Patricio Rodríguez | Universidad de Chile (original) (raw)
Research articles by Patricio Rodríguez
Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education does not conc... more Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education does not conclusively demonstrate significant effects on learning. However, not all ICT usage models are designed to affect student outcomes. Therefore, to accurately study the impact of ICT, the concept of an educational programme supported by ICT must first be defined. The authors propose the ICT for Education (ICT4E) programme, an evidence-based framework to determine a model’s ability to produce improvements before having to evaluate its results. The framework has four components: implementation, intervention, transference and total cost. Based on an explicit definition of the outcomes pursued by a given programme, this framework supports the design of its activities to promote sustainable changes in pedagogical practices in schools and calculate the programme’s total cost. The authors illustrate this with a programme implemented in six countries. In Chile, the ICT4E programme forms part of the policy for educational technology, evaluating the effectiveness and scalability of such initiatives.
Journal of Computer …
The impact of info-communication technology (ICT) in primary and secondary education is still an ... more The impact of info-communication technology (ICT) in primary and secondary education is still an open question. Following review of the available literature, we classify the causes of the lack of impact on students' attainment in four dimensions: 1) the design and implementation of ICT in educational settings; 2) the evaluation of its impact; 3) the scaling-up of these kinds of innovations, and 4) the cost-effectiveness of technology enhanced learning environments.
Based on this evidence, we proposed the Evolutionary Development Model (EDM), which aims to produce a cost-effective and sustainable ICT for education (ICT4E) programme in three steps: efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency. In each step, one component of the programme is built and validated in real educational settings. Therefore, the resultant ICT4E programme is ready to be replicated across the school system.
We also show how the EDM guided the development of a programme based on Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL), known as Eduinnova. Finally, we discuss how EDM can serve as an analysis tool for researchers and policy makers.
… технологии и общество, Jan 1, 2010
More than 20 years after ICTs were introduced in schools, solid evidence of their impact on stude... more More than 20 years after ICTs were introduced in schools, solid evidence of their impact on student attainment is still lacking. Reasons for this include the mismatch between the methods used to measure the effects and the type of learning promoted, the absence of information regarding the specific types of ICT used, and the scarce attention paid to the monitoring and evaluation of ICT for Education (ICT4E) programs. A monitoring and evaluation scheme would provide qualitative and quantitative data to refine, adjust and improve an ICT4E project, to learn from the experience gained, and to determine whether the program has served its client communities and how it might be replicated.
In this paper we present a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) scheme for a specific ICT4E program that supports teaching and learning using mobile computer supported collaborative learning (MCSCL). Using the information provided by the scheme, we analyze the program’s impact on student attainment in terms of teacher adoption of innovation. It was found that there were statistically significant positive differences in students whose teachers showed higher adoption levels when compared both to lower adoption cases and other defined control groups. We conclude that an M&E scheme supports the intervention process by providing real-time information for decision making through the application of assessment instruments according to a monitoring plan. This enables intervention activities to be adjusted so as to ensure an adequate level of adoption.
Las principales razones usadas para justificar las TICs en educación son apoyar el crecimiento ec... more Las principales razones usadas para justificar las TICs en educación son apoyar el crecimiento económico, promover el desarrollo social, avanzar en la reforma educativa y apoyar la administración educativa. Sin embargo, transformar la educación con las TICs está lejos de concretarse, pues las políticas para ello sólo se encuentran en un nivel declarativo. Incluso, aquellos países más avanzados en el tema pasan por una etapa de estancamiento, porque deben tratar explícitamente con la transformación de prácticas pedagógicas que es más difícil de implementar y evaluar. Además, la pregunta sobre cuáles son los efectos de corto y largo plazo en el aprendizaje de los alumnos todavía no tiene respuestas concluyentes.
Con la revisión de la literatura, identificamos dos dimensiones desde dónde analizar qué ha impedido que las TICs tengan el impacto esperado. Estas dimensiones son 1) el diseño y la implementación de las TICs en el contexto educativo, es decir, de cómo se generan e implementan iniciativas TIC en educación; y 2) la evaluación del impacto, es decir, cuál es el valor de las TICs en el sistema educativo.
Con respecto al diseño de los programas educativos apoyados en TICs, en general se antepone la tecnología al uso educativo, aunque debieran estar basados en teorías de aprendizaje y principios pedagógicos. Respecto de la implementación de las TICs, el equipamiento y conectividad solamente habilitan la integración de las TIC en las prácticas pedagógicas, proceso que no ocurre automáticamente como muchos esperaban, identificándose barreras que deben ser manejadas apropiadamente.
