Adolfo J. Dominguez-Monedero | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (original) (raw)
Books by Adolfo J. Dominguez-Monedero
P. Cartledge, P. Christesen (eds.) The Oxford History of the Archaic Greek World. Volume IV. Cyrene to Metapontion. Oxford. p. 484-609., 2024
Las colonizaciones en el Mediterráneo antiguo, 2022
El desplazamiento de grupos humanos de manera organizada (en cuanto que proceso diferente de la ... more El desplazamiento de grupos humanos de manera organizada (en cuanto que proceso diferente de la emigración individual) tuvo una gran im¬portancia durante el mundo antiguo. Grupos de griegos, fenicios y ro¬manos salieron de sus lugares de origen con el objetivo de crear nuevas ciudades en las que poder seguir desarrollando sus formas de vida habi¬tuales, al tiempo que a los desplazados se les abrían unas mejores condi¬ciones sociales y económicas.
Como hecho novedoso, se analizan en este libro los mecanismos coloni¬zadores empleados por estas tres culturas y que muestran, aunque subra¬yando sus diferencias, cómo la colonización fue una forma de reaccionar ante los problemas que amenazaban a sus sociedades. Los procesos co¬loniales de griegos, fenicios y romanos fueron uno de los principales mecanismos que explican la expansión de las civilizaciones de la Anti¬güedad por toda la cuenca mediterránea.
Esta obra va dirigida a lectores interesados por el mundo antiguo, espe¬cialistas o no, a estudiantes y graduados universitarios, pero también a quienes quieran conocer cómo los antiguos organizaron los movimientos de sus poblaciones.
Atlas histórico del mundo griego antiguo, 2006
Cover, Table of Contents and Introduction
Diabaseis 8., 2018
Amongst the territories that fall within the “Dritte Griechenland”, to use H.J. Gehrke’s apt expr... more Amongst the territories that fall within the “Dritte Griechenland”, to use H.J. Gehrke’s apt expression, Epirus presents a series of extremely unusual characteristics. It is also strange how a concept that was initially simply geographic and not ethnic (Epeiros, the “mainland”) came to lend its name to a State, or how its inhabitants, who were sometimes considered to be Greek, were very often included under the heading of barbarians. It is also peculiar how these territories, which were remote and somewhat marginal for many Greeks, hosted the location of the Sanctuary of Dodona, which was mentioned in Homer’s Poems and, over time, came to be considered the oldest sanctuary in Greece.
In effect, this is a territory of contrasts and one that is not easy to categorise when we think of the Greek world. However, the study of this region not only opens up numerous possibilities regarding the question of the development of Epirus in Antiquity, but also the possibility of applying this knowledge to Ancient Greece as a whole. In this book we do not seek to tackle all of the issues that emerge when studying Ancient Epirus. Rather we shall focus in some depth on a series of case studies regarding specific themes, such as the political development; the role of the Sanctuary fo Dodona; the issue the peculiar language spoken; the discovery of Epirus by earliest travellers.
Serie: Historia y Geografía Núm.: 277
La historia de Alejandro Magno, que en el momento de su temprana muerte había conquistado un impe... more La historia de Alejandro Magno, que en el momento de su temprana muerte había conquistado un imperio nunca antes conocido, ha fascinado a gentes de todas las épocas, desde sus contemporáneos hasta la época actual. Alabado por unos y denostado por otros al proyectar en el joven hijo del rey Filipo II de Macedonia sus propios prejuicios, es difícil percibir a veces qué hay de verdad y qué de propaganda en su historia.
Una de las figuras históricas más atractivas de la Grecia Arcaica es, sin duda, la de Solón. Miem... more Una de las figuras históricas más atractivas de la Grecia Arcaica es, sin duda, la de Solón. Miembro de una de las familias más distinguidas de Atenas, dedicó buena parte de su vida a limitar los excesos de los aristócratas, a introducir una serie de reformas para garantizar los derechos y obligaciones de sus conciudadanos y a elaborar una legislación para impedir que los poderosos pudiesen cometer en el futuro los desmanes que habían llevado a la ciudad de Atenas al borde del desastre. Solón se nos presenta, además, con voz propia, puesto que a su importante labor política y legislativa se añade su condición de primer poeta ateniense del que tenemos noticia.
