CESAR LOPEZ | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (original) (raw)
Facultad de Educación de Badajoz, 2021
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un... more RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un pensamiento histórico crítico. Sin embargo, la influencia de un enfoque nacional romántico sigue presente en el modo en el que los jóvenes piensan el pasado. En este artículo, se analizan algunos elementos clave que sustentan estas representaciones nacionalistas románticas. En primer lugar, se analiza el papel de conceptos históricos clave que vertebran las narrativas nacionales, como la nación, la identidad nacional o el territorio. En segundo lugar, se examina el modo en el que los jóvenes se vinculan con el pasado nacional a través de procesos de identificación, la experiencia de emociones y la emisión de juicios morales. Por último, se analiza el papel de las narrativas nacionales como mediadores culturales y su influencia en la comprensión de la historia. A lo largo del artículo se plantean alternativas pedagógicas para abordar estos elementos de manera que permitan pensar el pasado nacional de manera histórica.
Panta Rei.
Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el apre... more Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia. Sin embargo, desde finales del siglo XX, existe un énfasis en señalar lo inadecuado de estas narrativas para el desarrollo del pensamiento histórico. Este artículo, mediante una revisión sistemática, analiza la evolución del papel de las narrativas nacionales en los últimos 25 años. Para ello, se analiza por un lado el papel de las narrativas nacionales en los manuales de historia. Por otro lado, se recogen los principales avances producidos en cómo los estudiantes narran la historia de su nación. Las investigaciones muestran una pervivencia de estas narrativas nacionales en la transmisión y comprensión del pasado, si bien continúan surgiendo proyectos relevantes para desnacionalizar la enseñanza del pasado. Finalmente, se discuten algunos de los retos futuros que se plantean para este tipo de investigaciones. Traditionally, national narratives have played a centr...
espanolEn este articulo se analiza el estado actual de la relacion entre ensenanza de la historia... more espanolEn este articulo se analiza el estado actual de la relacion entre ensenanza de la historia y la construccion de identidades colectivas centrandose especificamente en el fenomeno de las identidades nacionales. Se presenta un analisis detallado de la vision de estudiantes universitarios espanoles sobre los conceptos de identidad nacional y nacion a traves de la revision de dos estudios empiricos recientes realizados en Espana. Estos estudios muestran una fuerte presencia de concepciones de tipo esencialistas en los estudiantes que otorgan a estos conceptos unas caracteristicas naturales, atemporales y estaticas. La mayoria de concepciones encontradas encajan muy bien con la adquisicion de objetivos identitarios y, sin embargo, difieren mucho de una comprension en linea con el desarrollo de un pensamiento historico critico. Finalmente se exploran algunos de los posibles origenes de este tipo de concepciones en los estudiantes. Se presta una especial atencion a como se transmite ...
1. INTRODUCCIÓN Pese a que el fenómeno nacional ha sido tachado de obsoleto y desfasado en el cre... more 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Pese a que el fenómeno nacional ha sido tachado de obsoleto y desfasado en el cre-ciente contexto de globalización, lo cierto es que estamos asistiendo a un resurgimiento de lo nacional tanto a través de discursos e ideologías abiertamente nacionalistas como de mecanismos menos visibles de celebración patriótica. En un contexto de movimientos migratorios masivos y crecientes tensiones entre políticas proteccionistas y otras más integradoras, se hace más necesario que nunca entender un fenómeno tan complejo como el de la identidad nacional. Asimismo, parece relevante un análisis exhaustivo de los mecanismos a través de los cuales se construyen, transmiten y moldean estas identidades. Sin duda alguna, las narrativas nacionales que proliferan tanto en el ámbito formal-fundamentalmente a través de la enseñanza de la historia-como en el informal-en novelas históricas, series, prensa o discursos políticos-constituyen un elemento clave de formación y mantenimiento de las identidades nacionales. El estudio de la identidad nacional y de las narrativas nacionales se muestra especialmente importante si preten-demos contribuir a desarrollar visiones más críticas y reflexivas sobre estos fenómenos en la sociedad actual. No en vano, muchos de los discursos que proliferan en diferentes contextos culturales-piénsese, por ejemplo, en el tan conocido Make America Great Again del actual presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump-se fundamentan sobre unas representaciones sesgadas de la nación y de la identidad nacional. El estudio del fenómeno nacional sobrepasa ampliamente los límites de una única disciplina, como puede ser el caso de la historia. Distintos ámbitos, como la socio-logía, la educación o la psicología, han abordado esta compleja temática. Para una comprensión polifacética y crítica consideramos enriquecedor establecer puentes entre estas disciplinas de manera que podamos integrar los avances que se producen en cada
History has been traditionally considered a fundamental tool for developing national identity. In... more History has been traditionally considered a fundamental tool for developing national identity. In many countries, the study of the past usually takes the form of narratives about the nation. National narratives constitute key mediators in the development of national identity. They usually relate to the birth of the nation, its independence or its glorious moments. These narratives connect the past and the present of the nation, constituting a backbone for the development of collective emotions and people's conceptions about their national identity. Why are these narratives such a powerful tool? What are their main characteristics? Why do they trigger collective emotions? What kind of national identity do they promote? Gathering recent key contributions from the fields of historiopraphy, education and psychology, the purpose of this chapter is to analyse the role of national narratives in the development of national identity. This interdisciplinary approach offers a more complete and analytical understanding of how narratives of national identity are produced, transmitted and finally consumed by the members of a nation. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the new challenges for history and civic education.
