Antonio Sánchez | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (original) (raw)

Books by Antonio Sánchez



Esta colecção apresenta, em quatro volumes, uma visão original e actual da relevância da ciência,... more Esta colecção apresenta, em quatro volumes, uma visão original e actual da relevância da ciência, da tecnologia e da medicina na construção de Portugal, desde o período medieval até aos nossos dias. Pretende‑se dar a conhecer a um público diversificado a melhor investigação histórica nestas áreas, suprindo o alheamento tradicional da historiografia portuguesa relativamente aos contextos científicos nacionais.
O primeiro volume, Novos Horizontes (Sécs. XV a XVII), revisita temas clássicos e temas menos abordados pelos historiadores, com especial ênfase no desenvolvimento das práticas científicas, tecnológicas e médicas durante a construção do império colonial português.

Research paper thumbnail of A Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: uma viagem pelo conhecimento

Research paper thumbnail of La espada, la cruz y el Padrón: soberanía, fe y representación cartográfica en el mundo ibérico bajo la Monarquía Hispánica, 1503-1598

Los actores de reparto de esta narración son algunos modelos cartográficos y varios mapas, todos ... more Los actores de reparto de esta narración son algunos modelos cartográficos y varios mapas, todos ellos levantados en el mundo ibérico y en el contexto renacentista de la expansión marítima. El protagonista principal es un mapa, un modelo, el llamado Padrón Real de la Casa de la Contratación de Sevilla, el primer mapa del imperio, un mapa imposible, un mapa que, en definitiva, nunca existió. La espada, la cruz y el Padrón cuenta la historia de un modelo cartográfico único, un artefacto que pretendió ser al mismo tiempo un mapa y muchas representaciones, esto es, la imagen oficial del mundo en el contexto expansionista, evangelizador y globalizador de la monarquía hispánica a lo largo del siglo XVI. El Padrón pretendía ser también un mapa secreto y se convirtió en un secreto a voces. Este estudio se presenta como un análisis epistemológico sobre la representación cartográfica española de la temprana Edad Moderna a través de sus mapas y sus modelos cartográficos. A lo largo de estas páginas se procura averiguar cuál fue el significado de algunas de las representaciones cartográficas más emblemáticas del mundo ibérico y qué funciones debían cumplir para convertirse en buenos mapas. Con este objetivo, se atiende al establecimiento de prácticas cartográficas en la Casa de la Contratación y a su producción cartográfica, especialmente aquella vinculada al Padrón Real.

Papers by Antonio Sánchez

Research paper thumbnail of Artesanos del mar océano: cosmografía, imperio y sociedad en la España moderna

Francisco Hidalgo Fernández y José Antolín Nieto Sánchez [Coords.], Artesanos. Una historia social en España (siglos XVI-XIX), 2024

En «Artesanos. Una historia social en España (siglos XVI-XIX)» se integran un conjunto de contrib... more En «Artesanos. Una historia social en España (siglos XVI-XIX)» se integran un conjunto de contribuciones que tienen a los artesanos y las artesanas de la Edad Moderna y primera contemporaneidad como objeto de estudio. Reconociendo las nuevas perspectivas y aportaciones de la historia social y la historia del trabajo manufacturero, la obra tiene como objetivo reunir a un conjunto de especialistas en las diferentes líneas de investigación llevadas a cabo por la historiografía española de los últimos años sobre el artesanado. Es una puesta al día en la materia, pero también un punto de inicio de investigaciones que podrán desarrollarse al calor de las reflexiones, perspectivas, temáticas y conclusiones elaboradas a lo largo de estas páginas. Entre los temas desarrollados: nuevas categorías y retos conceptuales, mercados profesionales marcados por características propias de acuerdo con el espacio, pero también con cronologías particulares, el aprendizaje gremial, los movimientos migratorios, la participación de las mujeres en las actividades de producción, la conflictividad laboral o el corporativismo artesano en el XIX. En suma, la obra es un alto en el camino que nos permite debatir y pensar antes de continuar trabajando en un mundo laboral moderno repleto de aristas, contrariedades, estereotipos y tópicos todavía por superar.

Research paper thumbnail of Artesanos para un mundo global

Revista de Libros, 2023

Lo artesanal está despertando hoy un creciente interés en diferentes sectores de la cultura europ... more Lo artesanal está despertando hoy un creciente interés en diferentes sectores de la cultura europea y no europea. Lo mismo se organiza una exposición sobre artesanías japonesas de la época Meiji en el Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno de Kioto, sobre artesanías estadounidenses en el Museo Crystal Bridges de Arte Americano de Arkansas, o sobre artesanías mexicanas en el Museo Franz Mayer de Ciudad de México, que asistimos a la inauguración de una nueva galería en el British Museum sobre astrolabios árabes de época medieval. Siguiendo esta estela, lo mismo podemos adquirir un codiciado espejo de bronce coreano de la dinastía Joseon a través de eBay, y sin movernos de casa, que un poncho Aymara de tradición precolombina. Estas y otras manifestaciones revelan no sólo una preocupación por una vertiente desatendida de la tradición, sino sobre todo una revisión profunda de las prácticas artesanales.

Research paper thumbnail of La ciencia ilustrada, el savant español y la expedición al virreinato del Perú para la medición del arco del meridiano, 1735-1748

Jorge Juan. El legado de un marino científico, 2023

La ciencia ilustrada fue también una ciencia viajera e itinerante en la que los sabios de media E... more La ciencia ilustrada fue también una ciencia viajera e itinerante en la que los sabios de media Europa se echaron a la mar. Tras los viajes de exploración y descubrimiento de épocas anteriores y la consolidación de largas rutas transoceánicas, el siglo XVIII asistió a una gran fiebre expedicionaria en la que las principales potencias marítimas movilizaron a sus armadas no solo para circunnavegar el globo, sino también para estudiarlo y medirlo.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the Anglo-Spanish War of 1625 through Military Cartography: A New Pedro Teixeira Description of the City of Málaga. By Rafael Valladares & Antonio Sánchez

Imago Mundi, 2023

This article discusses a newly identified seventeenth-century manuscript, a geographical descript... more This article discusses a newly identified seventeenth-century manuscript, a geographical description of the city of Málaga (Spain), that was written in the context of the Anglo-Spanish War of 1625 by the Portuguese cartographer Pedro Teixeira Albernaz. The original document, previously known only from a nineteenth-century copy, formed part of a larger project to improve the city’s defences. The manuscript contains the original drawings of six proposed forts, one of them previously unknown. The aims of this article are to describe this manuscript and to compare it with the extant, but different, nineteenth-century copy. The new document adds to our knowledge of both the defensive details of the conflict and Teixeira’s cartographic work.