La historia de Solón es la de un hombre a quien, a pesar de habérsele ofrecido explicíta e implícitamente el poder absoluto, la tiranía, sabe renunciar a ella tanto por responsabilidad moral cuanto por ahorrar sufrimientos a su patria y es también la del individuo que tiene que sobrellevar, una vez que abandona la política, la incomprensión que sus mectidas provocaron en sus contemporáneos. No obstante, la posteridad le recompensó elevándole a la categoría de Sabio y, al integrarlo dentro del grupo de los Siete Sabios, le convirtió en paradigma de moderación, de mesura y de justicia; con ello, su figura se proyectó más allá de su propio periodo histórico, sirviendo como ejemplo y modelo durante los siglos venideros. Este libro, que nos ofrece una visión integral de Solón, como político activo en la Atenas de su tiempo y como intelectual preocupado por los males de la sociedad, constituye un modelo de historia total conseguido a partir del estudio específico de una personalidad histórica de extraordinario interés.
Papers by Adolfo J. Dominguez-Monedero
Filalexandros: La última frontera de Alejandro, Alcalá de Henares, 2024, 137-151.
El contenido de este libro no podrâ ser reproducido, ni total ni parcialmente, sin el previo perm... more El contenido de este libro no podrâ ser reproducido, ni total ni parcialmente, sin el previo permiso escrito del éditer. Todos los derechos reservados.
M. Noguera Celdrán, I. Rodà de Llanza, P.D. Conesa Navarro (eds.) Οἰκουμένη. Studi di archeologia classica in omaggio a Margherita Bonanno., 2024
A selection of the most important monumental tombs known in the territory of ancient Epirus from ... more A selection of the most important monumental tombs known in the territory of ancient Epirus from the early Hellenistic period is presented, as well as the main features that distinguish them from the rest of the tombs known in this area. The catalogue of these tombs allows us to make some observations on the development of the Epirote aristocracy, which probably reached its peak around the time of the rise of the Aeacid kings as rulers of the Epirote state.
J. Tomás García, S. Sáenz-López Pérez, (eds.) Iconotropy and Cult Images from the Ancient to Modern World, 2022
Iconotropy and ancient images: an introduction When the multifaceted Robert Graves coined the ter... more Iconotropy and ancient images: an introduction When the multifaceted Robert Graves coined the term "iconotropy" he did so in a polemic manner, as a "deliberate misinterpretation of an ancient set of ritual icons"; according to Graves, "in iconotropy the icons are not defaced or altered, but merely interpreted in a sense hostile to the original cult".
G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.) Ionians in the West and East., 2022
In every process of building identities different layers added in different periods can be observ... more In every process of building identities different layers added in different periods can be observed. This fact can be viewed both in the (otherwise quite artificial) creation of an Ionian ethnicity and in the construction of a Phocaean identity, shared by the mother city and her colonies. My aim in this paper is to reflect on those processes, in a general way in the Ionian case and more specifically in the case of Phocaea and her colonies.
Klio, 2022
In relation to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, a great number of studies have analysed his different mili... more In relation to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, a great number of studies have analysed his different military campaigns, but very few have focused on the political and economic aspects of his reign. Based on a series of references taken from literary accounts, we seek to demonstrate how the internal organisation of the Kingdom of Epirus under Pyrrhus was similar to that of other contemporaneous Hellenistic kingdoms, replete with a Court consisting of a large number of the king's friends and companions. Using certain archaeological evidence, especially funerary remains, we seek to reflect the existence of this Epirote élite in material terms. The literary tradition bears witness to an interest in agriculture and livestock farming during Pyrrhus' period, although the accounts handed down to us provide little detail. Once again, archaeology enables us to provide corroborating evidence. In this respect, we focus on the existence of a series of fortified rural residences distributed in irregular manner throughout Epirote territory, which are interpreted as being those of the members of this aristocratic élite, who used these fortified enclosures as centres of exploitation for their lands and as symbols of their power and prestige. As comparative points of reference that enable us to understand these processes, we provide various examples from neighbouring Macedonia, a kingdom with which Epirus maintained close links, especially as of the mid-fourth century B.C., which appears to be the period in which many of these new developments also began to emerge in Epirus, reaching their culmination during the reign of Pyrrhus.
