Mentor Tahiri | University for Business and Technology (original) (raw)
Videos by Mentor Tahiri
According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emer... more According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emergence of the state and laws applied by official authorities. In the absence of statehood, different ethnicities may have found forms of customary justice, through written or unwritten customary law. These customary laws have been embodied in the culture and tradition, and may also accept other substrates, such as religious norms. The purpose of this presentation is to show the reflections of the customary law of the Pashtuns and the Chechens on political, military and security issues.
Keywords: customary law, Pashtunwali, Adat, cross-border cooperation, insurgency
In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constit... more In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constituent element of war. In this respect, any distinction can be hardly made when considering parts of the world separately. Ethnicity, whether as polit-ical ambition or intolerance, turns out to be many times clearer in mobilizing the masses than most other factors. The instrumentalization of various goals through ethnicity has taken on dimensions whose consequences dilute the multiethnic functioning of the institutions even if peace is achieved meanwhile. Ethnicity as a desire to dominate becomes a burden for several segments of political and social life and a challenge for the conceivers of national security. Societies need to find a concrete solution to properly address the demands when they are justifiable.
Papers by Mentor Tahiri
SEEU Review, 2022
Forced population migration is not a modern phenomenon. It is often an integral part of totalitar... more Forced population migration is not a modern phenomenon. It is often an integral part of totalitarian policies and has been used repeatedly to ensure the survival of political regimes or achieve specific political ambitions. Violent migration is present practically throughout history when considering the time scope and everywhere, practically in all continents of the world, with a specter of variations depending on the context imposed by the political circumstances, we can encounter it under different names. These variations have also reflections in the terminology used, among others, they are also indicators that speak of the different methods applied in order to achieve particular policies. Individuals, families, or even whole peoples are forced to migrate violently, abandon their homes and leave behind them all their lives, including the material goods created up to that moment. Seen from a normal retrospective, forced migration represents the culmination of a regime's goals to dominate the territory without hindrance from any possible resistance. This fact has brought so many tragedies to humanity, and even worse, it has often ended with "legitimization" by international treaties or has even been the product of inter-state agreements. Forced population migration has clearly brought to the surface the evil purpose and has revealed territorial ambitions. Keywords: Deportation, Ethnic, Treaty of Lausanne
The "journey" of the creation of an ethnic identity is not a simple process. In the context of an... more The "journey" of the creation of an ethnic identity is not a simple process. In the context of an individual's sense of belonging, ethnic identity is the result of a socio-psychological process which has created a sense of belonging but it may undergo further transformations over generations. Ethnicity is a complex process of constructing. The perception of identity may change over time. Ethnic identities are in a constant challenge to stay in shape they are. Challenged from many sides, they do not always manage to stop the processes, which in the form of other identities are competing with the ethnic identity. In some countries it is the idea of the nation who has gradually abolished the previous ethnic foundations. Yet, somewhere, the strong existence of ethnic identities shows the unpreparedness to merge within a larger identity, and in many cases such integration is not possible due to the animosities occurred throughout political history.
A large part of today's state entities is composed of constituent elements or territorial units w... more A large part of today's state entities is composed of constituent elements or territorial units with state character as well as other forms, depending on how they are conceived by the central authorities. Governments may have different ways of addressing as well as accommodating the specific needs of each ethnic group. There are also cases when all this accommodation is fictitious, it may appear in the legislative architecture, but again remains unimplemented due to lack of political will.
Gjatë gjithë luftës së ftohtë, në raport me shtetet tjera, politika e jashtme amerikane dhe ajo s... more Gjatë gjithë luftës së ftohtë, në raport me shtetet tjera, politika e jashtme amerikane dhe ajo sovjetike kishin cak të tyre komunizmin. Përderisa, Washingtoni bënte përpjekje të ndalte zgjerimin e tij, Moska përpiqej që nëse jo më shumë, së paku t’i ofronte logjistikën e duhur shtrirjes së tij.