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Cosmography in Early Modern Iberia: Alonso de Chaves and his Espejo de Navegantes

Journal of Early Modern Studies, 2023

Ancient cosmography had to adapt to new historical circumstances during the early modern period i... more Ancient cosmography had to adapt to new historical circumstances during the early modern period in Europe, leading to a proliferation of roles and even a sort of identity crisis. This entailed the revival of cosmography as a new and modern science, which, however, was neither unitary nor homogeneous. Cosmography was not associated with a single epistemic community, a certain scholarly profile or a specific corpus of literature, but with different groups and practitioners who produced diverse kinds of documents. Numerous practices emerged, and knowledge circulated in several forms. The article explores so-called practical cosmography in the Iberian world from the early sixteenth century. This will be illustrated not by the classical works of the period (Faleiro, Medina, Cortés, Oliveira) but by the lesser-known figure of the Pilot Major Alonso de Chaves and his nautical encyclopaedia Quatri partitu en cosmographia pratica (c. 1530). Chaves' responsibilities as cosmographer of the Casa de la Contratación in Seville, the subjects and structure of his treatise, the intended audience and the style and language used show that there were substantial differences between the cosmography practised in Seville and Central European cosmography. The characteristics of this cosmography will be interpreted from the perspective of artisanal epistemology.

Research paper thumbnail of A tese de Zilsel, a cultura marítima e a ciência ibérica no início da Europa moderna

Guia CIUHCT. Os primeiros 15 anos, 2007-2022 CIUHCT Companion. The first 15 years, 2007-2022, 2022

O Guia CIUHCT, concebido como um Companion, usando a nomenclatura anglo-saxónica, visa apresentar... more O Guia CIUHCT, concebido como um Companion, usando a nomenclatura anglo-saxónica, visa apresentar os principais resultados da década e meia de pesquisa decorrida após a criação do Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e Tecnologia (CIUHCT), em 2007. A riqueza da produção do CIUHCT poderia facilmente produzir muitos volumes semelhantes a este. A escolha dos presentes artigos, originalmente publicados em inglês, recaiu sobre os textos que as coordenadoras deste volume, e coordenadoras do CIUHCT até 2019, consideram cruciais, nos planos conceptual, metodológico e de conteúdos, para a HCTM e que, adicionalmente, melhor refletem a agenda científica e composição e projeção internacionais desta unidade de investigação. A decisão de publicar o Guia CIUHCT/CIUHCT Companion faz jus ao nosso compromisso de divulgar o trabalho de investigação, apoiado financeiramente por fundos públicos (via a Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), a uma plateia alargada, não necessariamente ligada ao meio universitário, alinhando-nos, adicionalmente, com as atuais recomendações da UNESCO em relação ao multilinguismo e inclusão e reforçando, ainda, a colaboração com os países lusófonos.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedro Nunes, la expansión marítima y la ciencia moderna

Juan Arana (ed.), La cosmovisión de los grandes creadores de la ciencia moderna, 2023

Durante los siglos XVI y XVII tiene lugar el acontecimiento más relevante de toda la historia int... more Durante los siglos XVI y XVII tiene lugar el acontecimiento más relevante de toda la historia intelectual de la humanidad: el surgimiento de la ciencia natural moderna, como consecuencia de dos revoluciones acontecidas sin solución de continuidad: la copernicana, que dio un vuelco completo al modelo de universo vigente, y la mecanicista, que abrió la puerta a la comprensión en profundidad de los procesos naturales. Entre los hombres que propiciaron aquel gigantesco salto adelante destacan cuatro figuras de primerísima magnitud: Copérnico, Galileo, Descartes y Newton. Sin embargo, hubo muchos otros que apenas les fueron a la zaga en cuanto a originalidad y genio. En este libro se explora el mundo de ideas y valores que acuñó aquella gesta incomparable.

Research paper thumbnail of Social and Epistemic Interactions Between Artisans and Scholars in Iberia. A Zilselian Reading of Early Modern Maritime Expansion

Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist, 2022

Despite its heuristic potential, Zilsel’s thesis has been charged with a significant explanatory ... more Despite its heuristic potential, Zilsel’s thesis has been charged with a significant explanatory weakness. The fault lies not in the claim that social barriers separating artisans from scholars in Europe were broken around 1600, but in the explanation of how this came about. Zilsel’s original proposal appears to lack an historically grounded explanation of the modes of interaction between these two diverse social groups. This chapter aims at overcoming this perceived deficiency. We argue not only that such an interaction actually existed, but also that it took place in a socially transformative context in early modern Europe, namely, its maritime expansion. As is well known, the creation of great global empires such as the Portuguese, Spanish, English or Dutch generated a complex and wide-ranging series of events that affected many areas, including science and technology. One of the characteristics of the new modes of scientific production was the collaboration between socially and culturally
separated epistemic communities such as, for example, cosmographers and sea pilots. As we will show, in its first phase, this collaboration was far from fortuitous, but rather forced, structured and promoted by the Crown. The interaction was regulated by a normative apparatus in the form of legislation, rules, and regiments. In addition, this interaction took place in institutions specially created for this purpose. In short, the aim of this chapter is not only to emphasize the relevance of Zilsel’s proposal, but also to illustrate it in detail by bringing to the fore the social mechanisms behind his thesis.

Research paper thumbnail of Urbanising the History of “Discoveries:” The 1940 Portuguese World Exhibition and the Making of a New Imperial Capital

Science, Technology and Medicine in the Making of Lisbon (1840-1940), 2022

This chapter analyses the urban renewal which took place in Lisbon since the 1930s through a new ... more This chapter analyses the urban renewal which took place in Lisbon since the 1930s through a new look at the Historical Exhibition of the Portuguese World (PWE) held in the symbolic neighbourhood of Belém in 1940 in the light of recent studies on science and city. The purpose of this renovation, for which the realization of PWE served as a fundamental axis, was to create a new Lisbon, a modern capital of the colonial empire. In this new urbanization, in line with all the political ideology of the dictatorship of Salazar, the (re)vision of national history played a key role. In this sense, the aim of this chapter is to show how the Portuguese maritime history of the period of European expansion and, more specifically, its scientific emblems and symbols, such as the armillary sphere, were urbanized by the regime in the reconstruction and modernization of Lisbon.