Gerión., 2022
As was frequently the case in other parts of Greece, agrarian landscapes were the result and, to ... more As was frequently the case in other parts of Greece, agrarian landscapes were the result and, to some extent, a reflection of the political structures in existence at the time. In the case of Epeiros, this also appears to have been the case. In this chapter we shall analyse the main characteristics of the agrarian landscape that made up the different territories of Epeiros and we shall highlight the key transformative role played by the monarchic system of the time, in the first instance in Molossia, which is where the Aeacid monarchy originated, and subsequently after the end of the fourth century BC, with the establishment of the Epeirote state throughout Epeiros as a whole. In this respect, the agrarian landscape throughout this territory could be considered to be a realm that was shaped by the power of the monarchy.
J. Boardman, J. Hargrave, A. Avram, A. Podossinov (eds.) Connecting the Ancient West and East. Studies presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze., 2022
The case study of Epirus allows us to reflect on how ethnic identities are constructed in the Gre... more The case study of Epirus allows us to reflect on how ethnic identities are constructed in the Greek world. The populations of Epirus were considered, according to different authors and at different times, either Greeks or Barbarians until reaching Aristotle, who comes to consider Epirus as the original Hellas. This paper studies how the Greek authors perceived the Epirote identity and how the Epirote elites themselves, especially the Molossian ones linked to the royal house, tried to show to the rest of the Greek world their Hellenicity by appropriating various mythical traditions and founding legends. The social nature of the construction of ethnic identities means that different strategies emerged to back up or reject the Greek identity of the Epirotes, both in the Epirote world and in the rest of the Greek world, always as a means of supporting different political interests.
R. Gordillo Hervás, E. Ferrer Albelda, A. Pereira Delgado (eds.) Compitiendo para los dioses: Los rituales agonísticos en el mundo antiguo., 2022
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmi... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación, sin permiso escrito
P. Cartledge, P. Christesen (eds.) The Oxford History of the Archaic Greek World. Volume IV. Cyrene to Metapontion. Oxford. p. 484-609., 2024
Las colonizaciones en el Mediterráneo antiguo, 2022
El desplazamiento de grupos humanos de manera organizada (en cuanto que proceso diferente de la ... more El desplazamiento de grupos humanos de manera organizada (en cuanto que proceso diferente de la emigración individual) tuvo una gran im¬portancia durante el mundo antiguo. Grupos de griegos, fenicios y ro¬manos salieron de sus lugares de origen con el objetivo de crear nuevas ciudades en las que poder seguir desarrollando sus formas de vida habi¬tuales, al tiempo que a los desplazados se les abrían unas mejores condi¬ciones sociales y económicas.
Como hecho novedoso, se analizan en este libro los mecanismos coloni¬zadores empleados por estas tres culturas y que muestran, aunque subra¬yando sus diferencias, cómo la colonización fue una forma de reaccionar ante los problemas que amenazaban a sus sociedades. Los procesos co¬loniales de griegos, fenicios y romanos fueron uno de los principales mecanismos que explican la expansión de las civilizaciones de la Anti¬güedad por toda la cuenca mediterránea.
Esta obra va dirigida a lectores interesados por el mundo antiguo, espe¬cialistas o no, a estudiantes y graduados universitarios, pero también a quienes quieran conocer cómo los antiguos organizaron los movimientos de sus poblaciones.
