Emese Fazakas | Babes-Bolyai University (original) (raw)
Books by Emese Fazakas
Az Erdélyi Magyar Nyelvészek sorozat 6. kötete: B. Gergely Piroska munkásságát, munkásságának ért... more Az Erdélyi Magyar Nyelvészek sorozat 6. kötete: B. Gergely Piroska munkásságát, munkásságának értékelését, visszaemlékezéseket tartalmazza. Megjelent az MTA Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottsága Nyelvtudományi Szakbizottságának megbízásából.
Motiváltság és nyelvi ikonicitás, 2015
A kötet a 2014. május 23–24-én tartott kolozsvári nyelvészeti műhelykonferencia (A magyar nyelvés... more A kötet a 2014. május 23–24-én tartott kolozsvári nyelvészeti műhelykonferencia (A magyar nyelvészeti kutatások újabb eredményei IV.) előadásainak anyagát tartalmazza. A konferenciát ezúttal is a BBTE BTK Magyar és Általános Nyelvészeti Tanszéke és a Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottság Nyelvtudományi Szakbizottsága szervezte. Konferenciánk negyedik alkalmának célja a motiváció és a nyelvi ikonicitás kérdéseinek megvitatása volt. Célunk volt alkalmat teremteni nemcsak a hangalaki, hanem általában a nyelvi motiváltság elméleti és főleg módszertani kérdéseinek megvitatásához. Ezért is foglaltuk bele a tematikába a nyelvi ikonicitás kérdéskörét is. Amint a kötetbeli tanulmányok is mutatják, konferenciánk elérte ezt a célját, hiszen vannak benne elméleti kérdéseket tisztázók is, esettanulmányok is, és nemcsak a hangalaki motiváció, hanem a grammatikai ikonicitás köréből is, így reményünk szerint mindenki találhat benne számára hasznos olvasnivalót.
A kötet az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület digitálizálási projektjének köszönhetően szabad hozzáférésű (https://eda.eme.ro/handle/10598/31264)
This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in histo... more This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in historical linguistics and to present some features of the history of Hungarian language. The book includes four major chapters: Introduction, The History of Hungarian Orthography, Linguistic Changes, and The History of Hungarian Lexicon.
A magyar igekötőrendszer változása a 15. századtól napjainkig hét térviszony szemantikai struktúr... more A magyar igekötőrendszer változása a 15. századtól napjainkig hét térviszony szemantikai struktúrájának alapján
This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in hist... more This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in historical linguistics and to present some features of the history of Hungarian language. The book includes four major chapters: Introduction, Linguistic Changes, The History of Hungarian Orthography and The History of Hungarian Lexicon.
The Introduction explains historical linguistics and historical-comparative linguistics. In this chapter, after presenting the problems of synchrony and diachrony, I outline the difficulties of the periodisation, and describe the periods of the Hungarian language. The last part of this chapter focuses on the sources and the various manners in which one may use them in research. These sources are: uralic languages, foreign languages, contemporary Hungarian language, dialects, general linguistics and the most important of them, ancient texts and documents.
The chapter bearing the title Linguistic Changes includes two sections. The first presents general statements and explanations about linguistic changes, whereas the second deals with the causes and purposes of historical changes. The general issues discussed herein are: tradition and novelty in language, types of linguistic changes, how these changes occur in synchrony and develop in diachrony, and how different elements of a language (consonants, vowels, grammatical structures, words and expressions) react to changes. In the second part of this chapter, I cover first main issues concerning the causes and purposes of historical changes; second, I describe the internal and external causes and purposes of changes thoroughly.
The next chapter, The History of Hungarian Orthography, deals with the beginnings of Hungarian orthography, with different orthographic systems and shows how – during the centuries – writers and linguists tried to create a unified orthography based on four principles. It also presents the major turning points in the history of Hungarian orthography, and how the first handbook on orthography was issued by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The chapter called The History of Hungarian Lexicon is divided into four sections. The first section tackles general issues regarding the development of the Hungarian lexical stock, and introduces the major etymological groups. The second one deals with the ancient Fenno-Ugric stock of words. The third section is dedicated to intra-lingual formation and to autonomous words (interjections, sound-imitating words, suffix-based word-formation and compounds). The fourth part presents loanwords, the international stock, metaphrases and Hungarian words in foreign languages. Although this last category does not enrich Hungarian language, a student learning about the history of Hungarian lexicon should be aware of the fact that linguistic contacts are not unilateral and Hungarian language influenced other languages as well.