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmography, Maritime Culture, and Practical Knowledge in the Early Modern Spanish Empire

The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture. Edited By Rodrigo Cacho Casal, Caroline Egan, Brad Epps, Javier Muñoz-Basols, 2022

This chapter examines the relationship between cosmographic knowledge and the construction and ma... more This chapter examines the relationship between cosmographic knowledge and the construction and maintenance of the early modern Spanish overseas empire. The author begins with the premise that cosmography in the Iberian context refers to a type of knowledge that encompasses a series of empirical skills and practices, such as geography, astronomy, mathematics, cartography, navigation, the construction of mathematical instruments, and even natural history. To analyze this relationship, the present chapter inspects some of the main institutions, practices, information networks, positions, communities of practitioners, and artifacts generated in the early modern period. These aspects are considered in light of the most recent areas of research on early modern epistemology, especially those stemming from the historiography of Iberian science.

Research paper thumbnail of Expediciones científicas, geodesia, astronomía y naturalismo en Charles-Marie de La Condamine

Juan Arana (Director), La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos de la Ilustración, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cultura marítima y hombres prácticos en la época de Magallanes  y Elcano

Primus circumdedisti me La odisea transoceánica de Magallanes-Elcano (1519-1522), 2022

The maritime culture that was generated first in the Iberian world and later in the rest of Europ... more The maritime culture that was generated first in the Iberian world and later in the rest of Europe as a result of geographical expansion of the Renaissance was an eminently practical culture that formed the backbone of the information networks of the new global world. The purpose of this chapter is to outline some of the most characteristic aspects of this 16th century maritime culture from the point of view of its true protagonists, the seafarers. In other words, these pages attempt to describe, without
aiming to be conclusive, what aspects should be taken into consideration when tracing a history of Iberian navigation in the early modern period. At the same time, this description aims to introduce new ingredients for analysis that allow for a different reading of this history, a reading that historically and historiographically situates maritime culture as an integral part of the history of modern scientific knowledge, and also as a decisive part of the social, cultural, political, and economic history of modern Europe. To disregard maritime culture of the expansionist period is not only to conceal a traumatic episode in European history, but also to renounce a large part of European culture. How this culture manifested itself, who were its main actors and what role it plays today in the collective memory of Europeans and in new historiographical narratives is a challenge for historians.

Research paper thumbnail of O Portugal da pré-modernidade e a ciência no estilo de Reijer Hooykaas

Perspetivas sobre Construir Ciência Construir o Mundo, 2015

Este texto tenta esclarecer qual foi o contributo português para a história da ciência moderna e ... more Este texto tenta esclarecer qual foi o contributo português para a história da ciência moderna e para as origens da modernidade europeia com base nos trabalhos de Reijer Hooykaas (1906-1994), um reputado historiador da ciência holandês. A realidade portuguesa do século XVI modificou a percepção das raízes da ciência moderna, e mostrou no panorama internacional o papel desempenhado pelos descobrimentos geográficos e pela expansão marítima portuguesa, e sobretudo, a novidade do seu método empírico para o mundo do conhecimento. A revolução
geográfica precedeu em uma centúria a revolução das ciências, e isto não aconteceu por acaso. Ao contrário de outros historiadores que tradicionalmente tem excluído o mundo português sem o conhecer, Hooykaas ficou surpreendido pela evidência empírica dos documentos e das fontes portuguesas da idade moderna, assim como pela força explicativa que estes tinham para uma disciplina jovem como era a história da ciência. Da mesma forma que Hooykaas se referiu à ciência no estilo manuelino para explicar o contexto em que Portugal contribuiu para o aparecimento de uma nova ciência, estas páginas tentam clarificar os principais argumentos oferecidos por Hooykaas sobre a forma como a ciência da expansão portuguesa contribuiu para uma renovada visão do mundo.

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmografia, náutica, e conhecimento prático: espaços, práticas e artefactos

Ciência, Tecnologia Medicina na construção de Portugal. Novos horizontes, sécs. XV-XVII VOL. 1, 2021

This chapter studies the relationship established between cosmographic knowledge and the construc... more This chapter studies the relationship established between cosmographic knowledge and the construction as well as maintenance of the early modern Portuguese overseas empire. The author starts from the concept that cosmography in the Iberian context refers to a type of knowledge that encompasses a series of empirical skills and practices, such as geography, cartography, navigation, construction of mathematical instruments, and even natural history. To analyse this relationship this chapter examines some of the main institutions, practices, information networks, positions, communities of practitioners, and artifacts generated in that period. These aspects are considered in the light of the most recent lines of research on early modern epistemology, most stemming from the historiography on the history of early modern Iberian Science.

Research paper thumbnail of O mundo ibérico e a ciência moderna: uma mudança de narrativa

Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina na construção de Portugal. Novos horizontes, sécs. XV-XVII VOL. 1, 2021

This opening chapter aims to reflect on the notion of ‘Iberian science’ in the light of the histo... more This opening chapter aims to reflect on the notion of ‘Iberian science’ in the light of the historiographic changes that the discipline of History of Science has undergone in recent decades. We offer a brief critical review of the history of Iberian science studies at the same time that we analyse the current situation, both at the national and international levels, focusing on the description of the newest, more original and promising research lines. Special attention is given to topics related to scientific practices that underwent a significant development in the context of maritime expansion and the Portuguese colonial empire, such as nautical science, cartography and natural history.

Research paper thumbnail of Ciencia y experiencia. El arte de marear

Marinos de la Monarquía Hispánica, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Making a Global Image of the World: Science, Cosmography and Navigation in Times of the First Circumnavigation of Earth, 1492-1522

Culture & History, 2021

The voyages of exploration and discovery during the period of European maritime expansion and the... more The voyages of exploration and discovery during the period of European maritime expansion and the immense amount of information and artefacts they produced about our knowledge of the world have maintained a difficult, if not non-existent, relationship with the main historiographical lines of the history of early modern science. This article attempts to problematize this relationship based on a historical account that seeks to highlight the scientific and institutional mechanisms that made the Magellan-Elcano voyage, the first modern voyage, possible. The text argues that this voyage was the first modern voyage because it allowed the construction of a new scientific and cartographic image of the globe and contributed to our understanding of the world as a global world, altering the foundations on which modern European economic and geographic thought was based. In that sense, the voyage was something extraordinary, but not completely unexpected. It responded to a complex process of expansionary policy and technical development that dated back to the 15 th century, which in 1519 was sufficiently articulated to carry out a great feat.