Atlas histórico del mundo griego antiguo, 2006
Cover, Table of Contents and Introduction
Diabaseis 8., 2018
Amongst the territories that fall within the “Dritte Griechenland”, to use H.J. Gehrke’s apt expr... more Amongst the territories that fall within the “Dritte Griechenland”, to use H.J. Gehrke’s apt expression, Epirus presents a series of extremely unusual characteristics. It is also strange how a concept that was initially simply geographic and not ethnic (Epeiros, the “mainland”) came to lend its name to a State, or how its inhabitants, who were sometimes considered to be Greek, were very often included under the heading of barbarians. It is also peculiar how these territories, which were remote and somewhat marginal for many Greeks, hosted the location of the Sanctuary of Dodona, which was mentioned in Homer’s Poems and, over time, came to be considered the oldest sanctuary in Greece.
In effect, this is a territory of contrasts and one that is not easy to categorise when we think of the Greek world. However, the study of this region not only opens up numerous possibilities regarding the question of the development of Epirus in Antiquity, but also the possibility of applying this knowledge to Ancient Greece as a whole. In this book we do not seek to tackle all of the issues that emerge when studying Ancient Epirus. Rather we shall focus in some depth on a series of case studies regarding specific themes, such as the political development; the role of the Sanctuary fo Dodona; the issue the peculiar language spoken; the discovery of Epirus by earliest travellers.
Serie: Historia y Geografía Núm.: 277
La historia de Alejandro Magno, que en el momento de su temprana muerte había conquistado un impe... more La historia de Alejandro Magno, que en el momento de su temprana muerte había conquistado un imperio nunca antes conocido, ha fascinado a gentes de todas las épocas, desde sus contemporáneos hasta la época actual. Alabado por unos y denostado por otros al proyectar en el joven hijo del rey Filipo II de Macedonia sus propios prejuicios, es difícil percibir a veces qué hay de verdad y qué de propaganda en su historia.
Una de las figuras históricas más atractivas de la Grecia Arcaica es, sin duda, la de Solón. Miem... more Una de las figuras históricas más atractivas de la Grecia Arcaica es, sin duda, la de Solón. Miembro de una de las familias más distinguidas de Atenas, dedicó buena parte de su vida a limitar los excesos de los aristócratas, a introducir una serie de reformas para garantizar los derechos y obligaciones de sus conciudadanos y a elaborar una legislación para impedir que los poderosos pudiesen cometer en el futuro los desmanes que habían llevado a la ciudad de Atenas al borde del desastre. Solón se nos presenta, además, con voz propia, puesto que a su importante labor política y legislativa se añade su condición de primer poeta ateniense del que tenemos noticia.
La historia de Solón es la de un hombre a quien, a pesar de habérsele ofrecido explicíta e implícitamente el poder absoluto, la tiranía, sabe renunciar a ella tanto por responsabilidad moral cuanto por ahorrar sufrimientos a su patria y es también la del individuo que tiene que sobrellevar, una vez que abandona la política, la incomprensión que sus mectidas provocaron en sus contemporáneos. No obstante, la posteridad le recompensó elevándole a la categoría de Sabio y, al integrarlo dentro del grupo de los Siete Sabios, le convirtió en paradigma de moderación, de mesura y de justicia; con ello, su figura se proyectó más allá de su propio periodo histórico, sirviendo como ejemplo y modelo durante los siglos venideros. Este libro, que nos ofrece una visión integral de Solón, como político activo en la Atenas de su tiempo y como intelectual preocupado por los males de la sociedad, constituye un modelo de historia total conseguido a partir del estudio específico de una personalidad histórica de extraordinario interés.
Filalexandros: La última frontera de Alejandro, Alcalá de Henares, 2024, 137-151.
El contenido de este libro no podrâ ser reproducido, ni total ni parcialmente, sin el previo perm... more El contenido de este libro no podrâ ser reproducido, ni total ni parcialmente, sin el previo permiso escrito del éditer. Todos los derechos reservados.