International Journal of Heritage Studies
ABSTRACT National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the... more ABSTRACT National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the past. These narratives aim to instil national pride and a common identity. We aim to investigate the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification processes, and moral emotions. We propose that people’s moral emotions about their nation’s past are related to how they understand historical concepts such as the nation and their national identification. Specifically, we propose that people may experience group-based moral emotions even when narrating distant historical events that occurred prior to the very existence of their nation. To test this hypothesis, we examined Spanish university students’ narratives about the so-called ‘Discovery’ of America. Students experienced conflicted moral emotions towards this central narrative of Spanish national heritage. Emotions such as pride, gratitude, shame and guilt were frequently experienced and explained in terms of national membership. Moral emotions experienced were associated with students’ national identification and political orientation. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification, and emotions, and its impact on heritage and history education.
Culture & Psychology
National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory a... more National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory and national identity. Drawing on Wertsch’s notion of a schematic narrative template, the purpose of this article is to explore how Spanish university students’ narratives of the Conquest of America and the Latin American independence processes are informed by the ‘triumph over alien forces’ general scheme. The author proposes that this particular scheme mediates the misremembering of these foundational events while supporting key features of national narratives, such as the naturalized nature of the nation and national identity and the nation’s bond with a natural territory. Using a qualitative analysis, students’ narratives were confronted with the ‘triumph over alien forces’ plot. The results indicate that most students’ narratives conformed to the ‘triumph over alien forces’ scheme, misleading their understanding of the past. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications...
Palgrave Handbook of Research in Historical Culture and Education, 2017
Rodriguez-Moneo and Lopez examine the acquisition of intuitive knowledge and its relation to the ... more Rodriguez-Moneo and Lopez examine the acquisition of intuitive knowledge and its relation to the process of conceptual change in the field of history learning. Their chapter’s first section explores the cognitive processes underlying the construction of concepts and stresses their relevant role for both developing and changing theories. In the second part of the chapter these analyses are applied to the field of history and placed in relation with empirical studies carried out in the field regarding students’ key historical concepts such as nation and national identity. The chapter also emphasizes the connection between historical concepts and narratives as a crucial way to better understand students’ prior knowledge and promote a conceptual change towards their more critical understanding of history, closer to disciplinary historical knowledge.
Panta Rei, 2015
El formato narrativo ocupa un papel central en el ámbito de la historia, tanto en la generación d... more El formato narrativo ocupa un papel central en el ámbito de la historia, tanto en la generación del conocimiento histórico como en su transmisión y aprendizaje. Sin duda, una de las narrativas más frecuentes y dominantes en el campo son las denominadas narrativas nacionales. Estas narrativas, frecuentemente basadas en mitos y leyendas, buscan principalmente celebrar el pasado nacional, dificultando en gran medida una comprensión crítica del mismo. El presente artículo pretende contribuir a comprender el papel que juegan estas narrativas nacionales en la producción y el consumo del conocimiento histórico a través de un análisis en diferentes ámbitos: el académico, el escolar y el ámbito informal. Finalmente, se presenta una reflexión sobre algunos de los estudios empíricos más recientes que analizan la influencia de estas narrativas nacionales en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. The narrative format plays a central role in the field of history, both in the production of historical ...
