Francisco Bastitta Harriet | Universidad de Buenos Aires (original) (raw)
Books by Francisco Bastitta Harriet
Brill | Schöningh, 2023
[Preliminary materials and Introduction] This book explores the invention, significance and ac... more [Preliminary materials and Introduction]
This book explores the invention, significance and actual history of self-creative freedom from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance.
Gregory of Nyssa, the great Cappadocian Father of the IV century, is not as yet deemed one of the outstanding figures in our Histories of Philosophy. However, this monograph argues that his remarkable theories of freedom transcend his own time and, traversing centuries of Medieval and Byzantine history, they become one of the core theoretical inspirations for the anthropological revolution of the Quattrocento, as evinced in eminent philosophers such as Nicholas of Cusa and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.
Bilingual Latin-Spanish edition of "De sex rerum principiis" with introductory study and notes by... more Bilingual Latin-Spanish edition of "De sex rerum principiis" with introductory study and notes by Francisco Bastitta, Valeria Buffon and Cecilia Rusconi.
Bold in metaphysical assumptions and well-versed in contemporary scientific theories, the anonymous author of "On the Six Principles of Things" tries to develop an integral system of the universe. While invoking the ancestral authority of the legendary Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus, the present treatise was actually written in the 12th century from various Arab and Latin sources, possibly in the School of Chartres. The previous hermetic tradition expressed a certain tension between works of a more philosophical or sapiential character, destined for intellectual elites, and other texts of a practical nature, mainly on astrology, alchemy or magic, which enjoyed less prestige among scholars. Our book clearly tries to bridge the gap between these two trends, in search for a true unification of knowledge. Not only does it present systematically the principles of the universe together with worldly prescriptions, on such matters as astrological medicine or the use of the astrolabe, but it carries this out with the aim of offering a maximum condensation of all the wisdom of its time.
(For the printed version, visit: )
Edición bilingüe, latín-español del "De sex rerum principiis", con estudio preliminar y notas de Francisco Bastitta, Valeria Buffon y Cecilia Rusconi.
Audaz en sus supuestos metafísicos y avezado en las teorías científicas de su tiempo, el anónimo autor de "Acerca de los seis principios de las cosas" se lanza a elaborar un sistema integral del universo. Si bien invoca la autoridad ancestral del legendario sabio egipcio Hermes Trismegisto, el presente tratado fue confeccionado en pleno siglo XII a partir de diversas fuentes árabes y latinas, posiblemente en el entorno de la Escuela de Chartres. La rica tradición hermética previa expresaba una cierta tensión entre sus obras más filosóficas o sapienciales, dirigidas a las élites intelectuales, y otros textos de carácter práctico, principalmente de astrología, de alquimia y de magia, que han gozado de menos prestigio entre los estudiosos. Nuestro opúsculo intenta, a todas luces, superar el hiato entre estas dos vertientes, en busca de una verdadera unificación del saber. No solo presenta de manera sistemática los principios del universo junto con prescripciones mundanas, como indicaciones de carácter médico o sobre el uso del astrolabio, sino que también hace todo esto con el afán de divulgar una condensación máxima de toda la sabiduría de su tiempo.
Critical Editions by Francisco Bastitta Harriet
M. Cassin, H. Grelier-Deneux & F. Vinel (eds.), Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Our Father. An English Translation with Commentary and Supporting Studies, Brill, Leiden 2021, 156-242 (Vigiliae Christianae Supplements, 168), 2021
Co-authored with José Luis Narvaja. We present here a sample of the preliminary study and criti... more Co-authored with José Luis Narvaja.
We present here a sample of the preliminary study and critical 'editio princeps' of the Latin version of Gregory of Nyssa’s Homilies on the Lord’s Prayer (De oratione dominica), completed in the second half of the 15th century by the Byzantine scholar Athanasius Chalkeopoulos and dedicated to Pope Paul II. The critical text of the homilies and of the translator’s prologue, based on four different manuscripts, is preceded by an introduction to the figure of Athanasius and the historical context of his Latin versions and bilingual editions of ancient Pagan and Christian authors. Besides, we describe some of the peculiarities of his translating style and his Greek and Latin calligraphy. Finally, the preliminary study also includes an English translation and commentary of Athanasius’ dedicatory letter, as well as a section of critical notes regarding our edition.
Papers by Francisco Bastitta Harriet
A. Sáez Gutiérrez, C. Sanvito y D. Tomaselli (eds.), Filiación. Proverbs 8,22-31: Text, Context, Reception, volumen 10, Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid, 2024
This paper aims to analyse historically and philosophically one of the most unusual and significa... more This paper aims to analyse historically and philosophically one of the most unusual and significant events surrounding the Trinitarian interpretation of Proverbs 8 in the fourth century. Early in 361, the Armenian bishop Meletius, newly appointed to the prominent see of Antioch, stands in a sort of public debate before emperor Constantius II together with other theologians of various doctrinal orientations. The monarch convened them precisely to elucidate the meaning of Proverbs 8:22, in which Sophia, the personification of divine wisdom, exclaims: “The Lord created me as the beginning of his ways towards his works”. This memorable gathering takes place when Meletius is still intimately associated with the Homoean party and the figure of Acacius, Eusebius’ successor in Caesarea of Palestine. In other words, it occurs years ahead of his becoming one of the leaders of the Neo-Nicene party in the East along with Eusebius of Samosata and Basil of Caesarea in Cappadocia.
El artículo se propone analizar histórica y filosóficamente uno de los eventos más inusuales y significativos en torno a la interpretación trinitaria de Proverbios 8 durante el siglo cuarto. A principios del año 361, el obispo armenio Melecio, recientemente nombrado para la importante sede de Antioquía, comparece en una especie de debate público ante el emperador Constancio II junto con otros teólogos de diversas orientaciones doctrinales. El monarca los ha convocado precisamente para dilucidar el sentido del versículo de Proverbios 8,22, en el que Sophia, la personificación de la sabiduría divina, exclama: «El Señor me creó como principio de sus caminos hacia sus obras». Este memorable encuentro tiene lugar cuando Melecio se encuentra aún íntimamente asociado al partido homeo y a la figura de Acacio, el sucesor de Eusebio en Cesarea de Palestina. En otras palabras, ocurre años antes de que se convirtiera en uno de los líderes del partido neoniceno en Oriente junto con Eusebio de Samosata y Basilio de Cesarea en Capadocia.
Cuestiones teológicas 51 (115), 2024
In this presentation we propose to reflect on the way in which the thought of Gregory of Nyssa so... more In this presentation we propose to reflect on the way in which the thought of Gregory of Nyssa sought to restore to their place of greatness persons and entire social groups that had been demeaned or neglected in the society of his time. We will attempt to confront Nyssen's living thought with the painful reality of the enslavements of our century. Although this approach might be considered to go beyond the specific scope of the History of Philosophy, those of us who investigate philosophical ideas find that many of them have an enduring influence and transcend their original historical context. First, we will briefly discuss the phenomenon of social slavery and asymmetries, both in Gregory of Nyssa's era and in our own. Then, in the section entitled “A Call to Conscience,” we will analyze the novel Gregorian anthropological theory, which rests on his radical interpretation of the divine image in the human being, and we will indicate some of its philosophical sources and its main elements: the fullness of perfections, its intrinsic dignity, equality and freedom. The final part of the paper, “A Call to Action,” will dwell on the practical consequences of Nyssen’s anthropology, his original conception of compassion, of the possible transformation and equalization of humanity according to the divine image, as well as the powerful relevance of these ideas for our time.