M. Noguera Celdrán, I. Rodà de Llanza, P.D. Conesa Navarro (eds.) Οἰκουμένη. Studi di archeologia classica in omaggio a Margherita Bonanno., 2024
A selection of the most important monumental tombs known in the territory of ancient Epirus from ... more A selection of the most important monumental tombs known in the territory of ancient Epirus from the early Hellenistic period is presented, as well as the main features that distinguish them from the rest of the tombs known in this area. The catalogue of these tombs allows us to make some observations on the development of the Epirote aristocracy, which probably reached its peak around the time of the rise of the Aeacid kings as rulers of the Epirote state.
J. Tomás García, S. Sáenz-López Pérez, (eds.) Iconotropy and Cult Images from the Ancient to Modern World, 2022
Iconotropy and ancient images: an introduction When the multifaceted Robert Graves coined the ter... more Iconotropy and ancient images: an introduction When the multifaceted Robert Graves coined the term "iconotropy" he did so in a polemic manner, as a "deliberate misinterpretation of an ancient set of ritual icons"; according to Graves, "in iconotropy the icons are not defaced or altered, but merely interpreted in a sense hostile to the original cult".
G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.) Ionians in the West and East., 2022
In every process of building identities different layers added in different periods can be observ... more In every process of building identities different layers added in different periods can be observed. This fact can be viewed both in the (otherwise quite artificial) creation of an Ionian ethnicity and in the construction of a Phocaean identity, shared by the mother city and her colonies. My aim in this paper is to reflect on those processes, in a general way in the Ionian case and more specifically in the case of Phocaea and her colonies.
Klio, 2022
In relation to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, a great number of studies have analysed his different mili... more In relation to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, a great number of studies have analysed his different military campaigns, but very few have focused on the political and economic aspects of his reign. Based on a series of references taken from literary accounts, we seek to demonstrate how the internal organisation of the Kingdom of Epirus under Pyrrhus was similar to that of other contemporaneous Hellenistic kingdoms, replete with a Court consisting of a large number of the king's friends and companions. Using certain archaeological evidence, especially funerary remains, we seek to reflect the existence of this Epirote élite in material terms. The literary tradition bears witness to an interest in agriculture and livestock farming during Pyrrhus' period, although the accounts handed down to us provide little detail. Once again, archaeology enables us to provide corroborating evidence. In this respect, we focus on the existence of a series of fortified rural residences distributed in irregular manner throughout Epirote territory, which are interpreted as being those of the members of this aristocratic élite, who used these fortified enclosures as centres of exploitation for their lands and as symbols of their power and prestige. As comparative points of reference that enable us to understand these processes, we provide various examples from neighbouring Macedonia, a kingdom with which Epirus maintained close links, especially as of the mid-fourth century B.C., which appears to be the period in which many of these new developments also began to emerge in Epirus, reaching their culmination during the reign of Pyrrhus.
Gerión., 2022
As was frequently the case in other parts of Greece, agrarian landscapes were the result and, to ... more As was frequently the case in other parts of Greece, agrarian landscapes were the result and, to some extent, a reflection of the political structures in existence at the time. In the case of Epeiros, this also appears to have been the case. In this chapter we shall analyse the main characteristics of the agrarian landscape that made up the different territories of Epeiros and we shall highlight the key transformative role played by the monarchic system of the time, in the first instance in Molossia, which is where the Aeacid monarchy originated, and subsequently after the end of the fourth century BC, with the establishment of the Epeirote state throughout Epeiros as a whole. In this respect, the agrarian landscape throughout this territory could be considered to be a realm that was shaped by the power of the monarchy.
J. Boardman, J. Hargrave, A. Avram, A. Podossinov (eds.) Connecting the Ancient West and East. Studies presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze., 2022
The case study of Epirus allows us to reflect on how ethnic identities are constructed in the Gre... more The case study of Epirus allows us to reflect on how ethnic identities are constructed in the Greek world. The populations of Epirus were considered, according to different authors and at different times, either Greeks or Barbarians until reaching Aristotle, who comes to consider Epirus as the original Hellas. This paper studies how the Greek authors perceived the Epirote identity and how the Epirote elites themselves, especially the Molossian ones linked to the royal house, tried to show to the rest of the Greek world their Hellenicity by appropriating various mythical traditions and founding legends. The social nature of the construction of ethnic identities means that different strategies emerged to back up or reject the Greek identity of the Epirotes, both in the Epirote world and in the rest of the Greek world, always as a means of supporting different political interests.