Esta colecção apresenta, em quatro volumes, uma visão original e actual da relevância da ciência,... more Esta colecção apresenta, em quatro volumes, uma visão original e actual da relevância da ciência, da tecnologia e da medicina na construção de Portugal, desde o período medieval até aos nossos dias. Pretende‑se dar a conhecer a um público diversificado a melhor investigação histórica nestas áreas, suprindo o alheamento tradicional da historiografia portuguesa relativamente aos contextos científicos nacionais.
O primeiro volume, Novos Horizontes (Sécs. XV a XVII), revisita temas clássicos e temas menos abordados pelos historiadores, com especial ênfase no desenvolvimento das práticas científicas, tecnológicas e médicas durante a construção do império colonial português.

Research paper thumbnail of A Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: uma viagem pelo conhecimento

Research paper thumbnail of La espada, la cruz y el Padrón: soberanía, fe y representación cartográfica en el mundo ibérico bajo la Monarquía Hispánica, 1503-1598

Los actores de reparto de esta narración son algunos modelos cartográficos y varios mapas, todos ... more Los actores de reparto de esta narración son algunos modelos cartográficos y varios mapas, todos ellos levantados en el mundo ibérico y en el contexto renacentista de la expansión marítima. El protagonista principal es un mapa, un modelo, el llamado Padrón Real de la Casa de la Contratación de Sevilla, el primer mapa del imperio, un mapa imposible, un mapa que, en definitiva, nunca existió. La espada, la cruz y el Padrón cuenta la historia de un modelo cartográfico único, un artefacto que pretendió ser al mismo tiempo un mapa y muchas representaciones, esto es, la imagen oficial del mundo en el contexto expansionista, evangelizador y globalizador de la monarquía hispánica a lo largo del siglo XVI. El Padrón pretendía ser también un mapa secreto y se convirtió en un secreto a voces. Este estudio se presenta como un análisis epistemológico sobre la representación cartográfica española de la temprana Edad Moderna a través de sus mapas y sus modelos cartográficos. A lo largo de estas páginas se procura averiguar cuál fue el significado de algunas de las representaciones cartográficas más emblemáticas del mundo ibérico y qué funciones debían cumplir para convertirse en buenos mapas. Con este objetivo, se atiende al establecimiento de prácticas cartográficas en la Casa de la Contratación y a su producción cartográfica, especialmente aquella vinculada al Padrón Real.

Research paper thumbnail of Artesanos del mar océano: cosmografía, imperio y sociedad en la España moderna

Francisco Hidalgo Fernández y José Antolín Nieto Sánchez [Coords.], Artesanos. Una historia social en España (siglos XVI-XIX), 2024

En «Artesanos. Una historia social en España (siglos XVI-XIX)» se integran un conjunto de contrib... more En «Artesanos. Una historia social en España (siglos XVI-XIX)» se integran un conjunto de contribuciones que tienen a los artesanos y las artesanas de la Edad Moderna y primera contemporaneidad como objeto de estudio. Reconociendo las nuevas perspectivas y aportaciones de la historia social y la historia del trabajo manufacturero, la obra tiene como objetivo reunir a un conjunto de especialistas en las diferentes líneas de investigación llevadas a cabo por la historiografía española de los últimos años sobre el artesanado. Es una puesta al día en la materia, pero también un punto de inicio de investigaciones que podrán desarrollarse al calor de las reflexiones, perspectivas, temáticas y conclusiones elaboradas a lo largo de estas páginas. Entre los temas desarrollados: nuevas categorías y retos conceptuales, mercados profesionales marcados por características propias de acuerdo con el espacio, pero también con cronologías particulares, el aprendizaje gremial, los movimientos migratorios, la participación de las mujeres en las actividades de producción, la conflictividad laboral o el corporativismo artesano en el XIX. En suma, la obra es un alto en el camino que nos permite debatir y pensar antes de continuar trabajando en un mundo laboral moderno repleto de aristas, contrariedades, estereotipos y tópicos todavía por superar.

Research paper thumbnail of Artesanos para un mundo global

Revista de Libros, 2023

Lo artesanal está despertando hoy un creciente interés en diferentes sectores de la cultura europ... more Lo artesanal está despertando hoy un creciente interés en diferentes sectores de la cultura europea y no europea. Lo mismo se organiza una exposición sobre artesanías japonesas de la época Meiji en el Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno de Kioto, sobre artesanías estadounidenses en el Museo Crystal Bridges de Arte Americano de Arkansas, o sobre artesanías mexicanas en el Museo Franz Mayer de Ciudad de México, que asistimos a la inauguración de una nueva galería en el British Museum sobre astrolabios árabes de época medieval. Siguiendo esta estela, lo mismo podemos adquirir un codiciado espejo de bronce coreano de la dinastía Joseon a través de eBay, y sin movernos de casa, que un poncho Aymara de tradición precolombina. Estas y otras manifestaciones revelan no sólo una preocupación por una vertiente desatendida de la tradición, sino sobre todo una revisión profunda de las prácticas artesanales.

Research paper thumbnail of La ciencia ilustrada, el savant español y la expedición al virreinato del Perú para la medición del arco del meridiano, 1735-1748

Jorge Juan. El legado de un marino científico, 2023

La ciencia ilustrada fue también una ciencia viajera e itinerante en la que los sabios de media E... more La ciencia ilustrada fue también una ciencia viajera e itinerante en la que los sabios de media Europa se echaron a la mar. Tras los viajes de exploración y descubrimiento de épocas anteriores y la consolidación de largas rutas transoceánicas, el siglo XVIII asistió a una gran fiebre expedicionaria en la que las principales potencias marítimas movilizaron a sus armadas no solo para circunnavegar el globo, sino también para estudiarlo y medirlo.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the Anglo-Spanish War of 1625 through Military Cartography: A New Pedro Teixeira Description of the City of Málaga. By Rafael Valladares & Antonio Sánchez

Imago Mundi, 2023

This article discusses a newly identified seventeenth-century manuscript, a geographical descript... more This article discusses a newly identified seventeenth-century manuscript, a geographical description of the city of Málaga (Spain), that was written in the context of the Anglo-Spanish War of 1625 by the Portuguese cartographer Pedro Teixeira Albernaz. The original document, previously known only from a nineteenth-century copy, formed part of a larger project to improve the city’s defences. The manuscript contains the original drawings of six proposed forts, one of them previously unknown. The aims of this article are to describe this manuscript and to compare it with the extant, but different, nineteenth-century copy. The new document adds to our knowledge of both the defensive details of the conflict and Teixeira’s cartographic work.