N. Jakubecki, M. C. Rusconi & N. Strok (eds.), Platón cosmólogo. Recepción del Timeo entre la Edad Media y la temprana Modernidad, 2022
A general introduction to the first Greek philosophical exegeses of Plato's Timaeus, from the old... more A general introduction to the first Greek philosophical exegeses of Plato's Timaeus, from the old Academy to the early Roman Empire in Pagan, Jewish and Christian circles.
Introducción general a las primeras exégesis filosóficas del Timeo de Platón, desde la temprana Academia hasta los inicios del Imperio romano en ámbitos paganos, judíos y cristianos de habla griega.
F. O'Reilly, Á. Perpere Viñuales (eds.), Imago Dei, Capax Dei. Ensayos en honor a Héctor Delbosco, 2023
The philosopher and theologian Ramon Sibiuda, also known as Raimundus Sabunde, is one of the most... more The philosopher and theologian Ramon Sibiuda, also known as Raimundus Sabunde, is one of the most significant authors in 15th-century Catalonia. The sole surviving work attributed to him, the Liber creaturarum, composed in 1436, underwent over ten editions in a century. A young Michel de Montaigne translated it into French and later, sarcastically paraphrased it in the “Apology for Raimundo Sabunde”, the most extensive of his Essays. Hegel also mentions ‘Raymund von Sabunde’ in his Preliminary Lectures on the History of Philosophy, praising the itinerary of the Liber creaturarum, which moves from human existence and the book of creation to the divine. The issue of the sources of Sibiuda’s work is notably intricate, as the author explicitly aims not to cite authors or sacred texts in supporting the deployment of his scientia de homine. Nevertheless, even in the absence of a complete critical edition of the Liber creaturarum, numerous indications suggest that his primary inspiration comes directly or indirectly from the anthropological treatise De opificio hominis by Gregory of Nyssa, which he may have encountered in one of its two existing Latin translations, that of Dionysius Exiguus or that of John Scotus Eriugena. In this paper, after introducing the texts of Gregory and Sibiuda and their production contexts, I will present some of the most significant textual and conceptual traces of the reception of Nyssen’s ideas in the Catalan author’s work.
Uno de los autores más importantes del siglo XV catalán es el filósofo y teólogo Ramon Sibiuda, también conocido como Raimundo Sabunde. La única obra que conservamos de él, el Liber creaturarum, compuesta en 1436, tuvo más de diez ediciones en cien años. Fue traducida al francés por un joven Michel de Montaigne, y luego parafraseada sarcásticamente en el más extenso de sus Ensayos, la Apología de Raimundo Sabunde. También Hegel menciona en sus Lecciones preliminares de la historia de la filosofía a ‘Raymund von Sabunde’ y elogia el itinerario del Liber creaturarum, que transita desde el ser humano y el libro de la creación hasta lo divino. La cuestión de las fuentes de la obra de Sibiuda es por demás compleja, ya que el autor se propone explícitamente no citar autores ni textos sagrados como apoyo al desplegar su scientia de homine. Sin embargo, incluso careciendo de una edición crítica completa del Liber creaturarum, hay muchos indicios de que la inspiración principal le llega directa o indirectamente del tratado antropológico De opificio hominis de Gregorio de Nisa, que puede haber conocido en alguna de sus dos traducciones latinas existentes en aquel tiempo, la de Dionisio el Exiguo o la de Escoto Eriúgena. En el presente trabajo, luego de introducir los textos de Gregorio y de Sibiuda y sus contextos de producción, expondré algunos de los indicios textuales y conceptuales más significativos de recepción del Niseno en la obra del catalán.
Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für europäische Geistesgeschichte 12/2, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to explore Eckhart’s possible reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s anthro... more The purpose of this paper is to explore Eckhart’s possible reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s anthropology, whose radical theory of the divine image reached the West probably since the times of Ambrose of Milan. Subsequently, Gregory’s De opificio hominis became widely known by means of two different Latin versions, one by the great canonist Dionysius Exiguus in the 6th century and another by the Carolingian philosopher Eriugena in the 9th century, who quoted his version extensively in the Periphyseon. But since there seem to be no obvious direct links between Gregory of Nyssa’s De opificio hominis and Eckhart’s texts, I will be analysing and comparing some of the main elements in their respective interpretations of the divine image in humanity, trying to identify and account for some of their notorious philosophical and terminological parallels. We will begin with the idea of an unmediated relationship between the divine archetype and the human image, which hence implies for both authors a sort of self-portrait of God, of his own form and activity. Next, I will point out their associations of the divine image with the intellect and their uses of the dynamic metaphor of the mirror. Finally, I will compare their understandings of the ratio imaginis, that is, the true significance of the biblical dictum of the ‘image of God’, to what extent the image is equal to its divine model and in what sense it differs from it. However indirect Gregory’s influence might have been, I believe it could help us understand some of the most intriguing aspects of Eckhart’s concept of bild or imago.
M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica CXV (2021) 219-230
[The file includes table of contents and sample page] This article intends to analyse philosophic... more [The file includes table of contents and sample page]
This article intends to analyse philosophically the theory of compassion and its practical corollaries in Gregory of Nyssa’s fifth homily on the Beatitudes, particularly in its first section. The author tries to assimilate the Jewish and Christian biblical tradition with the classical conception of the Greeks, and for that he challenges some of the main assumptions of the Platonist, Peripatetic and Stoic philosophical schools. Gregory describes compassion as a fundamental human attitude that springs from love and is capable of transforming the framework of society by restoring equality, justice and communion among human beings. Beginning with the traditional Greek understanding of ἔλεος, with all its rich literary references, philosophical significance and dramatic power, Nyssen slowly pours it into the mould of the Judeo-Christian language of mercy and love, more intimate, more far-reaching, filled with the zeal for justice and redemption. The result is a profound, theoretically complex and socially challenging speculation. From a private emotion to a bond of communion, from a passive reaction to an active and free commitment, from a disordered passion to the highest of human virtues, from requiring social distance to erasing all differences of dignity and honour, from being restricted to those around us to reaching out towards each and every human being: compassion truly emerges in a new form.
Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, edited by Margaret King, 2021
This material was originally published in Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, e... more This material was originally published in Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, edited by Margaret King, and has been reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press []. For permission to reuse this material, please visit
The trends of Platonism which proved to be the most influential throughout the Renaissance were born roughly around the same period as the Greek corpus attributed to the Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus. They resulted from the rich intermingling of Greek philosophy with other Near Eastern cultures since the time of Alexander the Great. It is not by chance, then, that their fortunes were bound together until the Early Modern period. Legend has it that Cosimo de’ Medici was highly impressed by the Platonic wisdom of the Greek émigrés visiting Florence in 1439, during the Council of Union between the Eastern and Western Churches, and particularly by the eminent philosopher George Gemistos Plethon. More than twenty years later, Cosimo entrusted a young Marsilio Ficino with the task of translating into Latin a Greek manuscript of Plato’s dialogues, possibly bequeathed by the Byzantine emperor, if not by Plethon himself. Before completing his rendering of the first series of ten dialogues, Ficino presented his elderly patron with the Pimander, a translation of fifteen Greek treatises on theology and occult lore by the “thrice greatest” Mercury or Hermes, believed to be the first in a venerable tradition of ancient sages which culminated in Plato. Certainly, these and similar newly recovered collections helped to shape and enrich the intellectual life of the emergent Renaissance. Their novelty and relevance, however, tended to be overstated in some historiographical perspectives. Fortunately, profound critical studies of the various sources from the Platonic, Neoplatonic, and Hermetic traditions have multiplied since the 19th century, gradually providing a clearer picture of the extent and nature of their influence on Renaissance and Early Modern scholars. Some of the most interesting topics discussed currently regard the lines of continuity between the medieval and Renaissance receptions of Platonism and Hermetism. Indeed, the Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Byzantine Middle Ages offer an immense repository of Platonic and Hermetic wisdom to Renaissance humanists and philosophers, which includes new theoretical and practical approaches, interpretative methods, translations, and commentaries. Only after elucidating these elements of continuity and change can one adequately ponder the distinctive character and originality of Renaissance Platonists and Hermeticists. Another hotly debated issue since Lynn Thorndike’s pioneering studies is the role of these ancient and medieval traditions in the development of experimental sciences and the emergence of the scientific revolution around the 16th and 17th centuries.