R. Gordillo Hervás, E. Ferrer Albelda, A. Pereira Delgado (eds.) Compitiendo para los dioses: Los rituales agonísticos en el mundo antiguo., 2022
Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmi... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación magnética o cualquier almacenamiento de información y sistema de recuperación, sin permiso escrito
Plant disease emergences have dramatically increased recently as a result of global changes, espe... more Plant disease emergences have dramatically increased recently as a result of global changes, especially with respect to trade, host genetic uniformity, and climate change. A better understanding of the conditions and processes determining epidemic outbreaks caused by the emergence of a new pathogen, or pathogen strain, is needed to develop strategies and inform decisions to manage emerging diseases. A polyetic process-based model is developed to analyse conditions of disease emergence. This model simulates polycyclic epidemics during successive growing seasons, the yield losses they cause, and the pathogen survival between growing seasons. This framework considers an immigrant strain coming into a system where a resident strain is already established. Outcomes are formulated in terms of probability of emergence, time to emergence, and yield loss, resulting from deterministic and stochastic simulations. An analytical solution to determine a threshold for emergence is also derived. Analyses focus on the effects of two fitness parameters on emergence: the relative rate of reproduction (speed of epidemics), and the relative rate of mortality (decay of population between seasons). Analyses revealed that stochasticity is a critical feature of disease emergence. The simulations suggests that: (1) emergence may require a series of independent immigration events before a successful 1 invasion takes place; (2) an explosion in the population size of the new pathogen (or strain) may be preceded by many successive growing seasons of cryptic presence following an immigration event, and; (3) survival between growing seasons is as important as reproduction during the growing season in determining disease emergence.
Ancient West & East, 2006
espanolEl presente articulo da a conocer tres anforas griegas correspondientes a distintos period... more espanolEl presente articulo da a conocer tres anforas griegas correspondientes a distintos periodos historicos, que tienen como otros rasgos comunes, ademas del origen, el llevar sendas inscripciones griegas y haber sido halladas en yacimientos arqueologicos situados en el termino municipal de El Puerto de Santa Maria, tanto en la ciudad actual como en el Castillo de Dona Blanca. Del mismo modo, esas anforas parecen haber estado dedicadas al transporte del vino por lo que se hacen algunas reflexiones acerca del comercio del vino griego en el Sudoeste de la Peninsula Iberica. EnglishThis article presents three Greek amphorae corresponding to different historical periods, which have among other common features, besides their origin, the fact that they bear three Greek inscriptions and have been found in archaeological sites located in the municipal area of El Puerto de Santa Maria, both in the present-day city and in the Castle of Dona Blanca. In the same way, the amphorae seem to hav...
334 Subsequently, the weakening of Chaonian power and the emergence of other Epirote ethnes, espe... more 334 Subsequently, the weakening of Chaonian power and the emergence of other Epirote ethnes, especially the Molossians under the royal Aeacid Dynasty, would have led to a unified Epirus in the form of a State known as “The King and the Epirotes”, without any need for intermediate aggregation. This would have been made up of the monarch and the three koina of the large Epirote ethnic communities: the Chaonians, the Molossians and the Thesprotians. Following the end of the monarchy in 232 B.C., the subsequent Epirote Confederacy would have maintained and included these three koina.