Culture & Psychology, 2014
National narratives are a key element in the process of history consumption and production. These... more National narratives are a key element in the process of history consumption and production. These master narratives have been analyzed in both theoretical and empirical studies as general schematic templates producing an essentialist and nationalist representation of the own past. The majority of studies examining historical representations of national narratives have used historical content of the students’ own nation. This study, on the other hand, analyzed the historical understanding of 34 Spanish university students concerning three dimensions of historical narratives about a nation other than their own. These dimensions were: the establishment of the historical subject, the moral judgment about the national group actions, and the legitimacy of the ownership of the territory. The distinction among three different dimensions is presented as providing a better both theoretical and empirical comprehension of master narratives as sociocultural devices. Our results indicated that pa...
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2014
The Catalyzing Mind, 2013
The discipline of history has been traditionally associated with the construction of national ide... more The discipline of history has been traditionally associated with the construction of national identity. Since the eighteenth century, the whole discipline has been structured around the concept of nation, portraying a naturalized and romantic conception of nation and national identity. Romantic national narratives around the world were produced as a fundamental mediator for understanding history. However, in the late twentieth century, new approaches on nation and national identity began to address the national phenomenon as a social construction, challenging the established romantic conceptions. This modern disciplinary approach has constituted a profound revolution not only in producing history, but also in teaching and learning history. However, national narratives and national identities remain as catalytic conditions that in one hand, support a romantic conception of the own nation and national identity, and on the other hand difficult a historical understanding of these concepts. This chapter analyzes the role of these mediators in students’ historical understanding through two different studies. Both studies were conducted with Spanish students, but one addressing historical contents from Spain and the other from Greece. Dealing with a historical content of a foreign nation, in which students’ national identity is not involved, seems to enable a more disciplinary understanding of the historical content. The role of national identity and national narratives as key catalysts for romantic understanding of history is discussed.
... Historical Representations and Conflicts about Indigenous People as National Identities. Cult... more ... Historical Representations and Conflicts about Indigenous People as National Identities. Culture and Psychology 12 (2). Carretero, M. & López Rodríguez, C.(2009). ... Review of Educational Research, 69 (3), 315-339. Renan, E.(2004) What is a Nation? ...
Understanding EmotionsPublisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2021
Emotions are considered to be an internal experience in human beings and essential for the constr... more Emotions are considered to be an internal experience in human beings and essential for the construction of collective identities. These identities are often rooted in the social representations of the past shared by the group members. At the group level, theories of group-based emotions and social identity can help us to better understand the social aspects of emotions. At an individual level, psychological processes such as empathy and emotion regulation are fundamental to how people negotiate their emotional links with their past, whether this past displays a glorifying view of the group or an uneasy and troubled view. Both at an individual and group level, these emotional processes are especially relevant for collective identity and for addressing moral dilemmas related to group history. Drawing from socio-cognitive and cultural studies, we analyze these relations between emotions and social representations of the past. Throughout the chapter, we aim to conceptualize key terms, including empathy and emotional regulation, and thus shed light on how social links with the past shape emotional responses. In turn, this knowledge can help us comprehend the critical role that emotions can play in promoting a critical understanding of the past. Finally, we discuss the implications of understanding emotions for civic and history education
Campo Abierto. Revista de Educación, 2021
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un... more RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un pensamiento histórico crítico. Sin embargo, la influencia de un enfoque nacional romántico sigue presente en el modo en el que los jóvenes piensan el pasado. En este artículo, se analizan algunos elementos clave que sustentan estas representaciones nacionalistas románticas. En primer lugar, se analiza el papel de conceptos históricos clave que vertebran las narrativas nacionales, como la nación, la identidad nacional o el territorio. En segundo lugar, se examina el modo en el que los jóvenes se vinculan con el pasado nacional a través de procesos de identificación, la experiencia de emociones y la emisión de juicios morales. Por último, se analiza el papel de las narrativas nacionales como mediadores culturales y su influencia en la comprensión de la historia. A lo largo del artículo se plantean alternativas pedagógicas para abordar estos elementos de manera que permitan pensar el pasado nacional de manera histórica.
Panta Rei: revista digital de Historia y didáctica de la Historia, 2020
Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el apre... more Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia. Sin embargo, desde finales del siglo XX, existe un énfasis en señalar lo inadecuado de estas narrativas para el desarrollo del pensamiento histórico. Este artículo, mediante una revisión sistemática, analiza la evolución del papel de las narrativas nacionales en los últimos 25 años. Para ello, se analiza por un lado el papel de las narrativas nacionales en los manuales de historia. Por otro lado, se recogen los principales avances producidos en cómo los estudiantes narran la historia de su nación. Las investigaciones muestran una pervivencia de estas narrativas nacionales en la transmisión y comprensión del pasado, si bien continúan surgiendo proyectos relevantes para desnacionalizar la enseñanza del pasado. Finalmente, se discuten algunos de los retos futuros que se plantean para este tipo de investigaciones.