C. D’Amico - G.L. Cuozzo - N. Russano (eds.), Nicolás de Cusa: Unidad en la Pluralidad. Homenaje a Jorge Mario Machetta, vol. I, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA), Buenos Aires, 2021, 147-187
In light of new textual evidence in a manuscript from Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), the present work i... more In light of new textual evidence in a manuscript from Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), the present work intends to determine the scope of Nicholas de Cusa’s influence on Giovanni Pico della Mirandola around the problem of the unity of truth and the diversity of philosophies. In his Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance (1927), Ernst Cassirer held the capital role of Cusanus’ philosophy in the configuration of the philosophical turn in Florentine Humanism during the second half of the Quattrocento. In the 1960s, historians of the stature of Eugenio Garin and Paul Oskar Kristeller objected Cassirer's assertions, going so far as to affirm that there was practically no influence by Cusanus on Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico. In the case of the latter, more recent studies tended to balance the issue, pointing out several possible links between both authors, particularly through the physician and bibliophile Pierleone da Spoleto, who owned many works by the German cardinal. Some sections of Pico's Oratio, Conclusiones and other texts will be analyzed in comparison with those treatises by Cusanus which he most likely knew. For both authors, it is the unity of the incomprehensible truth that brings forth the different modes of philosophizing in the plurality of thought traditions.
A la luz de nuevas evidencias textuales en un manuscrito de Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), el presente trabajo se propone investigar los alcances de la influencia de Nicolás de Cusa sobre Giovanni Pico della Mirandola en torno del problema de la unidad de la verdad y la diversidad de las filosofías. En su obra de 1927, Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance, Ernst Cassirer sostenía el rol capital de la filosofía de Nicolás de Cusa en la configuración del humanismo filosófico florentino de la segunda mitad del Quattrocento. En la década del 60, historiadores de la talla de Eugenio Garin y Paul Oskar Kristeller matizaron las afirmaciones de Cassirer hasta afirmar una influencia prácticamente nula del Cusano sobre Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico. En el caso de este último, estudios más recientes tendieron a equilibrar la cuestión, señalando varios posibles puntos de contacto entre ambos autores, particularmente por intermedio del médico y bibliófilo Pierleone da Spoleto, que poseía muchas obras del cardenal alemán. Se analizarán algunas secciones de la Oratio, de las Conclusiones y de otros textos de Pico en comparación con aquellos tratados del Cusano que muy probablemente haya conocido. Para ambos autores, es la unidad de la incomprensible verdad la que suscita los diversos modos del filosofar en la pluralidad de tradiciones de pensamiento.
Teología y Vida 58/4, 2017
In the mid-twentieth century, Jérome Gaïth drew attention to the possible influence of Plotinus' ... more In the mid-twentieth century, Jérome Gaïth drew attention to the possible influence of Plotinus' Enneads VI 8 (39) on Gregory of Nyssa's theory of Divine will. In this treatise, despite being aware of the inappropriateness of all language to describe the One, Plotinus ascribes to it the classical traits of human action: will, freedom, self-determination, though raised to an absolute degree. In the present study we will analyse the reception and transformation of this theory in Nyssen and its anthropological corollaries, in which he extends the virtuality of human freedom to an ontological level.
Keywords: Trinity, Anthropology, Will, Decision, Image, Indetermination.
Resumen: A mediados del siglo XX, Jérome Gaïth señalaba la posible influencia de Enéadas VI 8 (39) de Plotino sobre la teoría de la voluntad divina de Gregorio de Nisa. En ese tratado, a pesar de ser consciente de la impropiedad de todo lenguaje para describir lo Uno, Plotino le atribuye los clásicos distintivos del obrar humano: voluntad, libertad, autodeterminación, aunque elevados al grado absoluto. En el presente estudio analizaremos la recepción y transformación de esta teoría en el Niseno y sus corolarios antropológicos, en los que extiende la virtualidad de la libertad humana al plano ontológico.
Palabras clave: Trinidad, Antropología, Voluntad, Decisión, Imagen, Indeterminación.
C. D'Amico - V. Buffon (comps.), Hermes platonicus: Hermetismo y platonismo en el Medioevo y la Modernidad temprana, Ediciones UNL, Santa Fe, 2016
Los dos autores del círculo florentino cuya obra analizaremos, Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico de... more Los dos autores del círculo florentino cuya obra analizaremos, Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, frecuentan y asimilan las doctrinas atribuidas al sabio egipcio Hermes Trismegisto como las enseñanzas de uno de los iniciadores de la piadosa filosofía de los antiguos, la prisca theologia. Soñada e inaugurada por Cosimo el viejo, en la así llamada Academia florecían los estudios humanísticos, filosóficos y esotéricos, con la participación de otros célebres intelectuales florentinos como Angelo Poliziano, Cristoforo Landino, los hermanos Benivieni y el propio Lorenzo. Puede decirse que tanto Ficino como Pico incorporan a su pensamiento los enigmáticos libros de Hermes bajo la luz de la filosofía platónica, en especial la de los sistemas cosmológicos y metafísicos que encuentran en Plotino, en Jámblico y en Proclo. Sin embargo, sus perspectivas respecto a aquellas venerables doctrinas y los intereses académicos que los vuelcan a ellas difieren considerablemente y se encuentran muchas veces en oposición a lo largo de su mutua e intensa colaboración intelectual.
C. D’Amico – J.M. Machetta (eds.), La cuestión del hombre en Nicolás de Cusa: fuentes, originalidad y diálogo con la modernidad, Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2015, 43-55
Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise 'De opificio hominis' was one of the only Greek anthropological texts... more Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise 'De opificio hominis' was one of the only Greek anthropological texts translated into latin during the early Middle Ages, by Dionysius Exiguus between the late 5th and early 6th centuries and by John Scotus Eriugena in the 9th century. Nicholas of Cusa certainly became acquainted with this work indirectly through the extensive citations in Eriugena’s 'Periphyseon' and through their partial reproduction in the 'Clavis physicae' of Honorius Augustodunensis. Our paper will analyse these and other possible ways of reception –both direct and indirect– of Gregory's text by Cusanus, as well as the influence of certain philosophical themes of Nyssen’s anthropology in his thought, such as the conception of the 'imago Dei', of its ‘living’ character and its simplicity, the incomprehensibility of human intellect or mind (noûs) and theories regarding human free will and man as microcosm.
