Andrei Asandulesei | Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi (original) (raw)


Papers by Andrei Asandulesei

Research paper thumbnail of From One to Many: LiDAR-based Targeted Detection and Spatial Distribution of the Burial Mounds from Bahluiet River Catchment (NE Romania)

The Bronze Age in Eastern Europe. Multidisciplinary approaches (V. Diaconu, A. Gafincu, eds.), 2023

The north-eastern part of Romania is characterized by the presence of numerous burial mounds, mos... more The north-eastern part of Romania is characterized by the presence of numerous burial mounds, most of them unexplored and less understood. Previous research confirmed this funerary practice since prehistoric periods and up to medieval times. So far, no efforts have been made in order to systematically record these monuments and to establish their
chronology. Also, many of these sites are threatened by natural or human-induced risk factors, being irreversibly destroyed. One of the main hazards is represented by agricultural activities and intensive grazing. In this study, a new methodological approach based on high-resolution non-destructive ground-based geophysical and airborne sensing techniques (vertical gradient magnetometry, Electrical Resistance Tomography, oblique aerial photography, photogrammetry and LiDAR) has been applied for the Bahluieț River catchment in order to better pinpoint the location and to characterize the micromorphology of the tumuli monuments. A quick view of the specialized literature for the aforementioned region documented only 36 such sites, relatively accurate located. Using high-resolution digital elevation models, derived from LiDAR measurements, we were able to highly increase the number of this type of sites (adding 129 novel mounds) and to reconsider their spatial distribution within the landscape of the Bahluieț River catchment, most of them being located on the interfluves and the gentle slopes from the northern part of the basin.
Usually, we can distinguish one or two mounds bigger and better reserved than the ones surrounding them that are, in most cases, flattened. Although this endeavor proved to be a difficult one, we find it very important in the context of the bigger problem regarding the preservation of this type of monuments, threatened by destruction especially because of the intensive modern agricultural practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical Prospecting Regarding the Fortification Systems in Chalcolithic Cucuteni Culture from Romania

Research paper thumbnail of Ground Penetrating Radar as Noninvasive Method Used in Soil Science and Archaeology

Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone, 2014

Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"-Iași Facultatea de Geografie și Geologie D e p a r t a m e n t u l d ... more Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"-Iași Facultatea de Geografie și Geologie D e p a r t a m e n t u l d e G e o g r a fie Aca d emia Română F ili al a di n I aș i Colectivul de Geografie

Research paper thumbnail of Use of the 3-D scanner in mapping and monitoring the dynamic degradation of soils: case study of the Cucuteni-Baiceni Gully on the Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Mar 22, 2012

The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was f... more The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was first used nationally (Romania) as a new technique of cartography and monitoring the dynamics of soil degradation processes in the Moldavian Plateau. Three sets of measurements took place: in 2008, in 2009 and in 2010, at intervals of exactly one year for the first and six months for the second part. Qualitative and quantitative differences were highlighted. The data obtained were corroborated with precipitation in the area studied. The 3-D scanner has a measurement accuracy of 6 mm. The map highlights the dynamics of gullies developed and may form the basis for the prediction of soil degradation phenomena. The dynamics of the gully and the type of land use show that the phenomenon of erosion of the Moldova Plateau will continue to accelerate. In this case, the gully attacked and destroyed an archaeological site of national importance. The rate of advance of the Cucuteni-Baiceni gully is extremely high (10 m/1.6 years). There are no measures at all to reduce or fight the process of the gully advance. Maximum erosion occurred at the beginning of spring after a winter rich in rainfall, which made the terrain subject to the process of subsidence.

Research paper thumbnail of Soils as Archive of Cultural Heritage: An Underrated Soil Function in Current EU Policy

Social Science Research Network, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Standardization of Archaeological Soils Classification and Mapping with Wrb - Case Studies from Eastern Romania

Social Science Research Network, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Use of Natural Brine

Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Jul 13, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Raking over the Ashes—The Analysis of the LBA Ashmounds from NE Romania

Remote Sensing

During the end of the Bronze Age, the territory of present-day eastern Romania was occupied by No... more During the end of the Bronze Age, the territory of present-day eastern Romania was occupied by Noua communities, belonging to the Noua-Sabatinovka-Coslogeni (NSC) cultural complex. Although these communities have left us a large number of archaeological sites, this period is rather poorly known and understood, mostly because the investigation of Late Bronze Age (LBA) sites is very rare, usually consisting of small test trenches or fieldwalks. The main characteristic of these communities and the subject of our study is represented by the so-called ashmounds (grey, quasi-circular spots, visible on the soil surface, with small elevations and diameters of 25–30 m), present inside most settlements. Our paper aims at highlighting the spatial characteristics of these sites, using GIS (Geographic Information System) tools, as well as aerial photographs, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) measurements, magnetometry and geo-electrical methods, in order to identify the relationship existing b...

Research paper thumbnail of GIS methods for assessment of hydrogeomorphic risk and anthropogenic impact which affect the archaeological sites. Case study: Dealul Mare archaeological site, Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

Acta Geobalcanica, 2016

On the territory of Moldova Plateau (Eastern Romania), the degradation of prehistoric archaeologi... more On the territory of Moldova Plateau (Eastern Romania), the degradation of prehistoric archaeological sites is a major issue concerning their conservation. The intensification of soil erosion, actual geomorphological processes and human impact (agriculture, over-grazing, exploitation) are the main causes leading to their destruction. For this reason, different approaches and methods, from scientifical works, were used to assess the intensity of erosion in this region of the country, but most of them have focused only on soil degradation. This study proposes a GIS method, to evaluate not only hydrogeomorphological hazards but also human impact that affecting archaeological sites, which use multiple thematic layers quantified in a single evaluating system (Likerd-type scale). A risk map was generated on 1sqkm extend and based on geoformula, which was adapted for a case study (Dealul Mare archaeological site). In calculation of this geoformula were inserted the following parameters: slope, the occurrence frequency for landslides based on aspect classes, potential water flow erosion depending on land use, potential soil types erosion, surface and liniar erosion, landslides and slope gravitational processes and human impact. The spatial analysis use a digital terrain model (DTM) with a high precision (0.25 sqm/pixel), based on LiDAR technology. Contrary to the traditional scientifical papers, characterized by subjectivity, in this study the detailed identification of risk areas was allowed by a largescale analysis. The proposed method can be applied to all archaeological sites, in Moldova Plateau, and also can be a tool for commencement of conservation works for archaeological sites which can be at risk of being destroyed.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of the 3-D scanner in mapping and monitoring the dynamic degradation of soils: case study of the Cucuteni-Baiceni Gully on the Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012