International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2020
National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the past. Th... more National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the past. These narratives aim to instil national pride and a common identity. We aim to investigate the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification processes, and moral emotions. We propose that people’s moral emotions about their nation’s past are related to how they understand historical concepts such as the nation and their national identification. Specifically, we propose that people may experience group-based moral emotions even when narrating distant historical events that occurred prior to the very existence of their nation. To test this hypothesis, we examined Spanish university students’ narratives about the so-called ‘Discovery’ of America. Students experienced conflicted moral emotions towards this central narrative of Spanish national heritage. Emotions such as pride, gratitude, shame and guilt were frequently experienced and explained in terms of national membership. Moral emotions experienced were associated with students’ national identification and political orientation. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification, and emotions, and its impact on heritage and history education.
Culture & Psychology, 2019
National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory a... more National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory and national identity. Drawing on Wertsch's notion of a schematic narrative template, the purpose of this article is to explore how Spanish university students' narratives of the Conquest of America and the Latin American independence processes are informed by the 'triumph over alien forces' general scheme. The author proposes that this particular scheme mediates the misremembering of these foundational events while supporting key features of national narratives, such as the naturalized nature of the nation and national identity and the nation's bond with a natural territory. Using a qualitative analysis, students' narratives were confronted with the 'triumph over alien forces' plot. The results indicate that most students' narratives conformed to the 'triumph over alien forces' scheme, misleading their understanding of the past. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the powerful presence of this scheme for developing collective memory and its impact in hindering historical understanding.
Facultad de Educación de Badajoz, 2021
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un... more RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un pensamiento histórico crítico. Sin embargo, la influencia de un enfoque nacional romántico sigue presente en el modo en el que los jóvenes piensan el pasado. En este artículo, se analizan algunos elementos clave que sustentan estas representaciones nacionalistas románticas. En primer lugar, se analiza el papel de conceptos históricos clave que vertebran las narrativas nacionales, como la nación, la identidad nacional o el territorio. En segundo lugar, se examina el modo en el que los jóvenes se vinculan con el pasado nacional a través de procesos de identificación, la experiencia de emociones y la emisión de juicios morales. Por último, se analiza el papel de las narrativas nacionales como mediadores culturales y su influencia en la comprensión de la historia. A lo largo del artículo se plantean alternativas pedagógicas para abordar estos elementos de manera que permitan pensar el pasado nacional de manera histórica.
Panta Rei.
Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el apre... more Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia. Sin embargo, desde finales del siglo XX, existe un énfasis en señalar lo inadecuado de estas narrativas para el desarrollo del pensamiento histórico. Este artículo, mediante una revisión sistemática, analiza la evolución del papel de las narrativas nacionales en los últimos 25 años. Para ello, se analiza por un lado el papel de las narrativas nacionales en los manuales de historia. Por otro lado, se recogen los principales avances producidos en cómo los estudiantes narran la historia de su nación. Las investigaciones muestran una pervivencia de estas narrativas nacionales en la transmisión y comprensión del pasado, si bien continúan surgiendo proyectos relevantes para desnacionalizar la enseñanza del pasado. Finalmente, se discuten algunos de los retos futuros que se plantean para este tipo de investigaciones. Traditionally, national narratives have played a centr...
espanolEn este articulo se analiza el estado actual de la relacion entre ensenanza de la historia... more espanolEn este articulo se analiza el estado actual de la relacion entre ensenanza de la historia y la construccion de identidades colectivas centrandose especificamente en el fenomeno de las identidades nacionales. Se presenta un analisis detallado de la vision de estudiantes universitarios espanoles sobre los conceptos de identidad nacional y nacion a traves de la revision de dos estudios empiricos recientes realizados en Espana. Estos estudios muestran una fuerte presencia de concepciones de tipo esencialistas en los estudiantes que otorgan a estos conceptos unas caracteristicas naturales, atemporales y estaticas. La mayoria de concepciones encontradas encajan muy bien con la adquisicion de objetivos identitarios y, sin embargo, difieren mucho de una comprension en linea con el desarrollo de un pensamiento historico critico. Finalmente se exploran algunos de los posibles origenes de este tipo de concepciones en los estudiantes. Se presta una especial atencion a como se transmite ...
