Man Singh | Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar (original) (raw)

Papers by Man Singh

Research paper thumbnail of Room temperature luminescence and ferromagnetism from transition metal ions: Mn-, Co- and Ni-doped ZnS nanoparticles

Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2022

ZnS nanoparticles (NPs) and transition metal ions (TMIs) doped ZnS NPs were synthesized by the ch... more ZnS nanoparticles (NPs) and transition metal ions (TMIs) doped ZnS NPs were synthesized by the chemical precipitation method facile via aqueous CTAB micelles. The structural properties, crystallography, morphology, composition analysis, photoluminescence (PL), and magnetic properties of samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, and Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). All the synthesized NPs exhibited a cubic zinc-blende single-phase crystal structure with crystallite size in 2–8 nm range, which indicates the TMIs ions substituted the lattice site of Zn2+ ions, due to almost similar ionic radii of Zn2+ and TMIs (Mn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+), i.e., 0.074, 0.083, 0.069, and 0.065 nm, respectively. PL peak intensity enhanced with TMIs doping causes an excited state to the ZnS NPs, resulting in PL spectra turning into the visible region. ZnS NPs show mixed dominant diamagnetic and weak ferromagnetic behavior. TMIs ions doped ZnS NPs show the well-defined ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature (RT).

Research paper thumbnail of Single-step synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using a phytosynthesis route and its characterization

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Nov 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Green silver nanoparticle and Tween-20 modulated pro-oxidant to antioxidant curcumin transformation in aqueous CTAB stabilized peanut oil emulsions

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The SURVISMETER – a Green Technology in Service

Research paper thumbnail of Physicochemical study of curcumin in oil driven nanoemulsions with surfactants

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016

Abstract Physicochemical profile for 0.220 to 1.099 μmol·kg− 1 curcumin at 0.220 μmol·kg− 1 inter... more Abstract Physicochemical profile for 0.220 to 1.099 μmol·kg− 1 curcumin at 0.220 μmol·kg− 1 interval, dispersed in homogenized nanoemulsions of (cottonseed oil + surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulphate-anionic, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide-cationic, poloxamer-407 and tween-20–nonionic) + hydrophilic additives (ethanol, glycerol)) at Brownian scale, from (298.15 to 308.15) K is reported. State of medium binding forces for absolute dispersion has been investigated via sound velocity, isentropic compressibility, acoustic impedance, electrical conductivity, particle size and zeta potential. Positive Gibbs energy, negative entropy changes and enthalpies with high reproducibility have inferred thermodynamically and kinetically stable emulsions. The − 144.21 to 149.60 mV zeta potentials and (1300–1600, 2800–3100 and 3513) cm− 1 Fourier Transformation Infra-red (FTIR) stretching frequencies have confirmed stability, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, a presence of carbon-carbon bonding and the phenyl ring on stabilized micelle formation with curcumin. An agreement of Walden's Hypothesis for curcumin formulations signified a distribution of molecular forces in philicphobic driven nanoemulsions via intramolecular multiple force theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of Nanocomposites in Future Nanoelectronic Information Storage Devices

Nanoelectronics, 2019

Abstract In growth of nanotechnology, investigations of developments in nonvolatile memory device... more Abstract In growth of nanotechnology, investigations of developments in nonvolatile memory devices based on hybrid nanocomposites offer great potential to implement future-integrated nanoelectronic systems for information storage. Conventional data memory works on the basis of electrons those are moved around and stored. However, even by atomic standards, electrons are extremely small and it is very difficult to control them. For this reason, researchers are working feverishly all over the world on nanoelectronic components that make use of ions, that is, charged atoms, for storing data. Ions are some thousands of times heavier than electrons and therefore much easier to “hold down.” In this way, the individual storage elements can almost be reduced to atomic dimension, which enormously improve the storage density. Among the various types of nonvolatile memory devices, hybrid nanocomposites have currently been receiving broad attention because of their excellent performance with high-mechanical flexibility, simple fabrication, and low cost.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Edge Structure Towards Enhanced Thermal Stability of Graphene-Based Materials

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Preparation, molecular weight determination and structural studies of (polyvinylpyrrolidone)-oximate silico-benzoyl glycine copolymer with IR spectroscopy

Natural Product Research, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Micelle catalyzed oxidative degradation of norfloxacin by chloramine-T