The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was f... more The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was first used nationally (Romania) as a new technique of cartography and monitoring the dynamics of soil degradation processes in the Moldavian Plateau. Three sets of measurements took place: in 2008, in 2009 and in 2010, at intervals of exactly one year for the first and six months for the second part. Qualitative and quantitative differences were highlighted. The data obtained were corroborated with precipitation in the area studied. The 3-D scanner has a measurement accuracy of 6 mm. The map highlights the dynamics of gullies developed and may form the basis for the prediction of soil degradation phenomena. The dynamics of the gully and the type of land use show that the phenomenon of erosion of the Moldova Plateau will continue to accelerate. In this case, the gully attacked and destroyed an archaeological site of national importance. The rate of advance of the Cucuteni-Baiceni gully is extremely high (10 m/1.6 years). There are no measures at all to reduce or fight the process of the gully advance. Maximum erosion occurred at the beginning of spring after a winter rich in rainfall, which made the terrain subject to the process of subsidence.

Research paper thumbnail of In the Neo-Assyrian Border March of the Palace Herald

The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tools, means of transportation and recipients used for the extraction, storage and consumption of rock salt and brine in the extra-Carpathian areas (Romania)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 12, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Așezarea precucuteniană de la Isaiia–Balta Popii (com. Răducăneni, jud. Iași, România) – cercetări arheologice interdisciplinare

Cercetări Arheologice

Cele 15 campanii de săpături întreprinse în situl Isaiia-Balta Popii, în perioada 1996-2018, au a... more Cele 15 campanii de săpături întreprinse în situl Isaiia-Balta Popii, în perioada 1996-2018, au avut ca rezultat dezvelirea aproape integrală a unei bogate așezări din eneoliticul timpuriu (cultura Precucuteni) și obținerea unor date de mare importanță pentru înțelegerea evoluției și cunoașterea vieții materiale și spirituale a acestei civilizații, mai ales în spațiul dintre râurile Prut și Siret. Locul, situat în apropiere de confluența Prutului cu Jijia, a atras, prin condițiile mediului favorabil și comunități din alte perioade: cultura ceramicii liniare din neoliticul dezvoltat, Bronz timpuriu și mijlociu, Hallstatt timpuriu (cultura Corlăteni), o necropolă sarmatică, perioada medievală timpurie (cultura Răducăneni) şi epoca modernă. Aşezarea Precucuteni a cunoscut trei secvențe de locuire, încadrate în etapa evoluată a fazei a II-a și la începutul fazei a III-a a acestei culturi. Așezarea a ocupat o suprafață de aproape 4000 m 2 , fiind delimitată de un șanț de apărare, cu traseu aproximativ semicircular. Dintre cele 14 locuințe cercetate, 11 (toate de suprafață) aparțineau locuirii Precucuteni. În cele mai multe cazuri, locuințele au avut șanțuri de fundație, în care se înfigeau stâlpii de susținere a pereților. Dintre descoperiri, se remarcă ansamblul de piese de cult din locuința nr. 1, care a permis să se vorbească despre existența unei magii a numerelor. Cercetările au îmbrăcat și un caracter interdisciplinar variat (cu sprijinul specialiștilor de la Centrul Arheoinvest al Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași), vizând atât cercetarea propriu-zisă de teren, cât şi interpretarea rezultatelor. Articolul prezintă principalele rezultate obținute prin analize geografic-pedologice, topografice, geologice, prospecțiuni geomagnetice, arheozoologice, paleobotanice, palinologice, traseologice (utilaj litic şi MDA), imagini satelitare şi aeriene, arheologie experimentală şi analize fizico-chimice pentru diverse categorii de artefacte, datări radiocarbon etc.). Toate acestea au adus date importante pentru obținerea unei imagini de ansamblu asupra paleomediului din această microzonă, precum şi asupra organizării interne a aşezării. Résumé: L'habitat Précucuteni de Isaiia-Balta Popii (com. de Răducăneni, dép. de Iaşi; Roumanie)-recherches archéologiques et interdisciplinaires Les 15 campagnes de fouilles dans le site de Isaiia-Balta Popii, effectuées entre 1996 et 2018, ont eu comme résultat le dévoilement presque intégral d'un riche habitat de l'Enéolithique ancien (la culture Précucuteni) et l'obtention de quelques données importantes pour la connaissance de l'évolution et de la vie matérielle et spirituelle de cette civilisation dans l'espace entre les rivières Prout et Siret. L'endroit, situé tout près de la confluence du Prout avec la Jijia, a attiré également, par les conditions favorables de l'environnement, des communautés d'autres périodes historiques: Néolithique évolué (la culture de la céramique rubanée), Bronze ancien et moyen, Hallstatt ancien (la culture Corlăteni), une nécropole des Sarmates, Haut Moyen Âge (la culture Răducăneni) et l'époque moderne. L'habitat Précucuteni, qui a occupé une surface de presque 4000 m 2 , délimité par un fossé de défense, sous la

Research paper thumbnail of Roman Army and Salt Exploitation in Dacia


The authors study the connections between salt resources, salt exploitation and Roman army in Dac... more The authors study the connections between salt resources, salt exploitation and Roman army in Dacia. Even though salt resources are attested almost across the entire province of Dacia (excepting perhaps the western part), the eastern part is the richest not only in salt deposits, but also salt springs. Salt was important not only for the troops (food-nutrition and preservation, hide and leather processing, horses' and other animals' alimentation), but also for the civilian population. The army needed salt not only for its own purposes, but for distributing it in the rest of the province. However, despite the important role of the army concerning the salt resources' protection, we have to pay attention also at he other missions the troops were charged with.

