Joseph Lemaire | UCLouvain (University of Louvain) (original) (raw)

Papers by Joseph Lemaire

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical aspects related to the plasmasphere

The Earth's Plasmasphere, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent development in the NASA trapped radiation models. Discussion

Geophysical monograph, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation and cross-validation of Environmental Models

37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The Charged Particle Detector (CPD): Data Analysis Methodology

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Research paper thumbnail of UNIRAD v 3.0 Trapped Radiation Software - User Manual

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Research paper thumbnail of The Earth's Plasmasphere: Dedication

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent Progress in Modeling the Plasmasphere, Energetic Particles, as well as the Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere This paper reports additional activities of the Center for Space Radiation (CSR) at the... more This paper reports additional activities of the Center for Space Radiation (CSR) at the Institut de Physique Nucleaire of the Universite Catholique de Louvain, and, of the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BlRA) in the field of magnetospheric physics not presented in the companion paper of this volume. It outlines recent theoretical contributions on the distribution of themlal particles in the Plasmasphere as well as on their convective stability. The electron density profiles deduced from the ISEE-2 wave experiment have been used as a baseline in this study. This paper addresses also the progress made in simulating the mechanism of Impulsive Penetration of solar wind plasma elements into the magnetosphere. Finally, we outline the results that have been obtained about the distribution of energetic protons trapped in the geomagnetic field during highly disturbed geomagnetic conditions. For this purpose we have used the energetic particle fluxes measured with the Ch...

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Research paper thumbnail of TREND-3 Radiation Environments of Astronomy Missions and LEO Missions - Final Report

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Research paper thumbnail of The Earth's Plasmasphere

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Research paper thumbnail of Radial Distributions of Coronal Electron Temperatures: Specificities of the DYN Model

Solar Physics, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution à l'étude des éléments de plasma détachés dans la magnétosphère

Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, 1979

A partir des données de concentration d'ions du satellite OGO V, nous avons établi la distrib... more A partir des données de concentration d'ions du satellite OGO V, nous avons établi la distribution d'éléments de plasma détachés dans la magnétosphère. Nous avons aussi étudié la fréquence relative d'apparition des éléments détachés dans différents secteurs de temps local ; enfin, nous avons analysé la dépendance de cette fréquence avec l'activité magnétique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comportements asymptotiques d'un modèle cinétique du vent solaire

Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, 1972

In this Solar Wind Model, the Coulomb collisions, with impact parameter smaller than the Debye le... more In this Solar Wind Model, the Coulomb collisions, with impact parameter smaller than the Debye length, have been neglected beyond the baropause located at 6.6 Solar radii. The radial distribution of the electric potential is calculated in order to satisfy the local and global quasi-neutrality conditions in the whole exospheric plasma. The asymptotic behavior for large radial distances as well as in the neighbourhood of the baropause has been calculated and discussed. It has been deduced that the electric field distribution near the baropause does practically not influence the properties at 1AU. A simple relationship between the coronal temperature and Solar Wind velocity at large radial distances has been found ; the kinetic plasma pressure is found to decrease asymptotically to zero as r -> oo : the parallel and perpendicular temperatures of the protons satisfy the „ adiabatic approximation " of Chew, Goldberger and Low in the most external regions (r > 100 Rs). The use ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Improved Determination of the Location of the Temperature Maximum in the Corona

Solar Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of coronal temperatures from electron density profiles

The most popular method for determining coronal temperatures is the scale-height-method (shm). It... more The most popular method for determining coronal temperatures is the scale-height-method (shm). It is based on electron density profiles inferred from White Light (WL) brightness measurements of the corona during solar eclipses. This method has been applied to several published coronal electron density models. The calculated temperature distributions reach a maximum at r > 1.3 RS, and therefore do not satisfy one of the conditions for applying the shm method. Another method is the hydrostatic equilibrium method (hst), which enables coronal temperature distributions to be determined, providing solutions to the hydrostatic equilibrium equation. The temperature maximas using the hst method are almost equal to those obtained using the shm method, but the temperature peak is always at significantly lower altitude when the hst-method is used than when the shm-method is used. A third and more recently developed method, dyn, can be used for the same published electron density profiles. Th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between NASA and INP/MSU radiation belt models

Geophysical Monograph Series, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Solar cycle variations of MIR radiation environment as observed by the LIULIN dosimeter

Radiation Measurements, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Calculating low-altitude trapped particle fluxes with the NASA models AP-8 and AE-8

Radiation Measurements, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Model of the polar ion-exosphere

Planetary and Space Science, 1970

A model of a polar ion-exosphere in which the geomagnetic field lines are open is developed. The ... more A model of a polar ion-exosphere in which the geomagnetic field lines are open is developed. The electrostatic field in this region has been calculated by taking into account two fundamental conditions: (1) quasi-neutrality has to be satisfied everywhere in the exosphere; (2) escape fluxes of electrons and ions have to be equal. The density distributions are calculated for different evaporative models in the case of two (O+ and e) and three (O+, H+ and e) constituents. In addition, the mean velocity, pressure and temperature distributions of the several constituents are derived.