En relación a la evaluación del impacto de las TICs en educación, aunque se han llevado a cabo numerosos estudios sobre el particular no es posible obtener respuestas concluyentes. Por un lado, `por problemas metodológicos, clasificables en tres ámbitos: qué medir, con qué medir y cómo medir. Por otro, por problemas en la falta de metodologías estandarizadas ampliamente aceptadas para la medición del impacto, y la carencia de suficiente investigación en la cual basarse para tomar decisiones en un entorno tecnológico cambiante.
A partir de los tres ámbitos a medir, proponemos un modelo conceptual que descompone el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de un programa de informática educativa (PIE) basado en evidencia rigurosa en tres etapas: eficacia, efectividad y eficiencia. En cada una de ellas se identifica qué procesos y software diseñar e implementar, qué medir dentro del proceso educativo considerando la escala y el tiempo requeridos, utilizando técnicas de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa que expliquen los resultados obtenidos. Este modelo conceptual se ilustra con un ejemplo de un programa educativo basado en aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por computador llamado Eduinnova.
El modelo conceptual propuesto en este trabajo, entrega herramientas al tomador de decisiones para construir una política pública para el desarrollo de PIEs. Por ejemplo, pueden crearse fondos concursables que incentiven el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de: modelos pedagógicos basados en TICs (eficacia), los procesos de intervención en aquellos proyectos que hayan demostrado su eficacia previamente (efectividad) y el empaquetamiento y mejoras para la masificación en el sistema escolar de aquellas iniciativas efectivas (eficiencia).
Con un proceso de las características descritas se puede construir una política de informática educativa desde las necesidades específicas de las escuelas en vez de buscar usos al equipamiento instalado. Distintas necesidades de aprendizaje, requerirán distintas soluciones de software y hardware posiblemente diversificando el equipamiento existente en las escuelas.
Computers & Education, Jan 1, 2006
Many school systems, in both the developed and developing world, are implementing educational tec... more Many school systems, in both the developed and developing world, are implementing educational technology to assist in student learning. However, there is no clear consensus on how to evaluate these new technologies. This paper proposes a comprehensive methodology for estimating the value of a new educational technology in three steps: benefit analysis, through the administration of a well-designed experiment; cost analysis, which incorporates costs to weigh against the benefits; and feasibility analysis, which introduces real-world concerns that may affect the ability to actually implement the technology. To illustrate the methodology, a case study from Chile is used where portable educational video games were introduced into first and second grade classrooms with the aim of improving learning in mathematics and language. This paper demonstrates the importance of all three steps in the evaluation process and provides a framework for future analyses
Journal of …, Jan 1, 2005
Efforts to improve the educational process must focus on those most responsible for implementing ... more Efforts to improve the educational process must focus on those most responsible for implementing it: the teachers. It is with them in mind that we propose a face-to-face computer-supported collaborative learning system that uses wirelessly networked hand-held computers to create an environment for helping students assimilate and transfer educational content. Two applications of this system are presented in this paper. The first involves the use of the system by students, transforming classroom dynamics and enabling collaboration and interaction between the students and the teacher. In the second application, the system is used to help teachers update their knowledge of subject content and exchange methodological strategies
… in Education, 2004. …, Jan 1, 2004
Effectively incorporating technology into the classroom is a great challenge faced by schools tod... more Effectively incorporating technology into the classroom is a great challenge faced by schools today. In this article, we propose a Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL) system to support high school teachers with wirelessly networked Handheld Computers. This system promotes student collaboration and constructivism, without losing face-to-face contact.
The MCSCL system was tested during a five week experience in a high school physics class. We observed both its qualitative and quantitative impact. Students and teachers responded very favorably to the system, and the experience also had a strong social impact outside the classroom. The MCSCL system provided a highly motivating learning environment that changed classroom dynamics and promoted collaboration between students. We obtained statistically significant results showing that the environment created by combining the teacher's instruction with the MSCSL system enabled the students to construct new knowledge based upon the previous knowledge provided by the teacher.