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012

ABSTRACT Present work reports influence of micellar media (CTAB) upon the oxidative degradation o... more ABSTRACT Present work reports influence of micellar media (CTAB) upon the oxidative degradation of fluoroquinolone family drug norfloxacin (NOR). The reaction has been studied at constant temperature (308 K). The stoichiometry of the reaction was found to be 1:4 and oxidation products were identified by LC–MS technique and other spectral studies. The reaction exhibited first-order-dependence on chloramine-T [CAT] and fractional-order dependence on [NOR]. The rate constant was independent of cationic micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide [CTAB] at lower concentrations followed by a rapid increase in rate constant to a maximum and further gradual decrease in rate constant at higher CTAB was observed. In the presence of CTAB, both the oxidant and substrate are distributed between the aqueous and the micellar pseudo phases and then react to give the product. Compensation between water structure destruction and substrate–micelle interaction plays an important role in the presence of CTAB. The rate constants were obtained and the applicability of Piszkiewicz's, Raghvan–Srinivasan's and pseudo phase models allowed us to obtain the reactivity constants in the aqueous pseudo phase and in the micellar pseudo phase (k2w and k2m) and the binding constants of the reactants to the micellar phase (K1, K2). The effects of inorganic salts i.e. [SO42−], [HSO4−], [Cl−] and [Br−] on reaction rate have also been studied.

Research paper thumbnail of Spontaneity of reactions of triazine dendric molecules in aqueous medium illustrated with excess viscosities, volumes and free energies

Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Functional Combination of Lanthanide Nanocomposite with Biofunctional Material Based on Van der Waals Forces and its antioxidant study

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of An Interaction of Anionic- and Cationic-Rich Mixed Surfactants in Aqueous Medium through Physicochemical Properties at Three Different Temperatures

Journal of Chemistry, 2018

The mixed micellization of aqueous binary mixtures of DTAB-rich and SDS-rich surfactants, compris... more The mixed micellization of aqueous binary mixtures of DTAB-rich and SDS-rich surfactants, comprising sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) is studied in aqueous solution by using the physicochemical properties (PCPs) at three different temperatures (T = 293.15, 298.15, and 303.15 K) and P=0.1 MPa. The DTAB concentration is varied from 0.0001 to 0.03 M/mol·L−1 in the ∼0.01 M/mol·L−1 SDS solution, while the concentration of SDS is varied from 0.001 to 0.015 M/mol·L−1 in the ∼0.005 M/mol·L−1 DTAB. The stable formulations have been obtained by employing the DTAB-rich and SDS-rich surfactants solutions in 3 : 1 ratio. Therefore, different phases and aggregated states formed in the ternary combinations of DTAB/SDS/H2O have been identified and described. The calculated PCPs have been utilized for determining the nature of the solute-solvent interaction (SLS0I). With increasing surfactants concentration, the polarisation of the solution also increases alo...

Research paper thumbnail of Physicochemical Properties of Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (DTAB) and SodiumDodecyl Sulphate (SDS) Rich Surfactants in Aqueous Medium, AtT = 293.15, 298.15, and 303.15 K

Macromolecular Symposia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Study on surface properties of sodiumdodecyl sulfate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide mixed surfactants and their interaction with dyes

Research paper thumbnail of Physiochemical and Phase Behaviour Study of Jatropha curcus Oil - Ethanol Microemulsion Fuels Using Sorbitane Fatty Esters

International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2014

[Research paper thumbnail of Thermodynamic Studies of Molar Volume, Pair and Triplet Interactions at Increasing Side Chain Length of [Alpha]-Amino Acids In Aqueous Potassium Chloride Solutions at …](

Journal of molecular liquids, 2007

It is well known that electrolytes influence the solubility of amino acids. Consequently, study o... more It is well known that electrolytes influence the solubility of amino acids. Consequently, study of the volumetric properties of amino acids in aqueous salt solutions is very useful to obtain information [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5] about various types of interactions in solutions. There are recent ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metallic and non-metallic anionic interaction activities estimated with sound velocity and refractive index

Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of LSNR:GO template for BSA interaction, photo and sonocatalytic reductions of fluorescent dyes in aqueous solutions

Energy Advances

Reaction of 3s1 electron of Na with crystalline 6H2O of LnCl3·6H2O forming Ln(OH)3 and H2 for LSN... more Reaction of 3s1 electron of Na with crystalline 6H2O of LnCl3·6H2O forming Ln(OH)3 and H2 for LSNRs and LGT photocatalyst for photocatalyzing fluorescent dyes in sunlight with different quantum yields with SCR.