1. INTRODUCCIÓN Pese a que el fenómeno nacional ha sido tachado de obsoleto y desfasado en el cre... more 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Pese a que el fenómeno nacional ha sido tachado de obsoleto y desfasado en el cre-ciente contexto de globalización, lo cierto es que estamos asistiendo a un resurgimiento de lo nacional tanto a través de discursos e ideologías abiertamente nacionalistas como de mecanismos menos visibles de celebración patriótica. En un contexto de movimientos migratorios masivos y crecientes tensiones entre políticas proteccionistas y otras más integradoras, se hace más necesario que nunca entender un fenómeno tan complejo como el de la identidad nacional. Asimismo, parece relevante un análisis exhaustivo de los mecanismos a través de los cuales se construyen, transmiten y moldean estas identidades. Sin duda alguna, las narrativas nacionales que proliferan tanto en el ámbito formal-fundamentalmente a través de la enseñanza de la historia-como en el informal-en novelas históricas, series, prensa o discursos políticos-constituyen un elemento clave de formación y mantenimiento de las identidades nacionales. El estudio de la identidad nacional y de las narrativas nacionales se muestra especialmente importante si preten-demos contribuir a desarrollar visiones más críticas y reflexivas sobre estos fenómenos en la sociedad actual. No en vano, muchos de los discursos que proliferan en diferentes contextos culturales-piénsese, por ejemplo, en el tan conocido Make America Great Again del actual presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump-se fundamentan sobre unas representaciones sesgadas de la nación y de la identidad nacional. El estudio del fenómeno nacional sobrepasa ampliamente los límites de una única disciplina, como puede ser el caso de la historia. Distintos ámbitos, como la socio-logía, la educación o la psicología, han abordado esta compleja temática. Para una comprensión polifacética y crítica consideramos enriquecedor establecer puentes entre estas disciplinas de manera que podamos integrar los avances que se producen en cada
History has been traditionally considered a fundamental tool for developing national identity. In... more History has been traditionally considered a fundamental tool for developing national identity. In many countries, the study of the past usually takes the form of narratives about the nation. National narratives constitute key mediators in the development of national identity. They usually relate to the birth of the nation, its independence or its glorious moments. These narratives connect the past and the present of the nation, constituting a backbone for the development of collective emotions and people's conceptions about their national identity. Why are these narratives such a powerful tool? What are their main characteristics? Why do they trigger collective emotions? What kind of national identity do they promote? Gathering recent key contributions from the fields of historiopraphy, education and psychology, the purpose of this chapter is to analyse the role of national narratives in the development of national identity. This interdisciplinary approach offers a more complete and analytical understanding of how narratives of national identity are produced, transmitted and finally consumed by the members of a nation. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the new challenges for history and civic education.
International Journal of Heritage Studies
ABSTRACT National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the... more ABSTRACT National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the past. These narratives aim to instil national pride and a common identity. We aim to investigate the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification processes, and moral emotions. We propose that people’s moral emotions about their nation’s past are related to how they understand historical concepts such as the nation and their national identification. Specifically, we propose that people may experience group-based moral emotions even when narrating distant historical events that occurred prior to the very existence of their nation. To test this hypothesis, we examined Spanish university students’ narratives about the so-called ‘Discovery’ of America. Students experienced conflicted moral emotions towards this central narrative of Spanish national heritage. Emotions such as pride, gratitude, shame and guilt were frequently experienced and explained in terms of national membership. Moral emotions experienced were associated with students’ national identification and political orientation. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification, and emotions, and its impact on heritage and history education.
Culture & Psychology
National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory a... more National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory and national identity. Drawing on Wertsch’s notion of a schematic narrative template, the purpose of this article is to explore how Spanish university students’ narratives of the Conquest of America and the Latin American independence processes are informed by the ‘triumph over alien forces’ general scheme. The author proposes that this particular scheme mediates the misremembering of these foundational events while supporting key features of national narratives, such as the naturalized nature of the nation and national identity and the nation’s bond with a natural territory. Using a qualitative analysis, students’ narratives were confronted with the ‘triumph over alien forces’ plot. The results indicate that most students’ narratives conformed to the ‘triumph over alien forces’ scheme, misleading their understanding of the past. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications...