Diánoia LVII 68 (2012), 141-164
This paper intends to trace the influence of the Platonic tradition “On first principles”, consid... more This paper intends to trace the influence of the Platonic tradition “On first principles”, considering its different versions, on the philosophy of Origen of Alexandria. Origen’s knowledge of the Platonists and his affinity with them are confirmed by the historical sources. The Alexandrian adopts and assimilates many aspects of the doctrine and terminology of Plato’s followers. However, he also departs from them regarding some of the essential elements in his conception of the Divine and of the world’s creation. Particularly, the paper focuses on the roles played in Origen’s theory by the Academic categories of Absolute and Relative, the Middle-platonic and Philonian notion of the demiurgic agent and an original reframing of the Neopythagorean derivative system of causes.
M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXVII (2013) 101-112
The peculiar emphases of Gregory of Nyssa’s thought earned him all kinds of charges, in his own l... more The peculiar emphases of Gregory of Nyssa’s thought earned him all kinds of charges, in his own lifetime and onwards: among others, that he falls into Tritheism, Modalism, Synergism, Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism. The purpose of this paper is to interpret one of these theoretical audacities. It can be found in a passage from his late treatise De vita Moysis (II 86), where he refers to the evils suffered by the Egyptians in the book of Exodus, and he attributes their cause to human decision (proaíresis). He affirms there that Divine Justice itself ‘is consequent’ or ‘follows’ (epakolouthoûsa) human decisions according to their merit. Although at this point Gregory follows closely Origen’s exegesis – which tried to rebut the determinism of certain Gnostic schools by affirming the true self-government of the soul, even regarding salvation or damnation, he goes beyond his Alexandrian predecessor and his Greek sources concerning the real autonomy of human actions, in interpersonal correspondence between the human and the divine.
R. Peretó Rivas (ed.), Tolerancia: Teoría y Práctica en la Edad Media, Porto, 2012, 13-27 (Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 64)
The Ancient Stoic doctrine of the human soul as a spark (apóspasma) of the Divine Nature is speci... more The Ancient Stoic doctrine of the human soul as a spark (apóspasma) of the Divine Nature is specially important in the authors of the Imperial era. Some Roman philosophers rely on the universal Fatherhood of God to attribute an impregnable inner freedom to all humans. In Epictetus, this dignity - shared by men and women, slaves and free men- demands to be protected in each person by an appropriate use of their faculties, and requires also to tolerate (anékhomai) other humans as brothers and sisters. Now the tolerantia of the Stoic sage is still very far from challenging the rigid political structures and social roles of their time, which supported strong inequalities and abuses of all kinds. Meanwhile, the authors of the Patristic tradition inherited the link between Divine filiation and the value of each person, very akin to the Biblical topic of the 'Image of God', but we have to wait until the late Fourth Century for this thesis to be carried into further consequences and for some of the social models and asymmetries to be put into question. This is evident in the work of Gregory of Nyssa, whose view of women, children and slaves distances itself from many of the Ancient paradigms prevailing in his time.
Brill | Schöningh, 2023
[Preliminary materials and Introduction] This book explores the invention, significance and ac... more [Preliminary materials and Introduction]
This book explores the invention, significance and actual history of self-creative freedom from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance.
Gregory of Nyssa, the great Cappadocian Father of the IV century, is not as yet deemed one of the outstanding figures in our Histories of Philosophy. However, this monograph argues that his remarkable theories of freedom transcend his own time and, traversing centuries of Medieval and Byzantine history, they become one of the core theoretical inspirations for the anthropological revolution of the Quattrocento, as evinced in eminent philosophers such as Nicholas of Cusa and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.
Bilingual Latin-Spanish edition of "De sex rerum principiis" with introductory study and notes by... more Bilingual Latin-Spanish edition of "De sex rerum principiis" with introductory study and notes by Francisco Bastitta, Valeria Buffon and Cecilia Rusconi.
Bold in metaphysical assumptions and well-versed in contemporary scientific theories, the anonymous author of "On the Six Principles of Things" tries to develop an integral system of the universe. While invoking the ancestral authority of the legendary Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus, the present treatise was actually written in the 12th century from various Arab and Latin sources, possibly in the School of Chartres. The previous hermetic tradition expressed a certain tension between works of a more philosophical or sapiential character, destined for intellectual elites, and other texts of a practical nature, mainly on astrology, alchemy or magic, which enjoyed less prestige among scholars. Our book clearly tries to bridge the gap between these two trends, in search for a true unification of knowledge. Not only does it present systematically the principles of the universe together with worldly prescriptions, on such matters as astrological medicine or the use of the astrolabe, but it carries this out with the aim of offering a maximum condensation of all the wisdom of its time.
(For the printed version, visit: )
Edición bilingüe, latín-español del "De sex rerum principiis", con estudio preliminar y notas de Francisco Bastitta, Valeria Buffon y Cecilia Rusconi.
Audaz en sus supuestos metafísicos y avezado en las teorías científicas de su tiempo, el anónimo autor de "Acerca de los seis principios de las cosas" se lanza a elaborar un sistema integral del universo. Si bien invoca la autoridad ancestral del legendario sabio egipcio Hermes Trismegisto, el presente tratado fue confeccionado en pleno siglo XII a partir de diversas fuentes árabes y latinas, posiblemente en el entorno de la Escuela de Chartres. La rica tradición hermética previa expresaba una cierta tensión entre sus obras más filosóficas o sapienciales, dirigidas a las élites intelectuales, y otros textos de carácter práctico, principalmente de astrología, de alquimia y de magia, que han gozado de menos prestigio entre los estudiosos. Nuestro opúsculo intenta, a todas luces, superar el hiato entre estas dos vertientes, en busca de una verdadera unificación del saber. No solo presenta de manera sistemática los principios del universo junto con prescripciones mundanas, como indicaciones de carácter médico o sobre el uso del astrolabio, sino que también hace todo esto con el afán de divulgar una condensación máxima de toda la sabiduría de su tiempo.
M. Cassin, H. Grelier-Deneux & F. Vinel (eds.), Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Our Father. An English Translation with Commentary and Supporting Studies, Brill, Leiden 2021, 156-242 (Vigiliae Christianae Supplements, 168), 2021
Co-authored with José Luis Narvaja. We present here a sample of the preliminary study and criti... more Co-authored with José Luis Narvaja.
We present here a sample of the preliminary study and critical 'editio princeps' of the Latin version of Gregory of Nyssa’s Homilies on the Lord’s Prayer (De oratione dominica), completed in the second half of the 15th century by the Byzantine scholar Athanasius Chalkeopoulos and dedicated to Pope Paul II. The critical text of the homilies and of the translator’s prologue, based on four different manuscripts, is preceded by an introduction to the figure of Athanasius and the historical context of his Latin versions and bilingual editions of ancient Pagan and Christian authors. Besides, we describe some of the peculiarities of his translating style and his Greek and Latin calligraphy. Finally, the preliminary study also includes an English translation and commentary of Athanasius’ dedicatory letter, as well as a section of critical notes regarding our edition.
A. Sáez Gutiérrez, C. Sanvito y D. Tomaselli (eds.), Filiación. Proverbs 8,22-31: Text, Context, Reception, volumen 10, Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso, Madrid, 2024
This paper aims to analyse historically and philosophically one of the most unusual and significa... more This paper aims to analyse historically and philosophically one of the most unusual and significant events surrounding the Trinitarian interpretation of Proverbs 8 in the fourth century. Early in 361, the Armenian bishop Meletius, newly appointed to the prominent see of Antioch, stands in a sort of public debate before emperor Constantius II together with other theologians of various doctrinal orientations. The monarch convened them precisely to elucidate the meaning of Proverbs 8:22, in which Sophia, the personification of divine wisdom, exclaims: “The Lord created me as the beginning of his ways towards his works”. This memorable gathering takes place when Meletius is still intimately associated with the Homoean party and the figure of Acacius, Eusebius’ successor in Caesarea of Palestine. In other words, it occurs years ahead of his becoming one of the leaders of the Neo-Nicene party in the East along with Eusebius of Samosata and Basil of Caesarea in Cappadocia.