Research paper thumbnail of Phase behaviour and physicochemical study of Karanj oil-ethanol microemulsion as alternative renewable biofuel

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation on iodine partition coefficient in quaternary liquid at 301.15 K

Chemistry Research Laboratory, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110 019, India ... more Chemistry Research Laboratory, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110 019, India <em>E-mail</em> : <em>Fax</em>: 91-011-6417959 <em>Manuscript Received 6 March 2000, revised 22 February 2001. accepted 7 March 2001</em> I<sub>2</sub> partition in two-phase liquids constituted by CS<sub>2 </sub>+ H<sub>2</sub>0, CCI<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O and C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub>CI<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>0 solvents in presence of urea or thiourea in water phase has been studied at 301.15 K. The water and organic solvent separate phases are formed due to their electronic arrangement. I<sub>2</sub> partition in them is obtained by Flory-Huggins equation. The I<sub>2</sub> partition is subjected to the continuous and uniform thermodynamic approach of the liquids. Transition state theor...

Research paper thumbnail of Room temperature luminescence and ferromagnetism from transition metal ions: Mn-, Co- and Ni-doped ZnS nanoparticles

Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2022

ZnS nanoparticles (NPs) and transition metal ions (TMIs) doped ZnS NPs were synthesized by the ch... more ZnS nanoparticles (NPs) and transition metal ions (TMIs) doped ZnS NPs were synthesized by the chemical precipitation method facile via aqueous CTAB micelles. The structural properties, crystallography, morphology, composition analysis, photoluminescence (PL), and magnetic properties of samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, and Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). All the synthesized NPs exhibited a cubic zinc-blende single-phase crystal structure with crystallite size in 2–8 nm range, which indicates the TMIs ions substituted the lattice site of Zn2+ ions, due to almost similar ionic radii of Zn2+ and TMIs (Mn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+), i.e., 0.074, 0.083, 0.069, and 0.065 nm, respectively. PL peak intensity enhanced with TMIs doping causes an excited state to the ZnS NPs, resulting in PL spectra turning into the visible region. ZnS NPs show mixed dominant diamagnetic and weak ferromagnetic behavior. TMIs ions doped ZnS NPs show the well-defined ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature (RT).

Research paper thumbnail of Single-step synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using a phytosynthesis route and its characterization

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Nov 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Green silver nanoparticle and Tween-20 modulated pro-oxidant to antioxidant curcumin transformation in aqueous CTAB stabilized peanut oil emulsions

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The SURVISMETER – a Green Technology in Service

Research paper thumbnail of Physicochemical study of curcumin in oil driven nanoemulsions with surfactants

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016

Abstract Physicochemical profile for 0.220 to 1.099 μmol·kg− 1 curcumin at 0.220 μmol·kg− 1 inter... more Abstract Physicochemical profile for 0.220 to 1.099 μmol·kg− 1 curcumin at 0.220 μmol·kg− 1 interval, dispersed in homogenized nanoemulsions of (cottonseed oil + surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulphate-anionic, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide-cationic, poloxamer-407 and tween-20–nonionic) + hydrophilic additives (ethanol, glycerol)) at Brownian scale, from (298.15 to 308.15) K is reported. State of medium binding forces for absolute dispersion has been investigated via sound velocity, isentropic compressibility, acoustic impedance, electrical conductivity, particle size and zeta potential. Positive Gibbs energy, negative entropy changes and enthalpies with high reproducibility have inferred thermodynamically and kinetically stable emulsions. The − 144.21 to 149.60 mV zeta potentials and (1300–1600, 2800–3100 and 3513) cm− 1 Fourier Transformation Infra-red (FTIR) stretching frequencies have confirmed stability, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, a presence of carbon-carbon bonding and the phenyl ring on stabilized micelle formation with curcumin. An agreement of Walden's Hypothesis for curcumin formulations signified a distribution of molecular forces in philicphobic driven nanoemulsions via intramolecular multiple force theory.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of Nanocomposites in Future Nanoelectronic Information Storage Devices

Nanoelectronics, 2019

Abstract In growth of nanotechnology, investigations of developments in nonvolatile memory device... more Abstract In growth of nanotechnology, investigations of developments in nonvolatile memory devices based on hybrid nanocomposites offer great potential to implement future-integrated nanoelectronic systems for information storage. Conventional data memory works on the basis of electrons those are moved around and stored. However, even by atomic standards, electrons are extremely small and it is very difficult to control them. For this reason, researchers are working feverishly all over the world on nanoelectronic components that make use of ions, that is, charged atoms, for storing data. Ions are some thousands of times heavier than electrons and therefore much easier to “hold down.” In this way, the individual storage elements can almost be reduced to atomic dimension, which enormously improve the storage density. Among the various types of nonvolatile memory devices, hybrid nanocomposites have currently been receiving broad attention because of their excellent performance with high-mechanical flexibility, simple fabrication, and low cost.