Research paper thumbnail of Cesium Magnetometer Survey in the Cucuteni Settlement of Fulgeriş - La Trei Cireşi, Bacău County, Romania

Romanian Reports in Physics

The archaeological site of Fulgeriş-La trei cireşi, belonging to the A3 phase of the Cucuteni cul... more The archaeological site of Fulgeriş-La trei cireşi, belonging to the A3 phase of the Cucuteni culture, is situated in the southeastern part of Bacău county, on a part of a cuesta of the Tutova Hillocks, at a relative altitude of 75 m. It is an elevated settlement, enjoying natural protection on three of its sides, with an approximate surface area of one hectare, out of which were researched 393.5 m 2 (from 2003-2010). The main purpose of the geophysical prospections of the summer of 2009, when a cesium vapor magnetometer was used, was to identify the fortification elements specific to this type of settlement and to establish a new archaeological research strategy. This paper presents the interpretation of the large magnetic anomalies observed on the settlement's unprotected side, typical for a double excavated structure (ditches). Archaeological researches from 2010 have confirmed the results obtained using the geomagnetic prospection method, with two defense ditches, of different sizes, identified.

Research paper thumbnail of The tell settlement from Vătaşi Măgura (Teleorman County, Romania)

Discovered in 2011 by the Chronos team, the tell from Vătaşi Măgura is located at the limit betwe... more Discovered in 2011 by the Chronos team, the tell from Vătaşi Măgura is located at the limit between the floodplain and the lower left terrace of the Dâmbovnic river; in the vicinity, there are a few springs, at approximately 820 meters West from the village church. At the foot of the terrace, a small stream flows, a left tributary of the Dâmbovnic River. Through magnetometric scanning of the southern area of the tell, a delimitation trench was revealed, which was made at the base of the anthropic mound. The separation element was also identified based on aerial photographies. Also a series of soil corings made on two main transects, North-South and East-West oriented, showed the existence of a stratigraphy thicker than 2.50 meters. Moreover, in the areas between the inhabited space itself – which was central, and the delimitation ditch of the tell, a series of sediments were identified, which can be connected to the conscious action of erecting the anthropic mound. 100 meters North ...

Research paper thumbnail of Science Revealing Ancient Magic: Phytolith Evidence from the Early Chalcolithic Site of Isaiia (Eastern Romania)


The article presents the palaeobotanical investigations of a remarkable discovery from the Early ... more The article presents the palaeobotanical investigations of a remarkable discovery from the Early Chalcolithic settlement of Isaiia–Balta Popii (Romania), a multi-layered site. The excavation of a dwelling brought to light a rather rare finding, meaning a medium sized ceramic vessel having deposited inside two objects of burnt clay: an anthropomorphic figurine depicting pregnancy attributes and a small cone. Given the special character of the deposition, several samples from the vessel and near it were collected for phytolith analysis. Our results highlighted a ritual plant deposition: Elongate dendritic and Blocky morphotypes suggest that cereals and probably Artemisia seem to have been used for this purpose. These plants are known, aside from their practical uses, as powerful symbols, used through the ages in magic practices. All of these facts are strong arguments to interpret this find as a result of a ritual related to fertility involving both feminine and masculine symbols and ...

Research paper thumbnail of FONTES PERENNITATIS Studia in honorem magistri Nicolae Ursulescu octogesimum annum peragentis

Research paper thumbnail of A Chalcolithic Pottery Kiln from the Cucuteni-Cetățuie Settlement (Iași County, Romania

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 28(2), 2022

As a result of the magnetic survey on an area of more than five hectares, located southwest of Ce... more As a result of the magnetic survey on an area of more than five hectares, located southwest of Cetățuie, we are currently aware of an extension of the Cucutenian habitation, consisting of numerous burned and unburned structures, pits and two defensive ditches in the form of circular arcs. The magnetic map allowed, beginning with the 2017 campaign, the placement of smaller (test trenches) or larger excavation units for the verification of various types of anomalies (burnt houses, defence ditch, pits). In the last (2022) campaign, in addition to investigating a defensive ditch and a dwelling, it was decided to excavate also an anomaly initially considered a pit. The surprise was the identification of a pottery kiln, belonging to phase B of the Cucuteni culture, located in the immediate vicinity of the last defensive ditch (in the northwestern part of the settlement). Its excavation revealed a quasi-unique type of pottery firing installation, partially buried, updraught, with two chambers (a lower, combustion chamber, and an upper firing chamber). Its unique feature is the absence of the usual stoking chamber and stoking pit for fuel supply in front of the kiln. Instead, the kiln had an elongated stoke hole, placed laterally, which communicated with just one channel, to the south. Being a rather rare discovery, at least in the Cucuteni area west of the Prut River, the presence of this kiln brings evidence of the specialized practice of the pottery craft in the eponymous settlement and nuances the known typology of pottery firing installations in the prehistory of southeastern Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări interdisciplinare în siturile arheologice din secolele IV-III a. Chr. din preajma localitătii Cogâlniceni (raionul Rezina, Republica Moldova)

Cercetări Arheologice

In the Eastern Carpathian area, as a result of archaeological research, many archaeological sites... more In the Eastern Carpathian area, as a result of archaeological research, many archaeological sites were discovered, which were attributed to the Getae communities of the 4th-3rd centuries BC. They are usually concentrated in “agglomerations”, which consist of hillforts, open settlements and, less often, necropolises. Such an “agglomeration” was recently investigated near Cogâlniceni village in the Rezina district, Republic of Moldova. Here, in a favourable natural environment, there were four settlements and a hillfort, which, according to the materials found, can be dated to the 4th-3rd centuries BC. Particular attention in the process of research was paid to the hillfort “Cetățuie”, where aerial and geophysical surveys were carried out, as well as a trial trench. The results obtained indicate that this hillfort served as a refuge, which sheltered the communities from the surrounding open settlements in times of danger.

