonio de tierra comunitaria en Micenas: la tablilla MY Ue 652 + 656

The possible evidence of a plot of land belonging to the rural community on the Linear B tablet M... more The possible evidence of a plot of land belonging to the rural community on the Linear B tablet MY Ue 652, the only recording land in Mycenae, is here considered, basing on the proposed equivalence of the term ko-na ‘common’ in this tablet to the phrase pa-ro da-mo ‘from the dāmos’, recorded on the PY Eb/Ep series. The two other Linear B evidence of ko-na, on tablets PY Ep 212.3 and TH X 105.1, are also discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Observations on the Mycenaean Vocabulary of Furniture and Vessels

Research paper thumbnail of Suplemento al Diccionario Micenico DMic

Francisco Aura Jorro; Alberto Bernabé; Eugenio R. Luján; Juan Piquero; Carlos Varias García, Diccionario Griego-Español. Anejo VII: Suplemento al Diccionario Micénico (DMic.Supl.). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 428 pág., 2020

La naturaleza de trabajos como el DMic. los liga a la necesidad de revisiones periódicas que subs... more La naturaleza de trabajos como el DMic. los liga a la necesidad de revisiones periódicas que subsanen el desfase al que inexorablemente los somete el paso del tiempo. En el caso que nos ocupa, ello es así por varias razones. La primera, la aparición de ediciones nuevas de textos ya conocidos que han mejorado notablemente su intelección, tanto por contener nuevas uniones de fragmentos tabléticos, considerados, hasta el momento, de manera independiente y que proporcionan al texto resultante una nueva dimensión interpretativa, cuanto en lo referente a su léxico, por sacar a la luz términos nuevos, consecuencia de esas uniones o de mejores lecturas de los textos. Este es el caso de las últimas ediciones de los textos pilios 1 y cnosios. 2 La segunda, y no menos importante, se refiere a la aparición de ediciones de textos nuevos, desconocidos cuando se elaboró el DMic. En este sentido, aparte del afortunado y continuado goteo de documentos nuevos que, de un tiempo a esta parte, proporcionan los yacimientos, 3 hay que destacar, de manera sobresaliente, las más de doscientas tablillas, o fragmentos de tablillas, encontradas por Vassilis L. Aravantinos en Tebas 4 , que han engrosado, de manera muy notable, los recogidos en TITHEMY. 5 El hallazgo ha sido capital, no solo por lo que supone en cuanto al enriquecimiento del léxico conocido hasta el momento,

Research paper thumbnail of Tierra, territorio y población en la Grecia antigua: aspectos institucionales y míticos

Tierra, territorio y población en la Grecia antigua: aspectos institucionales y míticos, 2017

These two volumes bring together the papers given in an international conference held at the Univ... more These two volumes bring together the papers given in an international conference held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Bellaterra, Spain) in October 2013 dealing with the relations between land and population in Ancient Greece, in the 2nd and the 1st millennium BC, according to the written sources. The papers are classified in three sections: A. Mycenaea; B. Leges et institutiones; C. Mythographica.

Research paper thumbnail of Manuale di epigrafia micenea

Questo manuale intende offrire un quadro aggiornato delle conoscenze nel campo dell’epigrafia mic... more Questo manuale intende offrire un quadro aggiornato delle conoscenze nel campo dell’epigrafia micenea. Nato dalla collaborazione di un gruppo di specialisti di varie università e centri di ricerca, contiene un’introduzione alla scrittura e alla lingua dei testi micenei e un’analisi dettagliata dei principali documenti in lineare B, suddivisi per argomento. Nel primo volume, la scrittura, le pratiche scribali e quelle amministrative sono presentate nel dettaglio e messe a confronto con quelle delle amministrazioni minoiche in “geroglifico” cretese e in lineare A, mentre i documenti sono contestualizzati sul piano archeologico e descritti dal punto di vista epigrafico, paleografico e archivistico. Nel secondo volume, dopo una descrizione dettagliata dei settori produttivi ricostruibili in base alla testimonianza delle fonti scritte, è proposta una sintesi sul mondo miceneo, relativa a geografia, società, economia e religione. Ogni capitolo del manuale è corredato da un’ampia bibliografia. Chiude il volume un glossario dei vocaboli micenei discussi nel testo.
Due tomi indivisibili.

The handbook, which is the fruit of the collaboration of a group of specialists from various universities and research centres in Italy and abroad, aims to provide an updated overview about Mycenaean epigraphy. It contains an introduction to the writing and language of the Mycenaean texts and a detailed analysis of the main Linear B documents divided by topic. In the first volume the Linear B writing system and the Mycenaean scribal and administrative practices are analyzed and compared with their Minoan antecedents (Cretan Hieroglyphics and Linear A). The second volume contains a detailed description of the different production sectors as they can be reconstructed from the Linear B texts as well as a synthesis of some major topics relating to the Mycenaean world, such as geography, society, economy and religion. Each chapter is provided with an essential bibliography. The book ends with a glossary of the Mycenaean words.