Pan-sllavizmi dhe ndikimi i tij në Evropën juglindore deri më 1945, Jan 5, 2016
Conference Papers by Mentor Tahiri
ОБЩЕСТВОТО НА ЗНАНИЕТО И ХУМАНИЗМЪТ НА ХХІ ВЕК ХX национална научна конференция с международно участие София, 1 ноември 2022 г. KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY AND 21 st CENTURY HUMANISM The 20 th International Scientific Conference Sofia, ULSIT, 2022
According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emer... more According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emergence of the state and laws applied by official authorities. In the absence of statehood, different ethnicities may have found forms of customary justice, through written or unwritten customary law. These customary laws have been embodied in the culture and tradition, and may also accept other substrates, such as religious norms. The purpose of this paper is to show the reflections of the customary law of the Pashtuns and the Chechens on political, military and security issues.
Keywords: customary law, pashtunwali, adat, cross-border cooperation, insurgency
Ethnicity as a variable in war and challenge in the peace, 2022
In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constit... more In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constituent element of war. In this respect, any distinction can be hardly made when considering parts of the world separately. Ethnicity, whether as political ambition or intolerance, turns out to be many times clearer in mobilizing the masses than most other factors. The instrumentalization of various goals through ethnicity has taken on dimensions whose consequences dilute the multiethnic functioning of the institutions even if peace is achieved meanwhile. Ethnicity as a desire to dominate becomes a burden for several segments of political and social life and a challenge for the conceivers of national security. Societies need to find a concrete solution to properly address the demands when they are justifiable. The lack of a political solution has usually produced conflicts and even armed ones. Therefore, ethnic conflicts, even in the form of animosities, remain a serious threat to national security itself.
National Scientific Conference with International Participation "Security and Defense", ULSIT, 2023
The representatives of the people of Kosovo declared independence in 2008. The way different gove... more The representatives of the people of Kosovo declared independence in 2008. The way different governments reacted to the declaration, largely reflected their geopolitical orientations. In this regard, it can be said that there were three types of stands: those in favor of Kosovo’s independence, the opposing states, and a group of states without concrete positions and proper clarification on developments in international relations. The geopolitical dimension, expressed through the positions of the governments, presents unnecessary challenges to the security of Kosovo. Kosovo's non-membership in INTERPOL is directly "attacking" Kosovo's abilities in fighting cross-border crime, but also makes the region fragile. This is just one example. The situation on a global scale makes full integration into international structures of cooperation in security and defense an imperative. In this environment, when the challenging geopolitical dimensions are being expressed with different methods, including hybrid attacks, strategists, and conceptualists of national security, more than ever need to take multi-dimensionality into account.
Seminari XL Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 2022
Që nga krijimi i Shtetit Shqiptar, elitat politike në pushtet kanë imponuar përdorimin e një stan... more Që nga krijimi i Shtetit Shqiptar, elitat politike në pushtet kanë imponuar përdorimin e një standardi gjuhësor të afërt me krahinën e cila ka dominuar politikisht. Ky nuk është rast vetëm me Shqipërinë komuniste të gati gjysmë shekulli të mileniumit të kaluar, por kjo vërehej edhe gjatë kohës së Mbretërisë Shqiptare. Politika gjuhësore e një vendi, është shpeshherë konstrukt i dizajnuar forcërisht për të arritur qëllime të caktuara, e ku të qenit në funksion të elitave politike në pushtet i ndihmon këtyre elitave në shtrirjen e ndikimit të tyre politik përmes rrugëve që në plan të parë nuk duken se ka ndonjë relacion me motivet politike. Pozicioni i ndërlikuar historik në të cilin janë gjendur shqiptarët në periudha të stërzgjatura kohore, ka ndikuar që në kohëra moderne politike, të këtë vendime të shpejta të atypëratyshme. Shqiptarët kudo dhe sidomos ata në Kosovë, kishin nevojë që të forcohej identiteti i përbashkët me shqiptarët brenda kufirit londinez shqiptar, andaj duke qenë se ky ishte një prioritet politik i kohës, kjo bëri që botimet dhe përgjithësisht ato pak media shqipe në ish-Jugosllavi, të reflektojnë në qasje dhe ndryshuan diametralisht gjuhën e përdorur, respektivisht standardin e shkruar. Por, cili është standardi që përdoret sot? Zgjerimi i horizontit medial dhe dinamika e lajmit kanë bërë që jo vetëm të mos ketë respektim të standardit gjuhësor, por devijimet kanë marrë përmasa serioze me pasoja të mëdha përtej rrafshit kulturor. Struktura heterogjene mediatike ku rrjetet sociale madje edhe po marrin rolin jo rrallëherë të vetë burimit të lajmit, po bënë që madje edhe mediet në rang kombëtar në balancën ndërmjet shpejtësisë dhe kualitetit, zgjedhin të parën.