Research paper thumbnail of From One to Many: LiDAR-based Targeted Detection and Spatial Distribution of the Burial Mounds from Bahluiet River Catchment (NE Romania)

The Bronze Age in Eastern Europe. Multidisciplinary approaches (V. Diaconu, A. Gafincu, eds.), 2023

The north-eastern part of Romania is characterized by the presence of numerous burial mounds, mos... more The north-eastern part of Romania is characterized by the presence of numerous burial mounds, most of them unexplored and less understood. Previous research confirmed this funerary practice since prehistoric periods and up to medieval times. So far, no efforts have been made in order to systematically record these monuments and to establish their
chronology. Also, many of these sites are threatened by natural or human-induced risk factors, being irreversibly destroyed. One of the main hazards is represented by agricultural activities and intensive grazing. In this study, a new methodological approach based on high-resolution non-destructive ground-based geophysical and airborne sensing techniques (vertical gradient magnetometry, Electrical Resistance Tomography, oblique aerial photography, photogrammetry and LiDAR) has been applied for the Bahluieț River catchment in order to better pinpoint the location and to characterize the micromorphology of the tumuli monuments. A quick view of the specialized literature for the aforementioned region documented only 36 such sites, relatively accurate located. Using high-resolution digital elevation models, derived from LiDAR measurements, we were able to highly increase the number of this type of sites (adding 129 novel mounds) and to reconsider their spatial distribution within the landscape of the Bahluieț River catchment, most of them being located on the interfluves and the gentle slopes from the northern part of the basin.
Usually, we can distinguish one or two mounds bigger and better reserved than the ones surrounding them that are, in most cases, flattened. Although this endeavor proved to be a difficult one, we find it very important in the context of the bigger problem regarding the preservation of this type of monuments, threatened by destruction especially because of the intensive modern agricultural practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical Prospecting Regarding the Fortification Systems in Chalcolithic Cucuteni Culture from Romania

Research paper thumbnail of Ground Penetrating Radar as Noninvasive Method Used in Soil Science and Archaeology

Soil Forming Factors and Processes from the Temperate Zone, 2014

Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"-Iași Facultatea de Geografie și Geologie D e p a r t a m e n t u l d ... more Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza"-Iași Facultatea de Geografie și Geologie D e p a r t a m e n t u l d e G e o g r a fie Aca d emia Română F ili al a di n I aș i Colectivul de Geografie

Research paper thumbnail of Use of the 3-D scanner in mapping and monitoring the dynamic degradation of soils: case study of the Cucuteni-Baiceni Gully on the Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Mar 22, 2012

The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was f... more The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was first used nationally (Romania) as a new technique of cartography and monitoring the dynamics of soil degradation processes in the Moldavian Plateau. Three sets of measurements took place: in 2008, in 2009 and in 2010, at intervals of exactly one year for the first and six months for the second part. Qualitative and quantitative differences were highlighted. The data obtained were corroborated with precipitation in the area studied. The 3-D scanner has a measurement accuracy of 6 mm. The map highlights the dynamics of gullies developed and may form the basis for the prediction of soil degradation phenomena. The dynamics of the gully and the type of land use show that the phenomenon of erosion of the Moldova Plateau will continue to accelerate. In this case, the gully attacked and destroyed an archaeological site of national importance. The rate of advance of the Cucuteni-Baiceni gully is extremely high (10 m/1.6 years). There are no measures at all to reduce or fight the process of the gully advance. Maximum erosion occurred at the beginning of spring after a winter rich in rainfall, which made the terrain subject to the process of subsidence.

Research paper thumbnail of Soils as Archive of Cultural Heritage: An Underrated Soil Function in Current EU Policy

Social Science Research Network, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Standardization of Archaeological Soils Classification and Mapping with Wrb - Case Studies from Eastern Romania

Social Science Research Network, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Use of Natural Brine

Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Jul 13, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Raking over the Ashes—The Analysis of the LBA Ashmounds from NE Romania

Remote Sensing

During the end of the Bronze Age, the territory of present-day eastern Romania was occupied by No... more During the end of the Bronze Age, the territory of present-day eastern Romania was occupied by Noua communities, belonging to the Noua-Sabatinovka-Coslogeni (NSC) cultural complex. Although these communities have left us a large number of archaeological sites, this period is rather poorly known and understood, mostly because the investigation of Late Bronze Age (LBA) sites is very rare, usually consisting of small test trenches or fieldwalks. The main characteristic of these communities and the subject of our study is represented by the so-called ashmounds (grey, quasi-circular spots, visible on the soil surface, with small elevations and diameters of 25–30 m), present inside most settlements. Our paper aims at highlighting the spatial characteristics of these sites, using GIS (Geographic Information System) tools, as well as aerial photographs, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) measurements, magnetometry and geo-electrical methods, in order to identify the relationship existing b...

Research paper thumbnail of GIS methods for assessment of hydrogeomorphic risk and anthropogenic impact which affect the archaeological sites. Case study: Dealul Mare archaeological site, Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

Acta Geobalcanica, 2016

On the territory of Moldova Plateau (Eastern Romania), the degradation of prehistoric archaeologi... more On the territory of Moldova Plateau (Eastern Romania), the degradation of prehistoric archaeological sites is a major issue concerning their conservation. The intensification of soil erosion, actual geomorphological processes and human impact (agriculture, over-grazing, exploitation) are the main causes leading to their destruction. For this reason, different approaches and methods, from scientifical works, were used to assess the intensity of erosion in this region of the country, but most of them have focused only on soil degradation. This study proposes a GIS method, to evaluate not only hydrogeomorphological hazards but also human impact that affecting archaeological sites, which use multiple thematic layers quantified in a single evaluating system (Likerd-type scale). A risk map was generated on 1sqkm extend and based on geoformula, which was adapted for a case study (Dealul Mare archaeological site). In calculation of this geoformula were inserted the following parameters: slope, the occurrence frequency for landslides based on aspect classes, potential water flow erosion depending on land use, potential soil types erosion, surface and liniar erosion, landslides and slope gravitational processes and human impact. The spatial analysis use a digital terrain model (DTM) with a high precision (0.25 sqm/pixel), based on LiDAR technology. Contrary to the traditional scientifical papers, characterized by subjectivity, in this study the detailed identification of risk areas was allowed by a largescale analysis. The proposed method can be applied to all archaeological sites, in Moldova Plateau, and also can be a tool for commencement of conservation works for archaeological sites which can be at risk of being destroyed.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of the 3-D scanner in mapping and monitoring the dynamic degradation of soils: case study of the Cucuteni-Baiceni Gully on the Moldavian Plateau (Romania)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012