Revista La Edu
Incorporar en forma efectiva la tecnología en la sala de clases es hoy un gran desafío. En este a... more Incorporar en forma efectiva la tecnología en la sala de clases es
hoy un gran desafío. En este artículo se presenta un sistema de aprendizaje colaborativo móvil (MCSCL: Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) que utiliza PDAs conectados inalámbricamente para apoyar la enseñanza de las ciencias. Esta tecnología promueve la colaboración, sin perder las interacciones cara-a-cara. En este artículo se presentan 2 aplicaciones de este sistema. La primera tiene como objetivo reorganizar la sala de clases en grupos de trabajo para permitir la colaboración y discusión de los contenidos entre los alumnos
guiados por el profesor. La segunda corresponde a la capacitación de profesores que permite la actualización de contenidos educacionales e intercambio de estrategias metodológicas.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational v... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational videogames into the classroom, on learning, motivation, and classroom dynamics. These effects were studied using a sample of 1274 students from economically disadvantaged schools in Chile. The videogames were specifically designed to address the educational goals of the first and second years of school, for basic mathematics and reading comprehension. The sample was divided into experimental groups (EG), internal control groups (IC) and external control groups (EC). Students in the EG groups, used the experimental video games during an average of 30 h over a 3-month period. They were evaluated on their acquisition of reading comprehension, spelling, and mathematical skills, and on their motivation to use video games. Teachers’ expectations of change due to the use of video games, their technological transfer, and handling of classroom dynamics, were assessed through ad hoc tests and classroom observations. The results show significant differences between the EG and IC groups in relation to the EC group in Math, Reading Comprehension and Spelling, but no significant differences in these aspects were found between the EG and the IC groups. Teacher reports and classroom observations confirm an improvement in motivation to learn, and a positive technological transfer of the experimental tool. Although further studies regarding the effects of learning through videogame use are imperative, positive effects on motivation and classroom dynamics, indicate that the introduction of educational video games can be a useful tool in promoting learning within the classroom.
Proceedings of the Ed- …, Jan 1, 2001
Shown to be aseptic or "slow" in the adoption of new technologies. Personal Digital Assistant are... more Shown to be aseptic or "slow" in the adoption of new technologies. Personal Digital Assistant are low cost technology that permit individual use. Learning can be produced in a natural context (not in a computer room) using a specific language, video-game in our case, that allows both the children and the teachers to use the technology in an easier and more direct way. An experience with 263 children was carried out in Chile were it was shown through qualitative and quantitative results the success of the experience. The paper finishes addressing how wireless communication can be used in this environment to obtain social interaction and collaborative learning.
Computers & Operations …, Jan 1, 1998
In this work, a frame is posed which allows to define global search heuristics in an efficient an... more In this work, a frame is posed which allows to define global search heuristics in an efficient and declarative way, which interacts with a specific computational implementation of a problem. An overview of different ways to solve problems by the use of global search is presented, followed by the specification of the language proposed. A real decision support system was developed through the use of the language. The problem faced was an extension of the capacity vehicle routing problem. The followed approach minimizes the development cost of a decision support system for logistic and productive environments, since the performance of different heuristics can be tested using the language in a straightforward way. Besides, when new requirements or additional knowledge about the problem appear, the solving engine can be easily modified through the heuristic language
Computers & Operations …, Jan 1, 1998
The innovative aspect of this research is to apply knowledge-based methodology to model linear pr... more The innovative aspect of this research is to apply knowledge-based methodology to model linear programming problems. This article introduces a graphic and declarative language, and shows the modeling process from the knowledge acquisition to the automatic generation of the algebraic model to be used by a solver
… Seminario Nacional de …
El proyecto Enlaces Móvil 2.0: Tecnología Portátil en la Sala de Clases, surge de desarrollos rea... more El proyecto Enlaces Móvil 2.0: Tecnología Portátil en la Sala de Clases, surge de desarrollos realizados en el marco del proyecto FONDEF D01I1007, “Diseño, Desarrollo e Implementación de Tecnología Portátil para el Mejoramiento de la Calidad y Gestión de la Educación: Educando para reducir la brecha digital” en el cual un equipo de la Universidad Católica desarrolló un sistema tecnológico, consistente en el uso de dispositivos móviles con conexión inalámbrica (PDA) complementado con un ambiente web, que permite apoyar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sustentando dinámicas colaborativas de aprendizaje dentro de la sala de clase y con contenidos acordes al currículo establecido por el Ministerio de Educación chileno.
Con el apoyo de la Red Enlaces del Ministerio de Educación,
durante el año 2004 se desarrolló un proyecto piloto, el cual dio origen a un modelo pedagógico de uso de esta herramienta tecnológica para apoyar el aprendizaje de la Física. Los resultados de la implementación de éste modelo, llevada a cabo el 2005, se presentan en el siguiente documento.
Talks by Patricio Rodríguez
Papers by Patricio Rodríguez
Education and Information Technologies
School dropout is a structural problem which permanently penalizes students and society in areas ... more School dropout is a structural problem which permanently penalizes students and society in areas such as low qualification jobs, higher poverty levels and lower life expectancy, lower pensions, and higher economic burden for governments. Given these high consequences and the surge of the problem due to COVID-19 pandemic, in this paper we propose a methodology to design, develop, and evaluate a machine learning model for predicting dropout in school systems. In this methodology, we introduce necessary steps to develop a robust model to estimate the individual risk of each student to drop out of school. As advancement from previous research, this proposal focuses on analyzing individual trajectories of students, incorporating the student situation at school, family, among other levels, changes, and accumulation of events to predict dropout. Following the methodology, we create a model for the Chilean case based on data available mostly through administrative data from the educational system, and according to known factors associated with school dropout. Our results are better than those from previous research with a relevant sample size, with a predictive capability 20% higher for the actual dropout cases. Also, in contrast to previous work, the including non-individual dimensions results in a substantive contribution to the prediction of leaving school. We also illustrate applications of the model for Chilean case to support public policy decision making such as profiling schools for qualitative studies of pedagogic practices, profiling students' dropout trajectories and simulating scenarios.