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Cosmography in Early Modern Iberia: Alonso de Chaves and his Espejo de Navegantes

Journal of Early Modern Studies, 2023

Ancient cosmography had to adapt to new historical circumstances during the early modern period i... more Ancient cosmography had to adapt to new historical circumstances during the early modern period in Europe, leading to a proliferation of roles and even a sort of identity crisis. This entailed the revival of cosmography as a new and modern science, which, however, was neither unitary nor homogeneous. Cosmography was not associated with a single epistemic community, a certain scholarly profile or a specific corpus of literature, but with different groups and practitioners who produced diverse kinds of documents. Numerous practices emerged, and knowledge circulated in several forms. The article explores so-called practical cosmography in the Iberian world from the early sixteenth century. This will be illustrated not by the classical works of the period (Faleiro, Medina, Cortés, Oliveira) but by the lesser-known figure of the Pilot Major Alonso de Chaves and his nautical encyclopaedia Quatri partitu en cosmographia pratica (c. 1530). Chaves' responsibilities as cosmographer of the Casa de la Contratación in Seville, the subjects and structure of his treatise, the intended audience and the style and language used show that there were substantial differences between the cosmography practised in Seville and Central European cosmography. The characteristics of this cosmography will be interpreted from the perspective of artisanal epistemology.

Research paper thumbnail of A tese de Zilsel, a cultura marítima e a ciência ibérica no início da Europa moderna

Guia CIUHCT. Os primeiros 15 anos, 2007-2022 CIUHCT Companion. The first 15 years, 2007-2022, 2022

O Guia CIUHCT, concebido como um Companion, usando a nomenclatura anglo-saxónica, visa apresentar... more O Guia CIUHCT, concebido como um Companion, usando a nomenclatura anglo-saxónica, visa apresentar os principais resultados da década e meia de pesquisa decorrida após a criação do Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e Tecnologia (CIUHCT), em 2007. A riqueza da produção do CIUHCT poderia facilmente produzir muitos volumes semelhantes a este. A escolha dos presentes artigos, originalmente publicados em inglês, recaiu sobre os textos que as coordenadoras deste volume, e coordenadoras do CIUHCT até 2019, consideram cruciais, nos planos conceptual, metodológico e de conteúdos, para a HCTM e que, adicionalmente, melhor refletem a agenda científica e composição e projeção internacionais desta unidade de investigação. A decisão de publicar o Guia CIUHCT/CIUHCT Companion faz jus ao nosso compromisso de divulgar o trabalho de investigação, apoiado financeiramente por fundos públicos (via a Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), a uma plateia alargada, não necessariamente ligada ao meio universitário, alinhando-nos, adicionalmente, com as atuais recomendações da UNESCO em relação ao multilinguismo e inclusão e reforçando, ainda, a colaboração com os países lusófonos.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedro Nunes, la expansión marítima y la ciencia moderna

Juan Arana (ed.), La cosmovisión de los grandes creadores de la ciencia moderna, 2023

Durante los siglos XVI y XVII tiene lugar el acontecimiento más relevante de toda la historia int... more Durante los siglos XVI y XVII tiene lugar el acontecimiento más relevante de toda la historia intelectual de la humanidad: el surgimiento de la ciencia natural moderna, como consecuencia de dos revoluciones acontecidas sin solución de continuidad: la copernicana, que dio un vuelco completo al modelo de universo vigente, y la mecanicista, que abrió la puerta a la comprensión en profundidad de los procesos naturales. Entre los hombres que propiciaron aquel gigantesco salto adelante destacan cuatro figuras de primerísima magnitud: Copérnico, Galileo, Descartes y Newton. Sin embargo, hubo muchos otros que apenas les fueron a la zaga en cuanto a originalidad y genio. En este libro se explora el mundo de ideas y valores que acuñó aquella gesta incomparable.

Research paper thumbnail of Social and Epistemic Interactions Between Artisans and Scholars in Iberia. A Zilselian Reading of Early Modern Maritime Expansion

Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist, 2022

Despite its heuristic potential, Zilsel’s thesis has been charged with a significant explanatory ... more Despite its heuristic potential, Zilsel’s thesis has been charged with a significant explanatory weakness. The fault lies not in the claim that social barriers separating artisans from scholars in Europe were broken around 1600, but in the explanation of how this came about. Zilsel’s original proposal appears to lack an historically grounded explanation of the modes of interaction between these two diverse social groups. This chapter aims at overcoming this perceived deficiency. We argue not only that such an interaction actually existed, but also that it took place in a socially transformative context in early modern Europe, namely, its maritime expansion. As is well known, the creation of great global empires such as the Portuguese, Spanish, English or Dutch generated a complex and wide-ranging series of events that affected many areas, including science and technology. One of the characteristics of the new modes of scientific production was the collaboration between socially and culturally
separated epistemic communities such as, for example, cosmographers and sea pilots. As we will show, in its first phase, this collaboration was far from fortuitous, but rather forced, structured and promoted by the Crown. The interaction was regulated by a normative apparatus in the form of legislation, rules, and regiments. In addition, this interaction took place in institutions specially created for this purpose. In short, the aim of this chapter is not only to emphasize the relevance of Zilsel’s proposal, but also to illustrate it in detail by bringing to the fore the social mechanisms behind his thesis.

Research paper thumbnail of Urbanising the History of “Discoveries:” The 1940 Portuguese World Exhibition and the Making of a New Imperial Capital

Science, Technology and Medicine in the Making of Lisbon (1840-1940), 2022

This chapter analyses the urban renewal which took place in Lisbon since the 1930s through a new ... more This chapter analyses the urban renewal which took place in Lisbon since the 1930s through a new look at the Historical Exhibition of the Portuguese World (PWE) held in the symbolic neighbourhood of Belém in 1940 in the light of recent studies on science and city. The purpose of this renovation, for which the realization of PWE served as a fundamental axis, was to create a new Lisbon, a modern capital of the colonial empire. In this new urbanization, in line with all the political ideology of the dictatorship of Salazar, the (re)vision of national history played a key role. In this sense, the aim of this chapter is to show how the Portuguese maritime history of the period of European expansion and, more specifically, its scientific emblems and symbols, such as the armillary sphere, were urbanized by the regime in the reconstruction and modernization of Lisbon.