Fjalët kyçe: Gjuha, politika, shqiptarët, standardi, elita, mediet, rrjetet sociale.
UBT, "10th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2021", 2021
Territories are human social creations. Although the notion of territoriality alone, just like th... more Territories are human social creations. Although the notion of territoriality alone, just like the use of it in various languages, may differ in some very wider sense, also the specific forms that it takes are enormously varied. There is a difference in the importance and the attitude toward the territory and territoriality between literate societies and those of oral societies. It is understandable since there are strongly dissimilar forms of social life and different kinds of communicative practices. Not just for issues regarding political or economic importance, but also for civil and military defense purposes, territoriality has always been an important issue of mankind. Above all, territory in relation to human possession is an achievement and result of various historical, soc-economic, military, and political processes. Again, territoriality and territorial organization are much more than a strategy for control of space, it is actually one of the primary bases for developing the concept or even a doctrine of civil and territorial defense. The proper organization, which takes into account the possible or hypothetical situations of an attack by a foreign force, or by a destructive internal force, allows the adequate use of human resources, as the main pillar in the resistance to the invasion of the country. Various examples show that in order to be a successful nation in this regard, it is not only the size or configuration of the terrain that is important, but above all, it is the knowledge and the way of organizing the defense according to the territory. The Civil and Territorial defense as a concept is focused on small, lightly armed units prepared for actions on familiar local terrain. In the example of Ex-Yugoslavia, such defense forces contributed to the founding of the respective armies of the newly independent states that emerged after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. This includes the Armies of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia which conducted their first battles without being transformed into the Army. In the early stages of the war, resistance was much more efficient and successful in those territories where civil defense and territorial defense had been previously at a higher level of seriousness and organization.
Addressing to the audience of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference titled “European... more Addressing to the audience of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference titled “European Identity of the Albanians” organized in The Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, Adam Mickiewitz University in Poznan, Poland
According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emer... more According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emergence of the state and laws applied by official authorities. In the absence of statehood, different ethnicities may have found forms of customary justice, through written or unwritten customary law. These customary laws have been embodied in the culture and tradition, and may also accept other substrates, such as religious norms. The purpose of this presentation is to show the reflections of the customary law of the Pashtuns and the Chechens on political, military and security issues.
Keywords: customary law, Pashtunwali, Adat, cross-border cooperation, insurgency
In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constit... more In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constituent element of war. In this respect, any distinction can be hardly made when considering parts of the world separately. Ethnicity, whether as polit-ical ambition or intolerance, turns out to be many times clearer in mobilizing the masses than most other factors. The instrumentalization of various goals through ethnicity has taken on dimensions whose consequences dilute the multiethnic functioning of the institutions even if peace is achieved meanwhile. Ethnicity as a desire to dominate becomes a burden for several segments of political and social life and a challenge for the conceivers of national security. Societies need to find a concrete solution to properly address the demands when they are justifiable.
SEEU Review, 2022
Forced population migration is not a modern phenomenon. It is often an integral part of totalitar... more Forced population migration is not a modern phenomenon. It is often an integral part of totalitarian policies and has been used repeatedly to ensure the survival of political regimes or achieve specific political ambitions. Violent migration is present practically throughout history when considering the time scope and everywhere, practically in all continents of the world, with a specter of variations depending on the context imposed by the political circumstances, we can encounter it under different names. These variations have also reflections in the terminology used, among others, they are also indicators that speak of the different methods applied in order to achieve particular policies. Individuals, families, or even whole peoples are forced to migrate violently, abandon their homes and leave behind them all their lives, including the material goods created up to that moment. Seen from a normal retrospective, forced migration represents the culmination of a regime's goals to dominate the territory without hindrance from any possible resistance. This fact has brought so many tragedies to humanity, and even worse, it has often ended with "legitimization" by international treaties or has even been the product of inter-state agreements. Forced population migration has clearly brought to the surface the evil purpose and has revealed territorial ambitions. Keywords: Deportation, Ethnic, Treaty of Lausanne
The "journey" of the creation of an ethnic identity is not a simple process. In the context of an... more The "journey" of the creation of an ethnic identity is not a simple process. In the context of an individual's sense of belonging, ethnic identity is the result of a socio-psychological process which has created a sense of belonging but it may undergo further transformations over generations. Ethnicity is a complex process of constructing. The perception of identity may change over time. Ethnic identities are in a constant challenge to stay in shape they are. Challenged from many sides, they do not always manage to stop the processes, which in the form of other identities are competing with the ethnic identity. In some countries it is the idea of the nation who has gradually abolished the previous ethnic foundations. Yet, somewhere, the strong existence of ethnic identities shows the unpreparedness to merge within a larger identity, and in many cases such integration is not possible due to the animosities occurred throughout political history.