Resumir y dar una visión coherente del desarrollo del arte hispánico durante casi mil años en ape... more Resumir y dar una visión coherente del desarrollo del arte hispánico durante casi mil años en apenas doscientas páginas no es, indudablemente, tarea fácil y acaso tampoco grata, tanto por la amplitud cronológica del tema, cuanto por la escasez de espacio disponible. Sin embargo, ambos objetivos han sido logrados con creces en el libro que aquí comentamos. El autor, profesor Blanco Freijeiro, artícula la obra en tres grandes apartados, a saber, el ámbito griego (capitulo 1-2), el ámbito ibérico (capitulos 3-6) y el ámbito romano (capítulos 7-12), englobando en cada uno de ellos todos los aspectos artísticos respectivos. Ahora bien, no encontrará el lector aquí un catálogo exhaustivo de todas y cada una de las obras de arte correspondientes a cada uno de estos ciclos históricos. Por el contrario, lo que hallará será una selección de aquellos monumentos que, cada uno en su estilo, marquen un hito importante en la comprensión del significado de la clase entera a la que pertenecen o, en su caso, de piezas que pueden consíderarse únicas. Evidentemente, siempre cualquier selección puede ser discutible, pero creo que en este caso, si bien no «están todos los que son», sí, al menos, «lo son todos los que están». No obstante lo anterior, podemos diferenciar claramente dos partes en la obra; por un lado, la referente al arte de época romana, donde, a pesar de que siguen realizándose investigaciones y descubrimientos, las novedades (en el sentido de algo que haga cambiar radicalmente los conocimientos adquiridos y consolidados) no son muy numerosas; por otro lado, el campo del arte ibérico, donde nuevos enfoques y puntos de vista han permitido dar una nueva visión de algunos aspectos de su problemática. Por ello mismo, con respecto a este apartado haré un par de observaciones.
De entre todos los aspectos y problemas que plantea al investigador la historia de la Hélade es, ... more De entre todos los aspectos y problemas que plantea al investigador la historia de la Hélade es, sin ninguda duda, la colonización uno de los principales. Los motivos son tan numerosos, y tan conocidos, que sería prolijo enumerarlos aquí. Fruto de este interés, ya entre los autores antiguos, es la relativamente numerosa información que éstos nos proporcionan y que, comentada e interpretada por los autores modernos, permite hacernos una idea general del mecanismo de la colonización griega, de sus propósitos y de sus objetivos, de sus medios y de sus logros. Sin embargo, aun cuando se puede teorizar con relativa seguridad acerca de estos aspectos, no son excesivamente numerosas las ocasiones en las que vemos funcionar el esquema ideal conocido. Nuestras fuentes principales, Heródoto y Tucídides, son parcas a la hora de transmitir ínformaciones que eran conocidas por sus oyentes. Los teóricos políticos del siglo IV, centrándose en aspectos, diríamos, institucionales, tampoco nos informan con detenimiento de aspectos más «banales» pero, al tiempo, necesarios también, al menos para el historiador actual, para aprehender en su conjunto tal proceso histórico. Autores tardíos, «enciclopédicos» casi, como Estrabón, nos dan informaciones siempre valiosas, pero no siempre lo completas que desaríamos. Hay, sin embargo, un autor que nos muestra a la colonización en acción, en funcionamiento y que, además, hace referencia a prácticamente todos los problemas que afectan a la misma, lo que le confiere una importancia excepcional en estos estudios, importancia que empero, no ha sido, que yo sepa, reconocida suficientemente en lo que se refiere a este problema concreto.
The Greek city of Emporion is one of the few Greek emporia which ultimately be- came a polis. Con... more The Greek city of Emporion is one of the few Greek emporia which ultimately be- came a polis. Consequently, the city had to adapt the previously held structures of an emporion to cope with the new circumstances which being a polis required; thus its urban space, territory, population, laws, government had to be modifi ed in the conversion from one situation to another. Furthermore, this change had to be fulfi lled in the midst of a non-Greek environment, which obvi- ously had consequences in the development of Greek identity within the city. Fortunately, in the case of Emporion we have both archaeological and literary evidence (although not very abundant) to observe these processes. The aim of this paper is, consequently, to consider this evidence in order to see how interactions worked in Emporion itself as well as in the surrounding region in different historical moments and how those interactions contributed to shaping several interrelated identities within the Greek city, which ...