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmography, Maritime Culture, and Practical Knowledge in the Early Modern Spanish Empire

The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture. Edited By Rodrigo Cacho Casal, Caroline Egan, Brad Epps, Javier Muñoz-Basols, 2022

This chapter examines the relationship between cosmographic knowledge and the construction and ma... more This chapter examines the relationship between cosmographic knowledge and the construction and maintenance of the early modern Spanish overseas empire. The author begins with the premise that cosmography in the Iberian context refers to a type of knowledge that encompasses a series of empirical skills and practices, such as geography, astronomy, mathematics, cartography, navigation, the construction of mathematical instruments, and even natural history. To analyze this relationship, the present chapter inspects some of the main institutions, practices, information networks, positions, communities of practitioners, and artifacts generated in the early modern period. These aspects are considered in light of the most recent areas of research on early modern epistemology, especially those stemming from the historiography of Iberian science.

Research paper thumbnail of Expediciones científicas, geodesia, astronomía y naturalismo en Charles-Marie de La Condamine

Juan Arana (Director), La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos de la Ilustración, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cultura marítima y hombres prácticos en la época de Magallanes  y Elcano

Primus circumdedisti me La odisea transoceánica de Magallanes-Elcano (1519-1522), 2022

The maritime culture that was generated first in the Iberian world and later in the rest of Europ... more The maritime culture that was generated first in the Iberian world and later in the rest of Europe as a result of geographical expansion of the Renaissance was an eminently practical culture that formed the backbone of the information networks of the new global world. The purpose of this chapter is to outline some of the most characteristic aspects of this 16th century maritime culture from the point of view of its true protagonists, the seafarers. In other words, these pages attempt to describe, without
aiming to be conclusive, what aspects should be taken into consideration when tracing a history of Iberian navigation in the early modern period. At the same time, this description aims to introduce new ingredients for analysis that allow for a different reading of this history, a reading that historically and historiographically situates maritime culture as an integral part of the history of modern scientific knowledge, and also as a decisive part of the social, cultural, political, and economic history of modern Europe. To disregard maritime culture of the expansionist period is not only to conceal a traumatic episode in European history, but also to renounce a large part of European culture. How this culture manifested itself, who were its main actors and what role it plays today in the collective memory of Europeans and in new historiographical narratives is a challenge for historians.

Research paper thumbnail of O Portugal da pré-modernidade e a ciência no estilo de Reijer Hooykaas

Perspetivas sobre Construir Ciência Construir o Mundo, 2015

Este texto tenta esclarecer qual foi o contributo português para a história da ciência moderna e ... more Este texto tenta esclarecer qual foi o contributo português para a história da ciência moderna e para as origens da modernidade europeia com base nos trabalhos de Reijer Hooykaas (1906-1994), um reputado historiador da ciência holandês. A realidade portuguesa do século XVI modificou a percepção das raízes da ciência moderna, e mostrou no panorama internacional o papel desempenhado pelos descobrimentos geográficos e pela expansão marítima portuguesa, e sobretudo, a novidade do seu método empírico para o mundo do conhecimento. A revolução
geográfica precedeu em uma centúria a revolução das ciências, e isto não aconteceu por acaso. Ao contrário de outros historiadores que tradicionalmente tem excluído o mundo português sem o conhecer, Hooykaas ficou surpreendido pela evidência empírica dos documentos e das fontes portuguesas da idade moderna, assim como pela força explicativa que estes tinham para uma disciplina jovem como era a história da ciência. Da mesma forma que Hooykaas se referiu à ciência no estilo manuelino para explicar o contexto em que Portugal contribuiu para o aparecimento de uma nova ciência, estas páginas tentam clarificar os principais argumentos oferecidos por Hooykaas sobre a forma como a ciência da expansão portuguesa contribuiu para uma renovada visão do mundo.

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmografia, náutica, e conhecimento prático: espaços, práticas e artefactos

Ciência, Tecnologia Medicina na construção de Portugal. Novos horizontes, sécs. XV-XVII VOL. 1, 2021

This chapter studies the relationship established between cosmographic knowledge and the construc... more This chapter studies the relationship established between cosmographic knowledge and the construction as well as maintenance of the early modern Portuguese overseas empire. The author starts from the concept that cosmography in the Iberian context refers to a type of knowledge that encompasses a series of empirical skills and practices, such as geography, cartography, navigation, construction of mathematical instruments, and even natural history. To analyse this relationship this chapter examines some of the main institutions, practices, information networks, positions, communities of practitioners, and artifacts generated in that period. These aspects are considered in the light of the most recent lines of research on early modern epistemology, most stemming from the historiography on the history of early modern Iberian Science.

Research paper thumbnail of O mundo ibérico e a ciência moderna: uma mudança de narrativa

Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina na construção de Portugal. Novos horizontes, sécs. XV-XVII VOL. 1, 2021

This opening chapter aims to reflect on the notion of ‘Iberian science’ in the light of the histo... more This opening chapter aims to reflect on the notion of ‘Iberian science’ in the light of the historiographic changes that the discipline of History of Science has undergone in recent decades. We offer a brief critical review of the history of Iberian science studies at the same time that we analyse the current situation, both at the national and international levels, focusing on the description of the newest, more original and promising research lines. Special attention is given to topics related to scientific practices that underwent a significant development in the context of maritime expansion and the Portuguese colonial empire, such as nautical science, cartography and natural history.

Research paper thumbnail of Ciencia y experiencia. El arte de marear

Marinos de la Monarquía Hispánica, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Making a Global Image of the World: Science, Cosmography and Navigation in Times of the First Circumnavigation of Earth, 1492-1522

Culture & History, 2021

The voyages of exploration and discovery during the period of European maritime expansion and the... more The voyages of exploration and discovery during the period of European maritime expansion and the immense amount of information and artefacts they produced about our knowledge of the world have maintained a difficult, if not non-existent, relationship with the main historiographical lines of the history of early modern science. This article attempts to problematize this relationship based on a historical account that seeks to highlight the scientific and institutional mechanisms that made the Magellan-Elcano voyage, the first modern voyage, possible. The text argues that this voyage was the first modern voyage because it allowed the construction of a new scientific and cartographic image of the globe and contributed to our understanding of the world as a global world, altering the foundations on which modern European economic and geographic thought was based. In that sense, the voyage was something extraordinary, but not completely unexpected. It responded to a complex process of expansionary policy and technical development that dated back to the 15 th century, which in 1519 was sufficiently articulated to carry out a great feat.