Last but not least, every chapter contains further bibliography including articles and books written for non-specialists, too. In addition, students can find exercises which might help them in broadening their knowledge and encourage them to conduct further research.
The coursebook entitled Short History of the Hungarian Grammar intends to present the history of... more The coursebook entitled Short History of the Hungarian Grammar intends to present the history of Hungarian grammar in two distinguished chapters.
The first chapter (Historical Phonetics) presents the causes of phonetical changes and changes occurred in the system of Hungarian consonants and vowels.
The second chapter (Historical Morphology and Syntax of Hungarian Language) has many sub-chapters concerning the grammatical system: changes occurred in the morpheme structure (stems and suffixes), the history of parts of the speech (nomenverbum; verb; infinitive, gerund and participle – which in Hungarian are considered parts of the speech; nouns, adjectives and numerals; articles; pronouns; adverbs, postpositions and verbal prefixes; conjuctions and particles). As one can observe from this enumeration, these parts of the speech are structured and treated in a manner to link the morphemes that are historically interconnected.
Moreover, this chapter deals with some very important syntactical issues connected to suffixes or parts of the speech. Presenting the suffixes I could not overview the problem of using the plural, the structure with a possessive attribute, verbal inflection, tense and mood, modality and aspect. After presenting nouns, adjectives and numerals, those interested can find a short presentation of the subject–predicate structure. The presentation of the articles is viewed also not only as a morphological issue but as a syntactical one, too. The sub-chapter dealing with adverbs, postpositions and verbal suffixes includes also a syntactical presentation, changes occurred in the usage of phrasal verbs. And the part presenting conjuctions and particles has also a presentation of changes occurred in the various types of sentences. Chapter II is not only a presentation of different morphemes, but also treats many aspects of the history of Hungarian syntax.
Every chapter contains further bibliography including articles and books written for non-specialists, too. In addition, students can find exercises which might help them in broadening their knowledge and which might encourage them to conduct further research.
The Hungarian Verbal Prefixes in the XVth–XVIIIth century and in Contemporary Language (Cognitive... more The Hungarian Verbal Prefixes in the XVth–XVIIIth century and in Contemporary Language
(Cognitive and diachronic analysis of Hungarian verbal prefixes FEL ’up’, LE ’down’ and ALÁ ’underneath’)
The data were not primarily divided on the basis of concrete and figurative usage, but first of all I had to define the vertical dimension, to separate the primary FEL–LE direction from the relation FEL–LE resultant of FELETT–ALATT ‘ABOVE–UNDER’ relation. In this way I could conclude that (1) by the means of movements’ directions within the group of primary FEL–LE one deals with a vertical movement, while within the relation the direction has no importance: the only important thing is that at the end of the movement the M and S substance are in ABOVE–UNDER relation; (2) taking into consideration the direction and the relation, the figurative usage of the three verbal prefixes can be divided in two major groups (while direction-based figurative usage can be explained only by value-sense, the relation-based expressions allow us to metaphorically conceptualize abstract notions); and I could explain (3) what is the cause of the fact that Hungarian language has two verbal prefixes denoting downwards movement, and (4) why and in which case can be spoken about suffixation and rotation. The subdivisions were conditioned by the character of M and of the real or virtual road (within the group of primary directions), mostly by the character of S and direction of the movement (within the group of the relation).
In both groups, the upper pole is better represented, since the second half of the XIVth century the verbal prefix fel has been linked to much more verbs that le or alá. The only explanation is related to human perception: those things and events that occur in the upper space attract our attention in a better way, thus these things and relations are better represented in the language. On can only conclude that there are no significant changes in the usage of fel in the history of Hungarian language.
Verbs enumerated in the ‘M moves downwards’ group receive from early ages the verbal prefixes le and alá, other groups contain prefixated verbs with le only from the XVIth -XVIIth c. Then changes started to occur. Alá1 used as a synonymy of le was pressed back, it’s place being taken over by le. While alá1 denoted only movements performed by en entire, whole entity/object, te usage of le was not restricted: it could denote movements of a part of something/someone or of an entire substance/body.