Palgrave Handbook of Research in Historical Culture and Education, 2017
Rodriguez-Moneo and Lopez examine the acquisition of intuitive knowledge and its relation to the ... more Rodriguez-Moneo and Lopez examine the acquisition of intuitive knowledge and its relation to the process of conceptual change in the field of history learning. Their chapter’s first section explores the cognitive processes underlying the construction of concepts and stresses their relevant role for both developing and changing theories. In the second part of the chapter these analyses are applied to the field of history and placed in relation with empirical studies carried out in the field regarding students’ key historical concepts such as nation and national identity. The chapter also emphasizes the connection between historical concepts and narratives as a crucial way to better understand students’ prior knowledge and promote a conceptual change towards their more critical understanding of history, closer to disciplinary historical knowledge.
Panta Rei, 2015
El formato narrativo ocupa un papel central en el ámbito de la historia, tanto en la generación d... more El formato narrativo ocupa un papel central en el ámbito de la historia, tanto en la generación del conocimiento histórico como en su transmisión y aprendizaje. Sin duda, una de las narrativas más frecuentes y dominantes en el campo son las denominadas narrativas nacionales. Estas narrativas, frecuentemente basadas en mitos y leyendas, buscan principalmente celebrar el pasado nacional, dificultando en gran medida una comprensión crítica del mismo. El presente artículo pretende contribuir a comprender el papel que juegan estas narrativas nacionales en la producción y el consumo del conocimiento histórico a través de un análisis en diferentes ámbitos: el académico, el escolar y el ámbito informal. Finalmente, se presenta una reflexión sobre algunos de los estudios empíricos más recientes que analizan la influencia de estas narrativas nacionales en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. The narrative format plays a central role in the field of history, both in the production of historical ...
Culture & Psychology, 2014
National narratives are a key element in the process of history consumption and production. These... more National narratives are a key element in the process of history consumption and production. These master narratives have been analyzed in both theoretical and empirical studies as general schematic templates producing an essentialist and nationalist representation of the own past. The majority of studies examining historical representations of national narratives have used historical content of the students’ own nation. This study, on the other hand, analyzed the historical understanding of 34 Spanish university students concerning three dimensions of historical narratives about a nation other than their own. These dimensions were: the establishment of the historical subject, the moral judgment about the national group actions, and the legitimacy of the ownership of the territory. The distinction among three different dimensions is presented as providing a better both theoretical and empirical comprehension of master narratives as sociocultural devices. Our results indicated that pa...
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2014
The Catalyzing Mind, 2013
The discipline of history has been traditionally associated with the construction of national ide... more The discipline of history has been traditionally associated with the construction of national identity. Since the eighteenth century, the whole discipline has been structured around the concept of nation, portraying a naturalized and romantic conception of nation and national identity. Romantic national narratives around the world were produced as a fundamental mediator for understanding history. However, in the late twentieth century, new approaches on nation and national identity began to address the national phenomenon as a social construction, challenging the established romantic conceptions. This modern disciplinary approach has constituted a profound revolution not only in producing history, but also in teaching and learning history. However, national narratives and national identities remain as catalytic conditions that in one hand, support a romantic conception of the own nation and national identity, and on the other hand difficult a historical understanding of these concepts. This chapter analyzes the role of these mediators in students’ historical understanding through two different studies. Both studies were conducted with Spanish students, but one addressing historical contents from Spain and the other from Greece. Dealing with a historical content of a foreign nation, in which students’ national identity is not involved, seems to enable a more disciplinary understanding of the historical content. The role of national identity and national narratives as key catalysts for romantic understanding of history is discussed.
... Historical Representations and Conflicts about Indigenous People as National Identities. Cult... more ... Historical Representations and Conflicts about Indigenous People as National Identities. Culture and Psychology 12 (2). Carretero, M. & López Rodríguez, C.(2009). ... Review of Educational Research, 69 (3), 315-339. Renan, E.(2004) What is a Nation? ...