Greek Colonisation, 2006
Assessment of reliability in the early stages of software development from architectural models i... more Assessment of reliability in the early stages of software development from architectural models is one of the major challenges that many studies have addressed in this field in the last decade. The main drawbacks of existing methods are the following: 1) considering equal impact for all parts of the software architecture on system reliability, and 2) inability to determine the contribution of each part of the software in the system failure. This paper introduces the extended version of the colored petri net as an underlying verifiable model to evaluate the reliability of a software system. The proposed model enhances reliability assessment of the software system by measuring the density of failure for each part of the software system, predicting the reliability during execution of a scenario, and estimating the reliability of every structural part of a program, such as loops and conditions. These innovations enable software architects to cost-effectively identify and correct the vulnerable parts of a system in the early stages of software development. The high-level model of the scenario is taken as a UML sequence diagram. Synthesis of the formal model is conducted using an introduced graph called a fragments dependency graph. The practicality of the suggested approach is illustrated by a case study.
Tavola rotonda Madrid, 21 marzo 2019
INVITATION Dear Colleagues, The Programme “Economy and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman Per... more INVITATION
Dear Colleagues,
The Programme “Economy and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods”, Institute of Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, cordially invites you to the online Workshop/Webinar “Discussing economy in Roman Epirus ΙII” on Friday 6th of November 2020 at 11:00 am (Athens time).
Please join the Zoom meeting by following the link below:
The Programme's members,
Charikleia Papageorgiadou
Sophia Zoumbaki
Vyron Antoniadis
Αγαπητοί Συνάδελφοι,
Το Πρόγραμμα «Οικονομία και Κοινωνία στην Ελληνιστική και Ρωμαϊκή Εποχή» του Ινστιτούτου Ιστορικών Ερευνών του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών, σας προσκαλεί στο Εργαστήριο Μελέτης/Webinar με τίτλο «Συζητώντας για την οικονομία της ρωμαϊκής Ηπείρου III», που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2020. Η συνάντηση θα γίνει διαδικτυακά μέσω της πλατφόρμας Zoom στις 11.00 π.μ.
Για την εγγραφή σας παρακαλούμε ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:
Τα μέλη του Προγράμματος,
Χαρίκλεια Παπαγεωργιάδου
Σοφία Ζουμπάκη
Βύρων Αντωνιάδης
by Alejandro Garés-Molero, Agustín A Diez Castillo, Andrew Farinholt Ward, Liz Neill, Antoine Attout, Kleopatra Kathariou, Giada Giudice, David Vendrell Cabanillas, Maria Chidiroglou, Alejandra Macián Fuster, Francisco Javier Sanchez Conde, Adolfo J. Dominguez-Monedero, Mª Isabel Moreno Padilla, Guiomar Pulido-González, Pedro Miguel-Naranjo, Chiara Maria Mauro, and Itziar Gutiérrez-Soto
Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 2022
This session aims at analyzing and shedding light on the role of trade, distribution and (re)cont... more This session aims at analyzing and shedding light on the role of trade, distribution and (re)contextualization for research on Greek pottery (Early Iron Age - Hellenistic period). The first Greek wares to be ever studied came from Italian soil, and, since then, these ceramic productions have been documented in as distant regions as present-day Galicia, the British Isles or the Crimean Peninsula. Scholarship has shown that this dispersion of materials seems to unveil large-scale trade dynamics, which would be effective thanks to the role played by numerous agents: well-based ceramic industries, dynamic markets, and consistent maritime and terrestrial commercial networks. As a result of these overseas enterprises, Greek pots became part of the material culture of different autonomous societies, which sometimes implied changes in the significance, functionality and value of these objects. Hence, this session calls for communications that contribute to the study of ancient Greek pottery outside its production area by addressing one or various of the previously mentioned aspects. Special attention will be paid to those proposals which either 1) focus on commercial contexts (i.e. ports and shipwrecks); 2) analyze the presence and distribution of Greek imports in a given area; 3) define trade routes of specific series or productions; 4) explore the resignification of Greek pots among non-Hellenic peoples and contexts (i.e. Etruscans, Iberians or Scythians).
The session is sponsored by El Sec Shipwreck Re-excavation Project (Universitat de València).