El siguiente proyecto de investigación y desarrollo presenta un sistema de retroalimentación cont... more El siguiente proyecto de investigación y desarrollo presenta un sistema de retroalimentación continuo que permite al docente de Matemáticas mejorar sus prácticas de enseñanza al transcribir automáticamente el discurso del profesor de una sala de clases a texto y analizar automáticamente la transcripción de cada clase para identificar prácticas docentes y contenidos, logrando un nivel parecido al de un experto humano enfrentado a la misma tarea y con las mismas fuentes de información.
2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), 2020
Attrition is a concern of most engineering schools around the world. The engineering students dro... more Attrition is a concern of most engineering schools around the world. The engineering students drop out mainly in the first two years of their program. Predicting the student’s possibility to drop out from the program would allow the university to design remedial programs and therefore prevent their drop-out in some cases. Our goal was to explore the possibility to predict the student permanence in the third semester based on her/his performance during the first semester at the engineering school additionally to her/his performance at secondary education, family income and standard admission test.We explored four different algorithms for classification of student’s permanence in the program past the first semester: support vector machine, random forest, k-nearest neighbors and gradient booting. The best results were achieved with the random forest algorithm for classification of the permanence beyond the first year with a F1 score of 92,4%. The most influential factor in predicting the permanence was the number of failed courses during the first semester followed by the results in individual courses, while the PSU Mathematics score was the most influential among admission tests.
Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education does not conc... more Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education does not conclusively demonstrate significant effects on learning. However, not all ICT usage models are designed to affect student outcomes. Therefore, to accurately study the impact of ICT, the concept of an educational programme supported by ICT must first be defined. The authors propose the ICT for Education (ICT4E) programme, an evidence-based framework to determine a model’s ability to produce improvements before having to evaluate its results. The framework has four components: implementation, intervention, transference and total cost. Based on an explicit definition of the outcomes pursued by a given programme, this framework supports the design of its activities to promote sustainable changes in pedagogical practices in schools and calculate the programme’s total cost. The authors illustrate this with a programme implemented in six countries. In Chile, the ICT4E programme forms part of the policy for educational technology, evaluating the effectiveness and scalability of such initiatives.
Journal of Computer …
The impact of info-communication technology (ICT) in primary and secondary education is still an ... more The impact of info-communication technology (ICT) in primary and secondary education is still an open question. Following review of the available literature, we classify the causes of the lack of impact on students' attainment in four dimensions: 1) the design and implementation of ICT in educational settings; 2) the evaluation of its impact; 3) the scaling-up of these kinds of innovations, and 4) the cost-effectiveness of technology enhanced learning environments.
Based on this evidence, we proposed the Evolutionary Development Model (EDM), which aims to produce a cost-effective and sustainable ICT for education (ICT4E) programme in three steps: efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency. In each step, one component of the programme is built and validated in real educational settings. Therefore, the resultant ICT4E programme is ready to be replicated across the school system.
We also show how the EDM guided the development of a programme based on Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL), known as Eduinnova. Finally, we discuss how EDM can serve as an analysis tool for researchers and policy makers.
… технологии и общество, Jan 1, 2010
More than 20 years after ICTs were introduced in schools, solid evidence of their impact on stude... more More than 20 years after ICTs were introduced in schools, solid evidence of their impact on student attainment is still lacking. Reasons for this include the mismatch between the methods used to measure the effects and the type of learning promoted, the absence of information regarding the specific types of ICT used, and the scarce attention paid to the monitoring and evaluation of ICT for Education (ICT4E) programs. A monitoring and evaluation scheme would provide qualitative and quantitative data to refine, adjust and improve an ICT4E project, to learn from the experience gained, and to determine whether the program has served its client communities and how it might be replicated.
In this paper we present a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) scheme for a specific ICT4E program that supports teaching and learning using mobile computer supported collaborative learning (MCSCL). Using the information provided by the scheme, we analyze the program’s impact on student attainment in terms of teacher adoption of innovation. It was found that there were statistically significant positive differences in students whose teachers showed higher adoption levels when compared both to lower adoption cases and other defined control groups. We conclude that an M&E scheme supports the intervention process by providing real-time information for decision making through the application of assessment instruments according to a monitoring plan. This enables intervention activities to be adjusted so as to ensure an adequate level of adoption.