Understanding EmotionsPublisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2021
Emotions are considered to be an internal experience in human beings and essential for the constr... more Emotions are considered to be an internal experience in human beings and essential for the construction of collective identities. These identities are often rooted in the social representations of the past shared by the group members. At the group level, theories of group-based emotions and social identity can help us to better understand the social aspects of emotions. At an individual level, psychological processes such as empathy and emotion regulation are fundamental to how people negotiate their emotional links with their past, whether this past displays a glorifying view of the group or an uneasy and troubled view. Both at an individual and group level, these emotional processes are especially relevant for collective identity and for addressing moral dilemmas related to group history. Drawing from socio-cognitive and cultural studies, we analyze these relations between emotions and social representations of the past. Throughout the chapter, we aim to conceptualize key terms, including empathy and emotional regulation, and thus shed light on how social links with the past shape emotional responses. In turn, this knowledge can help us comprehend the critical role that emotions can play in promoting a critical understanding of the past. Finally, we discuss the implications of understanding emotions for civic and history education
Campo Abierto. Revista de Educación, 2021
RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un... more RESUMEN En las últimas décadas ha habido un fuerte interés en el ámbito educativo por promover un pensamiento histórico crítico. Sin embargo, la influencia de un enfoque nacional romántico sigue presente en el modo en el que los jóvenes piensan el pasado. En este artículo, se analizan algunos elementos clave que sustentan estas representaciones nacionalistas románticas. En primer lugar, se analiza el papel de conceptos históricos clave que vertebran las narrativas nacionales, como la nación, la identidad nacional o el territorio. En segundo lugar, se examina el modo en el que los jóvenes se vinculan con el pasado nacional a través de procesos de identificación, la experiencia de emociones y la emisión de juicios morales. Por último, se analiza el papel de las narrativas nacionales como mediadores culturales y su influencia en la comprensión de la historia. A lo largo del artículo se plantean alternativas pedagógicas para abordar estos elementos de manera que permitan pensar el pasado nacional de manera histórica.
Panta Rei: revista digital de Historia y didáctica de la Historia, 2020
Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el apre... more Tradicionalmente, las narrativas nacionales han jugado un papel central en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia. Sin embargo, desde finales del siglo XX, existe un énfasis en señalar lo inadecuado de estas narrativas para el desarrollo del pensamiento histórico. Este artículo, mediante una revisión sistemática, analiza la evolución del papel de las narrativas nacionales en los últimos 25 años. Para ello, se analiza por un lado el papel de las narrativas nacionales en los manuales de historia. Por otro lado, se recogen los principales avances producidos en cómo los estudiantes narran la historia de su nación. Las investigaciones muestran una pervivencia de estas narrativas nacionales en la transmisión y comprensión del pasado, si bien continúan surgiendo proyectos relevantes para desnacionalizar la enseñanza del pasado. Finalmente, se discuten algunos de los retos futuros que se plantean para este tipo de investigaciones.
International Journal of Heritage Studies, 2020
National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the past. Th... more National narratives play a key role in young people’s knowledge and understanding of the past. These narratives aim to instil national pride and a common identity. We aim to investigate the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification processes, and moral emotions. We propose that people’s moral emotions about their nation’s past are related to how they understand historical concepts such as the nation and their national identification. Specifically, we propose that people may experience group-based moral emotions even when narrating distant historical events that occurred prior to the very existence of their nation. To test this hypothesis, we examined Spanish university students’ narratives about the so-called ‘Discovery’ of America. Students experienced conflicted moral emotions towards this central narrative of Spanish national heritage. Emotions such as pride, gratitude, shame and guilt were frequently experienced and explained in terms of national membership. Moral emotions experienced were associated with students’ national identification and political orientation. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the interplay between narrative thinking, social identification, and emotions, and its impact on heritage and history education.
Culture & Psychology, 2019
National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory a... more National narratives about the past play a central role in the construction of collective memory and national identity. Drawing on Wertsch's notion of a schematic narrative template, the purpose of this article is to explore how Spanish university students' narratives of the Conquest of America and the Latin American independence processes are informed by the 'triumph over alien forces' general scheme. The author proposes that this particular scheme mediates the misremembering of these foundational events while supporting key features of national narratives, such as the naturalized nature of the nation and national identity and the nation's bond with a natural territory. Using a qualitative analysis, students' narratives were confronted with the 'triumph over alien forces' plot. The results indicate that most students' narratives conformed to the 'triumph over alien forces' scheme, misleading their understanding of the past. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the powerful presence of this scheme for developing collective memory and its impact in hindering historical understanding.