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Edge Structure Towards Enhanced Thermal Stability of Graphene-Based Materials

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Preparation, molecular weight determination and structural studies of (polyvinylpyrrolidone)-oximate silico-benzoyl glycine copolymer with IR spectroscopy

Natural Product Research, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Micelle catalyzed oxidative degradation of norfloxacin by chloramine-T

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012

ABSTRACT Present work reports influence of micellar media (CTAB) upon the oxidative degradation o... more ABSTRACT Present work reports influence of micellar media (CTAB) upon the oxidative degradation of fluoroquinolone family drug norfloxacin (NOR). The reaction has been studied at constant temperature (308 K). The stoichiometry of the reaction was found to be 1:4 and oxidation products were identified by LC–MS technique and other spectral studies. The reaction exhibited first-order-dependence on chloramine-T [CAT] and fractional-order dependence on [NOR]. The rate constant was independent of cationic micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide [CTAB] at lower concentrations followed by a rapid increase in rate constant to a maximum and further gradual decrease in rate constant at higher CTAB was observed. In the presence of CTAB, both the oxidant and substrate are distributed between the aqueous and the micellar pseudo phases and then react to give the product. Compensation between water structure destruction and substrate–micelle interaction plays an important role in the presence of CTAB. The rate constants were obtained and the applicability of Piszkiewicz&#39;s, Raghvan–Srinivasan&#39;s and pseudo phase models allowed us to obtain the reactivity constants in the aqueous pseudo phase and in the micellar pseudo phase (k2w and k2m) and the binding constants of the reactants to the micellar phase (K1, K2). The effects of inorganic salts i.e. [SO42−], [HSO4−], [Cl−] and [Br−] on reaction rate have also been studied.

Research paper thumbnail of Spontaneity of reactions of triazine dendric molecules in aqueous medium illustrated with excess viscosities, volumes and free energies

Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Functional Combination of Lanthanide Nanocomposite with Biofunctional Material Based on Van der Waals Forces and its antioxidant study

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of An Interaction of Anionic- and Cationic-Rich Mixed Surfactants in Aqueous Medium through Physicochemical Properties at Three Different Temperatures

Journal of Chemistry, 2018

The mixed micellization of aqueous binary mixtures of DTAB-rich and SDS-rich surfactants, compris... more The mixed micellization of aqueous binary mixtures of DTAB-rich and SDS-rich surfactants, comprising sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) is studied in aqueous solution by using the physicochemical properties (PCPs) at three different temperatures (T = 293.15, 298.15, and 303.15 K) and P=0.1 MPa. The DTAB concentration is varied from 0.0001 to 0.03 M/mol·L−1 in the ∼0.01 M/mol·L−1 SDS solution, while the concentration of SDS is varied from 0.001 to 0.015 M/mol·L−1 in the ∼0.005 M/mol·L−1 DTAB. The stable formulations have been obtained by employing the DTAB-rich and SDS-rich surfactants solutions in 3 : 1 ratio. Therefore, different phases and aggregated states formed in the ternary combinations of DTAB/SDS/H2O have been identified and described. The calculated PCPs have been utilized for determining the nature of the solute-solvent interaction (SLS0I). With increasing surfactants concentration, the polarisation of the solution also increases alo...