The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was f... more The 3-D scanner, a rapid and precise means of monitoring the dynamics of erosive processes, was first used nationally (Romania) as a new technique of cartography and monitoring the dynamics of soil degradation processes in the Moldavian Plateau. Three sets of measurements took place: in 2008, in 2009 and in 2010, at intervals of exactly one year for the first and six months for the second part. Qualitative and quantitative differences were highlighted. The data obtained were corroborated with precipitation in the area studied. The 3-D scanner has a measurement accuracy of 6 mm. The map highlights the dynamics of gullies developed and may form the basis for the prediction of soil degradation phenomena. The dynamics of the gully and the type of land use show that the phenomenon of erosion of the Moldova Plateau will continue to accelerate. In this case, the gully attacked and destroyed an archaeological site of national importance. The rate of advance of the Cucuteni-Baiceni gully is extremely high (10 m/1.6 years). There are no measures at all to reduce or fight the process of the gully advance. Maximum erosion occurred at the beginning of spring after a winter rich in rainfall, which made the terrain subject to the process of subsidence.

Research paper thumbnail of In the Neo-Assyrian Border March of the Palace Herald

The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tools, means of transportation and recipients used for the extraction, storage and consumption of rock salt and brine in the extra-Carpathian areas (Romania)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 12, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Așezarea precucuteniană de la Isaiia–Balta Popii (com. Răducăneni, jud. Iași, România) – cercetări arheologice interdisciplinare

Cercetări Arheologice

Cele 15 campanii de săpături întreprinse în situl Isaiia-Balta Popii, în perioada 1996-2018, au a... more Cele 15 campanii de săpături întreprinse în situl Isaiia-Balta Popii, în perioada 1996-2018, au avut ca rezultat dezvelirea aproape integrală a unei bogate așezări din eneoliticul timpuriu (cultura Precucuteni) și obținerea unor date de mare importanță pentru înțelegerea evoluției și cunoașterea vieții materiale și spirituale a acestei civilizații, mai ales în spațiul dintre râurile Prut și Siret. Locul, situat în apropiere de confluența Prutului cu Jijia, a atras, prin condițiile mediului favorabil și comunități din alte perioade: cultura ceramicii liniare din neoliticul dezvoltat, Bronz timpuriu și mijlociu, Hallstatt timpuriu (cultura Corlăteni), o necropolă sarmatică, perioada medievală timpurie (cultura Răducăneni) şi epoca modernă. Aşezarea Precucuteni a cunoscut trei secvențe de locuire, încadrate în etapa evoluată a fazei a II-a și la începutul fazei a III-a a acestei culturi. Așezarea a ocupat o suprafață de aproape 4000 m 2 , fiind delimitată de un șanț de apărare, cu traseu aproximativ semicircular. Dintre cele 14 locuințe cercetate, 11 (toate de suprafață) aparțineau locuirii Precucuteni. În cele mai multe cazuri, locuințele au avut șanțuri de fundație, în care se înfigeau stâlpii de susținere a pereților. Dintre descoperiri, se remarcă ansamblul de piese de cult din locuința nr. 1, care a permis să se vorbească despre existența unei magii a numerelor. Cercetările au îmbrăcat și un caracter interdisciplinar variat (cu sprijinul specialiștilor de la Centrul Arheoinvest al Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași), vizând atât cercetarea propriu-zisă de teren, cât şi interpretarea rezultatelor. Articolul prezintă principalele rezultate obținute prin analize geografic-pedologice, topografice, geologice, prospecțiuni geomagnetice, arheozoologice, paleobotanice, palinologice, traseologice (utilaj litic şi MDA), imagini satelitare şi aeriene, arheologie experimentală şi analize fizico-chimice pentru diverse categorii de artefacte, datări radiocarbon etc.). Toate acestea au adus date importante pentru obținerea unei imagini de ansamblu asupra paleomediului din această microzonă, precum şi asupra organizării interne a aşezării. Résumé: L'habitat Précucuteni de Isaiia-Balta Popii (com. de Răducăneni, dép. de Iaşi; Roumanie)-recherches archéologiques et interdisciplinaires Les 15 campagnes de fouilles dans le site de Isaiia-Balta Popii, effectuées entre 1996 et 2018, ont eu comme résultat le dévoilement presque intégral d'un riche habitat de l'Enéolithique ancien (la culture Précucuteni) et l'obtention de quelques données importantes pour la connaissance de l'évolution et de la vie matérielle et spirituelle de cette civilisation dans l'espace entre les rivières Prout et Siret. L'endroit, situé tout près de la confluence du Prout avec la Jijia, a attiré également, par les conditions favorables de l'environnement, des communautés d'autres périodes historiques: Néolithique évolué (la culture de la céramique rubanée), Bronze ancien et moyen, Hallstatt ancien (la culture Corlăteni), une nécropole des Sarmates, Haut Moyen Âge (la culture Răducăneni) et l'époque moderne. L'habitat Précucuteni, qui a occupé une surface de presque 4000 m 2 , délimité par un fossé de défense, sous la

Research paper thumbnail of Roman Army and Salt Exploitation in Dacia


The authors study the connections between salt resources, salt exploitation and Roman army in Dac... more The authors study the connections between salt resources, salt exploitation and Roman army in Dacia. Even though salt resources are attested almost across the entire province of Dacia (excepting perhaps the western part), the eastern part is the richest not only in salt deposits, but also salt springs. Salt was important not only for the troops (food-nutrition and preservation, hide and leather processing, horses' and other animals' alimentation), but also for the civilian population. The army needed salt not only for its own purposes, but for distributing it in the rest of the province. However, despite the important role of the army concerning the salt resources' protection, we have to pay attention also at he other missions the troops were charged with.