Within the verbs classified as representatives of FEL–LE relation, the dominant verbal prefix of one of the groups is alá. This is present as one of the markers of ABOVE–UNDER relation, and it differs from alá1 by the fact that the direction of movement is not vertical but horizontal, and by the fact that it is not important which was the position of the M compared to the S before the movement, but the fact that at the end of the movement the M ends up under a S surface. The data show that today alá2 appears by many verbs and is present in language as the prototypical marker of the relation UNDER. Its role could not and cannot be taken by le. The other chacarteristic of alá2 is that it does not denote only that a M object gets under a S surface, but it is used to denote that the M object supports the S surface under which it arrives.
Humans can perceive things, actions in several ways, from several perspectives, thus they can name them with different linguistic elements, and they choose to use one of these elements in order to express themselves better. This duality is present in many pairs that appeared to be synonyms, however they represent the same relations from different perspectives.
In the thesis I delimitated two major groups within the analysis of non-concrete movements: the value-senses organized around spatial dimensions, and metaphorical conceptualisation of abstract notions, as well.
Papers by Emese Fazakas
Hungarian Studies Yearbook
This introduction reconstructs the arguments of the editor and contributors of 2022 volume of the... more This introduction reconstructs the arguments of the editor and contributors of 2022 volume of the Hungarian Studies Yearbook that focuses on the possible thematic and methodological challenge that authors brought in our attention.
Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek, 2005
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies, 2016
The analysis of interference is a popular topic in sociolinguistics, and the researchers addressi... more The analysis of interference is a popular topic in sociolinguistics, and the researchers addressing it investigate the phenomena of interference with a special regard to mother tongue texts of speakers living in a linguistic minority. In order to analyse the phenomenon, one needs to be clear about the identity of the author of the particular text, in addition to the linguistic environment, the circumstances in which the phenomenon appears, etc., and this is particularly difficult in the case of historical texts. The most frequent interference phenomenon in Old Hungarian texts is the occurrence of Latin elements in the utterances of Hungarian mother tongue speakers; nevertheless, we can find other linguistic interferences as within the regions inhabited by Hungarians the speakers came in contact with and learned the language(s) of several communities with other mother tongues. In this study, I analyse Romanian words and phrases that appear in the texts of Hungarian-language testimoni...
Hungarian Studies Yearbook, 2020
The study presents loanwords and expressions referring to hues in the old Hungarian language. It ... more The study presents loanwords and expressions referring to hues in the old Hungarian language. It relays mostly on data collected from the Historical Dictionary of Hungarian Language from Transylvania (SzT.), and it also uses data from the Hungarian Etymological Dictionary (TESz.). A number of studies have been written about the Hungarian colour terms presenting usage and distribution, yet only few of them dealt with their etymology and their historical usage. The present paper focuses on the etymology of terms denoting hues, and aims to present reasons for naming and using these loan colour terms. The study investigates whether these terms appearing in old Transylvanian texts were loanwords, loan expressions or they were simply used as a result of linguistic interference.
Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek
Régi magyar nyelvi szövegeinkben a leggyakoribb interferenciajelenség a latin elemek megjelenése ... more Régi magyar nyelvi szövegeinkben a leggyakoribb interferenciajelenség a latin elemek megjelenése magyar anyanyelvűek beszédében, valamint találunk más nyelvi interferenciákat is, hiszen a magyarok lakta régiókban számos más anyanyelvű közösséggel érintkeztek a magyarajkúak, illetve ismerték (meg) azok anyanyelvét, így bármikor használhatták az idegen nyelvi elemeket anyanyelvi szövegeikben anélkül, hogy később kölcsönözték volna. Azonban az Erdélyi magyar szótörténeti tár szerkesztése közben figyeltem fel egy olyan jelenségre, amely eltér a ma vizsgált „megszokottabb” jelenségektől. Ugyanis a szociolingvisztikai kutatásokban általános tendencia, hogy az anyanyelvű szövegekben használatos idegen nyelvi elemek képezik a vizsgálat tárgyát. Ami felkeltette az érdeklődésemet, az a nem anyanyelvi szövegekben használatos anyanyelvű szavak elég nagy száma volt: azaz az Erdélyben lakó románok magyar vallomásszövegeiben megjelennek szép számmal olyan román szavak, kifejezések, amelyek nem sorolhatók be a magyar szókincs regionális kölcsönzéseibe, illetve ha igen, akkor azokat nagyon rövid ideig használták a magyar beszélők. így dolgozatomban olyan interferenciajelenségeket vizsgálok, amelyek egy idegen nyelvi szövegben megjelenő anyanyelvi elemeihez kapcsolódnak. Ugyanakkor - amikor kapcsolódik témámhoz - szót ejtek a magyar anyanyelvűek szövegeiben megjelenő román elemekről is.