Research paper thumbnail of Actas del Simposio Internacional: 55 Años de Micenología (1952-2007)

Research paper thumbnail of Jenofonte: "Anábasis". Edición y traducción.

Research paper thumbnail of Los documentos en lineal B de Micenas. Ensayo de interpretación global.

A study of all the Linear B clay inscriptions from Mycenae (Greece), 65 tablets and 8 nodules dat... more A study of all the Linear B clay inscriptions from Mycenae (Greece), 65 tablets and 8 nodules dating between 1250-1200 BC., is undertaken beginning with the last edition of the texts (TITHEMY, Salamanca 1991), in order to best explain the workings of the Mycenaean Palace in the second half of the century XIII BC. The study is done using a method that combines philological and archaeological analyses, a new approach to the Mycenaean tablets, whose authors -fifteen or so scribes- were each one without exception circumscribed in one single find-spot, so that the texts of one hand are never found in more than one building. The fist four chapters analyse the workings of the four establishments where the majority of tablets and nodules were housed:
1/ House of the Oil Merchant (HOM): 31 tablets; 6 scribes.
2/ House of Sphinxes (HSph): 10 tablets and 7 nodules; 5 scribes.
3/ West House (WH): 12 tablets; 2 scribes.
4/ Citadel House (CH): 8 tablets and one nodule; 2 scribes.
The four tablets appearing in isolated contexts have been analysed separately in chapter V.
In the conclusions four important aspects of the documentation are undertaken: a) the palaeographical examination of the texts; b) the description of the language of the documents; c) a study of the personal names; d) the record-keeping system in Mycenae.

Research paper thumbnail of John Chadwick (1920-1998)

Research paper thumbnail of Prefacio

quien validó este Simposio como una actividad de formación permanente del profesorado. Como Coord... more quien validó este Simposio como una actividad de formación permanente del profesorado. Como Coordinador del Simposio y en nombre del Comité Organizador y Científi co quiero expresar mi más profundo agradecimiento a los patrocinadores de este coloquio por su generosa ayuda económica, tanto para la celebración del mismo como para la publicación de estas actas: el Institute for Aegean Prehistory

Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Index de les obres ressenyades: ATENEO DE NÁUCRATIS. Sobre las mujeres. Libro XIII de "La ce... more Index de les obres ressenyades: ATENEO DE NÁUCRATIS. Sobre las mujeres. Libro XIII de "La cena de los eruditos

Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Index de les obres ressenyades: José María BLÁZQUEZ, El Mediterráneo. Historia, arqueología, reli... more Index de les obres ressenyades: José María BLÁZQUEZ, El Mediterráneo. Historia, arqueología, religión, arte. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Index de les obres ressenyades: S. DARIS, Papiri Documentari Greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Pala... more Index de les obres ressenyades: S. DARIS, Papiri Documentari Greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Palau Rib.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: DARIS, S. Papiri Documentari Greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Palau Rib

Faventia, 1995

Social media is one of the most influential media in all sectors and structures of socio-cultural... more Social media is one of the most influential media in all sectors and structures of socio-cultural life, government law politics, science and technology, and especially education. One of the direct impacts on education is strengthening vs. reducing student character education. The purpose of this research is to (a) explore forms of directive speech acts, (b) identify politeness strategies for directive speech acts; and (c) formulate the implications of the politeness strategies directive speech acts of the #sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media towards student' character building in the era of global computing-communication. This research is qualitative using hermeneutical psychopragmatic techniques. The object of this research was directive speech acts uttered in the #sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media 2019-2020. Data were conducted through documentation technique, notetaking technique, observation technique, and theoretical triangulation technique. Data were analyzed using politeness model of Brown-Levinson and Leech supported by analysis of politeness model of Indonesian socio-cultural harmony. The results of this research indicated that the form of public's directive speech acts in supervising government policy plan through social media appeared to be actualized into suggesting, criticizing, reminding, appealing, calling, and reminding. The realization of the category of directive speech acts of politeness indicated that the Indonesian people are participatory and accommodative towards a new plan of policy that brings benefits and good for all. The category of the politeness strategies of directive speech acts are begging and asking had a small frequency because to control the government policy plan which is essential to the value order of people's lives requires strict harmonious control. The Indonesian people had a trend to use positive politeness methods in providing input to the government. The public at the general level still showed social awareness and sensitivity towards government policy plans that are circulated through social media coverage. The forms and intentions developing on social media can be wrapped into teaching materials to strengthen character education and the values of politeness for children in the learning process at school. This can be carried out by criticizing the news circulating on social media through positive politeness strategies and wisdom maxim. The wisdom maxim instilled in children is a vital pillar in strengthening children's character education in the era of global communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Observaciones sobre algunos textos gastronómicos de Micenas