Research paper thumbnail of Cesium Magnetometer Survey in the Cucuteni Settlement of Fulgeriş - La Trei Cireşi, Bacău County, Romania

Romanian Reports in Physics

The archaeological site of Fulgeriş-La trei cireşi, belonging to the A3 phase of the Cucuteni cul... more The archaeological site of Fulgeriş-La trei cireşi, belonging to the A3 phase of the Cucuteni culture, is situated in the southeastern part of Bacău county, on a part of a cuesta of the Tutova Hillocks, at a relative altitude of 75 m. It is an elevated settlement, enjoying natural protection on three of its sides, with an approximate surface area of one hectare, out of which were researched 393.5 m 2 (from 2003-2010). The main purpose of the geophysical prospections of the summer of 2009, when a cesium vapor magnetometer was used, was to identify the fortification elements specific to this type of settlement and to establish a new archaeological research strategy. This paper presents the interpretation of the large magnetic anomalies observed on the settlement's unprotected side, typical for a double excavated structure (ditches). Archaeological researches from 2010 have confirmed the results obtained using the geomagnetic prospection method, with two defense ditches, of different sizes, identified.

Research paper thumbnail of The tell settlement from Vătaşi Măgura (Teleorman County, Romania)

Discovered in 2011 by the Chronos team, the tell from Vătaşi Măgura is located at the limit betwe... more Discovered in 2011 by the Chronos team, the tell from Vătaşi Măgura is located at the limit between the floodplain and the lower left terrace of the Dâmbovnic river; in the vicinity, there are a few springs, at approximately 820 meters West from the village church. At the foot of the terrace, a small stream flows, a left tributary of the Dâmbovnic River. Through magnetometric scanning of the southern area of the tell, a delimitation trench was revealed, which was made at the base of the anthropic mound. The separation element was also identified based on aerial photographies. Also a series of soil corings made on two main transects, North-South and East-West oriented, showed the existence of a stratigraphy thicker than 2.50 meters. Moreover, in the areas between the inhabited space itself – which was central, and the delimitation ditch of the tell, a series of sediments were identified, which can be connected to the conscious action of erecting the anthropic mound. 100 meters North ...

Research paper thumbnail of Science Revealing Ancient Magic: Phytolith Evidence from the Early Chalcolithic Site of Isaiia (Eastern Romania)


The article presents the palaeobotanical investigations of a remarkable discovery from the Early ... more The article presents the palaeobotanical investigations of a remarkable discovery from the Early Chalcolithic settlement of Isaiia–Balta Popii (Romania), a multi-layered site. The excavation of a dwelling brought to light a rather rare finding, meaning a medium sized ceramic vessel having deposited inside two objects of burnt clay: an anthropomorphic figurine depicting pregnancy attributes and a small cone. Given the special character of the deposition, several samples from the vessel and near it were collected for phytolith analysis. Our results highlighted a ritual plant deposition: Elongate dendritic and Blocky morphotypes suggest that cereals and probably Artemisia seem to have been used for this purpose. These plants are known, aside from their practical uses, as powerful symbols, used through the ages in magic practices. All of these facts are strong arguments to interpret this find as a result of a ritual related to fertility involving both feminine and masculine symbols and ...

Research paper thumbnail of FONTES PERENNITATIS Studia in honorem magistri Nicolae Ursulescu octogesimum annum peragentis

Research paper thumbnail of A Chalcolithic Pottery Kiln from the Cucuteni-Cetățuie Settlement (Iași County, Romania

Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 28(2), 2022

As a result of the magnetic survey on an area of more than five hectares, located southwest of Ce... more As a result of the magnetic survey on an area of more than five hectares, located southwest of Cetățuie, we are currently aware of an extension of the Cucutenian habitation, consisting of numerous burned and unburned structures, pits and two defensive ditches in the form of circular arcs. The magnetic map allowed, beginning with the 2017 campaign, the placement of smaller (test trenches) or larger excavation units for the verification of various types of anomalies (burnt houses, defence ditch, pits). In the last (2022) campaign, in addition to investigating a defensive ditch and a dwelling, it was decided to excavate also an anomaly initially considered a pit. The surprise was the identification of a pottery kiln, belonging to phase B of the Cucuteni culture, located in the immediate vicinity of the last defensive ditch (in the northwestern part of the settlement). Its excavation revealed a quasi-unique type of pottery firing installation, partially buried, updraught, with two chambers (a lower, combustion chamber, and an upper firing chamber). Its unique feature is the absence of the usual stoking chamber and stoking pit for fuel supply in front of the kiln. Instead, the kiln had an elongated stoke hole, placed laterally, which communicated with just one channel, to the south. Being a rather rare discovery, at least in the Cucuteni area west of the Prut River, the presence of this kiln brings evidence of the specialized practice of the pottery craft in the eponymous settlement and nuances the known typology of pottery firing installations in the prehistory of southeastern Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări interdisciplinare în siturile arheologice din secolele IV-III a. Chr. din preajma localitătii Cogâlniceni (raionul Rezina, Republica Moldova)

Cercetări Arheologice

In the Eastern Carpathian area, as a result of archaeological research, many archaeological sites... more In the Eastern Carpathian area, as a result of archaeological research, many archaeological sites were discovered, which were attributed to the Getae communities of the 4th-3rd centuries BC. They are usually concentrated in “agglomerations”, which consist of hillforts, open settlements and, less often, necropolises. Such an “agglomeration” was recently investigated near Cogâlniceni village in the Rezina district, Republic of Moldova. Here, in a favourable natural environment, there were four settlements and a hillfort, which, according to the materials found, can be dated to the 4th-3rd centuries BC. Particular attention in the process of research was paid to the hillfort “Cetățuie”, where aerial and geophysical surveys were carried out, as well as a trial trench. The results obtained indicate that this hillfort served as a refuge, which sheltered the communities from the surrounding open settlements in times of danger.