Las principales razones usadas para justificar las TICs en educación son apoyar el crecimiento ec... more Las principales razones usadas para justificar las TICs en educación son apoyar el crecimiento económico, promover el desarrollo social, avanzar en la reforma educativa y apoyar la administración educativa. Sin embargo, transformar la educación con las TICs está lejos de concretarse, pues las políticas para ello sólo se encuentran en un nivel declarativo. Incluso, aquellos países más avanzados en el tema pasan por una etapa de estancamiento, porque deben tratar explícitamente con la transformación de prácticas pedagógicas que es más difícil de implementar y evaluar. Además, la pregunta sobre cuáles son los efectos de corto y largo plazo en el aprendizaje de los alumnos todavía no tiene respuestas concluyentes.
Con la revisión de la literatura, identificamos dos dimensiones desde dónde analizar qué ha impedido que las TICs tengan el impacto esperado. Estas dimensiones son 1) el diseño y la implementación de las TICs en el contexto educativo, es decir, de cómo se generan e implementan iniciativas TIC en educación; y 2) la evaluación del impacto, es decir, cuál es el valor de las TICs en el sistema educativo.
Con respecto al diseño de los programas educativos apoyados en TICs, en general se antepone la tecnología al uso educativo, aunque debieran estar basados en teorías de aprendizaje y principios pedagógicos. Respecto de la implementación de las TICs, el equipamiento y conectividad solamente habilitan la integración de las TIC en las prácticas pedagógicas, proceso que no ocurre automáticamente como muchos esperaban, identificándose barreras que deben ser manejadas apropiadamente.
En relación a la evaluación del impacto de las TICs en educación, aunque se han llevado a cabo numerosos estudios sobre el particular no es posible obtener respuestas concluyentes. Por un lado, `por problemas metodológicos, clasificables en tres ámbitos: qué medir, con qué medir y cómo medir. Por otro, por problemas en la falta de metodologías estandarizadas ampliamente aceptadas para la medición del impacto, y la carencia de suficiente investigación en la cual basarse para tomar decisiones en un entorno tecnológico cambiante.
A partir de los tres ámbitos a medir, proponemos un modelo conceptual que descompone el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de un programa de informática educativa (PIE) basado en evidencia rigurosa en tres etapas: eficacia, efectividad y eficiencia. En cada una de ellas se identifica qué procesos y software diseñar e implementar, qué medir dentro del proceso educativo considerando la escala y el tiempo requeridos, utilizando técnicas de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa que expliquen los resultados obtenidos. Este modelo conceptual se ilustra con un ejemplo de un programa educativo basado en aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por computador llamado Eduinnova.
El modelo conceptual propuesto en este trabajo, entrega herramientas al tomador de decisiones para construir una política pública para el desarrollo de PIEs. Por ejemplo, pueden crearse fondos concursables que incentiven el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de: modelos pedagógicos basados en TICs (eficacia), los procesos de intervención en aquellos proyectos que hayan demostrado su eficacia previamente (efectividad) y el empaquetamiento y mejoras para la masificación en el sistema escolar de aquellas iniciativas efectivas (eficiencia).
Con un proceso de las características descritas se puede construir una política de informática educativa desde las necesidades específicas de las escuelas en vez de buscar usos al equipamiento instalado. Distintas necesidades de aprendizaje, requerirán distintas soluciones de software y hardware posiblemente diversificando el equipamiento existente en las escuelas.
Computers & Education, Jan 1, 2006
Many school systems, in both the developed and developing world, are implementing educational tec... more Many school systems, in both the developed and developing world, are implementing educational technology to assist in student learning. However, there is no clear consensus on how to evaluate these new technologies. This paper proposes a comprehensive methodology for estimating the value of a new educational technology in three steps: benefit analysis, through the administration of a well-designed experiment; cost analysis, which incorporates costs to weigh against the benefits; and feasibility analysis, which introduces real-world concerns that may affect the ability to actually implement the technology. To illustrate the methodology, a case study from Chile is used where portable educational video games were introduced into first and second grade classrooms with the aim of improving learning in mathematics and language. This paper demonstrates the importance of all three steps in the evaluation process and provides a framework for future analyses
Journal of …, Jan 1, 2005
Efforts to improve the educational process must focus on those most responsible for implementing ... more Efforts to improve the educational process must focus on those most responsible for implementing it: the teachers. It is with them in mind that we propose a face-to-face computer-supported collaborative learning system that uses wirelessly networked hand-held computers to create an environment for helping students assimilate and transfer educational content. Two applications of this system are presented in this paper. The first involves the use of the system by students, transforming classroom dynamics and enabling collaboration and interaction between the students and the teacher. In the second application, the system is used to help teachers update their knowledge of subject content and exchange methodological strategies
… in Education, 2004. …, Jan 1, 2004
Effectively incorporating technology into the classroom is a great challenge faced by schools tod... more Effectively incorporating technology into the classroom is a great challenge faced by schools today. In this article, we propose a Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL) system to support high school teachers with wirelessly networked Handheld Computers. This system promotes student collaboration and constructivism, without losing face-to-face contact.