El artículo se propone analizar histórica y filosóficamente uno de los eventos más inusuales y significativos en torno a la interpretación trinitaria de Proverbios 8 durante el siglo cuarto. A principios del año 361, el obispo armenio Melecio, recientemente nombrado para la importante sede de Antioquía, comparece en una especie de debate público ante el emperador Constancio II junto con otros teólogos de diversas orientaciones doctrinales. El monarca los ha convocado precisamente para dilucidar el sentido del versículo de Proverbios 8,22, en el que Sophia, la personificación de la sabiduría divina, exclama: «El Señor me creó como principio de sus caminos hacia sus obras». Este memorable encuentro tiene lugar cuando Melecio se encuentra aún íntimamente asociado al partido homeo y a la figura de Acacio, el sucesor de Eusebio en Cesarea de Palestina. En otras palabras, ocurre años antes de que se convirtiera en uno de los líderes del partido neoniceno en Oriente junto con Eusebio de Samosata y Basilio de Cesarea en Capadocia.
Cuestiones teológicas 51 (115), 2024
In this presentation we propose to reflect on the way in which the thought of Gregory of Nyssa so... more In this presentation we propose to reflect on the way in which the thought of Gregory of Nyssa sought to restore to their place of greatness persons and entire social groups that had been demeaned or neglected in the society of his time. We will attempt to confront Nyssen's living thought with the painful reality of the enslavements of our century. Although this approach might be considered to go beyond the specific scope of the History of Philosophy, those of us who investigate philosophical ideas find that many of them have an enduring influence and transcend their original historical context. First, we will briefly discuss the phenomenon of social slavery and asymmetries, both in Gregory of Nyssa's era and in our own. Then, in the section entitled “A Call to Conscience,” we will analyze the novel Gregorian anthropological theory, which rests on his radical interpretation of the divine image in the human being, and we will indicate some of its philosophical sources and its main elements: the fullness of perfections, its intrinsic dignity, equality and freedom. The final part of the paper, “A Call to Action,” will dwell on the practical consequences of Nyssen’s anthropology, his original conception of compassion, of the possible transformation and equalization of humanity according to the divine image, as well as the powerful relevance of these ideas for our time.
N. Jakubecki, M. C. Rusconi & N. Strok (eds.), Platón cosmólogo. Recepción del Timeo entre la Edad Media y la temprana Modernidad, 2022
A general introduction to the first Greek philosophical exegeses of Plato's Timaeus, from the old... more A general introduction to the first Greek philosophical exegeses of Plato's Timaeus, from the old Academy to the early Roman Empire in Pagan, Jewish and Christian circles.
Introducción general a las primeras exégesis filosóficas del Timeo de Platón, desde la temprana Academia hasta los inicios del Imperio romano en ámbitos paganos, judíos y cristianos de habla griega.
F. O'Reilly, Á. Perpere Viñuales (eds.), Imago Dei, Capax Dei. Ensayos en honor a Héctor Delbosco, 2023
The philosopher and theologian Ramon Sibiuda, also known as Raimundus Sabunde, is one of the most... more The philosopher and theologian Ramon Sibiuda, also known as Raimundus Sabunde, is one of the most significant authors in 15th-century Catalonia. The sole surviving work attributed to him, the Liber creaturarum, composed in 1436, underwent over ten editions in a century. A young Michel de Montaigne translated it into French and later, sarcastically paraphrased it in the “Apology for Raimundo Sabunde”, the most extensive of his Essays. Hegel also mentions ‘Raymund von Sabunde’ in his Preliminary Lectures on the History of Philosophy, praising the itinerary of the Liber creaturarum, which moves from human existence and the book of creation to the divine. The issue of the sources of Sibiuda’s work is notably intricate, as the author explicitly aims not to cite authors or sacred texts in supporting the deployment of his scientia de homine. Nevertheless, even in the absence of a complete critical edition of the Liber creaturarum, numerous indications suggest that his primary inspiration comes directly or indirectly from the anthropological treatise De opificio hominis by Gregory of Nyssa, which he may have encountered in one of its two existing Latin translations, that of Dionysius Exiguus or that of John Scotus Eriugena. In this paper, after introducing the texts of Gregory and Sibiuda and their production contexts, I will present some of the most significant textual and conceptual traces of the reception of Nyssen’s ideas in the Catalan author’s work.
Uno de los autores más importantes del siglo XV catalán es el filósofo y teólogo Ramon Sibiuda, también conocido como Raimundo Sabunde. La única obra que conservamos de él, el Liber creaturarum, compuesta en 1436, tuvo más de diez ediciones en cien años. Fue traducida al francés por un joven Michel de Montaigne, y luego parafraseada sarcásticamente en el más extenso de sus Ensayos, la Apología de Raimundo Sabunde. También Hegel menciona en sus Lecciones preliminares de la historia de la filosofía a ‘Raymund von Sabunde’ y elogia el itinerario del Liber creaturarum, que transita desde el ser humano y el libro de la creación hasta lo divino. La cuestión de las fuentes de la obra de Sibiuda es por demás compleja, ya que el autor se propone explícitamente no citar autores ni textos sagrados como apoyo al desplegar su scientia de homine. Sin embargo, incluso careciendo de una edición crítica completa del Liber creaturarum, hay muchos indicios de que la inspiración principal le llega directa o indirectamente del tratado antropológico De opificio hominis de Gregorio de Nisa, que puede haber conocido en alguna de sus dos traducciones latinas existentes en aquel tiempo, la de Dionisio el Exiguo o la de Escoto Eriúgena. En el presente trabajo, luego de introducir los textos de Gregorio y de Sibiuda y sus contextos de producción, expondré algunos de los indicios textuales y conceptuales más significativos de recepción del Niseno en la obra del catalán.
Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für europäische Geistesgeschichte 12/2, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to explore Eckhart’s possible reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s anthro... more The purpose of this paper is to explore Eckhart’s possible reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s anthropology, whose radical theory of the divine image reached the West probably since the times of Ambrose of Milan. Subsequently, Gregory’s De opificio hominis became widely known by means of two different Latin versions, one by the great canonist Dionysius Exiguus in the 6th century and another by the Carolingian philosopher Eriugena in the 9th century, who quoted his version extensively in the Periphyseon. But since there seem to be no obvious direct links between Gregory of Nyssa’s De opificio hominis and Eckhart’s texts, I will be analysing and comparing some of the main elements in their respective interpretations of the divine image in humanity, trying to identify and account for some of their notorious philosophical and terminological parallels. We will begin with the idea of an unmediated relationship between the divine archetype and the human image, which hence implies for both authors a sort of self-portrait of God, of his own form and activity. Next, I will point out their associations of the divine image with the intellect and their uses of the dynamic metaphor of the mirror. Finally, I will compare their understandings of the ratio imaginis, that is, the true significance of the biblical dictum of the ‘image of God’, to what extent the image is equal to its divine model and in what sense it differs from it. However indirect Gregory’s influence might have been, I believe it could help us understand some of the most intriguing aspects of Eckhart’s concept of bild or imago.
