Calculating low-altitude trapped particle fluxes with the NASA models AP-8 and AE-8 (original) (raw)

BION-M" No. 1 spacecraft radiation environment as observed in April-May 2013. Comparison with ISS data

Tsvetan Dachev

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BION-M" No. 1 spacecraft radiation environment as observed in April-May 2013. Comparison with ISS data Cover Page

Engineering tool for trapped proton flux anisotropy evaluation

M Kruglanski

Radiation Measurements, 1996

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Engineering tool for trapped proton flux anisotropy evaluation Cover Page

Pre-engineering spaceflight validation of environmental models and the 2005 HZETRN simulation code

William Atwell

Advances in Space Research, 2007

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Pre-engineering spaceflight validation of environmental models and the 2005 HZETRN simulation code Cover Page

Leptons with energy >200 MeV trapped near the South Atlantic Anomaly

Behcet Alpat

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003

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Leptons with energy >200 MeV trapped near the South Atlantic Anomaly Cover Page

Iss Radiation Environment as Observed by LIULINTYPE-R3DR2 Instrument in October-November 2014

Tsvetan Dachev


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Iss Radiation Environment as Observed by LIULINTYPE-R3DR2 Instrument in October-November 2014 Cover Page

Ionizing radiation exposure of LDEF (Pre-recovery estimates

Tony Armstrong

International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 1992

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Ionizing radiation exposure of LDEF (Pre-recovery estimates Cover Page

Estimation of The Radiation Environment Based On The NASA Ap-8 and Ae-8 Models

Valerie Lyons


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Estimation of The Radiation Environment Based On The NASA Ap-8 and Ae-8 Models Cover Page

Abstract Space Radiation Environment and Radiation Hardness Assurance Tests of Electronic Components to Be Used in Space Missions

Ramazan Aydın


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Abstract Space Radiation Environment and Radiation Hardness Assurance Tests of Electronic Components to Be Used in Space Missions Cover Page

The transient observation-based particle (TOP) model and its potential application in radiation effects evaluation

V. Pierrard

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 2013

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The transient observation-based particle (TOP) model and its potential application in radiation effects evaluation Cover Page

Toward the development of new standard radiation belt and space plasma models for spacecraft engineering

David Sibeck

Space Weather, 2005

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Toward the development of new standard radiation belt and space plasma models for spacecraft engineering Cover Page

Data assimilation of LANL satellite data into the Salammbô electron code over a complete solar cycle by direct insertion

Reiner Friedel

Space Weather, 2007

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Data assimilation of LANL satellite data into the Salammbô electron code over a complete solar cycle by direct insertion Cover Page

Direct Data Assimilation Over Solar Cycle Time-Scales to Improve Proton Radiation Belt Models

Vincent Maget

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2008

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Direct Data Assimilation Over Solar Cycle Time-Scales to Improve Proton Radiation Belt Models Cover Page

High-energy protons, electrons, and positrons trapped in Earth's radiation belts

Paolo Zuccon

Space Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications, 2004

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High-energy protons, electrons, and positrons trapped in Earth's radiation belts Cover Page

Leptons with E>200 MeV trapped in the Earth's radiation belts

Paolo Zuccon


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Leptons with E>200 MeV trapped in the Earth's radiation belts Cover Page

In-flight observations of long-term single-event effect (SEE) performance on Orbview-2 solid state recorders (SSR)

C. Poivey

2003 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, 2003

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In-flight observations of long-term single-event effect (SEE) performance on Orbview-2 solid state recorders (SSR) Cover Page

Investigating Space Radiation Environment Effects on Communication of Razaksat-1

Wayan Suparta

Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management

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Investigating Space Radiation Environment Effects on Communication of Razaksat-1 Cover Page

Analysis of proton and electron spectra observed by EPT/PROBA-V in the South Atlantic Anomaly

V. Pierrard

Advances in Space Research, 2017

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Analysis of proton and electron spectra observed by EPT/PROBA-V in the South Atlantic Anomaly Cover Page

Structure and Dynamics of the Electron Radiation Belts: Implications for Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting

Shing Fung

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Structure and Dynamics of the Electron Radiation Belts: Implications for Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting Cover Page

Structure and Dynamics of the Outer Radiation Belt

Shing Fung

NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 2005

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Structure and Dynamics of the Outer Radiation Belt Cover Page

The relationship between plasma effects and cosmic radiation with TriTel-LMP common measurement in the ESEO mission