A large part of today's state entities is composed of constituent elements or territorial units w... more A large part of today's state entities is composed of constituent elements or territorial units with state character as well as other forms, depending on how they are conceived by the central authorities. Governments may have different ways of addressing as well as accommodating the specific needs of each ethnic group. There are also cases when all this accommodation is fictitious, it may appear in the legislative architecture, but again remains unimplemented due to lack of political will.
Gjatë gjithë luftës së ftohtë, në raport me shtetet tjera, politika e jashtme amerikane dhe ajo s... more Gjatë gjithë luftës së ftohtë, në raport me shtetet tjera, politika e jashtme amerikane dhe ajo sovjetike kishin cak të tyre komunizmin. Përderisa, Washingtoni bënte përpjekje të ndalte zgjerimin e tij, Moska përpiqej që nëse jo më shumë, së paku t’i ofronte logjistikën e duhur shtrirjes së tij.
Pan-sllavizmi dhe ndikimi i tij në Evropën juglindore deri më 1945, Jan 5, 2016
ОБЩЕСТВОТО НА ЗНАНИЕТО И ХУМАНИЗМЪТ НА ХХІ ВЕК ХX национална научна конференция с международно участие София, 1 ноември 2022 г. KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY AND 21 st CENTURY HUMANISM The 20 th International Scientific Conference Sofia, ULSIT, 2022
According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emer... more According to anthropology and ethnology, the customary law itself originated long before the emergence of the state and laws applied by official authorities. In the absence of statehood, different ethnicities may have found forms of customary justice, through written or unwritten customary law. These customary laws have been embodied in the culture and tradition, and may also accept other substrates, such as religious norms. The purpose of this paper is to show the reflections of the customary law of the Pashtuns and the Chechens on political, military and security issues.
Keywords: customary law, pashtunwali, adat, cross-border cooperation, insurgency
Ethnicity as a variable in war and challenge in the peace, 2022
In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constit... more In most modern wars, ethnic issues appear to be one of the main instigators or at least a constituent element of war. In this respect, any distinction can be hardly made when considering parts of the world separately. Ethnicity, whether as political ambition or intolerance, turns out to be many times clearer in mobilizing the masses than most other factors. The instrumentalization of various goals through ethnicity has taken on dimensions whose consequences dilute the multiethnic functioning of the institutions even if peace is achieved meanwhile. Ethnicity as a desire to dominate becomes a burden for several segments of political and social life and a challenge for the conceivers of national security. Societies need to find a concrete solution to properly address the demands when they are justifiable. The lack of a political solution has usually produced conflicts and even armed ones. Therefore, ethnic conflicts, even in the form of animosities, remain a serious threat to national security itself.
National Scientific Conference with International Participation "Security and Defense", ULSIT, 2023
The representatives of the people of Kosovo declared independence in 2008. The way different gove... more The representatives of the people of Kosovo declared independence in 2008. The way different governments reacted to the declaration, largely reflected their geopolitical orientations. In this regard, it can be said that there were three types of stands: those in favor of Kosovo’s independence, the opposing states, and a group of states without concrete positions and proper clarification on developments in international relations. The geopolitical dimension, expressed through the positions of the governments, presents unnecessary challenges to the security of Kosovo. Kosovo's non-membership in INTERPOL is directly "attacking" Kosovo's abilities in fighting cross-border crime, but also makes the region fragile. This is just one example. The situation on a global scale makes full integration into international structures of cooperation in security and defense an imperative. In this environment, when the challenging geopolitical dimensions are being expressed with different methods, including hybrid attacks, strategists, and conceptualists of national security, more than ever need to take multi-dimensionality into account.