Research paper thumbnail of Physicochemical Properties of Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (DTAB) and SodiumDodecyl Sulphate (SDS) Rich Surfactants in Aqueous Medium, AtT = 293.15, 298.15, and 303.15 K

Macromolecular Symposia, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Study on surface properties of sodiumdodecyl sulfate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide mixed surfactants and their interaction with dyes

Research paper thumbnail of Physiochemical and Phase Behaviour Study of Jatropha curcus Oil - Ethanol Microemulsion Fuels Using Sorbitane Fatty Esters

International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2014

[Research paper thumbnail of Thermodynamic Studies of Molar Volume, Pair and Triplet Interactions at Increasing Side Chain Length of [Alpha]-Amino Acids In Aqueous Potassium Chloride Solutions at …](

Journal of molecular liquids, 2007

It is well known that electrolytes influence the solubility of amino acids. Consequently, study o... more It is well known that electrolytes influence the solubility of amino acids. Consequently, study of the volumetric properties of amino acids in aqueous salt solutions is very useful to obtain information [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5] about various types of interactions in solutions. There are recent ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metallic and non-metallic anionic interaction activities estimated with sound velocity and refractive index

Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of LSNR:GO template for BSA interaction, photo and sonocatalytic reductions of fluorescent dyes in aqueous solutions

Energy Advances

Reaction of 3s1 electron of Na with crystalline 6H2O of LnCl3·6H2O forming Ln(OH)3 and H2 for LSN... more Reaction of 3s1 electron of Na with crystalline 6H2O of LnCl3·6H2O forming Ln(OH)3 and H2 for LSNRs and LGT photocatalyst for photocatalyzing fluorescent dyes in sunlight with different quantum yields with SCR.

Research paper thumbnail of Phase behaviour and physicochemical study of Karanj oil-ethanol microemulsion as alternative renewable biofuel

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation on iodine partition coefficient in quaternary liquid at 301.15 K

Chemistry Research Laboratory, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110 019, India ... more Chemistry Research Laboratory, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110 019, India <em>E-mail</em> : <em>Fax</em>: 91-011-6417959 <em>Manuscript Received 6 March 2000, revised 22 February 2001. accepted 7 March 2001</em> I<sub>2</sub> partition in two-phase liquids constituted by CS<sub>2 </sub>+ H<sub>2</sub>0, CCI<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O and C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub>CI<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>0 solvents in presence of urea or thiourea in water phase has been studied at 301.15 K. The water and organic solvent separate phases are formed due to their electronic arrangement. I<sub>2</sub> partition in them is obtained by Flory-Huggins equation. The I<sub>2</sub> partition is subjected to the continuous and uniform thermodynamic approach of the liquids. Transition state theor...

Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant studies of Palladium (II) complexes: An in vitro study

A series of halosubstituted benzylamine (BLs) supported Palladium (II) complexes have been synthe... more A series of halosubstituted benzylamine (BLs) supported Palladium (II) complexes have been synthesized and characterize with different spectroscopic techniques. The spectroscopic studies have been reported to prove their structural stability with solvents like DMF, DMF: H2O and DMF: PBS at physiological condition (pH 7.2). The antibacterial and antifungal studies were investigated against gram +ve and gram –ve microbes for finding their biological potential. For expression of their biological potential, the antioxidant activity has been design with DPPH free radical through spectrophotometric method. The anticancer and DNA binding activities are in progress to make them anticancer complexes. Therefore, our study advances nonplatinum based drugs for their medicinal significance in biological applications.