M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica CXV (2021) 219-230
[The file includes table of contents and sample page] This article intends to analyse philosophic... more [The file includes table of contents and sample page]
This article intends to analyse philosophically the theory of compassion and its practical corollaries in Gregory of Nyssa’s fifth homily on the Beatitudes, particularly in its first section. The author tries to assimilate the Jewish and Christian biblical tradition with the classical conception of the Greeks, and for that he challenges some of the main assumptions of the Platonist, Peripatetic and Stoic philosophical schools. Gregory describes compassion as a fundamental human attitude that springs from love and is capable of transforming the framework of society by restoring equality, justice and communion among human beings. Beginning with the traditional Greek understanding of ἔλεος, with all its rich literary references, philosophical significance and dramatic power, Nyssen slowly pours it into the mould of the Judeo-Christian language of mercy and love, more intimate, more far-reaching, filled with the zeal for justice and redemption. The result is a profound, theoretically complex and socially challenging speculation. From a private emotion to a bond of communion, from a passive reaction to an active and free commitment, from a disordered passion to the highest of human virtues, from requiring social distance to erasing all differences of dignity and honour, from being restricted to those around us to reaching out towards each and every human being: compassion truly emerges in a new form.
Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, edited by Margaret King, 2021
This material was originally published in Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, e... more This material was originally published in Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, edited by Margaret King, and has been reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press []. For permission to reuse this material, please visit
The trends of Platonism which proved to be the most influential throughout the Renaissance were born roughly around the same period as the Greek corpus attributed to the Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus. They resulted from the rich intermingling of Greek philosophy with other Near Eastern cultures since the time of Alexander the Great. It is not by chance, then, that their fortunes were bound together until the Early Modern period. Legend has it that Cosimo de’ Medici was highly impressed by the Platonic wisdom of the Greek émigrés visiting Florence in 1439, during the Council of Union between the Eastern and Western Churches, and particularly by the eminent philosopher George Gemistos Plethon. More than twenty years later, Cosimo entrusted a young Marsilio Ficino with the task of translating into Latin a Greek manuscript of Plato’s dialogues, possibly bequeathed by the Byzantine emperor, if not by Plethon himself. Before completing his rendering of the first series of ten dialogues, Ficino presented his elderly patron with the Pimander, a translation of fifteen Greek treatises on theology and occult lore by the “thrice greatest” Mercury or Hermes, believed to be the first in a venerable tradition of ancient sages which culminated in Plato. Certainly, these and similar newly recovered collections helped to shape and enrich the intellectual life of the emergent Renaissance. Their novelty and relevance, however, tended to be overstated in some historiographical perspectives. Fortunately, profound critical studies of the various sources from the Platonic, Neoplatonic, and Hermetic traditions have multiplied since the 19th century, gradually providing a clearer picture of the extent and nature of their influence on Renaissance and Early Modern scholars. Some of the most interesting topics discussed currently regard the lines of continuity between the medieval and Renaissance receptions of Platonism and Hermetism. Indeed, the Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Byzantine Middle Ages offer an immense repository of Platonic and Hermetic wisdom to Renaissance humanists and philosophers, which includes new theoretical and practical approaches, interpretative methods, translations, and commentaries. Only after elucidating these elements of continuity and change can one adequately ponder the distinctive character and originality of Renaissance Platonists and Hermeticists. Another hotly debated issue since Lynn Thorndike’s pioneering studies is the role of these ancient and medieval traditions in the development of experimental sciences and the emergence of the scientific revolution around the 16th and 17th centuries.
C. D’Amico - G.L. Cuozzo - N. Russano (eds.), Nicolás de Cusa: Unidad en la Pluralidad. Homenaje a Jorge Mario Machetta, vol. I, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA), Buenos Aires, 2021, 147-187
In light of new textual evidence in a manuscript from Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), the present work i... more In light of new textual evidence in a manuscript from Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), the present work intends to determine the scope of Nicholas de Cusa’s influence on Giovanni Pico della Mirandola around the problem of the unity of truth and the diversity of philosophies. In his Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance (1927), Ernst Cassirer held the capital role of Cusanus’ philosophy in the configuration of the philosophical turn in Florentine Humanism during the second half of the Quattrocento. In the 1960s, historians of the stature of Eugenio Garin and Paul Oskar Kristeller objected Cassirer's assertions, going so far as to affirm that there was practically no influence by Cusanus on Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico. In the case of the latter, more recent studies tended to balance the issue, pointing out several possible links between both authors, particularly through the physician and bibliophile Pierleone da Spoleto, who owned many works by the German cardinal. Some sections of Pico's Oratio, Conclusiones and other texts will be analyzed in comparison with those treatises by Cusanus which he most likely knew. For both authors, it is the unity of the incomprehensible truth that brings forth the different modes of philosophizing in the plurality of thought traditions.
A la luz de nuevas evidencias textuales en un manuscrito de Toledo (BCT, MS 19, 26), el presente trabajo se propone investigar los alcances de la influencia de Nicolás de Cusa sobre Giovanni Pico della Mirandola en torno del problema de la unidad de la verdad y la diversidad de las filosofías. En su obra de 1927, Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance, Ernst Cassirer sostenía el rol capital de la filosofía de Nicolás de Cusa en la configuración del humanismo filosófico florentino de la segunda mitad del Quattrocento. En la década del 60, historiadores de la talla de Eugenio Garin y Paul Oskar Kristeller matizaron las afirmaciones de Cassirer hasta afirmar una influencia prácticamente nula del Cusano sobre Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico. En el caso de este último, estudios más recientes tendieron a equilibrar la cuestión, señalando varios posibles puntos de contacto entre ambos autores, particularmente por intermedio del médico y bibliófilo Pierleone da Spoleto, que poseía muchas obras del cardenal alemán. Se analizarán algunas secciones de la Oratio, de las Conclusiones y de otros textos de Pico en comparación con aquellos tratados del Cusano que muy probablemente haya conocido. Para ambos autores, es la unidad de la incomprensible verdad la que suscita los diversos modos del filosofar en la pluralidad de tradiciones de pensamiento.
Teología y Vida 58/4, 2017
In the mid-twentieth century, Jérome Gaïth drew attention to the possible influence of Plotinus' ... more In the mid-twentieth century, Jérome Gaïth drew attention to the possible influence of Plotinus' Enneads VI 8 (39) on Gregory of Nyssa's theory of Divine will. In this treatise, despite being aware of the inappropriateness of all language to describe the One, Plotinus ascribes to it the classical traits of human action: will, freedom, self-determination, though raised to an absolute degree. In the present study we will analyse the reception and transformation of this theory in Nyssen and its anthropological corollaries, in which he extends the virtuality of human freedom to an ontological level.
Keywords: Trinity, Anthropology, Will, Decision, Image, Indetermination.
Resumen: A mediados del siglo XX, Jérome Gaïth señalaba la posible influencia de Enéadas VI 8 (39) de Plotino sobre la teoría de la voluntad divina de Gregorio de Nisa. En ese tratado, a pesar de ser consciente de la impropiedad de todo lenguaje para describir lo Uno, Plotino le atribuye los clásicos distintivos del obrar humano: voluntad, libertad, autodeterminación, aunque elevados al grado absoluto. En el presente estudio analizaremos la recepción y transformación de esta teoría en el Niseno y sus corolarios antropológicos, en los que extiende la virtualidad de la libertad humana al plano ontológico.
Palabras clave: Trinidad, Antropología, Voluntad, Decisión, Imagen, Indeterminación.