The MCSCL system was tested during a five week experience in a high school physics class. We observed both its qualitative and quantitative impact. Students and teachers responded very favorably to the system, and the experience also had a strong social impact outside the classroom. The MCSCL system provided a highly motivating learning environment that changed classroom dynamics and promoted collaboration between students. We obtained statistically significant results showing that the environment created by combining the teacher's instruction with the MSCSL system enabled the students to construct new knowledge based upon the previous knowledge provided by the teacher.
Revista La Edu
Incorporar en forma efectiva la tecnología en la sala de clases es hoy un gran desafío. En este a... more Incorporar en forma efectiva la tecnología en la sala de clases es
hoy un gran desafío. En este artículo se presenta un sistema de aprendizaje colaborativo móvil (MCSCL: Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) que utiliza PDAs conectados inalámbricamente para apoyar la enseñanza de las ciencias. Esta tecnología promueve la colaboración, sin perder las interacciones cara-a-cara. En este artículo se presentan 2 aplicaciones de este sistema. La primera tiene como objetivo reorganizar la sala de clases en grupos de trabajo para permitir la colaboración y discusión de los contenidos entre los alumnos
guiados por el profesor. La segunda corresponde a la capacitación de profesores que permite la actualización de contenidos educacionales e intercambio de estrategias metodológicas.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational v... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational videogames into the classroom, on learning, motivation, and classroom dynamics. These effects were studied using a sample of 1274 students from economically disadvantaged schools in Chile. The videogames were specifically designed to address the educational goals of the first and second years of school, for basic mathematics and reading comprehension. The sample was divided into experimental groups (EG), internal control groups (IC) and external control groups (EC). Students in the EG groups, used the experimental video games during an average of 30 h over a 3-month period. They were evaluated on their acquisition of reading comprehension, spelling, and mathematical skills, and on their motivation to use video games. Teachers’ expectations of change due to the use of video games, their technological transfer, and handling of classroom dynamics, were assessed through ad hoc tests and classroom observations. The results show significant differences between the EG and IC groups in relation to the EC group in Math, Reading Comprehension and Spelling, but no significant differences in these aspects were found between the EG and the IC groups. Teacher reports and classroom observations confirm an improvement in motivation to learn, and a positive technological transfer of the experimental tool. Although further studies regarding the effects of learning through videogame use are imperative, positive effects on motivation and classroom dynamics, indicate that the introduction of educational video games can be a useful tool in promoting learning within the classroom.
Proceedings of the Ed- …, Jan 1, 2001
Shown to be aseptic or "slow" in the adoption of new technologies. Personal Digital Assistant are... more Shown to be aseptic or "slow" in the adoption of new technologies. Personal Digital Assistant are low cost technology that permit individual use. Learning can be produced in a natural context (not in a computer room) using a specific language, video-game in our case, that allows both the children and the teachers to use the technology in an easier and more direct way. An experience with 263 children was carried out in Chile were it was shown through qualitative and quantitative results the success of the experience. The paper finishes addressing how wireless communication can be used in this environment to obtain social interaction and collaborative learning.
Computers & Operations …, Jan 1, 1998
In this work, a frame is posed which allows to define global search heuristics in an efficient an... more In this work, a frame is posed which allows to define global search heuristics in an efficient and declarative way, which interacts with a specific computational implementation of a problem. An overview of different ways to solve problems by the use of global search is presented, followed by the specification of the language proposed. A real decision support system was developed through the use of the language. The problem faced was an extension of the capacity vehicle routing problem. The followed approach minimizes the development cost of a decision support system for logistic and productive environments, since the performance of different heuristics can be tested using the language in a straightforward way. Besides, when new requirements or additional knowledge about the problem appear, the solving engine can be easily modified through the heuristic language
Computers & Operations …, Jan 1, 1998
The innovative aspect of this research is to apply knowledge-based methodology to model linear pr... more The innovative aspect of this research is to apply knowledge-based methodology to model linear programming problems. This article introduces a graphic and declarative language, and shows the modeling process from the knowledge acquisition to the automatic generation of the algebraic model to be used by a solver
… Seminario Nacional de …
El proyecto Enlaces Móvil 2.0: Tecnología Portátil en la Sala de Clases, surge de desarrollos rea... more El proyecto Enlaces Móvil 2.0: Tecnología Portátil en la Sala de Clases, surge de desarrollos realizados en el marco del proyecto FONDEF D01I1007, “Diseño, Desarrollo e Implementación de Tecnología Portátil para el Mejoramiento de la Calidad y Gestión de la Educación: Educando para reducir la brecha digital” en el cual un equipo de la Universidad Católica desarrolló un sistema tecnológico, consistente en el uso de dispositivos móviles con conexión inalámbrica (PDA) complementado con un ambiente web, que permite apoyar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sustentando dinámicas colaborativas de aprendizaje dentro de la sala de clase y con contenidos acordes al currículo establecido por el Ministerio de Educación chileno.