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner in Cartographing and Monitoring Relief Dynamics and Habitation Space from Various Historical Periods

Cartography — A Tool for Spatial Analysis, edited by Carlos Bateira, In Tech, Rijeka, 2012, ISBN: 978-953-51-0689-0, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of World Archaeo-Geophysics - Integrated minimally invasive approaches using country-based examples

Springer, 2024

This open access volume showcases the intersection of geophysics and archaeology on a global scal... more This open access volume showcases the intersection of geophysics and archaeology on a global scale, emphasising the evolution and application of geophysical methods in archaeological research and cultural heritage management. It compiles contributions from 74 experts based in 18 countries, with their research and case studies spanning across 24 different countries, focusing on the use of near-surface geophysical techniques and their integration with soil analyses and other methods to enrich archaeological interpretations. Prepared under the auspices of the collaborative network fostered by COST Action SAGA - CA17131, this work navigates through the successes and challenges encountered in the widespread adoption of archaeo-geophysical methods across diverse geographic and cultural landscapes. It offers a comprehensive chronicle of the genesis, maturation, and cutting-edge advancements in geophysical techniques, advocating for their amplified integration within the archaeological community. Incorporating an array of case studies and critical discussions on methodological and interpretive questions, the book underscores the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration, and defines perspectives for innovation and growth within the field. As an open-access work, 'WORLD ARCHAEO-GEOPHYSICS' aims to contribute to the democratisation of knowledge, fostering shared learning and cooperative engagement among professionals, academics, students and archaeology enthusiasts alike. Funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) and supported by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), this volume stands as a legacy of the resilient spirit of collaboration that defined the COST Action SAGA community, even in the face of pandemic challenges. It invites the academic and professional community to engage in new explorations and advancements, positioning itself as a reference for current and future endeavors in archaeo-geophysics.

Research paper thumbnail of GIS (Geographic Information System), fotogrametrie și geofizică în arheologie. Investigații non-invazive în așezări Cucuteni din România

GIS (Geographic Information System), fotogrametrie și geofizică în arheologie. Investigații non-invazive în așezări Cucuteni din România, 2015

Într-o încercare de a împleti armonios o componentă teoretică cu lucrul practic, lucrarea abordea... more Într-o încercare de a împleti armonios o componentă teoretică cu lucrul practic, lucrarea abordează un subiect de actualitate, ce se încadrează în tendințele recente de modernizare a arheologiei și a posibilităților de interpretare, prin aplicarea unor metode de cercetare provenite din domenii științifice diverse, subliniind, totodată, un profund caracter de interdisciplinaritate. Studiul de faţă se doreşte a fi unul metodologic, cu accent deosebit pe aplicarea în cercetarea culturii Cucuteni a analizelor de tip GIS (Geographic Information System), precum și a investigațiilor non-invazive, instrumente de lucru indispensabile unor astefel de inițiative, având ca deziderat principal descifrarea și interpretarea analitică a echilibrului geosistemic din perioada eneolitică.

Research paper thumbnail of S. MUSTEAŢĂ (ed.), Cetatea Soroca – istorie, memorie și tradiții secular. Materialele conferinței, Soroca, 4-5 aprilie 2013, Seria „Istorii și Documente Necunoscute - IDN”, C5, Chișinău, Editura ARC, 2015, ISBN 978-9975-61-926-4

S. MUSTEAŢĂ (ed.), Cetatea Soroca – istorie, memorie și tradiții secular. Materialele conferinței, Soroca, 4-5 aprilie 2013, Seria „Istorii și Documente Necunoscute - IDN”, C5, Chișinău, Editura ARC, 2015, ISBN 978-9975-61-926-4

Full version of the collective work on History, Archaeology, Architecture, Memory of Soroca Fortr... more Full version of the collective work on History, Archaeology, Architecture, Memory of Soroca Fortress, Republic of Moldova

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Neo-Assyrian Frontier with Western Iran: The magnetometer survey of Qalat-i Dinka

After a first inspection of the archaeological sites Qalat-i Dinka and Gird-i Bazar and first tes... more After a first inspection of the archaeological sites Qalat-i Dinka and Gird-i Bazar and first tests with the susceptibility meter to assess the potential success of magnetometer prospection in April 2015, Jörg Fassbinder and Andrei Ašandulesei undertook a large-scale magnetometer survey and soil magnetic analysis on the sites, assisted in the field by Hero Salih Ahmed and Janoscha Kreppner from
20 to 22 August 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Karačamirli (Azerbaijan): A Persian Paradise in the Caucasus Magnetometer Prospecting of a Major Achaemenid Palatial Structure RESULTS OF MAGNETIC PROSPECTING

Fig. 3: Karačamirli. Satellite overview of the total survey area of 2.5 x 4 km overlaid by the gr... more Fig. 3: Karačamirli. Satellite overview of the total survey area of 2.5 x 4 km overlaid by the grey shade images of the magnetometer survey areas (2013-2016). The resulting magnetometer images are at the first sight dominated by ploughing furrows and small but regular irrigation canals. Nevertheless a detailed analysis of the results reveals several pits and remains of pit houses or storage cellars as well as temporary structures of the ancient building site. Besides that the data reveals also numerous natural riverbeds and ancient streamlets but also ancient irrigation canals which belong very probably to the Achaemenid garden site. We traced the enclosing wall of the garden which measures ca. 2 x 500 plus 2 x 400 m, in total ca. 1800 m in length (fig. 4). Inside the garden we found a further wall, which divides the garden area and numerous old and some more recent irrigation channels. Outside of the garden enclosure, in the north and in the northeast , we discovered more so far unknown monumental buildings. These buildings are oriented symmetrically with respect to the ground map of the Achaemenid garden and palace structures, indicating that these buildings formed a significant part of this site. Karačamirli is the location of a major Achaemenid palatial structure (fig. 1), which has been under excavation since 2006 by Florian Knauss (Staatliche Antikensammlung und Glyptothek, Munich) and Prof. Dr. Ilyas Babaev (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences) (Babaev et al. 2006). The archaeological site covers an area of ca. 2.5 square kilometers (fig. 3). The aim of the survey was to further investigate the surrounding landscape through archaeological and geophysical means in order to clarify the integration of this building complex within the microregion, both structurally and chronologically, and to examine further possibilities for a continued examination of the site as a whole. The site dates approximately to the period spanning from the end of 600 BC through to AD 330, with earlier components from the Iron Age period. The primary prospecting areas are located in the north and adjacent to the accessibility and the suitability for high resolution magnetometer prospecting. All areas were scanned using a sampling interval of 25 x 25 cm and meanwhile the area covers more than 0.7 square kilometres. For a better and full understanding of the magnetic survey, we complemented the magnetometer survey (fig. 2) with some trench excavations and additional mineral magnetic and susceptibility measurements (fig. 5).