Reproducing, rethinking, resisting national narratives. A sociocultural approach to schematic narrative templates in times of nationalismPublisher: Information Age Publishing, 2022
1. INTRODUCCIÓN Pese a que el fenómeno nacional ha sido tachado de obsoleto y desfasado en el cre... more 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Pese a que el fenómeno nacional ha sido tachado de obsoleto y desfasado en el cre-ciente contexto de globalización, lo cierto es que estamos asistiendo a un resurgimiento de lo nacional tanto a través de discursos e ideologías abiertamente nacionalistas como de mecanismos menos visibles de celebración patriótica. En un contexto de movimientos migratorios masivos y crecientes tensiones entre políticas proteccionistas y otras más integradoras, se hace más necesario que nunca entender un fenómeno tan complejo como el de la identidad nacional. Asimismo, parece relevante un análisis exhaustivo de los mecanismos a través de los cuales se construyen, transmiten y moldean estas identidades. Sin duda alguna, las narrativas nacionales que proliferan tanto en el ámbito formal-fundamentalmente a través de la enseñanza de la historia-como en el informal-en novelas históricas, series, prensa o discursos políticos-constituyen un elemento clave de formación y mantenimiento de las identidades nacionales. El estudio de la identidad nacional y de las narrativas nacionales se muestra especialmente importante si preten-demos contribuir a desarrollar visiones más críticas y reflexivas sobre estos fenómenos en la sociedad actual. No en vano, muchos de los discursos que proliferan en diferentes contextos culturales-piénsese, por ejemplo, en el tan conocido Make America Great Again del actual presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump-se fundamentan sobre unas representaciones sesgadas de la nación y de la identidad nacional. El estudio del fenómeno nacional sobrepasa ampliamente los límites de una única disciplina, como puede ser el caso de la historia. Distintos ámbitos, como la socio-logía, la educación o la psicología, han abordado esta compleja temática. Para una comprensión polifacética y crítica consideramos enriquecedor establecer puentes entre estas disciplinas de manera que podamos integrar los avances que se producen en cada
Narrative structures have an essential role when analyzing historical remembering and its importa... more Narrative structures have an essential role when analyzing historical remembering and its importance at both individual and social levels. This influence is particularly decisive in the production of narratives, primarily reflected in school history textbooks and other informal cultural devices, and also when people consume these narratives in order to explain historical events. People's representations of national identities and the very concept of nation are the most characteristic elements of these narratives. This paper examines the importance of making a detailed analysis of the features of such representations in order to have a better understanding of the process of human historical remembering.
A pioneering writer on the topics covered in this book, the French historian M. Ferro (1981) affi... more A pioneering writer on the topics covered in this book, the French historian M. Ferro (1981) affi rmed in his work How the Past is Taught to Children that:
History has been traditionally considered a fundamental tool for developing national identity. In... more History has been traditionally considered a fundamental tool for developing national identity. In many countries, the study of the past usually takes the form of narratives about the nation. National narratives constitute key mediators in the development of national identity. They usually relate to the birth of the nation, its independence or its glorious moments. These narratives connect the past and the present of the nation, constituting a backbone for the development of collective emotions and people's conceptions about their national identity. Why are these narratives such a powerful tool? What are their main characteristics? Why do they trigger collective emotions? What kind of national identity do they promote? Gathering recent key contributions from the fields of historiopraphy, education and psychology, the purpose of this chapter is to analyse the role of national narratives in the development of national identity. This interdisciplinary approach offers a more complete and analytical understanding of how narratives of national identity are produced, transmitted and finally consumed by the members of a nation. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the new challenges for history and civic education.
Lopez C., Carretero M., Rodriguez-Moneo M. (2014) Fostering National Identity, Hindering Historical Understanding. In: Cabell K., Valsiner J. (eds) The Catalyzing Mind. Annals of Theoretical Psychology, vol 11. Springer, New York, NY, 2014
The discipline of history has been traditionally associated with the construction of national ide... more The discipline of history has been traditionally associated with the
construction of national identity. Since the eighteenth century, the
whole discipline has been structured around the concept of nation,
portraying a naturalized and romantic conception of nation and
national identity. Romantic national narratives around the world were
produced as a fundamental mediator for understanding history.
However, in the late twentieth century, new approaches on nation
and national identity began to address the national phenomenon as a
social construction, challenging the established romantic
conceptions. This modern disciplinary approach has constituted a
profound revolution not only in producing history, but also in teaching
and learning history. However, national narratives and national
identities remain as catalytic conditions that in one hand, support a
romantic conception of the own nation and national identity, and on
the other hand difficult a historical understanding of these concepts.
This chapter analyzes the role of these mediators in students’
historical understanding through two different studies. Both studies
were conducted with Spanish students, but one addressing historical
contents from Spain and the other from Greece. Dealing with a
historical content of a foreign nation, in which students’ national
identity is not involved, seems to enable a more disciplinary
understanding of the historical content. The role of national identity
and national narratives as key catalysts for romantic understanding of
history is discussed.