Attila Hirn

38Th Cospar Scientific Assembly, 2010

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The relationship between plasma effects and cosmic radiation with TriTel-LMP common measurement in the ESEO mission Cover Page

Results from the ESA SREM monitors and comparison with existing radiation belt models

Hugh Evans

Advances in Space Research, 2008

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Results from the ESA SREM monitors and comparison with existing radiation belt models Cover Page

Geomagnetically trapped, albedo and solar energetic particles: Trajectory analysis and flux reconstruction with PAMELA

S. Stochaj

Advances in Space Research, 2016

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Geomagnetically trapped, albedo and solar energetic particles: Trajectory analysis and flux reconstruction with PAMELA Cover Page

Space Weather Effects on Microelectronics Devices around the LEO Spacecraft Environments

Wayan Suparta

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014

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Space Weather Effects on Microelectronics Devices around the LEO Spacecraft Environments Cover Page

Intercomparison of radiation measurements on STS-63

William Atwell

Radiation Measurements, 1996

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Intercomparison of radiation measurements on STS-63 Cover Page

PAMELA’s measurements of geomagnetically trapped and albedo protons

Galina Bazilevskaya

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PAMELA’s measurements of geomagnetically trapped and albedo protons Cover Page

An overview of RADOM results for earth and moon radiation environment on Chandrayaan-1 satellite

Borislav Tomov

Advances in Space Research, 2011

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An overview of RADOM results for earth and moon radiation environment on Chandrayaan-1 satellite Cover Page

How Long Can the Hubble Space Telescope Operate Reliably?–A Total Dose Perspective

G. Lum

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2014

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How Long Can the Hubble Space Telescope Operate Reliably?–A Total Dose Perspective Cover Page

TriTel 3 dimensional space dosimetric telescope in the European Student Earth Orbiter project of ESA

Attila Hirn

Acta Astronautica, 2012

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TriTel 3 dimensional space dosimetric telescope in the European Student Earth Orbiter project of ESA Cover Page

Relativistic electrons high doses at International Space Station and Foton M2/M3 satellites

Tsvetan Dachev

Advances in Space Research, 2009

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Relativistic electrons high doses at International Space Station and Foton M2/M3 satellites Cover Page

Gamma rays in L−B coordinates at CORONAS-I altitude

Radoslav Bučík

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Gamma rays in L−B coordinates at CORONAS-I altitude Cover Page

EXPOSE-R cosmic radiation time profile

Michael Lebert

International Journal of Astrobiology, 2014

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EXPOSE-R cosmic radiation time profile Cover Page

Gamma rays in L-B coordinates at CORONAS-I altitude

Radoslav Bučík

Annales Geophysicae, 2005

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Gamma rays in <i>L-B</i> coordinates at CORONAS-I altitude Cover Page

Recent Progress in Modeling the Plasmasphere, Energetic Particles, as well as the Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere

Joseph Lemaire


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Recent Progress in Modeling the Plasmasphere, Energetic Particles, as well as the Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere Cover Page

Let spectra measurements on LDEF: Variations with shielding and location

Istvan Csige

Radiation Measurements, 1996

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Let spectra measurements on LDEF: Variations with shielding and location Cover Page

Development of a New Trapped Radiation Data Base for the NASA Living With A Star (LWS) Program

R. Candey


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Development of a New Trapped Radiation Data Base for the NASA Living With A Star (LWS) Program Cover Page

Particle directionality and trapped proton fluences on LDEF

Istvan Csige

Radiation Measurements, 1996

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Particle directionality and trapped proton fluences on LDEF Cover Page

The Space Radiation Environment

Daniel Hastings

Spacecraft-Environment Interactions

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The Space Radiation Environment Cover Page

A radiation belt-ring current forecasting model

George Khazanov

Space Weather-the International Journal of Research and Applications, 2003

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A radiation belt-ring current forecasting model Cover Page

Towards statistical and empirical models of the distribution of VLF waves at high latitude from the observations of the viking spacecraft

Spjeldvik Walther

Advances in Space Research, 2003

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Towards statistical and empirical models of the distribution of VLF waves at high latitude from the observations of the viking spacecraft Cover Page

Modeling the space environment and its effects on spacecraft and astronauts using SPENVIS

Stijn Calders

2018 SpaceOps Conference, 2018

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Modeling the space environment and its effects on spacecraft and astronauts using SPENVIS Cover Page