This study aims to present the beginnings of Hungarian lexicography, with a special focus on cert... more This study aims to present the beginnings of Hungarian lexicography, with a special focus on certain works that are closely connected with Transylvania. The early glossaries, starting with the 13th century, are either marginal or interlinear. The only early source in which glossaries are intertextual, distinguished from the Latin text by underlining, is Sermones Dominicales, a compilation of sermons written in the first half of the 15th century. The vocabularies and nomenclatures under analysis were elaborated between the 14th century and the end of the 16th century, most of them being based on lists of Latin words grouped according to semantic fields. The only work that was elaborated based on the Hungarian lexis is the Nomenclature from Schlägl, a copy dating from around 1405 of a document written a few decades before. Among these vocabularies there are some that could be regarded as the first attempts to elaborate specialized dictionaries. Starting with the 16th century, several ...
Articolul de față are ca scop prezentarea începuturilor lexicografiei maghiare, mai ales a acelor... more Articolul de față are ca scop prezentarea începuturilor lexicografiei maghiare, mai ales a acelor lucrări care au o strînsă legătură cu Transilvania. Glosele timpurii, începînd din secolul al 13-lea, sînt fie marginale, fie interliniare. Singura sursă timpurie în care glosele sînt intertextuale, distinse de textul latin prin subliniere, este Sermones Dominicales, o compilație de predici scrise în prima parte a secolului al 15-lea. Vocabularele și nomenclaturile discutate sînt redactate între secolul al 14-lea și sfîrșitul secolului al 16-lea, majoritatea avînd la bază o listă de cuvinte latine grupate în cîmpuri semantice. Singura lucrare care s-a redactat pornind de la lexicul maghiar este Nomenclatura din Schlägl, o copie făcută în jurul anului 1405 după un document întocmit cu cîteva decenii mai devreme. Printre aceste vocabulare găsim și cîteva care pot fi considerate primele încercări de redactare a unor dicționare de specialitate. Începînd cu secolul al 16-lea apar mai multe d...
Az Erdélyi Magyar Nyelvészek sorozat 6. kötete: B. Gergely Piroska munkásságát, munkásságának ért... more Az Erdélyi Magyar Nyelvészek sorozat 6. kötete: B. Gergely Piroska munkásságát, munkásságának értékelését, visszaemlékezéseket tartalmazza. Megjelent az MTA Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottsága Nyelvtudományi Szakbizottságának megbízásából.
Motiváltság és nyelvi ikonicitás, 2015
A kötet a 2014. május 23–24-én tartott kolozsvári nyelvészeti műhelykonferencia (A magyar nyelvés... more A kötet a 2014. május 23–24-én tartott kolozsvári nyelvészeti műhelykonferencia (A magyar nyelvészeti kutatások újabb eredményei IV.) előadásainak anyagát tartalmazza. A konferenciát ezúttal is a BBTE BTK Magyar és Általános Nyelvészeti Tanszéke és a Kolozsvári Akadémiai Bizottság Nyelvtudományi Szakbizottsága szervezte. Konferenciánk negyedik alkalmának célja a motiváció és a nyelvi ikonicitás kérdéseinek megvitatása volt. Célunk volt alkalmat teremteni nemcsak a hangalaki, hanem általában a nyelvi motiváltság elméleti és főleg módszertani kérdéseinek megvitatásához. Ezért is foglaltuk bele a tematikába a nyelvi ikonicitás kérdéskörét is. Amint a kötetbeli tanulmányok is mutatják, konferenciánk elérte ezt a célját, hiszen vannak benne elméleti kérdéseket tisztázók is, esettanulmányok is, és nemcsak a hangalaki motiváció, hanem a grammatikai ikonicitás köréből is, így reményünk szerint mindenki találhat benne számára hasznos olvasnivalót.