ΣΤΙΣ ΑΜΜΟΥΔΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΟΜΗΡΟΥ: Homenaje a la Profesora Olga Omatos, 2007, ISBN 978-84-9860-011-7, págs. 831-842, 2007

I Na,late could not be converted to an ''increasing'' morphology by application of isoproterenol,... more I Na,late could not be converted to an ''increasing'' morphology by application of isoproterenol, calmodulin, AP-like ramp voltage command or command APs recorded from guinea pig cells. Conventional voltage clamp experiments revealed that the ''increasing'' I Na,late profile in guinea pig is determined by the slow decay of I Na,late in this species. I Na,late was increased by isoproterenol but not by calmodulin in canine myocytes. When APs were recorded from multicellular ventricular preparations with sharp microelectrode, tetrodotoxin decreased AP duration in a reverse rate-dependent manner, which effect was the largest in human, while smaller in canine and the smallest in guinea pig preparations. The shape of I Na,late under the AP is likely determined by the different inactivation kinetics of the sodium channels that generate I Na,late. Variances between different species in the actual sodium channel subtypes that contribute to I Na,late might underlie the differences observed in the macroscopic current. Canine myocytes seems to be the best model of human ventricular cells regarding I Na,late .

Research paper thumbnail of De synonymia Mycenaea: términos griegos equivalentes de distintos reinos micénicos

Conuentus Classicorum: temas y formas del Mundo Clásico, Vol. 1, 2017, ISBN 978-84-697-8214-9, págs. 381-388, 2017

En este trabajo se aborda la cuestión de la variedad léxica para designar conceptos y objetos, de... more En este trabajo se aborda la cuestión de la variedad léxica para designar conceptos y objetos, desde un punto de vista funcional, atestiguada en las inscripciones en Lineal B, sin entrar en la noción teórica de sinónimo. En concreto, se analizan tres grupos de términos significativos funcionalmente equivalentes en los registros micénicos: 1) ko-wa/o ≈ tu-ka-te, i-jo, u-jo ≈ ¿ki-ra?: «hija/o»; 2) pa-ro da-mo, da-mi-jo ≈ ko-na: «de la comunidad», y 3) tu-ro₂ ≈ ¿*190?: «queso».

Research paper thumbnail of L'ús de les tauletes micèniques per a l'explicació d'Homer a COU

Els Clasics greco-llatins. Idees per a un temps., 1996

Research paper thumbnail of “Snakes” in the Mycenaean Texts?

Research paper thumbnail of Les modalités du contrôle palatial à Mycènes

Ktèma : civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques, 2001

Evidence for palatial administration in Mycenae during the Bronze Age is very limited, because on... more Evidence for palatial administration in Mycenae during the Bronze Age is very limited, because only 73 inscriptions in Linear B, which date from 1250 and 1200 BC., have reached us from this site. Most of the inscriptions, 63 documents, come from a block of four buildings outside the Acropolis : the West House, the House of Shields, the House of the Oil Merchant and the House of Sphinxes. This fact has been interpreted by some scholars as evidence for an administrative decentralization, or for a "mixed" domestic and official nature of these buildings. Nevertheless, an accurate analysis of the inscriptions together with the archeological record found in situ shows the exclusively palatial condition of these "houses".

Research paper thumbnail of Per a la Roseli

fessió és literalment vital i forma part tan indissociable del que són que no hi ha cap imperatiu... more fessió és literalment vital i forma part tan indissociable del que són que no hi ha cap imperatiu administratiu o legal que pugui posar fi a la seva activitat. La Professora Rosa-Araceli Santiago —Roseli, per a tots els seus amics— és una d’aquestes persones. Algú en qui es compleix aquella màxima de Soló «envelleixo aprenent sempre moltes coses», perquè en ella no ha decrescut mai ni la curiositat ni l’afany per comprendre millor el llegat del món grec antic en cadascun dels textos que ens n’han arribat. Ben al contrari: avui més que mai, el seu interès per l’estudi de les fonts gregues es desplega en un ventall amplíssim de testimonis i de temes, i amb un entusiasme i energia desbordants encavalca una recerca rere una altra, aparentment infatigable. Tots els que hem treballat de prop amb la Roseli sabem que és intel·lectualment inquieta, que no s’acomoda a les idees preconcebudes ni li agrada que els altres ho facin, perquè creu amb fermesa en la capacitat humana de pensar lliurem...