Con el apoyo de la Red Enlaces del Ministerio de Educación,
durante el año 2004 se desarrolló un proyecto piloto, el cual dio origen a un modelo pedagógico de uso de esta herramienta tecnológica para apoyar el aprendizaje de la Física. Los resultados de la implementación de éste modelo, llevada a cabo el 2005, se presentan en el siguiente documento.
Education and Information Technologies
School dropout is a structural problem which permanently penalizes students and society in areas ... more School dropout is a structural problem which permanently penalizes students and society in areas such as low qualification jobs, higher poverty levels and lower life expectancy, lower pensions, and higher economic burden for governments. Given these high consequences and the surge of the problem due to COVID-19 pandemic, in this paper we propose a methodology to design, develop, and evaluate a machine learning model for predicting dropout in school systems. In this methodology, we introduce necessary steps to develop a robust model to estimate the individual risk of each student to drop out of school. As advancement from previous research, this proposal focuses on analyzing individual trajectories of students, incorporating the student situation at school, family, among other levels, changes, and accumulation of events to predict dropout. Following the methodology, we create a model for the Chilean case based on data available mostly through administrative data from the educational system, and according to known factors associated with school dropout. Our results are better than those from previous research with a relevant sample size, with a predictive capability 20% higher for the actual dropout cases. Also, in contrast to previous work, the including non-individual dimensions results in a substantive contribution to the prediction of leaving school. We also illustrate applications of the model for Chilean case to support public policy decision making such as profiling schools for qualitative studies of pedagogic practices, profiling students' dropout trajectories and simulating scenarios.
El siguiente proyecto de investigación y desarrollo presenta un sistema de retroalimentación cont... more El siguiente proyecto de investigación y desarrollo presenta un sistema de retroalimentación continuo que permite al docente de Matemáticas mejorar sus prácticas de enseñanza al transcribir automáticamente el discurso del profesor de una sala de clases a texto y analizar automáticamente la transcripción de cada clase para identificar prácticas docentes y contenidos, logrando un nivel parecido al de un experto humano enfrentado a la misma tarea y con las mismas fuentes de información.
2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), 2020
Attrition is a concern of most engineering schools around the world. The engineering students dro... more Attrition is a concern of most engineering schools around the world. The engineering students drop out mainly in the first two years of their program. Predicting the student’s possibility to drop out from the program would allow the university to design remedial programs and therefore prevent their drop-out in some cases. Our goal was to explore the possibility to predict the student permanence in the third semester based on her/his performance during the first semester at the engineering school additionally to her/his performance at secondary education, family income and standard admission test.We explored four different algorithms for classification of student’s permanence in the program past the first semester: support vector machine, random forest, k-nearest neighbors and gradient booting. The best results were achieved with the random forest algorithm for classification of the permanence beyond the first year with a F1 score of 92,4%. The most influential factor in predicting the permanence was the number of failed courses during the first semester followed by the results in individual courses, while the PSU Mathematics score was the most influential among admission tests.
This paper discusses the constantly changing definition of big data and portrays the landscape of... more This paper discusses the constantly changing definition of big data and portrays the landscape of the most widely used analytical techniques in the context of public policy formulation in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also presents the conclusions drawn from three exploratory studies conducted by sector teams of the Inter-American Development Bank regarding firm-level productivity, sustainable urban mobility, and smart cities. Based on these studies, the paper addresses sensitive issues surrounding the use of big data in public policy, such as data security and ownership, privacy, ethical framework of data use, among others. The paper concludes by making recommendations for government agencies regarding the use of public value intelligence and suggesting a competency rubric for “smart consumers” of big data. The target audiences are primarily the decision makers in different sectors of the governments in the region, public sector professionals, and social and economic developm...
Face-to-face Computer Supported Collaborative Learning is used to update teachers knowledge throu... more Face-to-face Computer Supported Collaborative Learning is used to update teachers knowledge through short courses of math, biology and physics. Pocket PCs wirelessly interconnected through WiFi were used. When we compare the results of twelve courses that involved 282 teachers we find a statistically significant progress of 13.74%(p< 0.000). The methodological activity was seen like an opportunity to interchange not only knowledge but also effective pedagogical strategies to apply them in its task with the ...