A kötet az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület digitálizálási projektjének köszönhetően szabad hozzáférésű (https://eda.eme.ro/handle/10598/31264)
This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in histo... more This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in historical linguistics and to present some features of the history of Hungarian language. The book includes four major chapters: Introduction, The History of Hungarian Orthography, Linguistic Changes, and The History of Hungarian Lexicon.
A magyar igekötőrendszer változása a 15. századtól napjainkig hét térviszony szemantikai struktúr... more A magyar igekötőrendszer változása a 15. századtól napjainkig hét térviszony szemantikai struktúrájának alapján
This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in hist... more This volume intends to familiarise students and interested readers with the major issues in historical linguistics and to present some features of the history of Hungarian language. The book includes four major chapters: Introduction, Linguistic Changes, The History of Hungarian Orthography and The History of Hungarian Lexicon.
The Introduction explains historical linguistics and historical-comparative linguistics. In this chapter, after presenting the problems of synchrony and diachrony, I outline the difficulties of the periodisation, and describe the periods of the Hungarian language. The last part of this chapter focuses on the sources and the various manners in which one may use them in research. These sources are: uralic languages, foreign languages, contemporary Hungarian language, dialects, general linguistics and the most important of them, ancient texts and documents.
The chapter bearing the title Linguistic Changes includes two sections. The first presents general statements and explanations about linguistic changes, whereas the second deals with the causes and purposes of historical changes. The general issues discussed herein are: tradition and novelty in language, types of linguistic changes, how these changes occur in synchrony and develop in diachrony, and how different elements of a language (consonants, vowels, grammatical structures, words and expressions) react to changes. In the second part of this chapter, I cover first main issues concerning the causes and purposes of historical changes; second, I describe the internal and external causes and purposes of changes thoroughly.
The next chapter, The History of Hungarian Orthography, deals with the beginnings of Hungarian orthography, with different orthographic systems and shows how – during the centuries – writers and linguists tried to create a unified orthography based on four principles. It also presents the major turning points in the history of Hungarian orthography, and how the first handbook on orthography was issued by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The chapter called The History of Hungarian Lexicon is divided into four sections. The first section tackles general issues regarding the development of the Hungarian lexical stock, and introduces the major etymological groups. The second one deals with the ancient Fenno-Ugric stock of words. The third section is dedicated to intra-lingual formation and to autonomous words (interjections, sound-imitating words, suffix-based word-formation and compounds). The fourth part presents loanwords, the international stock, metaphrases and Hungarian words in foreign languages. Although this last category does not enrich Hungarian language, a student learning about the history of Hungarian lexicon should be aware of the fact that linguistic contacts are not unilateral and Hungarian language influenced other languages as well.
Last but not least, every chapter contains further bibliography including articles and books written for non-specialists, too. In addition, students can find exercises which might help them in broadening their knowledge and encourage them to conduct further research.
The coursebook entitled Short History of the Hungarian Grammar intends to present the history of... more The coursebook entitled Short History of the Hungarian Grammar intends to present the history of Hungarian grammar in two distinguished chapters.
The first chapter (Historical Phonetics) presents the causes of phonetical changes and changes occurred in the system of Hungarian consonants and vowels.
The second chapter (Historical Morphology and Syntax of Hungarian Language) has many sub-chapters concerning the grammatical system: changes occurred in the morpheme structure (stems and suffixes), the history of parts of the speech (nomenverbum; verb; infinitive, gerund and participle – which in Hungarian are considered parts of the speech; nouns, adjectives and numerals; articles; pronouns; adverbs, postpositions and verbal prefixes; conjuctions and particles). As one can observe from this enumeration, these parts of the speech are structured and treated in a manner to link the morphemes that are historically interconnected.
Moreover, this chapter deals with some very important syntactical issues connected to suffixes or parts of the speech. Presenting the suffixes I could not overview the problem of using the plural, the structure with a possessive attribute, verbal inflection, tense and mood, modality and aspect. After presenting nouns, adjectives and numerals, those interested can find a short presentation of the subject–predicate structure. The presentation of the articles is viewed also not only as a morphological issue but as a syntactical one, too. The sub-chapter dealing with adverbs, postpositions and verbal suffixes includes also a syntactical presentation, changes occurred in the usage of phrasal verbs. And the part presenting conjuctions and particles has also a presentation of changes occurred in the various types of sentences. Chapter II is not only a presentation of different morphemes, but also treats many aspects of the history of Hungarian syntax.
