Patrícia Anache | University of Coimbra (original) (raw)
Advogada. Graduada em Direito pela Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Região do Pantanal/MS (2005). Pós-Graduação pela FGV/RJ em Advocacia Cível (2007). Mestrado em Ciências Jurídico-Políticas, menção Direito Internacional Público e Europeu pela Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal (2014). Doutorado em curso na área de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas, menção Direito Internacional Público pela Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal (2014/2019). Visiting Researcher na Universidade de Granada/Espanha. Visiting Researcher na Universidade Livre de Bruxelas/Bélgica. Pesquisadora convidada no Centro de Direito Internacional/MG. Coordenadora de Assuntos Acadêmicos da Associação de Pesquisadores e Estudantes Brasileiros - APEB/Coimbra - gestão 2014-2016. Representante dos Doutorandos Brasileiros no Conselho Geral da Universidade de Coimbra - gestão 2014-2016. Membro da Academia Nacional de Estudos Transnacionais-ANET. Sócio-Fundadora da Associação Luso-Brasileira de Direito Internacional e Europeu.
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Papers by Patrícia Anache
This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its ene... more This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its energy matrix, it is observed the country uses mainly renewable resources; however, they are still underexploited, especially wind and solar energy. In recent years, the Brazilian government has implemented energy access public policy with some success, called Light for All Programme (Programa Luz Para Todos). However, it remains the need to expand the access, which can be implemented through renewable energy equipments. The main current challenge is expand energy access to the Brazilian Amazon region. The proposal to achieve full energy access for Brazilian rural or isolated population is by using different resources, such as small-scale water resources, biomass through dedicated and residual form and exploitation of wind and solar energy potentials.
This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its ene... more This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its energy matrix, it is observed the country uses mainly renewable resources; however, they are still underexploited, especially wind and solar energy. In recent years, the Brazilian government has implemented energy access public policy with some success, called Light for All Programme (Programa Luz Para Todos). However, it remains the need to expand the access, which can be implemented through renewable energy equipments. The main current challenge is expand energy access to the Brazilian Amazon region. The proposal to achieve full energy access for Brazilian rural or isolated population is by using different resources, such as small-scale water resources, biomass through dedicated and residual form and exploitation of wind and solar energy potentials.
This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its ene... more This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its energy matrix, it is observed the country uses mainly renewable resources; however, they are still underexploited, especially wind and solar energy. In recent years, the Brazilian government has implemented energy access public policy with some success, called Light for All Programme (Programa Luz Para Todos). However, it remains the need to expand the access, which can be implemented through renewable energy equipments. The main current challenge is expand energy access to the Brazilian Amazon region. The proposal to achieve full energy access for Brazilian rural or isolated population is by using different resources, such as small-scale water resources, biomass through dedicated and residual form and exploitation of wind and solar energy potentials.
This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its ene... more This work aims to analyze the renewable energy access in rural areas in Brazil. Regarding its energy matrix, it is observed the country uses mainly renewable resources; however, they are still underexploited, especially wind and solar energy. In recent years, the Brazilian government has implemented energy access public policy with some success, called Light for All Programme (Programa Luz Para Todos). However, it remains the need to expand the access, which can be implemented through renewable energy equipments. The main current challenge is expand energy access to the Brazilian Amazon region. The proposal to achieve full energy access for Brazilian rural or isolated population is by using different resources, such as small-scale water resources, biomass through dedicated and residual form and exploitation of wind and solar energy potentials.