Research paper thumbnail of Few experiments with survismeter

Experiment 01: Measure surface tension and viscosity of water, 10, 20, and 30% aqueous ethanol so... more Experiment 01: Measure surface tension and viscosity of water, 10, 20, and 30% aqueous ethanol solutions with survismeter minimizing 90% chemicals and lab resources for study of their molecular interactions. Summary: On adding 10, 20, and 30% aqueous ethanol or glycerol the surface tension decreases as hydrogen bonding of water is disrupted to adhere ethanol or glycerol. Disruption of hydrogen bonding weakens cohesive forces lowering surface tension and at the same time adherence enhances frictional forces increasing shear stress or viscosity. Experiment 02: Determine thermodynamically and kinetically stable nanoemulsion of oil and water with 5 to 15% aqueous ethanol and glycerol nanoemulsion with anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate) and cationic (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) surfactants using survismeter. Summary: Adding 10, 20, and 30% aqueous ethanol and glycerol to water with surfactant may equilibrate the cohesive and adhesive forces where the initially surface tension decreases disrupting hydrogen bonding of water to equally adhere to ethanol or glycerol, and surfactant molecule increasing viscosity. But equal cohesive and adhesive forces with time remained constant with the same values of surface tension and viscosity with time. Experiment 03: Survismetrically determine nanoemulsion of curcumin with any one of mustard, sunflower, ground, and cottonseed oils in aqueous ethanol, glycerol, anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate) and cationic (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) surfactants separately decreasing surface tension and increasing viscosity of resultant nanoemulsion. Summary: Monodispersion of curcumin molecules in homogeneous oil dispersion in aqueous ethanol and glycerol with surfactant may equilibrate cohesive and adhesive forces resulting lower surface tension and higher viscosity. For monodispersion, equal cohesive and adhesive forces with time remain the same with the constant surface tension and viscosity with time. Experiment 04: Experimentally determine coagulation and monodispersion of protein like bovine serum albumin or insulin or lysozyme in aqueous anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate) or cationic (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) surfactant solution using survismeter. Summary: Proteins may monodispersion min molecules in homogeneous oil dispersion in aqueous ethanol and glycerol to water with surfactant equilibrating cohesive and adhesive forces. It results in lower surface tension and higher viscosity for monodispersion and for coagulations the cohesive forces or surface tension increase, and adhesive forces or viscosity decrease. Experiment 05: Experimentally determine coagulation and monodispersion of carbohydrate molecules like starch of different sizes with water aqueous surfactant (anionic-sodium dodecyl sulfate, cationiccetyltrimethylammonium bromide) solution using survismeter. Summary: Carbohydrates may monodispersion min molecules in homogeneous oil dispersion in aqueous ethanol and glycerol to water with surfactant equilibrating cohesive and adhesive forces. It results in lower surface tension and higher viscosity for monodispersion and for coagulations the cohesive forces or surface tension increase, and adhesive forces or viscosity decrease. Experiment 06: Determine curcumin with proteins (bovine serum albumin, insulin, lysozyme in aqueous solution) for preventing unfolding on decreasing surface tension and increasing viscosity using survismeter.

Research paper thumbnail of Sample filling in Survismeter

Caution: Survismeter is a delicate laboratory device. It needs care in its handling and for doing... more Caution: Survismeter is a delicate laboratory device. It needs care in its handling and for doing experimental measurements with survismeter. 1 st step of sampling in the RB of the survismeter To begin with for the sample filling, take the Survismeter unit out of the transparent polyacrylic sheet made box used as a water bath. Carefully hold the survismeter unit in hands. The reservoir limb is comparatively robust so hold it in hand at 45 degree angle. Such spatial position of survismeter avoids micro air bubble trapping inside the reservoir bulb during sample filling. When the survismeter is not in use naturally, the air enters to its internal empty spaces. On sample filling this air comes out of survismeter empty spaces. Carefully hold the survismeter unit with left and hold the sample vessel/container with right hand. Ensure careful gripping of the survismeter and sample as well. Ensure that the position of survismeter unit is made or inclined at 45 angle with respect to the horizontal or the earth plane. The postures are shown in Figure 1. The nose of the sample holder is carefully brought in close contact of the socket at the top of the reservoir limb (Figure1). However the volatile and surfactant liquid samples could be transferred through silicon tube getting it fitted with the extruded part of the syringe (Figure 2). After filling the sample in the RB the stoppers are fixed in the sockets except one either the surface tension or the viscosity unit. For example 1 st the surface tension is measured then the cone which is attached with the silicone tube is fixed with the surface tension unit and stoppers are fixed in the sockets of the pressure limb and viscosity units. The stopper is not fitted in the socket of the reservoir limb because this unit allows the head on pressure which is needed for taking up the liquid sample to the surface tension and viscosity units. Therefore the socket and cone are the most significant joint venture for successful operation and handling of the survismeter. The socket and cone arrangement is noted as a local inter-process communication (IPC) with the survismeter. So a care should be taken to attend the IPC without any air passage. The socket and cones allow communication of the survismeter with the sample which is under measurements. 2 nd step of the sample filling to the functional units There are many steps of the sample filling but major steps are two. Initially the sample is transferred from beaker or vessel to the RB of the survismeter. Secondly the sample filled in the RB is lifted to the working units. These working units are surface tension, viscosity and others.

Research paper thumbnail of Friccohesity of Industrial Nanoformulations

Friccohesity of Industrial Nanoformulations, 2023

The excerpts from the book,"Friccohesity of Industrial Nanoformulations" presents the latest comp... more The excerpts from the book,"Friccohesity of Industrial Nanoformulations" presents the latest comprehensive database on Friccohesity.The modulation of adhesive and cohesive forces governs the working of all interacting states. Major advances in the subject area include working of adhesives, dispersion of bioactives in emulsions, interacting states of functionalized supramolecules and stability estimation of self-assemblies. I am not an author of this book and sharing this draft due to similarity of research domain.