Research paper thumbnail of Las ciencias del Galeón de Manila

Revista Hasta el Tuetano, 2020

Puede decirse que la navegación desde Filipinas a América es la más larga y terrible del mundo: p... more Puede decirse que la navegación desde Filipinas a América es la más larga y terrible del mundo: por los mares inmensos que se han de atravesar, casi la mitad del globo terráqueo, siempre con viento contrario; como por las tempestades increíbles que se encuentran una tras otra; y por las enfermedades mortales que sobrevienen en un viaje que requiere siete u ocho meses; ya por las diferentes latitudes y por el clima cambiante, ahora frío o helado, ahora templado o caliente. Estos cambios, que bastarían para quebrar el hierro, tienen efectos devastadores sobre el hombre, que además durante la navegación está obligado a nutrirse con malos alimentos.

Research paper thumbnail of SPECIAL ISSUE: Introduction - The Fabulous 1930s in the History of Science and Technology

HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology , 2020

Research paper thumbnail of SPECIAL ISSUE - STANDARDS: TAMING KNOWLEDGE? Introduction: Standards in the History of Contemporary Science

HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane, Majstorac-Kobiljski, Alexandra y Carnino, Guillaume (dirs.) (2017), Histoire des techniques: mondes, sociétés, cultures (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Paris, PUF, Nouvelle Clio, 604 pp.

Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane, Majstorac-Kobiljski, Alexandra y Carnino, Guillaume (dirs.) (2017), Histoire des techniques: mondes, sociétés, cultures (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Paris, PUF, Nouvelle Clio, 604 pp.

Revista de Libros, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Glenn Adamson, The Invention of Craft, Londres, Bloomsbury, 2013, 243 pág.

Research paper thumbnail of España en Mapas Antiguos. Catálogo de la Colección Rodríguez Torres Ayuso. By Carmen Manso Porto

Imago Mundi, 74, 2 , 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Cartografía e Imperio: El Padrón Real y la representación del Nuevo Mundo, by José María García Redondo.

Research paper thumbnail of La vuelta al mundo de Magallanes–Elcano. La aventura imposible, 1519–1522; Magellan and Elcano’s Circumnavigation of the World: The Impossible Adventure, 1519–1522. Edited by María Dolores Higueras Rodríguez

Research paper thumbnail of Giurgevich, Luana y Leitão, Henrique: Clavis Bibliothecarum: catálogos e inventários de livrarias de instituições religiosas em Portugal até 1834, Moscavide, Secretariado Nacional para os Bens Culturais da Igreja, 2016, 863 págs., ISBN: 978-989-97257-7-5.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Víctor Navarro Brotons, Disciplinas, saberes y prácticas. Filosofía natural, matemáticas y astronomía en la sociedad española de la época moderna. Valencia: Universitat de València; 2014, 496 p. ISBN: 978-84-370-9446- 5.

[Research paper thumbnail of Nieto, Mauricio. Las máquinas del imperio y el reino de Dios: reflexiones sobre ciencia, tecnología y religión en el mundo atlántico del siglo XVI. Bogotá, Ediciones Uniandes, 2013, 288 páginas. [ISBN: 9789586959131]](

Nieto, Mauricio. Las máquinas del imperio y el reino de Dios: reflexiones sobre ciencia, tecnolog... more Nieto, Mauricio. Las máquinas del imperio y el reino de Dios: reflexiones sobre ciencia, tecnología y religión en el mundo atlántico del siglo XVI. Bogotá, Ediciones Uniandes, 2013, 288 páginas. [ISBN: 9789586959131]

Research paper thumbnail of David Knight. Voyaging in strange seas: the great revolution in science. New Haven and London: Yale University Press; 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Iván Vélez, Sobre la Leyenda Negra, Madrid, Encuentro, 2014, 327 pp.

[Research paper thumbnail of Joyce Appleby, Shores of Knowledge: New World Discoveries and the Scientific Imagination, New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 2013. 320 pp. [ISBN: 978-0393239515].](

Research paper thumbnail of Sabrina Guerra Moscoso (Ed.), Enigmas, Geografía, Expediciones y Cartografía de las Américas. Quito: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, 2013.

The Brussels Map Circle, 2014

[Research paper thumbnail of Marta Macedo, Projectar e Construir a Nação: Engenheiros, ciência e território em Portugal no século XIX, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2012. 378 pp. [ISBN: 978-972-671-295-4]](

Research paper thumbnail of Maria M. Portuondo, Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Today, the history of early modern science is directed towards less reductionist paths than those... more Today, the history of early modern science is directed towards less reductionist paths than those that characterized the traditional narratives of the so-called Big Picture. Following such trend, the scientific activity of the Spanish and Portuguese empires related to navigation, cosmography, and natural history began to attract a wide scholarly interest and became an important topic in the historiographical context of Atlantic history. This new line of research erupted within a field open several decades ago by authors such as José María López Piñero in Spain, and Luis de Albuquerque in Portugal. Recent publications offer a revised approach to an old problem, namely, the intricate relationship between scientific knowledge and imperial power, in an era without modern nation-states or professional organization of scientific disciplines. The authors of such studies agree on the difficulty of both shed light on the conditions in which scientific knowledge was produced within the complex network of long distance, and on how to impose some control over that knowledge. However, there is an overall consensus that the encounter between the old and new continent anticipated those practices that Baconian philosophy considered favourable to exert control and domination over nature, with elements as important as experiment, empirical observation, the institutionalization of scientific practice, mapping or the collection of botanical information. Maria M. Portuondo's Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World -recently awarded the prestigious John E. Fagg Prize from the American Historical Association -stands out among this revised literature. After the contributions of Portuondo joins the field of the history of early modern Iberian science with a provocative title. Portuondo's book explores the cosmographical activity of Spain in the sixteenth century, a cultural context in which the role of the Cosmógrafo Real

Research paper thumbnail of NAVARRO, Víctor y EAMON, William (eds.), Más allá de la leyenda negra: España y la revolución científica; Beyond the Black legend: Spain and the scientific revolution. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia-CSIC, 2007, 529 p.