Every chapter contains further bibliography including articles and books written for non-specialists, too. In addition, students can find exercises which might help them in broadening their knowledge and which might encourage them to conduct further research.
The Hungarian Verbal Prefixes in the XVth–XVIIIth century and in Contemporary Language (Cognitive... more The Hungarian Verbal Prefixes in the XVth–XVIIIth century and in Contemporary Language
(Cognitive and diachronic analysis of Hungarian verbal prefixes FEL ’up’, LE ’down’ and ALÁ ’underneath’)
The data were not primarily divided on the basis of concrete and figurative usage, but first of all I had to define the vertical dimension, to separate the primary FEL–LE direction from the relation FEL–LE resultant of FELETT–ALATT ‘ABOVE–UNDER’ relation. In this way I could conclude that (1) by the means of movements’ directions within the group of primary FEL–LE one deals with a vertical movement, while within the relation the direction has no importance: the only important thing is that at the end of the movement the M and S substance are in ABOVE–UNDER relation; (2) taking into consideration the direction and the relation, the figurative usage of the three verbal prefixes can be divided in two major groups (while direction-based figurative usage can be explained only by value-sense, the relation-based expressions allow us to metaphorically conceptualize abstract notions); and I could explain (3) what is the cause of the fact that Hungarian language has two verbal prefixes denoting downwards movement, and (4) why and in which case can be spoken about suffixation and rotation. The subdivisions were conditioned by the character of M and of the real or virtual road (within the group of primary directions), mostly by the character of S and direction of the movement (within the group of the relation).
In both groups, the upper pole is better represented, since the second half of the XIVth century the verbal prefix fel has been linked to much more verbs that le or alá. The only explanation is related to human perception: those things and events that occur in the upper space attract our attention in a better way, thus these things and relations are better represented in the language. On can only conclude that there are no significant changes in the usage of fel in the history of Hungarian language.
Verbs enumerated in the ‘M moves downwards’ group receive from early ages the verbal prefixes le and alá, other groups contain prefixated verbs with le only from the XVIth -XVIIth c. Then changes started to occur. Alá1 used as a synonymy of le was pressed back, it’s place being taken over by le. While alá1 denoted only movements performed by en entire, whole entity/object, te usage of le was not restricted: it could denote movements of a part of something/someone or of an entire substance/body.
Within the verbs classified as representatives of FEL–LE relation, the dominant verbal prefix of one of the groups is alá. This is present as one of the markers of ABOVE–UNDER relation, and it differs from alá1 by the fact that the direction of movement is not vertical but horizontal, and by the fact that it is not important which was the position of the M compared to the S before the movement, but the fact that at the end of the movement the M ends up under a S surface. The data show that today alá2 appears by many verbs and is present in language as the prototypical marker of the relation UNDER. Its role could not and cannot be taken by le. The other chacarteristic of alá2 is that it does not denote only that a M object gets under a S surface, but it is used to denote that the M object supports the S surface under which it arrives.
Humans can perceive things, actions in several ways, from several perspectives, thus they can name them with different linguistic elements, and they choose to use one of these elements in order to express themselves better. This duality is present in many pairs that appeared to be synonyms, however they represent the same relations from different perspectives.
In the thesis I delimitated two major groups within the analysis of non-concrete movements: the value-senses organized around spatial dimensions, and metaphorical conceptualisation of abstract notions, as well.
Hungarian Studies Yearbook
This introduction reconstructs the arguments of the editor and contributors of 2022 volume of the... more This introduction reconstructs the arguments of the editor and contributors of 2022 volume of the Hungarian Studies Yearbook that focuses on the possible thematic and methodological challenge that authors brought in our attention.
Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek, 2005
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies, 2016
The analysis of interference is a popular topic in sociolinguistics, and the researchers addressi... more The analysis of interference is a popular topic in sociolinguistics, and the researchers addressing it investigate the phenomena of interference with a special regard to mother tongue texts of speakers living in a linguistic minority. In order to analyse the phenomenon, one needs to be clear about the identity of the author of the particular text, in addition to the linguistic environment, the circumstances in which the phenomenon appears, etc., and this is particularly difficult in the case of historical texts. The most frequent interference phenomenon in Old Hungarian texts is the occurrence of Latin elements in the utterances of Hungarian mother tongue speakers; nevertheless, we can find other linguistic interferences as within the regions inhabited by Hungarians the speakers came in contact with and learned the language(s) of several communities with other mother tongues. In this study, I analyse Romanian words and phrases that appear in the texts of Hungarian-language testimoni...
Hungarian Studies Yearbook, 2020
The study presents loanwords and expressions referring to hues in the old Hungarian language. It ... more The study presents loanwords and expressions referring to hues in the old Hungarian language. It relays mostly on data collected from the Historical Dictionary of Hungarian Language from Transylvania (SzT.), and it also uses data from the Hungarian Etymological Dictionary (TESz.). A number of studies have been written about the Hungarian colour terms presenting usage and distribution, yet only few of them dealt with their etymology and their historical usage. The present paper focuses on the etymology of terms denoting hues, and aims to present reasons for naming and using these loan colour terms. The study investigates whether these terms appearing in old Transylvanian texts were loanwords, loan expressions or they were simply used as a result of linguistic interference.
Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek
Régi magyar nyelvi szövegeinkben a leggyakoribb interferenciajelenség a latin elemek megjelenése ... more Régi magyar nyelvi szövegeinkben a leggyakoribb interferenciajelenség a latin elemek megjelenése magyar anyanyelvűek beszédében, valamint találunk más nyelvi interferenciákat is, hiszen a magyarok lakta régiókban számos más anyanyelvű közösséggel érintkeztek a magyarajkúak, illetve ismerték (meg) azok anyanyelvét, így bármikor használhatták az idegen nyelvi elemeket anyanyelvi szövegeikben anélkül, hogy később kölcsönözték volna. Azonban az Erdélyi magyar szótörténeti tár szerkesztése közben figyeltem fel egy olyan jelenségre, amely eltér a ma vizsgált „megszokottabb” jelenségektől. Ugyanis a szociolingvisztikai kutatásokban általános tendencia, hogy az anyanyelvű szövegekben használatos idegen nyelvi elemek képezik a vizsgálat tárgyát. Ami felkeltette az érdeklődésemet, az a nem anyanyelvi szövegekben használatos anyanyelvű szavak elég nagy száma volt: azaz az Erdélyben lakó románok magyar vallomásszövegeiben megjelennek szép számmal olyan román szavak, kifejezések, amelyek nem sorolhatók be a magyar szókincs regionális kölcsönzéseibe, illetve ha igen, akkor azokat nagyon rövid ideig használták a magyar beszélők. így dolgozatomban olyan interferenciajelenségeket vizsgálok, amelyek egy idegen nyelvi szövegben megjelenő anyanyelvi elemeihez kapcsolódnak. Ugyanakkor - amikor kapcsolódik témámhoz - szót ejtek a magyar anyanyelvűek szövegeiben megjelenő román elemekről is.
This study aims to present the beginnings of Hungarian lexicography, with a special focus on cert... more This study aims to present the beginnings of Hungarian lexicography, with a special focus on certain works that are closely connected with Transylvania. The early glossaries, starting with the 13th century, are either marginal or interlinear. The only early source in which glossaries are intertextual, distinguished from the Latin text by underlining, is Sermones Dominicales, a compilation of sermons written in the first half of the 15th century. The vocabularies and nomenclatures under analysis were elaborated between the 14th century and the end of the 16th century, most of them being based on lists of Latin words grouped according to semantic fields. The only work that was elaborated based on the Hungarian lexis is the Nomenclature from Schlägl, a copy dating from around 1405 of a document written a few decades before. Among these vocabularies there are some that could be regarded as the first attempts to elaborate specialized dictionaries. Starting with the 16th century, several ...