C. D'Amico - V. Buffon (comps.), Hermes platonicus: Hermetismo y platonismo en el Medioevo y la Modernidad temprana, Ediciones UNL, Santa Fe, 2016
Los dos autores del círculo florentino cuya obra analizaremos, Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico de... more Los dos autores del círculo florentino cuya obra analizaremos, Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, frecuentan y asimilan las doctrinas atribuidas al sabio egipcio Hermes Trismegisto como las enseñanzas de uno de los iniciadores de la piadosa filosofía de los antiguos, la prisca theologia. Soñada e inaugurada por Cosimo el viejo, en la así llamada Academia florecían los estudios humanísticos, filosóficos y esotéricos, con la participación de otros célebres intelectuales florentinos como Angelo Poliziano, Cristoforo Landino, los hermanos Benivieni y el propio Lorenzo. Puede decirse que tanto Ficino como Pico incorporan a su pensamiento los enigmáticos libros de Hermes bajo la luz de la filosofía platónica, en especial la de los sistemas cosmológicos y metafísicos que encuentran en Plotino, en Jámblico y en Proclo. Sin embargo, sus perspectivas respecto a aquellas venerables doctrinas y los intereses académicos que los vuelcan a ellas difieren considerablemente y se encuentran muchas veces en oposición a lo largo de su mutua e intensa colaboración intelectual.
C. D’Amico – J.M. Machetta (eds.), La cuestión del hombre en Nicolás de Cusa: fuentes, originalidad y diálogo con la modernidad, Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2015, 43-55
Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise 'De opificio hominis' was one of the only Greek anthropological texts... more Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise 'De opificio hominis' was one of the only Greek anthropological texts translated into latin during the early Middle Ages, by Dionysius Exiguus between the late 5th and early 6th centuries and by John Scotus Eriugena in the 9th century. Nicholas of Cusa certainly became acquainted with this work indirectly through the extensive citations in Eriugena’s 'Periphyseon' and through their partial reproduction in the 'Clavis physicae' of Honorius Augustodunensis. Our paper will analyse these and other possible ways of reception –both direct and indirect– of Gregory's text by Cusanus, as well as the influence of certain philosophical themes of Nyssen’s anthropology in his thought, such as the conception of the 'imago Dei', of its ‘living’ character and its simplicity, the incomprehensibility of human intellect or mind (noûs) and theories regarding human free will and man as microcosm.
Diánoia LVII 68 (2012), 141-164
This paper intends to trace the influence of the Platonic tradition “On first principles”, consid... more This paper intends to trace the influence of the Platonic tradition “On first principles”, considering its different versions, on the philosophy of Origen of Alexandria. Origen’s knowledge of the Platonists and his affinity with them are confirmed by the historical sources. The Alexandrian adopts and assimilates many aspects of the doctrine and terminology of Plato’s followers. However, he also departs from them regarding some of the essential elements in his conception of the Divine and of the world’s creation. Particularly, the paper focuses on the roles played in Origen’s theory by the Academic categories of Absolute and Relative, the Middle-platonic and Philonian notion of the demiurgic agent and an original reframing of the Neopythagorean derivative system of causes.
M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXVII (2013) 101-112
The peculiar emphases of Gregory of Nyssa’s thought earned him all kinds of charges, in his own l... more The peculiar emphases of Gregory of Nyssa’s thought earned him all kinds of charges, in his own lifetime and onwards: among others, that he falls into Tritheism, Modalism, Synergism, Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism. The purpose of this paper is to interpret one of these theoretical audacities. It can be found in a passage from his late treatise De vita Moysis (II 86), where he refers to the evils suffered by the Egyptians in the book of Exodus, and he attributes their cause to human decision (proaíresis). He affirms there that Divine Justice itself ‘is consequent’ or ‘follows’ (epakolouthoûsa) human decisions according to their merit. Although at this point Gregory follows closely Origen’s exegesis – which tried to rebut the determinism of certain Gnostic schools by affirming the true self-government of the soul, even regarding salvation or damnation, he goes beyond his Alexandrian predecessor and his Greek sources concerning the real autonomy of human actions, in interpersonal correspondence between the human and the divine.
R. Peretó Rivas (ed.), Tolerancia: Teoría y Práctica en la Edad Media, Porto, 2012, 13-27 (Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 64)
The Ancient Stoic doctrine of the human soul as a spark (apóspasma) of the Divine Nature is speci... more The Ancient Stoic doctrine of the human soul as a spark (apóspasma) of the Divine Nature is specially important in the authors of the Imperial era. Some Roman philosophers rely on the universal Fatherhood of God to attribute an impregnable inner freedom to all humans. In Epictetus, this dignity - shared by men and women, slaves and free men- demands to be protected in each person by an appropriate use of their faculties, and requires also to tolerate (anékhomai) other humans as brothers and sisters. Now the tolerantia of the Stoic sage is still very far from challenging the rigid political structures and social roles of their time, which supported strong inequalities and abuses of all kinds. Meanwhile, the authors of the Patristic tradition inherited the link between Divine filiation and the value of each person, very akin to the Biblical topic of the 'Image of God', but we have to wait until the late Fourth Century for this thesis to be carried into further consequences and for some of the social models and asymmetries to be put into question. This is evident in the work of Gregory of Nyssa, whose view of women, children and slaves distances itself from many of the Ancient paradigms prevailing in his time.
G. Maspero, M. Brugarolas & I. Vigorelli (eds.), Gregory of Nyssa: In Canticum Canticorum. Analytical and Supporting Studies, Brill, Leiden 2018, 390-402 (Vigiliae Christianae Supplements, 150)
This paper analyses the theme of human greatness in Gregory of Nyssa’s In Canticum canticorum and... more This paper analyses the theme of human greatness in Gregory of Nyssa’s In Canticum canticorum and De opificio hominis and its reception in 15th century Italy. While interpreting the phrase of the Song of Songs 1,8: “If you do not know yourself, O beautiful one among women, go forth in the footsteps of the flocks and tend the kids by the flocks’ tents”, Gregory resumes the optimistic anthropological motifs of his earliest and most renowned exegetical treatise, De opificio hominis, completed around 379. Interestingly, more than a thousand years later, this praise of human greatness reappears conspicuously in a number of humanists of the Italian Quattrocento, many of whom had gotten in touch with Nyssen’s Greek manuscripts and their medieval translations. Gregory’s synthesis between rigorous thought and elegance of speech captivates Florentine scholars throughout the century, and this tendency culminates in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and the so-called Platonic Academy.
Patristica et Mediaevalia 33 (2012), 37-50
The present paper focuses on the debate over the scope of providence that took place among the St... more The present paper focuses on the debate over the scope of providence that took place among the Stoic, Platonic and Peripatetic schools between the first and the third centuries AD. In that context, it deals with the problem of the ontological status of the singulars in the thought of Origen of Alexandria and Nemesius of Emesa. Influenced primarily by the Philonian synthesis of the different Greek theories of providence with that of the Scriptures, Origen and Nemesius ground the consistency of individual beings on the thesis of a direct divine action intended for each of them. Faced with the universalistic and necessitarian tendencies of classical thought, the Greek Fathers tried to rescue the metaphysical value of individuals as such.
Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercados 56 (2012), 35-56
The humanists and philosophers of the Quattrocento find inspiration for their treatises on human ... more The humanists and philosophers of the Quattrocento find inspiration for their treatises on human dignity not only in Classical Antiquity, but also in the works of the Church Fathers. The present paper examines the influence of the latter on the theories of freedom at the dawn of Modernity, especially regarding the Patristic conception of human self as person or hypostasis, whose free decision is considered inviolable, creative and irreducible to her own nature or essence.