Research paper thumbnail of Un posible testimonio de tierra comunitaria en Micenas: la tablilla MY Ue 652 + 656

The possible evidence of a plot of land belonging to the rural community on the Linear B tablet M... more The possible evidence of a plot of land belonging to the rural community on the Linear B tablet MY Ue 652, the only recording land in Mycenae, is here considered, basing on the proposed equivalence of the term ko-na ‘common’ in this tablet to the phrase pa-ro da-mo ‘from the dāmos’, recorded on the PY Eb/Ep series. The two other Linear B evidence of ko-na, on tablets PY Ep 212.3 and TH X 105.1, are also discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Observations on the Mycenaean Vocabulary of Furniture and Vessels

Research paper thumbnail of Retórica e ideología en los discursos de la "Anábasis" de Jenofonte: un caso particular (An. 5.8.13-26)

Dic Mihi Mvsa Virvm Homenaje Al Profesor Antonio Lopez Eire 2010 Isbn 978 84 7800 201 6 Pags 677 684, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Algunas consideraciones en torno a las tablillas textiles (serie OE) de Micenas

Actas Del Viii Congreso Espanol De Estudios Clasicos Vol 1 1994 Isbn 84 7882 127 9 Pags 315 322, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Fiestas religiosas griegas de tradición micénica

Perfiles De Grecia Y Roma Actas Del Xii Congreso Espanol De Estudios Clasicos Valencia 22 Al 26 De Octubre De 2007 I 2009 Isbn 978 84 692 3516 4 Pags 649 656, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Testimonios de Orestes y de Alcmeón antes de Esquilo

Ix Congreso Espanol De Estudios Clasicos Madrid 27 Al 30 De Septiembre De 1995 Vol 4 1998 Isbn 84 7882 263 1 Pags 351 355, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografía de la profesora Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez

Faventia, 2008

1985 12. «Algunas observaciones sobre el mito de Edipo antes de los trágicos», Habis 16, pp. 43-6... more 1985 12. «Algunas observaciones sobre el mito de Edipo antes de los trágicos», Habis 16, pp. 43-65. 1986 13. «Algunos ejemplos del tratamiento del mito por los trágicos», en El teatre grec i romà.

Research paper thumbnail of Cerátadas de Tebas: un "General de alquiler" (Xen. "An." VII 1.33-41)

Actas Del X Congreso Espanol De Estudios Clasicos Vol 3 2001 Isbn 84 7882 453 7 Pags 203 208, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Hesíodo

Research paper thumbnail of Sófocles

Carlos VARIAS GARCÍA THESAURUS: tragedia; héroe trágico; drama satírico; Épo... more Carlos VARIAS GARCÍA THESAURUS: tragedia; héroe trágico; drama satírico; Época Clásica; Atenas; democracia; Heródoto. OTROS ARTÍCULOS RELACIONADOS CON EL TEMA EN LICEUS: 23. La tragedia. Orígenes de la tragedia. Características generales de la tragedia griega. La tragedia anterior a Esquilo. 24. Esquilo. 26. Eurípides. 29. El drama satírico.

Research paper thumbnail of Esquilo

23. La tragedia. Orígenes de la tragedia. Características generales de la tragedia griega. La tra... more 23. La tragedia. Orígenes de la tragedia. Características generales de la tragedia griega. La tragedia anterior a Esquilo. 25. Sófocles. 26. Eurípides. 29. El drama satírico.

Research paper thumbnail of La tragedia. Orígenes de la tragedia. Características generales de la tragedia griega. La tragedia anterior a Esquilo.

Research paper thumbnail of Los poemas homéricos: Ilíada, Odisea. Los Himnos Homéricos y la Batracomiomaquia.

Carlos Varias García -Los poemas homéricos: Ilíada, Odisea. Los Himnos Homéricos y la Batracomiom... more Carlos Varias García -Los poemas homéricos: Ilíada, Odisea. Los Himnos Homéricos y la Batracomiomaquia. -0 -© 2005 -E-excellence LOS POEMAS HOMÉRICOS: ILÍADA, ODISEA. LOS HIMNOS HOMÉRICOS Y LA BATRACOMIOMAQUIA. ISBN-84-9822-200-1 Carlos Varias García THESAURUS: poesía épica; Homero; cuestión homérica; Época Arcaica; lírica popular; poemas burlescos. OTROS ARTÍCULOS RELACIONADOS CON EL TEMA EN LICEUS: 2. La poesía épica. 4. Hesíodo.

Research paper thumbnail of La poesía épica

Research paper thumbnail of Suplemento al Diccionario Micenico (DMic. Supl.)- DGE Suplemento VII

Suplemento al Diccionario Micénico (DMic-Supl.), 2020

INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Necesidad de actualizar el DMic.