Computers & Education, 2003
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational v... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational videogames into the classroom, on learning, motivation, and classroom dynamics. These effects were studied using a sample of 1274 students from economically disadvantaged schools in Chile. The videogames were specifically designed to address the educational goals of the first and second years of school, for basic mathematics and reading comprehension. The sample was divided into experimental groups (EG), internal control groups (IC) and external control groups (EC). Students in the EG groups, used the experimental video games during an average of 30 h over a 3-month period. They were evaluated on their acquisition of reading comprehension, spelling, and mathematical skills, and on their motivation to use video games. Teachers' expectations of change due to the use of video games, their technological transfer, and handling of classroom dynamics, were assessed through ad hoc tests and classroom observations. The results show significant differences between the EG and IC groups in relation to the EC group in Math, Reading Comprehension and Spelling, but no significant differences in these aspects were found between the EG and the IC groups. Teacher reports and classroom observations confirm an improvement in motivation to learn, and a positive technological transfer of the experimental tool. Although further studies regarding the effects of learning through videogame use are imperative, positive effects on motivation and classroom dynamics, indicate that the introduction of educational video games can be a useful tool in promoting learning within the classroom.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, Oct 1, 2012
Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education does not conc... more Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education does not conclusively demonstrate significant effects on learning. However, not all ICT usage models are designed to affect student outcomes. Therefore, to accurately study the impact of ICT, the concept of an educational programme supported by ICT must first be defined. The authors propose the ICT for Education (ICT4E) programme, an evidence-based framework to determine a model's ability to produce improvements before having to evaluate its ...
Conferencia Internacional. El impacto de las TICs en educación. Brasilia, Apr 28, 2010
Computers & Education, 2015
ABSTRACT—The study of ICT impact includes a wide range of technologies and implementation models ... more ABSTRACT—The study of ICT impact includes a wide range of technologies and implementation models not necessarily intended to affect student outcomes. Therefore, before subsequently evaluating their effects, we should identify which models can produce effective instructional practices, ie, to specify what is an educational programme based on Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environment.
Conferencia Internacional Impacto de las TIC en Educación, 2010
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education ... Using Mo... more The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education ... Using Mobile Phones in Education _____________________________________________________________ 3 Patricia Thornton and Chris Houser ... A Mobile Butterfly-Watching Learning System for Supporting Independent Learning ____________________ 11 Yuh-Shyan Chen, Tai-Chien Kao, Gwo-Jong Yu, and Jang-Ping Sheu ... Knowledge Awareness Map for Computer-Supported Ubiquitous Language-Learning ____________________ 19 Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo ...
Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2009
ISSN 1436-4522.© International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS). The authors and... more ISSN 1436-4522.© International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS). The authors and the forum jointly retain the copyright of the articles. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than IFETS must be honoured. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy ...
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education ... Using Mo... more The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education ... Using Mobile Phones in Education _____________________________________________________________ 3 Patricia Thornton and Chris Houser ... A Mobile Butterfly-Watching Learning System for Supporting Independent Learning ____________________ 11 Yuh-Shyan Chen, Tai-Chien Kao, Gwo-Jong Yu, and Jang-Ping Sheu ... Knowledge Awareness Map for Computer-Supported Ubiquitous Language-Learning ____________________ 19 Hiroaki Ogata and Yoneo ...
Ciencia al Día Internacional, 1999
Computers & Education, 2003
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational v... more The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the introduction of educational videogames into the classroom, on learning, motivation, and classroom dynamics. These effects were studied using a sample of 1274 students from economically disadvantaged schools in Chile. The videogames were specifically designed to address the educational goals of the first and second years of school, for basic mathematics and reading comprehension. The sample was divided into experimental groups (EG), internal control groups (IC) and external control groups (EC). Students in the EG groups, used the experimental video games during an average of 30 h over a 3-month period. They were evaluated on their acquisition of reading comprehension, spelling, and mathematical skills, and on their motivation to use video games. Teachers’ expectations of change due to the use of video games, their technological transfer, and handling of classroom dynamics, were assessed through ad hoc tests and classroom observations. The results show significant differences between the EG and IC groups in relation to the EC group in Math, Reading Comprehension and Spelling, but no significant differences in these aspects were found between the EG and the IC groups. Teacher reports and classroom observations confirm an improvement in motivation to learn, and a positive technological transfer of the experimental tool. Although further studies regarding the effects of learning through videogame use are imperative, positive effects on motivation and classroom dynamics, indicate that the introduction of educational video games can be a useful tool in promoting learning within the classroom.