Dynamis Fecha de recepción: 4 de enero de 2010 [0211-9536] 2011; 31 (1): 245-259 Fecha de aceptac... more Dynamis Fecha de recepción: 4 de enero de 2010 [0211-9536] 2011; 31 (1): 245-259 Fecha de aceptación: 16 de marzo de 2010

Research paper thumbnail of DELBOURGO, James and DEW, Nicholas (eds.), Science and Empire in the Atlantic World. New York-London, Routledge, 2008, 384 p.

Dynamis Fecha de recepción: 4 de enero de 2010 [0211-9536] 2011; 31 (1): 245-259 Fecha de aceptac... more Dynamis Fecha de recepción: 4 de enero de 2010 [0211-9536] 2011; 31 (1): 245-259 Fecha de aceptación: 16 de marzo de 2010

Research paper thumbnail of BLEICHMAR, Daniela, DE VOS, Paula, HUFFINE, Kristin and SHEEHAN, Kevin (eds.), Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, 1500-1800. Sanford: Stanford University Press, 2009, 456 p.

BLEICHMAR, Daniela, DE VOS, Paula, HUFFINE, Kristin and SHEEHAN, Kevin (eds.), Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, 1500-1800. Sanford: Stanford University Press, 2009, 456 p.

Dynamis Fecha de recepción: 4 de enero de 2010 [0211-9536] 2011; 31 (1): 245-259 Fecha de aceptac... more Dynamis Fecha de recepción: 4 de enero de 2010 [0211-9536] 2011; 31 (1): 245-259 Fecha de aceptación: 16 de marzo de 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Chet Van Duzer, Johann Schöner’s Globe of 1515: Transcription and Study, Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 2010, 217 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Antonio T. Reguera Rodríguez, Los geógrafos del rey. León, Universidad de León, 2010, 558 págs., ISBN: 978-84-9773-538-4.

Research paper thumbnail of Maria M. Portuondo, Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Vivette GARCÍA DEISTER La centralidad de la Fundación Rockefeller en el desarrollo de la biología... more Vivette GARCÍA DEISTER La centralidad de la Fundación Rockefeller en el desarrollo de la biología molecular revisada: una extensión de la crítica de Abir-Am a la luz del modelo del operón (The centrality of the Rockefeller Foundation in the development of molecular biology revisited: an extension of Abir Am's critique in the light of the operon model) 69

Research paper thumbnail of Making a Global Image of the World: Science, Cosmography, and Navigation in Times of the First Circumnavigation of Earth, 1492-1522

Culture & History, 2020

The voyages of exploration and discovery during the period of European maritime expansion and the... more The voyages of exploration and discovery during the period of European maritime expansion and the immense amount of information and artefacts they produced about our knowledge of the world have maintained a difficult, if not non-existent, relationship with the main historiographical lines of the history of early modern science. This article attempts to problematize this relationship based on a historical account that seeks to highlight the scientific and institutional mechanisms that made the Magellan-Elcano voyage, the first modern voyage, possible. The text argues that this voyage was the first modern voyage because it allowed the construction of a new scientific and cartographic image of the globe and contributed to our understanding of the world as a global world, altering the foundations on which modern European economic and geographic thought was based. In that sense, the voyage was something extraordinary, but not completely unexpected. It responded to a complex process of expansionary policy and technical development that dated back to the 15th century, which in 1519 was sufficiently articulated to carry out a great feat.

Research paper thumbnail of Artesanos para un mundo global

Revista de Libros, 2023

Lo artesanal está despertando hoy un creciente interés en diferentes sectores de la cultura europ... more Lo artesanal está despertando hoy un creciente interés en diferentes sectores de la cultura europea y no europea. Lo mismo se organiza una exposición sobre artesanías japonesas de la época Meiji en el Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno de Kioto, sobre artesanías estadounidenses en el Museo Crystal Bridges de Arte Americano de Arkansas, o sobre artesanías mexicanas en el Museo Franz Mayer de Ciudad de México, que asistimos a la inauguración de una nueva galería en el British Museum sobre astrolabios árabes de época medieval.

Research paper thumbnail of Figueiredo, Manuel de – Dicionário

Dicionário de Biografias de Cientistas, Engenheiros e Médicos Portugueses, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Reinel, Jorge - Dicionário

Dicionário de Biografias de Cientistas, Engenheiros e Médicos Portugueses, 2022

orge Reinel foi um cartógrafo português do século XVI que trabalhou nos Armazéns da Guiné e Índia... more orge Reinel foi um cartógrafo português do século XVI que trabalhou nos Armazéns da Guiné e Índia de Lisboa, a principal instituição portuguesa na produção de cartas náuticas daquela época. Tal como acontece com o seu pai, Pedro Reinel <> , não são muitos os dados sobre a sua vida. Os documentos conhecidos não permitem determinar com precisão quando é que Jorge Reinel nasceu e morreu, mas indicam que viveu grande parte do século XVI. Sabemos, no entanto, que trabalhou ao serviço da Coroa portuguesa como cartógrafo e examinador da ciência e arte de navegar, e também, temporariamente, para a Coroa espanhola em circunstâncias ainda pouco esclarecidas. Sabe-se igualmente que esteve casado com Beatriz Lopes e que, em 1572, no fim da sua vida, estava doente e vivia na pobreza.

Research paper thumbnail of Reinel, Pedro – Dicionário

Dicionário de Biografias de Cientistas, Engenheiros e Médicos Portugueses, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Faleiro, Francisco – Dicionário

Dicionário de Biografias de Cientistas, Engenheiros e Médicos Portugueses, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Faleiro, Rui (Ruy Falero, Rui Falero, Rodrigo Faleyro) – Dicionário

Dicionário de Biografias de Cientistas, Engenheiros e Médicos Portugueses, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Workshop "Cultura marítima y epistemología artesanal", 17 de junio 2022

Este evento ha sido financiado por el proyecto de I+D+i "Cultura marítima ibérica y prácticas oce... more Este evento ha sido financiado por el proyecto de I+D+i "Cultura marítima ibérica y prácticas oceanográficas en el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico: conocimiento tácito, estandarización, conocimiento práctico y geopolítica" PID2019-111054GB-I00 .