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Research paper thumbnail of Electric dipole antennae used as micrometeoroid detectors

Planetary and Space Science, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of The Plasmapause Formation

Physica Scripta, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical aspects related to the plasmasphere

The Earth's Plasmasphere, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent development in the NASA trapped radiation models. Discussion

Geophysical monograph, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation and cross-validation of Environmental Models

37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The Charged Particle Detector (CPD): Data Analysis Methodology

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Research paper thumbnail of UNIRAD v 3.0 Trapped Radiation Software - User Manual

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Research paper thumbnail of The Earth's Plasmasphere: Dedication

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Research paper thumbnail of Recent Progress in Modeling the Plasmasphere, Energetic Particles, as well as the Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere This paper reports additional activities of the Center for Space Radiation (CSR) at the... more This paper reports additional activities of the Center for Space Radiation (CSR) at the Institut de Physique Nucleaire of the Universite Catholique de Louvain, and, of the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BlRA) in the field of magnetospheric physics not presented in the companion paper of this volume. It outlines recent theoretical contributions on the distribution of themlal particles in the Plasmasphere as well as on their convective stability. The electron density profiles deduced from the ISEE-2 wave experiment have been used as a baseline in this study. This paper addresses also the progress made in simulating the mechanism of Impulsive Penetration of solar wind plasma elements into the magnetosphere. Finally, we outline the results that have been obtained about the distribution of energetic protons trapped in the geomagnetic field during highly disturbed geomagnetic conditions. For this purpose we have used the energetic particle fluxes measured with the Ch...

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Research paper thumbnail of TREND-3 Radiation Environments of Astronomy Missions and LEO Missions - Final Report

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Research paper thumbnail of The Earth's Plasmasphere

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Research paper thumbnail of Radial Distributions of Coronal Electron Temperatures: Specificities of the DYN Model

Solar Physics, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Contribution à l'étude des éléments de plasma détachés dans la magnétosphère

Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, 1979

A partir des données de concentration d'ions du satellite OGO V, nous avons établi la distrib... more A partir des données de concentration d'ions du satellite OGO V, nous avons établi la distribution d'éléments de plasma détachés dans la magnétosphère. Nous avons aussi étudié la fréquence relative d'apparition des éléments détachés dans différents secteurs de temps local ; enfin, nous avons analysé la dépendance de cette fréquence avec l'activité magnétique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comportements asymptotiques d'un modèle cinétique du vent solaire

Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, 1972

In this Solar Wind Model, the Coulomb collisions, with impact parameter smaller than the Debye le... more In this Solar Wind Model, the Coulomb collisions, with impact parameter smaller than the Debye length, have been neglected beyond the baropause located at 6.6 Solar radii. The radial distribution of the electric potential is calculated in order to satisfy the local and global quasi-neutrality conditions in the whole exospheric plasma. The asymptotic behavior for large radial distances as well as in the neighbourhood of the baropause has been calculated and discussed. It has been deduced that the electric field distribution near the baropause does practically not influence the properties at 1AU. A simple relationship between the coronal temperature and Solar Wind velocity at large radial distances has been found ; the kinetic plasma pressure is found to decrease asymptotically to zero as r -> oo : the parallel and perpendicular temperatures of the protons satisfy the „ adiabatic approximation " of Chew, Goldberger and Low in the most external regions (r > 100 Rs). The use ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Improved Determination of the Location of the Temperature Maximum in the Corona

Solar Physics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of coronal temperatures from electron density profiles

The most popular method for determining coronal temperatures is the scale-height-method (shm). It... more The most popular method for determining coronal temperatures is the scale-height-method (shm). It is based on electron density profiles inferred from White Light (WL) brightness measurements of the corona during solar eclipses. This method has been applied to several published coronal electron density models. The calculated temperature distributions reach a maximum at r > 1.3 RS, and therefore do not satisfy one of the conditions for applying the shm method. Another method is the hydrostatic equilibrium method (hst), which enables coronal temperature distributions to be determined, providing solutions to the hydrostatic equilibrium equation. The temperature maximas using the hst method are almost equal to those obtained using the shm method, but the temperature peak is always at significantly lower altitude when the hst-method is used than when the shm-method is used. A third and more recently developed method, dyn, can be used for the same published electron density profiles. Th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between NASA and INP/MSU radiation belt models

Geophysical Monograph Series, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Solar cycle variations of MIR radiation environment as observed by the LIULIN dosimeter

Radiation Measurements, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Calculating low-altitude trapped particle fluxes with the NASA models AP-8 and AE-8

Radiation Measurements, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Model of the polar ion-exosphere

Planetary and Space Science, 1970

A model of a polar ion-exosphere in which the geomagnetic field lines are open is developed. The ... more A model of a polar ion-exosphere in which the geomagnetic field lines are open is developed. The electrostatic field in this region has been calculated by taking into account two fundamental conditions: (1) quasi-neutrality has to be satisfied everywhere in the exosphere; (2) escape fluxes of electrons and ions have to be equal. The density distributions are calculated for different evaporative models in the case of two (O+ and e) and three (O+, H+ and e) constituents. In addition, the mean velocity, pressure and temperature distributions of the several constituents are derived.

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Research paper thumbnail of Electric dipole antennae used as micrometeoroid detectors

Planetary and Space Science, 1989

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Research paper thumbnail of The Plasmapause Formation

Physica Scripta, 1987

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