Articolul de față are ca scop prezentarea începuturilor lexicografiei maghiare, mai ales a acelor... more Articolul de față are ca scop prezentarea începuturilor lexicografiei maghiare, mai ales a acelor lucrări care au o strînsă legătură cu Transilvania. Glosele timpurii, începînd din secolul al 13-lea, sînt fie marginale, fie interliniare. Singura sursă timpurie în care glosele sînt intertextuale, distinse de textul latin prin subliniere, este Sermones Dominicales, o compilație de predici scrise în prima parte a secolului al 15-lea. Vocabularele și nomenclaturile discutate sînt redactate între secolul al 14-lea și sfîrșitul secolului al 16-lea, majoritatea avînd la bază o listă de cuvinte latine grupate în cîmpuri semantice. Singura lucrare care s-a redactat pornind de la lexicul maghiar este Nomenclatura din Schlägl, o copie făcută în jurul anului 1405 după un document întocmit cu cîteva decenii mai devreme. Printre aceste vocabulare găsim și cîteva care pot fi considerate primele încercări de redactare a unor dicționare de specialitate. Începînd cu secolul al 16-lea apar mai multe d...
Dans cette etude, je suis les evolutions de la structure semantique AT depuis les premiers exempl... more Dans cette etude, je suis les evolutions de la structure semantique AT depuis les premiers exemples connus dans la langue jusqu'a nos jours. Je m'appuie pour elaborer le materiau contemporain sur le travail d'Imre Attila (1999), mais pour ce qui est des elements les plus anciens, ils contredisent a plusieurs reprises les classifications etablies sur la base des donnees de la langue moderne, et je me suis vue en demeure de changer cette classification. Dans le cadre de cette etude, je n'ai pu analyser que les expressions concretes. Neanmoins, j'ai pu prouver que depuis les XVI e siecle il n'y a eu des evolutions qu'au niveau de certains groupes, qui ne sont pas suffisamment importants pour qu'on puisse pretendre que la representation de la structure semantique AT ait change en hongrois.
This introduction reconstructs the arguments of the editors and contributors of a thematic cluste... more This introduction reconstructs the arguments of the editors and contributors of a thematic cluster of the Hungarian Studies Yearbook that focuses on the possible methodological uses of the glocal both as a scale and as a methodological challenge for contemporary Hungarian studies.
Fazakas Emese, 2020
The study presents loanwords and expressions referring to hues in the old Hungarian language. It ... more The study presents loanwords and expressions referring to hues in the old Hungarian language. It relays mostly on data collected from the Historical Dictionary of Hungarian Language from Transylvania (SzT.), and it also uses data from the Hungarian Etymological Dictionary (TESz.). A number of studies have been written about the Hungarian colour terms presenting usage and distribution, yet only few of them dealt with their etymology and their historical usage. The present paper focuses on the etymology of terms denoting hues, and aims to present reasons for naming and using these loan colour terms. The study investigates whether these terms appearing in old Transylvanian texts were loanwords, loan expressions or they were simply used as a result of linguistic interference.
Fazakas Emese, 2021
A nyelvközösségek által használt színelnevezések – legyenek azok alapszínnevek vagy árnyalatoknak... more A nyelvközösségek által használt színelnevezések – legyenek azok alapszínnevek vagy
árnyalatoknak szókapcsolattal, szóösszetétellel alkotott nevei – nagyban függnek a kulturális
és természeti környezettől, amelyben keletkeztek, és amelyben idővel változnak.
A színpercepció személyenként is változik, hiszen a színnevek melléknévi használatban
fokozhatók (pl. szürkébb, zöldebb). Ez azt is mutatja, hogy a beszélőknek a tudatában
létezik egy prototipikus árnyalat (a vizsgálandó színt véve alapul: egy prototipikus szürke),
amelyhez képest egy dologról, jelenségről mondhatjuk, hogy például szürkébb. Így
természetesen a színárnyalatok megnevezésére használt szavaink, kifejezéseink egy-egy
konkrét helyzetben egyénenként változhatnak: mondhatjuk egy tárgyról, hogy kékeszöld
vagy zöldeskék attól függően, hogy melyik (alap)színt érezzük dominánsnak, és erre az árnyalatra
akár használhatjuk a türkiz(színű) megnevezést is. Azonban az egyéni percepción
túl szükségünk van olyan megnevezésekre is, amelyeket a közösség minden tagja ugyanúgy
értelmez, még akkor is, ha az egyének prototipikus színárnyalat-percepciója eltérő.
Tanulmányomban bemutatom azokat a megnevezéseket, amelyekkel a szürke tartományába
tartozó árnyalatokat illette a magyar nyelvközösség a 16. század eleje és a 19.
század vége között.