Seminari XL Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 2022
Që nga krijimi i Shtetit Shqiptar, elitat politike në pushtet kanë imponuar përdorimin e një stan... more Që nga krijimi i Shtetit Shqiptar, elitat politike në pushtet kanë imponuar përdorimin e një standardi gjuhësor të afërt me krahinën e cila ka dominuar politikisht. Ky nuk është rast vetëm me Shqipërinë komuniste të gati gjysmë shekulli të mileniumit të kaluar, por kjo vërehej edhe gjatë kohës së Mbretërisë Shqiptare. Politika gjuhësore e një vendi, është shpeshherë konstrukt i dizajnuar forcërisht për të arritur qëllime të caktuara, e ku të qenit në funksion të elitave politike në pushtet i ndihmon këtyre elitave në shtrirjen e ndikimit të tyre politik përmes rrugëve që në plan të parë nuk duken se ka ndonjë relacion me motivet politike. Pozicioni i ndërlikuar historik në të cilin janë gjendur shqiptarët në periudha të stërzgjatura kohore, ka ndikuar që në kohëra moderne politike, të këtë vendime të shpejta të atypëratyshme. Shqiptarët kudo dhe sidomos ata në Kosovë, kishin nevojë që të forcohej identiteti i përbashkët me shqiptarët brenda kufirit londinez shqiptar, andaj duke qenë se ky ishte një prioritet politik i kohës, kjo bëri që botimet dhe përgjithësisht ato pak media shqipe në ish-Jugosllavi, të reflektojnë në qasje dhe ndryshuan diametralisht gjuhën e përdorur, respektivisht standardin e shkruar. Por, cili është standardi që përdoret sot? Zgjerimi i horizontit medial dhe dinamika e lajmit kanë bërë që jo vetëm të mos ketë respektim të standardit gjuhësor, por devijimet kanë marrë përmasa serioze me pasoja të mëdha përtej rrafshit kulturor. Struktura heterogjene mediatike ku rrjetet sociale madje edhe po marrin rolin jo rrallëherë të vetë burimit të lajmit, po bënë që madje edhe mediet në rang kombëtar në balancën ndërmjet shpejtësisë dhe kualitetit, zgjedhin të parën.
Fjalët kyçe: Gjuha, politika, shqiptarët, standardi, elita, mediet, rrjetet sociale.
UBT, "10th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2021", 2021
Territories are human social creations. Although the notion of territoriality alone, just like th... more Territories are human social creations. Although the notion of territoriality alone, just like the use of it in various languages, may differ in some very wider sense, also the specific forms that it takes are enormously varied. There is a difference in the importance and the attitude toward the territory and territoriality between literate societies and those of oral societies. It is understandable since there are strongly dissimilar forms of social life and different kinds of communicative practices. Not just for issues regarding political or economic importance, but also for civil and military defense purposes, territoriality has always been an important issue of mankind. Above all, territory in relation to human possession is an achievement and result of various historical, soc-economic, military, and political processes. Again, territoriality and territorial organization are much more than a strategy for control of space, it is actually one of the primary bases for developing the concept or even a doctrine of civil and territorial defense. The proper organization, which takes into account the possible or hypothetical situations of an attack by a foreign force, or by a destructive internal force, allows the adequate use of human resources, as the main pillar in the resistance to the invasion of the country. Various examples show that in order to be a successful nation in this regard, it is not only the size or configuration of the terrain that is important, but above all, it is the knowledge and the way of organizing the defense according to the territory. The Civil and Territorial defense as a concept is focused on small, lightly armed units prepared for actions on familiar local terrain. In the example of Ex-Yugoslavia, such defense forces contributed to the founding of the respective armies of the newly independent states that emerged after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. This includes the Armies of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia which conducted their first battles without being transformed into the Army. In the early stages of the war, resistance was much more efficient and successful in those territories where civil defense and territorial defense had been previously at a higher level of seriousness and organization.
Addressing to the audience of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference titled “European... more Addressing to the audience of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference titled “European Identity of the Albanians” organized in The Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, Adam Mickiewitz University in Poznan, Poland