Research paper thumbnail of Materiality and Identity in Pre- and Protohistoric Europe. Homage to Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici

by Senica Țurcanu, Aurel Rustoiu, George Bodi, Andrei Asandulesei, Marco Nebbia, Carsten Mischka, Adela Kovacs, Christina Marangou, Octavian Rogozea, Eugen Padurean, Alexandru Berzovan, András Füzesi, Sławomir Kadrow, and Cristina Cordos

Karl A. Romstorfer Publishing House, Suceava, 2018

Fully deserved, this anniversary volume is dedicated to Mrs. Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, who has d... more Fully deserved, this anniversary volume is dedicated to Mrs. Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, who has devoted her entire career to the study of Prehistory in Romania and Southeastern Europe, succeeding, through remarkable contributions, to place her name among the well-known representatives of this field of Romanian and European archeology. The name of Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici is today a reference for those who are addressing major themes such as the chronology and evolution of the Cucuteni culture, the symbolism of various pieces of plastic art, the forms and the decoration of ceramics, the everyday life of that period, illustrated by household implements or architectural accomplishments. Some biographical data are essential for understanding the stages of Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici's intellectual and scientific development. Cornelia-Magda Istrati was born on 1 March 1953, in the old and always young Iași, the center of spirituality and Romanian culture. He grew up in a family environment favorable to the development of interest in humanities, his father being a remarkable scholar of the documents from the beginning of the modern age, with numerous and valuable specialized publications. Both parents, Maria and Corneliu Istrati, came from families with many children, so that even though she was her parents' single child, Magda grew up with numerous cousins, in a community characterized by warm and lasting relationships. After the primary and secondary studies in her hometown, she followed, in 1972-1976, at Alma Mater Iassiensis, the courses of the History Department of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the oldest University in Romania, bearing the name of its founder, the prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza-the maker of modern Romania. After graduating, she worked for a few years (1976-1980) in Vaslui, initially as a museographer with the County Museum (1976-1977), then as head of the County Cultural Heritage Office (1977-1980). During this period, she carried out excavations in several paleolithic sites in Vaslui (Măluşteni IV, Oțetoaia) and Botoşani (Mitoc-Valea lui Stan) counties, research whose results were utilized in scientific publications. At the same time, she is carrying out research on Neolithic sites, in Măluşteni-Via Schineni (Starčevo-Criş) and Poieneşti (Starčevo-Criş and Cucuteni cultures)-alone or as a member of archaeology research teams. Țurcanu), which reviews the essential data on Cucuteni civilization, in the form of an album with representative sites and pieces. She has also been involved in many other projects, being a team-member of research projects funded by the National Scientific Research Council. Among these, we mention "Geoscientific view of ceramic technology: evolution from Neolithic to Byzantine times within Romanian territory" (2012-2014, Project manager Corina Ionescu) and "The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt in the Inner Carpathian Area of Romania" (2017-2019, Project manager Marius Alexianu). One of the extremely ambitious, yet unfinished projects, on which Magda Lazarovici is involved with the scientific coordination team, is the Encyclopedia of Cucuteni-Trypillia Civilization, which will systematize relevant information throughout the area of the famous painted pottery civilization. Another project-organized together with Lăcrămioara Stratulat-still in its early stage, involves the investigation of a Cucutenian settlement together with specialists from the Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, given that there is a Neolithic culture in this country with a painted ceramics similar to the Cucuteni type. Along with the monographic work on prehistoric settlements in Poieneşti (published in 2015 together with Mircea Babeş), Magda Lazarovici has two other great works in preparation. One presents the results of the research carried out in the caves of Cheile Turzii area, and the second is the monograph of the Cucutenian settlement in Scânteia. Plenty could be said about the life and activity of Magda Lazarovici, about her projects! However, we would stop here! Magda shall certainly continue! On her anniversary day, we wish her, together with all our friends, colleagues and collaborators, health, strength to work and best results, to the measure of her tenaciousness and her dedication to Archeology! Happy birthday, dear Magda!

Research paper thumbnail of Ripiceni, judet Botosani. Punct: Popoaia


The prehistoric settlement of Ripiceni – Popoaia has been discovered in 2016 thanks to satellite ... more The prehistoric settlement of Ripiceni – Popoaia has been discovered in 2016 thanks to satellite imagery which revealed a half-oval linear anomaly enclosing a space with other radial structures oriented to the center. In order to understand the settlement’s layout and to refine its chronology, we conducted geophysical prospections and trial excavations of one of the pit anomalies from the plot. The prospections revealed the complex structure of the settlement with possible two phases of occupation and a radial layout. The material from the test-trench yielded pottery which allows to date the settlement within the Cucuteni B1 stage.

Research paper thumbnail of Mitoc, judet Botosani. Punct: Pisc

Cronica Cercetarilor Arheologice din Romania, 2018

The geophysical prospections and archaeological trial excavations from the Mitoc – La Pisc settle... more The geophysical prospections and archaeological trial
excavations from the Mitoc – La Pisc settlement have been
focused on the evaluation of the prehistoric occupation on
the high promontory located near the modern-day village.
Several rectangular anomalies with high amplitude have been
interpreted as burnt houses. The test trench placed over one of
them allowed us to investigate the debris of such a dwelling and
to collect material both for relative and absolute dating. The painted pottery found in the house allows to date the feature within the Cucuteni B1 stage.