V. H. Drecoll & M. Berghaus (eds.), Gregory of Nyssa: The Minor Treatises on Trinitarian Theology and Apollinarism, Leiden, 2011, 337-349 (Vigiliae Christianae Supplements, 106)
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In the Philosophical Anthropology of Gregory of Nyssa, inspired by his Trinitarian Theology, the new concept of hypostasis as a unique self implies for the first time the irreducibility of human person to the universal. Moreover, Gregory manages to account for both a deep communion of life and nature among all men and a clear distinction between persons, in a truly harmonious dynamism of the physical and the hypostatic. This union and distinction will also inspire his original conception of proaíresis, which will express the unique character of each person in the community of nature. Difference and creativity are two of its main features.
Actas y Comunicaciones del Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval 7 (2011)
In this paper I shall establish one aspect of the reception of Origen of Alexandria‟s philosophic... more In this paper I shall establish one aspect of the reception of Origen of Alexandria‟s philosophical and theological ideas in the works of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. The Disputatio de salute Origenis is the longest section of his Apologia, which Pico writes in defense of some of the theses condemned by the investigating commission gathered in 1487 by Pope Innocent VIII. Pico tries to reinstate the figure and the work of Origen, who had been accused of heresy, and challenges his own judges regarding the limits of ecclesiastical authority over the internal forum of each person.
S. Filippi (ed.), Controversias filosóficas, científicas y teológicas en el pensamiento Tardo-Antiguo y Medieval, Paideia, Rosario, 2011, 81-91
In Classical Greece, the philosophical consideration of human love reaches unimagined heights in ... more In Classical Greece, the philosophical consideration of human love reaches unimagined heights in the Platonic Dialogues. Eros is described both as the uniting force of Ancient Medicine and pre-Socratic Cosmology, and as the sacred impulse towards the Beautiful and the Good, towards the perfection of the Divine. The reflection of the Greek Patristic authors assimilates this concept of love and its Peripatetic, Stoic and Neoplatonic variations, but seriously rethinks some of their implications. The Judeo-Christian view of human and divine love, expressed in the Song of Songs, the Johannine writings and the Pauline Epistles, leads the Fathers to question some of the aspects of Ancient Ethics: a certain theory of individualistic autonomy, the absolute predominance of the intellect and theory of Fate. By the end of the Fourth Century, Gregory of Nyssa coined the phrase ‘Ríza katà tèn agápen’ (root of love) to express the fullness of the virtuous and mystical life. This life is enhanced, according to Nyssen, not only by an endogenous and necessary movement towards perfection, but also and primarily by the interpersonal dynamics of love, of the gift and the free response. Augustine also uses the notion of radix dilectionis as an evolution of his own ethical theory in the early decades of the Fifth Century, in the midst of his disputes with Donatists and Pelagians. Written between 413 and 418, the Tractatus in epistolam Ioannis is one of the most celebrated treatises on love in the Latin Patristic tradition. Augustine redefines the concept of Moral Goodness in the context of a personal encounter of the human and the Divine, as a fruit that emerges from the inner root of love.
Renaissance Quarterly, 2020
Review of The Reception of Antiquity in Renaissance Humanism, edited by Manfred Landfester (Brill... more Review of The Reception of Antiquity in Renaissance Humanism, edited by Manfred Landfester (Brill’s New Pauly Supplements 8), Leiden: Brill, 2017. xxiv + 548 pp.
Stylos, 2019
Reseña bibliográfica de "Vito Limone (2018), Origene e la filosofia greca: Scienze, testi, lessic... more Reseña bibliográfica de "Vito Limone (2018), Origene e la filosofia greca: Scienze, testi, lessico, Morcelliana, Roma (Letteratura cristiana antica, Nuova serie, 30), ISBN 978-88-372-3211-5", en Stylos 28 (2019), pp. 283-287.
Reseña bibliográfica de "Johan Leemans, Matthieu Cassin (2014) Gregory of Nyssa. Contra Eunomium ... more Reseña bibliográfica de "Johan Leemans, Matthieu Cassin (2014) Gregory of Nyssa. Contra Eunomium III. An English Translation and Commentary and Supporting Studies. Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Leuven, 14–17 September 2010), Brill, Leiden-Boston (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 124)", en Adamantius 22 (2016), pp. 641-644. Rivista del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su “Origene e la tradizione alessandrina”, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna.
Reseña bibliográfica de "Rubén Peretó Rivas (2008) La antropología cisterciense del siglo XII, Eu... more Reseña bibliográfica de "Rubén Peretó Rivas (2008) La antropología cisterciense del siglo XII, Eunsa, Pamplona (Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista 102)", en Patristica et Mediaevalia XXXI (2010), pp. 98-99.
Patristica et Mediaevalia 45/1, 2024
Reseña de "An Ontological Freedom. The Origins of the Notion in Gregory of Nyssa and its Influenc... more Reseña de "An Ontological Freedom. The Origins of the Notion in Gregory of Nyssa and its Influence unto the Italian Renaissance". Bastitta Harriet, Francisco (2023) Paderborn: Brill - Schöningh. 284 PP. ISBN 978-3-506-79506-9.
Juan Carlos Alby. Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1277-943X
Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 107/3, 2023
Revue de Francisco BASTITTA HARRIET, An Ontological Freedom: The Origins of the Notion in Gregory... more Revue de Francisco BASTITTA HARRIET, An Ontological Freedom: The Origins of the Notion in Gregory of Nyssa and its Influence unto the Italian Renaissance, Leiden-Boston, Brill-Schöningh (Patristic Studies in Global Perspective » 5), 2022 ; 24 × 16, relié, XXXIII + 284 p., 116,35 €. ISBN: 978-3-506-79506-9.
Patristica et Mediævalia 42/1, 2021
Acerca de los seis principios de las cosas. Un sistema medieval del universo. Francisco Bastitta,... more Acerca de los seis principios de las cosas. Un sistema medieval del universo. Francisco Bastitta, Valeria Buffon y Cecilia Rusconi (intr., trad. y notas) (2019).
Doctorado en Estudios Patrísticos, Universidad Católica de Cuyo, San Juan, Argentina (unpublished), 2023
Video recording: (08-Aug-2023) The anthropological p... more Video recording: (08-Aug-2023)
The anthropological perspectives of Gregory of Nyssa, a 4th-century Christian thinker, and Jean-Paul Sartre, a 20th-century French philosopher, could hardly be more distant in terms of time, culture, style, philosophy, and theology. Yet, they surprisingly converge on a core thesis: both attribute a metaphysical dimension to the exercise of human choice. Each conceives individuals as creators of their own destiny and shapers of their essence, endowed with an ontological freedom. This presentation will offer a comparative analysis of their philosophical positions, examining key arguments and theoretical foundations drawn from their texts.
Las antropologías de Gregorio de Nisa, pensador cristiano del siglo IV, y de Jean-Paul Sartre, filósofo francés del siglo XX, difícilmente podrían ser más distantes en sentido temporal, cultural, estilístico, filosófico y teológico. Sin embargo, ellas sorprendentemente coinciden en una tesis medular. En efecto, postulan alcances metafísicos para el ejercicio de la libre elección. Los individuos humanos son explícitamente concebidos por ambos como creadores de su destino e incluso como modeladores de su propia esencia, portadores de una libertad, por así decirlo, ontológica. En esta presentación ensayaremos un análisis comparado de sus posiciones filosóficas a partir de sus textos, que incluya el cotejo de algunos de sus principales argumentos y fundamentos teóricos.